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I told Malone, Don't put words in my mouth" kinda final straw. Kirsch banned me 30 minutes after Malone.

Here's what AB didn't like.

His Quote

"we have no, as in none, as in zip zero zilch, evidence of widespread or meaningful voter fraud."

My change.

we have no, as in none, as in zip zero zilch, evidence of widespread or meaningful covid Vax damage.

Then I added

Hypocrisy is considered a righteous virtue in libbie land

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LOL!! And "righteous" hypocrites they are, indeed. If they could see themselves as others see them...

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AB has two set of standards for "evidence".

One for him, another for others.

Covid Vax damage hasn't been proven in court, no court has taken it up.

Voter fraud hasn't been proven in court, no court has taken it up.

Too much for a libbie to handle.

All these Johnny come lately red pilled libbies will turn on us 1st chance they get.

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Malone got angry and attacked the Breggins because they blamed a propaganda psy opp for tricking the masses. According to him and his expert friend it was just spontaneous mass hysteria with no one behind it deliberately orchestrating the narrative.

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"Humanity Is Complex, Not Complicated."

Malone's latest sub.

He points out computers are complicated, they can be understood and precisely predictable, but humans and humanity are complex. They cannot be precisely predictable, but yet he subscribes to a one size fits all explanation of people's behavior during the covid plandemic. Desmet's ridiculous meow theory.

If I wasn't already banned for 99 years I would probably get banned for this.

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Yes that was the root of our discussion

Desmet's gibberish hurts my head

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