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Sep 26Edited

To all the mentors below and the writer of the article, if you don’t vote for Trump you’re putting the commie Democrats in power! Apparently you people fail to understand the depth of what this country will be plunged into should that occur. Use your heads people! Trump is not a God! Trump is a man, a human like all of us. God is backing him he will do what God wants and if that’s not good enough for you, Then you might as well just move to China because the USA is going to become China where no one has any freedom at all. Hold back a vote for Trump at your own peril but don’t plunge me into communism along with you Because you can’t see the forest for the trees!

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“God is backing him?” Unbelievable. See that is THE problem. It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you are on. Worshipping a man and then saying “God is backing him” is very, very dangerous. That is exactly how people will fall for the anti-Christ when he rises. He will do what God wants? God in the Bible despises homosexuality. Look at the people around Trump in his first term. You are heading down a very, very slippery slope. And just because someone disagrees with you or has a different viewpoint doesn’t make them bad. That makes you no better and just as intolerant as the other side.

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In absolutely no way do I worship Trump or any man. Pres. Trump is an imperfect person as are we all. When you have a strong faith which guides your life you may attribute what seem to be miracles to the hand of the Almighty. I cannot know for certain on that- I personally believe it may well be that it is the purpose for Donald Trump to work to save our country from the abyss. I pray that is what comes to pass. Cannot see any better alternative- can you?

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I wasn't responding to you. Please read the entire conversation.

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We do need to be careful and remember who we are truly worshipping!

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The Democrats are fascists. They worship Lucifer, same as the Nazis.

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Time to wake up. This isn’t just democrats. Where’s old Ben Crenshaw, Mitch McConnell or Lindsey Graham been lately?

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I agree, "TiredCitizen." The Bushes and Clinton ate children's brains, Reagan was a depraved monster, and Nixon brutally raped Fiona Barnette. No need to mention Nazi Henry Kissinger, child rapist Gerald Ford, George and Mitt Romney, No-name McCain, the Gingriches or any of the other Republican Satanists. They're fascists, too.

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Needed this all for confirmation! Thank you!🙏

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