Alfred Kinsey: Redefining agony as ecstasy--stealing childhood innocence
a scientific fraud so great that it caused a seismic shift in American, indeed Western civilization....
It’s 3 am. I am awake, considering how to begin this column. We knew Dr. Judith Reisman and counted her a friend for over 25 years. She was mature, energetic, caring, outgoing and wicked smart until the end. She spent decades investigating, reporting, and writing about some of the worst abuses imaginable. Learning about them, herself, was not enough. She did not turn away, and she did not flinch. She had to investigate and then share the information she uncovered to try to undo the damage. And so she did. Her work can be found here.
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Now, I am trying to find the words to begin to describe the abject evil she uncovered. Dr. Reisman exposed a scientific fraud so great that it caused a seismic shift in American, indeed Western civilization. This is a column about a subject that many find to be one of the very most disturbing topics — the sexual abuse and torture of children, including infants.
The Kinsey Institute
The Kinsey institute lies in the heart of the heartland of America in Indiana. In the late 1930s, Dr. Alfred Kinsey began teaching courses related to human sexuality.1 Kinsey was a biologist and his specialty up to that time was entomology — the study of insects.
Kinsey began his academic career with a doctoral dissertation on gall wasps, “zealously collecting samples of the species” and taking extensive measurements of the creatures. Academia-Lab reports that “his methodology was in itself an important contribution to entomology as a science.”2 By the time Kinsey was moving on from the study of gall wasps, he had contributed about five million specimens to the New York American Museum of Natural History. Later, Kinsey would apply the same study methodology (and intensity) to his study of human sexuality.
After teaching a Marriage and Family class at Indiana University, Kinsey decided there was little scientific data to draw upon to answer student questions about sex. He began researching the topic through the use of questionnaires, interviews, and statistical data compilations that he gathered from his students and others.3 Kinsey transferred his zeal for data gathering from gall wasps to human sexuality.
Despite Kinsey’s perspective that there was little scientific data about human sexuality, a Google Scholar search on “human sexuality biological factors from 1800-1950” reveals “about 1,480,000 results, which contradicts Kinsey’s conclusion that scientific data did not exist.4 According to biographers, Kinsey had a more personal reason to pursue the intimate study of human sexuality — he was bisexual at a time when homosexuality was criminalized.5 He says he was also punished extensively during childhood for masturbating.
In 1947, the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction was founded as a nonprofit.6 Alfred Kinsey produced his bestselling book, Sexual Behavior of the Male, in 1948, purporting to be a scientific study of the sexual habits of Americans. Sexual Behavior of the Female followed in 1953.
Kinsey’s Books Hit American Culture Like a Bomb
Kinsey’s two books hit American culture and morality like a bomb. They were huge bestsellers. My mother reports she and my father had a copy of the Sexual Behavior of the Male when it came out, and Peter recalls a copy being in his parent’s home. Dr. Reisman provides massive evidence that Kinsey’s work and that of his Institute often misrepresented aspects of the investigators’ reports — for instance, referring to prostitutes and unmarried women who were interviewed as wives, which skewed the conclusion about how many married American women were having sex with more than one partner or were having abortions.
This kind of spin, declaring that a larger number of men had sexual relations with other men or women had relations outside of marriage, did great damage to how Americans thought about their own sexuality. While many people in the 1940s and ‘50s were generally modest and monogamous, Kinsey declared that the opposite was true and further that lots of sex all the time, with anyone, human or beast, was healthy.
Kinsey’s adult research subjects were almost completely composed of men who were engaged in sexual activities considered outside the norm. Reisman reported:
In 2004, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which represents 2,400 state legislators, noted that, of the more than 5,000 men who made up Kinsey’s research base: “2,446 were designated as convicts, 1,003 homosexuals, 50 transvestites, 117 mentally ill, 342 “Other,” 650 sexually abused boys. This yielded 4,608 n=Aberrant, and 873 n=“Normal” Male subjects.”
Kinsey’s books threw open the doors of sexual morality to the Sixties and inspired the epidemic of pornography.
The most egregious effect of his work, though, was to change how people consider children and their innocence or lack of innocence.
Who Was Alfred Kinsey?
Kinsey began as an instructor in zoology and biology and was awarded a professorship in zoology in 1929 at Indiana University. He became the foremost authority in the world of the gall wasp. This type of wasp has about 1300 individual species and survives for about a week. These wasps cause their host tree to form a benign abnormal growth, often called an oak apple, in which the young of the gall wasp develop.
From Kinsey’s achievements with gall wasps, he went on to begin teaching courses on marriage. Even prior to beginning his career path as a sexologist, Kinsey exhibited a fascination with sex. American Experience reports:7
Alfred Kinsey’s sex research had begun two decades earlier, during entomological expeditions with favored graduate students. Out in the wild, his former students recalled, after a grueling day traipsing through the woods in search of gall wasps, Kinsey would somehow always twist the campfire talk to sex, talking about his relationship with his wife, Clara, and asking them about their own sex lives. By the mid-1930s, Kinsey was making it known that any Indiana University student who had questions about sex could come to see him, but he formally inaugurated his research with the debut of the marriage course in 1938. Starting that fall, he began asking students in the course to complete a questionnaire on their sexual histories, and by the end of the semester he had collected sixty-two surveys.
Eventually, Kinsey switched from questionnaires to formal interviews, personally training staff on interview techniques, consisting of hundreds of intimate questions, as reported in some documentaries, including “Secret History: Kinsey’s Paedophiles (1-6).”8
The Rockefeller Foundation awarded funds to Kinsey, and the National Research Council provided sponsorship, enabling Kinsey to set up his Institute for Sex Research, Inc. American Experience reports:
In December 1940, Kinsey submitted an application for a research grant to the National Research Council’s Committee for Research in Problems of Sex (C.R.P.S.); the following year, C.R.P.S. awarded him $1,600. While not nearly enough money for the whole project, this small award was the beginning of a fruitful and stormy relationship with C.R.P.S. and its principal benefactor, the Rockefeller Foundation, which would last for more than a decade and fund Kinsey’s research throughout most of that time. Key to this relationship were Robert M. Yerkes and George W. Corner, Kinsey’s staunch supporters at C.R.P.S., and Alan Gregg, the Rockefeller’s medical director.
Loveless Statistics
Kinsey attempted the first large-scale statistical surveys of Americans’ sexual practices. Although he referred to his studies as Gallop Poll-like surveys, they were less scientific. The subjects of his surveys were frequently persons who chose to attend his marriage class at Indiana University or, later, public lectures he gave. The subjects of the surveys were self-selecting to both explore issues of sexuality and to participate in the surveys offered as part of the evening.9
As Kinsey increased his staff, he encouraged sexual experimentation among the staff, their spouses, and “invited guests.” He eventually hired filmmaker William Dellenback to record people involved in sexual activities. Kinsey also collected “diverse items of erotica from around the world.”10
Documenting and Encouraging the Sexual Abuse of Children
The institute contains, in its archives, the stories of hundreds, if not thousands, of acts of sexual abuse against children. Many of these accounts involve the physical rape of very small children. These reports include precise details of the children crying, resisting, and making other efforts to fend off their assailants. These details are included because Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the Father of the Sexual Revolution, believed in collecting detailed “scientific” accounts of every kind of sexual act between human beings, including violent sexual acts committed upon children by adults.
On their official website, the Kinsey Institute denies that Kinsey and his colleagues hired, collaborated with, or persuaded people to carry out experiments on children.11 But Dr. Reisman’s research and evidence, along with the evidence of others, proves otherwise. Furthermore, a 1995 Washington Post article reported:
Yesterday, the director of the Kinsey Institute revealed that Kinsey’s conclusions on the sexuality of young children were based not on scientific study but on the secret history of a single pedophile who kept a diary of his experiences with 317 pre-adolescent boys.12
The Kinsey Institute director in 1995 was John Bancroft, who “clarified” Kinsey’s research approach at a press conference in Washington DC, called by a Representative of Congress investigating Kinsey’s methods of research, their legality, conclusions, and effects upon school curriculums and American culture.13
Bancroft went on to declare that no one will ever know what happened to the children whose orgasms are reported in the Kinsey Tables in the Sexual Behavior of the Human Male.14 The Post article continued quoting Bancroft:
“There was no contact with any of the boys by anyone at the institute, only with the man’s notes,” he said. The institute “has never carried out sexual experiments on children.” As for the pedophile — who was not paid — he is catalogued at the Kinsey Institute under a pseudonym, which could be decoded but will not be if Bancroft has anything to do with it. “The man is long dead. He died around 1955,” the director said.
The 50th Anniversary edition of the Sexual Behavior in the Human Female includes 18 closely typed pages in justification and defense of Kinsey’s work written by the Director of the Institute at that time, John Bancroft. Kinsey believed in a concept he termed ‘total sexual outlet.’ Bancroft declared:15
The fact that he [Kinsey] combined orgasms from six principal sources, masturbation, nocturnal emissions, heterosexual petting, heterosexual intercourse, homosexual relations, and intercourse with animals, to derive his ‘total sexual outlet,’ in no way means that he regarded each of these sources of orgasm as of equal value in social or interpersonal or emotional terms, for either men or women. His lack of comment on the moral value of any form of sexual behavior was central to his non-judgmental approach, without which his long-running project, which he envisioned as continuing for many years longer than it did, would not have been viable. We regret that he made no such moral comparisons, because without them he describes sexual behavior in something of a moral vacuum which others have been quick to fill with their own interpretations of Kinsey’s moral standpoint…
Bancroft goes on to discuss critics of Kinsey’s work. What he fails to observe is that in this vacuum which he describes, many new liberties and assumptions were indeed taken, and many moral protections, however imperfect, that had been in place for generations for women and for all children (and for that matter, animals) were gravely weakened.
Most egregiously, Kinsey declared in 1953 in Sexual Behavior in the Human Female:
There are, of course, instances of adults who have done physical damage to children with whom they have attempted sexual contacts … But these cases are in the minority and the public should learn to distinguish such serious contacts from other adult contacts which are not likely to do the child any appreciable harm if the child’s parents do not become disturbed.16
Scientific Sex Studies and Sex Abuse
Kinsey wanted an air of science to surround his work. To that end he trained fourteen researchers to interview ultimately 5300 “white men and boys and 5940 women and girls, each interview encompassing up to 300 extremely personal questions.”17 Kinsey and his staff investigated every kind of what he termed human sexuality, including all kinds of sex acts solo or between adults as well as all kinds of sex by adults with children and with animals. When sex acts were observed, stopwatches were often used for the timing of the events.
Kinsey also arranged to interview prisoners, including men convicted of pre-adolescent child rape. He spent several years campaigning to change the morality and decency laws in the U.S. and overseas, consulting with governments, legislatures, and prison officials.18
Dr. Judith Reisman investigated Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute for decades, collecting evidence and documenting abuse. She wrote several thoroughly referenced books, including a work in progress that she was writing with co-author Rhonda Miller when Dr. Reisman died suddenly in April 2021.19
Sexual Rape and Torture of Children
As noted earlier, Dr. Reisman documented and exposed the abject sexual abuse of a minimum of hundreds and perhaps thousands of pre-adolescent children, some infants.20 The abuse was conducted by individuals known to Kinsey to be what he called pedophiles. Dr. Reisman preferred to refer to these sexual criminals as pedosadists (meaning child sadists). These men were encouraged by Kinsey to provide documentation of their engagements with children over many years. The pedosadists kept written records of the sexual encounters with hundreds of children, recording details of age, gender, length of time, physiological reactions of the child to being assaulted, and more.21 The fact that Kinsey emphasizes their sadism shows that he understands they were purposefully causing the children to suffer.
Kinsey extensively interviewed these men in person or in correspondence who had criminally sexually abused, raped, and tortured pre-adolescent children. Kinsey reported, in his Sexual Behavior of the Male, how many times very young children were brought to what he claims was orgasm, declaring that his research proved that children are capable of being sexually active from birth.22 Kinsey’s biographer, James Jones, Ph.D., reported details in the 1998 Yorkshire, England documentary Kinsey’s Paedophiles.23 Reisman reported:
In his Yorkshire interview, Jones admits that “kids” (as young as 2 months old, Table 31) were used by “nine” adult males for Kinsey Institute child experiments. Jones writes, Kinsey . . . gives pretty graphic descriptions of their response to what he calls sexual stimulation. If you read those words, you will see that he is talking about kids who are screaming. Kids who are protesting in every way they can the fact that their bodies or their persons are being violated.
From the horrific assaults on children, Kinsey created tables documenting the age, number of orgasms, and the amount of time the assaults took for orgasms to occur. These tables exist in his Sexual Behavior of the Male book and can still be found in the most recent editions of the book today.24 Dr. Reisman described some of Kinsey’s tables:
• Table 30: “Pre-adolescent eroticism and orgasm: … original data gathered by certain of our subjects were made available for use in the present volume. Of the 214 cases so reported, all but 14 were subsequently observed in orgasm.”
• Table 31: “Ages of pre-adolescent orgasm: Based on the observance of 317 males.”
• Table 32: “Speed of pre-adolescent orgasm.”
• Table 33: “Multiple orgasm in pre-adolescent males.”
• Table 34: “Examples of multiple orgasm in pre-adolescent males. Some instances of higher frequencies.” And “timed with second hand or stopwatch …five months of age to adolescence.”
Pedosadists as Researchers of Adult Sex with Children
One of the men who reported his experiences to Kinsey for years was Rex King, an American, called “Mr. Green,” “Mr. Braun,” or “Mr. X.” Rex King “is on record of raping at least 800 children, the youngest two months of age,” according to Reisman in her book Sexual Sabotage.
One of Kinsey’s closest associates who worked as a researcher was psychologist Clarence Arthur “C.A.” Tripp.25 Before WWII, Tripp was a staff researcher with Eastman Kodak Company’s research department. During the war, 20th Century Fox hired Tripp to work on propaganda films. He became a close friend, mentor, and collaborator with Kinsey until his death, beginning work with him after the war was over.
In the documentary “Secret History: Kinsey’s Paedophiles (2/6),” Tripp is interviewed at length and reports in detail about Mr. Green’s relationship with Kinsey and Green’s history as a predatory child molester. Tripp defends Kinsey’s relationship with Green and says though Green had hundreds of “contacts” with children, that Green was beloved by all the children and their mothers, and all thought he was wonderful. Tripp then graphically describes a couple of instances of children “agreeing to sexual contact” with Green, though they then found it very painful and “yelled out when it took place…” “because they were very young….and there was a fit problem.”
It is paedosadist Mr. Green whose words were used for much of the Kinsey chapter on male child orgasms. This is confirmed by Kinsey’s biographer, James Jones, who declared that Mr. Green harmed a large number of children.26
Another man who provided Kinsey with “research” was a former member of the Nazi Gestapo from Germany who was involved with the Warsaw Ghetto during WWII, with whom Kinsey corresponded for years. The German reported sexually assaulting or raping hundreds of children and provided Kinsey with meticulous details in correspondence which took place over years both before they were in communication and during their correspondence.27
The former Nazi Gestapo was Dr. Fritz von Balluseck, who was also a lawyer. He gave both his current records and all his past records of sex crimes against children to Kinsey for Kinsey’s database. The Balluseck records spanned 1936-1956. Reisman reported in her book Sexual Sabotage:
In correspondence, Kindsey warned von Balluseck to “be careful” not to get caught by the police as he assaulted both boys and girls. Paul Gebhard was one of several in Kinsey’s inner circle who knew about Kinsey’s collaboration with a possible child sex killer, Von Balluseck. In 1998, the Yorkshire Television investigators found criminal trial records and scores of headlines about Kinsey [and his relationship with Von Balluseck] throughout Germany.28
According to the German newspaper National-Zeitung, Balluseck was known to be a mass child sex abuser for decades:29
The Nazis knew and gave him the opportunity to practice his abnormal tendencies in occupied Poland on Polish children, who had to choose between Balluseck and the gas ovens. After the war, the children were dead, but Balluseck lived. (May 15, 1957)
Reisman thoroughly examined Dr. Kinsey’s data and provided a detailed description of exactly how these children, all pre-adolescents, were sexually abused and tormented. She charges that the children’s terror, physiological suffering, and resistance were redefined as orgasm by the abusers:30
Even older children would have lacked the language to express their pain, bewilderment, and trauma at being tortured to what King and Kinsey called “orgasm,” sometimes around the clock! So King, Kinsey, and other pederast experimenters expressed it for them, redefining as orgasm the terror and physical pain of small, prepubescent boys — their hysterical trembling and convulsions, violent cries, sobbing, collapse, fainting, loss of color, desperate attempts to avoid “climax,” screaming and fighting to get away. Thus, Kinsey and his other pedophiles define their victims’ agony as ecstasy, name it “orgasm,” and use this new definition to help ambush American and global Western culture. These records are blatant evidence of the child sexual abuse of 196 to perhaps over 2,000 small boys by Kinsey’s adult team of sex criminals, rapists, and sodomizers.
But Was It Torture?
Dr. Lester H. Caplan, Baltimore Diplomate and member of the American Board of Pediatrics, was asked by Dr. Reisman to make an independent analysis of Kinsey’s tables. Dr. Caplan points to the detailed physiological characteristics and reactions that were observed and recorded during the assaults of the children and states this information could not have been collected without the children being naked and physically restrained.
Caplan stated:
Dear Dr. Reisman:
I have done a review of your paper … based on an examination of the Kinsey data and its effects upon the child, and I have come to the following conclusions:
1. That the data was not the norm—rather was data taken from abnormal sexual activities, by sex criminals and the like.
2. Unnatural stimulation was used by the researchers to get results.
3. The frequencies and the number of orgasms in 24 hours was not normal nor the mean.
4. One person could not do this to so many children—these children had to be held down or subject to strapping down, otherwise they would not respond willingly. (Emphasis added).31
Dr. Reisman observed that:
One of the relatively recent revelations in this author’s roughly fifty years of Kinsey research is that Kinsey had access, through his involvement in the Columbia-Greystone project Brain Research Project, to children held in mental asylums. We can certainly place him at both Rockland State Hospital in New York and Greystone Park State Hospital in New Jersey. In addition to providing the necessary subjects for experimentation, both of these institutions would have been equipped with the facilities necessary to strap children down. Hospital gurneys were already fitted with restraints used for electric shock treatment. These institutions also offered the amenity of sound-proofed rooms and the necessary staff to supply the needs of the scientists engaged – according to the information in the tables – in masturbating, timing, and filming children continuously for periods of up to 24 hours at a time.32
One woman known by the name of “Esther White” gave multiple details of her memories of sexual abuse as a child of four years to Dr. Judith Reisman. Ms. White reported that her grandfather and her father sexually abused her to the point that she had seizures with back pain. The abuse went on for an extensive time period, and eventually, she was introduced to Dr. Kinsey, who had come over to their home. In her presence, Dr. Kinsey left a check, paying Ms.White’s grandfather and her father for their “research.”33
The Physiology of Fear
Dr. Kinsey identified nine physiological responses to sexual stimulation that are identical to physical manifestations of fear:
1. Increase in pulse rate
2. Increase in blood pressure
3. Hyperventilation
4. Diminution of sensory perception
5. Adrenaline secretion (probably)
6. Increase in muscular tensions
7. Reduction of fatigue and/or increased muscular capacity
8. Hair raised
9. Involuntary vocalization.”
Reisman observes, “Kinsey’s misdiagnosis of terror as orgasm…means the revolutionary “scientific finding” that children are sexual from birth — relies on the distinctly unreliable reports of sexual psychopaths.”
Plenty of Documentation
Dr. Reisman has done hundreds of interviews for documentaries and media reports exposing Alfred Kinsey and his institute.34 One of her extensive interviews is “What You Don’t Know About Hugh Hefner and Alfred Kinsey.”35 At least one individual who believes she was a child victim of Kinsey’s data collection techniques came forward and attempted to obtain her records.36 Another lengthy interview and documentary is “The Kinsey Syndrome- Full Documentary.”37 The Reisman Institute has voluminous resources available on the internet.38
The Kinsey Institute has refused and rejected all attempts to open their files to Dr. Reisman’s inquiry and all others. The institute claims that they promised confidentiality to those who reported their acts between themselves and children. The institute also promised confidentiality to thousands of adults who filled out sexual questionnaires of a highly personalized nature.
Members of the institute on film have said that they absolutely will defend the confidentiality agreements with their lives. They have structured special ways of quickly destroying a master code key that ties in with the archives. If that code is destroyed, the archives become worthless, and one can’t figure anything out or identify anybody.
One of the institute leaders is recorded on video saying he just thought about destroying the key again. This institute which is funded by American taxpayers and Indiana state money until the most recent state bill was passed. In May of 2023, the Kinsey Institute’s funding from the Indiana State budget was cancelled by Indiana State legislature.39,40 The cancellation does not close the institute, however, as it is part of Indiana University and remains open.
Although cancelling funding is an important step, what actually should be happening is that the institute’s records should be seized, and the entire historical and contemporary activities of the program should be investigated by the police and crimes charged and prosecuted.
What About Love?
The concept of love, or its more scientific term, attachment, between human beings is wholly missing from Kinsey’s work, and Reisman examines this in detail in her book Sexual Sabotage.41 Love and attachment are vital aspects of intimacy, imbuing the physical activity of intercourse with a sensitivity, wonder, and connectedness impossible between two persons who have a chance sexual encounter. Human beings are physiologically designed to emotionally connect and attach to each other and form strong and lasting emotional bonds.42
Without the inclusion of love and attachment, sexual acts become more one-dimensional, providing, at best, physical pleasure and exercise while lacking the wonder and magic that a loving coupling provides.
Kinsey tries to support his perspective that children are sexual from birth with reports of paedophiles who so often claim to love children while sexually abusing them. Kinsey has done tremendous damage to the health and well-being of children who are prematurely sexualized through exposure to media and too often by abusive adults. The growth of child pornography, child sex trafficking, and the sexual abuse of children has exploded since Kinsey’s books were first published. Single-handedly, Kinsey stole childhood innocence from Western culture.
Kinsey tries to support his perspective that children are sexual from birth with reports of paedophiles who so often claim to love children while sexually abusing them. Kinsey has done tremendous damage to the health and well-being of children who are prematurely sexualized through exposure to media and too often by abusive adults. The growth of child pornography, child sex trafficking, and the sexual abuse of children has exploded since Kinsey’s books were first published. Single-handedly, Kinsey stole childhood innocence from Western culture.
Kinsey’s Effects on Western Civilization and Culture
Though beyond the scope of this article to thoroughly examine the potential damage done, we should ask ourselves what Kinsey’s “scientific” claims have contributed to cultural issues like:
the destruction of the core family
the deterioration of education
the epidemic of sexual disease
the epidemic of child sexual abuse
the loss of modesty
the devaluing of nurturing and love
the death of 65 million pre-born human beings
the loss of empathy
Without returning to the most repressive and demoralizing aspects of early 20th-century morality, what could have come from a more complete examination of human sexuality that included the human gifts of love, compassion, tenderness, affection, attachment, restraint, empathy, and responsibility?
Primary author: Ginger Ross Breggin
1 Kinsey: Teaching and Research | American Experience | Official Site | PBS
2 Alfred Kinsey _ AcademiaLab (
4 human sexuality biological factors – Google Scholar
5 Baumgardner, Jennifer (2008). Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. pp. 48–. ISBN 978-0-374-53108-9.
7 Kinsey: Teaching and Research | American Experience | Official Site | PBS
8 Secret History: Kinsey’s Paedophiles (1/6) – YouTube
9 The Sexual Devolution: Alfred Charles Kinsey (Part two)
10 Kinsey: Teaching and Research | American Experience | Official Site | PBS
11 Kinsey Institute Frequently Asked Questions
12 KINSEY REPORT, FAST AND LOOSE? – The Washington Post
13 Alfred C. Kinsey: A Life – James H. Jones – Google Books
14 Alfred C. Kinsey: A Life – James H. Jones – Google Books
16 Alfred C. Kinsey et al, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1953, pp. 121-122.
18 The Disturbing Truth about Alfred Kinsey, Father of the Sexual Revolution – Stillness in the Storm
19 Kinseym-Rockefeller-MKULTRA-A-WORK-IN-PROGRESS.pdf (
22 Kinsey’S Kids | National Review
23 fulltext_stamped.pdf “Sex abused, Kinsey’s Lies Shaped American Law, So Now What?” column by Judith Reisman, 2010, From the SelectedWorks of Judith A. Reisman.
25 — C. A. Tripp papers
26 Secret History: Kinsey’s Paedophiles (2/6) (
29 fulltext_stamped.pdf “Sex abused, Kinsey’s Lies Shaped American Law, So Now What?” column by Judith Reisman, 2010, From the SelectedWorks of Judith A. Reisman.
31 Kinseym-Rockefeller-MKULTRA-A-WORK-IN-PROGRESS.pdf (
32 Pp15-16. Kinseym-Rockefeller-MKULTRA-A-WORK-IN-PROGRESS.pdf (
33 Kinsey Coverup – Part 1 (
34 Kinsey Coverup – Part 1 (
35 What you didn’t know about Hugh Hefner and Alfred Kinsey (
36 Secret History: Kinsey’s Paedophiles (1/6) – YouTube
38 Home — Dr. Judith Reisman (
39 Kinsey Institute prepares for future without state funding | news – Indiana Public Media
40 Kinsey Institute prepares for future without state funding (
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Well Ginger, this piece will take its place among your best. The only thing I would suggest as an edit, would be to change the tense in the title to past tense. Innocence has been stolen and none of us know how to return our society to a state in which a mother and father can raise their children so that they can grow up with a healthy view of their own sexuality; so pervasive is the problem. It is one of the most sad things about living in this moment in history.
I hope your next piece will be to tie the transgender movement to the same snively, old white globalist psychopaths that funded Kinsey; bc of course the young ppl caught up in it believe that they are avant-garde; not realizing they have been masterfully manipulated by them... Hugs...
Thank you for exposing this dangerous maniacal fraud ... I tried to 'study' him when I trained as a psychoanalyst, but I found him and his ideas generally appalling.