Well Ginger, this piece will take its place among your best. The only thing I would suggest as an edit, would be to change the tense in the title to past tense. Innocence has been stolen and none of us know how to return our society to a state in which a mother and father can raise their children so that they can grow up with a healthy view of their own sexuality; so pervasive is the problem. It is one of the most sad things about living in this moment in history.

I hope your next piece will be to tie the transgender movement to the same snively, old white globalist psychopaths that funded Kinsey; bc of course the young ppl caught up in it believe that they are avant-garde; not realizing they have been masterfully manipulated by them... Hugs...

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Oh, Carol! ❤️thank you!

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Thank you for exposing this dangerous maniacal fraud ... I tried to 'study' him when I trained as a psychoanalyst, but I found him and his ideas generally appalling.

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Hi Doc! Yes--so appalling! His work, with Rockefeller influence and connections to the CIA/dark intel has had an indelible impact on our interrelationships with each other and with ourselves. Kinsey was the vanguard of the destruction of the idea of love, of modesty, of responsibility, of respect of ourselves -- of family, of the preciousness of our desire for attachment to each other. Communism has been targeting Western Civilization since at least the 1930s, and the dark intelligence agencies have been targeting Western Civilization on behalf of the globalists since the 1940s. I am continuing this research and will be following up with more.

Nice to see you here. ~ Ginger

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I have 2 siblings that were sexually abused as children. I can only describe the crimes committed as SOUL DESTROYING, that left a lifetime of struggle.

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Dear Priscilla- and it’s not just the siblings who were abused to suffer. Even in small things when we watch our siblings suffer, we experience our own kind of suffering. I’m sorry you and your family have gone through this. a book that is been of great help to me in my own healing journey is

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

I recommend it. And thank you for commenting here.

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Thank you for the recommendation I have the book I need to read it. My son was sexually assaulted at age 7 at a soccer field. He is still working to overcome the traumatic event that led to drug abuse, etc.. He is now sober and working on becoming the best version of himself. I’ve told him a demon came into his life did not allow evil to define it !!!

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Im a younger adult... Everyone always talks about the time following WWII as being so nice and sweet and pure... I have long suspected that it wasn't really like that. There was so much cover up going on that the average person just thought it was so great. It just goes to show that the corruption and deep state are nothing new, it's just now they are noticed more by more people thanks to people like you. Thank you for being a platform for those trying to expose and right the wrong, and for you yourselves risking it all for us who have a long way to go in life.

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Hi Christa, Thank you. I am giving a lot of consideration to how I grew up in the '50s and 60's-- I graduated high school in 1969. and I hope to write about that and some of the changes I have witnessed in our culture. I feel that what I am seeing now is such a more challenging and potentially dangerous time for young people and young adults. One of the most profound essays I have seen is an article by Zinna. It is here and has given me a great deal to think about. What I am aware of and want to put together is how the dark intel, CIA and other manipulative globalist forces are engineering our perspectives and our youth and have been since at least the late '40s.


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That was an excellent article. Thanks for sharing the link. If only I had understood the sexual landscape better decades ago maybe I would have had a happier and more fulfilling life.

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Operation Gladio.

Wellness - John D.

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God bless you both. I think you have nailed it.

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Kinsey's depravity is immeasurable and exemplifies pure evil.

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Very hard article to read. I know I'm am not supposed to judge or hate but I hope everyone of these animals are burning in hell for eternality I kind of hope God will understand as I also went thru childhood. sexual abuse.

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Hi Tag - many of us experience anger and judgement against the wounding and abuse of innocents. For anyone who is suffering from traumas of life, I recommend

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

Which was a huge help and revelation to me in my own healing.


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Thank you.

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Actually no. We are supposed to judge. Judging others, accessing whether someone is a good person or not, someone to be associated with or not, has kept many of us alive and healthy. Not judging someone allows us to have people in our lives that aren't good for us.

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Something you should look into about Kinsey which also isn't widely advertised: He was a disciple of the notorious occultist and black magician Aleister Crowley, whose many curious interests included a practice he called "Sex Magick"... 🤔

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Ginger here-- I would appreciate any links and documentation you have to this-- it's important as I am sure you are aware.

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PS Just entered "Aleister Crowley Alfred Kinsey" on the Russian search engine Yandex (Western search engines grow more useless and compromised by the day... 🙄)

Cut-and-paste the link below, or just click on it.. you may find some interesting factoids.. 🤔


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Thank you Capt. Roy!

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You're welcome. Hope you learn some really interesting and execrable stuff to smear his reputation with! 😘

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For those willing to face what Kinsey did, his reputation is already gone....But finding a definite occult connection is an intriguing tie in!

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Wish I could provide you more... it's something I picked up over the years, and details of this sort of thing are scant on the ground at best as you're no doubt aware... books are gathered up and burned, witnesses intimidated or worse, that sort of thing... and "Uncle Aleistar" has been almost consigned to oblivion in any event... 🤔

Colin Wilson's book "Aleistar Crowley: The Nature of the Beast" might be a good place to start.

"Secret Agent 666" by Richard Spence provides more general information...

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Thank you very much for recommending these books. I’ve got them on order now. It all ties together doesn’t it— The abuse of innocent creatures, or children, the occult, Out of control power seeking, status, envy, sex. Disregard, loss of respect for individuals and for human beings, treating them as a commodity instead of precious children of God.

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You're welcome... And to think people make fun of me for being into "Conspiracy Theory"... Speaking of same, let me introduce you to the single strongest Red Pill I have ever taken: Wade Frazier's "A Healed Planet" https://ahealedplanet.net/home.htm... All 1,800 pages of it in hard copy... He doesn't speak directly of Alfred Kinsey if memory serves.. but the related material I think, will be of interest and use to you, particularly perhaps, "The Medical Racket": https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm

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Pete Walker's book is good too. Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving: A Guide and Map for Recovering from Childhood Trauma

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With this behavior in our world that is considered fine and dandy among many monsters and their followers I could understand why God would just destroy everything. If these bastards were doing all that was said in this piece obviously many people knew but did nothing.

The sins of humans are worse than any other lifeforms on the planet. It’s so easy to sit read and proclaim how terrible it all is. But when and if it happens to family members or you then the story becomes a different story. That story is unimaginable for others to understand. That disrespect of the body on innocence is what God made the mortal sin that cannot be erased as that is why the sexual conduct of humans must be held up as sacred and only for conceiving life with LOVE not as a self serving urge to have an orgasm.

It’s just too late in my opinion to ever stop the liberal nature of our culture that encourages homosexuality and then denigrates the greatest gift from God… children. Children who live with perversion as normal and never experience loving male and female love as normal is all a continuation of the Kinsey lifestyle in progress. It will lead to legalizing pedophelia and bestiality and there we will stay just as the ancients did with their primitive lifestyles and the human race is just a joke never advancing the concept of sacred nature of sexuality and its ability to create life …..but modern culture rejects that understanding to the point that it is seen as discriminating against “perverts“ with our so called “advanced” lifestyle and “sexual liberation” garbage.

Human life has become disposable and unimportant in our culture.

Then we wonder and at shocked that our government would inject poison into us and call it safe and effective.

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Well it’s certainly too late for those who have been trafficked as children or abused by adults in some fashion indeed too late.

Of course hope for those not hurt to stop this current cultural catastrophe is always a possibility.

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I’m wondering if Dr. Reisman, who died suddenly in April 2021, was a victim of a vax injury or foul play?

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It’s my understanding that she had received a vaccination a few weeks prior to her death. She’s deeply missed.

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I'd be inclined to look on that as a "no-brainer" ... 🙄

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Sadly yes....

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Succinct and Accurate...Just love the credit attributed to Judith Reisman.

Odd how even in Catholic University going into the 21st Century...

Kinsey was discussed and Reisman was NOT.

Required searching for alternate theories ourselves...🤔

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Thank you Blaze!

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You're welcome...Reisman was/is revolutionary

and balanced. Was happy to find her work.

Thank-you for addressing this topic.

The profound confusion surrounding Pain/Pleasure truly prevails

and never imagined it could be so overwhelmingly common as now.

Wondered before what you both thought about this psychological

issue occuring on a collective basis globally. With your extensive experience,

is it as bizarre concerning prevalence, to your mind as for me in retrospect?

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Your report that Judith Reisman "died suddenly" made me sit up and take notice... seems to be a lot of that going round lately. Wikipedia of course, says almost nothing useful about her...

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My thought exactly. And suicides. Assassinations! Even if delayed.

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Incredible. I would only suggest the "The loss of empathy" might be the FIRST bullet under:

"Kinsey’s Effects on Western Civilization and Culture"

Such abuse occurred in my family. The extent of the collateral damage is unreal. Magnify that by thousands/millions of other families ... and much of the evil in the world today makes sense...

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As you stated, the degree of damage that flows through generations in families where sexual abuse occurs is staggering. and yes it is deeply widespread. Kinsey made sure of that by declaring sex between adults and children was a normal behavior on a spectrum. I'm sorry your family has been part of this damage. ~ Ginger

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I say people in government might ascribe to this thinking and some immoral citizens. The rest of the citizenry still thankfully doesn't and hopefully never will. Thank goodness for Judith Reisman.

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Criminal! We have brain dead politicians in DC that don’t give a hoot!

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I’ve read about this sick demon. Satan used him and our government supported it

Shows you how “ Christians” our government is

Pure evil

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Plain and simple, these are sexual predators. It amazes me how people will allow deviant behavior to be normalized everywhere. And if we cannot even protect our children, then what? Will our society crumble to dust because we have become our own worst enemy? I hope not!

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