One discussion that has been forced to the side is the one that questions pandemics and virus theory.

Despite the statistics showing that total deaths in 2020 were close to past years, as Denis Rancourt found in the data, we still think it's some engineered virus. What kind of engineered virus has an IFR a bit lower than the flu (before the shots)?

Even Yeadon has questioned respiratory viruses and Sasha Latypova etc went into the Spanish flu, also showing that was most likely caused by the war at the time and medical treatments.

If we don't address the point that we were lied to about pandemics, people will fall for the next one. I hope that sooner, rather than later, the debate of germ vs terrain theory can really be hashed out. But as long as true believers in the decades long narrative of corrupt medical science block this debate, we are still treating the symptoms and not the cause of our ailments.

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Exactly. When supposed "freedom of speech" medical freedom fighters, and those who espouse freedom of speech but only for things they think are OK to talk about (for any length of time, like Kirsch - who often brings up the no-virus theory in what clearly seems like a derogatory and snide manner) try to CONTROL the discussion, we must CALL THEM OUT. They are controlling the discussion for some reason. Kirsch came out of nowhere; Malone came out of nowhere and in a very early post of his when I was an "early" follower, I challenged him on referring to himself as the "mot censored man in the world." Anyone with a clue knows this is Alex Jones (even if you don't watch or follow him) and Malone first got mad, then said - looks like some can't take a joke (I am paraphrasing). He had other comments over time that were and remain ARROGANT. And I called some of his comments exactly that - arrogant. Suffice to say I didn't continue as a member, but I am not surprised at all that he (and others) appear to be in the same rotten barrel, and the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, right? And this related "tree of control" for us "peons" grows more revealing day by day.

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Kirsch and Malone both banned me within an hour of each other. Malone was 1st.

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"The Most Censored Man in the World Show", brought to you by Streisand Privacy Corp. Yes, a skillful marketing gimmick of the highest order...sadly for us, it's just a gimmick.

Dude's personal history rewrites are reminiscent of those in 1984's Ministry of Truth.

Lack of provenance/chain of custody on Cole's 100s of vials is remarkably Pfishy.

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There is a basic rule of thumb and it is by following the money. As you said, and It appears that AJ is the MOST censored man in the world. They have done everything to try to stop him with one-sided lawsuits ruling against him for billions of dollars, and now, going after one of his reporters, Owen Shroyer, for his 1st amendment right, Free Speech. Owen will be serving time in a Federal Prison beginning next week for his J6 crime of standing on the Capitol steps using a megaphone. We saw this also with Dr. Simone Gold, who also served time for Free Speech. So, these people who have come out of nowhere, really seem to have been a part of the overall plan from the beginning, and quite possibly are, or were at one time, on the official payroll.

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Or do they just think moderate argument is most likely to succeed? Vast number of people "in the system" should have balked at world-wide death and damage, but only a few did. Why pick on the one who dic come forward unless you "have the receipts" of shill payments?

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Most likely, they think they have to be moderate to get results. Argue against their theory if you can. I note that few argue against that theory explicitly and prefer to yell controlled opposition. I know there is some truth to the moderation theory as I do best in arguing with lockstep business associates by taking a similar approach. Yeah, I don't bring-up the "no virus" theory or depopulation though I know there is some evidence for the first and a lot for the 2nd.

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the Spanish Flu was the vaccine that was prescribed and even mandated I believe - for it - this can be shown by the fact that horses were given the vaccine as well - and started dying. It was not the flu but the vaccine that killed more people than both worldwars put together.

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I don't think this is correct. According to the Mayo Clinic, the first flu vaccines approved for public use came out in 1945, and that sounds about right.

But here's another take on the mortality of the Spanish flu. Karen Starko argues convincingly that aspirin, which was being pushed on the population at the time, exacerbated the mortality because at the time we didn't understand aspirin toxicity and its effects on the lungs. People were taking aspirin by the handfuls to counter the flu. https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/49/9/1405/301441

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In 1948, Heinrich Mueller, the former head of the Gestapo, told his CIA Interrogator that the influenza pandemic of 1918-19, one of the most devastating plagues in human history, was man-made.

Mueller said the flu started as an US army bacteriological warfare experiment that somehow infected US army ranks at Camp Riley, KS in March 1918, and spread around the world. He said that it “got out of control” but said we cannot discount the horrible possibility that the “Spanish Flu” was a deliberate elite depopulation measure.

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Rob, absolutely. I am “discouraged” from opening up questioning whether there even was a pandemic (there was not), which automatically leads into questioning whether a genetic sequence claiming to represent “SARS-cov-2” exists outside of a computer) by many I thought were on the side of freedom.

For me, it was stumbling upon the literature in which attempts were made to demonstrate contagion / transmission of acute, respiratory illness to people who were well, none of which concluded in the way we’ve been accustomed to expect, that forced me to question the entire foundation of “transmissible of illness via sub-microscopic particles called respiratory viruses”.

Denis Rancourt has been questioning whether or not there’d been a pandemic, given we knew that clinical diagnostics based on the PCR method are unreliable. So he & his team chose to study only the count of deaths, ie all causes mortality (ACM) drawing upon individual US states public records (age, sex, date of death). This is the cleanest way to examine the effects of a population level pathological insult. Rancourt shows there was no increase in ACM prior to WHO calling in my opinion a fraudulent pandemic.

There simply could not be a novel, lethal, transmissible agent spreading through the population yet see no increase in deaths in the elderly and vulnerable, yet there it wasn’t. As far as I know, his work has not been rebutted.

This, that there’s not been a pandemic, seems particularly troublesome to many colleagues. Those who’ve made a name for themselves by developing new treatments perhaps feel they’ll be made fools of if this is true. I disagree. They do appear to have found new ways to save the lives of some people, acutely unwell with respiratory problems of recent onset. No honour is lost in accepting that the underlying causes of their patients’ illness is unknown rather than due to a “virus”.

Many people appear not to want to let me say this, not only to challenge the fear based PsyOp itself, a pandemic, but even more people do not want me to publicly open the can of worms that is to challenge the model of acute respiratory disease and say I do not accept that respiratory viruses as described are the cause. Effectively, they don’t exist in the sense that these illnesses cannot be caused by such entities. To those who demand I explain the cause of these acute respiratory illnesses if not caused by viruses, I say I bear no such obligation. I don’t need to have an alternative explanation as a precondition of pointing out that the existing model doesn’t fit the facts.

There’s another matter than almost nobody wants me to opine on & that’s the design purpose of the so-called vaccines. First let’s recognize that if these illnesses do not appear to be caused by submicroscopic pathogens, it makes no sense to attempt to immunise against them. Oddly enough, some people have known for years that claimed influenza vaccines do not do what is claimed for them. Cochrane metaanalyses show they do not reduce hospitalization and deaths. It that a fault of the products or of the underlying disease mechanisms?

The alleged “covid19 vaccines”, I have repeatedly argued are designed intentionally to cause harm. I won’t elaborate again here the details. Suffice to say that, if you’re involved in “rational drug design”, you cannot fail to know that several, obvious mechanisms of toxicity are built into the design choices. I’m not the only person pointing this out but I think I am the only person claiming that these designed in toxicity conferring features are intentional.

No one wants this to be true, least of all me. But it is true. Unfortunately, this very neatly fits the first unpopular topic with which this post began. No pandemic, no lab-made pathogen, no need for intentionally toxic injections. No need for fear, but instead anger would be wholly appropriate.

Best wishes


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YES! I have been wondering all along if the SYSTEM has been letting older people die of flu and pneumonia for DECADES when the treatments now being "applied" to COVID19 should have been used all along!

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First of all, thanks for your reply. You're one of the few that has been open minded to question the myths we have believed for decades!

Yes, the platform is toxic. Past shots used aluminum or dangerous adjuvants. The new mRNA shots use lipid nanoparticles and the other shots have polysorbate 80. I see this because they have been getting criticism about aluminum thanks to people like Dr Chris Exley who has done amazing research on aluminum's health issues. ( https://drchristopherexley.substack.com/ )

Moderna had issues when they were doing gene therapy with multiple doses. The lipids would build up and cause issues.

This would explain the clotting issues too as it tends to build up in the spleen and liver, which clean the blood and repair/recycle blood cells.

But somehow, they're blaming spike protein, as if it's a covid "virus" issue.

What if "spike protein" is a result of cell death and not the cause?

The new excuse is the DNA plasmids and "sv40 promoter", another distraction from the lipids.

Like you said, the platform is built to be toxic by design.

Sadly, the mythology of "covid" is something that many are still distracted by.

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Its great to see you go this far Mike.

One more tiny step to acknowledging the technology that so many of us have found would be huge.

Or even better acknowledge Clifford Carnicoms (carnicom institute website where all his papers can be downloaded freely) decades of work that we have mass screened for here in New Zealand and found in everyone at the NZSOS Drs conference.

With the utmost respect,

Yours, matt..

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Terrain theory is explanation for the fact that we create all disease in our own minds. That's why they constantly tell us about the dangers -- so we will make ourselves sick

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"no such thing as a virus" and "terrain" is a psyop based on inability to comprehend the difference between living things and non-living things.


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The virus theory only works if you're willing to accept the methods developed in the labs to recreate the viruses - really far from natural. The fact that so called viruses are actually excretions from cells makes alot of sense. By the way Daniel - I have tried that rumble address you gave on Jane Ruby and it doesn't work - can you post your rumble address link if you answer me - really liked what you had to say - I'm also Canadian - would love to follow your work. I think your use of the word psyop for the arguments against the germ theory is a bit antagonistic - as Tom Cowan is well known in the Anthroposophical community as being a doctor for many many years and has written 4 or 5 wonderful books on wellness and illness and diet - not an agent of any kind. Its not a psyop but a different theory. I hope you don't support Ryan Cole and the aggressive men that pushed dear Astrid Stuckelberger off the stage that day , even though the audience - the paying audience - wanted to hear the end of her talk. It was even said that her's was the best presentation.

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You're arguing with a Buddhist. "What is the mind?"


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Sounds like the beliefs of Mary Baker Eddie who founded the Church of Christian Science. (Not to be confused with Scientology.)

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Not quite right. Disease is not in the mind but the body. It is about your susceptibility which means the terrain of the body has become friendlier to disease developing. Further, disease often strikes the weakest part of the body. For example, you may hold stress in the stomach which can lead, over time, to the conditions that support an ulcer forming. It is also true that emotions can cause the terrain to weaken which is the mental aspect of illness. Most illnesses are simply reflections of some mental or emotional state that is unresolved and the vital force manifests on a physical level as opposed to creating a mental disease. This actually is a safety mechanism as it is much safer for the body to throw physical symptoms than debilitating mental or emotional ones.

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The brain and the body are an electrical hologram projected by the mind. The proof is that Duncan Cameron was clinically brain-dead according to his medical records, but he functioned normally.

"During a doctor’s visit in 1988, Duncan’s doctor commented upon the unusual scar tissue in his lungs. He’d never seen anything like it. Another doctor who was consulted said he’d only seen it in the service when someone had gotten in front of a high-powered radar beam. Previous research in or about 1986 indicated that Duncan was actually brain dead.

"At this point, we learned that the only reason Duncan is alive today is due to his strong psychic aptitude. The psychic part of his mind takes over the physical part of his mind and runs the body. His brain stem is alive. His spinal chord is alive. His body is alive. But his actual higher brain is dead. His psychic energy runs the body through the brain stem."


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Certainly a very interesting case and just shows that the mind can be a very potent source for survival. But I would not make a statement that this is how we work as humans, only one possibility.

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Never heard or read Terrain theory described that way.

But what you say is ironic.

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Terrain theory is old. Homeopathy was built on this idea over 200 yrs ago and still stands by it. It basically says that all illness is caused by a person's susceptibility;ie their personal terrain their body. As an example we know that all disease occurs in an acid environment. When you body pH is too low you are susceptible to microorganisms moving in and developing. I find this just as true in the garden when the soil pH is too high or low disease and pests move in and develop

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Never heard it described as all in your head.

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Diana Barahona used that phrase here on this blog. That is not my position. What do you mean my comments are ironic?

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I was speaking to her.

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Thanx for the clarification. Now it makes sense.

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I think we do what we can to increase our T cells, increase our own natural ability to fight off an illness and stop injecting poison in ourselves.

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People will fall for the next one because, over the decades, we have allowed a Billionaire Elite to create an international governmental structure obviating Constitutions and Democracy. Even us conspiracy theorists weren't aware of the extent to which this "LOCKSTEP" capability was already in place! Not until they showed their hand in the PlanDemic. Even I was stunned by the lack of conflict among the authorities. The ruling class / conspiracy did not act until their ducks were in a row. Errors among the "resistance" is not the problem.

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In 1948, Heinrich Mueller, the former head of the Gestapo, told his CIA Interrogator that the influenza pandemic of 1918-19, one of the most devastating plagues in human history, was man-made.

Mueller said the flu started as an US army bacteriological warfare experiment that somehow infected US army ranks at Camp Riley, KS in March 1918, and spread around the world. He said that it “got out of control” but we cannot discount the horrible possibility that the “Spanish Flu” was a deliberate elite depopulation measure.

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So deadly they couldn't transmit it in experiments.


The germ theory of disease is there to hide the real causes of disease.

In the case of the Spanish flu it was the pollution and stress of ww1.

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Malone is purely duplicitous and malevolent; he must be exposed as such and STOPPED. Revelations such as you've provided here are vital to the ongoing fight for truth.

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absolutely agree!! I had a real bad feeling in my guts about him since day 1. My gut never lies...

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Thanks for referring back, and I am :yulia: not yulia.

You might want to research why.

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Yet his followers have become fanatics and will cancel anyone who disagrees with or criticizes Malone.

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Yes; disheartening to say the least. I'm sure he feeds them packs of lies.

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I am disgusted by Ryan Cole, et al, for their demeaning authoritarian censorship. And "I'm sorry if you felt awkward, no harm meant," is not an admission of wrongdoing. This doesn't surprise me but confirms that this whole crew is in on controlling the narrative and staying in bounds.

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Cole referred to Dr Nixon in Australia as a "wannabe" microscopist. We have adopted that title as a badge of honor now.

I refer to him as a "wannabe" truth teller. He is certainly not a gentleman, as evidenced by his rudeness to Astrid Stucklberger. He is also not entirely honest.

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Tereza strikes again! That's a compliment.

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Boy, do I agree with you on this! No one human being or perspective is ever 100% perfect. Only God in Heaven achieves total perfection.

And, while someone may well be wrong about something, or even hold a view you find repugnant or foolish, it doesn't mean they don't have a lot of insight, evidence, facts or ideas that are REALLY important and need to be heard.

Case in point. I organized a Conference on Legal Issues around our fight for Medical Freedom and holding the criminals of the Covid Coup responsible for their actions. Speakers came from both sides of the isle. One said some things the opposite side found offensive, and one individual with clout, forced this presentation removed from our website through our parent organization.

Sigh. I'm fighting for my rights, and everyone's rights, to Freedom of Speech, especially when I have a perspective that's not "accepted!"

The Covid shots are dangerous. Inherently. Most vaccines appear to do more harm than good.. SIDS is almost always associated with vaccination People want to stop me from saying this and even more unpalatable things.

So how can I support my Freedom of Speech, if we pull down someone who says things you don't like??


Freedom of Speech is what makes it possible to sort through who's right and who's wrong. Who's position is foolish or prejudiced and who is reasonable and just.

We must let even those we deeply disagree with speak freely so we call ALL sort out our own perspectives! What we believe and why.

How to counter the biased, prejudiced or irrational. It's the mental and emotional and spiritual work of discovery, both of your own biases and that of others that make us better!

Really, really really.

Let's finally remember how important to a fair and free world FREEDOM OF SPEECH is!!!

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Dear Peter and Ginger

As I read through this, I cannot help but think about the theme that runs all through Scripture regarding freedom vs. slavery. This is a clarion call for those of us who are willing to speak freely to expand our footprint of discussion/debate/inquiry, etc. and to be vigilant and discerning to identify anyone who would seek to squelch the conversation. Having experienced plenty of this over the last several years, I now interpret any rhetorical devices such as ad hominem attacks as fairly reliable signals that I am dealing with someone who favors slavery over freedom. Curiosity, scientific inquisitiveness and an awareness of the vastness of our universe typically drives more questions, not less. When I perceive the use of linguistic devices which serve to shut down conversations, I sit up and pay close attention.

What happened to Astrid was really sad. I was pretty shocked by it when I viewed it all those months ago. Woman 'body blocked by four men.' And in this age. Hmm. Ryan Cole and Richard Urso are gentlemen I've met and wanted to keep my respect for but this kind of conduct gives off a strong signal.

Let's keep the debate open. Let's call out anyone who wants to shut down another's voice.

And let's keep praying that God will have mercy on us all.

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Carol......Thank you! And yes, may God have mercy on us all.


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Hi Everyone: I am begging everyone on this blog to watch the 15-minute video from Comedian Jimmy Dore. Note: He does use a few curse words, but it is a MUST WATCH!!! I hope that the link still works and has not been deleted by "The Powers That Be".

I stand with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger!!! I knew Dr. Cole had censored her, but I did not know about the others who did. If it is true that Dr. Kory also tried to censor her, SHAME ON HIM!!! I admired him and am SO DISAPPOINTED!!!

Sep 23, 2022 #TheJimmyDoreShow

The World Economic Forum would have us believe that they’re merely a benign organization that brings together thought leaders from across the globe to discuss solutions to the greatest challenges facing humanity while developing the future leaders who will likely be charged with implementing those solutions. And yet they continue talking about off-the-wall sh*t like eating bugs, implanting microchips in our brains and technological advances that will render many humans extraneous, obsolete and useless. Jimmy and The Dive’s Jackson Hinkle discuss some of the unnerving ideas leaders like Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari have broached at recent WEF events.


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Can someone please let me know if you are able to watch this and that the Luciferian Slimeballs have not deleted the link? Thank you. Patty Behan

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It is still there.

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Thank you for letting me know, NC!!!

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I watched it and immediately thought of Star Trek, The Borg.

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Hi Dorothy Ann: Exactly! That is what those diabolical looney toons have in store for us. 😠😒

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Oct 23, 2023
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Hi Chet: I believe it is from 2022. You don't need to subscribe but someone said the link on my post is working so you should be able to click on it.

Have a good night!

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Oct 23, 2023
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Brilliant and righteous. Be wary of any person who tries to censor, deflect or divert free and open discussion. Be especially suspicious if they use insults, intimidation or threats to stifle such discussion.

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Malone is very keen to shut down any conversation drawing attention to the orchestrated nature of what has occurred. He is equally as keen to emphasise the chaotic happenstance of the Covid era.

Anything/one drawing attention to specific global orchestrators, or an agenda which extends beyond the Covid era (2019 - 2023) is taboo.

Yeadon, Breggins etc alert us to a master plan by 'Global Predators'. Malone declares they must be silenced. Malone is the 'insider' (who came from 'The Outside') only during the Covid era. He was thrust into leadership of the Freedom Movement with an ability to garner resources others could not, neither during Covid or for decades before. His support of Desmet's 'we all went mad' hypothesis plays all too beautifully into a 'this was all just one big stuff-up' narrative.

Coincidentally, this is precisely what a party implementing a broader, prolonged, orchestrated assault on humanity would like us to believe. So, we all 'get on with our lives'. Whilst they, surrepticiously, get on with their agenda.

Malone's true intent set aside - momentarily. How could we possibly accept a man so acutely aware of the detrimental issues of mRNA and lipid nanoparticles, be dumb enough to inject himself (several times), after actually having had Covid 19? Malone is many things, but dumb is not one of them. So why?

Malone's claim he got the jabs wreaks of a gateway into the freedom movement. He became 'one of Us'. But no, he most definitely was not one of Us. He was distinctly, one of Them.

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EXCELLENT comment!!!

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This was my first article about Malone, and how the discrepancy in his behavior revealed his true purpose in the freedom movement.

If it humans have no free will, as one heavily circulated research article made the rounds last week, then there wouldn't need to be development of all these technologies to control us. (https://news.yahoo.com/stanford-scientist-decades-study-concludes-100024360.html)

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About a year ago I began investigating Dr. Robert Malone after reading his book and subscribing to his Substack. What I have discovered nobody else has been discussing, which I find impossibly insane, especially for seasoned investigators of media and government, but I will be, eventually.

Every once in a while Malone almost sounds like he really cares, and so I do cross-post him, occasionally, to take advantage for the “cause.” But what I can say, and have been for almost a year now, is that I believe him to be a hypocritical fraud; a bought operative whose job is to “pollute legitimate conspiracies with distracting bullshit,” meanwhile meld with real victims of the pandemic as if he too was mislead. I do NOT believe he was EVER mislead. Nor do I believe he took the bioweapon vaxx or almost died, like he and some of his supporters claim, but that his victimization was created, almost like he’s an “agent in the crowd,” an actor working for the CIA.

Malone behaves just like Israel—is always on the offensive defense—attacking and discrediting those he claims to be getting attacked by in a preemptive effort to destroy them so they will never have the ability to produce real science the public should be aware of; like he’s knowingly or unknowingly a tool for the American Intelligence; an ongoing psyops.

Since 2021, I’ve discovered more and more misdirecting media professionals, politicians, state representatives, cops, bought scientists and medical doctors who behave more like Nuremberg defendants on trial—like they’re practicing—meanwhile destroying all the evidence and eliminating all opposition before the actual hearing, like how the 9/11 “rigged explosives & incendiaries” destroyed databases and files within buildings one, two, seven and the pentagon.

I believe “they” are playing a game of “running the clock” until another explosive FalseFlag event, such as another manufactured virus attack, followed by illness from the “treatment” (the Vaxx) in which the pharmaceutical industry will miraculously have a new treatment for, if which you will become even sicker…then in the meantime set us up with another world war, which will effectively distract the entire nation and world, again, meanwhile install another fraud politician (Trump) with more fascist policies, all under the guise of security.

What most people simply do not understand is what’s happening in secret, constantly, day after day while we are all being distracted with fear-protocols setting everyone up to fight each-other, such as how the Federal Reserve was created, and the UN/WHO, Homeland Security…and several other policies and entities that have been enacted (all without legitimate ratification) as the citizens, and even a few legitimate politicians, are all being distracted by major news events like the Titanic, the Moon Landing and 9/11.

I’ll be expanding on all of this with several articles coming up next year as We the People will surely be distracted over and over by more fires, train wrecks and other explosive FalseFlag events “they” certainly have “planned” for everyone.

I love those of you who have the ability to see through the subterfuge. For so many years, decades actually, I believed I was the only one who really understood what was happening, like a real “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” move, like I was the only critical-thinking human left on earth, and that speaking up about what was really happening to the world and humanity—who’s doing the manipulating at the top of the satanic pyramid—would suddenly cause hoards of monsters to start screeching & chasing me down the the street.

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I’ve thought it was weird, the progression of Malone’s personal experience. If I recall correctly, he mentioned taking the jabs on that very first Dark Horse podcast with Weinstein. But he didn’t mention being injured. I only hear that about a year or so later. And I thought it was a little strange that he hadn’t mentioned his injury much sooner. I’ve felt more cautious of him, in some ways, because he is so well-spoken and self-controlled, while at the same time I appreciated how calm and collected he always seemed.

I don’t want to live a life of never trusting anyone, but at the same time, the false prophets and the anti-Christ will deceive even some of God’s people...I don’t want to be part of that group!

When he sued the Breggins (this is literally the first article I’ve read by them, as I decided to not engage in the drama :), I also thought that was strange. That just seemed like an exorbitant amount of money to demand from someone who’s actually on the same side - especially when there are other people and groups out there discrediting him too. I’ve been wary since then. But also willing to hold some space for him - because he could also just be totally human and not controlled op. At the end of the day, I think my lesson is that none of these leaders can become my god (we all want to be saved, don’t we? Such an easy tendency!). And I’ve just started listening to different things that I’ve long disagreed with (flat earth, no viruses, etc), and I find this incredible wonder that wells up, and I can’t take a strong stance on many of these things, but not in a deflated way. What I think, now, is that the world is far different than anything we’ve been led to believe (not specific to flat earth theories, but even the workings of gov’t, etc, all of it). I can’t say the earth is flat or that viruses don’t exist, but I do appreciate the people challenging and asking, and they have become HUMAN to me instead of “conspiracy theorists”. I suppose I should probably apply the same methods to progressive ideologies, but for some reason I can’t. Maybe because that is mainstream and approved, and if it is mainstream and approved then I don’t want it. 😅

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Chelles, I think so long as you remain an “individual student for life,” question everything, and never become a “dictator of ideas and truths,” and alway reminding yourself that real science is evolved by free people—not authoritarian teachers, media or politicians with the right to shut your mind and ideas down with punishing protocols—you’re on the right path.🌎👈🏽👍🏿

I never questioned things like the moon landing or Pearl Harbor until I taught myself how to read in high school, late 1980’s, and then again after 9/11. But just because I began to “understand” just how much science and technology was being abused by psyops professionals to skull-f🤬k people, that didn’t mean I started disbelieving logical science, like you said, the stupid flat planet crap. I do real physics, so I comprehend the forces of gravity in the vacuum of space creating spherical, celestial objects and planets, not flat-plain surfaces. Honestly, I think my autism has always kept me centered—incapable of “emotional beliefs”—therefore gravitating to an “intelligent understanding,” but at the same time kept me lonely most of my life due to my distrust of most “professionals” like politicians, doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc.

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Your comments about them all being on the same side are so true to me.

What is going on?

I see Malone the same way you do so was shocked to find out he was suing the Breggins.

Suing the Breggins is like suing saints. No two people have the heart and introspection that these two have. They are my heroes and yes aren’t these people all on the same side?

The only way I can make sense of this is this:

Drs Malone, Cole, and Kory are new to the table. All of them have been newly hurt in their own ways by being used, dismissed, and impoverished either monetarily or professionally or both.

When we find something profoundly disturbing out and find out that we were part of it, I think we construct our new view in not only a story of truth for ourself but with hyper defenses. I see these men in recovery mode and that can make people very rigid.

Just a thought....

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Chelles, do you like Matthew Ehret? Just finished watching this very interesting discussion on aliens and mind control I think you’d appreciate:


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They have what’s called AGITATED DENIAL. Even if their soul knows “something “ isn’t quite right. My 75 Yr old parents are in that stage. Receive all of their information from Lester Holt on the nightly news. I’m the “crazy “ one in the family. Unfortunately it is happening all over the world.

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Same here, Stephanie. The best we can do is keep questioning bad policies and the inhuman systems they create and sustain trapping the majority to ignorance, then begin arresting all the bad, bought lawyers responsible for a straight-jacket, rubber-room healthcare hospital—lot of humane mental health care.

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Dr. Peter and Ginger, I spent last night and this morning writing emails to various leaders in the freedom movement addressing this very thing, and I am compelled to write others. They were written from the perspective of someone just trying to understand ALL of the evidence. We are a medically complex family literally just trying to survive. We have given three years to in depth research, and we have been careful to evaluate our sources well. We have read your very large book as a part of that!☺️ We are deeply troubled by the harm being done by many examples of someone not honoring another’s excellent work and their freedom to present it. I cannot refute either side of this! There is plenty of strong evidence on both sides that cannot be refuted, and my heart just wants to see them all in one room presenting their evidence that simply HAS to overlap. THANK YOU for speaking to this today! It was needed and was a truthful response shared with grace, integrity, and compassion!!! It will help me keep my heart and mind open to ALL those who are sharing the evidence they have, especially some who others are attempting to discredit. But I must say I am starting to question and to cautiously view the work of those attempting to control and discredit others, who are claiming to be the authority or the “tip of the spear”. One who is too selfish to incorporate ALL the evidence and to value the contribution of others will be too blinded to see the whole picture and to see how it impacts what is needed and what is best for our health!!! Those people have fallen not due to the differing opinions of others, but from their own arrogance. Americans are tired of being deceived, controlled, and kept from hearing the whole truth!

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It appears many of these so-called “Freedom Fighters” are in a covert, organized, criminally run gang. They speak the words their audience yearns for like silver tongued conmen until challenged. That’s when their masks drop.

In terms of subtlety, they could learn a lot from the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

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Ha! ~ Ginger

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So true, Bridget!!! I consider myself a patient person, but I love myself and my son and care about my fellow human beings. I understand why some people were fooled or coerced to take the gene altering injections in the beginning and am not criticizing them. At this point, anyone who regularly watches the MSM News should feel an ethical obligation to start questioning things that smell fishier than a piece of sushi left in a hot car for 10 days. I and my fellow citizens have every right to question things that blatantly don't add up. These Globalist psychopaths' dirty deeds are directly affecting me and those I love!!

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"A Nobel Prize winning biochemist told me that Covid was a "a small anthill" that would soon disappear. I didn't buy it."

Next paragraph.

"I got much better advice from my friend Larry Ellison the brilliant founder and chairman of Oracle, who was working closely with the experts at Oxford University on fighting epidemics."

"Bibi, get as many vaccines as you can, from as many sources as you can, as quickly as you can", Larry urged. As usal, he was spot on."

From Bibi My Story.

Published 2022

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'Almost everything is ready for the Third Temple' claims Israeli TV report about red heifers brought to Israel last year

Looks like that Satanic temple won't be built, after all


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Once again a balanced assessment of what has been happening. Dr Breggin and Ginger , Dr. Yeadon and Dr Ruby are the true “adults in the room.” Mr Malone wants to control the room because he has an agenda to censor important voice for his hidden agenda. Sorry Mr Malone but you look really evil through this whole thing.

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I recommend all who follow Dr Jane Ruby- follow her regularly appearing guest Atty Todd Callender.

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On Bret Weinsteins podcast Dark Horse- RFK JR admits previous “pandemics “ are FAKE all because of Fauci, Ferrar and Gates. But Covid WAS’NT fake (that’s real). This FAKE Presidental candidate is a LIAR just like ALL of the others. Makes me sick to my stomach that they are ALL in on this corruption. God Help us all.

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"All of us will ultimately be judged on the effort we have contributed to building a New World Order." ~ Robert Kennedy, former U.S. Attorney-General, 1967.

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No. You shall not have such a thing. And if you protest, you'll most certainly be called a fascist or a racist. Two of their favorite words. They got everything backwards.

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Yeadon is almost certainly correct, and has everything to lose and nothing to gain by speaking up, I can't believe Malone would try to shut down Yeadon's opinion, given Yeadon has got at least as much credibility as Malone to talk on this subject, and the bravery to see this as much more than a dangerous injection, or a "mistake", especially when we can all see the trimmings that accompanied this injection... Lockdowns, denial of pneumonia treatment, use of known deadly drugs and ventilators, denial of repurposed safe medications, super cycled PCR and anyone who remotely tested positive was a "covid" death... Plus the forcing of this jab, on everyone, mandates were very strong outside the US, and refusal meant you lost your job and income, therefore in most cases your home. Mandates of experimental genetic crap were the ultimate sign something is wrong here...

My basic uni studies in microbiology and the role of mRNA in day to day cellular operations was enough to know that messing with such a delicate system, that still has many unknowns to this day, was a BAD idea... Yeadon is at a much higher level, and sounded the alarm, at a time when speaking up saw you targetted hard by the powers that be. Backed by many other microbiologists (Dr Sucharit Bhakti especially).

"We’re facing something much worse than an alleged virus. The injuries to people from these so-called vaccines… I wish I could tell you that it was accidental, but it wasn’t accidental. I’m convinced that these injections have been made to injure people, to maim and kill deliberately.”

Yeadon nailed it, unfortunately, for whatever reason Malone can't acknowledge the obvious danger to cellular health, of course reverse transcription is an obvious danger, given the didn't look at it, and reverse transcription is a commonly known factor in natural mRNA processes, to downplay the possibility is as stupid as not looking both ways when you cross the street...

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