Nov 28, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

We need a 1000 Naomi Wolfs! We are headed for a global medical police state which will open up the twilight zone of human existence. Free will and human rights will be subordinate to humans' new classification as lab rats. For three years I have been connecting the dots and the lies. We need a ground swell of multiple voices across the global in government to join Christian Terhes (Romanian Leader) who has the courage to speak out on the great harm that has been created by nefarious groups. My substack article explains more about Crispr being the driving force!


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Thanks Thomas-- We interviewed Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger recently on the Crispr Cas 9 technology-- Another unregulated deadly and potentially species destroying technology being unleashed upon the world.


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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Adaptation to the changing Mother Earth was measured in millions of years. Not now when the medicine man believes he can improve on God’s design!

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I know you realize Thomas, that we have moved so far beyond mere human hubris that Man can improve upon God's design. Now there is just wanton destruction and arrogant cruelty.


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Hard to believe that humans can be so evil.

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Satan is running the evil humans

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When reading the Global Predators book, I felt the same weighty negative feeling of dread that Peter said he felt while writting it. I just never found the willpower to read it cover to cover, though have been nibbling around it over time. It's a great book, but these are not nice people; they suck a lot and suck a lot out of us. Loved tne interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf.

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Dear Dr. Gkioulekas-- So nice to see you here! I loved this interview too. And I find I have a deepening appreciation for her book and her courage to share her observations about her former world and its inhabitants candidly with us (it will not win her any friends in the world she formerly moved within). But most of all I am finding that Dr. Wolf's descriptions and discussions of freedom as well as her witnessing of experiences during lockdown are moving and deeply inspiring. ~ Ginger

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My understanding is that "the beast" is composed of psychopaths motivated by the desire to steal as much as possible without going to prison.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Great interview. Thank you. I admire Naomi so much and her strength to change her mind as information becomes available. She is very courageous and has helped to shed light on so much of the evil that is going on.

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Thank you Brandy ~ Ginger

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin


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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Brilliant discussion. In this , the Age of Persuasion, we know our tasks. In brief, 1) to steadfastly remain on a state of joy in the truth so that we 2) can do our utmost to awaken others in appropriate ways( many are quite thin-skinned requiring kid gloves, as they say),

thereby knowing we did our part despite the paradoxical realization that this material realm is illusory. One source of our courage.

I ask myself: " when my children ask me on my deathbed just what were you doing during the darkening of times? my last smile will reveal that i damn well tried. And, burned out, tired, ready to face my Creator, i will know that they share in the truth.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I loved this conversation! I felt like I was sitting there with all of you, enjoying your company and devouring all of your moving and touching words. I especially like Dr. Breggin's words, (not quoting just remembering), "Find your amazing self....the real healing is love and having a loving view of yourself and life....Get engaged in loving some aspect of life, God and love of humans, focus on loving relationships, and engage yourself in what makes you happy....if you can look at your spouse, children, dog, and think to yourself everything that I do I want to engage in a loving way." Wow! If everyone tried to live their lives with these words, what a wonderful world it would be.

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Dear Cathleen, Both Peter and I really appreciate your note--thank you so much!

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Jan 2Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

You continue to bring important conversations to the table. Thank you.

Consider reaching out to Jason Whitlock (Fearless) as he is thoughtful and articulate with an excellent perspective from a Biblical world view. He is focused on men needing to step up and particularly black men.


2024 stop apologizing for USA history

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SO NOT interested in Naomi Wolf, "refugee of the privileged class". While she deserves honor for leading the team that investigates the tens of thousands of Pfizer documents, Naomi is at heart merely pink-pilled. She repeatedly writes about forgiving everyone, thus betraying her still-entrenched roots as a left-of-center virtue-signaling SJW. Sorry, but some of us have also lived in both worlds and have a familiarity with both the Great Unwashed and the "privileged elite". Naomi is a highly skilled writer and a very "nice" person. Her insights are NOT profound as she rationalizes forgiving everyone. Call me old-fashioned but I believe in justice based on personal accountability for one's choices and actions. People who evince no remorse, no sorrow, no conversion, no mea culpas, no atonement, no attempt to compensate for the damage they've done DO NOT deserve forgiveness. They need to be called out. They need to be exposed. They need to be held to account. Thank G_d Naomi was not running the Nuremberg trials. She'd have forgiven the mass murdering Nazis just as she so liberally forgives all those involved in the latest mass murdering Scamdemic. And even though the global death count continues apace, beneficent Naomi is ready to forgive everyone from her local village totalitarian clerks to the most powerful Manhattan zillionaire elites who STILL do not demonstrate remorse, atonement, nor use their elite status to speak out or materially help in the fight. I am familiar with both worlds. The Torah, Tanakh & Talmud ALL teach us that ALL humans are capable of yetzer ha tov and yetzer ha rah; we all are capable of both good and evil, without regard to our status as "deplorables" or "elites". We make our choices along the Bell Curve of human nature throughout our existance. Naomi's moral universe of forgiveness instead to people who have not demonstrated remorse or atonement is virtue-signalling her own sense of morality. Goody for her. But she should NOT be held up as an exemplar to the rest of us. Dr. Zelenko is MY exemplar. He was a moral HERO. As are you, dear Breggins. But I must STRONGLY disagree with your elevation of Naomi.

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I fully agree, TheArtistFKA…

It's seems to me that Ms. Wolf (not a medical doctor but someone with a poor PhD dissertation in English Lit.) is more interested in writing something, in her typically pretentious style, to ingratiate herself again with the Manhattan ‘elite’ so she will be able to attend more fancy parties with her earthy husband.

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We all don't see the future with the same rose-colored glasses.

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We had oppression for many decades. Dr Breggin, you saw it.

Naomi was in lala land for a long time, heck she voted Biden even lol

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Dear Rob: We need to be more open-hearted than our old, pre-lockdown political differences whatever they may have been, and welcome honest and candid freedom fighters into our circle. The world is a better place for Dr. Wolf's works and her books.

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Yes, I'm glad she's fighting the system now.

Though, I am a bit confused about her blaming China even when Sasha Latypova and Catherine Watt have been trying to show her that this was planned for quite a while and the shots were a Dept of Defense project.

We don't need more blaming others for what was planned at home. We don't need another war.

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Ah, China. There is plenty of blame to go around. And the CCP--the Communist Chinese Party-- deserves full identification and exposure. We have another Substack coming relating to that issue, coming up. ~ Ginger

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Add Malone and Steve Kirsch who voted Biden, but it is great that they know now voting Biden equals a Totalitarian State

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Sorry Bull Dog (whomever you may be) This is Ginger Breggin. I don't know where you are "adding" Dr. Robert Malone-- but he is still suing us for $25 million dollars to try to prevent us from speaking freely and we are still having to defend with time and money against this attack from Dr. Robert Malone whom Mr. Kirsch has heavily supported. This ties us up and prevents us from further examining and exposing the Deep State and global predators and the massive totalitarian oppression that has swallowed the free world whole in the last four years.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I am so suspicious of Dr. Malone. It breaks my heart that he would even begin to think he needs to sue you. I just do not trust him. Now I am wondering about Mr. Kirsch.

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We have wondered, too. See our earlier substack article: Robert Kennedy, Steve Kirsch, and Robert Malone – What’s It All About?


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You have to remember who first declared emergency powers, who shut down the country, who started a massive increase in inflationary spending, who signed Operation Warp Speed, who let Fauci destroy the country. At least with Naomi, she is willing to recognize the totalitarian that Biden is. Many republicans are still stuck thinking that Trump is going to save the country, the man still bragging about “his vaccine”.

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Yep and the laws were created during Bush and Clinton that gave them authoritarian powers in bio "defense"

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Exactly. They change the rhetoric, depending on the party they represent but presidents from both parties are leading the country in the same direction. And we let them get away with it because “at least our party isn’t as bad as the other party” - (Said by both democrats and republicans). I was stuck in this mindset as a lifelong conservative until Trump ran for office and I kept saying WTF? He opened my eyes to the game.

I suspect that no candidate makes it past the primaries unless they agree to follow directions from the invisible elites. The media is owned by big pharma and they can take out any candidate they want either with a made up scandal or by ignoring them.

The Left media pretends to hate Trump but he is their bread and butter. They need him back in office, thus their endless reporting on him and political persecution to make him appear to be the opposition.

I can’t believe that I fell for it for so long. They are very skillful in keeping the citizens fighting each other instead of fighting the corruption.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Brandy, I never looked at it that way. But, yes, it seems the whole lot of them are keeping us fighting each other instead of fighting the corruption.

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I will belive she is no longer a flaming liberal when she supports Trump.

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Drumpf??? the vaxx heroe, breast beating gorlla claiming the safe effective killshots "I took it its great" BS?? ? Well if she does she has missed the entire democide agenda of world govt which DJT is a mere puppet play9g his part in..

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He knows how to grab em

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don't forget about MSM and Dr. Humble and his book- it's so important to try everything- it works on autism- glyphosate removal-- maybe this will correct the brain for of vaccines- we have to try everything! Dr Seneff discussed the mechanism here https://ugetube.com/watch/kerri-rivera-and-dr-seneff-chlorine-dioxide-destroys-glyphosate_zjWqqQYeod1euCg.html

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Does dr wolf understand that the global elites used Covid as an excuse to inject us with a depopulation poison? Because she seems to dance around that fact, and that said poison was paid for by our own government who mandated every man woman and child take it with the sole intent of death and carnage?

I ask because I’ve listened to her for years and subscribe to her substack and I can’t remember her mentioning those uncomfortable facts.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I have heard her call the jab a bio weapon many times on Warroom.

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Her bubble got popped

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Over the past four years we have all had bubbles -- perceptions -- popped! It is what each of us is doing with our new awarenesses that matters. Sharing our new awareness and knowledge helps others in our circles to awaken from stuporous slumber ~ Ginger

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I suppose Peter has come around as well.

I remember a quick conversation on the Warroom with Peter Naomi and Steve about 2 years ago.

Peter was none to nice to Naomi.

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Now you are just tossing around inuendo, David. Debate and discussion is how understanding is expanded and issues are illuminated.

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I have ears.

I have eyes.

I have memory.

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Hi David. I would love for you to read her new book, and let me know what you think when you are done.

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I have read 4 books on the topic of covid. I called a cap on them. Too many, interested in too many other subjects.

Global Predators

The Real Fauci

Turtles All the Way Down.

Bodies of Others.

I picked each to get a different aspect of the situation.

Bodies of Others was to inform me of the emotional toll on society.

We can all like certain aspects of some one or some thing and still keep a clear head about who the person is.

What did Peter think about her when he was facing the Clintons and the Gores on the Ritalin issues ? I'm sure you remember.

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Still...we must take down the media.

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Their goal is total depopulation of the earth! The nano particles they spray daily for 30 years is part of everyone that breathes! You can’t escape the poison only the jab! They are going to put this poison in everything you eat or drink! Let’s face it they want you dead! I will not comply how about you? We don’t need money to fight these demons! They can’t stand the Truth about anything exposes their crimes and use the sheriff’s office to file charges against them for Crimes Against Humanity!

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