How long were you in those meds for? Yes, it has been frustrating for me, as “depression” will be forever in my list of diagnoses, when the real issue for me was likely spiritual warfare/oppression (I was believing the enemy’s lies, not able to discern that what was said was a lie, for so many years), and I’d had a couple head/neck traum…
How long were you in those meds for? Yes, it has been frustrating for me, as “depression” will be forever in my list of diagnoses, when the real issue for me was likely spiritual warfare/oppression (I was believing the enemy’s lies, not able to discern that what was said was a lie, for so many years), and I’d had a couple head/neck traumas and wonder if that may have influenced as well… I am so encouraged to hear this; I’ve been in lexapro (i wish I was never put on i) since 2006, and I was weaned down too quickly with recs from physicians (seeing a functional Med doc, pcp, and even my psychiatrist), realizing this once I read the related portion in Breggin’s book, and watching a video on weaning down in a hyperbolic way instead of linear… I am down to 1.6mg of the liquid suspension, but dealing with mold toxicity and seeing a doc for that, along with other neuro issues—my doc relayed that after dealing with this, he would help me get off of lexapro… it has taken time, but through these current treatment regimens (diet, generally supporting cell function/repair with phospholipid supp approach, and seeing a NUCCA chiropractor… and clinging to Jesus! And asking for prayer!) I’ve seen light of hope for healing… “heal me, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved, for Thou art my praise”—I pray this all the time… thankful there are docs like dr breggin—we need so many more of them. Thank you, Krissy, for relaying hope for healing, ultimately through the Lord, and for mentioning that dr Breggin has YouTube videos! I am going to search for them, now. I hate how I am dependent in lexapro… I hope I can get off of it one day… God bless you all, and protect and cover you in this increasingly dark, evil, and deceptive world.
P.S. shortly after being on antidepressants, I overdosed intentionally on sleeping pills. I had been depressed for 10 months pretty bad, not working at that point and although I was a believer, I was not walking with him and I couldn’t see a way out. This is because those drugs are sorcery, and Satan wanted me dead as there is a big increase in suicide that the doctor always tells you the benefits will outweigh the risks they say. Is psychiatrists will be responsible on judgment day.!!!
Amen!! May the Lord bless you and keep you! Yeah I found out about Dr Breggin actually from a pastor I was listening to, at which point I realized that these drugs are a kind of sorcery! Yay! A sister in Christ in AZ!! :)
Mind altering drugs have long been associated with occult rituals. The Greek word "pharma Kaiah" is linked to the word for sorcery. Christians need to practice discernment when consulting practitioners of our corrupt medical system. The people running it at the top do not value human life.
There may be a logical argument to associate pharmaceutical drugs to the biblical pharmekia. But to blanket state that everyone taking a pharmaceutical, psychiatric or otherwise is practicing sorcery is ridiculous
Caitlin! I will be praying for you most definitely. Unfortunately, my favorite video about the damaging effects of psychiatric drugs has been taken down from YouTube ! Grrr I used to share it with others on social media. He may still have some up or somebody could have kept them and put them on rumble or bitchute for all I know I don’t know. I was on them for 22 years personally it was the Ambien. I believe that really was disturbing coming off of as I could not sleep one night without it. My brain became highly addicted to it and I knew someday I had to get off of it. I occasionally will take a melatonin, but never prescription medication again, I was on Twitter back in late 2017 and I was in a survival private chat room. I have PTSD from being assaulted in the army by someone I was dating. There were two Christians in that chat room, and one of them told me that these drugs were sorcery I had never heard that before back in my 30s they even gave me ECT! I had four treatments. Later I lost my memory I could not find my way around common places like work or driving to work which was 12 miles and I always took the same route. This went on and off for years and I went to a doctor and he thought I might’ve been having seizures and I thought it was from the Xanax. I look back now and I know it was from the ECT. I lost a job because of it a very good job because I couldn’t think. I wrote the hospital to get all of my records and they sent them to me with the exception of the ECT records, which I was told was nothing but experimental at this point. There’s nothing healing about ECT. They are done in the basement across the United States and many other countries, I called the hospital and said you sent everything except my ECT records. I had electroshock therapy and I want my records. She said ma’am I’m not allowed to talk to you and she hung up. It was crazy. I was going to sue but you can’t even get access to your records that shows you how evil it is . I have since healed by the grace of God. I was the same as you I had spiritual warfare/oppression, and I was believing the enemies lies. Interestingly enough I’ve had neck trauma myself so I suffer from migraines for over 40 years and I’m trying not to take any medication for those and I still pray for healing. Jesus will be back soon and I’ll never have a migraine again I will keep you in my prayers most definitely that God would keep you under his wing while you heal from this junk. I would love to chat with you on the phone or text but I don’t think this is probably a good place to leave information I don’t know. May God bless you. You Will be just fine :)
Wow! There is so much more shadiness/corruption than I realized… Thank you for sharing, and giving God the glory! He is the One who heals broken hearts and mends wounds, and sets the captives free! It saddens and angers me to hear what you have gone through… you are right—there will be righteous judgement one day!
I know that God knows what is happening with my body, and have been praying that He leads with money, time, food, docs, treatment regimens… I’ve realized that what really helps people medically speaking, require a lot of out of pocket pay…
Have you looked into seeing a functional Med doc for your migraines? Let me know if you are led and you can pray about it, if you want, if you’d like me to give names of two I’ve seen; the one I am seeing (via Telehealth from Georgia—I live in FL) has brought about the most hope and change over the last few months, just a lot of out of pocket cash! and I cannot work the shifts and hours like I did before 2021 (when all my issues came to a head)…
Anyways, yes, perhaps we can correspond via email first? My email is:
I learning about the need for the heart to heal and about deliverance (need to figure out what some entryways are; the same pastor I heard about dr breggin through has some videos about it, and a list of questions and scripture… PTL, I can concentrate on words and not get nauseous, and don’t feel as fatigued!!!)…
Would love to speak to you more, I could go on (my brain is all of the place and hard for it to focus)… but maybe we could pray for each other, too. Let me know if you ever find that vid! I’ve appreciated, a group of people trying to get off of psychotropic meds.
How long were you in those meds for? Yes, it has been frustrating for me, as “depression” will be forever in my list of diagnoses, when the real issue for me was likely spiritual warfare/oppression (I was believing the enemy’s lies, not able to discern that what was said was a lie, for so many years), and I’d had a couple head/neck traumas and wonder if that may have influenced as well… I am so encouraged to hear this; I’ve been in lexapro (i wish I was never put on i) since 2006, and I was weaned down too quickly with recs from physicians (seeing a functional Med doc, pcp, and even my psychiatrist), realizing this once I read the related portion in Breggin’s book, and watching a video on weaning down in a hyperbolic way instead of linear… I am down to 1.6mg of the liquid suspension, but dealing with mold toxicity and seeing a doc for that, along with other neuro issues—my doc relayed that after dealing with this, he would help me get off of lexapro… it has taken time, but through these current treatment regimens (diet, generally supporting cell function/repair with phospholipid supp approach, and seeing a NUCCA chiropractor… and clinging to Jesus! And asking for prayer!) I’ve seen light of hope for healing… “heal me, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved, for Thou art my praise”—I pray this all the time… thankful there are docs like dr breggin—we need so many more of them. Thank you, Krissy, for relaying hope for healing, ultimately through the Lord, and for mentioning that dr Breggin has YouTube videos! I am going to search for them, now. I hate how I am dependent in lexapro… I hope I can get off of it one day… God bless you all, and protect and cover you in this increasingly dark, evil, and deceptive world.
P.S. shortly after being on antidepressants, I overdosed intentionally on sleeping pills. I had been depressed for 10 months pretty bad, not working at that point and although I was a believer, I was not walking with him and I couldn’t see a way out. This is because those drugs are sorcery, and Satan wanted me dead as there is a big increase in suicide that the doctor always tells you the benefits will outweigh the risks they say. Is psychiatrists will be responsible on judgment day.!!!
Signed Alive and happily saved in Arizona :)
Satan lost
Amen!! May the Lord bless you and keep you! Yeah I found out about Dr Breggin actually from a pastor I was listening to, at which point I realized that these drugs are a kind of sorcery! Yay! A sister in Christ in AZ!! :)
Are you living here? Wow! I’m at Sophiegirl333 at gmail if you ever do want to communicate, and then we can share more information!
No, I am in Florida… sorry :(… just excited to know another sister, even though further away…. thank you, Krissy!
Ahhh ok! May God bless you and yours and keep you safe
You, too!! 💜
Sorcery? That’s a bit of condemnation
Mind altering drugs have long been associated with occult rituals. The Greek word "pharma Kaiah" is linked to the word for sorcery. Christians need to practice discernment when consulting practitioners of our corrupt medical system. The people running it at the top do not value human life.
There may be a logical argument to associate pharmaceutical drugs to the biblical pharmekia. But to blanket state that everyone taking a pharmaceutical, psychiatric or otherwise is practicing sorcery is ridiculous
"Everyone taking a pharmaceutical, psychiatric or otherwise is practicing sorcery..."
I didn't make such a statement. I said Christians need to practice discernment when consulting practitioners of our corrupt medical system.
I'm not saying all GP's are bad or corrupt either. Just the system they work under.
Caitlin! I will be praying for you most definitely. Unfortunately, my favorite video about the damaging effects of psychiatric drugs has been taken down from YouTube ! Grrr I used to share it with others on social media. He may still have some up or somebody could have kept them and put them on rumble or bitchute for all I know I don’t know. I was on them for 22 years personally it was the Ambien. I believe that really was disturbing coming off of as I could not sleep one night without it. My brain became highly addicted to it and I knew someday I had to get off of it. I occasionally will take a melatonin, but never prescription medication again, I was on Twitter back in late 2017 and I was in a survival private chat room. I have PTSD from being assaulted in the army by someone I was dating. There were two Christians in that chat room, and one of them told me that these drugs were sorcery I had never heard that before back in my 30s they even gave me ECT! I had four treatments. Later I lost my memory I could not find my way around common places like work or driving to work which was 12 miles and I always took the same route. This went on and off for years and I went to a doctor and he thought I might’ve been having seizures and I thought it was from the Xanax. I look back now and I know it was from the ECT. I lost a job because of it a very good job because I couldn’t think. I wrote the hospital to get all of my records and they sent them to me with the exception of the ECT records, which I was told was nothing but experimental at this point. There’s nothing healing about ECT. They are done in the basement across the United States and many other countries, I called the hospital and said you sent everything except my ECT records. I had electroshock therapy and I want my records. She said ma’am I’m not allowed to talk to you and she hung up. It was crazy. I was going to sue but you can’t even get access to your records that shows you how evil it is . I have since healed by the grace of God. I was the same as you I had spiritual warfare/oppression, and I was believing the enemies lies. Interestingly enough I’ve had neck trauma myself so I suffer from migraines for over 40 years and I’m trying not to take any medication for those and I still pray for healing. Jesus will be back soon and I’ll never have a migraine again I will keep you in my prayers most definitely that God would keep you under his wing while you heal from this junk. I would love to chat with you on the phone or text but I don’t think this is probably a good place to leave information I don’t know. May God bless you. You Will be just fine :)
Wow! There is so much more shadiness/corruption than I realized… Thank you for sharing, and giving God the glory! He is the One who heals broken hearts and mends wounds, and sets the captives free! It saddens and angers me to hear what you have gone through… you are right—there will be righteous judgement one day!
I know that God knows what is happening with my body, and have been praying that He leads with money, time, food, docs, treatment regimens… I’ve realized that what really helps people medically speaking, require a lot of out of pocket pay…
Have you looked into seeing a functional Med doc for your migraines? Let me know if you are led and you can pray about it, if you want, if you’d like me to give names of two I’ve seen; the one I am seeing (via Telehealth from Georgia—I live in FL) has brought about the most hope and change over the last few months, just a lot of out of pocket cash! and I cannot work the shifts and hours like I did before 2021 (when all my issues came to a head)…
Anyways, yes, perhaps we can correspond via email first? My email is:
I learning about the need for the heart to heal and about deliverance (need to figure out what some entryways are; the same pastor I heard about dr breggin through has some videos about it, and a list of questions and scripture… PTL, I can concentrate on words and not get nauseous, and don’t feel as fatigued!!!)…
Would love to speak to you more, I could go on (my brain is all of the place and hard for it to focus)… but maybe we could pray for each other, too. Let me know if you ever find that vid! I’ve appreciated, a group of people trying to get off of psychotropic meds.