May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

"She provides a vivid description of the intentional blindness of bureaucracy in the face of a genuine epidemic of iatrogenic, doctor-caused death that continues to this day."

Sometime in... IDK, late 2021, I was listening to Infowars, and Alex Jones was discussing WHY the hospitals were mandating procedures that hurt and even killed people. It's simple: the hospitals have the follow the government protocols or they can be sued. IF they follow the government protocols and you die, oh well. If they don't follow the mandated protocols and you die, well then, their administrators may very well have to deal with a lawsuit.

money> your life

Plus the whole "we want you dead so we don't have to pay your social security you useless eaters" argument.

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Well as Zowe witnessed, and others have confirmed hospitals and other entities (pharmacies and doctors' practices etc) received a great deal of money for specific diagnoses and for specific "treatments" that they would not have received if that treatment wasn't 'provided.' If you want more of something you reward it. the federal government rewarded "treatments" including Remdesivir and ventilators for in-hospital patients diagnosed with COVID.

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Exactly. We know of two people who more than likely died of their C0VID treatments rather than "C0VID." Of course, our vaxxed relations believe otherwise.

We did learn something that still might be useful. Soon after the distant friends of the family died, I got C0VID and my husband caught it from me. He had a much harder time, and was released from the emergency room with C0VID pneumonia that did not get better. Eventually, we had to call an ambulance, and I was given three or four hospital choices. I ended up randomly (I was in the state for less than a year) choosing the smallest hospital. THAT was the hospital that the EMS people wanted to go to. Since then, I've discussed it with a friend who is a nurse, and she has recommended always defaulting to the small, mostly independent hospital.

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Hi Shibumi, opting for the smaller, more likely independent hospital is I have heard, a better option if one has a choice. It sounds as though your husband recovered? Peter had COVID pneumonia that just continued to get worse last year and I was afraid I was going to lose him--but he fully recovered finally after a few months. He also required hospitalization with IV antibiotics, oxygen, and other supports. He was accompanied for the 5 days by a wonderful friend of ours who is a nurse. He had had all the supplements and support but needed that extra help. We are very grateful he is fully with us again!

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

My husband was VERY lucky. His doctor did a follow up after his emergency room visit, and his pulse ox was low. So they carted him off the hospital (on oxygen), he was given plasma treatments, the evil Remdisivir (only one dose) and antibiotics. The oxygen helped the most; as soon as he was on it he felt better. He was in the hospital for 2.5 days, and sent home with antibiotics and budesonide and a few other things I think. He has a bit of scarring on his lungs, but outside of that, is fine. But then again, he's about 20 years younger than Peter.

We ran out of the normal quercetin/ zinc protocol, and just used OTC for my husband. I had C0VID for almost a week, but recovered without any doctor/ hospital. He did NOT do the protocol, and had problems. So we sort of did our own little study. A year or two later, his adult son had Delta. We gave him ivermectin on day 1, a second dose on day 3 and he was back to work on day 4.

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I'm so glad to hear you had a good outcome for all of you, Shibumi ~ Ginger

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May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I'm glad that Peter (and you) had a good outcome as well. :)

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All the hospitals are merging , there is a reason.

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exactly. Who wants to get into a tangle with the government lawyers.

So far, no one from the US govt has stepped up to defend the sick.

Last week a friend of mine died from a small breast cancer dx in 2019? I am guessing? she went through a year of chemo poisoning and radiation poisoning, declared "cancer free" and one year later developed turbo cancer. this is nuts.

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Dear Rosemary, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. You are right-- this is nuts! And I fear that is an important part of this operation -- the creation of chaos-- of the feeling that this is crazy is intentional to increase fear and destabilize us so we are weakened further.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Meantime, people of faith aren’t afraid but are getting angrier, with righteous anger, by the minute.

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Yes Bridget, thank you-- Peter and I feel that people of faith and especially Christians have a very important role to play in resisting the evil that we are being exposed to world wide.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I cannot tell you how horrified I was to see some in my church choosing to remain silent before and during the jab rollout.

I realized those who knew better and who personally avoided the ClotShot yet remained silent by not warning others were betraying our Creator.

In fact, what greater crime exists than to turn away from those about to engulfed by evil, I wonder?

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The churches and the parishioners in the churches have an opportunity to take a moral stand about the totalitarianism that has unfolded. I pray they find the courage

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

As I encounter some who made the hard choice to keep their jobs and risk their lives to support their families, they often express worry even if they only had to take one jab. I share the FLCCC site with them. I believe (or hope) someday a method to remove this junk completely is found, but in the meantime, people can work for better health.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I am so sorry. I watched my best friend die ladt week from chemo..she had been fighting melanoma for 6 years...had to get the jabs to continue treatment,,..but I think this last round wasn't the same..she really was poisoned..and I can't stop weeping....she was function8ng up until a week ago...and I have her poor old 6 pill a day dog who is heartbroken...and stressing. Her service is tmr....

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Ohhhh, Duchess. There aren't enough words to adequately express my sympathy for your loss. And to have her dog with you. That is such an act of love and kindness.

We did an important column on the increased loss of immunity that occurs with each injection-- it is here-- and helps to explain how increased numbers of the shots lead to increasingly failing immune response or what has been called immune fatigue.


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No one is talking about the sudden onset of "rare" autoimmune diseases in previously healthy young adults.

I'm dealing with, and researching, my son's recent diagnosis of Necrotizing Scleritis (via opthalmologist who saved his eyes) after 2 previously misdiagnosed bouts of "pink eye".

His new rheumatologist has ordered an MRI which he's awaiting in June. To discover what's afoot with his spine.

Waiting waiting Because... Canada & Trudeau's jab mandates are now overwhelming the "healthcare system" when "Covid" did not.

No jab? No work.

Nor permitted to travel, enter a movie theater or restaurant or pub or attend concerts.

The ah... "Health Authorities" urged that the unjabbed be banished from family Thanksgiving & Christmas dinners, weddings, funerals, etc.

We were not permitted to enter hospitals or elder care facilities unless "proof of vaccination" was scanned...

You know, the usual.

The unvaxxed COULD buy groceries and shop at the mall, along with all the masked fully jabbed Covidians, however we could not enter the food court without proof of vaccination... For "Security" reasons.

There was no requirement to produce your QR Code if you wished to enter a liquor store or legal marijuana outlet...

My son is 27 and currently on immunosuppressant cancer drugs and prednisone.

He was 24 when he was Pfizered.

He acquiesced in order to be allowed to participate in Canadian society, and board a plane train & ship in Canada.

There was no escape from Canada.

The US authorities required the "Vax Pass" to enter via land, sea or air.


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Ginger here---- there are about as many potential adverse effects as there are medical conditions in the world....since the adverse effect depends entirely upon where in the human body the toxic materials land.... I am so sorry about your son!

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Not, however, if you come through the US southern border. No one was required to be jabbed if they came through illegally. IMO probably because they knew the jab was deadly and are working to replace selected populations....

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you for your kindwords..dog is on 6 pills a day..old getting deaf and blind..my condo will not allow more than one pet so trusting God for a solution…poor thing is used to me and my heart breaks for the dog as well as for myself..we went back 40 years…huge hole in my life…

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May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

if you have a pet, I think you do, I would see how this goes, and if necessary, beg the condo cops. This is sort of a special circumstance.

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May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I am crushed too. Just so sad, so shocking and awful.

God Bless you.

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Duchess, I am sad for you and so sad for your best friend and her family now

And her poor pup

Cancer is evil but I am learning that pharma is just like the olden snake oil salesmen that mix up miracle potions. I am heartbroken for you

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RemovedMay 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin
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Dear Susan M-- I am so very sorry. Thank you for communicating your experiences witnessing those loved ones around you falling ill and dying. I fear that most individuals are going to learn about this silent epidemic of disease and death from each other and not from those community entities that are supposed to share such information. So many others are sorrowful and grieving as you are but feel so alone.

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May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

sadly, I see far fewer cancer survivors since the shots.

I was forced to take two so I could care for my father who was 96. (he lived to last June at age 99.5) I have had inflammatory polymyalgia rheumatica with a host of other annoying "poly ailments" I never had before. I have been, since 2021 kind of crabby about this. I got in an argument with my very stubborn son in law back then, before I had my hysterectomy (because I had an ovary that was benign, but in 2022 showed changes [I have had a sonogram every year for the past 10 years])

The argument was so small but humiliating as he replied all in an email and berated me (I am an olden RN) so I feel sad that for the past two years I have not had any encounters with my dear daughter and her three children.

Life is painful. I am completely ghosted from their lives, they do not communicate at all. This is a common behavior of this son in laws' family, his mother has blocker her inlaws husbands parents since her boys were young, and she has blocked both of her brothers because they divorced their wives.... or something. So this is a familial pattern of abuse

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Hi Rosemary, I'm sorry to hear about your family estrangement. Thank you for participating here in this fellowship

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

You are not alone. I begged her to stop the chemo…I knew it would kill her long before the melanoma…I alternate between rage and floods of weeping.

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Oh, Duchess......~ Ginger

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Just pray I get through her service tomorrow without ugly crying....from clothes ....furniture...everything was so intertwined..my stuff at her house hers at mine.....she was the sister I would have chosen for myself..if we could choose.

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May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Duchess, I'm so sorry. 🙏 I lost my sister to cancer last summer. In the end, I'm almost certain it was the chemo that killed her, not that the cancer wasn't doing its level-best to do the same. Hugs to you and prayers up for her puppy!

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Sassy~ So many losses. What a tragic fellowship to be part of....I'm sorry to hear you lost your sister. Ginger

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May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

And my sympathy to you, thank you for being so kind.

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

My oncologist argued with me to get the jab to the point it was traumatic. This at a time when omicron was out and the jab was obsolete on top of it. I told him he would have to hold me down to give it. I found it so traumatic on the next followup my blood pressure rose 50 points over its norm just from being there.

A couple of years later, he still says nothing, which is fine. I am nearly through regular follow ups--8 years clear--so it isn't worth trying to change. Besides, I could end up with worse. I look at the waiting room, can't tell if it has more people, but being retired, I tend to come at more convenient times.

My friend has gotten every jab and also the flu double jab. She is five years younger than I am, but she is now having a terrible time remembering common words. It is a struggle to converse. Of course getting the jab causes this kind of problem, as some studies show. I read that micro amounts of lithium sometime help with damage to the hippocampus, which seems to be her issue, though I am not a doctor. Micro doses also help people live longer, so I sent her some for her birthday. I can't get her to stop taking the shots, she is a believer. But I pray this helps her.

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So glad you are recovering and avoided the jab! ~ Ginger

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

There are alternatives to chemo and radiation:


Also look up "Joe Tippins Protocol"

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I know. She was unfortunately one of the white coat religious sect. There is no raising other ideas or showing her research papers cause her doctors were the best in the world....sugh. . It was all i could do to get her to take vit d3....and God forbid we take 10 thousand units a day....because if vit d helps her doctors would have suggested it......

I know so many people like this...including my sisters.....when I raised the probiotic issue with her after explaining a big part of your immune system is in your gut....she took one pill..they would have told her, right. Sigh. It's exasperating......if it doesn't come from the white coated priest it is blasphemy.

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May 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Perhaps it is because the advent of mass antibiotics post W2 made doctors look like gods?

In the 17th to 19th centuries, anti-doctor jokes were commonplace.

'Where do you find the best doctor in town? Why, by the graveyard, keeping his customers near' etc.

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My elderly godfather was captured by the cult of science.

"If my doctor wanted me to take vitamin D, he would have TOLD me to take vitamin D."

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Enough doctors and nurses were fine with harming patients as long as they didn't foresee that they would also be affected. Just like the police enforcing lockdown.

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Unfortunately... yes.

I think the reasoning of the medical types was... "they died of C0VID, not the treatment."

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Because they’re either idiots or psychopaths.

They saw all the behind the scenes action, so I don’t think they can blame their brain on this one. They’re now in the professional serial killer class.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

YES! I found Zowe and her work via the Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics zoom group. I've followed you Peter and Ginger since my work in suicide and antidepressants after the murder of my partner in 2015 by the NHS. Medicated for grief, of course Grief is a 'mental illness' in the DSM. Grief, a mental illness to be diagnosed and medicated by antidepressants and sleeping tablets, by idiotic brain-dead muppet doctors.

Grief is as natural as birds and bees, and night and day, and life and death, sun and moon, rivers and seas. And yet, grief has for many years been a mental illness.

"Forgive them for they know not what they do," cuts no ice with me.

The industrial pharmaceutical and big food killing machinery combines with geoengineering, radiation battlefield weapons systems, smartphones to fry and capture and harvest our children, and gender distortions and mutilations, and plenty other military-grade biowarfare, so that the paedophilic psychopathic inter-bred bloodline lunatics will wipe out humanity and all nature, if we allow it.

So no more.

We stand up and fight and if necessary we die for our children and their freedoms. Never again. We the people are making a peaceful human planet. It's happening inevitably and irreversibly. Never ever again will we be slaves.

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Dear Alan, Thank you for your heartfelt rallying cry! I am so sorry to hear about the murder of your partner. You and so many others who have had family and loved ones pass through the psychiatric system, were the early survivors of the depopulation agenda and experienced early what many more of us are experiencing now in the losses and deaths that are occurring.

Your declaration is inspiring:

"So no more.

We stand up and fight and if necessary we die for our children and their freedoms. Never again. We the people are making a peaceful human planet. It's happening inevitably and irreversibly. Never ever again will we be slaves."

God bless you.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

God bless you too, thank you.

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Thank-you Alan, and I am so very sorry for what happened to your partner. I agree grief is a natural reaction after experiencing a loss.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

A frightening number of humans remain blind to the truth, bewildered by the death happening all around them.

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Dr. Obvious! There is a societal level of denial-- all the previously normal actions that would have been taken when death and deaths occurred is no longer being taken. for instance: Newspapers would have covered various community level rituals of sickness and death

increase in funeral flower arrangement orders from florists

Cemetaries running out of space for burials

statistical increase in deaths and in types of deaths and in types of debilitating diseases

Since all these are being ignored by media, by community level acknowledgement, it 'feels' as though it is not happening..... a person thinks they are the only one who has lost six friends in three year,....or that it cannot be happening everywhere....or they have had a streak of really bad luck....

In our community we have fewer community based doctors and nurses all the time-- they are 'floaters' hired in to fill voids in local hiring quotas at hospital and so forth. So the healthcare workers aren't talking to other members of the community as much and are outsiders.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Media ad revenue comes not from journalistic conscientiousness but the medical drug cartel, as you know.

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Yes, Bridget-- and as I'm sure you probably know-- the ****articles**** often come from the medical drug cartel too-- they are PR pieces pushing the next big product or other saleable commodity. (or selling a new disease so the new drug for it can be sold).

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I confess the stuff I have seen posted online during (and after) the Covid hysteria almost drives me to hate humanity in general. Not referring to you or your husband Ginger.

But this distrust, despair and constant fear is what pushed me over the edge, so I wound up in psychiatric treatment decades ago. Both my anxiety and medical tyranny are back with a vengeance--and it seems they're here to stay. Most everyone seems to prefer the lockdown, digitized nightmare. Hard to pity them when they WANT a nightmare dystopia of perpetual isolation and enslavement.

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The entirety of humanity is under attack, Nichols. And so many have become shell-shocked and numb or terrified or exhausted. There is no respite from the fear and loss and threats being tossed at us constantly now. Part of surviving this and helping others to survive this time is to find ways to carve out moments of quiet or comfort or peace. Sitting outside to watch some birds, or putting on some comforting music, or savoring a cup of tea, and finding ways to begin to share that with others is going to be so important. We have to remember how very good we can be and seek that in ourselves and each other, once again.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Pardon my splitting hairs but WE weren’t ALL on deathwatch in early 2020! I was on Psy-op watch. Having already known 20 years earlier that our own government are liars, did 9/11, and ALL vaccines are bioweapons, I (and many others) noticed all the telltale signs (lies) of another op. Two things reinforced my belief that it was an op. One, the test they were using to generate case and death numbers was a fraud, by the admission of the Nobel Prize winning scientist who invented it. Two, had there been a real pandemic our medical authorities would have first stressed the importance of all the many things a person can do to strengthen their immune systems. Yet 100% of what we were told to do was the exact opposite of how one would do so.

Interesting that all the conclusions I came to by March 2020 were 100% right and still right today, as a carpenter reading in my spare time after work. How that's even possible is why we are in this actual deathwatch in 2024 for those that ignored common sense and trusted in psychopath murderers and injected bioweapons into their bodies.

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Hi Matt-- So glad you were awake in 2020-- as many of us here, were. We were already working on researching the real perpetrators behind the lockdowns by April 2020. https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/2015-scientific-paper-proves-us-and?r=ae2lk

And of course in July to August of 2020 Dr. Breggin researched and submitted one of the very first formal legal reports for a lawsuit brought in Ohio against the Governor of Ohio's forced mandates. Here is the paper Dr. Breggin wrote https://breggin.com/admin/fm/source/6905_breggin/uploads/NEW-COVID-19-LEGAL-REPORT.pdf

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Yes, I’ve been following you for a while. I feel like I had to have seen that paper but a lot of things run together in that department after 4 years. Was that submitted for Dr Popper’s lawsuit(s)? I was a plaintiff in one of hers.

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👏 👏 👏.

The psyop was overt and confronting from the beginning from my humble perspective as well Matt, and the answer to your good question as to why it wasn’t apparent to others in March 2020 is almost too disheartening to answer. And this is why it will happen again.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I agree with you about the disheartening part but I do believe our side is winning, though it is very difficult to find the evidence (the foundation of this war is control of information). I also have hope that our side will win. I have seen first hand those that are highly informed and believe the world is about to end. What I see is the harder the bad guys push, the more people get informed, and the greater chance we have to win. The truth may be slow but it’s unstoppable and I have no doubt we’ll prevail.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I agree 💯 that ‘control of information’ has been and remains central. The distinction between a ‘truth’ and a ‘belief’ a child might understand easily but adults not so, it seems.

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This current crisis did not start in 2020...it started being inflicted on the masses in the 1950s. Before the 1950s there was no Well Baby Care. These regular check-ups were promoted and parents started taking their children for regular doctor visits. I was one of these parents. Parents didn't question these routine shots their children were given. When a child was affected and made ill by the shot, the doctor would say that a reaction was to be expected. It showed the 'vaccine' worked. What kind of megalomaniacs invented them? PATENTS HID the matter that was being injected into the children of America. Parents trusted their educated doctors to provide the best of care for their precious infants and children. Little did they know, what this "Care" was doing to their children. It was slowly damaging their children's minds and their bodies. The bloodstream was designed to carry nutrients to every cell in the human body. it was not designed to have a needle pierce through the 5 protective layers of skin and inject toxic elements directly into the bloodstream. This caused brain-damage and lowered every child's health. Who were the criminals who invented these VILE injections? Those promoting these WMD today have to be totally brain-damaged and are in the realm of mass murderers. Have all the world leaders been brain-damaged letting this carnage to continue?

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Hi Barbara Yes depopulation started decades ago....and very slowly (cut down on births, encourage abortion, encourage euthanasia, corrupt social view of big families, corrupt the definition and value of family, ) Now all the stops are off and depopulation is ramping up~ Ginger

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.

AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.

IT/Bio/Nano Technocracy: EW! GROSS! HELL NO! https://www.technocracy.news


The more I learn about this stuff, the more sickened, nauseated and horrified I get, and I wonder what kind of inhuman psychopath loonies make this crap and want to use it!?


I DO NOT COMPLY! NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL! May more and more wake up and resist and cultivate their health.


I have no fear of 'germs' or 'viruses'. One of the best places to go for reality: https://virustruth.net

I try to live without fear! Fear is the mind-killer!


And these, the criminals behind the NAC and all the other schemes will use hypochondria hysteria and 'climate' hysteria to propagandize the gullible 'sheeple' into complying with TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT which is what this is really about!

A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.

GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!

The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!

We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!


Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!

Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!

There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!

Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.

Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.

There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!

I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.

My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!

Kudos to Zowe Smith's and Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!

How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.

Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!

Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!

As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (68) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!


I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.

They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!

All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.


It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!






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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

It was a mash-up of the Milgram Experiment and 1984. Novelty and authority figures take advantage of the loophole in the mind that wants to do what it's told. People lose sight of the person if they're given a task that is presented to them by an authority figure. They'll kill the person/patient if they're put in a novel situation with a novel virus (even if it is fictional) and told they're doing what must be done to save the world.

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Ethics around 'care' have been getting increasingly loose. I remember after Hurricane Katrina there was an instance that some doctors took the lives of their patients to prevent their suffering. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/a-lethal-legacy-hurricane-katrina-and-the-indignity-of-euthanasia/

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Sorry, Substack has (temporarily or permanently?) suspended my "like" ability without explanation, and I guess they thought that would shut me up.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

As we are now here, with the Usual Suspects funding GoF weaponizing of Bird Flu via USDA-FauXi 2 Wuhan NIH funding and the CIA Shell cut outs US AID and EcoHealth Alliance, with Bird Flu suddenly in 40% of Dairy and an unknown amount in beef and poultry, remember…Elderberry Extract and a healthy immune system.

“On October 17, 2014, spurred by incidents at U.S. government laboratories that raised serious biosafety concerns, the United States government launched a one-year deliberative process to address the continuing controversy surrounding so-called "gain-of-function" (GOF) research on respiratory pathogens with pandemic potential. The gain of function controversy began in late 2011 with the question of whether to publish the results of two experiments involving H5N1 avian influenza and continued to focus on certain research with highly pathogenic avian influenza over the next three years. The heart of the U.S. process was an evaluation of the potential risks and benefits of certain types of GOF experiments with influenza, SARS, and MERS viruses that would inform the development and adoption of a new U.S. Government policy governing the funding and conduct of GOF research.”

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Gain of Function research has been very controversial within and outside the medical/science community for more many years. It is inherently dangerous and is justified with flawed reasoning (which I believe is the excuse we are given to justify it's continuing.) The flawed reasoning -- the excuse we are given-- is that 'we have to tinker to predict how the virus will mutate and then create vaccines to counter that mutated virus.' But that is nonsense reasoning. I am convinced in our research that the real reason for Gain of Function is

*weapons against enemies (like the nuclear arsenal)

*weapons against troublesome populations

*tools of depopulation

*tools of fear to drive "vaccine" compliance

*tools of fear to get "vaccine" compliance so that hidden payloads in the "vaccines" can be injected into the population such as graphene oxide, nanoparticles of other types, etc. thus enabling the various DOD dark science experimentation with the civilian population to create Humans 2.0

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May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Agreed! God Bless🙏.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Intentional blindness. Close your eyes and plug your ears, Dr. Pillshill, and we'll stuff your pocket with hundred-dollar bills. That stuff has been going on in our medical system for quite a while. The pay is great, so doctors prefer not to ask questions. They convince themself that the patients were already hopeless or their lives weren't worthwhile.

I saw Jaffe making such an argument to rationalize TAC for the mentally ill on an interview with John Stossel. "The severely mentally ill would just get locked up in asylums because they're lost causes anyhow--irrational, prone to violence, and dangerous when left untreated." Funny how lacking in insight that man was. May God have mercy on his soul and not hold it against him.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Dear breggins...how much more death do you think we will see from these jabs? Is the bulk of it over?

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Dear Duchess ❤️ There is no way to know precisely the full "results" -- the death and disability --from the injections called mRNA "vaccines." They are all untested unapproved unethical and illegal experiments and possibly not just a single experiment but perhaps many experiments. and as Skupe says, below, this is not the end necessarily at all. The more we resist now, the less we may be manipulated, sickened and killed outside the natural arc of our lifetimes in the future. So we must resist.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I just listened to dr chetty shankara...he is now treating the jab injured with success using what he used for covid and he says it seems to help with the turbo cancer ..getting the immune system back to normal...but again we don't know how long it takes to eliminate the spike..and of course we don't know about dna in them or graphene etc....this entire operation with the jabs was so murderous...I cannot for the life of me understand why people aren't rioting in the streets......

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me too. I think people are just massively traumatized. By the way, I saw your other comment about old 6 pills the dog in my email, but it doesn't look like it came up in the stack....you are a kind soul. I would urge you to see if the local shelter system can find a foster for the old dog since your condo regs don't allow you to keep the creature..

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I live in MAGA country. Rural midwestern America. Tremendous normalcy bias. People think the next election will save us. But 2020 happened under Trump. He did not stop it but did everything the WEF wanted for whatever excuse his diehard fans may come up with for him. Either he is controlled opposition working for the Global Predators or an ignoramus Fauci played like a fiddle after he unwittingly hired a bunch of swamp people to surround himself with and took their advice.

Few realize how bad things will get or where the threat is coming from. But the eccentric kooks they roll their eyes over when I show videos managed to lock the world down. But everything seems normal again and they get sick of my negativity and "paranoia." My family's knowledge of my "bipolar" does not help my credibility either. A couple members have mentioned it might be going off my "meds" that messed up my thinking, so I see dangers that don't exist.

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Hi Nichols - You are astutely observing that there is no easy answers of single hero available to fix what has gone wrong. It is going to take all of us working at local, regional and higher levels to re-establish basic constitutional protections and freedoms.

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May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I don't think you are off your meds. He did pretty much cave to the deep state..and he still talks about the beautiful vaccines…and signed warp speed into law..and was gonna investigate the childhood vaccines schedule w Kennedy until he had a meeting w bill gates. I agree most do not know what is coming

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I know you were speaking of C19 in your comment. The fake bird flu shot they are working on before the 2024 election will be even worse. It infects/transmits from person to person otherwise known as self-infecting. I won't take it myself and will suggest that nobody else does. I will just stay away from most people except with mega doses of vitamin C, NAC along with zinc and quercetin.

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The Vax does that? Do you have a link? That is outrageous

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Just one of many many ways that the so called "vaccines" are being engineered to dose as many people as possible with whatever witches brew is considered necessary. Other ways being considered include dermal patches (think nicotine patches) and vape delivery through vaporizors/inhalers etc. Also delivery through foods like lettuce and other veggies.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Well they have been getting away with so much to date....and we've all been asleep. It is a living nightmare now isn't it?

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Dear God. Thank you for telling me. They are gonna give herpes to me? Oh that'll turn out well (sarcasm off now)

No informed consent.

No idea what you are actually spreading.

Bet they throw in some SV 40 just for shots and giggles....

Where the heck is the oversight on these mad scientists AND the money behind it? Better not be mine.....

We need an oversight of the oversight congress....it needs to be distributed to ordinary people now..no more spending on or bio experiments...until we the people have okayed it.

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Yes to all of this. There is a mountain of work to do to sort out our own government and protect ourselves from globalist totalitarianism....~ Ginger (by the way, it's me all day responding here :-)

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Well bless you for everything you and your husband have done and not the least for the Global Predators….you must hate being right…but thank God for you both. I think many of us would have lost our minds years ago without you two.

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May 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

We the people are not finished

Anticipating the Stalingrad of Detechnocratization

...just as Ðiên Biên Phú was “the Stalingrad of decolonization".


...and no, I'm not a communist.

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Hi Tommy-- Yes, we need to somehow dig deep and find that grit to resist this-- and to help others do so too. This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint.

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Sorry, Substack has (temporarily or permanently?) suspended my "like" ability without explanation, and I guess they thought that would shut me up.

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I know it takes more than that to quiet you, Tommy! Thank you~Ginger

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May 26Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Wonderful to listen to the podcast, too! Zoe is amazing to step out and be a whistleblower!

And thank you for all your amazing work that shines such a brilliant light on the evil! Stay blessed 😇 AND strong 💪!

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Dr. Margaret thank you so much- Ginger

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May 26Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

You always brighten my brain with knowledge and spiritual insight! Stay blessed 🙌 and strong 💪 ❤️

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May 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Babies didn’t have a chance , truly a crime against humanity. God is watching

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I added an interview with Dr. Robert Young to the following story. It aligns with the statements of Dr. Lee Merritt and Sasha Latypova and others that we are dealing with an intentional poisoning. Please don’t be put off by the provocative title (it has grabbed a lot of attention):


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Hi Doug, I notice that you had to try 3 times to post this comment (I saw the email notifications come through). We are dealing with multiple intentional poisonings. From the injections, from what is in them in additon to the mRNA, from the original virus release, from the use of Remdesivir and so forth.

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Yes, exactly two years earlier on February 21, 2021 would have been a great day to come out with the news that this shot was a phony. Still, I'm not sure how many Dems would believe it. In our country, most of them believed it had a lot more to do with DJT than it did. Not enough people recognize that all the Globalists are for depopulation actually started by Kissinger after he got out of Nixon's WH. Although, most of the viruses that have come upon our world were meant to be depopulators.

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