For 24 years I’ve lived with the knowledge that elections are electronically stolen, that our own government and Israel did 9/11, that ALL vaccines are bioweapons, that pure evil controls the world, and that almost everything else we’re told about our reality is a lie. Yet I have a beautiful wife and kids, a successful business, good friends and a great life. Nothing these lunatics can do will knock me down. Even if they kill me I will fight to the very end for what is good, truthful, and right.

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It's hard to realize how evil the world is. I see things the way you see things.

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You wrote of fighting for what's truthful, but you fell short

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What a nasty, uncalled for thing to say.

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Unless you’re willing to explain how so it just looks like you’re rude. Go ahead, take your best shot or piss off.

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Matt, I think Mouzer was responding to Marlene's comment to your post, not to your post directly.... I could be wrong but it appears that is what happened ... these 'shorthand' communications can go sideways pretty fast and misunderstandings can happen ~ Ginger

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So good! Thank you for your calm, rational, ‘other centered’ voice to direct those who have ears to hear in the way forward in the midst of craziness. Much appreciated!

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it was during the bleak isolation of COVID lockdowns and masking insanity, people staying in their own bubbles and rejecting the non-injected, that I was reminded that God is my rock and foundation, and that got me through. I've never been so alone in my life, as during that period faced with the rejection by those who took the shot and believed in the mask. We are not done with the tyranny yet, but I look back on that recent time with gratitude for the lessons learned. I got through it by turning to our loving God for guidance and strength. I did not get through this alone.

I guess I'm ready for whatever may be coming.

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We love you Dr. and Mrs. Breggin! Thank you.

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I am so glad to read this from you. Seventeen years ago I had a big heart attack. It came out of the blue. I was thankful to live through it but ii felt so guilty and I was so distressed that every day I spent all my awake time expecting to have another one and die. After three years of this and of my PCP and some other doctors pushing me to go on meds. I gave in. I was prescribed Paxil and Xanax. I took them for over a dozen years. I was so numb to everything. When I decided to quit them, about 2 years ago, I went through a terrible time. First I quit the Xanax and that wasn't a big problem. But when I started quitting the Paxil it was horrible. The first 5 months I cried every day. I had "those" thoughts you write about. Well, you get it. I am not over it yet but I am better. I do not believe patients are supposed to be on Paxil for years and years yet my doctor, when I told her I thought I wanted to stop told me she thought I should stay on them and she even doubled my dose. I wish I had never weakened and had never begun those pills.

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Dear Consuelo-- I am so glad to hear that you survived your heart attack! And congratulations on your continued recovery from your exposure to psychiatric drugs. ❤️ Ginger

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I do not know the cause of your heart issues, and certainly there are supplements that may help. But if you have blockages, you might be interested in this from one of the most famous scientists that lived: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8maetlPd8Q

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Excellent advice. In addition it is critical to be physically prepared with the basic requirements for Shelter, Sustenance, Safety.

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I was surprised. Never received such intelligent advice as in this article. Couldn't find anything to disagree with - lol. Not only that, but I can share with family members, all of whom are smart enough to know what's coming intellectually, but deny it emotionally. Even with their noses in the ground, I'm sure this article will affect them.

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I needed this right now - thank you for your sane voice!!

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You are the first one to echo my thoughts about the attempt on Trumps life. It was obvious to me. I said "Look at that crowd?! If it was anywhere else there would be a stampede to get out of there., but there wasn't!" It truly shows the caliber of the people of this nation. Don't count us down and out yet, world. I pray for a spiritual and moral awakening like never before in this country. Did you know that 90% of the gospel preached all over the world originates in America? Now, can you see why satan, via his nihilist Orcs, want us to fall? I refuse. Thank you for this.♥

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Thank you so much for this article, Dr. Breggin. It was a very helpful therapy session! A close friend is experiencing some anxiety and we couldn't think of one therapist we would trust, and then here comes this column of wise advice. We are so grateful for you and Ginger. May God continue to bless and keep you.

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What a lovely article, and the part that I especially appreciate is: "Whenever you are faced with an emergency, don’t have one of your own."

The first step for me when I am distressed is to ask myself, "What is the reality?" Answering forces me to get outside of what I think, feel or imagine and see what is actually happening. Most of the time, nothing is really affecting me or doesn't need immediate attention, but when there is a real emergency it frees me to act appropriately. A quick plea to the Almighty for advice in acting on a true emergency has always been answered for me and always been correct.

IMO far too many people allow letting what they hear or think become personal crises. One of my favorites, I had lunch with several people a couple of years ago, all but two are left-leaning Trump haters. And they all agreed how terrible Trump is, but the conversation shifted to how badly their retirement investments were doing when they had been doing well before. They never made the connection to the past and current administrations because, for this at least, they live inside their heads.

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Amen and amen! Every morning I wake up and ask.. God, what do you want be to do today?... it puts me in an attentive frame of mind as I go about my day, finding opportunities to lighten others' hearts.

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Thank you, Peter, for your wisdom.

“The world at its worst, needs you at your best.”—Harry Palmer

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You write: The Biggest Life Lesson: Taking Care of Each Other.

That is what the intent is toward Reiner and Ed Wackerman. The Corona Committee - that was taking care of people - people confused, unsure, lacking information, lacking support. And now Reiner needs our care-taking. By the way, Ed Wackerman is also a lifelong caretaker who now urgently needs others to help.

Why am I writing? I would like you - either one of you, or both of you - to interview me on these 2 good men and the torture they are experiencing. Reiner has just endured 3 weeks of non-stop sleep deprivation - someone mentally ill and screaming day and night has been placed in the cell beside his. Today the court day was interrupted as he was too ill to continue. As for Ed, he has been in agony since his arrest in June 2023, when his special inlay and brace were taken away, as was his pain medication. He often wakes up crying from the pain.

What can I do, I asked myself. I have been posting on both men. My thought: it's time to reach out further, through interviews - like with you. So please, would you interview me on Reiner and Ed, on what is going on and what we can do.

I wrote a post on Reiner and Ed today. Here it is:


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Dear Elsa, I have read your reports regarding Reiner's struggles, and I had separately come across Ed Wacherman's story when I looked into the Paradise CA fire. Both are tragic. They mirror also the torture endured by the January 6 prisoners who are still many of them, in jail to this day. We would like very much to interview you. I will reach out privately to you to set up a time. ~ Ginger

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Dear Ginger, This is a nudge about scheduling the interview about Reiner and Ed - and the larger picture of what is happening. The court day today was cancelled as Reiner is not well. All the best to all of us, Elsa

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Dear Ginger, Fantastic. You can reach me at: elsa@truthsummit.info. I'm looking forward to it. One step, then another step. Elsa

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In Jesus’ Name I agree with your prayer, Amen.

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Dear Drs Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin. I am so grateful to know you.

I can not look back and go over again the mistakes I have made these past 8 years.

thank you for this today. I printed it out. I will try to stay grounded and calm.

Some of us are magnets for verbal abuse. I am grateful that I have a stable and strong husband.

I just need to read this every day.

My hubbs taught me (during a lot of family [two siblings] emotional conflict after my father's passing last year at age 99.5) to remain calm. I have finally grasped on to this response "Are you okay?"

It is not demeaning, I can always add "help me understand why you are upset."

I am learning. Thank you.

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Hi Rosemary B-- Ginger here-- I think many of us are lifelong students-- trying to learn more about this experience called life!

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thank you dear Ginger.

All of us are imperfect humans. Just the same as with material pursuits, we make errors or mistakes, that is how we learn. Looking back, I recognise that making mistakes is pretty much how I have learned just about everything.

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