Hello, our wonderful audience, this is Peter Breggin. Our recent column: Operation Drone Invasion, the DoD, and Doomsday, is one of the most important I've ever written. We believe the fake drone invasion is caused by the Department of Defense (DoD) in order to get vast new powers over our civilian population through new pending legislation and perhaps executive orders. Remember how the 911 and anthrax scares were used to pass the Patriotic Act which vastly encroached on freedoms? The DoD is following that paradigm of scare and baffle us enough and we will forfeit more of our freedom for a false sense of security. The DoD is not our friend; it ran Operation Warp Speed, the worst assault ever on American soil against our citizens.
This DoD scam, which we call Operation Drone Invasion, is also a PSYOP to bamboozle all of us and to keep us feeling helpless and baffled about what is being done to us. Even President Trump is acting as if he doesn't know what's going on.
Please do everything to share this December 15, 2024, Substack as broadly on social media and elsewhere as you can. If the DoD can get away with this, they will feel empowered to play us like children in a kindergarten. Thank you! Peter and Ginger Breggin
Great insight, here's my summary ending with a link to this wonderful article:
Drones over New Jersey and New York, near military bases. Some said that it was the Department of Energy searching for radiation, but can’t justify this being conducted only at night.1
The small amount of “radioactive material” lost on December 2 is weeks after November 18, when the drones were first sighted (right after Biden approved ATACMS on Russian soil).
Why would American nuke sniffing drones swarm in from the ocean and chase the Coast Guard?
Why shut down Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio2 over mysterious drones if they are just our drones looking for wayward nukes in New Jersey?
Why would American nuke-sniffing drones also appear in other states? And even countries? Such as over an American base in Germany?3
Also, it is suspicious that their activity is disguised with a psy-op of fake radiation readings.4
Drones with lasers and exploding?5
The Pentagon has repeatedly stated the drones are not of foreign origin and “not US military drones.” “This type of denial could be a “true lie” as there are fifty private subcontractors hired by the US Air Force to create drones, with Thiel’s Anduril being a top manufacturer.” 6 If it was local surveillance, why wouldn’t they turn the lights off? A psy-op? or do the lights serve a technical purpose?
One evidence-based hypothesis is that the drone show is a DoD false flag op to push for laws and power to disable civilian drones, to censor civilians filming unwanted evidence (catastrophes, secret meetings, etc.), down civilian kamikaze drones, stop civilian drones from delivering essential medicines or baby food in crisis, etc.
All lies in this theater of life, all the time. We’re rats in a maze being toyed with by whoever controls DARPA. (Governments no longer exist. They are spending mechanims for the puppet-masters).
I agree that the DOD is the enemy of the people and is behind the drone psyop. But Trump is always "fooled" into facilitating the agenda of the globalists.
Just more FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS perpetrated beneath the umbrella of the old Hegelian Dialectic; the boring old tactic to feed greed and power addiction; SELFISHNESS.
The TREASONOUS ENEMIES of the U.S. Constitution will do all possible to institute their IMMPERIALIST ECONOMIC SLAVERY the U.S. Revolution did away with.
Do believe it to be time to take the 'Razer Strop' to the behinds of the 'Perpetual Hippy-Wanna Belongs' never maturing past the age of 5 dreaming of Absolute Power and a 'Target Rich Environment.
The Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires and Ritual Torturing/Raping/Murdering Adrenochrome Addicts must feed after all and since they're now exposed, they have nothing to lose by going 'full-bore' ahead towards theft of all God's creation.
Yeah, that's a pretty interesting list of laws. You've put a ton of thoughts into that. My compliments.
There's so many laws over the past centuries that it's already becoming impossible to function as a peaceful society and have a purposeful existence. Wouldn't you agree?
Im working on something along the lines of reprogrammed and re-educated society. Utilizing the teachings of Jacque Fresco. There's a link in My Substack on the Tabs called Books to the Venus Project.
Have no doubt the refusal to allow it contributed greatly to Kennedy's assassination...Along with his threat to utterly dismantle the CIA also involved.
INTEL/DOD are malign actors and proving to be enemies of the U.S. Constitution, Nation, citizens.
Since WWII...Definitely aligned with the Imperialists of London/City of London.
I don't think I could have described the apartheid better myself. When both individual autonomy and family autonomy are being extinguished by the machinations of designing men and women by "Special" interest groups, e.g. CPS (Communist People Stealers) handed the plenipotentiary police powers to re-person natural parents as neglectful and abusive, while grandstanding on erroneous narratives, you know that something is rotten in America. If we were to reconnect personal accountability and responsibility with authority instead of separating them as compartmentalized separate objectives, the poor would also enjoy "equal protection under the law" but they are afforded no protection from wicked and invading entities whose malevolent intentions are to steal, kill and destroy. Those selfish tight lipped murderers really are forgers of lies and physicians of no value.
I really don't want to think about the drones.. Yet, I know that there are those who want trouble...and I know the losing party is up to no good. The puppet in the White house doesn't know what is going on.....that's for sure. Praying that things will be copacetic until the new administration takes over. Tomorrow will be five weeks (42 days), until the inauguration.
Honestly, outside of the conspiracy/ancient aliens types that are interested in this stuff, I don't think "must lockdown all of America to save us from the drones in NJ" is going to resonate with most people. The normies just don't care. Not even sure if the conspiracy types care at this point. Just another dog/pony show to scare us.
“If he is fooled by Operation Drone Invasion as badly as he was fooled by Operation Warp Speed, then we are all in trouble. Especially in trusting the DoD, he would be repeating mistakes that nearly destroyed his first term as President”
My God Dr. to the point of which, America and the American people fall victims once again, to another “sleight of hand” I pray this “DoDrone-Invasion” awakens more of the sleeping masses from OWS! I hope!
I feel like I live in a world where more people are fixated on exactly what these globalist elites want us to believe. I can’t imagine nor can I believe since November, all we have heard was “the public is in no danger!” AYKM? Are we such idiots, such fools, to believe anyone from the “orchestrated war” to dismantle America, the Western World Nations, to usher in, a megalomaniac
“New World Order?”
Oh I’m sorry I almost forgot,
“I’m from the Govt. I’m here to help!” Help? Help you say? Hell no! And yet so many people will line up nice and quietly, roll up their sleeves and say, “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”
This is America today. Understanding or not, “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”
Which is why we mustn’t allow such nonsense to continue. Or at minimum realize how stupid these, so called leaders think we are.
The same similar pattern has emerged from “DoDrone” as did “OWS.” Only this time President Elect Trump said something I’d like to believe he would do, which was “shoot them down!” If in fact he’s heeding the warning from OWS, which I’m still not convinced he is, then maybe this time he’ll mitigate the idiotic behavior by these so called leaders? I pray he will.
Otherwise, America is one step closer to a becoming well, just another country, being under the control of “narcissistic megalomaniacs”
There’s no doubt whatsoever, these drones are DOD. After all, who would have been so brazenly ignorant, other than the same people who brought the world, “OWS?”
Thank you Dr Breggin and Ginger for your most trusted and accurate assessment of all “things flying high.” Especially those seeking to destroy our constitutional republic!
The [S]elected 'leaders' STUPIDITY will be THEIR DOWNFALL! They OBVIOUS have NO IDEA what a REAL HUMAN feels; especially when we are talking PATRIOTISM. THEY are in for a RUDE AWAKENING! I cannot wait to see the Ending of the Movie where the evil GETS CRUSHED INTO DUST!
You and me both Jer. Yes they are absolutely stupid! Unfortunately, some of them know exactly what they’re doing which makes them dangerously stupid!
I’m not sure how this movie ends. So far, they’ve been able to kill more than 17 million people worldwide. I believe this number is more like 50 million people worldwide, if not more.
Nobody is counting so who really knows the extent of death, resulting from these “Bioweapon Injections?”
One thing is clear, they are not stopping! Hopefully people realize what’s happening and refuse any further shots.
Based on Dr McCullough and others study showing a 73.9% death of the 385 autopsies points to the shots as part of or more than.
Multiply 73.9% times 5.5 Billion people worldwide took one dose or more equals roughly 4.07 Billion people may die from this DOD attack within the next 10 years or less.
This is nearly half the world’s population! Even if this number was off by 50% this is still a huge number of deaths / murders, as I call it, at the hands of these “Megalomaniacs-Elitist!”
Oh they know exactly what they’re doing Jer.
This is one way of being able to control over the remaining populations on planet Earth!
Thanks Jer. I’m sure we’ll see more and more people succumbing to this deliberate attack of evilness!
Agree 100%. BUT GOD! I believe that God is going to intervene BEFORE the planned mass die off occurs. He has said through many prophetic voices that He will reverse everything like it never happened...I am hoping that means resurrections of the innocents that were DEMOCIDED by this FAKE gov't of FOOLS run by a few SOCIOPATHIC Quardrillionaires that have more money than BRAINS! satan is THEIR MASTER and we all know where that will get them...and it AIN'T HEAVEN! (I would like your comment but I am not a paid subscriber yet.)
I pray to God Jer everyday for exactly this. Devine Intervention is most definitely needed. There’s been so many unsuspecting people who have suffered and are still suffering from the “Evils” of humanity!
There’s no doubt we are in a war of “God vs Satan!” on every single level! Pre-K children are giant targets! Of course as we saw, the DNC had an “Abortion Truck” at the convention! AYKM?
There’s been to many murders and if you look at who’s responsible, the same side of the political divide takes home the prize! I pray for all humanity. Right wrong or indifferent, everybody was once a child! The innocence of our children should never be threatened, yet these monsters are after them feverishly!
Thank you Jer. We must all pray for peace, worldwide!
Me, too--TWICE a day at least! I pray for a hedge of protection over ALL INNOCENTS WW, too. There really are only a small number at the top of the satanic triangle pulling all the strings on that pathetic's behalf...demonic people that mostly WANTED to do his bidding. Won't THEY be surprised when the ONLY PERK they get in HELL is a MONOGRAMMED meat hook to hang from--vs plain! I pray they will also REPENT and save themselves since God never created hell for humans (althouhg it can be argued the people that promote abortions, murder instead of HEALING (in contravention to oathes they took), pHARMa companies, associations, etc. and not to forget CORRUPT POLITICIANS AND JUDGES deserve everything they get...it can SEEM like the cards are stacked against good--but THAT is the TRAP and the evil ones are walking right into it in DROVES!
Merry Christmas to ALL and HAVE FAITH IN GOD, ALWAYS!
The sadist part about feigned stupidity, is that when they know, or should know better, their ego's will never allow them to admit error. When I was approached by three LEO's one day with questions, I countered them with questions of my own. They would either stone wall me or remain silent. So I borrowed one of those nifty internet meme's and told the Sargent, "I see you're playing stupid again, and it looks like you are winning". God, even his only Son Jesus Christ is the one wildcard not in their stacked deck, and he is no joker when it comes to truth and justice.
The DOD is not the Government. The government is comprised of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The DOD dictating policy to the government is back-asswards, and the members of the government and the citizens need to remind them of that, and take back full operational control. The DOD is fully in the control of the civilians that run the Pentagon, the military members take orders from them, not the other way around. DOD has a mission statement: "Our enduring mission is to provide the military forces to deter war and ensure the Nation’s security".
Injecting citizens with bioweapons and running psy-ops on them are not part of that mission. Crimes have been committed against the people, and these crimes may have required complicity on the part of the military and other departments of the bureaucracy (CDC belongs to DOD, that is why they have uniformed officers), but the blame lies with the civil service and executive service employees of the Pentagon. These people have titles, offices, and names, and they should be prosecuted. There are approximately 1 billion people dead, disabled, or injured, worldwide, by this scheme, which includes waging biowarfare against the citizens of the USA.
IMO President Trump knows what's going on. He is not naive. In addition, President Trump commended the Warp"ed" Speed team on "official" White House stationary:
Respectfully, if I can figure this out, President Trump can too. I lost my 5-year YouTube account for forewarning people about the injection killing people in March 2021. If I know, so too, I imagine, that President Trump knows, as well, because all sort of truthers were contacting him, including, but not limited to: Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar, DO, RIP.
Respectfully, it's uncool to continue making excuses for those "in charge."
God knows what's going on. Faith gives discernment, imho.
Could not agree more. Trump *may* be the lesser of two evils in people’s minds but he definitely knows what’s going on - and he is part of it, imo. This entire thing (Trump’s ‘unprecedented’ comeback and vindication) has been scripted. We’re watching the ultimate theater while being pincered from left and then right to herd us right where they want us. He didn’t get a star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame for nuthin’. And anyone who thinks the DoD is defenseless against swarming drones is an idiot.
I believe he’s part of it. Have y’all really looked at Trump Towers? Trump Towers is a complete Masonic tribute. Look it up.
I voted for Trump three times, however, I feel I didn’t really have a choice. The left talks about 15 minute cities, Trump talks about Freedom cities. Is there and difference?
I’ve never heard the Jesus Christ come out of his mouth. He will talk about God, but never ever Jesus Christ.
Lol with the drones. NJ is my place of origin. Correct, anyone, who be"lie"s the federal government "doesn't know what's going on," with these, needs guidance.
People aren't apathetic about the drones as much as they're done with the psy0ps and BS perpetrated by these agencies on the people... the "conspiracy theories" which ALWAYS end up being conspiracy facts as the truth drips out years later after the fact. It's always some kind of nefarious agenda (to please the D S globalist self-professed "elites" controlling the psy0ps for yet another psychotic, anti-human, anti-sovereign rights scheme) behind whatever it is "they're" doing -- but "they" always have to include an unrelenting fear machine while they're at their games for which they use the scripted lamestream whore media to twist the minds of the easily-distracted sheople to believe their latest scheme. And people aren't buying the nonsense they're selling anymore, Project Blue Beam or not. Maybe people are just refusing to get in the mud with these g0vt pigs and are ignoring the noise that's put "out there" for the next (in a long, long line of) attacks on people's minds.
"The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state..." C.S. Lewis.
Let us remind the testimony of Carol Rosin, assistant of Wernher von Braun ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol_Rosin). On his deathbed, Carol spoke to von Braun and he said to her, OVER AND OVER, I paraphrase, 'Remember Carol, the last card will be an alien attack, and it will all be a lie'. We are at this point now?
He is dead bang central in the thick of it. He Is the Deep State.
40 years preparation.
How on earth does anyone not see through this Masonic Zionist Climate Change pusher Father of ‘vaccine’ and WWIII, crypto -> CBDC Digital ID pushing globalist?
Hello, our wonderful audience, this is Peter Breggin. Our recent column: Operation Drone Invasion, the DoD, and Doomsday, is one of the most important I've ever written. We believe the fake drone invasion is caused by the Department of Defense (DoD) in order to get vast new powers over our civilian population through new pending legislation and perhaps executive orders. Remember how the 911 and anthrax scares were used to pass the Patriotic Act which vastly encroached on freedoms? The DoD is following that paradigm of scare and baffle us enough and we will forfeit more of our freedom for a false sense of security. The DoD is not our friend; it ran Operation Warp Speed, the worst assault ever on American soil against our citizens.
This DoD scam, which we call Operation Drone Invasion, is also a PSYOP to bamboozle all of us and to keep us feeling helpless and baffled about what is being done to us. Even President Trump is acting as if he doesn't know what's going on.
Please do everything to share this December 15, 2024, Substack as broadly on social media and elsewhere as you can. If the DoD can get away with this, they will feel empowered to play us like children in a kindergarten. Thank you! Peter and Ginger Breggin
Great insight, here's my summary ending with a link to this wonderful article:
Drones over New Jersey and New York, near military bases. Some said that it was the Department of Energy searching for radiation, but can’t justify this being conducted only at night.1
The small amount of “radioactive material” lost on December 2 is weeks after November 18, when the drones were first sighted (right after Biden approved ATACMS on Russian soil).
Why would American nuke sniffing drones swarm in from the ocean and chase the Coast Guard?
Why shut down Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio2 over mysterious drones if they are just our drones looking for wayward nukes in New Jersey?
Why would American nuke-sniffing drones also appear in other states? And even countries? Such as over an American base in Germany?3
Also, it is suspicious that their activity is disguised with a psy-op of fake radiation readings.4
Drones with lasers and exploding?5
The Pentagon has repeatedly stated the drones are not of foreign origin and “not US military drones.” “This type of denial could be a “true lie” as there are fifty private subcontractors hired by the US Air Force to create drones, with Thiel’s Anduril being a top manufacturer.” 6 If it was local surveillance, why wouldn’t they turn the lights off? A psy-op? or do the lights serve a technical purpose?
One evidence-based hypothesis is that the drone show is a DoD false flag op to push for laws and power to disable civilian drones, to censor civilians filming unwanted evidence (catastrophes, secret meetings, etc.), down civilian kamikaze drones, stop civilian drones from delivering essential medicines or baby food in crisis, etc.
Remember that “chinese spy balloon”, which should shed some light on the drone nonsense:
According to a 3 Year Old Guardian Article it Belongs to the US: https://old.bitchute.com/video/7ICJdxvMF0ZL (1min)
This is the guardian article: https://archive.ph/ZTWKf
This is the technology: https://x.company/projects/loon/
All lies in this theater of life, all the time. We’re rats in a maze being toyed with by whoever controls DARPA. (Governments no longer exist. They are spending mechanims for the puppet-masters).
I would still like you to help share this article: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/demons-disguised-as-guardians-philanthropic
It needs to be met head on with a critical mass of awareness.
I agree that the DOD is the enemy of the people and is behind the drone psyop. But Trump is always "fooled" into facilitating the agenda of the globalists.
These drones may as well be trailing a banner reading "Govern me harder Daddy".
More as, "WHO'S your Daddy!"
Just more FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS perpetrated beneath the umbrella of the old Hegelian Dialectic; the boring old tactic to feed greed and power addiction; SELFISHNESS.
The TREASONOUS ENEMIES of the U.S. Constitution will do all possible to institute their IMMPERIALIST ECONOMIC SLAVERY the U.S. Revolution did away with.
Do believe it to be time to take the 'Razer Strop' to the behinds of the 'Perpetual Hippy-Wanna Belongs' never maturing past the age of 5 dreaming of Absolute Power and a 'Target Rich Environment.
The Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals, Vampires and Ritual Torturing/Raping/Murdering Adrenochrome Addicts must feed after all and since they're now exposed, they have nothing to lose by going 'full-bore' ahead towards theft of all God's creation.
Articulate and fully agreed!
But kinda hard to fit on a banner. 😂
Cheers from Japan
How 'bout this for a banner; then:
Escape This - PLaNeT PRiSoN©
BTW - Big THANKS for Massa and the $100 Billion, thus-far investment in the USA from Japan! 🙏🏻
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Thanks, Fred.
Yeah, that's a pretty interesting list of laws. You've put a ton of thoughts into that. My compliments.
There's so many laws over the past centuries that it's already becoming impossible to function as a peaceful society and have a purposeful existence. Wouldn't you agree?
Im working on something along the lines of reprogrammed and re-educated society. Utilizing the teachings of Jacque Fresco. There's a link in My Substack on the Tabs called Books to the Venus Project.
Merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year.
Always wished to see Japan.
Never forget Operation Northwoods.
Have no doubt the refusal to allow it contributed greatly to Kennedy's assassination...Along with his threat to utterly dismantle the CIA also involved.
INTEL/DOD are malign actors and proving to be enemies of the U.S. Constitution, Nation, citizens.
Since WWII...Definitely aligned with the Imperialists of London/City of London.
I don't think I could have described the apartheid better myself. When both individual autonomy and family autonomy are being extinguished by the machinations of designing men and women by "Special" interest groups, e.g. CPS (Communist People Stealers) handed the plenipotentiary police powers to re-person natural parents as neglectful and abusive, while grandstanding on erroneous narratives, you know that something is rotten in America. If we were to reconnect personal accountability and responsibility with authority instead of separating them as compartmentalized separate objectives, the poor would also enjoy "equal protection under the law" but they are afforded no protection from wicked and invading entities whose malevolent intentions are to steal, kill and destroy. Those selfish tight lipped murderers really are forgers of lies and physicians of no value.
I really don't want to think about the drones.. Yet, I know that there are those who want trouble...and I know the losing party is up to no good. The puppet in the White house doesn't know what is going on.....that's for sure. Praying that things will be copacetic until the new administration takes over. Tomorrow will be five weeks (42 days), until the inauguration.
The pentagon just said... they're aliens.
So obviously they're ours.
Honestly, outside of the conspiracy/ancient aliens types that are interested in this stuff, I don't think "must lockdown all of America to save us from the drones in NJ" is going to resonate with most people. The normies just don't care. Not even sure if the conspiracy types care at this point. Just another dog/pony show to scare us.
We'd appreciate the link to the Pentagon quote that the drones are aliens--Thanks
This is supposedly from a Pentagon briefing:
Not USA. Not a foreign adversary. They did not specifically say that that it's not from a foreign ally, so there is that.
That is absolutely nothing.
“If he is fooled by Operation Drone Invasion as badly as he was fooled by Operation Warp Speed, then we are all in trouble. Especially in trusting the DoD, he would be repeating mistakes that nearly destroyed his first term as President”
My God Dr. to the point of which, America and the American people fall victims once again, to another “sleight of hand” I pray this “DoDrone-Invasion” awakens more of the sleeping masses from OWS! I hope!
I feel like I live in a world where more people are fixated on exactly what these globalist elites want us to believe. I can’t imagine nor can I believe since November, all we have heard was “the public is in no danger!” AYKM? Are we such idiots, such fools, to believe anyone from the “orchestrated war” to dismantle America, the Western World Nations, to usher in, a megalomaniac
“New World Order?”
Oh I’m sorry I almost forgot,
“I’m from the Govt. I’m here to help!” Help? Help you say? Hell no! And yet so many people will line up nice and quietly, roll up their sleeves and say, “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!”
This is America today. Understanding or not, “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”
Which is why we mustn’t allow such nonsense to continue. Or at minimum realize how stupid these, so called leaders think we are.
The same similar pattern has emerged from “DoDrone” as did “OWS.” Only this time President Elect Trump said something I’d like to believe he would do, which was “shoot them down!” If in fact he’s heeding the warning from OWS, which I’m still not convinced he is, then maybe this time he’ll mitigate the idiotic behavior by these so called leaders? I pray he will.
Otherwise, America is one step closer to a becoming well, just another country, being under the control of “narcissistic megalomaniacs”
There’s no doubt whatsoever, these drones are DOD. After all, who would have been so brazenly ignorant, other than the same people who brought the world, “OWS?”
Thank you Dr Breggin and Ginger for your most trusted and accurate assessment of all “things flying high.” Especially those seeking to destroy our constitutional republic!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
The [S]elected 'leaders' STUPIDITY will be THEIR DOWNFALL! They OBVIOUS have NO IDEA what a REAL HUMAN feels; especially when we are talking PATRIOTISM. THEY are in for a RUDE AWAKENING! I cannot wait to see the Ending of the Movie where the evil GETS CRUSHED INTO DUST!
You and me both Jer. Yes they are absolutely stupid! Unfortunately, some of them know exactly what they’re doing which makes them dangerously stupid!
I’m not sure how this movie ends. So far, they’ve been able to kill more than 17 million people worldwide. I believe this number is more like 50 million people worldwide, if not more.
Nobody is counting so who really knows the extent of death, resulting from these “Bioweapon Injections?”
One thing is clear, they are not stopping! Hopefully people realize what’s happening and refuse any further shots.
Based on Dr McCullough and others study showing a 73.9% death of the 385 autopsies points to the shots as part of or more than.
Multiply 73.9% times 5.5 Billion people worldwide took one dose or more equals roughly 4.07 Billion people may die from this DOD attack within the next 10 years or less.
This is nearly half the world’s population! Even if this number was off by 50% this is still a huge number of deaths / murders, as I call it, at the hands of these “Megalomaniacs-Elitist!”
Oh they know exactly what they’re doing Jer.
This is one way of being able to control over the remaining populations on planet Earth!
Thanks Jer. I’m sure we’ll see more and more people succumbing to this deliberate attack of evilness!
Agree 100%. BUT GOD! I believe that God is going to intervene BEFORE the planned mass die off occurs. He has said through many prophetic voices that He will reverse everything like it never happened...I am hoping that means resurrections of the innocents that were DEMOCIDED by this FAKE gov't of FOOLS run by a few SOCIOPATHIC Quardrillionaires that have more money than BRAINS! satan is THEIR MASTER and we all know where that will get them...and it AIN'T HEAVEN! (I would like your comment but I am not a paid subscriber yet.)
I pray to God Jer everyday for exactly this. Devine Intervention is most definitely needed. There’s been so many unsuspecting people who have suffered and are still suffering from the “Evils” of humanity!
There’s no doubt we are in a war of “God vs Satan!” on every single level! Pre-K children are giant targets! Of course as we saw, the DNC had an “Abortion Truck” at the convention! AYKM?
There’s been to many murders and if you look at who’s responsible, the same side of the political divide takes home the prize! I pray for all humanity. Right wrong or indifferent, everybody was once a child! The innocence of our children should never be threatened, yet these monsters are after them feverishly!
Thank you Jer. We must all pray for peace, worldwide!
Me, too--TWICE a day at least! I pray for a hedge of protection over ALL INNOCENTS WW, too. There really are only a small number at the top of the satanic triangle pulling all the strings on that pathetic's behalf...demonic people that mostly WANTED to do his bidding. Won't THEY be surprised when the ONLY PERK they get in HELL is a MONOGRAMMED meat hook to hang from--vs plain! I pray they will also REPENT and save themselves since God never created hell for humans (althouhg it can be argued the people that promote abortions, murder instead of HEALING (in contravention to oathes they took), pHARMa companies, associations, etc. and not to forget CORRUPT POLITICIANS AND JUDGES deserve everything they get...it can SEEM like the cards are stacked against good--but THAT is the TRAP and the evil ones are walking right into it in DROVES!
Merry Christmas to ALL and HAVE FAITH IN GOD, ALWAYS!
Faith in God, Always! Thank you again Jer. And a very Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Where's that lol button when you need it? Oh wait! 😂🤣
The sadist part about feigned stupidity, is that when they know, or should know better, their ego's will never allow them to admit error. When I was approached by three LEO's one day with questions, I countered them with questions of my own. They would either stone wall me or remain silent. So I borrowed one of those nifty internet meme's and told the Sargent, "I see you're playing stupid again, and it looks like you are winning". God, even his only Son Jesus Christ is the one wildcard not in their stacked deck, and he is no joker when it comes to truth and justice.
A Tip for future reference: When you're posting a link, you can delete everything AFTER the question mark because it is just unnecessary junk.
What if DT knows what's going on and is a part of it?!
Yes. I wonder too.
Oh please.
Oh please go back to watching cnn
Why increase their viewership from watchers like you...?
Oh geez. Great comeback. I'm so wounded. Here's a $. Go buy a clue.
The DOD is not the Government. The government is comprised of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The DOD dictating policy to the government is back-asswards, and the members of the government and the citizens need to remind them of that, and take back full operational control. The DOD is fully in the control of the civilians that run the Pentagon, the military members take orders from them, not the other way around. DOD has a mission statement: "Our enduring mission is to provide the military forces to deter war and ensure the Nation’s security".
Injecting citizens with bioweapons and running psy-ops on them are not part of that mission. Crimes have been committed against the people, and these crimes may have required complicity on the part of the military and other departments of the bureaucracy (CDC belongs to DOD, that is why they have uniformed officers), but the blame lies with the civil service and executive service employees of the Pentagon. These people have titles, offices, and names, and they should be prosecuted. There are approximately 1 billion people dead, disabled, or injured, worldwide, by this scheme, which includes waging biowarfare against the citizens of the USA.
The DOD was on this from the get go. Natural News published about this in Spring 2020: https://naturalnews.com/2020-05-13-dept-of-defense-purchasing-500-million-apiject-syringes-coronavirus-vaccine.html. See here: https://defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2184808/dod-awards-138-million-contract-enabling-prefilled-syringes-for-future-covid-19.
IMO President Trump knows what's going on. He is not naive. In addition, President Trump commended the Warp"ed" Speed team on "official" White House stationary:
I know one of the people. Emailed them to stop for over 2 years. Did they? No.
Time for a suit: https://HumanitySuit.com.
Respectfully, if I can figure this out, President Trump can too. I lost my 5-year YouTube account for forewarning people about the injection killing people in March 2021. If I know, so too, I imagine, that President Trump knows, as well, because all sort of truthers were contacting him, including, but not limited to: Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar, DO, RIP.
Respectfully, it's uncool to continue making excuses for those "in charge."
God knows what's going on. Faith gives discernment, imho.
Could not agree more. Trump *may* be the lesser of two evils in people’s minds but he definitely knows what’s going on - and he is part of it, imo. This entire thing (Trump’s ‘unprecedented’ comeback and vindication) has been scripted. We’re watching the ultimate theater while being pincered from left and then right to herd us right where they want us. He didn’t get a star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame for nuthin’. And anyone who thinks the DoD is defenseless against swarming drones is an idiot.
I believe he’s part of it. Have y’all really looked at Trump Towers? Trump Towers is a complete Masonic tribute. Look it up.
I voted for Trump three times, however, I feel I didn’t really have a choice. The left talks about 15 minute cities, Trump talks about Freedom cities. Is there and difference?
I’ve never heard the Jesus Christ come out of his mouth. He will talk about God, but never ever Jesus Christ.
Yes, I feel we were all herded to vote DJT.
So, I pray. Give it to god.
Lol with the drones. NJ is my place of origin. Correct, anyone, who be"lie"s the federal government "doesn't know what's going on," with these, needs guidance.
Thank you, #kitten seeking answers.
🙄 https://youtube.com/watch?v=iZGAdKeNorQ , https://in5d.com/project-bluebeam
I should be getting paid for this. ✔️
YES--FAITH is the answer! God is going to tear evil TO SHREDS and I can't wait!
People aren't apathetic about the drones as much as they're done with the psy0ps and BS perpetrated by these agencies on the people... the "conspiracy theories" which ALWAYS end up being conspiracy facts as the truth drips out years later after the fact. It's always some kind of nefarious agenda (to please the D S globalist self-professed "elites" controlling the psy0ps for yet another psychotic, anti-human, anti-sovereign rights scheme) behind whatever it is "they're" doing -- but "they" always have to include an unrelenting fear machine while they're at their games for which they use the scripted lamestream whore media to twist the minds of the easily-distracted sheople to believe their latest scheme. And people aren't buying the nonsense they're selling anymore, Project Blue Beam or not. Maybe people are just refusing to get in the mud with these g0vt pigs and are ignoring the noise that's put "out there" for the next (in a long, long line of) attacks on people's minds.
"The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state..." C.S. Lewis.
There better be a big grand show soon.
Highrise falling over, hospitals overflowing with dead, WMDs in NJ or something because so far all they have produced is a giant yawn by the public.
Let us remind the testimony of Carol Rosin, assistant of Wernher von Braun ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carol_Rosin). On his deathbed, Carol spoke to von Braun and he said to her, OVER AND OVER, I paraphrase, 'Remember Carol, the last card will be an alien attack, and it will all be a lie'. We are at this point now?
Can’t rule out the possibility of a military coup in 2025. Perhaps these drone exercises are preparatory.
Creating a military state?
A global state eventually.
He is dead bang central in the thick of it. He Is the Deep State.
40 years preparation.
How on earth does anyone not see through this Masonic Zionist Climate Change pusher Father of ‘vaccine’ and WWIII, crypto -> CBDC Digital ID pushing globalist?
I'm just going to leave this here:
Good find. This too: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/latest-theory-drone-sightings-could-be-nuclear-sniffers-amid-elevated-radiation-readings