We know the real source of all fear-instilling " problems" . From on high, such bits as " climate" or " virus" or " pollution" , even "racism" are ruses which, like dry tinder, fuel a fire of tyranny. One We did not light.
We know the real source of all fear-instilling " problems" . From on high, such bits as " climate" or " virus" or " pollution" , even "racism" are ruses which, like dry tinder, fuel a fire of tyranny. One We did not light.
We know the real source of all fear-instilling " problems" . From on high, such bits as " climate" or " virus" or " pollution" , even "racism" are ruses which, like dry tinder, fuel a fire of tyranny. One We did not light.
Yes, and there are global arsonists about setting those fires and laughing. ~ Ginger
We could cure them all by putting down TV sets.