Do we need any more evidence that the US government has been infiltrated? Isn’t it obvious that Elon and his platform Twitter, are working in conjunction with the elites to bring about a New World Order? What is even more maddening is how few people in power are questioning how this kind of trans dehumanization destroys individuals and the human bonds that come from appreciating the unique characteristics born in each one of us. Mocking God never end well.

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Surely, it's way past mere infiltration? As far as I can tell, the US constitution and all its institutions have been thoroughly subverted and taken over.

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Who are “the powers that be”?

In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “USA deep state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a “global deep state”, despite there is no global government!

There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then, who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media exposing it? Who controls global media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who has the network to pay political parties and political careers in hundreds of countries to control global politics?

In all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lock-downed. Why were churches the last to recover freedom in every single lockdowned country without any exception? Is there a secret war between the city of Satan or the civilization of God?

Most people still doubt that Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) was behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? What do they need to hide? Good deeds or crimes? Not goodness but evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!


FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!


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Yes, there is clearly a "global deep state," which IMHO is a euphemism for the alien presence on Earth. I know people often blame psycho/sociopaths but IMHO there is more to it than that. To me, it is obvious that the intellect behind the war on humanity is not human; but I realize that's a bridge too far for most. I'm sure the lower astral realm is also involved.

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Thanks so much for mentioning this.

Nope, that bridge not too far for me. I've believed that for a long long time.

the lower astral, creates the possession problems that make those psycho/sociopaths run rampant. The possession thing is another bridge too far for many.

See you on the bridge.

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Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save - Psalm 146:3


Elon Musk: Tesla’s RNA vaccine printer for CureVac is going to be ‘important product for the world’

Elon Musk's Neural Lace is programmable graphene nanoparticles that form a web inside the body and can be controlled from the outside (5G). They are administered via injection


Are you AWAKE yet? Our battle is SPIRITUAL


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You are exactly the right people to be exposing this, with such a solid history of opposing mechanisms of control and domination under the guise of benevolent interventions. I'm grateful to have you both in the world, with all the experience and integrity that's prepared you for this moment.

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His satellites are all set to go too. Does whomever gets to track and trace and invade the brains and lives of humans own them, their data, the manipulation of them? I wouldn't doubt it. FDA must be completely cleaned out!!! This is an approval that had to have had almost zero evidence of being safe but what's new with them?

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Every agency needs to be cleaned out. Completely gutted.

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Yes! I think we need to go back to at least pre-Wilson era. No agency, no FRB, no tax-free foundation. This IS the REAL Great Reset!

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Thanks for this important background information.

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Despite humanity’s overblown egos the truth is we only have a thimble full of knowledge about biology and the natural world. We have these devices we carry around and can’t seem to live without. We have no idea how they work so we worship them like some kind of man-made deity. We have a few medical “breakthroughs” (that if you knew the whole story you wouldn’t be so quick to go gaga over) and suddenly we can replace God? People are unbelievably gullible. Wow. I mean like, WOW.

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An absolutely critical piece warning of the real dangers of transhumanism coming upon us very quickly. Thank you, Breggins, for your ongoing and incredibly important work in getting people to understand what should be so f-ing obvious.

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Well Doc. I love your empathy and humanity. My guess is, THEY have already done it. According to Ana Mihalcea, we are already being "neural-laced ", V'ed or not. I think Musk is the front man. Musk looks rather robotty to me already. 😁 I must say your comment about Him offering up his children was horrifying, to say the least....Dear Mr Musk, ..."You do You" first .

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Perhaps it only works on humans?!

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Dear Dr. Breggin, Thank you for this article. You are a great evaluator of the human condition. I so wanted to believe that it was a true caring for humanity that drove Elon Musk’s actions . . . although, all the time wondering if he really believed that these brain implants were a good thing. You say “Musk’s main focus is not on curing disease but on controlling human conduct.” Oh dear, oh dear, I’m afraid you are right.

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He was chosen by TPTB for this purpose long time ago.


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Horrible horrible horrible. Your links in this sentence are broken, please fix!: "For an overview of my successful anti-psychosurgery campaign, go here, and for my law review article summarizing my efforts, go here."

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Margie, the links in that sentence are now fixed, thank you.

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Thanks Margie!

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Cable news and television manufacturers hardest hit.


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Kudos & cheers to TS !


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Thank you P&G. Musk? Yet another of the Satanic Schwab's Evil Devil spawns.

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I'll say something that's probably obvious: The predators want us DEAD, not empowered.

This neurolink B.S. is for PUNISHMENT, not empowerment.

I'll say another thing that I'm assuming everybody thinks: It's unbearable listening to these small inside, dependent- on - human- beings - for - all - they - do psychopaths... listening to them and their INarticulate stumbling through words. It's embarrassing to observe them-- their lusts, their hungers. And it's embarrassing to think that these parasites WANT to live forever. it's strange how they value themselves so highly, yet they're the lowest amongst us. Very odd.

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Going by their problems they had in the animal trials, I bet this technology will fail badly because they cannot prevent the immune system from attacking this physical invasion of the body.

Obviously, there will be early adopters who fall for everything high tech. But they are the minority and will not convince the rest of us.

The FDA just keeps losing credibility by pushing junk.

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"The Internet is filled with protests that Neuralink has been abusing animals in its experimentation. There’s not much in the way of protests against applying it to humans"

This is one of the classic problems that occupy my thoughts. Why humans hate humans so much?

Some environmentalists never lose an opportunity to criticize humanity in the abstract, barely concealing their annihilationist ideology. Most criticisms of nuclear energy, coal, petroleum and its derivatives are simply derived from the idea that humans should not exist.

This is one of the reason I have never paid much attention to the claims of environmental damage: simply, I don't want to be anywhere near people who hate humanity.

I don't consider anything the FDA has ever done as favorable for humanity. So I'm both against the fascist institutions and the individuals who make my electricity bill so expensive with their evil slogans. I know I'm not the only one.

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We must save the planet.

For who ?

What good is a planet with no humans?

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And save it from what?

How could humans destroy something that big?

If anything, we can damage the surface a little bit. Over time, the damage would be undone. The Earth has its own rules.

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Yes, it is such hubris to think we could "save the earth.' Probably we'll wipe out ourselves and then Gaia will say, "Taking a break now. Cleanup, refresh, c u in a few thousand."

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Man ain't God.

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How? Using a Tesla coil earthquake machine maybe?

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Consider normal human endeavors, like agriculture and husbandry or architecture. Those cannot destroy the surface of the planet, much less the entire thing.

It is one thing to fear something, it is another thing that our fear is possible. The most realistic human invention is propaganda.

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