All the medical journals are funded by Big Pharma. They are all in lock step! Just as all the mass media outlets in US and New Zealand are funded by Big Pharma. Big Pharma gets what they want. Comply or die! Just another sign that the Medical Police state is alive and well and will control your body and mind! A Nazi global state on its way! Do not comply! Covid con is just the opening salvo! More to come! Humanity is now viewed as free lab rats! Noga mice used to cost them $300 each!

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Absolutely true! They talk about the wildfires in northern Canada being caused by extreme heat. How ridiculous, I’m in Toronto, Ontario, and it’s the coolest summer we’ve had in a long time. I don't have air conditioning, and I sure didn't need it. We know how the fires were started, plenty of footage to support that. What a coincidence that many of them started simultaneously! They will stop at nothing and the lies never end.

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Ginger here. I get the impression we are being trolled a lot

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A LOT ! :D

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Yes, so true! The journals and Pharma can come up with any results they choose whether it is true or not!

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I have read that BP actually WRITES some of the articles that get published in the medical journals.

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Big Chemo drives Big Agra and the beneficiaries are Big Pharma that benefits from the toxins feed to humans! BP sure wants to keep the narrative going and manipulate the science in their favor! There are a lot of researchers who will deliver the phony results!

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industrial astroturfing

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So with 9 Billon human x 300$ = 27, 000,000,000 $ that’s cheap for these bastards

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Hello Thomas: Big pharma is comprised of corporate conglomerates funded via investment. Civil populations have allowed these corporate structures to enslave them at the myriad company stores of international commerce. Police states are the status quo of civil societies which embrace stratification of human value, and fund the slaughter of Nations. The alleged "Nazi" global State was implemented via economic and social stratification's embraced for hundreds of years prior to the putrefied outcomes of WWII... None of this is a mystery...

>>> “Only when the last tree has died,
the last river been poisoned,
and the last fish been caught, will we realize we cannot eat money.” >>> - Cree Indian proverb -

No "global state" can survive without the participation and encouragement of the public at large...

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Yep! Dummying down the masses make it a cake walk!

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Yep, keep the people numb and dumb and uneducated and they will do whatever they tell them.

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conversation with my niece tonight who put her 8 yr. old on Ritalin for adhd. I asked her if she had thoroughly researched this, the pro's and con's. She insisted she has done research and I asked her for sources. "Well, I talk to other parents and his teachers" You are 100% right. "keep the people numb and dumb and uneducated and they will do whatever they tell them" Why do people today think every ailment, condition and disease problem is a pharmaceutical deficiency? Then to change the subject, claimed she was doing everything she could but so stressed out about getting her Christmas Tree up? WTF?

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priorities right!

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Love her to death but wish she would realize she is being an airhead.

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Hello Tag: Your question: "Why do people today think every ailment, condition and disease problem is a pharmaceutical deficiency?" Good question. >

Persons who believe disease states are solved via pharmaceutical method, are simply lazy. They've been programmed to believe gulping down a pill will mitigate years of food, air, water, and medicinal poisoning... They are good customers... until dead...

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Patients for life. A Win Win for the drug companies., Create the problem and sell the solution. And yes, people are extremely lazy and just a bit stupid to not question everything. Covid proved that! Line up and shut up! Your salvation is free and if you are lucky they will pay off your funeral and your family to keep you shut up!

I have never wasted a dime on health insurance. (I'm 69) Why would I? Unless I get creamed by a bus, I would never seek care from these death camp clowns any way. And If I did suffer a horrible accident? From what I have save in premiums for decades I would just pay the damn bill.

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Insurance sales pitch: "Something *might* happen". Let's create a way to pay some other suited asshole off, because they have to pay a lot of money for our insurance "services". Erm...

Lloyd's of London has played this game for centuries. Then they sell underwriting services to their racketeering partners, who sell the scheme off to other insurance "services" and on and on the merry go round goes round and round... Good work if you can get it...

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I'm seeing that also. Niece just put her beautiful son on it. And her husband and his sister are on the grotesque insulin shot for weight loss. Imagine injecting yourself once a week with their poisons? I tried to warn my sister but she won't intercede, only talks about how great they both look. I'm tired of trying to warn them but I will never stop.

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Most of my family are "legal " drug addicts. My sister thinks there is a vax or a pill for every ill and has several times tried to get me to join her. She also was an enabler to my mom that was addicted to Ambien. When mom ran out, my sister would send her some from her "stash" When I went thru a nasty divorce 20 years ago she tried her best to get me on anti-depressant and told me how much better I would feel. Sorry sis, I had a right to be depressed at that time and also the smarts to understand that and work thru it. I did and gained a far better life, drug free than I had before. Never fails to amaze me how they all claim to have such wonderful lives....so if so wonderful why do you need a pill to calm you down, a pill to put you to sleep and a pill to wake you up? That's peace in life? I suppose they think they are right and I know they aren't. It's frustrating beyond belief sometimes.

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Here's what I tell them. The cabal, eugenicists and oligarch global horrors addicted a whole nation, China, with opium to crush their souls. It is what they did here with the opioid epidemic. Their goal is to humiliate, demoralise and disconnect the soul from the heart and mind and that is exactly what it does. Tell her she is being played and she needs to reconnect to her divine source they are determined to crush.

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Gayle your heart is in the right place. They will do what they want in the end....

I'm a DC and I would get frustrated as well. I had to let it go and do the best I could

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DC's are the only "doctors" I would ever go to! Good for you and stand by what you know is right!

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Hey Tag thanks for the high compliment There is soooo much more I

could share that would blow people's mind's. I'm 71 yes fit/healthy yes I do work at it

and so young looking. My 3 girl's are magnificent the way I took care of them naturally and with chiropractic. IF I only was a DC only for my family (the WORK it took to become a DC) was worth it! THANKS again!

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Nov 20, 2023
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Have a dip stick? Yep! It's located in their closed brains. Sad but true. They also have no ability to understand just how the body works and that it was made to handle most things if given the chance. The biggest thing I have against today's medical "Dr;s" is the band-aid fix. They never ever look for the source of the problem which most times is lifestyle choices and diets. And the problem just goes on and most times just get worse.

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fasting is my go-to. nah, that's wrong.. not go-to, since i don't have to 'go'. i'm never sick.. - i put THAT down to my fasting :D (i'm 57 - and a lover of Vedanta)

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69 here and have fasted for years. I weigh what I weighed in high school!

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Tag great reply You have been on the right track with your thinking about health!

You sound like a principal-ed DC A lot of them are useless as well, trust me!

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Thirty years of Consumer Rx advertising will do it in the US! It’s only about 3 % of Big Pharma annual revenue! Great ROI!

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Thank you (ugh) Ginger and Peter for this concise summing up of what we Innocent Individuals are up against with the Criminal Collective (Global Predators) worldwide as Covid-1984 morphs malignantly into Climate Crisis-Con.

You probably know his blog but in case you do not and for the sake of your readers, I consistently recommend Anthony Watts and his Watts Up With That?


Your question: “Are we really going to tolerate another international emergency brought to us by the same international cabal and their front groups that have already taken the lives of millions of our families, neighbors, and citizens?”, deserves the unqualified NO of the Responsibly Free Individual.

“What is a rebel? A man who says No; but whose refusal does not imply a renunciation. He is also a man who says Yes, from the moment he makes his first gesture of rebellion.” Albert Camus

Rebel, stay free, stay safe.

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Yes, thank you Pete & Ginger for that BMJ list of the co-conspirators. It's a gold nugget of evidence against the criminals. It shows how they all spout the same narrative together.

This Corbett report fits into this perfectly and is very timely too.


The self appointed and illegitimate NGOs are the fascist glue interfacing the criminal corporations with the criminal governments. They do not represent us, and were not elected, so they have no say over us if we do not comply or consent. They cannot make any contract on our behalf since we are not a party to it, so it is really that basic and simple. They violate every basic contract law that is taught in Contract Law 101.

As if this was not all too much already, here is a good article connecting the dots of the world crime families. Another good one to save and share.


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Yes, James is my steadfast go-to for the most in depth and objective reporting on NWO; also, same for The Last American Vagabond.

Stay free, stay safe.

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Hello Justin: I think it interesting that these asshats believe I'm consenting to their contract because my name *isn't* on the contract.

I guess that means my (yet to be written) contract to make them into wood glue in a fascist glue factory, provides me their consent to do so at some time in the future... Man! That contract law thing is pretty handy!!!

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The unelected fraudsters incorrectly ASSume that they can represent and bind us in their fraudulent contracts, but that is legally wrong on almost every level. Not only that, but any fraud legally vitiates or nullifies anything subsequent to it or based on it.


For their fraud to work, they need people who are ignorant of the law to comply and consent to the fraud. The WHO frauds are not legally binding by the WHO, and are only enforceable by the 'parties' to it who are the national government officials who signed it. That makes those government officials parties to the fraud and legally liable for that fraud.

This also applies to any illegal/fraudulent mandates, which is probably the main reason why they eventually removed the mandates, and may not try illegally foisting them again.

The 10th Amendment is also very handy if used properly, as it should be.


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Aaaahhh! I see you've done your home work, and you are Quite correct. I just got done viewing this KrisAnne Hall presentation. The tone is a bit evangelical, but she makes the most salient points *pretty damn clear*. >>> KrisAnne Hall - Noncompliant >>> Premiered 2021 >>> https://vimeo.com/562959655

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Yeah, I've been researching this, and have been a member of the 10th amendment center for quite some time now. Most of the States that legalized cannabis did so by using 10th amendment nullification, and ignoring the fed's cannabis laws. The same for the jab mandates. I've also studied much about Constitutional law, as everyone should do.

The Constitution works well when it is followed. It is only when it is ignored by criminals that it does not work. Those same criminals are the ones who want to dispose of it or change it.

That KrisAnne video is a bit evangelical, but she is totally right for sure.

She mentions the importance of county Sherriffs too, which everyone should also understand.

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I tried to forward this post and was prevented from it. I copied and pasted the link. Censorship is becoming more granular.

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Thanks for finding a work-around to share!

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Thank You for all your efforts.

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Has happened many times here.

They are trying to hack into the program

to stop the truth...Certainly.

Dr. and Mrs. Breggin will continue;

as they are Truth-Seekers and Tellers.

God places His own exactly where he needs them to be.🙏🏻💖🙏🏻

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I save these in PDF form. That way they'll be there even if the site gets scrubbed or taken down. They can be shared as e mail attachments or printed and shared IRL.

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200 is NOT enough.. Haha

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Lord love a damned duck. The World Health Organization is a criminal gang which should have been stopped years if not decades ago, its chieftains arrested, its assets confiscated; and I for one would far sooner take my chances with the The Medellín Cartel: They were at least honest, as to their objectives. The only thing that's going to save humanity is for all of us to wake the f*** up, and refuse to comply any further.

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How do we stop the flow of money from the likes of Gates and his gang? I just finished reading the list of media outlets that get money from his foundation in addition to his funding of the WHO.

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I dunno... shoot him I suppose.. but the price you'll pay for your service to humanity would likely totally suck... and he's probably got an infantry regiment's worth of security around him, 24/7 anyway... 🤔

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And therein lies the problem. If the many headed hydra that is the UN/WHO/lying presstitutes keep being fed money there is no way in earth to stop them. All we can do is not comply.

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Consider what Ghandi and Martin Luther King accomplished with civil disobedience... well.. until they were "offed"... 🙄

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DJT 2024

25 in 25

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He'll never be president again.

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He will win for the 3rd time.

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DJT 2024

25 in 25

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The Covid-19 fraud that has medically-murdered ~140,000 Canadians, over 2 million Americans, and ~38 million people worldwide to date, and it’s not over. The Covid-19 vax-injuries number in the billions - probably everyone who is C-19 vaxed has some degree of vax-injury.

I was never an anti-vaxxer, but I called the Covid-19 scam from a "cold start" in Feb2020 and published on 21Mar2020 - NO Lockdowns! I only publish when I am certain - the data was there, and the scam was 100% obvious by then.

I warned our governments in writing on 8Jan2021 to NOT deploy the Covid-19 vaccines, based on their high-risk-low-reward equation. Nobody listened. Now ~38 million of the C-19-vax-killed-dead agree with me. This was NO accident.

My new book - Book 1 of the “Cull Trilogy”:


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull


My book documents the great scientific frauds of our age:

- My early, accurate warnings against the harmful Covid-19 Lockdowns (21 March 2020) and the highly toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” (8 January 2021). Globally, ~38 million have been killed by the toxic Covid-19 vaxxes, and it's far from over.

- Our disproofs of the false, costly and destructive Global Warming and Green Energy narratives, first published in 2002: The global warming crisis does not exist. Green energy is not green and produces little useful energy.

This book provides, in an easily readable style, the irrefutable scientific evidence that proves both the alleged Covid and Climate "crises" are false, alarmist frauds that have squandered trillions of dollars and hundreds of millions of lives.

Blessings to all!

Allan MacRae, Calgary

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And as a community. I will not let my light stay under a bushel. I will keep pushing for stronger, greater community. We must

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Those of us who enjoy imagining looking down into volcanoes, standing on a precipice, and navigating anything "solo" have spent a great deal of time and thought wrapping our heads around the immensity of this corruption. What do you even call corruption once it becomes a widespread, openly acknowledged phenomenon?

There is an immense mindset of forward-thinking lunatics who aspire to glorification. That is reserved for One who is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent... words never applied to a human being - ever.

Tap into your inner strength, steel yourself, and do what is necessary to resist. Seek like-minded soloist souls who know the power in unity and use that power to circumvent hubris - the downfall of those who exalt themselves. Corrosion from within, among their ranks, is absolutely inevitable.

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They are losing the narrative on all of it so they are in a big fat hurry. The slaughter in Gaza is accelerating the exposure of the real beast of the u.s. and British piggery.

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The Truth is finally coming out.

The whole spamdemic was for controlling the population, and tfhey did a good job of it as ndearly all fell for it, creating much more harm than if natural immunity had been left to deal with it.

New evidence is the same for Influenza as statistics show its vaccine has had minimal effects, after so many versions of vaccine and profit for the creators.

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If let it play out it would have been over in less than a year and spouted as just another nasty flu year. Most wouldn't have even noticed.

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REFUSE TO COMPLY or live as a slave. It is up to YOU.

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The World Health Organization is the Chinese Communist Party’s anti-civil liberties attack dog

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We are drowning. Nothing will stop this.

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we can stop it. Just keep resisting - maybe you don't believe in God - I certainly don't believe

God is now suddenly going to apear and save us - but I think that God is on our side and we

just need to all, keep doing what we're doing. This crisis has brought the good folks of the world together as nothing seen ever in history. We just have to resist and this crisis will eventually turn to our benefit - strength - conviction - and love for each other.

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Bible prophecy of the end times now reads like a screenplay for what is going on in our world. If you are a believer it is good news. Ezekiel chs 38 and 39 describe a great end time battle between the State of Israel and 11 great powers, with Russian leading 10 countries of the Islamic world against the lone state of Israel. Israel is completely overwhelmed and doomed to destruction. But God Himself intervenes. The story is told in detail just how does this and God defeats the enemies of Israel. It is truly a miracle and the entire world knows it. There is no doubt, even among non-believers. They know that the God of Israel has done this. I am simply recounting here what the Bible says in plain language. Read it for yourself and decide for yourself whether it rings true.

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God does intervene- thar battle is already won, but we can't sit on our thumbs either. Keep pushing.

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They will fail. Not right now, but this idiocy will collapse of its own weight just as the USSR did. They love sustainability but their own plans aren't.

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THIS IS NOT THE ISRAEL OF THE BIBLE, sir! THIS IS a man-made entity I believe the Bible but this has nothing to do with the Bible. The Israelites were scattered and few for their DISobedience and he did NOT call them back in 1948 or thereafter, sorry!

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Completely disagree with you sir. I have heard this heresy for a long time - that this Israel, the reunited Israel of 1948, is not the real Israel of the Bible. This is a false teaching that comes from the father of lies - Satan himself. Think about it. The Bible speaks of a reunited Israel that will be made up of citizens from all over the world. End time prophecy is all about Israel. If this isn’t the real Israel, where is the real Israel and how and when is it going to appear? It can only be made up of people. The land of Israel on the eastern Mediterranean is an archaeological fact that is incontrovertible. So where are the “real Jews” if not in the historical Israel? God’s chosen people, the Jews, have been on earth for 3500 years. There is a continuity to their existence and their remnant lives in modern day Israel. This is a well documented historical and archaeological fact. You are being misled.

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The "real Jews" are those people who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and his redemptive work. Read Galatians Ch 3.

Before His crucifixion Christ looked down over Jerusalem and warned the people that their "house was being left to them desolate" because they had rejected Him and the prophets who went before Him.

Matthew 23 v 37 --39. He did not say that their house would be restored at some future date. Paul in Romans 10 does prophesy that more from the House

of Israel will be grafted back in to the olive tree provided they do not continue in their unbelief as the majority of them still do.

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I agree with you that salvation through faith in Christ is necessary for both Jew and Gentile. But God’s promise to Abraham is not yet fulfilled. The nation of Israel includes the remnant that will become believers in the end times, especially during the tribulation. Both the Old and New testaments point to the fact that end time prophecy is all about the nation of Israel and the final redemption of the Jewish remnant before the 2nd coming of Christ

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I just read in Ezra the other day and was refreshed to reread of God's bringing of a new Jerusalem. Having been one who has donated to the "needs" of older Jews I'm the Holy Land, it was confusing to read that they (at least this group) were still anti- Christian. How can it be a rebuilt city of God when they still reject Him? I hope I am confused. I beg each to read their scriptures and dig into what is happening around us. Maybe those dedicating their lives and work to Jesus Christ and His will ARE the new Jerusalem?

Your thoughts?

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I believe the new Jerusalem is the Kingdom of God, Heaven, which is being prepared for the saved. The saved are those obedient to the New Testament law that Jesus brought and established while on earth. Jesus came to bring the gospel to all men everywhere so that we can have our sins washed away and live eternally with Him in Heaven.

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That is what is becoming more & more apparent. Thank you, for spelling it out. Blessings over you!

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No replacement theology for me

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Suggest then that you read Romans 9 - 11 and Revelation 13 - 18 with a good commentary on hand.

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Ezekiel was an OT prophet writing before Christ came. The prophecy in Chs 38 and 39 prefigure or shadow the end times. Do not get confused between ancient and modern Israel. The modern state of Israel is an artificial construct. The Israel of God is the true church which has been around since creation. Ezekiel is prophesying how the beast of Revelation which is a composite of all anti-Christian governments persecutes believers to the very end of time.

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LIKED: Do not get confused between ancient and modern Israel. The modern state of Israel is an artificial construct

PLEASE read my comment above I believe it aligns with yours.....

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It does. the problem we have is that the teaching by the likes of Schofield and Darby has perverted the teaching of the Bible. The whole idea of a physical restoration of the land of Canaan was an attempt by people of that period to hasten the return of Christ by a total misinterpretation of prophecy. Another false teaching is the secref rapture of the church.

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Death is good news for Christians too. But the process of dying is still painful. Ask my Christian cousin dying of cancer.

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Sorry to hear about your cousin. What often makes death so hard is leaving behind loved ones and friends. I hope your cousin can look forward to a great family reunion in heaven, where death will be no more.

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It's kind of simple:

Do. Not. Comply.

If you're friends with someone who believes in all of the climate jargon, it's fair to roll your eyes and say "Really? You believe this?" You can be as kind or as unkind as you want in your approach.

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I agree. I have faith that God is still in charge and up to us to resist the evil we are faced with everyday. I get tired of people that say they pray to God to change this and come quickly to save us. Maybe we have to make an effort to save ourselves thru trust? I try not to ask God for anything but instead thank him for what he gives. He's everywhere if people would bother to look. He is in the blue sky when without chemtrails. He is in a butterfly on a flower and a seedling growing into a food producing plant. He's in a smile from a stranger and your pet licking your hand. Wake up people and stop living for yourself and say THANK YOU! He doesn't owe us anything. He already gave us everything and most thru their "free will" just messed it up.

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yeah - I agree - he gave us this beautiful world and yeah - we have to learn - that's why he put us here - to learn to freely choose the good way. Takes a long time. I'm so sad about the birds. So few birds left...I just moved to rural Nova Scotia - there are no birds on my rural property - none.

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Ginger here Ann—have you looked into the birds migration patterns? Most of our summer visitors have already flown south a month or more ago

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One thing that might defeat us all, is the magnetic pole shift...which I kinda think they are hiding from us. It is gonna wreak havoc on the birds...

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hahahaha - yeah - but there were no birds on my property ever...I've been here for 2 years The lady down the street has them still but she feeds them..I mean I never see crows or ravens either. And my neighbour - a forester - said there were hardly any bugs this year - although I hated them all - but he said there were no butterflies even- or moose flies. ( thank God ) and while I'm on the topic - I can't believe how dangerous it is to take my dog for a walk. I used to walk every day in BC but now - here - the ticks are so bad that every time I talk my dog for a walk he gets lymes disease...no kidding - chlorine dioxide works thank God because the vet wants $300 each time. Can you even imagine ?

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Chris martenson Peak Properity has been saying this for years...the insects are disappearing. It is worrisome.

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thanks for taking the time to comment - blessings on you both - thanks for all you do

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I love the birds also and in my home in Ohio birds are few. Lived here since 2005 and had all kinds of birds then. Even took in a young dove that was freezing to death and nursed it back to health and strength. Today just sparrows and robins. No more barn swallows, Killdeer, cardinals and blue jays, owls, turkey vultures (had a nest with 3 young last year) etc.

I had a friend many years ago that took a vacation to Nova Scotia to go bird watching. She was so excited about the birds she saw. Glad she got to see them then as now it sounds like not going to happen Sadder than sad. Peace be with you.

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exactly !! I lived on Salt Spring - next to Vancouver Island and every year I had swallows - barn swallows - but the year before I moved here to NS - there were no swallows anymore. I used to have 5 nests in the barn each year and was taking little fallouts to the wildlife - but that last year - when everything was going wrong anyway - like covid and no money and on and on - there were no swallows neither. And here its worse. zero birds. There was still crows and raven on Saltspring.

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Makes me think they are as expendable as human are. Here in Ohio I also never see a raccoon anymore, not even roadkill, squirrels, opossums, and so many insects, bees and spiders including frogs and toads which all used to be abundant. My dogs for the first time since I have lived here since 2005 didn't even get fleas thus year. Mice are abundant though. Like who needs them.

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Well, from those of us having faith; we know we must continue to stand in resistance and we also know we must follow the example of the people in MI holding Special Elections to remove the Council Members approving the Chinese E.V. Battery Company. They replaced the locks on Govt. doors. Members were replaced according to Public Vote on paper lasting one day...GEE, reported absolutely no IRREGULARITIES OR FRAUD/CHEAT in any way and voted E.V. Battery Company OUT THE DOOR removing all demands for Public Taxes to be raised covering the incentives Gov. Gretchen Whitmer promised.

Another MI County has declared itself a '2nd Amendment Sanctuary' and passed a law allowing them to create their own Militia to protect the interests of the citizens of the County according to some reasonable rules. They removed the 'Red Flag Law' as they believe citizens have full Inalienable Right to protect themselves from tyrannical Govt. with FORCE. 80% of the males of all ages are now members of the Militia and 20% of the women...With 20 of the men now Deputized by their County Sheriff as Law Enforcement in Special Circumstances outlined for Necessary Activation.


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wow - sounds like you are super involved...I'm not so involved except on the information war. Yeah I guess it might be that the beast has to conquered from within. I'm sure if there was a World War that they would still be controlling us afterwards.

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No...Just received this info today; this morning at Church. Am at least 150 miles from both circumstances. Not in MI. Simply a sign the people are becoming clearer in their options to stand-up to this tyranny. It may require some time for the U.S. population to come to their senses; but in the end when enough is enough, 'THE PEOPLE' have proven repeatedly...THEY WILL FIGHT AND THEY WILL WIN.

THIS is the reason the Demons are upset and speeding the escalation...THEY FEAR THE U.S. POPULATION TO COME TO IT'S SENSES. THE PATRIOTS ALWAYS WIN WHEN THEY COME TO THEIR SENSES WITH THE REMNANT PRAYING IN CHRIST as we were consecrated in this land to do from the beginning.

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"Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lord's decision for those that deserve it.." Judas Maccabeus' response to a large and well trained army coming for his people/territory. Maccabees chapters 2-8 highlight the battle.

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Maybe we should be doing some massive repentance and calling on the Lord? I don't see that. A bunch of so-called Christian events promoting political figures with no talk about Jesus or sin or judgment to come. No imploring God for mercy or help in the time ahead. Just arrogant boasting and seeking out godless princes--any celebrity billionaire who flatters will do--to attach to and hail as our new Caesar lords.

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I have seen more in my area, central US. Churches are working hard to turn it around from a spiritual standpoint. Even individually, we must repent and call on the Lord. He may have consecrated the US, but we have not been a godly nation for some time. Let's all repent and call on the Lord.

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Individual repentance is also essential. We can and should do that at home.

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Individual and community. "Where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.."

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As the wise and wonderful spiritual beings that we are we have no choice but to keep fighting! We have to get our eyes off of gloomy predictions.

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Literally, we have no choice.

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I used to feel the same, Hazel, when I learned the horrific lies about 9/11, but that attitude sent me into depression. I now see that more people are waking up to the nefarious deeds of those who believe they control our minds. We are truly in a spiritual war; as in who has one and who does not. Taking sides is a symptom of spiritual warfare and I like to remember that it always takes two to tango. Life is a dance between the physical and metaphysical because we can't know one without knowing the other. Wishing you a very wonderful day.

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"If you SEE it's a spiritual war, you've already won - AND you still get to kick demon ass!"

- Chauncey 2021


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"We are drowning. Nothing will stop this."

You're defeated before you even start.

We can throw sand in their tanks. We can do all sorts of things to fight back.

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Have you ever heard about God?

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Sure seems like it.

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We are living in a dystopian world. I can't wrap my head around everything these criminal globalists are doing to us.

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My reaction to stuff like this has, over the past 30 years - and specifically the last 4, been whittled, carved, shaped, finely tuned, refined, purified and rendered elegantly succinct. It is now:


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How much of this funding is from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? This Foundation is all about emergencies.

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