Unfortunately, many people just don't care. This is what I've heard:

"If my doctor tells me to take it, I will"-- this from someone whose husband is vaxx injured as per his doctor.

"There have always been people of all ages who died suddenly. It's normal."

"I'm a caretaker for my elderly parent, and if I don't keep on vaxxing, I'll give them C0VID and kill them."

"All of these people who have cancer are because of missed screenings."

And so on. You just can't get through the brainwashing.

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Dear shibumi, All we can do is share our data and move on to the next loved one, colleague, neighbor, and so forth. I think it's not just a "don't care" that people are experiencing, they are exhausted and pounded to death by the propaganda and fear. Many are increasingly neurologically wounded by the COVID vaccines they have endured. https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/the-elite-strategy-to-physically?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Agree! People are in an Agitated Denial phase. Many , my older parents included, know in their soul that something isn’t right but it’s just too painful to acknowledge the truth they deep down know. It’s honestly heartbreaking to watch and the PTSD is devastating to many.

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Is it natural to get angry at loved ones who are acting stupidly and killing themselves? I alternate between tears and overwhelming rage. Why? Why can't they pull back and THINK? People act this way about psychiatric drugs too. You show that they don't fix anything, they cause injury and early death. But they're advertised on TV and praised by doctors. So the articles and books and videos you share just don't count. They're "fringe." And "you shouldn't believe everything on the internet."

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I have the same situation going on with my parents who are 77 years old. I too go through those same emotions when I have tried over and over and over to awaken them. To make myself try and understand their mindset- I sat back and tried to look at things from their perspective. I reminded myself that for DECADES they have been avid NBC, ABC, CBS nightly news viewers because growing up that’s all they had- we are creatures of habit- still to this day they believe the MSM. It’s so sad to see. They will never understand this catastrophe while they remain on this earth and I have had to come to terms with that.

I will never understand how some of us have discernment about such critical issues and some do not. The only thing that may wake them out of their slumber is if “Braking News” from these monsters on TV- tells the world what has happened.

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My parents watch Fox and Newsmax. But it's all "brought to you by Pfizer." Everything on TV is owned by Big pHarma including the entertainment. You have to go online to find out anything negative about these corporations. It doesn't help that my brother built a career working for Big pHarma and continues to drink the kool aid while knowing they sell harmful products and lie in commercials about how brain chemical imbalance has been proven to cause "mental illness" which can be fixed with our product. He also knew "two weeks to flatten the curve" was a lie before lockdown began. Warned the rest of us it would be closer to two years.

Why does he still trust them? He knows they lie to the public.

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correction: Breaking News

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Oh, I understand everything you are saying. It's just very frustrating; either we are watching people we love to get sick, or we are waiting for people we love to get sick.

From your article linked above:

"The deluge of psychiatric medications, recreational drugs, and illegal psychoactive substances has combined with the neurological and mental impact of COVID-19 and the “vaccines.” Increasing numbers of people are being rendered unable to love and to care, to stand up for themselves in their personal lives, and unable to resist the escalating oppression in the world today."

Truer words have never been spoken.

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I've noticed either directly before or after a released finding, the MSM releases an article saying the opposite. Covid causes increased strokes was released right before they put out the article that getting your 2 shots "may" increase stroke risk. They are always a step ahead with the propaganda.

According to my searches, Matthew Perry died of a heart attack in his hot tub. He was clean from drugs since 2019. But they automatically push his drug use as a cause of death and don't mention the heart attack, leaking it to the news that he drowned in his hot tub like a toddler who cannot swim or stand up. This is suspect to me. They made him guilty until proven innocent.

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I saw something the other day on Twitter that said:

"Ending daylight savings time increases your chance of stroke."

Here's the article:



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I remember how in 2021 they said cold showers, playing video games and sex standing up increases risk of heart attack. A flood of articles came out dated right before and after the release of the bioweapons. They knew.

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Oct 30, 2023
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in fairness, some artificial trees are so ugly their looks could kill.

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Did they forget about climate change and video games?

They're playing their C game these days, really slipping.

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And "misinformation" started causing heart attacks too all the sudden.

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Oct 30, 2023
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Hi Lucy-- NJ is right-- a lot of what is said is propaganda designed to induce helplessness and fear. More people are becoming aware of the totalitarian push and the dangers of the vaccines all the time. PBS reports

"More than a month after federal officials recommended a new version of the COVID-19 vaccines, 7% of U.S. adults and 2% of children have gotten a shot. One expert calls the numbers "abysmal.""


That is good news. Folks are learning

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The 7% ... hard core Covidian zealots determined to prove Darwin correct.

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The pedo imposter also said it was going to be a dark winter for the unjaxxonated, and that never happened. The jab-free are still alive while the jabbed are randomly dropping.

Knowledge is power, spread the truth.

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Oct 30, 2023
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Try to keep up.... they shifted from drug use to hot tub to.... pickle ball the night before.

Tough workout. The jabs overwork the body.


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Well, it was drug use that killed him....mRNA is very addictive.

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There's a very curious book written about this phenonmenon in 1844, and still in print: "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles MacKay, LLD.. He relates how in Holland in 1637 a single tulip bulb could buy you a country estate including the coach and horses!

A more sinister chapter details the Witch Craze of Europe between 1300 - 1650. I don't think he mentions it, but some villages and towns in Germany were entirely depopulated of their women. That is how crazy "normal human beings" can get... 😳

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And citizens are being massively manipulated by the propaganda being rolled out constantly.

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Know what would end the brainwashing and solve everything? A giant EMP that took down every screen in North America for a year or more. The zombies would have no more lies to feed off. They just need to shut off their idiot boxes. They might start thinking again.

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Oct 31, 2023
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Not even a little bit... 🤔🙄💩

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Not a question of getting through - it's about admitting they were wrong which will never happen. Where it's most prevalent is the children's vaccines and the parents vehemently denying they cause autism amongst other issues. If they ever admitted and accepted the truth the blame would then lie solely on them for getting the child vaccinated. Denial is your strongest emotion which is why they are completely devoid of all reality.

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Decades upon decades ago, I had a neighbor who was developmentally disabled. His parents kept saying "he'll catch up in 10th grade." He never did, and his final exam in high school was counting change. Complete. Denial. FYI, the father's parents were first cousins.

I *suspect* that our grandson is to some degree autistic due to his childhood vaxxing. He is somewhat nonverbal, and I expect he will be put in the special ed programs in school. His parents are 100% in denial.

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Absolutely!! You're seeing it more and more and more! Every time I see a small child and or toddler smiling and laughing I think to myself thank God! Because there are so any others I see that are clearly the exact opposite! It kills me to think that by denying it you're inflicting this on another child. Like you I have a friend whose 3 year old son is on the spectrum - but they blame it on Covid and not being able to interact and the masks and that's why he's behind!

I wanna say I don't think you were wearing masks IN THE HOUSE when he was little!

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I think some kids did fall behind because of masking in general, but you're right-- they did not wear masks in the house. But did they interact with their child a lot? Did they work with him to help him learn to speak? Unfortunately, my stepson and his wife were too young to get married, and too.... let's just say immature to have kids, so they kind of dropped the ball. They now have a second child who seems fine, which may alert them to their problems their older son is having. It's kind of heartbreaking.

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Oct 30, 2023
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Remember the "March of Dimes" fighting SIDS?

Now we have SADS, just in time for the jabs rollout.

Do not comply.

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The dreadful side effects aren't a bug, they're a feature.

Wake up, people. This is all pre-meditated. We've known that there's no vaccine against coronaviruses like the cold for decades.

There was no magic wand and there still isn't. The side-effects (tested on ferrets) have been known for many years.

This is genocide and is just the next wave of war against humanity. Wake up or be culled.

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One has to wonder how much both these wars are deliberate diversions. We knew by 2024 the fallout would be catastrophic and they wouldn't be able to bury the truth!

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Indeed, but the devil has a scattering effect, so even the malthusians are divided amongst themselves, as they want humanity eliminated but fight over how to proceed, how quickly and of course, who gets to wear the crown when they're done culling.

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The one common denominator regarding everything that is going on throughout the entire world right now, is DEATH! Therefore one cannot deny this is all intentional. First it was Covid and culling the elderly - then we moved on to the middle aged with the vaccines and now you're looking at WWIII which will take care of the rest!

We know the vaccines killed at least 2 million people thus far - another million or so murdered from Covid itself - and now you're looking at how many millions from these wars? They're accomplishing exactly what they wanted. Depopulation.

In my lifetime I don't ever recall the magnitude of death we're seeing! Let alone intentional. Human life no longer holds an ounce of worth!

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We are all precious in the eyes of God… and some of us still consider each human life to be precious.

Stay strong

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I know that and you know that. It's the people in charge that have no regard from human life! To see them pay for their crimes is my greatest wish! Look at what Netanyahu is doing. The entire world is calling for a cease fire and yet he forges ahead. I beleive he'll be the first one to be assassinated, ironically from his own people.

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That’s quite a prediction

When the sleeping bear awakens, we will be surprised by the coming justice.

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In response to the strongly-worded comment about my ignorance:

We know, we know.... there are no such things as viruses.

Thanks for your patience with us uneducated people.

le_berger_des_photons replied to your comment on The Dreadful Effects of ‘COVID Vaccines’ Are Overwhelming.

it's time that you learned that there are no "virus" as described. There are poisons and there are imbalances which cause the body to react in a way to straighten things out. This idea of pathogenic virus particles which aren't alive and can't use any energy for lack of any metabolism yet penetrate active transport cell membranes and then impose their will when they get in there is New World ODOR bullshit. Please stop repeating it.

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Hi NJ-- The no viruses argument has been argued many placed and folks are welcome to search out those arguments if they wish. In my opinion it drags attention into a cul de sac and away from the critical issues which include :::there is a massive cancer epidemic from the mRNA vaccines and the mRNA vaccines (and other mRNA products must be totally suspended immediately." ~ Ginger

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Yes - it's spy vs. spy.

There's a term for it, I forget, but basically it's a term to just wear out people's willpower, grind down their energy and send them into despair.

Unity is a sign of the Holy Spirit.

Division is sign of the dark one.

Hang tough and pray.

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I currently work P/T in the hospitality industry as I'm also retired. There are very few places I go where I don't know someone also from my decades dealing with the public!

That said I know close to 30 people that have died from these injections! All the exact same, cancer or heart! For any doubting Thomas's just read your local obits every day!

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BJ that is heartbreaking 💔

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And yet, the deniers say I’m lying when I lost people I know who died post jab.

They say they don’t know anyone. I know plenty

RIP to all of them. So many

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Two attendants that work in the gas station I've used for 25 years both died. One heart one cancer! Another young woman in her 50's - cancer. She was a special ed teacher as are both her daughters. The mother of the women who died said, we know it was the shot! Her daughter personified a health freak! Right after she got the booster she was diagnoses stage 4 ovarian cancer! Never sick a day in her life! A girl I work with - her 25 year old boyfriend got the shot and had a stroke right after! Husband and wife checked into the hotel - on vacation. They went out to dinner and only the wife came back - husband had a stroke! Another guy had a heart attack in his room in the hotel. There's a lovely older women I walk my dog with! Brilliant well spoken and well read. Six kids new all her grandchildren's names, birthdays and age! Saw her a few weeks ago, she had no idea who I was! I wanted to put my fist through a wall I was so upset! Stunningly beautiful in her 70's didn't look a day over 65. Every week is someone else I know!

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You in Denver?

Sounds like my sibling’s neighborhood - the neighbors dropping like flies, all kinds of cancers, strokes, sudden death and illness.

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Please speak for yourself. Many of us know viruses exist.

Prove they do not. Please show me an article where the people who claim viruses do not exist have done studies on the blood of people who test positive for multiple types of viruses, 100 people per study preferably, showing exactly what is causing disease in these people. Inflammation is not a disease, neither is susceptibility to viral infections due to deficiencies, toxins or bad diet. Just because sunblock exists doesnt mean tanning is fake because its preventable.

Until you have an excess of proof to displace viruses with something else, to me, it is one group of people getting notoriety and money from an unproven theory which requires them to deny the existence of all science except the parts that back up their beliefs and their so called proof is weak. Every point they make I have a counter point which makes more sense.

Try me.

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Remember: Not every comment deserves an answer.

Sometimes it's better to not respond, especially to trolls just seeking attention and/or to wear down an audience.

Pick and choose wisely.

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I personally dont call people who have beliefs different from mine trolls. I think name calling is a tactic for Pharma to discount people with valid points of view. For example both Malone and Sasha call me a troll because they refuse to answer questions of mine, cannot handle that I am not a worshipful groupie of theirs. Their fall back is name calling, insults and lack of counter arguments.

So long as people remain respectful I'm open to discussions.

Sasha and Malone cannot do this. Malone plays victim and threatens others. Calls them trolls. S goes around telling people to block me because I'm a troll. I consider it a compliment. People who don't buy into their beliefs and stroke their ego are automatically their enemy.

Of coarse others will see it how they want to. They dont know M, S and my history.

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Perhaps you think I was referring to you earlier; not at all.

Someone challenged me to stop using the term of "viruses" because the author said they don't exist.

On a different note: It's nice that you don't name call. Very good, excellent. More of that, please.

That said, there are people out there that intentionally troll others to get a rise. They thrive off the negative attention. They exist.

Remember, sociopaths fear only: Exposure and being denied the ability to abuse others.

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Ginger here: There are also organized disrupters who are paid to disrupt various conversations in any way they can when the conversations are veering too close to the truth....and they will use all kinds of tactics to disrupt. If you are reading along and somebody makes a comment and it stops you dead and you like you just ran into a wall, you may have just read a disrupter comment....

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I didnt assume it of you only wanted to clarify I dont categorize people, atleast not straight off. Sometimes peoples strong beliefs or personality can make them seem like a troll. Sometimes their snark or humor. Sometimes I joke that I am a troll when I'm in a playful jokester mood.

I see people poke fun at those who believe in viruses - it can be fun to find humor in things that seem ridiculous to a person so I relate- I will at times respond with a link, discussing proof of viruses or asking them to explain something which does not make scientific sense to me. I'm not against a lively debate but I am against it turning into, "but Sam said this..." with no medical studies to back up the claims, no explanation with studies over what is happening in people who for example have STDs.


There is visible proof, pictures of the virus, studies on animals, treatments found by aborigines, Japanese herbalists, medicines based on the chemical constituents extracts of these herbs. So much proof of viruses. I need more from people who do not believe in viruses and they have yet to give it to me.

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Do they not see a virus under an electron microscope? Isn't a virus an RNA molecule that needs a host cell to replicated, which in turn is defined as a cancer cell? It has been reported that they have found that half of the various forms of Lymphoma which are now around 72 carry a virus that is the culprit? My wife carried SV-40 from Salk live vaccine and passed from Lymphoma. (also being reported in the Pfizer RNA injections) A Mayo cancer researcher said that the B cell lymphoma was caused by B cells enlarging and destroying the T cells which destroy cancer cells, and they didn't have a clue why. could very well be the SV-40 uses the B cells as their incubator for division and then attacks the T cells. Our mad scientists keep wanting to introduce DNA from non-humans (animals) into human cells which is against all medical ethics in my opinion!

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Thank you for your thoughtful response.

1) Yes

2) Yes and No. Both RNA and DNA viruses have a viral envelope which protect the RNA or DNA molecule(s), evading recognition by the immune system, and facilitating virus entry, similar to what you might recognize as a "viral clone" or man made virus. Unfortunately there is misconception in the circles which do not believe in viruses, such as KK who says ALL viruses are naked RNA and DNA. While some do not have a lipid envelop, contain glycoprotein exterior or gain a coating during replication inside of the cell, some viruses contain a lipid envelope. Links below.

Aside from this, can you explain why you are the first person to actually describe them as atleast something which exists? It would seem most everyone else wants to call them toxins and shut down all conversation.

Also I'd like to know more about your cancer theory. It is something I had considered at one point, that some viruses are defective or shedding DNA/RNA which may even be contagious. However they are still functioning as viruses so whatever a person wants to call them, they do exist and make some people very sick.



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I’m not schooled in the micro mechanics of cell function. Just trying to connect the dots. Basic concept that makes sense to me is that if you reprogram cellular function by RNA, virus or chemical toxin you are creating a cancer cell by definition. If T cells and etc can’t keep ahead of the multiplication of the abnormal cells and destroy them, then cancer emerges.

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Yes it makes sense. It is partly how my brain wrapped my head around viruses, their "evolution."

We have genetic defects as an explanation for cancer such as this. I believe cellular antioxidant depletion also plays a key roll in preventing DNA and RNA from rescuing itself from genetic defects. Some of the genes in our DNA are rescue Gene's and I have seen they are defective in genetic cancers.

Back to viruses, how would you explain the mechanics of viral envelopes similar to pathogenic bacteria, please? I may not be wording this correctly I am off to take our puppy to the emergency vet will respond if I am able

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I wanted to add other points regarding viruses and cancer cells, hopefully I didnt cover this in my other comments. My brain just wont let this go for some reason

Cancer cells, compared to viruses are very large, localized, not found in swaths of sick people.

Cancer isnt considered infectious. Every person sick with the flu, ebola, herpes, doesnt test positive for cancer. Csncer isnt long covid, inflammation and the macrophages which contain bits of spike protein causing inflammation aren't cancer. So even long term, people who have chronic illness after infections like covid, ebv, are suffering from something else.

Viruses may infect cells, damage and kill cells, cancer may be the result due to the ability of some viruses to mutate genes/cause chronic depletion of nutrients, ex- EBV indirectly may lead to specific cancers or lymphoproliferstive diseases if it's chronic, chronic depletion of nutrients may be a key factor but viruses do not always cause cancer.

Cancer, unless it metastasizes remain localized to one area, not sputum GI tract and blood. It doesnt resolve so easily because it isnt permanently part of a cancerous organ and it doesnt shed

Just observations of mine 🙏 peace to you.

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Dear Thomas, I am so very sorry to hear that you lost your wife ~ Ginger

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Thank you! That was in 2009 after a 10 year battle! Since then I have been speaking out the root causes and how to stay well in a sick society! Been to Ithaca at Mind Body Retreat! Good people!

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For ordinary mortals such as you and me, depends on what you want to believe I guess. Have a look at Christine Massey's substack: https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/. She holds an MSc and knows what she's talking about. I on the other hand have a worthless music performance degree and don't.

Also have a look at New Zealand Doctors Samantha and Mark Bailey; here's Samantha's website at least: https://drsambailey.com/

A good synopsis is Wade Frazier's "The Medical Racket", admittedly finalized 15 years ago, in which he describes how Orthodox Medicine, apparently a dubious profession at the best of times, was completely coopted and then captured by the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate, back in 1910: https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm.

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I respect your views are different from mine however I no longer read others anti virus links after buying Sam Baileys book and following her plus reading 2 people's links which automatically started with mistruths and twisting of science I require people to come to me with each viewpoint they have and why to discuss it please.

To me, someone "making sense" isnt scientific. It is not based on facts truth or reproducible studies. People taking one study and running with it, twisting science, only taking one method of virus isolation, calling it unreasonable and all other methods of isolate are fake, that isnt science.

Saying because RAWD invented toilet paper, poop doesnt exist, isnt a good argument to me. Just because corruption exists, doesnt mean everything is fake.

In a generation or 3 I feel people like this will say real storms never existed. They were always created by goverments, elites, fill in the blank.

The Day tapes will be considered a conspiracy to cover goverments knowing how to create storms since before Tesla. All storms before that will be called fake stories

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Oct 30, 2023
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This right here.

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Military tribunals can’t come fast enough!!!

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Or lynch mobs: Anyone who does not by now understand all this was a deliberate hoax intended to profit from premeditated mass murder is entranced... 😱

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Ginger here-- we do not endorse illegal actions. There are some great legal actions that are being organized that can be supported. the National ARM movement, for instance.


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Please accept my apologies. After nearly 4 years of this, it's very difficult not to get overwhelmed with anger and frustration to the point you post something online you probably shouldn't. And to be fair: Covid-19 and the Lethal Injections are hands down, the most appalling crime in history..

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Normal Operating Procedure for Big Pharma research is to confine their research to healthy adults for only short periods of time to MINIMIZE the risk of exposing long term deadly side effects to RX drugs. (SSRI's an excellent example that is ignored). Result is the FDA in all their wisdom has compromised over 500 times to allow RX drugs that kill to remain on the market with a Black Box Drug Warning. We have been lab rats for years and didn't know it. What else would you expect from a captive government agency. The current RNA injections are just the latest round of BS'n the FDA! The two key puppet masters in the Covid medical fiasco were Rick Bright of BARDA and Anthony Fauci and Alex Azar of HHS and Tony is going to receive a Humanitarian Award for saving millions of lives by promoting the Fatal Fauci Medical protocol with Remdesivir and Ventilators! The following article sums up the unbelievable depth of destruction that was foisted on humanity that requires criminal prosecution!


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Thanks Tom~

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Stop regulatory capture.

DJT 2024

25 IN 25

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Would you define “Regulatory Capture” and how do you fix it? 25 in 25?

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It's the industries control of the regulatory agencies which are to regulate them.

Stop the revolving door. Which Trump is going to do.

I think he is proposing a 8 yr delay between leaving an agency and going to work for the regulated industry.

25 in 25

25 k fired 25k hired into the bureaucracy.


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DC, this is a clear definition of regulatory capture that we can use to explain the problems we have today: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/regulatory-capture.asp

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Ginger. My daughter just found out her IgA level is only 23! She had 2 Pfizer shots. Could this be a result of the shots? Everything is going wrong in her body.

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Ginger here. Deb I am so sorry! The COVID vaccines compromise the immune system and the compromise grows with increasing numbers of shots.

Here are some resources



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Thank you. I did notice on the bloodwork Suggested igA is not one you recommend. Isn’t it important to know if this number is low as it effects one’s immune system? I will give the list to my daughter but she is in CA and I would bet her doctors will not order those blood tests. Thank you though for the info!

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She is only 27!

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I have multiple myeloma and I would get

Checked by an oncologist

My iga level is 28

Very hard to diagnose w/o many tests

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Has there been proof of Malone's LNP, transfection or other patents of his used in covid vaccines? Either through Malone directly or selling his patents to pharma who then used them?

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Thankful for you and Ginger💙💙💙💙

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This thing they delivered was jam-packed with the most powerful destructive force ever known, disguised and hidden in a lipid nano particle. Seems the creators of it knew they had only one major chance to deliver the destruction to as many as possible, because if the people really knew the truth, they would have declined. All the fear-mongering had people scared, so much so that the populace begged for it, stood in long lines for it and traveled great distances for it during the initial roll-out. Others seem to have taken it for selfish reasons such as wanting to be able to take a cruise or to get back to traveling, thinking they were going to be safe. My brainwashed family members took all 3. My niece, who is active duty military, had a baby earlier this year and the baby is fine....as far as we know. If they are having ill effects, no-one is sharing that with us, knowing our position on it. Oddly enough, they are declining the new ones. That says a lot.

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Ginger here-- I'm glad your family is not suffering ill effects --

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Thank you for that lovely comment. We are surprised that no one is ill. My sister and her husband take lots of supplements, which could be helping. My husband, a disabled physician with microbiology background, warned against taking something not tested for 10 years or more. My suspicion is they really are not well and are not telling us, knowing we have strong opinions.

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Has mRNA technology gone the way of the Hindenberg?

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Unfortunately, no. It's already poisoned millions, some dead already, some slowly dying, some will "die unexpectedly".

They're still poisoning people at the 2% uptake on the latest round of jabs.

This has been a massive cash cow and it's not going away soon. Just think about an automaker like Porsche with 1 or 2% of the market, they're doing great. Even a small percentage can translate into big cash.

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You said it

2% uptake.

Dridgeables didn't go away after the Hindenberg, until they realized no body would get on one. Now 100 years later serous efforts are being made to bring dridgeables back.

The promise of mRNA technology may not be back for a 100 years.

Instead of Porsche think Corvair

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Rhetorical Question:

What do Corvairs and H2-filled dirigibles have in common?

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Maybe unsafe at any speed ?


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Oct 30, 2023
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Indeed, humiliation before murder. The unkindest cuts of all.

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Not by a long shot. I've gathered this year's flu injection will use mRNA technology; the lunatics are trying to make it the cornerstone of all new vaccines..

"There's none so blind as those who will not see" I guess..

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The news on mRNA is only going to get worse.

They killed their golden goose.

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Most of humanity are so stupid they'll probably be able to keep this scam running for years and by then there won't be enough of us left alive to mount any kind of opposition to them.

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Oct 31, 2023
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Bill Gates invisoined in the near future medical treatments will be like software.

All based on mRNA with tweaking here and there, for the various applications. The best part of his plan. He owns the software.

He thinks in the trillions not billions.

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Oct 31, 2023
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I am speaking of the technology.

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I'm sorry, it appears I responded to a comment not meant for me.

The longer these threads get the shorter the understanding.

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Wireless tissue engineering & Mind Control- over the WBAN 802.15.6 network. Whistleblower from the top end of the Spystate. https://open.substack.com/pub/telestai/p/sabrina-wallace?r=10r0gt&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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With all these turbo cancers since the mRNA vaccines, why aren’t more doctors speaking out?

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It's not just these terrible cancers, mother's miscarrying, still births, birth defects followed by infant death and/or mother too. Not forgetting all died suddenly.

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They are too busy counting their money.

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It has nothing to do with the mRNA "instructions" . That's a red herring.

Why do so many doctors who question the shot ignore the fact that similar clotting and toxicity issues exist in the astra, Johnson, and sputnik shots which don't use mRNA?

It's almost like they ignore basic biology (foreign chemicals and materials injected cause damage to the body) in favor of this sci Fi fiction of mRNA genetics BS.


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I'm sorry Rob but there is clearly accumulating evidence that the mRNA platforms and contents are toxic to humans as well as demonstrated toxic in earlier studies. One aspect of this assault oon humanity that I am observing is that there are no longer either/or bianary choices. (either it's mRNA or it is foreign chemicals and materials). It is all of it. mRNA is not yet well tested documented and understood and is demonstrated to be deadly as part of the mRNA shots, and yet a multi billion dollar industry is already bringing mRNA laced (contaminated) products off the assembly line in vaccines and other medications, treatments of other sorts, masks and so much more. ~ Ginger


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Yes, all shots have huge issues and the mRNA is pseudoscience to cover up for the fact that the carriers and other ingredients are toxic and allergenic.

It's like past vaccines that had issues which they blamed the tech for, ignoring the elephant in the room: aluminum toxicity.

My point is that mRNA is science fiction to cover for the fact, that toxins cause disease. No tech needed.

Try to find proof that it works at all.

All we have is a lot of noise in this field of science, like you exposed about psych drugs. Remember how long it took for them to find out that SSRIs don't work at all?

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See my vimeo link below.

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Have you watched this video yet by Italian chemist? It's dubed and very easy for laypersons to understand. It's very shocking. vimeo.com/807279310 The Pandora's Box. Please view it.

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I think people should sue Dr. Robert Malone for his role in creating the technology used to intentionally create cancer by pharma today.

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Peter and Ginger and all,

Thank you for your work for all humanity!

Keep doing what you are doing BUT you must understand this along with everyone else…

The NATURAL BORN CITIZEN issue and the DEPRIVATION OF RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW issue are about to become the HIGHEST PRIORITY issues in reclaiming America!

Important writer, Lex Greene @newswithviews.com has a very important piece about the DEPRIVATION OF OUR RIGHTS UNDER THE COLOR OF LAW out tomorrow!

We must get these 2 issues right to reclaim America!

Natural Born issue…All serious patriotic citizens must learn about this…



Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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Here you will find the result of about 10000 h, 30 books, countless hours of avoiding traps and controlled opposition- the results of sober research (with notes) - amongst seemingly wild assumptions, mostly a solid plethora of truly courageous whistleblowers from the truthcore- who are not under the NDAs (like our shiny freedom doctors) or vile blackmail- a few courageous souls, who are simply brave enough, to speak the truth about "Covid", namely that it is in fact: A cyber - physical backbone.


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Thank you 🇺🇲

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