Pandemic Amnesty vs Investigations, Trials and Justice
Suddenly the Idea of Amnesty is Everywhere
An excellent substack appeared today written by Pedro L. Gonzalez: Libs Want ‘Pandemic Amnesty.’ Give Them Punishment. (
Suddenly the idea that we should offer formal amnesty to all those who have been complicit in promoting and executing the mandates and pandemic actions of the last 3 years is everywhere. Mr. Gonzalez identifies some of the most prominent calls.
But it is way too soon for forgiveness. We have barely begun to determine what went wrong—terribly wrong—with deadly consequences for millions. There is layer upon layer of culpability to unpeel.
Physicians and other medical personnel who promoted and administered the toxic COVID injections.
Media outlets and social media who promoted the deadly lockdowns, masking social distancing and went to extraordinary efforts to suppress any counter information.
The state and public officials who really did march, lockstep, with the federal administration in their promotion of the whole isolation program.
And the international moguls, industries, nonprofit corporations, NGOs (non-government organizations) along with the World Health Organization, the United Nations, the international bankers, the nations themselves including China and all the entities who were complicit in endorsing and enforcing the massive and deadly social experiment that has been forced upon the citizens of the world since January of 2020.
And the damage? The deaths, the disabled, the destroyed economies and livelihoods and communities? This disaster is not over. We are not “back to normal” nor will attempts to excuse those culpable in the disaster bring back normalcy.
Both the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself, and the disease it brought about, as well as the “solutions”— first the lockdowns, masks, distancing, and isolation and then the unapproved, experimental and deadly mRNA injections and the unapproved, experimental mRNA platform used to package the “vaccines,” require their own investigations, trials and justice.
This catastrophe is not over—not by a long shot. Indeed, it has only just begun. Thank you, Mr. Gonzalez, for drawing this attempt to memory-hole the entire COVID catastrophe to our attention.
What about the panic mongering? Wasn't that the worst of it? It led to massive confusion, lack of science, poor decision-making, and massive psychological injury.
Who was responsible for the panic mongering?
Ludicrous, amnesty? Really! Just forget all about those civil rights and freedoms taken from you while you deal with your new and novel health issues that have suddenly and unexpectedly arisen in the past approx 20 months or so. Many deserve consequence. Many more will indeed follow in their footsteps if they don’t start to wake up and speak truth and stop touting the WEF agenda. From 2 weeks to flatten the curve , to two years to wake the woke! Crazy the ignorance that we are witnessing in the masses. Nothing to see here!
Literally denying the unexpected and sudden death of so many young and healthy people is nothing more then pure ignorance!