You are both true revolutionary humanitarians. I am sorry Malone has shadowed you so hideously for malfeasance. The only good to come of it is he has outed himself as a megalomaniac. He is censoring you. May God find you a way through this, and it will show you who your true friends are

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You are both loved, appreciated and needed......so glad to hear you are on the mend.... xoxo 💕

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In Dr. Breggin's lifelong commitment to "the average man", helping & defending against the predations of pharmaceutcalized psychiatry (and worse!), plus his deep love of country, he reminds me very much of Winston Churchill. Both men of tremendous moral courage.

The Covid book you wrote together was stunning in its extensively-annotated comprehensiveness.

It will be an honor to help support you in your legal defense against Dr. Malone. Please include the donor link in ALL of your public messaging, and ask others to do the same on your behalf. That will help drive more people to your GiveSendGo campaign. I know many people have wanted to support you but did not know how or where!

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Churchill, the rothschilds puppet,

such a "tremendous moral courage"....

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Thanks to Peter Breggin I found the courage to break free of psychiatry and go off the brain drugs destroying me. Without Dr. Breggin's videos I never would have been brave enough to complete my taper. God bless him!

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Yes! Dr. Breggin’s books and videos have been and continue to be lifesavers for countless people who find wisdom and encouragement through his extensive knowledge and experience to get the heck off of (or not even start) crazy brain destroying and unnecessary drugs and crazy electric brain zapping. Thank God for the Breggins!

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Self deleted 🤔

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Praying for you and your family. May God bless you.

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The predators certainly are insistent upon anonymity and their entitlement to manipulate, deceive and misdirect, aren't they? Difficult to comprehend measures the pathological adapt towards gratification or to threaten those suspected capable of exposure. RUNNING SCARED...THEY'VE NEVER BEEN SO SIGNIFICANTLY VISIBLE TO THE MASSES ANY TIME THROUGH ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY.

Glad to know Dr. Breggin and the whole family to be on the mend. It's been a hard pill to swallow...Sorry, couldn't resist the pun...But, hopefully the health aspect of the battle is in the rearview-mirror for all in your family. You, Mrs. Breggin, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF as without you the rest don't manage so well. GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU ALL!!!

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Thank you Blaze.

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The first time I heard Dr. Breggin speak, I could honestly feel the love in his voice. He seemed to me a man without malice or gile. The first time I heard Dr. Malone speak, I thought he was a pompous ass that thoroughly enjoyed the sound of his own voice. But what do I know? These were just the feelings I had.

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Peter and Ginger,

You are both no doubt warriors for Freedom!

So glad your strength is coming back!

I was told by the strategic planners, real men I work with that being a Christian is the most difficult job of all!

God Bless your continuing work!

I thought you would both find of interest what I posted EVERYWHERE today…

How did science and medicine get so politicized and how can we ever survive that?


Mother/Grandmother Lion of 7 and counting

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GK Chesterton was asking that question 100 years ago. His book eugenics, and other evils and argument against the scientifically organized society is illuminating to this day.

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If you are really awake and ready for real solutions, volunteer at NorthAmericanLawCenter@gmail.com

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Glad to hear you are better. I'm no lawyer, but I suspect your lawyer will request this be dismissed and hopefully, that will happen or the judge will not agree with it.

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Ginger, remember what happened with the oil burner? you may have been targeted. so glad you and peter are better and please be careful.

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Yes, we were aware of the possibility of being targeted. Especially since we are already targeted with a lawsuit of $25 million to keep quiet. Thank you for reminding us to guard our six.

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Targeting is real. Thats the first thing I thought!

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As I wrote on your gift page, Sending love and strength. You're exactly the right people who Malone picked on, I'm sorry to say. Your calm presence and experience in defending the vulnerable is exactly what's needed to show him up for who he really is.

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Theresa, thank you so much.

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You live to fight another day, God Bless!

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I wonder if the Breggins are being targeted with 5G.

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"Covid-19 and the Global Predators" is the best book on Covid. I've read about 50 books on the subject and wrote this post: https://philberg.substack.com/p/covid-19-and-virus-books-review

Malone is a crybaby - check out this post: https://philberg.substack.com/p/covid-19-books-review-final Thank you for all your work and God speed to the Breggin family.

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Whew Phillberg don’t pull your punches concerning the $25 million dollar lawsuit Dr Malone has been using to try to silence us for seven months and counting. Thank you for sharing your evaluation of our book!

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