Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Bravo you two.

The difference is that the American Revolution put, for the first time in history, the individual above the collective/community....with rights that are derived from a creator...not a king or any other kind of Utopian scheme.

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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The word Bravo also popped into my mind. We're often told that our Constitution was a product of the Enlightenment. While surely influenced by it, its preamble evidences the Judeo-Christian basis and not the scientific rationale espoused by Enlightenment principles that were to free us from religion and traditions. Nor is it the result of Pantheism as god does not evolve with us as Hegel would argue.

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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The Americans did not rebel against the Lord God.

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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

That was a fantastic telling of our great History.Thank you.

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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The evil will tax you over 40% just on UNREALIZED gains in addition to all the other taxes. That's good enough for me to NOT choose evil!

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There is no surer way to collapse the economy than taxing unrealized gains.

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The Gs (Globalists) want people living in ugly highrises, with no money and no way to escape! That's what they want to happen before 2030. This will be another type of Holocaust.

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RemovedAug 29
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I was just trying to get the word out about taxes but you are correct and I agree.

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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Perfection is an illusion, or is it?

This essay is as close to perfect, as anything I can remember reading.

You’ve stated the obvious, factually correct. Something has drastically happened to the “American Mind”!

Suddenly, I’ve noticed an obvious shortage of “critically thinking” people.

Has a natural phenomenon occurred or have the Covid “Bioweapon Injections” removed the “frontal lobe’s” of humanity?Or, has something unknowingly performed, non-invasive lobotomies, effectively rendering societal acceptance’s?

It seems as though society has given up, conceded. Statements below explain:

“Oh Well Nothing We Can Do” or

“It’s Too Late Now” better still, “It Doesn’t Matter Anymore”or “Nothing Will Change”!

I’m not sure what’s happened . I can say one thing is clear, this give up attitudes started when the mandates were forced upon the masses. People allowed an unknown / untested / unproven experimental drug, to be injected into their bodies. When someone else, someone unknown decides for everyone, we can all but guarantee insanity!

Round One, Two and Three goes to the “Evildoers”!

Never, ever should anyone allow this to happen again! Has the world gone mad? I think yes! And now we see so many people with so many ailments, those who survived and they simply “shrug their shoulders” saying “oh well”.

Oh well? Are you nuts? Oh well? No, it’s NOT oh well! It’s not well at all! It’s so evil it’s simply astounding how many people lined up and rolled up their sleeves and said “OH WELL”!

To this point I’ll smile and say to those who can think for themselves, keep searching and keep researching.

The life you save may be your own.

This “Spiritual War” and “Spiritual Awakening” for some may be the last time we’ll ever have our own selves.

The “Evilness of Powers” have said exactly what they intend to do!

Yuval Hariri, one of the most evil, dangerous, diabolical person on Gods Good Earth, believes it’s time for “Yuval” to take over for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I’m sorry to inform you Yuval, Jesus, “King of Kings”, a dear loving Lord, isn’t planning on retiring. Not today, not tomorrow, NOT EVER Yuval!

So a word of advice from one of your characterized

“Useless Eaters” north of Hell.

You can physically beat me, torture me, even quarter pull me dead! My flesh and bones are simply a vehicle of transport. However my soul “Belongs to Jesus” Yuval, Not You!

If anyone has a single doubt this Spiritual War between

“Good vs Evil” is not happening, think again?

Yuval tells you clearly:

Yuval Hariri believes:

“It’s not any about the God in the clouds anymore. It’s about the Google Cloud and the Microsoft Cloud. We now have the ability to hack the human body”

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Dear AJR, may our God protect you and your loved ones. We should call on Jesus to send Legions of Angels to destroy the evil ones and protect His people. Come Lord Jesus, Come!

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I agree with you but there’s one point you bring up that I would appreciate if you could expand upon: “Never, ever should anyone allow this to happen again!” Yes but HOW?

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Thank you Danway for your question pertaining to why I said “never ever should anyone allow this to happen again”.

How, Danway IMO is extremely difficult to explain. I was referring to such a large number of people being involved with worldwide efforts. Each component was planned and executed with the intent of creating mainly human sterilization with such unintended consequences it has morphed into

“Crimes Against Humanity”.

I’ve broken down some of the various players,such as the WHO, WEF, DoD but there’s so many, more.

To simply say “never ever again should anyone allow this to happen again” is a gigantic statement. In all honesty, I write as I’m feeling at any given moment and sometimes I say things I need to explain further. You could say I write as I’m thinking, emotionally speaking.

I understand your question. IMO this one statement had many moving parts. In general, I was referring more specifically, about individual’s reactions. So much madness was happening.

Which is why I believe more importantly is to understand the way individuals followed orders, without doing if any, very little research before lining up en masse. What happened to people? Why?

Trusting unknown people telling them what to do concerned the heck out of me. I thought the world has lost its mind. Or was it me?

Maybe I’m wrong but it seemed early on how badly the world was being manipulated. Within two weeks I learned mRNA had so many flaws / problems which is why it never worked. If I could learn this, why didn’t so many other people learn it as well?

This was my first question. Everything happening, I questioned. Most people didn’t. This is a short answer which requires much more time to answer more thoroughly for you Danway. Something I have been working on before posting this post.

I couldn’t understand and I still can’t understand why, so many people took unknown people at their word, without doing a little bit of research. I got screamed at hundreds of times because my mask was on my lip as one example and not encasing my face! Good God people.

Most of the screaming came from leftists customers I provide networking services for. I honestly don’t care how people align politically, I do mind however, when people believe they have the right to shout me down for no good reason.

It was absolutely insane from start to finish how badly I was treated by customers I have serviced for many years. It’s as though something snapped in

peoples minds.

Which is why I said “never ever should anyone ever let this happen again”. Your question is awesome Danway and you’ve hit on something which I will put together a thorough explanation.

Thank you Danway. I do hope this helps. I will make sure I send to you my complete breakdown of why I made that statement.


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Fantastic AJR. A truly heartwarming response. I sincerely appreciate your candor.

I completely agree that we should do all we can to never let this happen again, however, I also fully expect that it will happen again and again. The enemy will not stop until we stop them… permanently. I do not see how this can possibly be resolved peacefully. The criminals that have hijacked This world leave us no other option. In fact it seems to be part of their nefarious plan. Absolutely mind boggling and suicidal for them but then again they ARE insane.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I eagerly look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic and further conversation.


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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Brilliant. Many thanks.

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Aug 30Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank You! Your article is nothing short of a masterpiece. It brilliantly distills the essence of American history, capturing the enduring struggle between the indomitable spirit of freedom and the oppressive forces of tyranny. The way you articulate the contrast between the founding ideals of liberty and the despotic ambitions of communism is both succinct and insightful. With wisdom's pen, you've not only educated but also inspired your readers to have a deeper appreciation for the principles that have shaped our nation. I pray your words spark a remarkable flame that again lights the majesty of freedom and its place in our world. Thanks again.

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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Your last paragraph sums it up extremely well and points to a way out of the darkness; our hope lies in honoring our past and never forgetting where we came from; the American experiment will only die if we let it!

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The Declaration of Independence is not legally binding, but it is considered to have legal authority in three ways:

Primary-legal mode

The Declaration is considered to be supreme law, above the Constitution, and sets mandates for other legal authority.

Interpretive-contextual mode

The Declaration provides historical context for determining the meaning of the Constitution and other laws.

Creedal mode

The Declaration serves as a marker for principles of good or right government.

The Declaration of Independence is codified in the United States statutes and is referenced directly and indirectly in the Constitution. However, the passage, “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government” means that people have the right to change or get rid of a government that is harmful, and to create a new one based on principles that will keep them safe and happy. This idea is based on the philosophy that people have rights that no government can grant or deny. This may be effected by a constitutional convention or new amendment but it seems to be a bridge too far at this point and probably would open a can of worms that would do more harm than good.

So I wonder what can we do now that would honor the tradition and continue the American Experiment. How can we “institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to [us] shall seem most likely to effect [our] Safety and Happiness”?

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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

A brilliant essay. As a native Philadelphian I grew up steeped in the Declaration and the Constitution, and I've recently opined that George Washington may have been the greatest of them all, much as I admired Franklin. Thank you! By the way, Gore Vidal called attention to the phrase 'life, liberty and pursuit of happiness' in the Declaration as absolutely unique in political documents.

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The phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is a variation of the "life, liberty, and property" phrase that was popularized by John Locke in his Two Treatises of Government. This phrase was used by Locke to describe the natural rights of all people, including the right to live, the right to do as they please, and the right to own what they create or gain. Thomas Jefferson, the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, replaced "property" with "the pursuit of happiness" in the phrase. Jefferson's change was likely influenced by George Mason, who had used the phrase in the preface to his draft of the Virginia Constitution. Jefferson's change may have been intended to make an anti-slavery statement, as it would have deprived slave owners of the claim that owning slaves was a natural right. It may also have been intended to suggest that the government's purpose is not limited to securing property rights, but to something larger.

Since we seem to be at the threshold of another civilizational cataclysm I think that the idea of property rights should be included.

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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Amazing essay! Bravo!

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Aug 29·edited Aug 30Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin


Do believe this will be an addition to our 'Reading List' for those over 13 here.

What a wonderful book to keep on the shelf for all to thumb through in times of boredom

never complained about here.

Better to read a book from the 'History/Philosophy/Geography Shelf'

than being sent to the field to pick-up rocks or weed the soybeans.

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That makes me smile, Blaze.....I used to spend hours with the books on our family shelves as a girl...Ginger

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No, it's not communism. Both from the government and from the economic point of view, it is an oligarchy. There is no "central dictator". There is no party who's origin is political. Instead, it is a group of powerful, rich, evil in their own pride, people who are of like mind and take over the world by "buying it." All the characteristics are as you have said, except that the oligarchs run the world and the people are serfs, who serve the oligarchs. It's closest historic implementation is fascism.

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Aug 29Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Global technocracy is the word. Totalitarianism is evil in any form.

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Very well put! I could not help but notice the similarity between “liberty, equality and fraternity” and “diversity, equity and inclusion”. Both are lies and meant to confuse those who are easily confused. Your essay lifts the curtain and exposes the truth.

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Oh, good Russ, you saw this! I thought that, too, but didn't make adequate note of that similarity.... not a coincidence, I think. ~ Ginger

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Rule of law? The Constitution was so lacking they had to add the bill of rights as amendments because people were upset.

And it still didn't apply to a large part of the population.


I guess that's why you're cool with the apartheid state our greatest ally.... Just like in that video, they deny human rights in their law.

Rule of law, who writes the rules?

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Hamilton opposed a BOR - and his argument is solid:

"I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and in the extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the proposed constitution, but would even be dangerous. They would contain various exceptions to powers which are not granted; and on this very account, would afford a colourable pretext to claim more than were granted. For why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why for instance, should it be said, that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed? I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but it is evident that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretence for claiming that power. They might urge with a semblance of reason, that the constitution ought not to be charged with the absurdity of providing against the abuse of an authority, which was not given, and that the provision against restraining the liberty of the press afforded a clear implication, that a power to prescribe proper regulations concerning it, was intended to be vested in the national government. This may serve as a specimen of the numerous handles which would be given to the doctrine of constructive powers, by the indulgence of an injudicious zeal for bills of rights."


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Washington was a victim of medical malpractice but of course it was the gold standard at the time.

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Over 250,000 people in the U.S. die each year because of medical errors, making it the third leading cause of death in this country behind heart disease and cancer, according to a Johns Hopkins study. The song remains insane.

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Thank You!

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a masterpiece again, I will post it up...huge love and respect to you two.

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God bless you Paul, thank you!

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tyranny and freedom, liberty is woven beautifully in this piece.

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