And if you protest against the powers that should not be, THEY can declare you insane and disappear you into a loony bin and medicate you until your mind is destroyed - a favorite ploy of tyrants from Stalin to Mao to Pol Pot to Hitler.

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I hope Dr Breggin will someday know how his worked helped me discover "The Truth About Veterans Suicides" (110th Congressional Hearing) and the 1000s of Military Troops and Veterans classified as collateral damage and covered-up by Dr Ira Katz, until he was fired as Chief of VA Mental Health in 2008 after being exposed by CBS News in 2007. I quote Dr Breggin nearly everyday, from the conclusion of the 111th Congressional Hearing "Exploring the Relationship Between Medication and Veteran Suicide".

Thank You!!

I survived 23 years and 11.5 days of cold-turkey withdrawal from Paxil. (One of the 2 SSRIS VA Mental Health approved for the f.d.a as a result of H.R. 841 in 1991.

Beverley 'Susan' Melampy

Veteran's Suicide Advocate

Survivor H.R. 841

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But, hey, the VA is giving “gender affirming care” now, so I guess we’re supposed to be thankful for that.

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They want to get rid of the Vets whose lives they've already destroyed with Opioids and SSRIS so they can concentrate on Gender Change. As we all know, they're a teaching hospital.

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Yeah, they’ve got me on things that DO seem to help, but I’m not quite sure if it outweighs the future possibilities.

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I am sure you must know .. but nearly every state in America that hold the highest crime and suicide rates..have the lowest lithium in the water supply.. and those who live near lithium sources have the lowest crime and suicide… could it be that “some” of these medications actually lower lithium levels which in turn lower growth of new synapses..

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I wouldn't be surprised if these garbage psych drugs cause damage that uses up lithium and other things which lead to deficiencies.

We can take lithium by getting lithium orotate tablets.

I've heard that it has more benefits than just for the brain. It's on Swanson vitamins and Amazon for example.

This is not the same form of lithium that they use for bipolar which can cause issues with organs.


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Dr. Breggin says in psychiatric doses, lithium is a very severe neurotoxin. It emotionally flattens the people who take it. It can also cause withdrawal mania so it cannot be quickly stopped without supervision. See our book, Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal. We don't believe that the low levels present in water, or the lithium orotate supplements have been adequately studied. https://selfhacked.com/blog/lithium-orotate-dosage-safety/

"Over-the-counter lithium orotate is promoted as a health supplement for use as a low-dose source of lithium; however, very limited clinical evidence exists to support use." According to drugs.com


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Yes, I forgot the dose... It's way too high in carbonate form because it's not that bioavailable like orotate.

I recall hearing another issue with lithium carbonate, which is used by the medical industry is that it's in a form that stresses the kidney and liver.... Which is why they have to test often in case of damage.

My theory is that even if there's no damage detected by their tests, there's many processes in the body that hamper other things.

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Drugs.com is invested in pharmaceuticals.

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Okay .. it seems someone somewhere has already shown the increase in new neurons using a low dose lithium orotate.. 29 mg daily using microscopy..it’s the orotate that gets the lithium past the brain blood barrier.. at a much lower and safer dose..… as you must know..lithium carbonate is 150 mg plus just overloads the body in an attempt to flood the brain.. in so doing damages the liver and kidney in the long term…

Watch this video from a bipolar YouTuber who explains this concept quite well..but actually uses low dose orotate instead of carbonate after 15 years of struggling to fine tune the latter…to great affect…less is more so to speak…too much will stop new growth as the neurochemistry sees a problem with such high levels of lithium… hammer to crack an egg often used by people who have no concept of less is more…


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You may (or may not) find this hard to believe, but a psychiatric Registrar (that's what they call Residents here in New Zealand) gave a presentation some years ago advocating lithium in the drinking water supply worldwide, ostensibly to mitigate suicidality and mood instability in the global population. I was appalled, aghast and dismayed, couldn't believe my ears. This person has now risen to become Chief of Psychiatry in one of the health board regions.

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Hi Doc! Yes that has been proposed here in the past, too. And in the early '90s I seem to recall some were floating the idea of adding Prozac to the drinking water! They shouldn't have worried. Since Prozac (and other SSRI drugs have been so broadly prescribed the drug was being found in the water!


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Glyphosate’s stop plants from absorbing lithium.. try researching Dr Step Seneff… the foods we grow in the soil are nothing like our forefathers.. and people who eat seafood will get adequate supply of lithium .. but if you have increasing levels of suicide and crime .. in low lithium zones.. through poor nutrition.. it seems you want to let the problem continue instead of trying to do something beneficial.. being appalled that someone is trying to fix a major problem makes me wonder why you became a doctor… do you have a better solution?

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Do you really think putting lithium in the global water supply is going to fix a problem? Really? I mean, there's already a huge outcry against fluoridation. The solution is unpolluted pure wonderful drinking water!

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No I did not suggest putting it willy nilly in water… but would embrace anyone who grew food without using glyphosate like the company Li -Zyme..

Plant based source of lithium grown free from glyphosates.. it’s a step in the right direction.. and intervention ..lithium is an essential body salt.. but psychiatry over stepped by overdosing people.. like I keep saying a little is better than a lot or none at all.

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I've got no problem with natural micronutrients

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Thanks Rob…Already doing this because it is a preventative to cognitive decline.. great video on YouTube by Paul Smith… I take an ultra low plant based dose made by a company called Li-zyme.. but you are on the money because orotate helps this past the BBB.

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Until proven differently...OF COURSE!!!

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Cathy O'Brien published Trance-Formation of America in 1995. This book should be required reading by every student in the United States. It reveals the depths of depravity of the men who have been in power in the U.S. since the death of FDR--Satanists who rape toddlers, eat babies, sell drugs, and torture thousands upon thousands of children to turn them into mind-controlled slaves. (The New World Order Arrived as the Reagan Revolution - https://open.substack.com/pub/realrawnews/p/the-new-world-order-arrived-as-the)

Mental illness is simply a sympton of MK-Ultra trauma. MK-Ultra is high-tech Satanic ritual abuse.

Beginning with the Roman Catholic Church--which was Satanic from its inception--Jesuits took over every religious insitutution in the world. They have been subjecting children to MK-Ultra trauma-based mind-control programming in many, many churches. (Survivor: Churches Have Served as CIA fronts for MK-Ultra abuse - https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/survivor-churches-have-served-as)

Audrey Hale was ritually abused and her personality was split into multiple parts, or alters, by the leadership of Covenant Church. This ritual abuse was reported by Star Media, a plaintiff in the lawsuit to release all of Hale's journals. The release is being fiercely opposed by Covington Church because it is run by Satanists. (Covenant School Shooter May Have Been Motivated by "Cultish" Coverup of Sexual Abuse By Church Leaders - https://realrawnews.substack.com/p/covenant-school-shooter-may-have)

Psychiactric medications are given to manage MK-Ultra mind-controlled assets, not to help them. The profession is completely under the control of the Satanists, as Fiona Barnett has explained in detail. (https://dianabarahona.substack.com/p/fiona-barnett-part-1)

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After reading this post, I went on to read others by you.

You are, by far, world-class level insane.

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Dr. Breggin, I think your book TOXIC PSYCHIATRY can be used to prove your assertions here. You said most psychiatric meds come with the side effect of suicidality. You reinforced this in TALKING BACK TO PROZAC. Both texts helped me get off the meds and convince others to do the same. The problem is Big Pharma assigns teams of people to bury news items where a shooter (on SSRI, etc meds) commits an act of violence and the story is quietly buried. We had one recently here in New England with a trans-rights man went on a stabbing spree.

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We see the censorship every day toward any criticism or discussion of death or disability as a result of COVID injections--- just as we have seen the censorship and cancelling of any criticism of psychiatric drugs especially since the 1990s. In the mid 1990s drug companies were given permission by FDA to advertise directly to "consumers". That means the drug companies could buy advertising time on radio, TV, magazines, newspapers etc. Now if you watch TV and note the ads, for instance you will see a vast majority have to do with pharma products. To protect their income, media self censor any criticisms of drugs and other products.

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Not unless she’s really an antisocial personality.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Discovering this quote quite literally saved my sanity and my life.

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If you look at all mass shootings you will a few red flags that appear in 85%. These similarities are hidden. 👽

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It is time to stop calling SIN a mental illness. In Scripture, the Greek word ‘pharmakeia’ appears in Galatians 5:20 and Revelation18:23, and translated to English as ‘witchcraft’ or ‘sorcery’. It can be extrapolated to the use of drugs that alter one’s sensibility, as is so tragically seen in the streets of our big cities. Jesus said He has given us a spirit of love and of a sound mind.

In BC Canada the Marxist authorities have increased free opioids as a way to cure drug addiction (which has done the opposite!) It is similar to curing alcoholics by giving them free alcohol.

These politicians obviously don’t have sound minds.

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