That’s because the DOD was running the operation. Have you heard of the deep state? I know plenty of people that are Republicans that got the jab in my own family that are fine. I also know many that have had side effects.. some major. So you must be a person that has TDS. Nothing will make you happy 😃
That’s because the DOD was running the operation. Have you heard of the deep state? I know plenty of people that are Republicans that got the jab in my own family that are fine. I also know many that have had side effects.. some major. So you must be a person that has TDS. Nothing will make you happy 😃
So you must be a person that has TDS. Nothing will make you happy
Your condescending remarks are pitiful.
The Donald is a Shabbos goy, mass murderer, narcissistic, con artist.
All of the ubiquitous Covid-19 propaganda to induce fear, and ultimately obedient compliance, was not a mistake but well-calculated premeditated evil and deliberate policy from day one. I may have been the first person on earth to state in writing that this soon-to-be-announced so-called pandemic was a fraud, which I did on February 26, 2020. The pandemic was announced officially on March 11, 2020.
I stated this was not going to be an epidemic, and it was light years from a pandemic. I knew this to be the case after analyzing the early infection and death numbers from a few different countries, including China, using the Gompertz function and Farr's Laws.
The first people I know other than myself to call it a hoax was Dr. Vernon Coleman, who came out with a video on March 18, 2020, and Dr. Ron Paul, who came out with a video on March 20, 2020. Both of these erudite gentlemen were honorable medical doctors and are our elders, who we should always listen to for levelheaded, sound advice. Instead, they were arrogantly and viciously attacked by the mainstream media and nearly all others, for simply telling the world their expert medical advice.
Coronavirus Scare - The Hoax Of The Century? by Dr. Vernon Coleman (11:45)
People are pissed off at Trump because they let him do the THINKING for them. So they got the poison shot and they have got to blame him🤷♂️ for their ignorant move. Trusted Trump, panicked and then injected themselves. Without doing any research! Even though he had stock piles of hydroxycloroquin he wanted to use, which the deep state made sure to vilify the drug, but he was trying to convince alternative methods. But they don’t see it that way. It’s all his fault because they’ve got to blame a man who is not a medical doctor, just POTUS. It’s always Trump’s fault because they do not want to take responsibility of their own bodies. It’s your fault Trump! ☺️ Even though, like you say…it was a DOD operation, but no it’s all Trumps fault cause he was the commander and chief. He had no power over this…he was manipulated just like the ones who didn’t think for themselves🤷♂️
Mark is not the one suffering derangement syndrome - you need to look in the mirror for the true sufferer.
Trump is the one who signed Operation Warp Speed into effect, thereby launching biochemical warfare on the America he claims to want to make great again. Mark presented a dozen quotes showing Trump remained staunchly pro-quaxxxine even after the body count went skywards - and the best you can do is accuse him of suffering TDS.
I guess nothing will make you acknowledge reality 😃
And to pre-empt the bot-like Diana Barahona, no, I am not a "Team Jorge" Mossad bot account, but you sure sound like a bot, Diana...
Trump - a former Democrat - tells his followers what they want to hear, then does the exact opposite.
He was going to lock up Hillary - then effusively praised her during his victory speech.
He was going to drain the swamp - then filled his team with swamp dwellers.
He was going to MAGA - then signed into effect a DOD operation designed to injure and kill Americans - and stands by the poison dart to this day.
You're an ineffectual, intellectually bankrupt individual completely incapable of presenting or rebutting facts, so you instead immediately resort to ad hominem attacks.
Laughably, you issue psychological diagnoses about people you know nothing about. As a person who admires a narcissistic sociopath who signed a mass-murder campaign into effect, you are the last person fit to be issuing pronouncements about other folks' mental or emotional states.
That’s because the DOD was running the operation. Have you heard of the deep state? I know plenty of people that are Republicans that got the jab in my own family that are fine. I also know many that have had side effects.. some major. So you must be a person that has TDS. Nothing will make you happy 😃
Dear Beth Burton
So you must be a person that has TDS. Nothing will make you happy
Your condescending remarks are pitiful.
The Donald is a Shabbos goy, mass murderer, narcissistic, con artist.
All of the ubiquitous Covid-19 propaganda to induce fear, and ultimately obedient compliance, was not a mistake but well-calculated premeditated evil and deliberate policy from day one. I may have been the first person on earth to state in writing that this soon-to-be-announced so-called pandemic was a fraud, which I did on February 26, 2020. The pandemic was announced officially on March 11, 2020.
I stated this was not going to be an epidemic, and it was light years from a pandemic. I knew this to be the case after analyzing the early infection and death numbers from a few different countries, including China, using the Gompertz function and Farr's Laws.
The first people I know other than myself to call it a hoax was Dr. Vernon Coleman, who came out with a video on March 18, 2020, and Dr. Ron Paul, who came out with a video on March 20, 2020. Both of these erudite gentlemen were honorable medical doctors and are our elders, who we should always listen to for levelheaded, sound advice. Instead, they were arrogantly and viciously attacked by the mainstream media and nearly all others, for simply telling the world their expert medical advice.
Coronavirus Scare - The Hoax Of The Century? by Dr. Vernon Coleman (11:45)
The Coronavirus Hoax by Dr. Ron Paul (4:22) has the largest archive of COVID-19 articles, news stories, and videos, with 8,000 posts.
Mark R. Elsis
People are pissed off at Trump because they let him do the THINKING for them. So they got the poison shot and they have got to blame him🤷♂️ for their ignorant move. Trusted Trump, panicked and then injected themselves. Without doing any research! Even though he had stock piles of hydroxycloroquin he wanted to use, which the deep state made sure to vilify the drug, but he was trying to convince alternative methods. But they don’t see it that way. It’s all his fault because they’ve got to blame a man who is not a medical doctor, just POTUS. It’s always Trump’s fault because they do not want to take responsibility of their own bodies. It’s your fault Trump! ☺️ Even though, like you say…it was a DOD operation, but no it’s all Trumps fault cause he was the commander and chief. He had no power over this…he was manipulated just like the ones who didn’t think for themselves🤷♂️
Bet they think for themselves going forward🤷♂️
See what “scared to die” does to a person!
Don’t blame Trump, blame yourself. Take responsibility for your own actions.
Mark is not the one suffering derangement syndrome - you need to look in the mirror for the true sufferer.
Trump is the one who signed Operation Warp Speed into effect, thereby launching biochemical warfare on the America he claims to want to make great again. Mark presented a dozen quotes showing Trump remained staunchly pro-quaxxxine even after the body count went skywards - and the best you can do is accuse him of suffering TDS.
I guess nothing will make you acknowledge reality 😃
And to pre-empt the bot-like Diana Barahona, no, I am not a "Team Jorge" Mossad bot account, but you sure sound like a bot, Diana...
Trump - a former Democrat - tells his followers what they want to hear, then does the exact opposite.
He was going to lock up Hillary - then effusively praised her during his victory speech.
He was going to drain the swamp - then filled his team with swamp dwellers.
He was going to MAGA - then signed into effect a DOD operation designed to injure and kill Americans - and stands by the poison dart to this day.
Wake up.
You’re a sad person, you should find something to be happy about too.
You're an ineffectual, intellectually bankrupt individual completely incapable of presenting or rebutting facts, so you instead immediately resort to ad hominem attacks.
Laughably, you issue psychological diagnoses about people you know nothing about. As a person who admires a narcissistic sociopath who signed a mass-murder campaign into effect, you are the last person fit to be issuing pronouncements about other folks' mental or emotional states.
I hope all the intellectual BS you spew helps you be a much happier person. Go vote Kamala!
I state facts, you spew emotionally-charged, childish BS, Beth.
Wouldn't vote for Kamala or Trump, they are both globalist-controlled snakes.
Like I said, wake up. And grow up, you handle dissenting opinions like an immature brat.