Cannot see the videos....

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Dear Mary. I will need to get that link fixed for the video. I’ll try to address it tomorrow- Ginger

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Thank you Ginger.

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Thank you for this important article!

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I frequently see commercials for drugs to ‘fix’ TD, which they acknowledge is a condition that is caused by the drugs the people are taking to ‘fix’ their original problem. 😠 Several years ago I remember seeing ads for constipation relief for the people on opioids. Pharma always promotes another pill to combat the side effects.

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My experience of Risperidone: my counsellors were treating what they diagnosed as hypomania by prescribing me Risperidone. First this med made me feel very unwell almost like having a severe hangover all day long. But worse one of its side effects was urinary incontinence causing me to wet my pants twice in public. “Public humiliation” barely begins to describe my experience.

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Today, to add insult to injury, it has been studied and the results from the study can be found below:

“New-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination: a systematic review.”


The emergence of a new coronavirus strain caused the COVID-19 pandemic. While vaccines effectively control the infection, it’s important to acknowledge the potential for side effects, including rare cases like psychosis, which may increase with the rising number of vaccinations.


Our systematic review aimed to examine cases of new-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination.


We conducted a systematic review of case reports and case series on new-onset psychosis following COVID-19 vaccination from December 1st, 2019, to November 21st, 2023, using PubMed, MEDLINE, ClinicalKey, and ScienceDirect. Data extraction covered study and participant characteristics, comorbidities, COVID-19 vaccine details, and clinical features. The Joanna Briggs Institute quality assessment tools were employed for included studies, revealing no significant publication bias.


A total of 21 articles described 24 cases of new-onset psychotic symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination. Of these cases, 54.2% were female, with a mean age of 33.71 ± 12.02 years. Psychiatric events were potentially induced by the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine in 33.3% of cases, and psychotic symptoms appeared in 25% following the viral vector ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine. The mean onset time was 5.75 ± 8.14 days, mostly reported after the first or second dose. The duration of psychotic symptoms ranged between 1 and 2 months with a mean of 52.48 ± 60.07 days. Blood test abnormalities were noted in 50% of cases, mainly mild to moderate leukocytosis and elevated C-reactive protein. Magnetic resonance imaging results were abnormal in 20.8%, often showing fluid-attenuated inversion recovery hyperintensity in the white matter. Treatment included atypical antipsychotics in 83.3% of cases, typical antipsychotics in 37.5%, benzodiazepines in 50%, 20.8% received steroids, and 25% were prescribed antiepileptic medications. Overall, 50% of patients achieved full recovery.


Studies on psychiatric side effects post-COVID-19 vaccination are limited, and making conclusions on vaccine advantages or disadvantages is challenging. Vaccination is generally safe, but data suggest a potential link between young age, mRNA, and viral vector vaccines with new-onset psychosis within 7 days post-vaccination. Collecting data on vaccine-related psychiatric effects is crucial for prevention, and an algorithm for monitoring and treating mental health reactions post-vaccination is necessary for comprehensive management.

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A doctor told me that when stopping benzoz, a brainstorm will form…. It can last very long, painfull, no sleep at night and there is no cure….

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You need to wean off slowly, that helps.

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The withdrawal symptoms...the brain zaps...what of these effects taking hold long term?

There is so much that is unknown and it is all handed out as if it is THE answer to all aching torn souls.

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Effexor, antidepressant , gave me shocks, unbearable, i foolishly switched to another one.

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I have been off everything for over a year, wow 2 now at least. When I get tired the shocks get worse and I lose my balance. A neurological said "migraines do that. Ready for botox?" Talk about an inability to HEAR. We'll, they damaged me and it is what it is. I am still FAR better off the meds!

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It’s wonderful that you both never quit fighting for the truth. You’ve helped so many, myself included. Thank-you.

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A friend took one dose of a sleeping pill to try and help her insomnia and woke up the next morning feeling the same emotionally, thus no depression BUT couldn’t quit thinking of ways to kill herself. Some folks say these drugs let the devil in…….

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Chantix for smoking did that to me. I stopped immediately. Scary. Had 2 different compulsive suicidal thoughts. Not authentic, drug induced! Thank God I knew the difference.

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Yes, absolutely. And I totally believe you. Getting those prescribing these meds to really drive home these potential side effects to their patients is of vital importance so they then don’t think it’s their true psyches and give in to the meds.

We are all so vulnerable and need ALL of the information.

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Another dangerous drug in my opinion is Reglan. I don’t know if it’s on the market anymore but I took it for a month for severe gastric reflux and developed suicidal depression and on the last dose my neck was contracting pulling my head to the side, a mild transient case of TD I assume….

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Dr. Breggin also mentions akathisia in his books. It's another debilitating side effect from antipsychotics. I diagnosed it after reading Dr. Breggins books. I saw a loved one get the horrible movement effects of long-term injected Invega, with forced treatment. The morally corrupt psychiatrist said it was mania and diagnosed him as bipolar. We had to wait a very long 30+ days for the drug to dissipate from his body. There is no antidote. Same with TD and I feel so sorry for those that were not given informed consent to realize the gravity of the side effect. Shame on psychiatry (except Dr. Breggin and a few other compassionate and helpful souls).

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Thank you so much for creating Substack on this terrible side effect. I have saved this and bookmarked the website and will share it on TD Facebook groups. In a YT video one Doctor discusses TD and a viewer responds that the use of antipsychotics reduces lifespans by 20-25% and I asked Bing Chat about this and it said it was true. I asked my Doctor about this and he said it was half true and that it applied mainly to those with Schizophrenia because they do not take care of themselves. He said they are irregular in attending Doctor appointments and that the drugs usually cause Diabetes and it goes unchecked. Clozapine was almost considered because he said in many cases it calms the movements. He said I would need to go in for lab work either weekly or bi-weekly for the first 6 months to make sure the medication is not causing harm and it would eventually go down to once a month. I passed on that idea. It's too bad Class Action lawsuits are not being filed against drug makers since so many people become afflicted with this condition. Since mine appeared in 2014 it's likely too late to do anything about it. My doctor still insists it was coming off Geodon and not the Perphenazine even though that is the 1st side effect listed on the leaflet that comes with the prescription.

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I developed TD. I was taking Geodon, as well as two benzodiazepines. I was terrified that it was going to be permanent, but after 12 to 15 months the symptoms dissipated. Thank the Lord. I should point out that I am off ALL medications now, and the mental health issues caused by them are GONE!

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The only one I know who does class action lawsuits is Morgan and Morgan. They’re suing now on behalf of a young man who developed diabetes from I think seed oil and other unhealthy foods.

Their website has a clear list of ongoing battles.

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What if more scientists looked at “live-blood” analysis as Dr Ana’s Substack Page, “Humanity United” has been reporting on since these Bioweapons began!

I refuse to call the Covid-Shot a vaccine simply because it is NOT A VACCINE!

What if what Dr Ana has been screaming about since lockdowns is correct, 100% true, now what?

Dr Ana’s most recent post is linked below and I also linked it on my Substack Homepage.

What is so disconcerting is, in 2020 Yuval Hariri, Klaus Schwab’s chief whatever, said on video the following:

“It’s not about the God in the clouds anymore, it’s about the Microsoft Cloud and the Google Cloud, we now have the ability to hack the human body!”

That’s an exact quote I haven’t forgotten since I watched Hariri’s video. Shortly thereafter, Pfizer’s CEO Bourla was at DAVOS, again on video talking about a new pill, which once taken by a patient would send a signal to the insurance company. Bourla then said “think about the compliance of such a pill?” I paraphrased.

My point here is, what if the W.E.F.’s sole intention is to reduce populations so a

“New World Order” of totalitarianism can then monitor the remaining population’s?

This is exactly why, I believe covid and OWS was implemented! The “W.E.F’s “Internet of Bodies” depicts exactly this as you can read in the link I attached.

Something more dangerous with nefarious intent has been perpetrated against humanity!

This isn’t a joke, this is quite serious! And, it’s happening now!



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Look into morgellons. It’s been around since early 2000’s. Very painful and scary because doctors call it delusional. It’s very intentional man made illness.

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I have looked into this Rosalind, not as much as I should. Thank you for sharing this information. I appreciate it and you’ve also reminded about digging deeper into morgellons.

There’s so much happening against humanity the world has no idea as a whole what is happening.

Thank you again Rosalind.


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Clifford Carnicom calls it cross domain bacteria

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Isn’t it a travesty Dr? Such an

“Awful Travesty!” Millions of people have died worldwide from this “Covid-Fraud” this “DoD-CIA-OWS” Bioweapon Attack!

If there any wonder why, so many people have mental health issues? Resilience is a touchy subject IMO, so people make light of such an attack on humanity or hold any fear they may have, close to their self.

Others, like myself haven’t stopped talking about this most heinous and deadly attack, simply because I have always asked lots of questions.

I do believe there’s millions of people who are frightened. Fear, a powerful control tool, has been well documented. Fear was used to scare the be Jesus’s out of billions of people worldwide!

When governments “act-against” their citizens, there’s no telling what may happen. We’re witnessing the biggest / diabolical government attack against humanity, ever in our lifetime! I cut and pasted the statement below from Dr McCullough IM section this morning.

When I think about what is said below, IMO, we will see an uptick in deaths plus an increased mental health crisis like never before! See Dr McCulloughs statement below. “Has been worse than wartime!” WOW, quite the affirmation!

No One in the White House Has Leveled with Americans

COVID-19 vaccine debacle is too big to review or discuss. It has been worse than wartime in terms of causalities. Dr. McCullough at Calvary Chapel of San Jose, 1/14/25. @McCulloughFund

Thank you Dr Breggin and Ginger for such an inspiring and informative Substack service! Every part of the work, both of you provide is a “Godsend!”

May God Bless you both and your families and friends respectively.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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The great work by my dad, Richard Kunin, M D. and founder of Orthomolecular Medicine showed how Manganese can be used to cure TD. Since then we have made advances in Methylation support.


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Thanks Dr Breggin for a fantastic post as always!!! The Observations on Recovery from TD, say many people experience .... recovery .... but does not state WHEN THEY TAPER OFF THE PSYCH DRUGS, which I imagine you meant. Would you consider adding this explanation as I fear people will think the TD symptoms disappear with time as for example the package insert on SSRI's says suicidal ideation from the drug disappears after six weeks!!! I want to give this article to a friend to encourage her to taper off and want her to understand your wise words!!! Thank you so much if you can do this

Please keep the posts coming

All best wishes always

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