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Nation’s Sovereignty has to be restored and respect for your neighbor nations has to be preserved! Don’t thread on me and I won’t thread on you! We now have the capacity to end life on earth through bio or nuclear annilation! Right now we are going down the RNA path without guard rails!

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Thanks P&G. Excellent & timely wake up call.

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The Breggin books show the resistance to globalisation which will result in the loss of freedom and suppression of free speech.

It would seem that plans was made even as the war was seen to be lost in the Russian invasion. The manipulators of events causing wars are now being exposed, and if enough is made public the population is going to be very angry.

Some know of the way things happened behind the scenes in the post war period, when there was a power play in metaphysical operations in space, and foundations for the New Age were laid down.

I write as the oldest member of The Aetherius Society created by Dr.George King, whose biography has just been published.

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Shared profusely, thank you, for you two’s support and encouragement to us all !

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EU is the model and it's a shit show.

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3 reasons for not using “globalist”

1. It is a fuzzy definition: globalism is a term referring to technical improvements uniting the world, happening at the same time by chance: container, international trade, shipping, packaging, specialization, maritime transportation (ship speed and size, energy efficiency, less wrecks, insurance, etc.), world class education, migration, etc.

Because of that notion, "globalist" could mean anyone in favor of such modernization and increase in productivity and inter-connectedness, which has nothing to do with establishing a global dictatorship destroying nations and cultures.

2. Another definition of "globalist" could be any person of good will who dreams about all nations prospering in liberty, peace, justice and charity, not interfering in internal policies for selfish self-destructing "national interests", celebrating diversity of cultures and striving for a common global good.

3. “Globalist” hides the true nature of the enemy: satanism, freemasonry

It makes it hard to identify THE enemy, and therefore, their goals (our extermination), weaknesses and solutions.

Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu in “The Art of War” stresses understanding who your enemy is, what their nature is, what their desires are, and what they’re striving for. At the same time, it demands that you understand yourself, know your own weaknesses, your own misperceptions, your own indulgences… then you are on the road to success. But if you don’t get the second part, if you don’t understand who you are, or if you don’t understand who you’re dealing with, then the situation is quite dangerous.”1

Conclusion: using "globalist" means keeping the unawakened in a sleepy-mode, not being able to proactively disable the enemy's next moves and if failure, to prep for what they prep. In sum, using "globalist" means not alerting the sheep that the current road leads straight to the slaughterhouse, unless the whole herd revolts against the guiding wolves.

The same goes for:

• Cabal: this term is better than globalist because is means there’s an obscure conspiracy, but considering it’s Judaic origins, it only confuses people to hate the Jews, when in fact, even baptized Christians become masons.

• Khazarian mafia: even if it was true, it only proves we are dealing with Satanists saying they belong to Judaism, but since nobody can identify a “Khazangster” by any means (race, religion, etc.), it’s a useless argument. By the way, Kazakh-stan is a country full of Kazakhs who have nothing to do with global takeover.

• Jesuits: just smears without any evidence. Though there might be Jesuits who joined freemasonry (and vice-versa), the same happens in all religious groups which have infiltrators. It doesn’t mean that the whole order is masonic in all countries. It wasn’t founded like that at all by St. Ignatius Loyola: there’s no secrecy. By the way, Pope Francis, when a Jesuit Priest, was ostracized for years (no assignment) for trying to be faithful to Christ, until Pope John Paul II rescued him by naming him Bishop.

When I first published in 2016, the title was “Enslaved but Happy: dried-squeezed by the Global Government”. Back then very few believed there was real global government in the shadows. Now, after “the science” debunking the COVID narrative, more have awakened and are appalled about the current global tyranny and how fast they are moving towards digi-tatorship. Yet, we are still around 10% depending on the country. It’s important that you share this knowledge as much as you can. We need to wake at least 60% in order to regain full control of politics.

Satanic lodges

Confession of a former mason Serge Abad-Gallardo: “a first-grade ritual ... pays tribute to Lucifer. It is also part of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. I heard the venerable master say: ‘We must thank Lucifer for bringing light to men…’.

a document that is accessible only to high-grade members, so the so-called “blue lodges” [which gather the new members] don’t have access to it. It is taken from Paroles Plurielles — a publication issued by my Masonic order — in which are compiled the best written texts regarding societal issues or Masonic rituals and that are on display in lodges. In this three- or four-page document, there is a text that praises transgression, and the one that allowed it — Lucifer. It is worth noting that Freemasons usually mention Lucifer rather than Satan.

… contrary to what Freemasonry says, we don’t belong to (him) forever after our Masonic vow. In the 1884 encyclical Humanum Genus, Pope Leo XIII recalls that a Freemason who comes back to the Church as a repentant Catholic is released from any Masonic vow.

It is absolutely no conspiracy theory to say that Freemasonry holds strong political power over society. There are solid proofs. In France, for instance, the law allowing the contraceptive pill (1967) was initiated by Lucien Neuwirth, who was a Freemason. In addition, the French law on abortion (1975) was promoted by Simone Veil. I don’t know if she was a Freemason herself, but she was at least openly very close to Masonic ideals [she received vibrant tributes from the greatest French Masonic lodges at her death in 2017]. Moreover, the first politician to have tried to introduce the legalization of euthanasia in France was Freemason and French senator Henri Caillavet, in 1978. In the same way, the law on same-sex “marriage” (2013) was promoted by French politician Christiane Taubira, who I met in Guyana — where I worked for a few years — and who is a Freemason.

In my book, I give figures about the two French assemblies — the Senate and the National Assembly. The Freemasons represent around 0.03% of the French population and yet 35% of France’s deputies and senators are Freemasons. It is 120 times more likely to become a deputy or a senator for a Freemason than for someone who is not.

Then there is the so-called “Fraternelle parlementaire,” an informal organization which gathers elected officials at the highest political levels. They are from all Masonic obediences, including some that are not necessarily allies. The Fraternelle is successively presided over by people from the left and the right. It is no accident that French citizens no longer know who to vote for.

The former president of the association, Bernard Saugey [senator of The Republicans, a center-right political party, and openly a Freemason], once said: “If I play my role well, parliamentarians from the left and the right will vote together on societal issues.” And now we have a new proof of that, with the law on medically assisted reproduction [recently approved by the Senate, although predominantly conservative].

One solution to this serious threat for democracy would be to abolish secrecy and oblige politicians to publicly say they are Freemasons. At least the citizens would clearly know who they vote for.” 2

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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