Nobody knows "The Truth About Veterans Suicides" better than the 110th and 111th Congress.

What's the status of the generation of Vietnam Veterans VA Mental Health volunteered for H.R. 841 in 1991, when they approved Paxil and Zoloft for the FDA?

Beverley Susan Melampy

Veteran's Suicide Advocate

Survivor H.R. 841

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Thank you Dr. Breggin....I am truly convinced that we ignore this at our peril

I already notice this in the people around me...they are not right....they are dull,

uniinterested in anything other than tv or tik tok...and quite frankly, we've got a lot

of people who are not "workers"...they are on welfare, sell their benefits and buy drugs.

Those are the ones on the fentanyl and meth. Including Antifa. Those that still work at

a job..well, most women my age I know take sertraline or something similar.

IT does dull the personality and the emotions...and I know it has to have some kind of effect

on the brain?

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PS I think that life here in America is so stressful now and so short, that people are under

incredible stress and seek relief. I think this was done on purpose ....wrecking the nuclear family, to have kids both have to work now, etc. etc. etc.

I don't think there is a fast solution to what life has become here in the US...and our shortened life spans bear this out.

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Since coming off of my cocktail of brain drugs I've been feeling a lot of painful emotions I can't handle. Many related to psychiatry itself and the life those lying scum stole from me. And fear/frustration with the present.

Still disabled physically thanks to the damage done by "safe and effective treatments" I know I'll never receive compensation for. My mom--who has embraced the couch potato lifestyle--swears by her "meds." Says they help her relax but complains about lack of energy. Attributes that to her depression. She has learned nothing from what she has seen me go through. None of my family has.

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Well a big Attaboy/Girl to you. You deserve a really good pat on the shoulder and you sould be SO PROUD of yourself...seriously. It is NOT easy to get off the pharmaceuticals...I know.

I did it with the help of a natural over the counter supplement, can't remember which now, but it does take determination. I am sorry for the contnuing phsycial issues, but I have them from Lyme (including Lyme brain, can't remember anything until 2 in the am)...so just never mind. Do the best you can. And be proud of yourself.

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Dear Duchess. Have you read the book Bitten? Explains a lot about all the mysterious complications of Lymes — it tends to be potentially more than one disease, more than one infection, and of course it was brought to us by engineering of these viruses, and through the tick factors by our very own deep state DOD. Really sorry you’re having to struggle with that.

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Oh yes I have. I've gotten some /most of my life back, but not all...go to bed at 7 pm...tired most of the time. Brain fog. But my last combo worked great...unfortunately my doctor (the only Lyme literate one in my state) was FORCED to retire in 2021...because he wrote prescriptions for HCQ and The State Board of Health had been after him for years. Wonderful doctor....I miss him lots...I found him luckily at a walk in clinic when I got back from Brussels...and really needed a doctor...and checked my hookworm I picked up in Africa...gone as far as he could tell)....I am so much better than most, but I know the Lyme is in my brain ....I had had it too long by the time I found out and tested through the roof for Lyme antibodies.....but no joints hurt anymore, now!! :-) can still hold down my job (although at the end of the day I am exhausted)...can't stay up past 7pm!) .

I count myself so fortunate...my brain is still working enough to have figured out the corruption in health care, mainly driven by "foundations" and my state had a plan using these "foundations" to put in about 5 years ago one health care plan for the entire state with an ID code...and they were open about driving independent physicians into one corporate owned state. I wrote hi about 10 pages of why and who and the $$$ behind ii. They actually censored him and made him sign some kind of agreement because they coudln't get anything on him the first time "his notes were not clear(i.e. they couldn't read his handwriting".

He kept notes on paper, wouldn't do the lovely computer thing...Admire him more than I can say. One of the few good ones. But his wife was terrified as they threatened im with loss of licesnse and financial $$$ and he is my age, and he retired before they really brought the malpracdtice suit they were trying to get on him ....

He was like you dear Breggins. Integrity through the roof, with a sense of humor!!

I know why Malone is after you....you two are about the only ones now standing against the darkness, and actually PRACTICING medicine, and I want you both to look after yourselves very very well. So grateful to you both for all you have done...esp. the Global Predators.

I gotta tell you something. A lady who is a "cousin" by marriage, that I like very much but haven't heard from in 4 years, called last night. Let me tell you, she is sharp as a tack and we a long talk....everything you have pointed out...the predators, the corruption...she knows it all. She is at least 10 years older than I...and she has to move to be near a daughter and her husband (dementia) and will be in driving distance.

I feel like I just got a gift from heaven last night.

Among all the sheep, just when you are at your lowest point....one stumbles across souls like you and your wife.

My "cousin" and people like yourself, are the epitome of what it means to be human.


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Thank you so very much Dr and Mrs Breggin. We were on pre purchase for your book and have highly recommended it to many of our families and friends.

Your sacrifices for all of humanity are so greatly appreciated. Prayers for you both.

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Create an artificial stress factory of lies and harm and the scripts practically write themselves 😢 So much damage when there are so many other options!

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I knew that I liked you both, now I know that I love you both. I’m so grateful for your courage and your hearts of pure gold.

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I sure loved this because I have lived it. I know Dr. Breggin is and continues to speak the truth. I can never express how much he and his books have helped me through the difficult years I have been through. I encourage everyone to read his books. Thank you, Dr. Breggin, so much. I also have also continued to enjoy the discussion that continued.

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Dear Deborah thank you so much~ Ginger

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I was married to a psychiatrist in Australia, and have suffered bouts of major depression three times across my life. I’ve seen life feel m both sides. Here we had a professor/ influencer who’s heavily promoted Temazepam- when it was in a gel cap, Xanax, and later Seroquel. Drug companies used to fly him around the world to promote these drugs. He promoted the first two as non- additives as did the companies. Last time I saw him was on tv circa 2002, because he was being charged for proscribing 1600 mgs a day to anorexics and destroying their lives. There was never a conclusion as he died in a riding accident. The first two medications rapidly became street drugs. The third medication is prescribed for everything - borderline depression post natal depression, whatever off label condition they can think of. My observation is that it causes a huge increase in obesity often resulting long term in type two diabetes. The other thing I noticed was the alphabet soup of psychological treatments CBT, RET, DBT ETC , I later found out these are usually developed with Rockerfeller. Funded charities. In 2018, I was violently assaulted and was referred to a forensic psychologist, she asked me if I wanted to see a psychiatrist, my answer- they are whores for drug companies 😊

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The cruelty behind pharmaceuticals that make us sick so they can sell us more toxins in the name of healing. So many suffering because of this.

Thank you Dr Breggins & Ginger. I am a huge fan of your work and your compassion for humanity. It is so rare these days.

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Can't talk to a young person these days for five minutes who won't ask if you'd like to score some Xanax. They'll come over to the computer room on Miami Dade College (or otherwise), and try to befriend you, so they can get high themselves. It's unbelievable.

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For brevity’s sake I won’t get into my dad’s medical history. My 83yo father unfortunately lives with my sister. I’m his medical poa but he chose 5 years ago to live with her after my mom died. She lived with them her whole life and I think my dad still feels responsible for her though she neglects him terribly. Her only concern is his income. I see him a couple times a month and about a year ago cognitively he began taking a horrible turn so—again, I’m leaving out the majority of the details here—I accessed his medical records and found he was on TWO Alzheimer’s meds, an antidepressant, a statin, and LORAZAPAM. My dad doesn’t have Alzheimer’s but has some cognitive issues due to 2 strokes that occurred years ago. On the meds my father absolutely presented as having Alzheimer’s to the point wear he also developed fecal incontinence. I hit the roof and tried talking to my sister (we don’t get along and all I get from her is lies). I told her he had to come off those meds…all of them. She said no bc she trusted his VA doc. Loooong story short (again), I went to the VA, saw the doc, basically went to war with him and “won” bc I’m his POA of which I had to repeatedly remind the scum sucking doc. It took months to wean him off but my dad is now off all those meds. He is back (mostly) to his pre-psychiatric drugs state. Because of his age and some preexisting cognitive impairment plus the amount of time spent on those meds he has lost considerable mobility that I don’t think we can recover.

My fathers brother who lived across the country ended up being diagnosed 5 years ago with Parkinsonism. He was put on Alzheimer’s meds and within 2 years died from “Alzheimer’s.”

How many people don’t have “Alzheimer’s” but are GIVEN the condition via big Pharma drugs??? I believe unequivocally that Alzheimer’s is an iatrogenic disorder.

Oh, and one more drug that I learned about while my othering was dying was the vastly liberal use of mucinex in nursing homes to make patients compliant.

Elderly people in America are deemed as disposable and throwaways by the modern medical mercenary establishment. They need advocates and should NEVER be in medical settings without one.

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So are foster kids and anyone seen as cognitively disabled. Shrinks put their own spin on, "but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away."

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Yep, you’re exactly right…any and all disabled children from autism to muscular dystrophy. Have you watched the 2004 BBC documentary “Guinea Pig Kids” (you can only find it online bc bbc tried to bury it)?

I greatly respect the Breggins and mean no disrespect but I see the field of psychiatry as horrific (the doc who “treated” my dad was an Argentinian-born German psychiatrist overseeing the VA’s memory care clinic…he replaced a doctor who actually cared and didn’t dispense drugs) …it attracts some of the vilest of human beings. Thank God for rare doctors like Dr. Breggin.

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Psychiatry is based on a lie. "Odd behaviors and painful emotions are scientifically proven to be brain disorders caused by chemical imbalances. Our safe and effective medicines restore the balance so the mentally ill can lead safe and productive lives." The truth is they sell the equivalent of street drugs to gullible people. When the people have problems they blame the original illness or diagnose them with something worse. If the "consumer" doesn't buy their scam they label them as "lacking insight" and try to enlist family members or neighbors who are shocked by the drug addled behaviors and often defer to the lab coat.

They also use gaslighting ("If you ever stop taking these, you'll lose your mind and go so insane you'll never think straight again and will be institutionalized!") and try to cut them off from family and friends outside the system, remind them of how helpless their illness makes them, how no one but the experts can understand or care about them to promote emotional dependence. I'm not sure they realize that this is emotional abuse. But intentional or not, it's pretty nasty. The profession appeals to certain personality types as you can imagine. Not just shrinks either. They have a team of people--not all medical--working to foster dependency, hopelessness (insight) and compliance.

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This is so true. One man I know stopped a relationship while on Prozac, because she loved him more than he could love her. Another lady I know ended her marriage of over 30 years after going on anti depressants. All I can think of is, that these psychiatric drugs have the potential to interfere with our ability to love

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Yes! Dr Breggin has often said this. There is such disruption of relationships - Ginger

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My husband experienced work place bullying, became depressed and lost his job. The doctor prescribed him antidepressants. He then sat there staring into far distant places. After three days of this, I told him that I couldn’t stand these meds. He stopped taking them and we spend the next seven years together at home. Now he is back at work, pursuing the career he loves and being with a good employer. A long, challenging, but worthwhile journey

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Not to mention

Caffeine, Nicotine, & Alcohol . . . .

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Dr. Breggin is his spectacular self and back in action. It is absolutely thrilling.

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Oct 1, 2023
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I totally agree with everything you said ephemeral...the Breggins will be giants of history in this time, and they certainly are the true best of what it is to be human.

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