Duchess thank you ♥️ although there are alternative explanations in the US the nursery rhyme was supposed to be singing about the black plague epidemic in Europe. Ring around the Rosie, supposedly depicts the Boyles with a red center and a ring around it.
I’ve also seen, alternatively, instead of ashes, the word “Achoo”. Which also points to an illness of some kind like the plague. Of course, for this article ashes is a more apt image.
And haven't we just been through a plague (man made albeit).
I am old enough to remember holding hands in a circle as children, going around and singing it, and then at the end we all let go of each others hands and fell down in the soft grass, giggling. I think I was about 6 or 7, when we learned to chant the rhyme.
You coudnt have picked a more haunting image to use....especially because of the missing children.
Yes it does! But lime disease was brought to us care of the federal government secret experiments on Plum Island infecting ticks with exotic diseases. The ticks escaped kind of like viruses Ken from labs and showed up in Lyme Connecticut, and started biting people.
I have Lyme Disease, so I'm well-aware of where it came from, although I contracted it in California back in '67 onward (having been bitten several times by deer ticks), and I don't recall when I had the "Lyme Sign" rash, but I had it at least once. I know they claim the outbreak supposedly didn't start until the '80s, but that was just when it was primarily first recognized, and I believe it had already spread across the country long before then---think about how many people there must have been who developed "mysterious illness(es)", but it was never connected with ticks, or it was connected with them but it wasn't widespread yet.
Let me hereby qualify what I just first said: I've long believed that I have "Lyme Disease"; but, now, with what's come out about our all being filled with nano-technology, I'm thinking that "Lyme Disease" was Morgellons Disease all along, and that what we "Lyme" sufferers thought was "parasites" (microscopic worms) infesting us, was actually nano-filaments that looked like bizarre parasites and/or "worms". I'd heard of Morgellons, but I don't recall ever knowing it was connected with nano-technology, and I never paid attention to it or researched it, until now. So, for what little good it might do, I'm now on Dr. McCullough's protocol.
Dr. Mihalcea says the supplement regimens won't work, and I don't even know (yet?) whether Dr. McCullough even knows, let alone believes, that we're all filled with nanotech; so, I'm hoping for the best, but I'm not holding my breath that McCullough's protocol will work in any appreciable way. For one thing, it seems pretty clear that we're constantly being infested with the stuff, thus even if we got rid of some of it, it would be a drop in the bucket, and we'd just keep being re-infested with it. So, Dr. Mihalcea may be correct; and, other than certain therapies, there may be no significant way(s) (yet?) to fight Morgellons and eradicate the nanotech from our bodies, and keep it eradicated.
I'm on an extremely-low, below-poverty-line only income of $934.00 per month in Social Security, and thus I'm on Medicare and Medicaid for my health insurance (almost zero out-of-pocket medical costs), but I'm not going to be able to find any doctors, allopathic or otherwise, who accept Medicare and Medicaid, and accept that I couldn't possibly pay out-of-pocket for ANY procedures, who would prescribe said procedures; and, most importantly, that Medicare and Medicaid would cover (very unlikely). As a result, what I need to get done procedure-wise, is out of reach for me. Such procedures as chelation therapy are probably not covered by Medicare and Medicaid.
There are tens of millions of us on below-poverty-line Social Security, so please don't underestimate the number of people who the necessary treatment protocols are out of reach of.
Facts: There have been at least 40 incineration attacks in CA and now Maui. And probably other places on Earth as well. A very HOT war! We have family who could be next! We are living in a war zone Mr. Kennedy. We trust you will take action and expose this very hot-war attack on our country immediately.
Cars incinerated, engine blocks turned to dust, glass melted, molten aluminum rivers – even cars not in the fire zone surrounded by homes not touched by a source of fire were.
“Fire can melt glass, however, glass has a melting point of 2552 to 2912 degrees Fahrenheit. This means most sources of fire will not burn hot enough to reach that point”. No grass or forest fire gets that hot. An average surface fire on the forest floor…, reach 1471 Degrees Fahrenheit”. All the glass from all the cars and homes was melted.
• Flammable trees and their leaves, lawns and grass, not burnt up as they would be in natural wild/ grass- organic fire. The water severely dried out of them by radiation. The leaves, trees and grass remain as you can see. Wood things survived.
• Blue things survived as per the physics of radiation space- light- energy technology.
• Plastic, rubber items such as trash bins, children’s’ toys did not burn/melt, and were carted away in the cover up.
• There is a known Air Force ‘Directed Energy Dictectorate ‘in Maui.
• Many Maui children are unaccounted - Where are they and their parents?
• Perfected siren system turned off on Maui.
• Hawaii has the largest single integrated public safety outdoor siren warning system in the world.
• The all-hazard siren system can be used for a variety of both natural and human-caused events; including tsunamis, hurricanes, dam breaches, flooding, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, terrorist threats, hazardous material incidents, and more.
• The sirens output is 121 decibels and propagate with a manufacture radius of 3400ft. This range may vary due to environmental and surrounding physical conditions. The sirens are battery-powered and use a photovoltaic charging system. https://www.mauisirens.com
• People blocked from escaping incinerated in their cars.
• Metal on boats moored in the ocean disintegrated, wood not burnt.
• No fireboats shooting unending water into the fires.
• Firetrucks could not get in, not alerted in time. Why was there not fire equipment there?
• Radiation fires INSIDE the most water-laden trees burnt from the inside-out. – No leaves are burnt. Palm fronds and trees that go up like a match, not burnt up.
• As per the National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center: On Tuesday morning Hurricane Dora was 685 miles south of Hawaii. And Dora was heading further south away from Hawaii fast. So it is impossible for terrific winds from Dora to have hit Maui. Those winds were not natural, not wet like EVERY island hurricane always is, not like any ever experienced according to the life long residents.
• We need all hands on deck in defense now, of our own DOD? What other explanation is there?
• There was no water in the winds as all hurricanes do have- Geoengineered-created winds that citizens had never experienced before on Maui fueled the radiation fires. The day before citizens report something hazy in the air- sprayed to make the incineration worse? Remember what Dane Wigington taught us in your interview Mr. Kennedy.
• “Hurricanes bring extreme rainfall. Warm air can hold more moisture than cool air. In tropical cyclones, the air is particularly warm and can hold a tremendous amount of moisture. The moisture cools as it rises and condenses into heavy rain often much more than a typical low pressure system. These rains can occur not only at the coast, but many miles inland, causing flooding that can continue for days or even many weeks after a storm. Always follow evacuation orders and never drive into flooded roadways. If you live in low-lying or flood prone area, always have an evacuation plan before a storm begins”
• The Governor used the term ‘ fire hurricane’. There is no such thing in real weather. Hurricanes are always dangerously wet with sheets of rain, flooding, huge waves, of course. We learned this in 2nd grade. It is actually another oxymoron much like social-distancing. This is a new W.E.F. created false term, just like many other terms were invented or new definitions given these last years. Lies. As if we are all fools. We are not.
• Maui was set up to be a smart city island. The plans to rebuild set before the Incineration- Attack. The Governor plans on making ‘work-force-housing” for those not incinerated and prevented from rebuilding and living back at their homesites in Lahaina. Planning with the World Economic Forum for years setting it all up. See Standtogetherhawaii.com created by Hawaiian Michelle Melendez. The People of Maui desperately need help legally. This is a crime of immense proportion https://www.nedo.go.jp/content/100864936.pdf
Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
3. Hawaiian Michelle Melendez has created https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/mauifires to inform and plea for help. Please read and watch the information she is showing us on this site.
4. Eric West of Hawaii Real Estate in Maui has been reporting via his Real Estate Youtube channel under his videos and community tabs-https://www.youtube.com/@hawaiirealestateorg/featured
9. One parent only so far has been found and is speaking. They were probably the only family who made it IN to find their son in his room hugging his dog, His mother stated:” but he was not as I expected, he was not in ashes, God maintained him”. Maintained him Mr. Kennedy? Dogs and cats have also been found-‘maintained”. This is not the way bodies burn up in a wild fire. His father had to carry his radiated body to the police station. Was there an autopsy performed as need be in a crime?
10. It just so happens that Maui is the location for one of two major sites for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFLR) Directed Energy Directorate. You read that correctly; within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.” https://greatmountainpublishing.com/2023/08/20/lahaina-is-within-40-miles-of-a-u-s-government-directed-energy-facility-on-maui/
11. Catherine Austin Fitts as you know is an excellent resource and is a staple of CHD. She agrees with this report Mr. Kennedy as you can hear her here: https://rumble.com/v3nxehi
The hurricane was 700 miles south of Hawaii so those winds can not of made landfall in Maui. The winds were geoengineered and dry. Hurricanes are very wet storms with sheets of rain, flooding, huge waves. The ocean was calm not a hurricane stormy no waves no swells people wading in calm waters. Here is the link to the hurricane report showing it was 700 miles south of Hawaii at 5AM that day and traveling south fast. It missed Hawaii by a long shot: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2023/ep05/ep052023.public.033.shtml?
Ginger, this is beautifully written and painstakingly detailed, from the use of the word 'inferno' to the interweaving with the ominous nursery rhyme. Even the simple reminder that Maui is an island no one can leave without leaving a record--I'm embarrassed to say that didn't occur to me. People aren't fleeing to distant relatives. We could know where every person went, if they're accounted for.
And the simultaneous distractions that are more inflicted disasters. Was the Burning Man weather another weapon? I'd guess so from the scare tactic of Ebola, a favorite of our 'friend' Malone.
Are there some people and children who DO know what happened who are in hiding? I'd have to believe that's true. Not every child was home alone if 'authorities' rounded them up after the cell service had been shut off. Somewhere are people who know the truth, who are justifiably afraid because they know they're trapped on an island with the perpetrators.
This will all come out. I'm certain of it. And your work to expose it is making that so.
Has everything come out about JFK? About 9/11? About Libya? It is fair to say that it may never will. Having lived for many years on Maui and am still deeply in love with the island and its original inhabitants, it pains me to the degree of torture to observe the apathy and indifference of the world regarding the crimes perpetrated on Maui. Those who fear for the continuation of mankind are in denial that we as a species are already beyond any redemption. It was the local population that sprung into action for immediate help. They were harrassed, obstructed and hindered by federal agents. Billions of dollars that benefit the military industrial complex are sent to Ukraine for a proxy war that could have easily been prevented. $ 700 USD per household for the survivors of the Lahaina Dresden event.
People could make it all stop today - if they really wanted to. Just by withdrawing consent to a lifestyle that has corrupted our souls, our compassion and empathy. Blessed are those who refuse to let that happen to their humanity.
I don't disagree with any of your examples, Wolfgang, and there are some I'd add that you might not be currently considering psyops. I think we're each responsible for our own education in researching and understanding the truth of these narratives. There are many things I've changed my mind about over the last 20 years.
I see 'lifestyle choices' as a bludgeon that's keeping us mired in guilt--how dare we use gas appliances? Travel? Own a house? Flush toilets? Clearly, we're the problem and we better not point fingers at those global oligarchs unless we pass a purity test first.
I hear your grief about your beloved community. Putting the blame on individuals for the war in Ukraine or Maui just lets the perpetrators off the hook, imo.
My response might have been confusing. Although I do believe that humanity has better days without all the so called progress, like smaller phones, faster cars and bigger kitchens. Can psychopaths be genuinely happy? The majority of mankind certainly is no longer. It is not just the fires, the weather warfare, aluminum and plastic in our blood and mother milk. The fact that we have allowed psychopaths to control each and every our steps, allowed them to buy our democracies, our police forces, militaries, health care - is at the core of humanity's suffering. Although I can only comment and not publish any longer, I have visions of a possible future that goes back to our real roots. Maybe a book could help? "How to get rid of Psychopaths that ruin your lives for Dummies"? Millions of dead people from the covid conspiracy - and people are willling to put masks back on? It is long overdue to give the psychopaths a taste of their own medicine. Thank You for engaging!
Thanks for subbing me, Wolfgang! My theory is that if the system promotes psychopaths, you could get rid of them all and the next tier would take their place. I don't have the book on how to get rid of the psychopaths but I do have How to Dismantle an Empire, on how to change the system: https://www.amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vision/dp/1733347607
Vice versa. This is why a sea change regarding the choices humanity makes is necessary. Especially in the U.S. - where global politics have been shaped over the last hundred years - Einstein's (or whoever has coined it) notion rings true: "Making the same mistakes over and over again - expecting different results - is insanity". That is U.S. elections: voting for the lesser evil over and over again - expecting beneficial results - is insane indeed.
Things will change when people change their priorities. P.S.: I boycott amazon.
At least 40 attacks according to Foreisnic Arborist Robert Brame who has been to them 106 times to investigate has taken 1000s of photos and has brought home evidence We must DO something - file a crime report with the police at the least- all of us! :
This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
40 attacks !! Not just Maui and Paradise but dozens of other attacks. especially in Calfornia. This has to be exposed. 40 attacks !!! As if 40 bombs were dropped. An Act of War!! a Hot war!!
Some of my points are rhetorical. There are many different names for those who ruin it for humanity. But condensed, they are all psychopaths - from the top down to the bottom, from 'presidents' to federal employees. Righteousness is seen as hindrance on the way to the top. Corruption is the order of the day.
I'm not too sure this will ever come out. When you have the entire sold out MSM, every corporation under it, and all the president's men covering it up, we are bound to lose that battle. If we still had journalists that would expose them, that would be a different story. After what happened to Assange, Snowden and so many others, fear is an incredible de-motivador.
"Bound to lose that battle" means extermination of the human race, at this point. On a spiritual level, I don't think it's hopeless and the evidence in my own life tells me there's purpose and meaning. The Breggins are certainly a testament that fear isn't the only or strongest force.
Unfortunately, no amount of spirituality can save us from the war they've started on the people of this planet. I'm an old hippie and always thought a chill, Zen approach would take care of everything. I just expressed my opinion to Ginger in the last comment on this thread.
School did not start until the next day. So there were many children home alone while their parents worked. We have onlly heard from one set of parents so far who actually made it IN to find their son hugging his dog. The mother stated ' he was not how I'd expect him , he was not in ashes- God maintained him". In other words he was radiated to death, his body not burnt up, he was in form hugging his dog. His Dad had to carry him a half mile wrapped in a tarp. The tarp did not burn up Was that little boy autopsied ? As it should be in a crime? Or futher creamated to cover up any evidence? Here is the link to the parents: https://rumble.com/v3n2nqt-parents-find-their-son-hugging-their-dog-radiated-to-death..html
An important material physics observation: more significant than the aluminum melt is the auto glass. Melting temp starts at 2500 deg F; to achieve flowing liquid state, you’re probably in the 2700-3000 deg range. Different glass compositions have different melt points, but all significantly higher than aluminum.
Another material I find curiously absent from photos and videos is the porcelain. Melt point exceeds 3500 deg F. In all the footage I’ve looked at, which is quite a bit, I only spotted a single toilet in a building which wasn’t completely turned to ash. I would have thought the wood frame residential structures that burned on the south side of town would show hundreds of toilets, or pieces thereof, but apparently all of that porcelain was either turned to ash or pulverized. I don’t know. Very curious.
Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
Hurricane Dora was 700 miles south at 5AM and futher south when the incineration attack began. Those winds were not from any hurricane they had to be geoengineered as we have had proven to us by Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington. There is not much natural weather left on Earth. Maui residents report the air was coated with something the day before. This is a link to the Hurricane Forecast Officially: and it was 700 miles south of Hawaii and going further south and away fast. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2023/ep05/ep052023.public.033.shtml?
Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
3. Hawaiian Michelle Melendez has created https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/mauifires to inform and plea for help. Please read and watch the information she is showing us on this site.
WE HAVE BEEN ATTACKED AT LEAST 40 TIMES WITH A HOT SPACE RADIATION WEAPON. Kennedy must take action. Please join with me to ask him!!!!!
Hawaii Island is my US home. Although I don't live there year round, I was there at the time. It was quite something to see the media's power over people's minds even just one island away. For weeks after, the majority still seemed to be buying into the mainstream narratives, much like the rest of the world. But among several people I know with friends and family in and around Lahaina, all of whom survived, thankfully, none believed this was an accident. Not one. I've made arrangements to return next month and I'm going to try my best to go to Maui this time as well. I want to see the crime scene. I'm well aware that it is being hidden as part of the cover up, and that too is more evidence of a crime still in progress, but I want to see it anyway. The independent media coverage has been superb and at times overwhelming. It's bit hard to process it all. That too is by design, I'm sure. However, I think you've done this incredibly dark story justice with your piece here. Thank you very much.
Hi Dave-- Thank you so much. I am sure I will be following up. Please post updates on this stack to me -- I can include them in future coverage and would appreciate the first person info.
Thank you, Ginger and Peter. I plan to be on Maui on Oct 7 and 8. I'm headed there from London after a brief stop in Iceland to attend Brave Sasha and Brave Katherine's symposium in Reykjavik. I'm not a professional vlogger, so I'm not sure I'll have much to add to the independent coverage that's already available, but I will certainly share any updates that might be worthwhile. Very best to you both.
Please contact Eric West of Hawaii Real Estate there when you are there. He is reporting on the crime. And also join standtogetherhawaii.com Thank you.
Independent media coverage held up well, as I was able verify many things I had read, while finding nothing that of significance that was materially off base.
In my considered view, a smoking gun can potentially be found by closely examining and bringing intensive focus on Kaiāulu o Kupuohi, the affordable apartment building complex on Kupuohi Street in the Lahaina Business Park. You may have seen it but it was a relatively new 89 unit apartment complex built from concrete, which has effectively been reduced to nothing but rubble and three freestanding elevator shafts. This has been covered briefly in the MSM, but it seems to me that this coverage seeks to normalize something that is absolutely not normal. I have footage from relatively close, if it is of interest.
If possible, I would like to try to help raise the profile of the Honokōwai Relief Center. I worked with them one afternoon and can vouch for the excellent work they are doing. Interested parties can make donations at the link below, or contact them directly at honokowairelief@gmail.com.
Please sign the letter I have been drafting to Mr. Kennedy a wonderful environmental attorney who is in the postion to help bring Justice to the attack on Maui and CA Please watch these two interviews with a very experience arborist who has made 106 trips to 39 different incineration attacks, most in CA. I have a daughter up in Somerset CA in the foothills who is in a dangerous area if they do it again. . Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
He also has saved molten evidence. It is time for Mr. Kennedy to help and for us all to contact our police and sheriffs department and make reports. This is a hot war not unlike a mini-nuke hitting our states 40 times!!!!! Will you sign my letter I wll send you it in an email and anyone else will you please sign a plea to Mr. Kennedy asking him to investigate and take action? Please we the people must take action now or it can be us next.
BTW.... rumor is that they're arresting homeowners who try to return to their houses for trespassing, and that they have put a black fabric fence all around the burn area.
Yes, I've seen the black fabric fencing as well. It occurred to me that we should be asking for FOI releases on the procurement orders needed to facilitate all that fabric and other materials on such short order. Indeed, we should ask for FOI releases on all of the commercial arrangements for the cover up, oops, I mean clearing and rebuild of Lahaina. Based on my experience and knowledge of the Hawaiian islands, it is not so easy to marshal construction resources even for small projects, let alone at scale like this. They've moved amazingly fast here. I think that's another line of inquiry we should all pursue. Atb.
So, there's this kind of out there guy by the name of Clif High. He's also on substack. Does "predictive linguistics."
He did a substack a few days called "Woo Wars." Claims that Oprah, the Rock, etc, painted their houses a strange shade of blue a year ago. How did they know? Who told them?
Please contact me if you will and want to create a mainland committee for these incineration attacks. Now Maui but there have been 39 more at least mostly in CA Please watch both of these interviews with a very experience arborist and naturalist : Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
Thank you, Tom. The loss of Lahaina is still hard to believe, even for me, and I'm just a Big Islander. It will be much more palpable for you and your family, and I'm sorry for that. It's wonderful that your daughter is able to help a local family. Yes, Ellison clearly ranks quite high in the visible hierarchy. It is quite something to be on Lanai (as I have been) and to know that he pretty much owns the whole damn island. I'm afraid the Dresden connection is lost on me, so I'm unlikely to be much help. Per my message to Ginger and Peter above, this will be more of a personal journey, but I'll certainly share anything from it that might be worthwhile. Atb
Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
3. Hawaiian Michelle Melendez has created https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/mauifires to inform and plea for help. Please read and watch the information she is showing us on this site.
4. Eric West of Hawaii Real Estate in Maui has been reporting via his Real Estate Youtube channel under his videos and community tabs-https://www.youtube.com/@hawaiirealestateorg/featured
9. One parent only so far has been found and is speaking. They were probably the only family who made it IN to find their son in his room hugging his dog, His mother stated:” but he was not as I expected, he was not in ashes, God maintained him”. Maintained him Mr. Kennedy? Dogs and cats have also been found-‘maintained”. This is not the way bodies burn up in a wild fire. His father had to carry his radiated body to the police station. Was there an autopsy performed as need be in a crime?
10. It just so happens that Maui is the location for one of two major sites for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFLR) Directed Energy Directorate. You read that correctly; within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.” https://greatmountainpublishing.com/2023/08/20/lahaina-is-within-40-miles-of-a-u-s-government-directed-energy-facility-on-maui/
11. Catherine Austin Fitts reporting its an attack on Maui and CA and land grabs https://rumble.com/v3nxehi
"What would the media being doing about this story if Trump were president?" My guess is it would be on 24/7 and there would be lots of wailing. Especially since it happened to indigenous people.
That being said, the MSM pretty much let the Vegas Shooter story die because... country music fans (icky people from icky red states) were the ones killed.
Perhaps this is just another sad instance of the MSM doing the bidding of their masters.
BTW... the guy who was involved in the Vegas Shooting (sheriff I think) is now in charge of the situation in Maui. Funny how those things happen.
The trauma is a huge issue and must be seen as intentional. As a person suffering from PTSD, for years now, new trauma has been added. The mind cannot recover with constantly added new pain. What helped me are Mantras. Like "Om Ganapataye Namaha". And listening to Alan Watts and J. Krishnamurti. Soothing music and soothing words.
I cannot find any decent therapists who take insurance at this point for my SEVERE CPTSD. I am a hypnotherapist and I can only do what you have mentioned. Im in deep need of help. Ive tried to think of a way to create a local group for people like us. My local pages wont allow me to post. ........
You can do a free subscription to my substack and I will be able to communicate with You via email. Best if You have a protonmail account. That way the exchange is encrypted.
Now, know that the main point is to understand that there is no help. If any help is extended, it comes from soul mates - be they from a functioning family, or friends. In most cases - as in my own - trauma is inescapable due to the inability to generate sufficient income to build up a buffer to shield one from basic threats. Basic threats are (not in order, but kind of all of like severity): safe housing, food, heating, clothing, genuine communication, personal hygenie, silence, companion-/friendship. "Basic threat" means that, if any of these is threatened with loss, it will pose severe trauma. To secure, or better focus on, the presence of these aspects, creates the life force that is needed and then opens means and ways to generate the income necessary to keep it all together. It is best to not have too precise ideas about how to go about that. Each one of us will find a way that is custom tailored to what sustains us most effectively. To be open to our salvation in whatever form it may present itself. I am there for You anytime. A virtual big hug.
I am truly shocked and horrified to read your message, and know that I sympathize with you as much as possible, how sorry I am, and how I strongly hope that you may find a positive outcome.
Some demon, out there, "wants it all"; look at the Palestinians: all dead, all wiped, and nobody cares or acts. Surely, such thing shouldn't last for too long. Try to hold on. That demon became mad and thought he would be able to sit with angels. So he tried. So he should fall soon for such hubris.
We need to start a mainland commitee to expose the arson murder attacks by radiation lazers and take action and support each other at the same time. Please contact me at cheriaspen@gmail.com to start this if anyone wants to . Taking action is a good defense against depression-- Doing something positive as truth warriors fighting for the children and the future of mankind with love actions.
please contact Robert Kennedy Jr via his Kennedy24.com contact page and childrenshealthdefense.org and them to help. They can and will I think if we all ask. I have written to them, please do as well. Thank you.
Dr Peter and Mrs Breggin, you captured the horror of Lahaini fire facts being ignored by the legacy media and politicians. I have seen some you tube independent posting interviews and pictures. I heard Dr Breggin on Truth over Fear, bought preordered the book, you sent me a PDF DRAFT until the book arrived. The book transformed my awareness of the “Prey” we have become. The knowdge and spirit of God speaks thru you both to be messages to God’s faithful. Thank you for this masterpiece of the facts about the fire after research..The children suffering alone stabs my heart. Praying for Maui. And you both stay in my prayers
Astonishingly well researched and written. This catastrophe demands an independent, full, open, and immediate investigation. But our government probably won't allow that. We're DEWs used? So tragic.
What happened to America?
Let's fight back by resisting leftist policies, and by investigating the sudden, insane events linked to them.
Great work, no, doubt..but the pics are just mind numbing and horrific, necessary though. It truly crushes my soul for these ones. Hard to wrap your head around.
Ginger here. The circumstances are heartbreaking but I feel I must not look away. We have to face the evil afoot in our world. Having researched our book COVID 19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey helped me to really face the ill intentions loose upon Earth.
Ginger, 3 - 4 years ago I was honored to work with one of the most brilliant people. I followed his lead and saw and we, many tried to get the information from the best, most educated virologist’s on the COVID-19. I worked so hard and long, I thought I would never be able to get the information out. Then we all turned and somehow I was educated throughly in pedophilia, child trafficking, body parts and it was horrific for me to bear. We knew what we were fighting for and dug in. I have never been so tired in my entire life. I had a picture taken and saw the effects of it all over my face. I have aged tremendously and my body has deteriorated at Mach speed. Yet, I would do it all over again.
With sincere respect for your work, it exemplifies a risk for us all. Does pushing oneself past physical and emotional fatigue become self-abuse? Caring for yourself is important, if this battle continues for years.
I was trying to fit into a small group of ladies in a bible study. I mentioned about a comment made about me being destructive to myself. Boy did that group jump on that. Ha ha, hysterical how quickly demons find ways to justify their own behaviors. I just had to smile. They’ll show you who they really are. Same group, I mentioned a poster I use to have and regretted sale ing it. A duck sitting on an older ( my favorite ) lawn chair outside a motel, 2 bullet holes besides his head, like Twitty bird. Minding his own business and not a care in the world. They again laughed hysterically, made me wonder what they knew ? Anyways hard to find kind people who truly care. Caring today is very abnormal to these people.
Ginger, you have an incredible talent and calling. I've posted the URL for what you have written on Courageous Discourse, hoping others will follow the link and read your words. God bless.
The escalation with False Flag Operations and Censorship is dramatically displayed with this abomination. The psy-ops to further demoralize and threaten the armed population is dually noted as well. They honestly believe all are cowed.
For such brilliance as this 'Committee of 300'; it's interesting they allow themselves such predictability with their 'Schedule of Chaos'. Would be far more effective would they adopt an Intermittent Schedule of Chaos instead of steady, sure and overlapping AT ALL TIMES.
Those awake are no longer aghast; "Shocked or Awed"...But growing increasingly numb in their hypervigilance and more cunning the more time goes on.
Robert Malone’s latest unpleasant attack on twitter has been directed against Mike Yeadon. Like the Breggins, he is one of the finest and most courageous academics.
So little is being said about the Lahaina Inferno. A Youtube here and a substack there, but generally it's been a quiet mysterious tragedy with so much else getting lots of noise -- Trump's indictment, the economic catastrophe, Biden's corruption, the excess mortality numbers and the athletes falling down on playing fields everywhere. How do we process all the evil that has been unleashed on the world? Thank you for calling out this one Ginger and making us hear the deafening silence as to the whereabouts of the many missing children who could not easily make it off an island. And the photo at the top of the beautiful island is haunting knowing that it is now all cinders and ash. Who should be investigating this? I think this might be where a Congressional committee steps in and spearheads the mission. Is there any save Senator Johnson who dares run counter to the Deep State operatives?
So much information and so well put together, Ginger. Thank you!
So, it's beyond obvious that we ARE at their mercy. Even though We are The People. That used to mean something and was the first premise of the US Constitution. These maniacs are in power because we put them there. They're supposed to work for us, not burn us alive. You're are absolutely right, there have been no discussions and worse, minimal outrage from the people. And the few who dared are silenced. A commenter above said we have the answers to many questions. Do we?
Also, the reason why this is so scary is because, where does it stop? What's next? Blowing up Yellowstone? It's pretty obvious nothing is off limits and we're sitting ducks. There's so much one can do to prepare for planned disasters and hardly anyone has the luxury of having a bunker in place.
Ok, so you're nitpicking. And that's fine. However, you're not providing us with any feasible solutions. That the country was built by a bunch of racist landowners, doesn't fix our present problem. What do YOU propose we do Now? We are more divided than ever. Name it, you'll get a contrarian. You have folks still defending anything the govt does or says. Where do we go from here?
Ginger, that was haunting...ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
Absolutely haunting.
Duchess thank you ♥️ although there are alternative explanations in the US the nursery rhyme was supposed to be singing about the black plague epidemic in Europe. Ring around the Rosie, supposedly depicts the Boyles with a red center and a ring around it.
I’ve also seen, alternatively, instead of ashes, the word “Achoo”. Which also points to an illness of some kind like the plague. Of course, for this article ashes is a more apt image.
Throwing Stones - 1987
And haven't we just been through a plague (man made albeit).
I am old enough to remember holding hands in a circle as children, going around and singing it, and then at the end we all let go of each others hands and fell down in the soft grass, giggling. I think I was about 6 or 7, when we learned to chant the rhyme.
You coudnt have picked a more haunting image to use....especially because of the missing children.
Throwing Stones 1987 -
Sounds like the sign of Lyme Disease tick bites.
Yes it does! But lime disease was brought to us care of the federal government secret experiments on Plum Island infecting ticks with exotic diseases. The ticks escaped kind of like viruses Ken from labs and showed up in Lyme Connecticut, and started biting people.
I have Lyme Disease, so I'm well-aware of where it came from, although I contracted it in California back in '67 onward (having been bitten several times by deer ticks), and I don't recall when I had the "Lyme Sign" rash, but I had it at least once. I know they claim the outbreak supposedly didn't start until the '80s, but that was just when it was primarily first recognized, and I believe it had already spread across the country long before then---think about how many people there must have been who developed "mysterious illness(es)", but it was never connected with ticks, or it was connected with them but it wasn't widespread yet.
Let me hereby qualify what I just first said: I've long believed that I have "Lyme Disease"; but, now, with what's come out about our all being filled with nano-technology, I'm thinking that "Lyme Disease" was Morgellons Disease all along, and that what we "Lyme" sufferers thought was "parasites" (microscopic worms) infesting us, was actually nano-filaments that looked like bizarre parasites and/or "worms". I'd heard of Morgellons, but I don't recall ever knowing it was connected with nano-technology, and I never paid attention to it or researched it, until now. So, for what little good it might do, I'm now on Dr. McCullough's protocol.
Dr. Mihalcea says the supplement regimens won't work, and I don't even know (yet?) whether Dr. McCullough even knows, let alone believes, that we're all filled with nanotech; so, I'm hoping for the best, but I'm not holding my breath that McCullough's protocol will work in any appreciable way. For one thing, it seems pretty clear that we're constantly being infested with the stuff, thus even if we got rid of some of it, it would be a drop in the bucket, and we'd just keep being re-infested with it. So, Dr. Mihalcea may be correct; and, other than certain therapies, there may be no significant way(s) (yet?) to fight Morgellons and eradicate the nanotech from our bodies, and keep it eradicated.
I'm on an extremely-low, below-poverty-line only income of $934.00 per month in Social Security, and thus I'm on Medicare and Medicaid for my health insurance (almost zero out-of-pocket medical costs), but I'm not going to be able to find any doctors, allopathic or otherwise, who accept Medicare and Medicaid, and accept that I couldn't possibly pay out-of-pocket for ANY procedures, who would prescribe said procedures; and, most importantly, that Medicare and Medicaid would cover (very unlikely). As a result, what I need to get done procedure-wise, is out of reach for me. Such procedures as chelation therapy are probably not covered by Medicare and Medicaid.
There are tens of millions of us on below-poverty-line Social Security, so please don't underestimate the number of people who the necessary treatment protocols are out of reach of.
Funny you should mention stories... Klaus Schwab agrees with you:
In terms of the non-US citizens in Lahaina.... it seems that neither the US or China are angry about their deaths.
If the US killed them, China should be angry.
If China killed them, the US should be angry.
Seems to me like these people were slated for death, and both the US and China were on board with that. As well as the death of the children.
Facts: There have been at least 40 incineration attacks in CA and now Maui. And probably other places on Earth as well. A very HOT war! We have family who could be next! We are living in a war zone Mr. Kennedy. We trust you will take action and expose this very hot-war attack on our country immediately.
Cars incinerated, engine blocks turned to dust, glass melted, molten aluminum rivers – even cars not in the fire zone surrounded by homes not touched by a source of fire were.
“Fire can melt glass, however, glass has a melting point of 2552 to 2912 degrees Fahrenheit. This means most sources of fire will not burn hot enough to reach that point”. No grass or forest fire gets that hot. An average surface fire on the forest floor…, reach 1471 Degrees Fahrenheit”. All the glass from all the cars and homes was melted.
• Flammable trees and their leaves, lawns and grass, not burnt up as they would be in natural wild/ grass- organic fire. The water severely dried out of them by radiation. The leaves, trees and grass remain as you can see. Wood things survived.
• Blue things survived as per the physics of radiation space- light- energy technology.
• Plastic, rubber items such as trash bins, children’s’ toys did not burn/melt, and were carted away in the cover up.
• There is a known Air Force ‘Directed Energy Dictectorate ‘in Maui.
• Many Maui children are unaccounted - Where are they and their parents?
• Perfected siren system turned off on Maui.
• Hawaii has the largest single integrated public safety outdoor siren warning system in the world.
• The all-hazard siren system can be used for a variety of both natural and human-caused events; including tsunamis, hurricanes, dam breaches, flooding, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, terrorist threats, hazardous material incidents, and more.
• The sirens output is 121 decibels and propagate with a manufacture radius of 3400ft. This range may vary due to environmental and surrounding physical conditions. The sirens are battery-powered and use a photovoltaic charging system. https://www.mauisirens.com
• People blocked from escaping incinerated in their cars.
• Metal on boats moored in the ocean disintegrated, wood not burnt.
• No fireboats shooting unending water into the fires.
• Firetrucks could not get in, not alerted in time. Why was there not fire equipment there?
• Radiation fires INSIDE the most water-laden trees burnt from the inside-out. – No leaves are burnt. Palm fronds and trees that go up like a match, not burnt up.
• As per the National Hurricane Center and Central Pacific Hurricane Center: On Tuesday morning Hurricane Dora was 685 miles south of Hawaii. And Dora was heading further south away from Hawaii fast. So it is impossible for terrific winds from Dora to have hit Maui. Those winds were not natural, not wet like EVERY island hurricane always is, not like any ever experienced according to the life long residents.
• We need all hands on deck in defense now, of our own DOD? What other explanation is there?
• CHD’s staple economist and wise woman Catherine Austin Fitz reporting in agreement the incinerations of Maui and Paradise were created- “ an attack”. To move people out of the rural areas clustered into controllable cities. This is a clip of her broadcast. https://rumble.com/v3nxehi-we-are-under-attack-catherine-austin-fitz-reporting-incineration-maui-land-.html
• There was no water in the winds as all hurricanes do have- Geoengineered-created winds that citizens had never experienced before on Maui fueled the radiation fires. The day before citizens report something hazy in the air- sprayed to make the incineration worse? Remember what Dane Wigington taught us in your interview Mr. Kennedy.
• “Hurricanes bring extreme rainfall. Warm air can hold more moisture than cool air. In tropical cyclones, the air is particularly warm and can hold a tremendous amount of moisture. The moisture cools as it rises and condenses into heavy rain often much more than a typical low pressure system. These rains can occur not only at the coast, but many miles inland, causing flooding that can continue for days or even many weeks after a storm. Always follow evacuation orders and never drive into flooded roadways. If you live in low-lying or flood prone area, always have an evacuation plan before a storm begins”
( https://www.noaa.gov/education/resource-collections/weather-atmosphere/hurricanes#:~:text=Hurricanes%20bring%20extreme%20rainfall&text=The%20moisture%20cools%20as%20it,even%20weeks%20after%20a%20storm.
• The Governor used the term ‘ fire hurricane’. There is no such thing in real weather. Hurricanes are always dangerously wet with sheets of rain, flooding, huge waves, of course. We learned this in 2nd grade. It is actually another oxymoron much like social-distancing. This is a new W.E.F. created false term, just like many other terms were invented or new definitions given these last years. Lies. As if we are all fools. We are not.
• Maui was set up to be a smart city island. The plans to rebuild set before the Incineration- Attack. The Governor plans on making ‘work-force-housing” for those not incinerated and prevented from rebuilding and living back at their homesites in Lahaina. Planning with the World Economic Forum for years setting it all up. See Standtogetherhawaii.com created by Hawaiian Michelle Melendez. The People of Maui desperately need help legally. This is a crime of immense proportion https://www.nedo.go.jp/content/100864936.pdf
Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
2. This is a Robert Brame interview with Hawaii activist Michelle Melendez after the Maui Incineration . Michelle is a Fitness & Wellness Expert since 1966 and author of a best selling book. https://rumble.com/v3dfbq6-48-yr-arborist-shares-how-maui-fire-was-not-a-wildfire.html
3. Hawaiian Michelle Melendez has created https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/mauifires to inform and plea for help. Please read and watch the information she is showing us on this site.
4. Eric West of Hawaii Real Estate in Maui has been reporting via his Real Estate Youtube channel under his videos and community tabs-https://www.youtube.com/@hawaiirealestateorg/featured
5. Eric West video of cars incinerated not near a source of fire, not in the fire zone: https://www.youtube.com/@hawaiirealestateorg/videos
6. The Physics of Radiation Lasers and why blue things survived: https://rumble.com/v3ekiln-maui-was-zapped-by-a-direct-energy-weapon-obviously-there-is-a-known-dew-on.html
7. Testimony from a lady who escaped to the North where everyone could have gotten out except they then blocked that exit. https://www.bitchute.com/video/RtJ7IGT3lmCB/
8. Testimony of an Hawaiian Elder, a Kapuna who lost everything: https://rumble.com/v3n2mzi-elder-hawaiian-a-kapuna-testifies-at-a-hearing-in-maui-a-wise-woman-speakin.html
9. One parent only so far has been found and is speaking. They were probably the only family who made it IN to find their son in his room hugging his dog, His mother stated:” but he was not as I expected, he was not in ashes, God maintained him”. Maintained him Mr. Kennedy? Dogs and cats have also been found-‘maintained”. This is not the way bodies burn up in a wild fire. His father had to carry his radiated body to the police station. Was there an autopsy performed as need be in a crime?
10. It just so happens that Maui is the location for one of two major sites for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFLR) Directed Energy Directorate. You read that correctly; within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.” https://greatmountainpublishing.com/2023/08/20/lahaina-is-within-40-miles-of-a-u-s-government-directed-energy-facility-on-maui/
11. Catherine Austin Fitts as you know is an excellent resource and is a staple of CHD. She agrees with this report Mr. Kennedy as you can hear her here: https://rumble.com/v3nxehi
Some are saying this is an space alien invasion where they mind-control humans of elite stature to terraform earth to the aliens' liking.
The hurricane was 700 miles south of Hawaii so those winds can not of made landfall in Maui. The winds were geoengineered and dry. Hurricanes are very wet storms with sheets of rain, flooding, huge waves. The ocean was calm not a hurricane stormy no waves no swells people wading in calm waters. Here is the link to the hurricane report showing it was 700 miles south of Hawaii at 5AM that day and traveling south fast. It missed Hawaii by a long shot: https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2023/ep05/ep052023.public.033.shtml?
Ginger, this is beautifully written and painstakingly detailed, from the use of the word 'inferno' to the interweaving with the ominous nursery rhyme. Even the simple reminder that Maui is an island no one can leave without leaving a record--I'm embarrassed to say that didn't occur to me. People aren't fleeing to distant relatives. We could know where every person went, if they're accounted for.
And the simultaneous distractions that are more inflicted disasters. Was the Burning Man weather another weapon? I'd guess so from the scare tactic of Ebola, a favorite of our 'friend' Malone.
Are there some people and children who DO know what happened who are in hiding? I'd have to believe that's true. Not every child was home alone if 'authorities' rounded them up after the cell service had been shut off. Somewhere are people who know the truth, who are justifiably afraid because they know they're trapped on an island with the perpetrators.
This will all come out. I'm certain of it. And your work to expose it is making that so.
Tereza! Thank you so much. ♥️
Has everything come out about JFK? About 9/11? About Libya? It is fair to say that it may never will. Having lived for many years on Maui and am still deeply in love with the island and its original inhabitants, it pains me to the degree of torture to observe the apathy and indifference of the world regarding the crimes perpetrated on Maui. Those who fear for the continuation of mankind are in denial that we as a species are already beyond any redemption. It was the local population that sprung into action for immediate help. They were harrassed, obstructed and hindered by federal agents. Billions of dollars that benefit the military industrial complex are sent to Ukraine for a proxy war that could have easily been prevented. $ 700 USD per household for the survivors of the Lahaina Dresden event.
People could make it all stop today - if they really wanted to. Just by withdrawing consent to a lifestyle that has corrupted our souls, our compassion and empathy. Blessed are those who refuse to let that happen to their humanity.
I don't disagree with any of your examples, Wolfgang, and there are some I'd add that you might not be currently considering psyops. I think we're each responsible for our own education in researching and understanding the truth of these narratives. There are many things I've changed my mind about over the last 20 years.
I see 'lifestyle choices' as a bludgeon that's keeping us mired in guilt--how dare we use gas appliances? Travel? Own a house? Flush toilets? Clearly, we're the problem and we better not point fingers at those global oligarchs unless we pass a purity test first.
I hear your grief about your beloved community. Putting the blame on individuals for the war in Ukraine or Maui just lets the perpetrators off the hook, imo.
My response might have been confusing. Although I do believe that humanity has better days without all the so called progress, like smaller phones, faster cars and bigger kitchens. Can psychopaths be genuinely happy? The majority of mankind certainly is no longer. It is not just the fires, the weather warfare, aluminum and plastic in our blood and mother milk. The fact that we have allowed psychopaths to control each and every our steps, allowed them to buy our democracies, our police forces, militaries, health care - is at the core of humanity's suffering. Although I can only comment and not publish any longer, I have visions of a possible future that goes back to our real roots. Maybe a book could help? "How to get rid of Psychopaths that ruin your lives for Dummies"? Millions of dead people from the covid conspiracy - and people are willling to put masks back on? It is long overdue to give the psychopaths a taste of their own medicine. Thank You for engaging!
Thanks for subbing me, Wolfgang! My theory is that if the system promotes psychopaths, you could get rid of them all and the next tier would take their place. I don't have the book on how to get rid of the psychopaths but I do have How to Dismantle an Empire, on how to change the system: https://www.amazon.com/How-Dismantle-Empire-2020-Vision/dp/1733347607
Vice versa. This is why a sea change regarding the choices humanity makes is necessary. Especially in the U.S. - where global politics have been shaped over the last hundred years - Einstein's (or whoever has coined it) notion rings true: "Making the same mistakes over and over again - expecting different results - is insanity". That is U.S. elections: voting for the lesser evil over and over again - expecting beneficial results - is insane indeed.
Things will change when people change their priorities. P.S.: I boycott amazon.
boycotting voting might be the way to go :)
At least 40 attacks according to Foreisnic Arborist Robert Brame who has been to them 106 times to investigate has taken 1000s of photos and has brought home evidence We must DO something - file a crime report with the police at the least- all of us! :
This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
Yes exactly - outsourcing - ppp = FASCISM
40 attacks !! Not just Maui and Paradise but dozens of other attacks. especially in Calfornia. This has to be exposed. 40 attacks !!! As if 40 bombs were dropped. An Act of War!! a Hot war!!
Some of my points are rhetorical. There are many different names for those who ruin it for humanity. But condensed, they are all psychopaths - from the top down to the bottom, from 'presidents' to federal employees. Righteousness is seen as hindrance on the way to the top. Corruption is the order of the day.
I'm not too sure this will ever come out. When you have the entire sold out MSM, every corporation under it, and all the president's men covering it up, we are bound to lose that battle. If we still had journalists that would expose them, that would be a different story. After what happened to Assange, Snowden and so many others, fear is an incredible de-motivador.
"Bound to lose that battle" means extermination of the human race, at this point. On a spiritual level, I don't think it's hopeless and the evidence in my own life tells me there's purpose and meaning. The Breggins are certainly a testament that fear isn't the only or strongest force.
Unfortunately, no amount of spirituality can save us from the war they've started on the people of this planet. I'm an old hippie and always thought a chill, Zen approach would take care of everything. I just expressed my opinion to Ginger in the last comment on this thread.
School did not start until the next day. So there were many children home alone while their parents worked. We have onlly heard from one set of parents so far who actually made it IN to find their son hugging his dog. The mother stated ' he was not how I'd expect him , he was not in ashes- God maintained him". In other words he was radiated to death, his body not burnt up, he was in form hugging his dog. His Dad had to carry him a half mile wrapped in a tarp. The tarp did not burn up Was that little boy autopsied ? As it should be in a crime? Or futher creamated to cover up any evidence? Here is the link to the parents: https://rumble.com/v3n2nqt-parents-find-their-son-hugging-their-dog-radiated-to-death..html
An important material physics observation: more significant than the aluminum melt is the auto glass. Melting temp starts at 2500 deg F; to achieve flowing liquid state, you’re probably in the 2700-3000 deg range. Different glass compositions have different melt points, but all significantly higher than aluminum.
Just FYI
Such an important point Fish. thank you.
Another material I find curiously absent from photos and videos is the porcelain. Melt point exceeds 3500 deg F. In all the footage I’ve looked at, which is quite a bit, I only spotted a single toilet in a building which wasn’t completely turned to ash. I would have thought the wood frame residential structures that burned on the south side of town would show hundreds of toilets, or pieces thereof, but apparently all of that porcelain was either turned to ash or pulverized. I don’t know. Very curious.
Thanks, it was something I noted too. Unexplainable even with wind driven natural flames.
Even oxy-acetylene doesn’t burn hot enough. Youd probably need a specialized furnace to achieve that kind of temperature. Crazy…
Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
2. This is a Robert Brame interview with Hawaii activist Michelle Melendez after the Maui Incineration . Michelle is a Fitness & Wellness Expert since 1966 and author of a best selling book. https://rumble.com/v3dfbq6-48-yr-arborist-shares-how-maui-fire-was-not-a-wildfire.html
Yes, very familiar with this.
Hurricane Dora was 700 miles south at 5AM and futher south when the incineration attack began. Those winds were not from any hurricane they had to be geoengineered as we have had proven to us by Geoengineering expert Dane Wigington. There is not much natural weather left on Earth. Maui residents report the air was coated with something the day before. This is a link to the Hurricane Forecast Officially: and it was 700 miles south of Hawaii and going further south and away fast. https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/archive/2023/ep05/ep052023.public.033.shtml?
Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
2. This is a Robert Brame interview with Hawaii activist Michelle Melendez after the Maui Incineration . Michelle is a Fitness & Wellness Expert since 1966 and author of a best selling book. https://rumble.com/v3dfbq6-48-yr-arborist-shares-how-maui-fire-was-not-a-wildfire.html
3. Hawaiian Michelle Melendez has created https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/mauifires to inform and plea for help. Please read and watch the information she is showing us on this site.
WE HAVE BEEN ATTACKED AT LEAST 40 TIMES WITH A HOT SPACE RADIATION WEAPON. Kennedy must take action. Please join with me to ask him!!!!!
Hawaii Island is my US home. Although I don't live there year round, I was there at the time. It was quite something to see the media's power over people's minds even just one island away. For weeks after, the majority still seemed to be buying into the mainstream narratives, much like the rest of the world. But among several people I know with friends and family in and around Lahaina, all of whom survived, thankfully, none believed this was an accident. Not one. I've made arrangements to return next month and I'm going to try my best to go to Maui this time as well. I want to see the crime scene. I'm well aware that it is being hidden as part of the cover up, and that too is more evidence of a crime still in progress, but I want to see it anyway. The independent media coverage has been superb and at times overwhelming. It's bit hard to process it all. That too is by design, I'm sure. However, I think you've done this incredibly dark story justice with your piece here. Thank you very much.
Hi Dave-- Thank you so much. I am sure I will be following up. Please post updates on this stack to me -- I can include them in future coverage and would appreciate the first person info.
Thank you, Ginger and Peter. I plan to be on Maui on Oct 7 and 8. I'm headed there from London after a brief stop in Iceland to attend Brave Sasha and Brave Katherine's symposium in Reykjavik. I'm not a professional vlogger, so I'm not sure I'll have much to add to the independent coverage that's already available, but I will certainly share any updates that might be worthwhile. Very best to you both.
Dear Dave, thank you and safe travels!-Ginger
Please contact Eric West of Hawaii Real Estate there when you are there. He is reporting on the crime. And also join standtogetherhawaii.com Thank you.
Dear Ginger and Peter,
I went to Lahaina earlier this month, as planned. The trip was well worth it.
My initial post about it is here below, if anyone reading this is interested: https://powerversuspeople.substack.com/p/lahaina-my-weekend-on-the-ground
Some key points:
Independent media coverage held up well, as I was able verify many things I had read, while finding nothing that of significance that was materially off base.
In my considered view, a smoking gun can potentially be found by closely examining and bringing intensive focus on Kaiāulu o Kupuohi, the affordable apartment building complex on Kupuohi Street in the Lahaina Business Park. You may have seen it but it was a relatively new 89 unit apartment complex built from concrete, which has effectively been reduced to nothing but rubble and three freestanding elevator shafts. This has been covered briefly in the MSM, but it seems to me that this coverage seeks to normalize something that is absolutely not normal. I have footage from relatively close, if it is of interest.
If possible, I would like to try to help raise the profile of the Honokōwai Relief Center. I worked with them one afternoon and can vouch for the excellent work they are doing. Interested parties can make donations at the link below, or contact them directly at honokowairelief@gmail.com.
For any follow up, I can be reached at powerversuspeople@substack.com.
Thank you!
Please sign the letter I have been drafting to Mr. Kennedy a wonderful environmental attorney who is in the postion to help bring Justice to the attack on Maui and CA Please watch these two interviews with a very experience arborist who has made 106 trips to 39 different incineration attacks, most in CA. I have a daughter up in Somerset CA in the foothills who is in a dangerous area if they do it again. . Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
2. This is a Robert Brame interview with Hawaii activist Michelle Melendez after the Maui Incineration . Michelle is a Fitness & Wellness Expert since 1966 and author of a best selling book. https://rumble.com/v3dfbq6-48-yr-arborist-shares-how-maui-fire-was-not-a-wildfire.html
He also has saved molten evidence. It is time for Mr. Kennedy to help and for us all to contact our police and sheriffs department and make reports. This is a hot war not unlike a mini-nuke hitting our states 40 times!!!!! Will you sign my letter I wll send you it in an email and anyone else will you please sign a plea to Mr. Kennedy asking him to investigate and take action? Please we the people must take action now or it can be us next.
BTW.... rumor is that they're arresting homeowners who try to return to their houses for trespassing, and that they have put a black fabric fence all around the burn area.
Yeah, nothing suspicious there.
Yes, I've seen the black fabric fencing as well. It occurred to me that we should be asking for FOI releases on the procurement orders needed to facilitate all that fabric and other materials on such short order. Indeed, we should ask for FOI releases on all of the commercial arrangements for the cover up, oops, I mean clearing and rebuild of Lahaina. Based on my experience and knowledge of the Hawaiian islands, it is not so easy to marshal construction resources even for small projects, let alone at scale like this. They've moved amazingly fast here. I think that's another line of inquiry we should all pursue. Atb.
In particular, how much was ordered ahead of the event? By whom? Through what contract mechanism? And who put up the barrier? What workforce?
All critical questions!
So, there's this kind of out there guy by the name of Clif High. He's also on substack. Does "predictive linguistics."
He did a substack a few days called "Woo Wars." Claims that Oprah, the Rock, etc, painted their houses a strange shade of blue a year ago. How did they know? Who told them?
More questions.
Please contact me if you will and want to create a mainland committee for these incineration attacks. Now Maui but there have been 39 more at least mostly in CA Please watch both of these interviews with a very experience arborist and naturalist : Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
2. This is a Robert Brame interview with Hawaii activist Michelle Melendez after the Maui Incineration . Michelle is a Fitness & Wellness Expert since 1966 and author of a best selling book. https://rumble.com/v3dfbq6-48-yr-arborist-shares-how-maui-fire-was-not-a-wildfire.html
Thank you, Tom. The loss of Lahaina is still hard to believe, even for me, and I'm just a Big Islander. It will be much more palpable for you and your family, and I'm sorry for that. It's wonderful that your daughter is able to help a local family. Yes, Ellison clearly ranks quite high in the visible hierarchy. It is quite something to be on Lanai (as I have been) and to know that he pretty much owns the whole damn island. I'm afraid the Dresden connection is lost on me, so I'm unlikely to be much help. Per my message to Ginger and Peter above, this will be more of a personal journey, but I'll certainly share anything from it that might be worthwhile. Atb
Thanks Tom. Yes, I'm aware of that history, but the connection was not readily apparent to me. I shall mull over it. Thank you again, Dave
Robert Brame is a professional arborist of 48 years a backpacker, naturalist and has been to 39 different incineration events, 106 visits and thousands of photos. He has saved evidence.
1. This is a Robert Brame interview with California activist Peggy Hall-The Healthy American before the Maui Even- astounding evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHeoaIh7cx8
2. This is a Robert Brame interview with Hawaii activist Michelle Melendez after the Maui Incineration . Michelle is a Fitness & Wellness Expert since 1966 and author of a best selling book. https://rumble.com/v3dfbq6-48-yr-arborist-shares-how-maui-fire-was-not-a-wildfire.html
3. Hawaiian Michelle Melendez has created https://www.standtogetherhawaii.com/mauifires to inform and plea for help. Please read and watch the information she is showing us on this site.
4. Eric West of Hawaii Real Estate in Maui has been reporting via his Real Estate Youtube channel under his videos and community tabs-https://www.youtube.com/@hawaiirealestateorg/featured
5. Eric West video of cars incinerated not near a source of fire, not in the fire zone: https://www.youtube.com/@hawaiirealestateorg/videos
6. The Physics of Radiation Lasers and why blue things survived: https://rumble.com/v3ekiln-maui-was-zapped-by-a-direct-energy-weapon-obviously-there-is-a-known-dew-on.html
7. Testimony from a lady who escaped to the North where everyone could have gotten out except they then blocked that exit. https://www.bitchute.com/video/RtJ7IGT3lmCB/
8. Testimony of an Hawaiian Elder, a Kapuna who lost everything: https://rumble.com/v3n2mzi-elder-hawaiian-a-kapuna-testifies-at-a-hearing-in-maui-a-wise-woman-speakin.html
9. One parent only so far has been found and is speaking. They were probably the only family who made it IN to find their son in his room hugging his dog, His mother stated:” but he was not as I expected, he was not in ashes, God maintained him”. Maintained him Mr. Kennedy? Dogs and cats have also been found-‘maintained”. This is not the way bodies burn up in a wild fire. His father had to carry his radiated body to the police station. Was there an autopsy performed as need be in a crime?
10. It just so happens that Maui is the location for one of two major sites for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFLR) Directed Energy Directorate. You read that correctly; within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.” https://greatmountainpublishing.com/2023/08/20/lahaina-is-within-40-miles-of-a-u-s-government-directed-energy-facility-on-maui/
11. Catherine Austin Fitts reporting its an attack on Maui and CA and land grabs https://rumble.com/v3nxehi
May God have mercy. Satan is out to kill and destroy while we are a world watching TikTok. Thank you for keeping this story alive.
Ask yourself:
"What would the media being doing about this story if Trump were president?" My guess is it would be on 24/7 and there would be lots of wailing. Especially since it happened to indigenous people.
That being said, the MSM pretty much let the Vegas Shooter story die because... country music fans (icky people from icky red states) were the ones killed.
Perhaps this is just another sad instance of the MSM doing the bidding of their masters.
BTW... the guy who was involved in the Vegas Shooting (sheriff I think) is now in charge of the situation in Maui. Funny how those things happen.
The disasters, train wrecks, fires, shootings , hurricanes are coming so frequently that it is overwhelming to even those awake.
How much of our mental health can we take?
I had to pull back the last week and do normal everyday stuff with my grandkids.
I'm sure Dr. Breggin could enlighten us on how to still be engaged and yet not overwhelmed by all of this. (besides prayer)
In my area and among my friends, very few are even willing to talk about it.
Your article is very thorough I will be passing it along and praying no one forgets...too many unanswered questions to let it go.
I believe the WEF calls it a "polycrisis."
And I bet they have someone waiting in the wings to solve the worlds problems.
The trauma is a huge issue and must be seen as intentional. As a person suffering from PTSD, for years now, new trauma has been added. The mind cannot recover with constantly added new pain. What helped me are Mantras. Like "Om Ganapataye Namaha". And listening to Alan Watts and J. Krishnamurti. Soothing music and soothing words.
I cannot find any decent therapists who take insurance at this point for my SEVERE CPTSD. I am a hypnotherapist and I can only do what you have mentioned. Im in deep need of help. Ive tried to think of a way to create a local group for people like us. My local pages wont allow me to post. ........
You can do a free subscription to my substack and I will be able to communicate with You via email. Best if You have a protonmail account. That way the exchange is encrypted.
Now, know that the main point is to understand that there is no help. If any help is extended, it comes from soul mates - be they from a functioning family, or friends. In most cases - as in my own - trauma is inescapable due to the inability to generate sufficient income to build up a buffer to shield one from basic threats. Basic threats are (not in order, but kind of all of like severity): safe housing, food, heating, clothing, genuine communication, personal hygenie, silence, companion-/friendship. "Basic threat" means that, if any of these is threatened with loss, it will pose severe trauma. To secure, or better focus on, the presence of these aspects, creates the life force that is needed and then opens means and ways to generate the income necessary to keep it all together. It is best to not have too precise ideas about how to go about that. Each one of us will find a way that is custom tailored to what sustains us most effectively. To be open to our salvation in whatever form it may present itself. I am there for You anytime. A virtual big hug.
I am truly shocked and horrified to read your message, and know that I sympathize with you as much as possible, how sorry I am, and how I strongly hope that you may find a positive outcome.
Some demon, out there, "wants it all"; look at the Palestinians: all dead, all wiped, and nobody cares or acts. Surely, such thing shouldn't last for too long. Try to hold on. That demon became mad and thought he would be able to sit with angels. So he tried. So he should fall soon for such hubris.
We need to start a mainland commitee to expose the arson murder attacks by radiation lazers and take action and support each other at the same time. Please contact me at cheriaspen@gmail.com to start this if anyone wants to . Taking action is a good defense against depression-- Doing something positive as truth warriors fighting for the children and the future of mankind with love actions.
please contact Robert Kennedy Jr via his Kennedy24.com contact page and childrenshealthdefense.org and them to help. They can and will I think if we all ask. I have written to them, please do as well. Thank you.
Dr Peter and Mrs Breggin, you captured the horror of Lahaini fire facts being ignored by the legacy media and politicians. I have seen some you tube independent posting interviews and pictures. I heard Dr Breggin on Truth over Fear, bought preordered the book, you sent me a PDF DRAFT until the book arrived. The book transformed my awareness of the “Prey” we have become. The knowdge and spirit of God speaks thru you both to be messages to God’s faithful. Thank you for this masterpiece of the facts about the fire after research..The children suffering alone stabs my heart. Praying for Maui. And you both stay in my prayers
Dea r Lorraine, Thank you for your prayers. And we, too, pray for Maui and all her victims.
I am grateful to hear that our book helped you so very much!
Astonishingly well researched and written. This catastrophe demands an independent, full, open, and immediate investigation. But our government probably won't allow that. We're DEWs used? So tragic.
What happened to America?
Let's fight back by resisting leftist policies, and by investigating the sudden, insane events linked to them.
Thank you Larry! ~ Ginger
Great work, no, doubt..but the pics are just mind numbing and horrific, necessary though. It truly crushes my soul for these ones. Hard to wrap your head around.
Ginger here. The circumstances are heartbreaking but I feel I must not look away. We have to face the evil afoot in our world. Having researched our book COVID 19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey helped me to really face the ill intentions loose upon Earth.
I agree! As hard as it is I can't stop looking, researching for those that can't/won't. Thankyou for your research.
Ginger, 3 - 4 years ago I was honored to work with one of the most brilliant people. I followed his lead and saw and we, many tried to get the information from the best, most educated virologist’s on the COVID-19. I worked so hard and long, I thought I would never be able to get the information out. Then we all turned and somehow I was educated throughly in pedophilia, child trafficking, body parts and it was horrific for me to bear. We knew what we were fighting for and dug in. I have never been so tired in my entire life. I had a picture taken and saw the effects of it all over my face. I have aged tremendously and my body has deteriorated at Mach speed. Yet, I would do it all over again.
With sincere respect for your work, it exemplifies a risk for us all. Does pushing oneself past physical and emotional fatigue become self-abuse? Caring for yourself is important, if this battle continues for years.
I was trying to fit into a small group of ladies in a bible study. I mentioned about a comment made about me being destructive to myself. Boy did that group jump on that. Ha ha, hysterical how quickly demons find ways to justify their own behaviors. I just had to smile. They’ll show you who they really are. Same group, I mentioned a poster I use to have and regretted sale ing it. A duck sitting on an older ( my favorite ) lawn chair outside a motel, 2 bullet holes besides his head, like Twitty bird. Minding his own business and not a care in the world. They again laughed hysterically, made me wonder what they knew ? Anyways hard to find kind people who truly care. Caring today is very abnormal to these people.
To Build Back Better you need to destroy first. From burning down Lahaina to excess mortality/disability from the mRNA Vax.
Ginger, you have an incredible talent and calling. I've posted the URL for what you have written on Courageous Discourse, hoping others will follow the link and read your words. God bless.
The escalation with False Flag Operations and Censorship is dramatically displayed with this abomination. The psy-ops to further demoralize and threaten the armed population is dually noted as well. They honestly believe all are cowed.
We are being squeezed again and again, not too hard! They don't want to drive us into revolt, but keep pushing, pushing, pushing.....
For such brilliance as this 'Committee of 300'; it's interesting they allow themselves such predictability with their 'Schedule of Chaos'. Would be far more effective would they adopt an Intermittent Schedule of Chaos instead of steady, sure and overlapping AT ALL TIMES.
Those awake are no longer aghast; "Shocked or Awed"...But growing increasingly numb in their hypervigilance and more cunning the more time goes on.
Robert Malone’s latest unpleasant attack on twitter has been directed against Mike Yeadon. Like the Breggins, he is one of the finest and most courageous academics.
The silence about the destruction of Lahaina is deafening and heartbreaking.
Yes it is. We are being distracted from this catastrophe.
So little is being said about the Lahaina Inferno. A Youtube here and a substack there, but generally it's been a quiet mysterious tragedy with so much else getting lots of noise -- Trump's indictment, the economic catastrophe, Biden's corruption, the excess mortality numbers and the athletes falling down on playing fields everywhere. How do we process all the evil that has been unleashed on the world? Thank you for calling out this one Ginger and making us hear the deafening silence as to the whereabouts of the many missing children who could not easily make it off an island. And the photo at the top of the beautiful island is haunting knowing that it is now all cinders and ash. Who should be investigating this? I think this might be where a Congressional committee steps in and spearheads the mission. Is there any save Senator Johnson who dares run counter to the Deep State operatives?
So much information and so well put together, Ginger. Thank you!
So, it's beyond obvious that we ARE at their mercy. Even though We are The People. That used to mean something and was the first premise of the US Constitution. These maniacs are in power because we put them there. They're supposed to work for us, not burn us alive. You're are absolutely right, there have been no discussions and worse, minimal outrage from the people. And the few who dared are silenced. A commenter above said we have the answers to many questions. Do we?
Also, the reason why this is so scary is because, where does it stop? What's next? Blowing up Yellowstone? It's pretty obvious nothing is off limits and we're sitting ducks. There's so much one can do to prepare for planned disasters and hardly anyone has the luxury of having a bunker in place.
How many of us are there?
There are maybe a few hundred of them worldwide.
We have the numbers. The only problem is that many of us are asleep.
Ok, so you're nitpicking. And that's fine. However, you're not providing us with any feasible solutions. That the country was built by a bunch of racist landowners, doesn't fix our present problem. What do YOU propose we do Now? We are more divided than ever. Name it, you'll get a contrarian. You have folks still defending anything the govt does or says. Where do we go from here?
Told you I was done. There was no reason for such hateful diatribe. I can't believe I had to block you, dude, but there's always one.