thank you all of the world needs to be free and Love and understand each one

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Beautifullly put!

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Hello you two! Always good to see you. 👋

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Hi Kathy-- Thanks!

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People are now programed by words such as "conspiracy theory", "controlled opposition", "false flag", "mis/disinformation" to abandon critical thinking skills and common sense. Once certain words are used most people completely shut.

The enemy of the State is common sense. People must return to their God-given common sense.

"At a certain point, when it becomes truly impossible to tell if what we are seeing with our own eyes and hearing with our own ears is real or not, we will have to rely on our common sense. Don’t let the experts tell you it’s dangerous to do so. It isn’t." https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/suffer-the-little-children

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Totally agree! Somehow I have made it from the middle of the Depression to now, trusting 100% in our Creator. I never joined a religous organization; and at fifty, didn't even have a Bible, until a good friend sent me an 1800 page King James Bible in 1984. For 40 years I have asked for guidance before reading it...and honed in on Matthew 6:5 which told people how to approach our spiritual Father. It said that we are not to stand in a synagogue (Greek word) and pray; or on street corners to be seen of men; but we were to go into our own closet (room), shut the door, and develop a relationship with our Maker. It was written that the Father who seeth in secret would reward us openly. Churches don't emphasize thischapter. The Greek word synogogue means a gathering place. There were no synagogues in Jerusalem 2000 years ago; there was only a Great Temple. People there were very poor. This is where all the people met for religious services...the rich had seats in the front and the poor people stood in the back. If people had not lost their belief in the Almighty...we would not be at this critical point today.

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Agree! I respect everyone's right to be religious. For myself, I look at religious institutions like any other institution, the bigger they get the more corrupt they become. My faith is personal. I feel closest to God when I'm hiking in the mountains.

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The Bible says that we are never alone and every thought is open to our Father. I have known this since I was four years old. Every time i thought of something...i received an answer...as a young person. My grandmother told me that God was love...and God loved litle children. I felt secure knowing I was loved. Where ever we are, we are never alone!

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So very true Barbara and so very simple! I too never had a bible until a customer of mine sent me one. I learned early on that prayer will bring us closer to our Lord, in private! Unfortunately those who want complete control over the masses are not “God Loving” people, they’re “Evil People” wanting to enslave the world for their “selfishness” and “their Power”! IMO, these evil people can try all they like, they can never defeat “GOODNESS” and “God Loving” people! Their time will come and their evilness will be dealt with accordingly! It is not for you or I and any “Mortal” to judge their “evil acts”! Only our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can judge their wickedness! Until the masses realize how evil hides itself and masks its true intentions, the world will continue to be challenged by their wickedness! Faith and belief and resolve are, through our individual actions, and with our Lord’s guidance, the only way to eradicate evil forces causing so much suffering around the world! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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A quote from Abraham Lincoln: "I have two great enemies, the Southern army in front of me and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe."

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"I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies;"

Attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

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To conspire is human nature, especially for ruling classes. Thus, the correct conspiracy theory is a must. Unfortunately, conspiracy theories are easy to get wrong. First, we must get past the propaganda that theorizing about conspiracy is wrong.

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There is already a shadow world government, which directed the U.S. DoD to deploy the depop shots.


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It gives me heart that more and more who have a way to influence others are awake to this. I can try to influence my friends and hope they will take it to others, but when others are able to influence large audiences, it goes so much faster.

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Peter and Ginger,

Thank you for this information, certainly great for those who need the big picture of the maniacal globalists!

I am past the stage of knowledge of the big picture, working on ELECTION INTEGRITY, one of 2 SOLUTIONS that are a necessity to reclaiming America! The other being…STOP THE VACCINES!

I am hoping you both could help with the ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT directly or indirectly knowing citizens who will want to help America at this critical time in our history!

My general message about this project and email contact information of leaders here…

Please help on this critical 2024 project!

I have the perfect project for you if you want to MAKE A DIFFERENCE for America!

Please join us in the 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT…giving at least 10 hours or more of your time for a VERY rewarding project for future generations!

Only those with motivation to win, mostly working brain cells and love of America need to apply!



Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties…really ALL lions!

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Thank you Peter and Ginger if you can help with this critical 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

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They are working on a cancer virus that is also contagious.

So besides the turbo cancers from the covid shots ,they will have another cancer causing virus.

Read the Strecker Memorandum


....Turkish couple in Germany were interviewed on on video on Dr Makis' blog......they are solving it all with another mRNA cancer shot. He looks positively frightening and acknowledges that neither he or his wife got any covid shots because they have to be available 24/7 ........at the top of their financial gain , I mean game.

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William Tyndale's translations of Hebrew and Greek works, plus his translation of the Gutenberg Bible, which was the first book to come off the newly invented printing press influenced the Geneva Bible. He caused a major crisis in the Roman Catholic Church who wanted total control of the information in the Bible... printing it in Latin. Even in the 1950s, Catholic friends of mine who went to a Catholic school told me that the nuns told them not to read the Bible. The nuns and others in the church would interpret it for them.

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again the whole world needs understanding forgveness and most important love for everything, people animals plants everything

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This IS the most important 2024 issue for Americans to get involved in…make the time for your country!

Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!


For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…



Please help with this most rewarding project for Freedom and Liberty!

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As a history buff and reader for over 80 years, I learned that the Roman Emperor Constantine was the one who supported the establishment of Christianity. He found scrolls and decided to use them for his own benefit. He had his scribes change all the names and altered these scrolls. Then he took them to Nicea, which is where Turkey is located today. He met with the rulers of Greece and the rulers in the Byzantine at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. All three countries happened to be pagan countries believing in many gods. I found out that Constantine had hacked his mother to death, smothered his wife and murdered his son...I questioned his motives in promoting a religion called Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church? Now, I don't deny that 2000 years ago the Messiah came with a very profound message, which if it had been followed ...there would be world peace today. However, the first book to come off the newly developed printing press in the 1450s was the Bible printed in Latin approved by the Papacy in Rome. It was printed at the same time that the Spanish Inquisition was going on in Spain with millions being tortured and burned alive in the name of IESUS CHRISTOS (Jesus Christ). This name was totally incorrect. It was fabricated by the Roman Emperor, the Greeks and the rulers of the Byzantine who met at the Council of Nicea. There was no letter J, until the 12th or 13th century...the letter I would have been used. The name would have been Iesus which was not a Hebrew. name. Christ came from Christos, which is Greek meaning Anointed one...so was Yeshua his real name? I have gone over the King James Bible and other sources myself. God's Secretaries by Adam Nicholson states that King James hired 50 nobles to work on the Bible for 8 years.; along with some members of the Church of England. Over 500 pages were added. When the firs Bible came off the printing press it was 1286 pages...while the King James Bible is 1800 pages. Truth is simple. It was printed by the Roman Catholic church who wanted to be the only ones to interpret it. When an Englishman by the name of William Wycliff translated it from Latin into English in 1525-1530, members of the Roman Catholic church murdered him and tried to destroy all the copies. One got into the hands of King James who had his nobles and churchmen work on it from 1603-1611. This is the King James Bible which is very well known today.

There is a great deal of truth in this Bible, but one must pray and ask for guidance from our Father-Creator before reading it. It should have been a great deal shorter and more concise. There were stories in it, which were far from valuable, such as Lot and his two daughters, etc.

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The Geneva Bible of 1560 came to be when a small band of English scholars who were exiled in that city, produced a Bible version which by its sheer excellence, was to become so popular that it helped spread true biblical Christianity across the ends of the earth. The Geneva Bible was used by Shakespeare and it was the Bible also used by Oliver Cromwell, and John Bunyan. (In 1660 Bunyan was arrested for preaching without official permission from King Charles II and he was to spend the next 121/2 years in Bedford County Gaol. While there, he wrote 'The Pilgrim's Progress'.) The Geneva Bible was the Bible brought to America on the Mayflower.

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Feb 10, 2024
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The most horrible dictator will soon be the UN and the WHO. Matter of fact they should be designated as terrorist organizations since their ultimate agenda is to take control of most of humanity.

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