Yes, I read your book around a year ago, after I saw it being recommended by Peter McCullough. I think yours was the first tome to really tackle the COVID scandal head-on, and a year later, I find its conclusions have been reinforced by the data that has emerged over the past 12 months. 'The Global Predators'... I can't recommend it highly enough!

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We are the Prey!!

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Dear Peter and Ginger

A friend told me that you are using the same term, Predators, as I am doing in my recently launched book The Predators versus The People. It is a serious attempt to rewrite history, and throws new light on past and present events.

Please find a copy of the announcement below.

Seeing forward to your response!

Greetings from Costa Rica


Announcement of the book The Predators versus The People

Dear friends,

My more than ten-year journey through history has just been completed, with the book The Predators versus The People, available in seven languages (EN, ES, PT, IT, DE, FR, NL).

During that time, I plowed through about half a million pages and took over 5,000 pages of notes. My findings were checked by four friends with over a hundred years of combined research experience. One of them, Jim McGregor, a retired Scottish family physician, author of two important books on World War I, wrote in his foreword for The Predators:

The Predators is an important book, a deeply researched and epic account of the terrible mess in which our beautiful blue planet finds itself thanks to the terrible legacies, over many centuries, of wealthy and power-hungry individuals....

Meeuwis' work has changed my life for the better, and after reading his book, it will change yours as well.

Paul Cudenec, author at winteroak.uk.org and substack, added:

Meeuwis Baaijen's The Predators is truly essential reading for anyone (and it really should be everyone!) who wants to understand the world we live in. The breadth of his view of the world is stunning, his clarity is refreshing, and his determination to take his analysis to its logical conclusion is commendable.

And this framework of understanding can form the basis of a new movement of international resistance that goes beyond simply identifying the criminocrats and to and aims to end their odious rule.

I received the following comment from Dr. C. (Kees) le Pair:

The Predators is dynamite among treatises on social organization and governance. It is a magisterial work, a designation it already deserves because of its many supporting quotations from previous great thinkers. I hope it will soon be available and become a worldwide bestseller.

Yet no publisher wanted to burn their fingers on this book. On the advice of a friend, I decided to publish it as an e-book, on the site https://thepredatorsversusthepeople.substack.com/.

I hereby invite you to visit that site. There I also explain that the book is part of a larger initiative: Let's set history straight!

If you are interested, you can download the book (for a small fee, in the language(s) you want).

Please also forward this information to others who may be interested. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!

Kind regards,

Mees Baaijen

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Love your book and your TV shows.


38 to 42 min in..Doc thinks gov is pushing boosters because without boosters 6 mons out chances of death increases massively?

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