A BIGGER horror going on under all our noses right now !!
People who received the shot or shots have white clots slowly filling and obstructing their blood vessels. they ARE being removed from living people in cath labs in hospitals across the world and according to embalmers, from the bodies of deceased.
A BIGGER horror going on under all our noses right now !!
People who received the shot or shots have white clots slowly filling and obstructing their blood vessels. they ARE being removed from living people in cath labs in hospitals across the world and according to embalmers, from the bodies of deceased.
Dr Chetty states in this video below to the other Physicians that they have discovered TIN ( Sn ) in these polymerized clots never before found in the human body.
If Dr Malone the so-called "truther", who claimed to have made one of the first mRNAs truly did, why isn't HE giving the world the anecdote to dissolve these dangerous fibrous plastic like clots?
I personally have met one woman who had white clots removed from her coronary arteries in a cath lab and replaced with stents.She has to have periodic angiograms so they can discover if she has any more arising in any other blood vessels.
THIS is an earth shattering video when one considers the consequences of what has been done to humanity and the deaths that will eventually come about in the next few years.
IMHO, it may be the hydrogel in the LNP's that carried the spike proteins into the cells that created these white fibrous blood vessel occluding polymer like clots. Dr Chetty in the video below states that TIN is also used in the creation of PVC piping.
A BIGGER horror going on under all our noses right now !!
People who received the shot or shots have white clots slowly filling and obstructing their blood vessels. they ARE being removed from living people in cath labs in hospitals across the world and according to embalmers, from the bodies of deceased.
Dr Chetty states in this video below to the other Physicians that they have discovered TIN ( Sn ) in these polymerized clots never before found in the human body.
If Dr Malone the so-called "truther", who claimed to have made one of the first mRNAs truly did, why isn't HE giving the world the anecdote to dissolve these dangerous fibrous plastic like clots?
I personally have met one woman who had white clots removed from her coronary arteries in a cath lab and replaced with stents.She has to have periodic angiograms so they can discover if she has any more arising in any other blood vessels.
THIS is an earth shattering video when one considers the consequences of what has been done to humanity and the deaths that will eventually come about in the next few years.
IMHO, it may be the hydrogel in the LNP's that carried the spike proteins into the cells that created these white fibrous blood vessel occluding polymer like clots. Dr Chetty in the video below states that TIN is also used in the creation of PVC piping.