My 37 yrs in medical profession has taught one main thing. Just because we can does not mean we should.

Hubris and pride lead towards multiple consequences planned or not.

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Peter and I are often asked and comment on the field of ethics, which is supposed to be one of the checks and balances against run away scientism and unethical applications of science. Now, the academic field of ethics lives to justify anything and everything that 'science' wants to do.

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So true.

The other side is a rejection of transcendent truth / morality. Society that rejects God's guidance will move to despotism of the powerful.

There has to be a standard outside of self. What is necessary? - truth that is unchanging. That is only found in our Creator God all mighty and through his revealed word.

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Regardless if you embrace evolution as the driving force of creating man or a superior being who created man in his likeness it is with great risk that the medicine man is accelerating and changing the blueprint of life for profit and not the benefit of mankind! Mankind is now classified as lab rats!

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Ginger here--Hi Thomas! The risk may be even more complicated. I was going to say, 'worse' but there isn't much worse than having one's DNA permanently altered, and perhaps the DNA of one's progeny. Depending upon what exactly we have placed into our bodies and how our bodies are altered, we may become patentable....

Another speculative thought that just occurred to me. Remember when we used to be able to purchase software and we outright owned it? We could install it into as many personal systems as we wanted (waaaaay back in the 1990s....) Then, we started being issued licenses limiting the number of computers we could install the software on.

Now, we are increasingly being told to 'subscribe' to the software by paying a monthly fee....from Pandora, to finance management software, to office software, creative software and suites of production software.

How long will it be until we are "subscribed" on a monthly basis for whatever we need to put on/in our bodies to maintain the connectivity and linkage we need to operate at least in that potential future society? and is that what we really want for our children, grandchildren, and the rest of the future human race.?

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End result is elimination of independent thought! Autotrons in many different forms is on the horizon! I don’t want to be on that MerryGoRound!

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Resistance is not futile.

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🎯 I imagine this is exactly what they are planning.

I don't think it works - but lord knows, they've made a lot of progress in that direction.


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This is Musk industries.

Yes, I would like to purchase an upgrade.

My white short fat kid ain't worth a damn at basketball.

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Thanks for a reality check as to the direction of mankind! Hard to comprehend that man has learned how to create a virus and beyond! Scary to say the least! Didn’t Hollywood create a movie called Dr Moreau who blended man and beast?

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Agreed on your credit concern: I thought that vid well summarized reasons for both concern and hope.

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Genetics is THE forbidden garden. Alchemy was at least legitimate, but this thing is way off the track. We don’t even know why humans have two sets of teeth. Just a week ago we were serially cutting out appendices, boldly saying that they are unnecessary because we say so. We still cut out tonsils, with the same “unnecessary” thing. Just a few weeks ago, we crippled helpless people with electrocution, pretending that we know what it does to their brain and calling this “therapy”. We have never been able to discover the mystery of flu and headaches, and we still teach blood pressure fairy tales. Cancer has been a failure larger than destruction of all original records of Moon missions, and at the expense of billions, all with zero usable effect. And you want edit genes? Do you even know all of them and their exact, precise, accurate, verifiable, non-disputable properties and functions and interactions?

What about “junk” DNA? DNA sequences that have no relevant biological function? Really? It certainly is convenient. If you don’t know a thing about human DNA, just call it junk and declare it is unnecessary. So… why is it there? Why has it always been there? Do you mean that God - the one you are so often referring to - doesn’t know what He is doing?

Instead of checking themselves in the mirror, leaders of science simply escalate their fantasies a few notches up. Why? Because they can. There is no other motivation. It cannot be about helping others - because we have no complete knowledge of the human being. We guess a lot, we blunder a lot more, we make a lot mistakes and rarely apologize and almost never go back on them. And we do our best to never pay damages. The very existence of medical immunity is proof that the medicine doesn’t really know how the human being really functions. We know random scraps, far from a safe starting point to risk the future with “technology”.

We shake medical “science” every few years to the ground, making breakthrough discoveries, piloted by innovative devices. We lie a lot on the way, omit a lot more, hide even more.

We publish “scientific” papers that are defective, spin theories and pass them as established truth. We happily skip details of methodology in the said papers, we almost never care to revalidate the references quoted whether they were of any real scientific value - but, hey, we are certain that messing up with what is still a huge mystery will be ok.

If you want to learn the background of genetics, watch “The Titan” (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4986098/). You cannot unsee what you will see in this movie.

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Great comment! Totally agree 🎯

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Eugenicists want to mess around with human genes the way psychiatrists mess around with human brains.

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According to Science, genes are invisible. We cannot see them. We don’t even have any idea where they are or what properties they have. All genetic theories are based on guesses.

According to Wiki (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_pair), a base pair is 340 pm long = 3.4e-7, or 0.00000034 mm. You need 3 million these things to make 1 mm. Electron microscope has a resolution of 0.1 nm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_microscope) = 0.0000001 mm. Which will make a base pair a vague smudge, if at all. Well, it won’t, because EM cannot show a living organism as it is. The sample is practically destroyed, and the resulting image shows something that has nothing to do with the source material.

Thus, even with the most advanced technology, we cannot see a base pair. We cannot count them, we cannot observe them, we cannot measure anything related to them, and we cannot observe their behavior or interactions - all according to Science.

Whatever scientists are doing are secondary means, never observing the actual living base pair, either in vivo or in vitro. We truly don’t know what is inside us and how it provides for Life. Piles of theories won’t help.

If we cannot see it, we cannot examine or observe it. All this is invisible and the only thing that we get scientifically is theorizing and fantasizing.

I may be wrong. If anyone knows better, please, enlighten the readers.

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I just watched the trailer. Do not want to see the movie. Don't know how long past my 71 years I will live, but I hope I do not witness this level of human takeover. It's already a horror show now.

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Don’t worry. The whole genetics is a cover-up for fake biology “science”. Nobody has ever seen a gene, it’s science fiction photoshopped. You may want to check it up. Google for “human gene photograph” (in quotes), and see what you get. Then google for “tree photograph”. Compare these results.

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I tend to believe you --it's all in pictures, but doesn't stop the psychos armed with all the fake money they want to stir a witch's brew to inject into human bodies. I'm getting more tired of my world being made smaller and smaller; you know the material world we see around us. It's even harder to look up and imagine the universe in the stars or deep blue skies we can't see anymore either.

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I tend to believe you --it's all in pictures, but doesn't stop the psychos armed with all the fake money they want to stir a witch's brew to inject into human bodies. I'm getting more tired of my world being made smaller and smaller; you know the material world we see around us. It's even harder to look up and imagine the universe in the stars or deep blue skies we can't see anymore either.

Alison, I see it all as a war of the worlds. There is my world (or your world), and there is the outer world. We feel comfortable in “my world” because we know it, it is mostly built or approved by us and we are not dependent on somebody’s control. Unlike the other world. Still, life is played at the overlap of these two, and - if you are not a rich-rich loner - we need to learn navigate this interplay. When the decision to allow this interplay is yours, there is no stress or boredom or anything negative. No fighting, no opposition needed, there is nothing to defend, simply because you have decided to go for it. That’s my own private approach to this issue. Sure, some days carry tension, escaping time, misunderstandings or fails. I don’t see them as something “negative”, it’s just process of aligning my inner controllable world with the outer one where I have no say. My story, yours may be different.

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Thanks Dan, why I love the friends on SS. Some days I just get sucked in.

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I’d guess we have two sets of teeth because infant/small child swallowing safety & digestive systems are not mature enough till around 5 years, and milk teeth limit consumption - milk teeth for essentially milk diet

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This is a functional common sense guess, not a scientific explanation. It may be true, or not. If we are seeking scientific knowledge (possibly relating the realm of science fiction genetics), we should first a) check whether other animals similar to us (for the sake of the simplicity, we may stick to the official classification) have the same property, b) other mammals have the same property (and if not, why), c) non-mammal animals have the same property (and if not, why). We will thus collect some observational data that may be used to make a hypothesis. It will be another theory, though.

If, as we are told, 4-letter variations define the whole human being, we would expect a genetic explanation why exactly we lose fully-functional perfect teeth and acquire another set. How is this change correlated to developmental changes? Does it occur at same time points in specific sub-groups of human beings? (native tribes vs. couch potatoes, for example) If we assume it to be genetic-driven, how does it affect downstream generations? And, most interesting, how dentistry interventions modify this genetic blueprint?

Instead, what we have is practical medicine and non-medical medicine. The latter includes dentistry, ophthalmology and psychiatry - the fields in which healing is impossible and those doctors cannot heal anybody. Even the best dentist cannot regrow the extracted tooth, or the ophthalmologist (other than William Bates) cannot restore the perfect vision. These two professions only provide final interventions crippling the body (removing or patching up with foreign chemicals) or prosthetic measures (glasses, contact lenses). Psychiatry is all based on fantasy explanations and theories based on other theories, as subjective as you can imagine and more - which should in itself be sufficient to push it to “consulting” instead of pretending that it is something “medical”.

So far, genetics is of no use in dentistry. Why? If they can “switch on and off” whatever they want (an actual statement of a doctor), why cannot they switch on growing a new, third set of teeth to replace decaying ones? Or why cannot they switch off the tooth decaying process altogether? One step more - what about body disintegration? Old age? Improving basic movement stability shouldn’t be anything difficult to switch on. But, no. It doesn’t happen. It cannot, because fantasy theorizing is rather difficult to put in practice.

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Agree, 100%. I come from the view that everything is theoretical, because whoever designed us is the only one who knew why we function so. But yes, your points are spot on and what an interesting discussion to have

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Right, it is. Juliaah, your comment triggered ripples in the universe and here we go. Thank you.

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We are all energy, trying to connect.

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Outstanding stentorian non pareil comment!*. Gid Bless.

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Dear Ginger and Dr Breggin,

My heartfelt thanks, appreciation and admiration for all that you do in the face of this evil.

Your book (Global Predators) was pivotal in my journey of research and re-examination of so many things that I once believed to be true.

Thank you for your podcasts. I have yet to listen to this one and look forward to learning more from Dr Astrid who by all accounts has been shunned by the( Not a ) Freedom Movement.

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Dear Anna, So happy that you found our book and that it has helped to illuminate what is happening to our world! (The book is COVID-19 and the Global Predators-- for anyone else who is interested.) We have been delighted to help introduce Astrid to US audiences and the freedom resistance!

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Speechless...really ! Very fascinating, yet even I know no, one ought to be playing with this information. Only G-d knows a person’s thoughts, and just that alone is enough to make me know this is not for human consumption. Because as with it seems with everything, most if not all goes to the least common denominator of money or highest denominator. Wait until people see what all has already been done in those Ukrainian tunnels with children and experiments. Then possibly people will understand the sacredness of us, that only Holy can comprehend. Praying and know that G-d will eventually fix this.

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Hi Peter and Ginger,

Perhaps the genocide laws don't apply to hybrids.

Do they think they can get off on a technicality?

I hear people say "they have taken my rights away" and wonder why they don't realize that rights can only be given up, and not "taken" by anyone. What someone else wants to write on a bit of paper bears no relation to my fundamental "birthright of Man".

While that book (birthright of man) may have been a propaganda exercise by the un in the 50's, it had much we can hold onto.



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Hello Matt! I appreciate the microscopy work you are doing (enjoy isn't quite the right word).

I believe we need to continue to keep returning to basic and fundamental documents that have held our republic together and to educate those around us as to their importance. That should include helping people to realize that they own their rights (as you so correctly stated). I know there are many not listening, but we must not let the captured and propaganda machine media convince us regaining our freedom is hopeless. If we give up we've lost.

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I have been wary of genetic editing for a long time, especially because I was an avid sci Fi reader. The possible issues and implications scared me.

However, when it comes to CRISPR and mRNA, I'm not seeing any of it actually work, besides the genetic damage of the process, which is more likely a result of the toxicity of the treatments. Keep in mind that epigenetics explains that environmental conditions, like poisoning etc can and does change the coding. Carcinogens damage it merely by chemical means. No need for magical viruses or fancy mRNA coded lipids...

Genetics is a pseudoscience that assumes that what was discovered by Crick and Watson is the full answer of what DNA is. The detection/measurement of genes are based on the assumption that the code uses certain "letters" which represent the bits of code in the DNA.

Mathematics models the code to help us "see" the patterns, which is what genetic engineering depends on. As we learned with the PCR fraud, the process of detection has a lot of problems. Even in court cases, half of DNA matches are proven false.

If CRISPR or mRNA actually worked, they wouldn't need to promote it as a cure. Instead, people would be asking for it, for the benefits (even if there are other issues).. nope, there's no proof that it fixes anything, just like vaccines. They all promise benefits that never happen. So I'll be honest, CRISPR/mRNA etc are vaporware. They don't have any proof of the benefits. Perhaps that is because it's a big scam to get people to line up for more toxic shit 💩!

South Africa and a certain middle Eastern ally were studying ethnic specific genetic weapons for decades and failed over and over. Why did they fail in this horrible research? Perhaps because our base understanding of genetics is based on limited assumptions!

How are we so sure that the way we measure the bits are true to the reality? It's like any "invisible" aspect of science, like subatomic physics which also assumes "truths" based on inferences.


Here's a great point made by Heinz von Foerester about invisible things being a result of complex mathematics:


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No man can serve two masters. Matthew 6:24

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Crisper operates in a petri dish environment. This does not involve modifying the dna in female human eggs or male human spermatozoa. This does not involve cranking out mutated human beings. Let's calm down.

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Remember when the fella who used crispr on humans got sent to jail? Makes you go hmmmmm

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In this interview, Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, Inventor of Email, Scientist, Engineer and Candidate for President, answers questions from the third GOP primary debate for the 2024 election.

Just want to say that listening to Dr Shiva, my heart feels calm and hopeful.


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Also, I suggest you read Witney Webb’s two books/ & watch her interviews For example: on J Epstein:about her bombshell new book on Jeffrey Epstein’s deep connections to the world’s biggest power players. She exposes the deep corruption and cover up at the heart of the western power structure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3JmSHLgol4

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Well, Dr. Breggin, you knocked my socks off by immediately recognizing, and speaking up about, the problem with BioAcoustic Biology, the subject that Dr. Stuckleberger mentioned. You didn't have to go and study it for a month! (Not that I knew what it was before today!) We don't want to be intertwined with "machinery" and have it made part of our humanity. This link is an in-depth definition of BioAcoustics™ https://opriresearch.org/bioacoustics/

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Being blessed and cursed with an active imagination, I sometimes wonder if the "aliens" reported by some that conduct tests on people are in fact future humans seeking a way to fix the genetic mess without making too many changes that overly affect the future. What a movie that could make, anyway.

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I ask you two dear people, is what is being written about by Dr. Robert just toter the knife?

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"They're ignorant of their ignorance" is putting it kindly, ethically. Many have stated it much more blatantly.

Wakan Tankan ~ "Please allow the dialog to continue and the truth to prevail, quickly we humbley ask, and with must love, honor, integrity, and grace." Mitakuye Oyasin, Pilamaya Ye ~ All My Relatives, Thank You All.

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