Hubby and I have O.A. (fingers, his: back, knee) that diet helps, hardly eat bread or pastries. Avid cakes, pies. yes to small servings of starchy foods (pasta dishes) potatoes.
I'm a Christian and keep trying to forgive. It's my faith that keeps me from offing myself. Just upset with how my life has turned out and I know it won't get better till the End. Even if the world weren't so crazy my life would be ruined. Nothing to hope for or be happy about. Nothing to give my life meaning or joy.
What helps me is that I discovered creative writing. I spend as much time now doing that as possible from day to day, and it lifts my spirits and gives my life meaning and purpose. I'm bitter and angry about a lot of things and people from my past too, but writing takes my mind off my problems and memories for a while, and transforms my inner life. Of course, it helps that I have a lot of free time since I'm on disability, even though financially that's not an ideal situation, but I use my disability to my advantage, or at least I use the free time it gives me. If you have some kind of talent, interest, gifts or a hobby that you enjoy doing, spending your time doing that can take your mind off your problems, no matter how bad they sometimes seem. I'm still trying to forgive people too, like you. Sometimes I "can," and sometimes I "can't." But maybe, like you, with Jesus' help, I will forgive everyone completely by the end of my life. You have to have faith that things will get better in the future, no matter how dark things seem sometimes, and even if you have to live with some problems for the rest of your life. That's just the "cross" God gives us to bear. I have to learn to carry mine more consistently every day, too. I will pray for you that you will find faith, hope and charity... and that I will too. Tim Bruner.
Yes: forgive -- but "don't forget": always remember how you got into that situation to begin with, so, learning from experience, you can be more wary and cautious in the future, and not keep letting people take advantage of you.
Cats are good companions for the chronically ill or elderly. They can tell when you are in pain and will spend long hours in bed beside to comfort you.
Most everyone pushing 80 plus has med issues, and some have pacemakers, taking several heart meds. Several I know suffer migraines and on a newer medication now.
Try the carnivore diet for two weeks it can help with arthritis and mental disease plus the weight loss to normal
Hubby and I have O.A. (fingers, his: back, knee) that diet helps, hardly eat bread or pastries. Avid cakes, pies. yes to small servings of starchy foods (pasta dishes) potatoes.
I'm a Christian and keep trying to forgive. It's my faith that keeps me from offing myself. Just upset with how my life has turned out and I know it won't get better till the End. Even if the world weren't so crazy my life would be ruined. Nothing to hope for or be happy about. Nothing to give my life meaning or joy.
What helps me is that I discovered creative writing. I spend as much time now doing that as possible from day to day, and it lifts my spirits and gives my life meaning and purpose. I'm bitter and angry about a lot of things and people from my past too, but writing takes my mind off my problems and memories for a while, and transforms my inner life. Of course, it helps that I have a lot of free time since I'm on disability, even though financially that's not an ideal situation, but I use my disability to my advantage, or at least I use the free time it gives me. If you have some kind of talent, interest, gifts or a hobby that you enjoy doing, spending your time doing that can take your mind off your problems, no matter how bad they sometimes seem. I'm still trying to forgive people too, like you. Sometimes I "can," and sometimes I "can't." But maybe, like you, with Jesus' help, I will forgive everyone completely by the end of my life. You have to have faith that things will get better in the future, no matter how dark things seem sometimes, and even if you have to live with some problems for the rest of your life. That's just the "cross" God gives us to bear. I have to learn to carry mine more consistently every day, too. I will pray for you that you will find faith, hope and charity... and that I will too. Tim Bruner.
I learned decades ago, to forgive and move on, this doesn't mean tho' they deserve your trust or friendship (depends on situation).
Yes: forgive -- but "don't forget": always remember how you got into that situation to begin with, so, learning from experience, you can be more wary and cautious in the future, and not keep letting people take advantage of you.
"The world isn't worthy. It's dead already." Truth!
Cats are good companions for the chronically ill or elderly. They can tell when you are in pain and will spend long hours in bed beside to comfort you.
Most everyone pushing 80 plus has med issues, and some have pacemakers, taking several heart meds. Several I know suffer migraines and on a newer medication now.