You well describe the consequences of the rot that has infested America, a rot I could never imagine would be so thorough-going and despicable - soon to be rectified. Thank you.

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Thank you so much Dr. Garcia--the scale and scope of this disaster is almost unimaginable~

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Not just America. Unfortunately.

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Am I the only one who thinks FEMA is working for Mr. Global and this is no more a series of random, innocent mistakes than the destruction from the Covid psy opp? Thanks for sharing about Samaritan's Purse, Ginger.

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Of course it’s not a random mistake or stupid errors. See my earlier article. Titled Appalachia murder always happens for a reason.

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ABSOLUTELY!! The global cabal has NO SHAME and has Lucifer as their 'god' and 'able assister' in these global 'disasters' that are in no way 'natural'!

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No you're not. And the more you dig for the truth the more evil-at-work you fine.

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Thank you Dr. Peter and Ginger for CALLING OUT THE EVIL that is 'afoot' in western NC and Appalachia - it's all about the MINERALS in that area that the GLOBAL POTENTATES 'need' for their EV's and other electrical devices. They are hellbent (and hell assisted) to REMOVE these dear residents who have been 'pressured' to move by the mining companies for years and now...'nature' has created the 'perfect solution' to their (the mining companies'

) dilemma.

I PRAY for a GOD MIRACLE for these people and I share this horrible nightmare with friends and family so they can help as able to do so! I have been donating to SAMARITAN'S PURSE for this cause for the past 2 months and will do so monthly for the next eyar.


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I watched this storm develop in the gulf. I am kind of a radar freak, I mean I should have aspired to be a weather person on tv, Anyway.... I think the development of this storm is very suspicious. There were clearly no conditions surrounding and entering the gulf that would have spun up this storm to the degree it did. There was a point in the development when it was at the coast/gulf of Campeche (sp) that appeared the storm was receding, then, as it moved toward the center, north into the gulf of mexico in a very loose but calm fashion, the pressure was no where near what would - again, to add such fury to a storm. Then at some point, there was something added to the storm that intensified the pressure and just like magic, it turned toward that coast and went straight up,. That is a very very rare occurrence almost unbelievable. .

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Have you seen In2thinair on TikTok? He does radar analysis and really drills down on suspicious looking activity on radar.

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I do not have tiktok.

The particular development and track is so shocking and deliberate

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😋 go ahead, call me crazy

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We know they have weather weapons. Evil is all one can call it.

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If they're incapable of doing a job they are intended to do...

Shut it down.

Start anew.

My opinion...

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Yes, shut FEMA down along with other agencies. And they are not incapable... they have criminalized the agency for destruction.

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Yes agreed.

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I hear you, and normally I would agree. But I read that Biden's Congress deliberately underfunded FEMA and Biden used most of the rest of the funds on illegal migrants.

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I continue to pray for this situation. In PA we have collected and sent supplies and 1000$ to help but this is a long term rescue situation. Thank you for your update. The globalist agenda unfortunately will continue all over the world. The Bible has much to say about what is coming.

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And not a single local in our communities are speaking about it at all. The perfecting of hiding criminal and black op government global partnership corruption on steroids now.

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If I were a parent, I would say this Child Protective Services is playing a very dangerous game trying to take away my child...

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I think they better be careful they don't get their heads shot off for threatening to take a child.That is such a disgraceful abuse of people in dire circumstances that it's hard to get one's head around.

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Thank you for this powerful full piece on the ongoing urgent situation in Appalachia.

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Dismantle FEMA, please, Vivek and Elon.

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We all know this is a land grab. The globalist used geoengineering ( geoengineeringwatch.org) & (In2ThinAir) both you can see on you tube to watch cause this is a traucity. It’s to take over the land for the lithium and chrystals to help run the future smart/15 min cities that the globalist have planned for humanity. So everything is connected. And the Mr. musk guy who’s helping out the area he’s helping with the plan. So don’t be fooled.😡

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You are correct it's a land grab but so much more, too....

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With all his billions, why isn't he providing housing? What about the other grotesque billionaires? This is why we must not admire these people, they're skinflints and don't help their own people (unless there's money in it for them) What can one do with billions sometimes hundreds of billions of dollars?

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I heard that 600$ could save 5000 people from starvation in Africa. By doing some simple math, keeping the ratio, it would mean that 600,000,000$ could save 5,000,000,000 people from starvation, so basically all the population of Earth could be saved from starvation (assuming they were all starving) with less than one billion dollars, which is spare change for billionaires. But their purpose is not to help people, but "reduce the population" (killing as many of us as possible), with a bonus of holding the rest in fear and misery. It is conceivable that at some point, there might be too many people for Earth's capacity, life would probably be rather difficult if there was a person living on every square meter of Earth's surface, but I don't think we are anywhere close to this limit. We are always told that the population of Earth goes up, yet most countries have severe population declines, which makes me think it's a lie. If there were too many people on Earth, the problem should be solved rationally, not through killing and torture and terror, in fact, I think overpopulation usually gets solved on its own, because life becomes increasingly difficult and people stop making children or move to another place, so there is usually no need for any measure at all.

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To all US Americans:

Help these people AND, more importantly, contact the government that is not helping. Put pressure on the central government. Make freedom of information requests. If you don't help your fellow countrymen, this will continue for years.

We in Germany had exactly the same thing in the Ahr Valley. As described 1:1 in the article. The behavior of FEMA is the same (FEMA is called "Technical Relief Agency" in our country). The land grab is exactly the same. The refusal or delay of help. Even driving away volunteers, preventing and wasting donations in kind, donations of money.

If you don't make a noise, this situation will continue year after year without any major improvements.

The situation described is exactly the same as in Germany. But the situation here is three years ago! The Ahr Valley is still in a bad state. Realize that it's the same pattern everywhere in the "West"!!!

They even conducted sociological studies to find out to what extent people want to do voluntary services... . Most likely studies related to the unconditional basic income. A well-known agenda!


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Dear Eckstein, thank you so much for your commentary and for the link--you confirm what so many of us are saying and what Dr. Breggin and I see happening. People in every land who embrace traditional cultures, value individual freedom and the sovereignty of individual citizens, are under attack....~ Ginger Breggin

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It's hard to see no coordination amongst the "value west"

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I wonder if The Grove Park Inn, Biltmore and the Graham estate have room to help people?

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Thank you Ginger for the comprehensive update. Heartbreaking. I will spend some time looking over Dr. Margaret Aranda site to set focus on where next to donate

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I can't even face reading all this in one day. I can't imagine how you wrote it. 🥹 Dr. Eric Berg did a video called DEVASTATING! with one of the citizen rescuers. He has donation lines in there.

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The crisis in Appalachia is so widespread, so utterly destructive for the individuals, so damaging to the local culture which is modest, traditional, American. It haunts me.

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Me too. It is like a sword in my heart.

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Dear Breggins,

Thank you for documenting the horribly negligent Federal/State rescue and recovery process that has unfolded in Appalachia over the past 2 months post Helene. I’ve been following this since Day 1 and yours is one of the best summaries I’ve seen. You’ve identified the key volunteers who have boots on the ground. And you’ve listed out the issues that have unfolded in timeline order. As I’ve spent time in prayer, there seems to me to be an evil spirit of apathy and destruction on the part of local and Federal officials and just like with the jab, I think they don’t care if these people live or die. They can’t get outside of their rule box. It is important that we bear witness and give a voice (and send aid and support) to the suffering of these precious souls. Thank you for using your platform to do that! 🙏

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Thank you Sassy, I have felt really called to witness and speak out about this massive abuse of Americans. And as I have learned more and more it becomes clear that this tragedy is truly representative of how America is being treated at this time.

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