If you find yourself in a hospital that will not treat you right call the sheriff tell them you are being held in the hospital again you will! Tell the Sheriff you want to fill charges and you want them to help getting out of their hospital. File charges against the Doctor, Hospital and Management!

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What a crazy idea 5 years ago... new reality

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Thank you, Peter and Ginger. You're an anchor and mainstay to an otherwise lonely and often convoluted effort.

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Thank you

Sometimes I just do not know how much longer we can go on like this.

Discussion destroys families. It is almost two years since my daughter and my very very shitty controlling disrespectful son in law have removed hubbs and me as "family"

.... All because I brought up cautions about vaccines. Jeez. I used to be a nurse, I was so insulted.

Anyway... thank you

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After the deaths, the disabilities and the vaccine injuries arising daily, one of the saddest aspects of this whole controlled, manufactured disaster is the destruction of families torn apart. I am so sorry you're going through this Rosemary. ~ Ginger

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thank you for your kind reply.

I do lose a lot of sleep at night.

Some nights I can get to sleep well with some melatonin and tylenol

but many nights I lay awake feeling so sad

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Same here.

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please keep recycling your 2022 columns, many readers on substack may not have seen them.

tessa did a killer piece on the rogan/neil young fiasco https://tessa.substack.com/p/neil-young-pfizer/

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Epic post. Speechless. Thank you

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Everyone should get their book .. & a copy to give to their Drs 😀

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Don't believe people weren't murdered in the time of K0VID.

I know two people who contracted KOVID and were hospitalized. Fall of 2020. One was an older woman who was already in poor health; the other was a her obese adult son. Both went into one of the major hospitals in Cincinnati, were put on ventilators and both died. We believe the hospital killed them both with their protocols, protocols which I believe are still in place today.

An anecdote for all--- when my husband got K0VID pneumonia, they asked us what hospital I wanted them to take him to. I had four choices. Being new to the area, I suggested a smaller hospital that was probably the closest. It is where the EMT's WANTED to take him. So... if you're open to going to another hospital, ask the EMTs where they would take them if they were in your position. The answer may surprise you.

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Peter and Ginger and all,

Keep speaking loudly because we all eventually want accountability…and help with this HIGHEST priority in 2024!

The biggest elephant in America after 4 shameful years of tension and disgust over 17 million deaths globally…

Is there any other HIGHEST priority in 2024 to fix without fixing free, fair, lawful and transparent elections in America?

Get to work Americans… https://newswithviews.com/how-the-republican-party-became-the-rino-party/

God bless those willing to use their talents and blessings UNITED, repeat UNITED with strategic planning Leaders!

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We Have the Power Elites on the Run, but There Is Much Work to Do

Davos Man aka Psycho Nanny is being exposed and they know it. https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/we-have-the-power-elites-on-the-run

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Thank you for educating as many as possible. I hope and pray that if knowledge replaces ignorance, the tides of this war will turn in favor of freedom. May a tsunami of truth and freedom drown the sick twisted authoritarians bent on destroying life.

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People don’t understand how scary it is when you’re hospitalized with Covid pneumonia and doctors keep telling you to take remdesivir. I heard that 4 times when I was hospitalized. Fortunately, I’ve been following people online, including Dr. Jane, who said how dangerous it was and not to take it. The last doctor who told me to take it got an earful from me and left my room never to be seen again.

Arm yourselves with knowledge, it just could save your life!

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When I tell people about the Covid hospital murders, they mock me as a "paranoid conspiracy theorist." I've had it with them! The worst part is I expect some will die soon, because they insist the Covid boosters and other drugs are good and will keep them alive till ninety. It doesn't help that they think I have Bipolar.

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Some people will be impossible to sway or convince-- we turn our attention to those who are open to considering a "new" way of looking at what has happened to America and other parts of the free world over the last few years.

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For what it's worth, I heard someone on the 'fringe' talking about awareness. Basically, only 30% of the people need to be aware to sway the others-- who will probably NEVER be aware-- to the right direction. In other words, we don't need to sway everyone, just a few to turn the tide our way. And remember: just because people won't budge on things like KOVID, it doesn't mean you can't point them in the right direction in terms of CBDCs or 15 minute cities or the Klimate Kon.

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Had a doctor administer a naloxone IV to me. I am not a drug addict of any sort. Psychologically the doctor said I was a bit of a Conspiracy Theorist and had refused the shots and tests.

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Lost a friend in December 2020. Hospitalized for 29 days before he succumbed to the fatal fauci protocol. In June of 2020, the virologist Luc Montagnier declared it to be gain of function and the perpetrators of this massive crime against humanity declared him to be senile and confused. They did a character assassination on one of the brightest minds we had! How else could they continue down the RNA route for profit! I had Covid first time for 21 days, without drug treatment except O2 and I am in the high-risk category because of age, but my immune system is strong because my Vitamin D level is 70 ng's. Second time around I got it from my son who didn't listen to me and got injected out of fear of losing me. Lasted only 7 days. Immune system kicked in big time. I never got vaxxed and my body is my temple, and you can't enter it without my permission! That is not what the corrupt medical man plan is for humans who are now considered to be free lab rat status! The Covid rats are already abandoning ship. Mia Culpa Mia Culpa. I was only following orders!

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Dear Thomas, I'm sorry about the loss of your friend. None of this get's easier with time.

You said: In June of 2020, the virologist Luc Montagnier declared it to be gain of function and the perpetrators of this massive crime against humanity declared him to be senile and confused. They did a character assassination on one of the brightest minds we had!--

Indeed there are a number of brilliant, outspoken physicians/scientists whom we have lost around this time through character assassination or through death (and the deaths have questions surrounding them-)

I'm glad to hear you are hale and hearty! ~ Ginger

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Stay the course! We need your voices to be heard!👍🌈😎

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Gain of f with an insertion of a HIV part making a miniAIDS we ALL have eroding our inmun sistem, since we all (got kobi d or not) have a small level of kobi d infection on. So skullcap and andrographis for it. (J.Mikowitz, dr k)

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Peter and Ginger. You haven't happened to keep the lists of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Health Security Steering Committees since its inception? They are now hiding that information having deleted it from their website and have refused any communications with me by phone or email.

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here is a place to start. https://centerforhealthsecurity.org/who-we-are/our-people We don't have lists. I spent some time trying to dig up their 990 annual tax returns but they have not posted onto their website since 2020. I didn't see earlier reports. You should be able to obtain via IRS or maybe Propublica. Good luck.

As a note-- this group "Center for Health Security" is a foundation attached to Hopkins PUblic Health. I am noticing that foundations/nonprofits seem to be funding many entities these days-- from this group to CDC to NIH for starters. I suspect it is a way to avoid oversight and control. A very interesting arena to investigate. They apprear to allow huge flows of funds into the government/public entity via a nonprofit that washes and controls distribution of the funds. ~ Ginger

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Yes, they scrubbed their site as I pointed to the Steering Committee group of the usual and unusual. Found connection to Victoria Nuland , Dr. Lawrence D Kerr (Vanderbilt and study of coli injected interperoneally in mice and noted impacts on immune system disregulation. Formerly with DHHS in Global Health Now works for Pharma), Pfizer and Moderna, Gates, Wellcome Trust, etc.

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Oh and they just got some government grants.

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My father died in January 1994. He had pneumonia and was hospitalized. The staff was not allowing me into his room may times. When they finally did, he complained to me about all the needles they put in his body at his hands. I complained to the nurse. He died of renal failure in the hospital at the same time. How do you go from pneumonia to renal failure? Am wondering if this was one of the beginnings of the killing of patients? I didn't ever suspect anything until the remdesiver deaths have been coming out in the last four years. OMG.

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Very similar to my husband. Diagnosed with pneumonia and, of course, ‘the’ virus. Spent a week alone in hospital, no visitors except at the very end of life, lungs scarred, kidneys shutting down. Protocol unknown. What is known: fully vaccinated and boosted along with annual flu shot. Suspicious? You bet!

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Dear Ennis, I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your husband ~ Ginger

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That's hard to accept

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Do you have any updated Freedom Flyers for 2024!

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