"Time for us to strengthen our resolve and begin, every day, to resist tyranny in all its forms."

The most excellent, concentrated & easy to grasp CONCLUSION of "Primary Crimes Against Humanity — Genocide and Mass Murder", the world has seen until this day!

THANK YOU, Ginger & Peter Breggin - for facing up to this TYRANNY - that is still unbelievable for so many of us!

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And who will protect the citizens who did speak out? In 2018 there was a measles outbreak in Rockland County NY which was the precursor to NY state losing its citizens' rights to vaccine exemptions for school aged children. Same playbook as California with the Disneyland measles outbreak and the passing of SB277. During that time I participated in advocacy work for the medical freedom movement. I posted on Facebook, I met with Legislators to educate them on the issues with vaccines, I left leaflets at vaccine education events about the existence of VAERS, I attended protest events. My identity was fully public as was my address. Shortly after the shutdown began in 2020 I started being woken up from deep sleep with a piercing noise in my head/ears. I tried to escape it by moving to other bedrooms, sleeping at other locations, etc....It would not stop. I felt normal during the day when the noise would stop, but night after night it continued. I finally decided to try to get away from it by visiting my sister in Israel. I have dual citizenship and was able to travel there when others were not. The plane was virtually empty and I was finally able to sleep the entire flight without being woken up by that noise. After I arrived at my sister's and was ready to sleep, it started again. We drove up to her house in the North but I could not escape it. I began having panic attacks. I had never experienced one before so I didn't know what was happening but when I explained my symptoms to my niece, who was studying psychology she said it sounded like a panic attack. I flew home the next day because I didn't want to stay in quarantine for two weeks having panic attacks. Long story, shortened, three years later, after being gaslighted by everyone I love who told me I was just stressed and that I needed therapy, I can finally share my story. I new then and I know now that what happened to me was the same thing that has been done to our service members in Havanah Cuba and other locations around the world and I am certain they were perpetrated by our own CIA. The more they deny any knowledge of such weapons, the more they convict themselves. As Sage says, same op, same op. Develop a prototype, test in out on your own people, then commercialize it. Be it vaccines or Sonic weapons. The Covid Emergency declared on March 13, 2020 put us all under military rule and vaccines being labeled as military countermeasures made me an Enemy of the State for speaking out against them. Remember this movie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoNT6u3mQew. This is predictive programming 101. Here is the commercialization of their Sonic weapon https://nypost.com/2020/11/12/sound-beaming-technology-will-play-music-directly-to-your-head/.

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Oh... howdy I sure relate to your events. Mine with the ringing in my ears, every since I returned from looking at an Alfa, Romeo in Virginia Beach, Va. I came into my home and immediately the sound started, I live alone and commented out loud, “ that is loud. “. The sound was turned down some and that was going on 4/years ago. It never stops. Many, many other bodily attacks to my body have and continue to happen to me. I have no friends, no family, I’m 71 and have been isolated for 17 years. No, one talks to me and if so they want to take control over my life. My home is a storage facility for their , “ I see, I want, I take group. “. Now I call them the adrenochrome or’s. They love to harm and hurt. And because they’ve been allowed to take gross advantage of me as they all do. They fear nothing, no responsibility and no accountability whatsoever. They wear mirrors that no one can see them. And at their will roam around my house in complete secrecy. Right now and for weeks on end and months. I have horrible burning ing my throat, esophagus and my stomach, which groans and burns. This one thing in the last month has been going on. If I attempt to think ahead or plan certain things I will get this cognitive dissonance going on and/or very, very severe headache. The last one was a couple of days ago and I thought I had a slight stroke. My voice was gruff, ( I read out loud my Bible every morning ) my left side of my face was some numb and I wasn’t feeling well. I never get to sleep like I need. I’m constantly woken in very many nefarious ways. Like the headache that I just described. Like you, I fought hard to bring to the best of my abilities to the public’s attention a lot. But now all my technical equipment has been locked or closed or won’t work. If I try to get help, they just take it strip off all they want and hand it back to me, “ come back and we’ll help. “. The gas and energy because of the pain that I continue to suffer from just wears me down and makes me feel despairing. I am not as educated as most but my heart is very valuable because of this and my honesty. I genuinely care about the ones I help and support them to my best ability. So mostly I ‘m so relieved Dr. Breggin is doing well. He was my last hope. What a truly amazing man and “ his Ginger, “too. The throat issue was diagnosed as my esophagus prolapsed onto my stomach. They’ve been doing this for over 12 years to my throat, that was the result from it. I keep praying that one day they’ll catch them, I pray it a lot.

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Try homeopathy. There is a remedy for everything.

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Maybe "Edgar Cayce's Quick And Easy Remedies" is worth a look?


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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

So difficult to to understand and experience the complete break down of trust in institutions that you thought cared, like the church, the state and healthcare.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

"The takeover of the world is not a linear process." In this short but extraordinary video clip, (assuming that the English translation is accurate) Michael Laitman appears (a) to describe the sort of inter-dimensional process it is and (b) to admit to being part of it:


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Jun 3, 2023·edited Jun 3, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

That's right! We must uphold truth and justice and resist tyranny at all costs!! We must also realize that time is short, and we must be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ!! While our temporal efforts are important, our relationship with God through Christ Jesus is of eternal importance!! God bless you and thank you for all that you do!! 🙏


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Let us all compile as many ways to not comply as we can. And let us tell each other about the ways and then let's all do them. Here are some. The great big grocery chains are grooming us with their loyalty cards and then after we get those, we have to use our rotten cel phones to get the DIGITAl COUPON prices. And the proportion of DIGITAL COUPONS compared to other coupons keeps growing. They are training us for the CBDCs. I refuse to comply. First, I insisted that I get the reduced prices for the DIGITAL COUPON items without use of a phone. Then I was told the company (Kroger) would not allow the sale prices if the customer did not comply and equip his phone to load up the coupons. I protested that those who do not have phones are discriminated against. Kroger does not care about that kind of discrimination. I have, for about 15 years, refused to allow my driver license to be copied into computers at medical offices and hospitals and any other businesses that say I must let them. I have fought many a fight to get medical care/surgery. I refuse the requirement at sports and rec centers and gyms. to have them take my picture and thus I am barred from joining any such. Years back, when the HOA added a requirement of pictures on membership cards to use the HOA swimming pools (which I was already paying dearly for the use of) I refused and was not allowed to use the HOA pools. (Muirfield Village in Dublin, Ohio). I have begun refusing to sign the little electronic boxes at medical offices and elsewhere when being checked in for an appt. I am now insisting that I be given actual pieces of paper that I can read what my signature is agreeing to. People have become such pathetic lemmings, going along with whatever the Nazis demand of them, without so much as a peep of objection. They will not take a stand. We have gotten what we deserve.

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

While most in America are unaware, the Communists never stopped their grand strategy in taking down the US and once that is accomplished, the rest of the World.


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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Amazing perspective - thank you.

I'll add two more tools: CBDC and government capitulation of sovereignty to the WHO.

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Dog, you are correct. Right on both points! CBDC and digital money are a huge trap. And of course representatives of every formerly free nation abdicated their responsibilities to their citizens in cooperating with the Global Predators. I've added both of these to the list above, thank you. --Ginger

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin


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I have read fluoride keeps us passive?

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Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Breggin for your continued outpouring of vital information; and for being strong under the assaults of the last 8 months.

Would you mind terribly if I left a link to some truth about Putin and Russia? We have heard nothing but misleading lies and fabrications about Putin for years. Even now, we have no idea what's going on with Russia and Ukraine unless we have found rare news sources. Here's a report from a man who has been to Russia lately and gives a first person account. He is a former U.N. weapons inspector. Between his report, and the comments under it, the record is being set straight. Putin didn't want war. He knows the west is losing their freedoms and he knows he is standing up for future freedom against the global predators. This is 25 minutes of shooting-from-the-hip news!


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Bravo, Peter and Ginger. Terrifically done and said!

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Nuremberg 2.0 let's get it done share & copy into a browser. File with local county & sheriff https://5smallstones.com/medical-integrity/

support clouthub.com, it's not cabal controlled🇺🇲 🙏 ❤️

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Thank you both for your lifetime of work on behalf of humanity, truth & compassion. We need 100s with your integrity and courage!

Your list of methods of control is excellent and covers much of the Cabal's behavior, however, one critical technique utilized VERY successfully via the Covid Coup on America, was to bankrupt and destroy, private, family businesses, en masse, and sell off the underlying real estate they often relied upon to multinational corporations so that they will never exist in private, independent hands again.

The Americans who own and run successful businesses are very dangerous to the Cabal, as these businesses provide the most secure and stable platform by which citizens can support themselves with enough autonomy and independence that they can relentlessly call out, challenge, and question "the system!" It does not surprise me that the best Senator we had throughout Covid has been Ron Johnson, a person with exactly such a background!

If I have my own income that is NOT dependent on the government, the military, the medical mafia, the academic mafia, or the corporate sociopathic cabal, then I am uncontrollable. You cannot buy me, pressure me, persuade me, fire me, remove my pension, or destroy my career, in any of the ways those inside these systems are so very vulnerable to.

It's a real conundrum for the WEFers who would control the Earth and everyone on it, as is the Constitution of the United States of America and every single human being who stands on their Inalienable, God-Given Rights!

So the wreaking of the middle class, but ESPECIALLY the destruction of highly successful, private, family businesses that gave people like myself financial freedom, independence and the capacity to say WHATEVER I see as the truth, loudly and openly, well, that was something that HAD to be destroyed, in the NWO plotting.

They have succeeded. Millions are lost, mine included. However, they took one hell of a risk because now millions and millions, if not billions of people are FULLY AWAKE and ready to do anything and everything to bring them down.

We are in crunch time, and must awaken every single person possible. And stand against the in-human, inhumane world they wish to create as our future. We are at the "gates of Mordor," even if it doesn't look like it. Courage, my friends. Together we can WIN! Or at least go down fighting. The other choices are unthinkable.

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First, that you both for taking time out of a wonderful life to face what I've been facing for 50yrs.

Secondly, the problems at hand can not be solved by the same way of thinking that got this wonderful life caste into a nightmare.

The caste afoot is voting. Stop giving away your unalienable Rights via general power of attorneys THAT most have no idea their signing because the political machinery will never volunteer your Voter Registrations are general power of attorneys..lol. And remember, all DMVs now register you to vote automatically on APPLICATION FOR 'DRIVERS LICENSE.' Nothing like compelled association...lol

The only reason I uncovered the caste scheme afoot happened when I myself first filled out a Voter Registration I like always restrict, reserve and limit 'without prejudice' on all documents I have executed since 1991 after reading over the course of several years, the private writing put forth by Bob Brobst 'Eye of the Eagle' from 1989-1991. These writings by Bob lead me to confront the system as one might call it...lol

But to make a long story short was the 'Voter Registration' was returned unaccepted because no one is allowed to reserve their rights, limited, restricted or reserved in any fashion on such application. The reason given was all official documents are approved by their attorneys and there is no reasons to write anything on these documents except to sign...lol And, we all know as soon as you hire an attorney, you waive all challenges to both venue & jurisdiction...lol, until you fire them...lol

But having seen the scam caste lost at sea, I am so glad such authority as either corporate governments or their myriad of agencies has no lawful authority over our unalienable Rights or primary wealth. Nor am I accountable for any so-called national debt and the treasury has taken note long ago because of Title 12 USC 411. Nor do I use any bank because of Title 31 USC 5318(g)(3).

I mean, how ignorant does your government think you are....lol. Especially, when every deposit you make in any bank..., no longer belongs to you according to your so-called law....lol, if the bank chose in action to deny you access to what you formerly thought was your property...lol

I have not paid income tax since revocation (Title 26 USC 6013(f)(4)) more than 25 yrs ago. Pay goes straight to cashiers check to purchase junk gold & silver. With cashiers checks, no matter how much cash you tender or value of any check submitted, once converted to cashiers check...., no need for the bank to issue a Cash Transaction Report because no reason to report their own cash....lol.

Don't use corporations to do any business. Only "Normal Law" pure trusts. Wholly outside the venue & jurisdiction of Common Law & Maritime, while all laws are in suzerainty to "Normal Law." Meaning you cannot be subpoenaed.

Any of you still think Trump or elsewise any so-called politician is smart...lol They say, you get the government you deserve. Well, do you deserve the government you have or don't you and if you don't, come out of her...lol. It's as easy as living honor for honor, eternal forevermore.

But, to many people, would rather follow the parade of idiocracy into oblivion rather than listen to an ole mountain man that came down from the mountain on high as all-fathers sovereign witness 60yrs ago. And since, have only been sadden how all-fathers blessings of dominion bestowed upon Man universally, has been squandered and vilified as to leave nothing of his fearful and wonderfully made image and likeness amongst all-fathers handiwork.

The day I pass is the day this world will be made anew honor for honor. That is, unless Man seats an alliance honor for honor to restore Man's dominion thereon. But again....lol, history is replete with people ignoring all-fathers simple common man as sovereign witness that demanded the great seals of America herald "sovereign witness" for the good people of united America.


All-father showed me from afar what was the end result of YOUR WORLD & WHY.

The why was simple, no government of earth has any honor. NONE.

To be blunt, in the all-fathers eternal expanse of Creation where there is no honor for honor return for the gift of living, then death enters until restitution of all things Honor for Honor.

This is not religion. For, the all-fathers abhors all religions. All that is required for eternal living is honor in return for the gift of living to pass into eternal living honor for honor forevermore.

But for some reason this planet Man's dominion universally gifted, has only become a SLAVE PLANET!!!! How? VOTING your unalienable Rights away to sycophant's who do not give a damn about you or yours! But these sycophants are quick to jail and silence all. As the Truman Show puts it, the show must go on!!!!!!!

That is, unless you wakeup to the amoral voting scam. Will you?

Just remember, when you vote, is quite literally, the act of trying to select a master for your neighbors. I don't have that right nor has all-father given that right to any MAN or WOMAN or whatever else, you wish to call yourselves....lol

Time is of the essence and all-fathers alliance awaits all honor for honor, eternal forevermore.

Well, I believe this is enough for now.

Please forgive any typos or syntax errors. Just doing our best to reach people before the reapers begin to rape and pillage with glee! In hopes of finding honor for honor listening.

Be wise, safe and blessed,


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My humble opinion is that the reason why they have manage to go as far as Covid is because humanity has ignored the signs that were already there on Genocide of specific targeted groups as the ones under Orthodox psychiatric drugs and ECT Scam... Those "labeled" with psychiatric mental illness from DSM false manual, creating millions of chronic illness patients as a result of the harming from the adictitive psychiatric prescriptions. Psychiatric "treatment" share many points with how Covid scam has been created, from isolation, forcing not safe, not effective drugs that do not cure, not prevent. Creating separation in families and covering up that the symptoms are a result of the prescription. In both situations to deal with artificially created elements or in the best scenario twisted Tru.

Because we have allowed our own families and friends to be harmed and their basic human rights nullified, they have manage to impose a wrong system of values, putting in 1st places money and work over love and life.

Psychiatric victims are left to their luck in spite all the evidence that scientists like both of you Dr Peter Bregging and Ginger have put forward and ignoring the cries of many of the victims.

They have converted some of the day to day citizens in slaves by excusing themselves of wrong doing as injecting people with Covid Jab, nurses and doctors giving wrong protocols even knowing they were fatal.. people working in poison factories, bought silence of health practitioners etc..

Is up to each of us to return our priorities and values where they belong life and love are over any other including money, work or social status!!!

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