Karen was the only one, in the whole world that discovered that the DoD contracted Pfizer to inject us with nano-routers emitting Bluetooth (which we discovered being picked by our phones and re-sent to a Human ID website):
Nano “technologies in the COVID-19 injections are classified as ELECTROMAGNETIC DEVICES per Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract and Title 21 US Code 351(a)(2)(B), and the 2017 FDA Guidance on Drugs and Devices.” 1
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration, Office of Combination Products, Office of Special Medical Programs Office of the Commissioner “Classification of Products as Drugs and Devices & Additional Product Classification Issues: Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff” September 2017. https://www.fda.gov/media/80384/download
Will soon post more in my substack. In the meantime read this:
Wishing you all the strength and mental fortitude necessary to endure your present circumstances. Having truth on your side will see you through in the end.
Hopefully, this will be the case for the calamity Karen is facing too.
We are all living through absurdities we would never have imagined.
Julie, you’d better watch it, the Thought Police might give you the obedient meter, as it appears you may have had too much to think! And maybe you’ve been listening to George? This was from our last Session:
Online, Ongoing, Free, & Freeing--Friday, Aug 11, 9pm; Saturday, Aug 12, 9pm; Sunday, Aug 13, 9am New Zealand time
George Carlin knew the Totalitarian Takeover of America would happen via Huxley’s voluntary enslavement of drugs, sex, and consumerism rather than Orwell’s coercive boot to the non-obedient face.
GEORGE CARLIN SCHOOL PANEL ON FASCISM Johnny Akzam, Oct 21, 2015 Video 10:00
5:46> "When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts, it will not be with Jackboots. It will be Nike sneakers and smiley shirts, smiley, smiley
RE false flags and false leaders: this is radical, (from the Latin word “radix”) literally getting to the ROOT of the subject matter. It’s about not being deceived and overcoming the deceptions one has already fallen prey to. It’s about knowing the truth.
Ultimately, because of agency, every person is accountable to him or herself to know the truth, the facts, the evidence AND to avoid deception.
Dr Robert Malone? Personally, I believe that the guy is a deceiver. The most skilled deceivers mix their primary deception in with a lot of very good information. It’s like the poison pill mixed in with a delicious bowl of rice pudding. It’s extremely unfortunate that so many members of the (so-called) “Health Freedom Movement” have accepted Malone’s (so-called) “leadership” and his influence.
And what is not unexpected but saddens me is the hundreds of Malone followers, of which I was one in 2021, blindly agreeing Karen is a “nut job” based solely on the one post he cites. Congratulating him and sympathizing with him for having to defend his greatness. Gah! Her work going back two years is brave truth, uncompromising and for the sake of humanity, not grifting as he arrogantly projects.
How very sad! Karen was very clear and concise and brought evidence. Of all the people out there sharing what in the world these injections are, she presented very clear and thoughtful analysis and backed her claims with documents. I am so sad that people would be so quick to attack her. I cannot wait to hear that she is well! She had nothing to gain and everything to lose by trying to share the information she was sharing! I pray that she is safe!!!
we have all been under a weaponized propaganda campaign; no surprise that someone with real legal dirt on them would be specifically targeted and gaslit. Only a difference in specifics and degree.
Dr. Breggin, I found out today from a local funeral home director that their professional monthly magazine for undertakers has a big article exposing concerns of the rubbery clots that can be two to three feet long running the full length of the leg once remove to allow embalming fluid into the impacted arteries. Clearly, both Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Milhaleca have been correct about these rubbery hydrogel Q-dot Graphene Oxide polyethylene glycol self assembling clots caused by these dangerous injections. I have seen them and know of many decreases family members including my own that have died suddenly days, weeks & months after receiving these injections. I am currently assisting someone that return from ICU with three large clots hoping that intravenous EDTA & vitamin C can dissolve these polymers to save their life. God bless, Karen Kingston. She & Dr. David Martin are two very special people sent by God to help humanity just like you sir! The obtained wisdom that you possess by fighting against the evil & dogma in psychiatry gives many of us in the health freedom movement a voice of reason in a corrupt environment of government tyranny! Thank you! Bernie
My father, now 82yo, is a sociopath/psycopath. He has left a trail of destruction to too many throughout his life. Many of those are the very people a brother, son, father, grandfather, friend should be caring for. But, to him, they were targets. Targets disarmed and vulnerable due their familial proximity.
Despite the carnage in his wake, he has a close group (though it has diminished over time) around him seemingly oblivious to his destructive nature, and always keen to disparage those pointing out his grotesque deeds.
Malone reminds me of my father, though they look nothing alike.
Sasha has been banning anyone who talks nano on her site according to many. Thats my big red flag these days. Your comment just reinforces my perspective as correct.
My 2 cents: Anyone who still doubts that nanotech is being forced into all life forms on earth is probably complicit and not simply invincibly ignorant, IMHO. Think of it as the Holy Grail they are trying to keep from being publicly discovered/recognized.
Sasha treats those who raise the core issues of (1) nanotechnology poisoning and (2) 5G/anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation poisoning and (3) “viruses as contagions are unproven and, therefore, virology is pseudoscience” as members of a cult, or three cults.
Attacking people who raise these issues as being cultists exposes the attacker.
When readers watch these exchanges, many of us are trying to understand who is correct and who is wrong. I wasn’t referring to a scare tactic being used on you. Attacking those who bring up nanotech and 5G and “viruses don’t exist as contagions” as cultists can affect the thinking of readers. It’s pretty judgmental and negative. It boils down to Sasha’s character and her trustworthiness.
I’m not familiar with the different “generations” of warfare and also unsure as to what 5th generation warfare is. Thank you for piquing my curiosity!
Off the top of my head, it seems as if military psychological operations are designed to obfuscate who the evil-doers are and are designed for optimal confusion.
Oh yes, was following her until she revealed herself in that post. End of story, she and Bailliwick are bought. Dr Ana warned of her a few months back. The playbook is clear at this point, anyone rejecting 5G, nanotech, and graphene is enemy territory.
“The playbook is clear at this point, anyone rejecting 5G, nanotech, and graphene is enemy territory.”
I guess that I’m okay being labeled an “enemy” by various Substack authors and groups. At this point, I’m not in a position to reject any hypotheses associated with Covid and the globalists’ plans to establish the great reset.
I simply don’t know enough about anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation poisoning and nanotech poisoning and graphene poisoning. I’m 100% convinced that all (so-called) “vaccines” are toxic and that they compromise our innate immune systems. I tend to focus more on the “old” pollutants: pharmaceuticals, street drugs, tobacco, herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, inhaled micro-particulates that become deeply embedded in the lungs.
As for gene therapy, it’s one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse: death.
I agree with you on the 4 horsemen. Sorry to throw you into the bucket re:enemy…I should have stated more clearly that I refer to any published expert on the subject that rejects the Transhumanist agenda and it’s coordinated technological attack on humanity. The various moving parts have been well-documented for a long time by many. At this point I encourage you to start with La Quinta Columna website in addition to their 3 hour live conference from Seville late March ‘23. It’s the all-in-one approach and now has english translation and subtitles. You will also recognize the many references from Dr Ana substack and many others on the subject.
When we’re on the side of the Truth (Christ refers to Himself as “the Way and the Truth and the Life”, as you know well), we’re going to be an enemy of the father of lies and everyone (and I mean EVERYONE, small and great) who is allied with the father of lies, the prince of this world, the prince of the power of the air.
I know that you didn’t put me in the camp of the enemy, and thank you for your explanation.
As for the La Quinta Columna website, I’m only a little bit familiar with it, but familiar nonetheless; just as I’d already heard of Dr Ana Mihalcea, but was obviously not as familiar with her work as you are.
Thanks again for informing me about where you get your bona fide (as opposed to pseudo-) scientific information.
Dr Ana Mihalcea, a warrior and PhD who’s testing, treating, and publishing critical findings of her unvaxed patients. If you aren’t familiar with her substack plz take a look. She’s a loyal friend and associate of Karen Kingston among others.
the people who don't believe in virology do seem sometimes like a belief based cult. I had to read a book on Bechamps and Pasteur to refresh my memory of their disagreement. Neither of them disbelieved in bacteria or viruses; microscopes had just become strong enough to see bacteria. What they differed on was if they caused disease, or were drawn to disease states to feed upon decayed cells, as it were. Pasteur believed they were causative, and specific ones caused specific diseases. And he was a bully and self-promoter. Bechamps maintained the more conservative view.
People who believe in viruses as causative agents of disease could be the ones who are members of a belief-based pseudoscientific cult. Maybe do some research on the subject and see what Dr Mark Bailey has to say. https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/
“Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfil its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease, yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing.” ~ Dr Mark Bailey
I did not disagree, I said the anti-virology group seems often like a cult. Immediate attacks on anyone even speaking to the issue. Thank you for proving my point.
I apologize for how I responded. It was not my intent to make you feel attacked. I’m simply providing information, in this instance from Dr Mark Bailey. I am just a messenger.
Very illuminating, Doctor. I am putting all this together for subsequent Substack articles, and I'll be sending these considerations to my Congressman, my Senators, the governor, and my local officials as well. Thank you!
I left the us in 2015. I could see the corruption ramping up in the us. I came south from a hopelessly corrupt state, from my viewpoint. I keep up with the politics there, as I still have family there. I just would like to send a simple inquiry to the sheriff asking if he has already received cease-and-desist requests, snd. If so, how many. I could vote there, but I have not been in the us since 2019, before the world closed down. A model demand such as that for Fla, oh my dear heaven, that would not be received well on the upper left coast, so I would like to be a bit more subtle and pretend-innocent.
Hi Merry. Miss Karen Kingston actually wrote an astonishing, enormously documented and referenced, legally formatted, fully articulated Demand Letter, which may be tailored by any user to his or her county, and sent to the Sheriff. They have ultimate authority over law enforcement in their counties. Given the impotence of Congress, Karen decided this would be the best approach. Her recent trip to Florida was to aide local officials in getting the sheriffs there to ban the Covid-19 junk jabs. And she was possibly stabbed in the back by someone there, an possibly poisoned, and she had to leave in a hurry.
A few weeks back I posted a comment on Sasha Latypova's substack and mentioned Karen Kingston and she was not happy that I mentioned Karen's name. It was so strange. She stated that Karen was an idiot so I asked why. Her response was, "Because she posts garbage along with factually correct information very consistently. She inserts false info so that it gets picked up by the "freedom movement" and then we all get discredited based on this...Her "vaccines are medical devices" and "nanotechnology" narratives are designed to discredit everyone on our side."
Sasha believes that the people who believe in nanotechnology are members of a (so-called) “cult” -- or so it seems to me. Sasha also believes that there are members of a “no virus” cult.
I think that arguing about these issues is distracting. It plays into the strategy of the rulers, namely “divide and conquer”. What’s the one core issue which has the potential to unite the members of the health freedom movement? We are fighting pathocrats and psychopaths. Will psychopaths (or their henchmen) attempt to infiltrate the health freedom movement by (1) attacking founding leaders and (2) assuming leadership roles for themselves? Obviously, yes. So the answer seems to be “We need to discover within ourselves how to spot the psychopaths -- about 1% of any group -- and those who are siding with the psychopaths.” Who in the health freedom movement is proving themselves to be untrustworthy?
1%? No, Gary. I have been involved in activism for 55 years and I can tell you stories about undercover cops and alphabetti agents which would have your hair on end.
They swarm us, Gary. In UK Anti-Fracking we had dozens of them trying to upset our applecart, trying to claim leadership and above all, creating disruption, division and disgrace whenever they could.... especially in front of cameras.
From my reading, the “essential psychopaths” constitute about 1% of the population. These are the natural born psychopaths. It’s genetic, IFF one accepts that personalities are hardwired. Then there are the “effective psychopaths”, namely those who follow the essential ones and who are nurtured by them. They constitute another three to six percent of the population. (That’s actually a very sizable number, no?) Then there are those who are employed by the essential and effective psychopaths. The employees serve as an effective buffer for the psychos. They are the ones who claim “I am not as accountable as the higher ups. I was following orders”, which is no excuse for their malignant behaviors. Are the undercover police officers and the agents of the alphabetti organizations only employees or are they psychopaths? You would know better than myself.
I know that genuine psychopaths are few. If you want my personal opinion then I would say that if police and alphabettis are not psychopaths when they enroll they certainly become psychopaths to keep their jobs and gain promotion.
Can psychopathy be learned? I think that is how it is passed from generation to generation by the aristocracy (the Black Nobility in particular). They brutalise their children as a matter of tradition. Ask anyone who has attended a British boarding school.
Yes...she responded to my post on Sage Hana's the other day....you can read her responses on the link provided below.....
ME: " posted this on another Sage stack but it's worth reposting......
Malone's GETTR acct response to the Kingston posts ..... "The Karen Kingston video that keeps getting reposted is either an example of someone experiencing a psychological crisis or a psy op. The fact that many, many low connectivity (ergo Bot and Troll accounts) have reposted that with similar message wording indicates that which ever it originally was, it is now being exploited for yet another fifth gen warfare attack. But her family (brother) has asked that this stop, and that the family has intervened. I recommend that all concerned respect that. And for the record, I do not know her, have no connections with her situation, no awareness that her claims have any basis in reality, and no ability to intervene on her behalf. So unless you are just trolling, please drop this."
Maybe not. "Trust no one but God, not even me" is very apt at this hour. Every person must now be constantly vetted and reevaluated in light of subsequent pronouncements and behavior. Falsehoods can be delivered by apparent truthtellers. It's part of IC training/MO.
The most skilled deceivers mix in a lie with a lot of good information. That is how a lie can mimic truth and adapt itself to truth. It’s insidious. Psychopaths are not only masters of manipulation and gaslighting, they are also master deceivers. Even the devil has the power to appear as an angel of light.
I find it interesting ladypova ridicules/ minimizes the potential Graphene Oxide could be part of the issue. It indicates to me that some are hovering over ‘a’ target.
In the maelstrom of information I mull over the following questions…..
1. Are there entities both in the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex and the Technological industrial Complex who want merge human biology with nanotechnology.
Answer -Yes.
2. Are there patents and technology involving embedding nanotech including Graphene Oxide and other substances into biology for the purpose of monitoring, interacting and even controlling biology.
Answer- Yes consider the ‘work’ of Charles Lieber across 3 decades + involving merging nanotech with humans .
3. Are there numerous entities who believe that every aspect of life on earth should be monitored by a grid overseen by AI and initially ‘nudged’ in the direction which seems best to said entities.
Answer- Yes. Consider the 3 minute video on NBC news which chronicled how AI and cameras monitored every aspect of peoples lives in China. This with the fact the WEF and other entities believe the CCP model should be replicated globally….
I very much like the idea of suing the DoD, but I don’t believe such a lawsuit would go anywhere and I don’t believe that it would stop the evil actions of the DoD. It’s too much like the successful lawsuits against Pfizer in the past. The lawsuits finding Pfizer negligent only resulted in fines. The fines are a pittance compared to Pfizer’s profits.
There are two people on that list that I would never want to fight-- Catherine Austin Fitts and Judy Miskovits. Both have been persecuted by the government and have come out the other side. Very, VERY stupid of him to go after those two very admirable women.
We also need to be cognizant of the fact that those of us on Substack -- whether simply readers who don’t comment or commenters or authors of articles -- who know that we are at war with the State (a false god) and in a spiritual war against the devil and psychopaths and “principalities and powers and the rulers of this present darkness and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places” are not united in Christ. There are infiltrators who appear to be with us, but who are in fact against us. Again, discernment, Discernment, DISCERNment.
I am so grateful for this post. Larry Sullivan Substack a longstanding subscriber to Karen, just posted today his Part One that he will not stop inquiring about Karen's safety because none of us subscribers appreciate intimidation tactics urging people to stop being "speculators." The communication on her last Substack post has what appears to be someone new trying to frame a narrative that Karen needs to seek medical attention for malaria. A lot of people are suspicious and Karen seems to be completely locked out of account.
Thank you again for bringing us this new post about Karen Kingston. We're all praying for her.
“As we have already noted, Dr. Malone claims many thought leaders in the freedom movement are attacking him; he reiterates that in his column, naming many names. And there are others that he does not name. The oldest trick in the book is to point your finger at your opponent and claim that ‘they started it.’ “
The Malones’ post was filled with not so subtle cuts and attacks on every person they listed. Clearly, it’s their enemies list and they position themselves as victims. Thank you for showing your readers the harm they bring to Karen by contacting her family. We don’t fully know what has happened to her. Yet the Malones are willing to destroy her in any possible way, even by bringing in her family with public posts. Could they have been silent? Yes, but these two ‘leaders’ who could have shown grace to Karen Kingston went on the attack.
Along with so many of your ardent supporter, I wish to add my thoughts and prayers. You are a great beacon of truth and hope for many of us. There does seem to be a great sorting going on within all aspects of any freedom-oriented collective, and you will probably find this at micro-level even in small regional groups struggling to ensure protection and security for fellow members.
For what it is worth, the truth-tellers seem to be fewer and farther between, but with growing reach. I humbly submit:
Jonathan Couey
Mark Kulacz
Mathew Crawford
Georg Webb
Peter Duke
James Dellingpole
These people share a humility and courage that we can all take great comfort from . You two fall into this category and for that I am so grateful. Thank you and God bless you.
The issue with her response to hide is that itself hides whatever Malone wanted to silence. I hope she realizes that if she returns, that is a better position because we are still watching and will see if she's gone. That's why these creeps can't just take people out like they did in the past.
Diana West has posted another column correcting a statement misattributed to her by Robert Malone.
Never too late.
She's 1 in 8 billion.
Karen was the only one, in the whole world that discovered that the DoD contracted Pfizer to inject us with nano-routers emitting Bluetooth (which we discovered being picked by our phones and re-sent to a Human ID website):
Nano “technologies in the COVID-19 injections are classified as ELECTROMAGNETIC DEVICES per Pfizer’s Operation Warp Speed contract and Title 21 US Code 351(a)(2)(B), and the 2017 FDA Guidance on Drugs and Devices.” 1
1 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY CONTRACTING COMMAND. “COVID-19 PANDEMIC—LARGE SCALE VACCINE MANUFACTURING DEMONSTRATION” RPP #: 20-11 Project Identifier: 2011-003. Statement of Work for Pfizer. July 21, 2020. https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/pfizer-inc-covid-19-vaccine-contract.pdf
21 U.S. Code § 351a2B - Adulterated drugs and devices, Chapter 9, Subchapter V, Part A https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/21/351#:~:text=For%20purposes%20of%20paragraph%20(a,the%20manufacturing%20of%20drugs%2C%20and
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration, Office of Combination Products, Office of Special Medical Programs Office of the Commissioner “Classification of Products as Drugs and Devices & Additional Product Classification Issues: Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff” September 2017. https://www.fda.gov/media/80384/download
Will soon post more in my substack. In the meantime read this:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Dear Peter and Ginger,
Wishing you all the strength and mental fortitude necessary to endure your present circumstances. Having truth on your side will see you through in the end.
Hopefully, this will be the case for the calamity Karen is facing too.
We are all living through absurdities we would never have imagined.
Griffin, who spotted the Cabal long before we did, weighs in about false flags: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmL1i6aKS-c
"G. Edward Griffin Issues Emergency Warning Beware False Leaders in the Fight Against the Globalists"
If you don't understand Malone, you probably have not figured out yet that our government is killing us.
Here is currently available copy on YouTube
Get free, stay safe.
Thank you!
Not surprising youtube has already removed it.
"This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service"
Thanks I prefer Rumble when I can.
me too!
Here is currently available copy on YouTube
Get free, stay safe.
Thanks for the video. The Nazis weren’t defeated, they merely ced to the US.
Julie, you’d better watch it, the Thought Police might give you the obedient meter, as it appears you may have had too much to think! And maybe you’ve been listening to George? This was from our last Session:
Online, Ongoing, Free, & Freeing--Friday, Aug 11, 9pm; Saturday, Aug 12, 9pm; Sunday, Aug 13, 9am New Zealand time
George Carlin knew the Totalitarian Takeover of America would happen via Huxley’s voluntary enslavement of drugs, sex, and consumerism rather than Orwell’s coercive boot to the non-obedient face.
GEORGE CARLIN SCHOOL PANEL ON FASCISM Johnny Akzam, Oct 21, 2015 Video 10:00
5:46> "When fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts, it will not be with Jackboots. It will be Nike sneakers and smiley shirts, smiley, smiley
Join us this weekend for Session 42.Democracy and the Road to Tyranny?
Here for details and links:
Get free, stay safe.
I’m 70 and vax injured, the thought police are already on to me
You are welcome.
RE false flags and false leaders: this is radical, (from the Latin word “radix”) literally getting to the ROOT of the subject matter. It’s about not being deceived and overcoming the deceptions one has already fallen prey to. It’s about knowing the truth.
Ultimately, because of agency, every person is accountable to him or herself to know the truth, the facts, the evidence AND to avoid deception.
Dr Robert Malone? Personally, I believe that the guy is a deceiver. The most skilled deceivers mix their primary deception in with a lot of very good information. It’s like the poison pill mixed in with a delicious bowl of rice pudding. It’s extremely unfortunate that so many members of the (so-called) “Health Freedom Movement” have accepted Malone’s (so-called) “leadership” and his influence.
And yes, the pathocracy is killing people.
What’s the (so-called) “pathocracy”?
The video has been removed- community standards and all that BS
We were warned by god to beware false gods- these days it’s difficult there are so many out there
We are living in the great deception as warned, with all signs of what to expect in such times 🙏🏼
Sometimes I wonder how this great deception (or delusion) will get worse.
Very pertinent information, greatly appreciate this contribution.
Rumble https://rumble.com/v32k5mn-g.-edward-griffin-issues-emergency-warning-beware-false-leaders.html
Video at that link has been removed for "violating standards."
Thank you for sharing! I am saddened at those slandering Karen, so I thank you for trying to expose what may likely be happening!
And what is not unexpected but saddens me is the hundreds of Malone followers, of which I was one in 2021, blindly agreeing Karen is a “nut job” based solely on the one post he cites. Congratulating him and sympathizing with him for having to defend his greatness. Gah! Her work going back two years is brave truth, uncompromising and for the sake of humanity, not grifting as he arrogantly projects.
How very sad! Karen was very clear and concise and brought evidence. Of all the people out there sharing what in the world these injections are, she presented very clear and thoughtful analysis and backed her claims with documents. I am so sad that people would be so quick to attack her. I cannot wait to hear that she is well! She had nothing to gain and everything to lose by trying to share the information she was sharing! I pray that she is safe!!!
Sorry for yet another reply, but you might want to check out this article: https://open.substack.com/pub/lionessofjudah/p/pfizer-whistleblower-karen-kingston?r=2o118d&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
From another comment you communicated with me, I’m happy that you’re discovering intelligent dialogue on Substack.
we have all been under a weaponized propaganda campaign; no surprise that someone with real legal dirt on them would be specifically targeted and gaslit. Only a difference in specifics and degree.
Dr. Breggin, I found out today from a local funeral home director that their professional monthly magazine for undertakers has a big article exposing concerns of the rubbery clots that can be two to three feet long running the full length of the leg once remove to allow embalming fluid into the impacted arteries. Clearly, both Karen Kingston & Dr. Ana Milhaleca have been correct about these rubbery hydrogel Q-dot Graphene Oxide polyethylene glycol self assembling clots caused by these dangerous injections. I have seen them and know of many decreases family members including my own that have died suddenly days, weeks & months after receiving these injections. I am currently assisting someone that return from ICU with three large clots hoping that intravenous EDTA & vitamin C can dissolve these polymers to save their life. God bless, Karen Kingston. She & Dr. David Martin are two very special people sent by God to help humanity just like you sir! The obtained wisdom that you possess by fighting against the evil & dogma in psychiatry gives many of us in the health freedom movement a voice of reason in a corrupt environment of government tyranny! Thank you! Bernie
Bernie can you get us a PDF copy of that magazine article?
I will ask Nick today!
Thank you Bernie!
Please post a link to it if you can.
My father, now 82yo, is a sociopath/psycopath. He has left a trail of destruction to too many throughout his life. Many of those are the very people a brother, son, father, grandfather, friend should be caring for. But, to him, they were targets. Targets disarmed and vulnerable due their familial proximity.
Despite the carnage in his wake, he has a close group (though it has diminished over time) around him seemingly oblivious to his destructive nature, and always keen to disparage those pointing out his grotesque deeds.
Malone reminds me of my father, though they look nothing alike.
Sometimes it takes someone who has experienced the dark side of human nature to see it so clearly in others. Thank you for your words.
Sasha has been banning anyone who talks nano on her site according to many. Thats my big red flag these days. Your comment just reinforces my perspective as correct.
My 2 cents: Anyone who still doubts that nanotech is being forced into all life forms on earth is probably complicit and not simply invincibly ignorant, IMHO. Think of it as the Holy Grail they are trying to keep from being publicly discovered/recognized.
I raised the issue of 5G and asked a couple of relevant questions. Sasha reacted like a tiger and after a strange exchange she blocked me.
Sasha treats those who raise the core issues of (1) nanotechnology poisoning and (2) 5G/anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation poisoning and (3) “viruses as contagions are unproven and, therefore, virology is pseudoscience” as members of a cult, or three cults.
Attacking people who raise these issues as being cultists exposes the attacker.
It’s a scare tactic.
Well, she failed to scare me. She confirmed that I could not trust her, which was a great disappointment. I told her so before she blocked me.
When readers watch these exchanges, many of us are trying to understand who is correct and who is wrong. I wasn’t referring to a scare tactic being used on you. Attacking those who bring up nanotech and 5G and “viruses don’t exist as contagions” as cultists can affect the thinking of readers. It’s pretty judgmental and negative. It boils down to Sasha’s character and her trustworthiness.
I believe it was "Prey" by Michael Crichton. Also read that book back in the day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prey_(novel)
I’m not familiar with the different “generations” of warfare and also unsure as to what 5th generation warfare is. Thank you for piquing my curiosity!
Off the top of my head, it seems as if military psychological operations are designed to obfuscate who the evil-doers are and are designed for optimal confusion.
Thanks, Sharon, for the reply.
Oh yes, was following her until she revealed herself in that post. End of story, she and Bailliwick are bought. Dr Ana warned of her a few months back. The playbook is clear at this point, anyone rejecting 5G, nanotech, and graphene is enemy territory.
Katherine Watt is BOUGHT? Oh my, that's just nuts.
Well, she’s with Sasha so there you have it. Compromised.
Malone's on your list of reads. You must be compromised. 😂
“The playbook is clear at this point, anyone rejecting 5G, nanotech, and graphene is enemy territory.”
I guess that I’m okay being labeled an “enemy” by various Substack authors and groups. At this point, I’m not in a position to reject any hypotheses associated with Covid and the globalists’ plans to establish the great reset.
I simply don’t know enough about anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation poisoning and nanotech poisoning and graphene poisoning. I’m 100% convinced that all (so-called) “vaccines” are toxic and that they compromise our innate immune systems. I tend to focus more on the “old” pollutants: pharmaceuticals, street drugs, tobacco, herbicides, pesticides, heavy metals, inhaled micro-particulates that become deeply embedded in the lungs.
As for gene therapy, it’s one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse: death.
I agree with you on the 4 horsemen. Sorry to throw you into the bucket re:enemy…I should have stated more clearly that I refer to any published expert on the subject that rejects the Transhumanist agenda and it’s coordinated technological attack on humanity. The various moving parts have been well-documented for a long time by many. At this point I encourage you to start with La Quinta Columna website in addition to their 3 hour live conference from Seville late March ‘23. It’s the all-in-one approach and now has english translation and subtitles. You will also recognize the many references from Dr Ana substack and many others on the subject.
When we’re on the side of the Truth (Christ refers to Himself as “the Way and the Truth and the Life”, as you know well), we’re going to be an enemy of the father of lies and everyone (and I mean EVERYONE, small and great) who is allied with the father of lies, the prince of this world, the prince of the power of the air.
I know that you didn’t put me in the camp of the enemy, and thank you for your explanation.
As for the La Quinta Columna website, I’m only a little bit familiar with it, but familiar nonetheless; just as I’d already heard of Dr Ana Mihalcea, but was obviously not as familiar with her work as you are.
Thanks again for informing me about where you get your bona fide (as opposed to pseudo-) scientific information.
By the way, who is Dr Ana?
Dr Ana Mihalcea, a warrior and PhD who’s testing, treating, and publishing critical findings of her unvaxed patients. If you aren’t familiar with her substack plz take a look. She’s a loyal friend and associate of Karen Kingston among others.
Thank you!!
the people who don't believe in virology do seem sometimes like a belief based cult. I had to read a book on Bechamps and Pasteur to refresh my memory of their disagreement. Neither of them disbelieved in bacteria or viruses; microscopes had just become strong enough to see bacteria. What they differed on was if they caused disease, or were drawn to disease states to feed upon decayed cells, as it were. Pasteur believed they were causative, and specific ones caused specific diseases. And he was a bully and self-promoter. Bechamps maintained the more conservative view.
People who believe in viruses as causative agents of disease could be the ones who are members of a belief-based pseudoscientific cult. Maybe do some research on the subject and see what Dr Mark Bailey has to say. https://drsambailey.com/a-farewell-to-virology-expert-edition/
“Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfil its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease, yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing.” ~ Dr Mark Bailey
I did not disagree, I said the anti-virology group seems often like a cult. Immediate attacks on anyone even speaking to the issue. Thank you for proving my point.
I apologize for how I responded. It was not my intent to make you feel attacked. I’m simply providing information, in this instance from Dr Mark Bailey. I am just a messenger.
Very illuminating, Doctor. I am putting all this together for subsequent Substack articles, and I'll be sending these considerations to my Congressman, my Senators, the governor, and my local officials as well. Thank you!
I left the us in 2015. I could see the corruption ramping up in the us. I came south from a hopelessly corrupt state, from my viewpoint. I keep up with the politics there, as I still have family there. I just would like to send a simple inquiry to the sheriff asking if he has already received cease-and-desist requests, snd. If so, how many. I could vote there, but I have not been in the us since 2019, before the world closed down. A model demand such as that for Fla, oh my dear heaven, that would not be received well on the upper left coast, so I would like to be a bit more subtle and pretend-innocent.
Hi Merry. Miss Karen Kingston actually wrote an astonishing, enormously documented and referenced, legally formatted, fully articulated Demand Letter, which may be tailored by any user to his or her county, and sent to the Sheriff. They have ultimate authority over law enforcement in their counties. Given the impotence of Congress, Karen decided this would be the best approach. Her recent trip to Florida was to aide local officials in getting the sheriffs there to ban the Covid-19 junk jabs. And she was possibly stabbed in the back by someone there, an possibly poisoned, and she had to leave in a hurry.
Thanks for all those names of people he is attacking. I will listen to those people more now.
& Sasha Latypova is agreeing with Malone, tells me a lot. She’s been saying we can’t (find a loophole) to sue the department of defense.
A few weeks back I posted a comment on Sasha Latypova's substack and mentioned Karen Kingston and she was not happy that I mentioned Karen's name. It was so strange. She stated that Karen was an idiot so I asked why. Her response was, "Because she posts garbage along with factually correct information very consistently. She inserts false info so that it gets picked up by the "freedom movement" and then we all get discredited based on this...Her "vaccines are medical devices" and "nanotechnology" narratives are designed to discredit everyone on our side."
I'm just don't understand what's going on here.
Sasha believes that the people who believe in nanotechnology are members of a (so-called) “cult” -- or so it seems to me. Sasha also believes that there are members of a “no virus” cult.
I think that arguing about these issues is distracting. It plays into the strategy of the rulers, namely “divide and conquer”. What’s the one core issue which has the potential to unite the members of the health freedom movement? We are fighting pathocrats and psychopaths. Will psychopaths (or their henchmen) attempt to infiltrate the health freedom movement by (1) attacking founding leaders and (2) assuming leadership roles for themselves? Obviously, yes. So the answer seems to be “We need to discover within ourselves how to spot the psychopaths -- about 1% of any group -- and those who are siding with the psychopaths.” Who in the health freedom movement is proving themselves to be untrustworthy?
1%? No, Gary. I have been involved in activism for 55 years and I can tell you stories about undercover cops and alphabetti agents which would have your hair on end.
They swarm us, Gary. In UK Anti-Fracking we had dozens of them trying to upset our applecart, trying to claim leadership and above all, creating disruption, division and disgrace whenever they could.... especially in front of cameras.
From my reading, the “essential psychopaths” constitute about 1% of the population. These are the natural born psychopaths. It’s genetic, IFF one accepts that personalities are hardwired. Then there are the “effective psychopaths”, namely those who follow the essential ones and who are nurtured by them. They constitute another three to six percent of the population. (That’s actually a very sizable number, no?) Then there are those who are employed by the essential and effective psychopaths. The employees serve as an effective buffer for the psychos. They are the ones who claim “I am not as accountable as the higher ups. I was following orders”, which is no excuse for their malignant behaviors. Are the undercover police officers and the agents of the alphabetti organizations only employees or are they psychopaths? You would know better than myself.
I know that genuine psychopaths are few. If you want my personal opinion then I would say that if police and alphabettis are not psychopaths when they enroll they certainly become psychopaths to keep their jobs and gain promotion.
Can psychopathy be learned? I think that is how it is passed from generation to generation by the aristocracy (the Black Nobility in particular). They brutalise their children as a matter of tradition. Ask anyone who has attended a British boarding school.
Thanks for sharing that. I remember reading it.
Yes...she responded to my post on Sage Hana's the other day....you can read her responses on the link provided below.....
ME: " posted this on another Sage stack but it's worth reposting......
Malone's GETTR acct response to the Kingston posts ..... "The Karen Kingston video that keeps getting reposted is either an example of someone experiencing a psychological crisis or a psy op. The fact that many, many low connectivity (ergo Bot and Troll accounts) have reposted that with similar message wording indicates that which ever it originally was, it is now being exploited for yet another fifth gen warfare attack. But her family (brother) has asked that this stop, and that the family has intervened. I recommend that all concerned respect that. And for the record, I do not know her, have no connections with her situation, no awareness that her claims have any basis in reality, and no ability to intervene on her behalf. So unless you are just trolling, please drop this."
....his other responses are just as "classy" in the comments sections..... 🐴☠🤢🤡
Sasha: I agree with RM on this one, very reasonable response.
Here is the back and forth from this post..... https://sagehana.substack.com/p/when-will-they-admit-the-reason-why/comment/22229699#comment-22240535?utm_source=activity_item
Also, I noticed that not a lot iof people engaged on my post or her response.... hmmmm
I was speechless at her ( Sasha) comment.
Certain people are feared and many are afraid to discuss them publicly, unfortunately. This has been true for at least 2 years.
I suppose that many readers of this comment by Sasha are still trying to make up their minds.
Maybe not. "Trust no one but God, not even me" is very apt at this hour. Every person must now be constantly vetted and reevaluated in light of subsequent pronouncements and behavior. Falsehoods can be delivered by apparent truthtellers. It's part of IC training/MO.
The most skilled deceivers mix in a lie with a lot of good information. That is how a lie can mimic truth and adapt itself to truth. It’s insidious. Psychopaths are not only masters of manipulation and gaslighting, they are also master deceivers. Even the devil has the power to appear as an angel of light.
All true and very well-stated Gary.
You are welcome!
I find it interesting ladypova ridicules/ minimizes the potential Graphene Oxide could be part of the issue. It indicates to me that some are hovering over ‘a’ target.
In the maelstrom of information I mull over the following questions…..
1. Are there entities both in the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex and the Technological industrial Complex who want merge human biology with nanotechnology.
Answer -Yes.
2. Are there patents and technology involving embedding nanotech including Graphene Oxide and other substances into biology for the purpose of monitoring, interacting and even controlling biology.
Answer- Yes consider the ‘work’ of Charles Lieber across 3 decades + involving merging nanotech with humans .
3. Are there numerous entities who believe that every aspect of life on earth should be monitored by a grid overseen by AI and initially ‘nudged’ in the direction which seems best to said entities.
Answer- Yes. Consider the 3 minute video on NBC news which chronicled how AI and cameras monitored every aspect of peoples lives in China. This with the fact the WEF and other entities believe the CCP model should be replicated globally….
I could go on but……
All true and much more.
Very logical thoughts and process to arrive at a truth.
Fuck. We cannot trust HER now?
Read everything & pray for discernment.
Reevaluate everyone constantly should be the operating principle. Everyone must be continually revetted.
Where does she express her view siding with Malone re: no loophole to sue??
Look up her Substack articles and videos with Jane Ruby/Katherine Watt. Mostly in last few months. It’s a main topic thread in most of their vids
I very much like the idea of suing the DoD, but I don’t believe such a lawsuit would go anywhere and I don’t believe that it would stop the evil actions of the DoD. It’s too much like the successful lawsuits against Pfizer in the past. The lawsuits finding Pfizer negligent only resulted in fines. The fines are a pittance compared to Pfizer’s profits.
oh my god. another idol with feet of clay.
Thanks Heidi . Read before deleted. I appreciate your comments here& other stacks.
There are two people on that list that I would never want to fight-- Catherine Austin Fitts and Judy Miskovits. Both have been persecuted by the government and have come out the other side. Very, VERY stupid of him to go after those two very admirable women.
As for Malone... yeah. Deep. State.
I’ve advised all who were smart enough to question the events of the past 3 years to seek those that are censored if they seek truth.
We also need to be cognizant of the fact that those of us on Substack -- whether simply readers who don’t comment or commenters or authors of articles -- who know that we are at war with the State (a false god) and in a spiritual war against the devil and psychopaths and “principalities and powers and the rulers of this present darkness and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places” are not united in Christ. There are infiltrators who appear to be with us, but who are in fact against us. Again, discernment, Discernment, DISCERNment.
I am so grateful for this post. Larry Sullivan Substack a longstanding subscriber to Karen, just posted today his Part One that he will not stop inquiring about Karen's safety because none of us subscribers appreciate intimidation tactics urging people to stop being "speculators." The communication on her last Substack post has what appears to be someone new trying to frame a narrative that Karen needs to seek medical attention for malaria. A lot of people are suspicious and Karen seems to be completely locked out of account.
Thank you again for bringing us this new post about Karen Kingston. We're all praying for her.
Psalms 37:1-40. Amen
yeah the crazy doctorbot ! substack needs to put a stop to it
Malone sending people to intimidate Karen is very troubling. I think she'd be safer in the USA.
Dr. Breggin and Mrs. Breggin, your continuing strength and courageous actions show Malone that he can't intimidate everybody.
And sooner or later he will make a bad mistake.
“As we have already noted, Dr. Malone claims many thought leaders in the freedom movement are attacking him; he reiterates that in his column, naming many names. And there are others that he does not name. The oldest trick in the book is to point your finger at your opponent and claim that ‘they started it.’ “
The Malones’ post was filled with not so subtle cuts and attacks on every person they listed. Clearly, it’s their enemies list and they position themselves as victims. Thank you for showing your readers the harm they bring to Karen by contacting her family. We don’t fully know what has happened to her. Yet the Malones are willing to destroy her in any possible way, even by bringing in her family with public posts. Could they have been silent? Yes, but these two ‘leaders’ who could have shown grace to Karen Kingston went on the attack.
Dear Peter and Ginger,
Along with so many of your ardent supporter, I wish to add my thoughts and prayers. You are a great beacon of truth and hope for many of us. There does seem to be a great sorting going on within all aspects of any freedom-oriented collective, and you will probably find this at micro-level even in small regional groups struggling to ensure protection and security for fellow members.
For what it is worth, the truth-tellers seem to be fewer and farther between, but with growing reach. I humbly submit:
Jonathan Couey
Mark Kulacz
Mathew Crawford
Georg Webb
Peter Duke
James Dellingpole
These people share a humility and courage that we can all take great comfort from . You two fall into this category and for that I am so grateful. Thank you and God bless you.
Dear Kate, thank you!
The issue with her response to hide is that itself hides whatever Malone wanted to silence. I hope she realizes that if she returns, that is a better position because we are still watching and will see if she's gone. That's why these creeps can't just take people out like they did in the past.
Good luck Karen!
Thank you for this post Dr Breggin & Mrs.
Thanks for laying out the groundwork with all of the links. We are in War, and infiltritors are in the door.