I figured out this insane scam the first time my son and I went for a walk with masks on. We walked about one block, looked at each other and said...this is stupid, we’re outside! We took our masks off, startled our neighbors who still wore masks, and resisted every lockdown mandate we could from that day on. We never got shots either.
I refused outright to obey because I instinctively knew it was a lie, so did my husband. We switched off/blocked all MSM/SM news channels, including radio, and we ignored the newspaper headlines. During the first LD we travelled 80 miles to our favourite butcher. The butcher's lad helped carry our order to the car and there, parked next to ours was a Panda car with four coppers inside eating their lunch and having a whale of a time. We ignored the Fourth Reich at Sainsbury's entrance/exit doors but we were verbally and physically abused by fellow shoppers.
In March 2020 I sought the services of a prostitute with whom I could exchange body fluids. If the "virus" was real I would acquire natural immunity if the virus was not real then I would just acquire a pleasant experience .
So well said. It's amazing how the non-virus crowd is almost as fanatical as the jab cult. I'm wiling to acknowledge possibilities of a non viral illness in some cases but they refuse to even consider viruses exist. As you say, enough. Let's deal with the perpetrators who are pushing this garbage at us.
By all means "focus on the thieves" but we need to realize how and why the "thieves" came into power in the first place; in my view it is necessary to look at the record of medical history where we find the origins of so much of the lies, deception and willful malfeasance; the likes of Fauci and so many of his fellow nefarious actors just didn't spontaneously generate and breed among themselves; they were the direct result and products of a failed medical system that was guided and ruled by the motivation of profit and power and not the saving of lives and promotion of health; the history of medical science has countless examples where geniuses such as Bechamp were vilified and discarded to preserve the medical industry for big pharma and military bioweapons.
That's exactly where my focus is now, and what to do about it....peaceful non-compliance. Much love to you and Ginger for all you do to increase awareness.
Nuanced exchange of ideas is being purposefully sidelined by the diminution of critical thinking. Ref: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail
Book by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. 1991
We have been told so much that is false it is good to ask for verification outside the scientific echo chamber.
I thought we landed on the moon as "I saw it with my own eyes". But questions raised have caused reassessment and a closer consideration: wow where is the blast crater underneath the lander after it landed. And who stayed behind on the moon to tip the camera up to follow the assent?
Some of us have actually reviewed the virology literature. If you know of a valid scientific study showing any "virus", do share. Did you notice that the Breggins cited none?
It's not really about whether viruses exist or not; we are and have been surrounded by bacteria and viruses (or whatever one chooses to call them!) from the beginning of time and if even a fraction of them had been really pathogenic to humans or any spec ies, then we would have been wiped out long ago; this was explained by that 19th century medical genius, Antoine Bechamp whose lifetime of work revealed that "viruses" only attack the most vulnerable with weakened immune systems and only act from opportunity and not "ill intent"; Florence Nightingale came to the same conclusion and advocated for proper nutrition and a clean environment to ward off infection and promote healing; and yet today we still honor Louis Pasteur and his fraudulent discoveries, Pasteur who renounced his own germ theory before he died but it was too late to stop the highly lucrative allopathic model of medicine and equally fraudulent "vaccine" development.
"It's not really about whether viruses exist or not..." But, that's what it's about! Because they have never tested for a single virus. Neither does SARS-COV-2. However, if there is no pathogen for which a pandemic is declared, then there is no test, no vaccine, no epidemic... In other words, then everything is a lie, as it was managed to clarify at the beginning. After all, there is no country in the world whose health authority has the SARS-COV-2 isolate. WHO doesn't have it either! So then everything was a lie and a lie, and they had other plans with tests, "vaccines", masks, terrorist acts! A premeditated genocide is taking place, and we have to reckon with it!
Well said. Regardless of whether viruses exist or not, something is making people sick. Really sick, at times. And this has only ramped up since 2020. And it isn't all in their heads. It could be a virus, a bacteria, a parasite, a biochemical (aka geoengineering), or some other poison or toxin. But, regardless, good people, who are not just making it up and who haven't gotten vaxxed, are experiencing debilitating illnesses. We need to figure out how to heal them. From my personal experience, with the non-COVID vaxxed, there seems to be a correlation between the level of spike antibodies in their antibody blood tests and their likelihood of getting severely chronically ill with a debilitating form of "long COVID." (Those who get chronically sick with "COVID" have a antibody level in the thousands vs those who have barely any antibodies.) Again, is this "long COVID" being caused by a novel COVID virus or by some other toxin or poison? Who knows. Plus, their symptoms are severe, strange, and bizarre enough that its not "just a cold." It's not helpful if we discount their illness and suffering; we need to figure out how to make them well and acknowledge that something is making them sick.
In medical school we learned about DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS:
"What type of results do you get with a differential diagnosis and what do the results mean?
A differential diagnosis is a list of possible conditions that share the same symptoms that you described to your healthcare provider. This list is not your final diagnosis, but a theory as to what is potentially causing your symptoms. After you receive a list of possible conditions, your healthcare provider will continue their diagnostic process by ordering tests to eliminate potential conditions on your differential diagnosis list. These tests will lead to your diagnosis."
A Culture and Sensitivity Test : A culture is a test to find germs (such as bacteria or a fungus) that can cause an infection. A sensitivity test checks to see what kind of medicine, such as an antibiotic, will work best to treat the illness or infection.
But in order to get along , we must ignore the fact that the existence of viruses has NEVER been proven. That expedience requires that we forego scientific principles. I refused.
Tobacco Mosaic “Virus” - The beginning & end of virology
The no virus crowd are just passionate for the absolute truth. As a member I dont belong to any movement. All the time you think as a collective and try to control a movement you will only get more collectivism. All they are saying is "prove it scientifically" and yet no one can. All we get "but then how did I get ill" or "yeah but thats just how we prove it". Im sorry, but that's just bollocks. I do agree though that there is more than o e string to the bow of the elite that needs drawing attention to. Ultimately, what we really need though is a realisation of individual authority, not more controlled group think of "we need to focus on keeping out freedoms", when you stand in your own authority the whole concept of freedom becomes irrelevant. Just stand there and refuse and fight to the death if you have to. That's the ONLY way this changes.
stand there and refuse and fight to the death if you have to. That's the ONLY way this changes.
That’s exactly what we need to do. I believe that is individual Freedom. Completely agree that we need to not get locked up into some concept of a movement. It has occurred to me a number of times that movements are are collectivist. -Ginger
You don't seem to get the point. The point is, whether or not viruses exist or not isn't even the point, and shouldn't concern us at this juncture.
Whether viruses exist or not won't matter once they take all our liberties; hence, the important thing now is to fight for our liberties. Then when we're secure in our freedoms you're welcome to debate viruses all you want to. In the meantime, worrying about viruses is like hunting for mushrooms in the middle of a battlefield.
They have all kinds of ways to distract us from the battle and you've fallen for one of them.
Should we stop talking about the climate change hoax which along with the virus pandemic hoax is one of two pillars being used to chop away our liberties? Personally, having been in the genomics field for over 3 decades, it is difficult to ignore the greatest health threat to mankind, poison inoculation of the human race against something that has never been scientfically proven to exist. But, I agree that we ought remember that it is us against them, and no matter how far our personal revelation has progressed, we who are concerned with liberty are on the same side.
I totally agree. The pro-virus believers don't even look at the lack of evidence that viruses exist (they don't) on PubMed. They are locked into their brainwashing. On genomics and gene sequencing - another hoax. My friend runs the giant database for a world DNA company. Tech can currently ACTUALLY sequence about 8-12 base pairs. He told me he had heard of 18 base pairs, "but we don't use it." So if they can only sequence 8-12 pairs in a DNA snip, how can they claim to have sequenced 30,000 or 50,000 base pairs in a (fake) virus? Or sequence 50M base pairs in the human genome. The answer is they just make it up, stick it in an officious-looking BLAST database, and lie to the world. The amount of bullshit in the medical cartel is astonishing.
They can sequence in an almost unequivocal manner but it’s impractical on scale.
In its place, “Next Generation Sequencing” (NGS) is utilised.
Briefly, this (absurd in my opinion) technique seeks to convert everything to DNA, reduce lengths using endonucleases and then sequence the myriad pieces.
It’s absurd in that while this might work reasonably well with a highly enriched sample, we’re dealing with a massively diverse clinically derived sample,
Not only are they “fishing” for something allegedly present but in very small amounts, but there’s not only human DNA in abundance from cells scraped off during Q-tip sampling, some of it circular (from the energy factories cslled mitochondria (which bears closer resemblance to bacterial DNA, also circular) but bacterial & fungal DNA.
These sequence information about these shortened pieces are flung together using a technique called “contigs”, the principle being that multiple copies will be cut in different places. Some endings match the endings of other pieces & so a computer programmer “joins” them.
I’m not an expert in NGS but I know people who are. They’re of the view that the alleged “full length sequences” that are thereby formed from these very mixed (contaminated) clinical samples are more a product of the programs used to assemble them than of the alleged original.
FWIW, I think the base technology can sequence about 8 pairs. NGS and other new technologies (like nanopore sequencing) can get up to 12-16, at best. But anything that actually sequences individual pairs is very slow because they must either build up or tear down a snip one base pair at a time. AFAIK, NGS is a technique that sequences in parallel, with a plate of samples in a grid a dozen cells square or something. That way, 12x12 = 144 tests can be run at the same time, to see which test/method gives the most desirable results. I think they use NGS for biomarker testing in the cancer field, for example. (They call it precision (individualized) medicine and "targeted therapy," but I haven't seen any good research evidence that it actually makes a big difference. Mortality rates don't change much, as far as I know. It could be my limited knowledge here, since I have not done a deep study of that field of effort. Having said that, *anything* based on software voodoo sequencing is a crap shoot, IMHO.
Wow! I never would have guessed that someone as famous (and brave) as you would reply to my comment. Thank you! FWIW, my career (and my friend's) was in software development. What you say is consistent with what I know about "string matching algorithms" (software speak for your contig terminology). Yes, multiple copies will break at different places. (That's how they used to do genetic mapping in fruit flies in university courses.) But since the length of the snips is so short, the overlaps (contiguous sequences) are short, and multiple (many) different "solutions" are possible for creating many different and fake longer sequences. I imagine the algorithm would take the match that gives the highest statistical result for the entire set of overlaps/matches. Anyhow, the whole process is clearly software voodoo and should not be confused with anything close to reality or the truth. The idea that they have "sequenced" any virus or any part of the human genome is complete nonsense. That makes "it" sound like "it" (singular) is "the" (singular) answer. Nonsense! At best, the process is a very poor statistical guess at reality. And all the stuff about "inserting the HIV sequence" is also a hoax. First, there is no HIV virus, just like there's no measles virus, poliovirus, or flu virus. So how can it be labeled as the active "ingredient" for HIV/AIDS? Nonsense and hoaxes, all of it. Designed to normalize viruses and poisonous jabs as the solutions so that the people will line up and go to the vax slaughterhouse on their own (Jacques Attalli, 1981). Credit to you, Mike Yeadon, for speaking up! I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw your early testimonies from such a high-level position in the industry. We need more people like you. Thank you.
You gloss right over the fact that taking all our "liberties" is a lot easier when a large portion of the population is quite willing to give them up (and for you to be coerced, surveilled, etc) because they believe the scary "virus" stories - which so many "freedom leaders" are helping to perpetuate.
You don’t seem to get the point- the Deep State used a fiction to bring our nation to standstill because the narcotized populace believed the viruses BS
CIA Agent Olivia Troye has ADMITTED that her job was TO MISINFORM PRESIDENT TRUMP ABOUT THE CONvid19 "virus":
In fact, the person most responsible for unleashing the Fauci fraud on America is Olivia Troye — when she was VP Mike Pence's “COVID advisor” during 2019 and 2020 on the infamous COVID Taskforce. The most troubling thing is that Troye had no qualifications to advise anyone during the COVID pandemic. She brought no formal medical expertise and no scientific expertise and no military background to the table.
It’s hard not to suspect that Olivia Troye was picked as Pence’s “COVID advisor” in order to run the CIA’s plandemic playbook from inside the Trump White House.
Luckily, Troye was too stupid to say silent and disappear back into the shadows. In 2021, she was brazen enough to document how her job was to misinform the Trump Administration abot CONVID19 , at every turn .
I was taken out of the work force in 2003. Bad booster and Lyme . Ironically it was for work as an assistant in an autistic (90%) classroom . Back then autism rate was 1 in 148. 2 decades of gaslighting and neglect by insurance dictated doctors. I acquired chronic/ systemic inflammatory response syndrome & biotoxin mold illness. Incredibly blessed to have an integrative medicine doctor in my life the past few years. Hope & a little quality of life again.
I see people arguing about is it the poison in the food?, the chemtrails?, it’s all of it, all at once.
& I also experienced being a targeted individual, after I reported a registered sex offender for being around children school bus. People just don’t understand until they experience it for themselves. The hidden gem was targeting brought me back to my faith in Jesus . It was after that , I found my doctor and a decades long prayer to be near my elderly Mom in Florida , happened unexpectedly just before lockdown. & I’d been living in upstate New York. God had my back. & I have a very supportive husband of almost 4 years. Never expected to be happily married, I’d been too sick before my new doctor to even consider marriage!
( I’ll never be “ healed “ but I’m never giving up trying to reverse the damage. I had morgellons in the past too. It’s very painful and scary. Man made cross domain bacteria. Doctors generally call it Delusional. That really helps, lol)
Rosalind ~ Thank you for sharing a bit of your life story with us :)
I believe it is being known by and knowing and understanding how Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension is the key for each of us to garnering a personal relationship with and in Him. Since we have been offered and gifted with the Holy Spirit, through, by, and in Him, we are His heirs, fully able to call upon Him for the restoration and healing of our hearts and minds which draws us closer to Him and provides a way for us to fully realize the plans He has for our lives and our eternities.
As one who watched and witnessed as a young child, my own Mom take hold of and live out her amazingly, loving, spiritual journey with Jesus while confined to a wheelchair for many years, and as I, myself, throughout the years have faced physical challenges being dxd with her same illness, multiple sclerosis, I came to an understanding early on that it is within our hearts and minds where Jesus is at work within us. As the Bible teaches, He is not so much concerned with our dying bodies, but greatly concerned, with our spiritual oneness with, in, and through Him.
It is living within His will, not our own, where we will find His deepest truths and profound love and grace no matter if we are confined to a bed or upright. It is within our relationship with Him that enables us to live a life of love in harmony with His will and His desires for us as children of the Most High!
May His will, be done, as we each seek Him in all things, and may He guide and encourage our hearts and minds to expand and fully comprehend that through and in Him, we are His beloved as His hearts desires become our own.
Thank you! I’m honestly hoping to get to work from home in the future, maybe be able to help at my dr clinic, & give back a bit. I experienced some healing through repentance and spiritual warfare once, very notably, in 2018. Dr pat holiday of miracle internet radio prayed with me. It helped my morgellons symptoms greatly and months later is when I met my current doctor.
( it didn’t completely heal the “ morgellons “ but my symptoms were reduced so much that I could focus on other things again. Very painful. Thanks for letting me vent.
My detox pathways are a mess, leaky gut and porous everything. I have had success with ivermectin, weekly for 2 years & am reluctant to try the other. I know they’re beneficial to many. My dr warned me to run things by him after a patient was fasting and ended up in the emergency room, kidney and bladder issues, chronic inflammatory response syndrome makes it tricky. Chemically sensitive too. I’m on a bunch of supplements , support & gentle detox. Using pure encapsulation brand right now. Quality of life is the best it’s been in 20 years. My husband is very supportive and got a good air conditioner & reverse osmosis water for me. Air oasis air cleaner. I’m going by the Ritchie Shoemaker protocol for biotoxin mold illness. It’s a blessing. So many people never get diagnosed properly or get the run around or charlatans.
And Read Food Labels as most now list Bioengineered Ingredients (flour, cornmeal, baking powder, cake mixes, icing, etc, etc). Watch4 & Avoid Billy's Apeel labeled fresh fruits/veggies & no u can't wash it off or out👀 Yes, they're intent in killing us & r most definitely using multiprong attacks (they Never use just One thing) 👁👁
no virus has ever been isolated much less proven to be the cause of any illness.this is fact. check the work of drs sam and mark bailey on odysee.
a fact can never be a side issue. in this case the false narrative is being used to apply drugs and treatments that are injuring and killing countless numbers.
attaching a name to a syndrome of unknown cause, then inventing a virus and giving it a name , as a cause is not science.
dr. breggin knows better than anyone that false theories , such as serotonin deficiencies, leads to bad medicines that injure and kill people.
presenting fiction as truth, can never be a side issue. if it is then we may as well all wear wreaths of garlic to ward off vampires . after all . it's safe and effective. unlike all vaccines and most medical treatments.
Exactly! And to say that they should keep developing vaccines for known diseases is truly ridiculous. “Public health” has been off-track for a very long time & it’s time to end the travesty that is the childhood immunization schedule (like yesterday)
Mononucleosis is Epstein Barr virus - which, like all hepatic viruses, remains latent in the body and can eventually be the root cause of numerous chronic illnesses, as medical research is finally discovering in the case of MS and cancer for example.
Those with an open mind who want to heal, rather than merely manage symptoms, should check out Medical Medium Anthony William. Life changing!
Not to be rude but does my comment sound like I'm citing scientific evidence? If science had answers for my health conditions would I be writing comments about someone called Medical Medium?
You have the same access to online resources that I have and you seemingly don't believe viruses exist. I'm okay with that. To each their own.
Isn't medical medium told what to do by spirits? A friend with liver cancer followed medical medium's protocols which flew in the face of the current dietary evidence he died rather quickly. The saddest part is that he refused any other dietary path because he was set on this charlatan's protocol because it was inspired by spirits. Having an open mind is one thing, conjuring spirits is another, not only does it at best heal only temporarily while it kills the soul, but, being a Christian the bible tells me to have nothing to do with it. Spirits lie. Life changing is right, just not in a good way.
You might want to read how he gets his information directly from his website or books, rather than making assumptions based on what you've heard elsewhere. He doesn't conjure spirits. And he certainly doesn't recommend chelation therapy.
I'm sorry your friend made those decisions. That's very sad. But it was his decision and certainly not recommended by Anthony William who always says to discuss dietary and other recommendations with your doctor.
It most certainly has been life changing in a good way. For me and millions of others who got our lives back from chronic pain and illness.
Open mindedness requires a willingness to suspend judgment at the very least until you have facts and know what you're speaking about.
I read the book for my friend, on his request, because he wanted my opinion. I believe the author's recommendations arise directly from his medium work - which is conjuring and communicating with spirits, unless it is a different medical medium I am thinking of, as this was several years ago, but I doubt it. My friend still might not have lived even if he had followed a different protocol, and not one that could exacerbate liver disease. BUT my friend followed medical medium purely because he believed 'the spirits otherworldly knowledge' would surely help him.
I myself do not take counsel from 'spirits', except the Holy spirit. Everyone has to make their own choice in these matters.
I'd suggest you re-read the book, or any of his others. He conjures no one. His information comes from the same source you take counsel from. And why wouldn't a loving God provide this life saving information when the majority of humanity now suffers from illnesses neither conventional nor alternative medicine can cure? When darkness is responsible for making and keeping us that way. I understand you have your beliefs and they are final. That's your path through this life, at this time. Mine was different, for which I am eternally grateful to the same God you worship.
On Twitter yesterday, there was a video with Dr. Lee Merritt which basically said that cancer is an intracellular parasite, which is why ivermectin and fenbendazole are cures.
The fact that viruses have never been shown to exist or to have been isolated is more proof about the effort to enslave us with the fear of illness from a virus.
Yes, people can do both. There are also people who believe in viruses despite of questionable evidence. Some virologists even believe in them, truly. The paradigm by which they understand the world is perhaps set in stone, even if it is wrong. But there are other ways to perhaps let some light in and get people to be more flexible with respect to basic philosophical principles like autonomy and freedom. Some people will always believe in viruses or some type of contagion because it's what they have been taught. But even those inflexible people can be allies and not necessarily enemies IMO.
I have found that people are not logical by default. People engage with others and ideas in part from emotion. Logic is not enough.
If one is a "one trick pony" constantly ranting about one aspect of current events/distractions within the globopsychos agenda and not addressing the bigger picture of loss of sovereignty, freedom and sanity it serves TPTB.
We can pick "a hill to die on" , mine being the fantasy of transgenderism, but without keeping it linked to the bigger picture, in this case transhumanism, it's just a rant.
I contribute my part to help people understand the bigger picture, the fraud of virology being a massive piece and major weapon in their toolbox.
If some people didn't continually "rant" about virology as you so condescendingly put it, this truth would never have reached as many people as it has so far.
By all means, continue on with helping ppl to understand "the fraud of virology" and its place in the big picture.
I was not clear in my comment.
I was not refer to you as a one trick pony ranting but I can see how that wd be misconstrued since I was responding to your comment. Excuse me for that.
Note that I never mentioned anything abt viruses. I was writing abt a strategy of having a focus of interest, "a hill to die on", while keeping an eye on the big picture.
So you are doing that.
I did write: *** IF *** one is a one trick pony, and I was thinking more specifically abt ppl who seem to repeatedly post abt how "it's China" "it's Russia" "it's climate change" and/or "go to jc" They think they have THE answer and keep ranting on&on abt it. It must be comforting to them to think they have it all figured out and not have to worry abt evil psychopaths salivating over "Disease X".
What’s our goal? Isn’t it to protect freedoms and ensure we don’t get put under authoritarian dictates again? And isn’t it to convince people that the Covid measures were too authoritarian and led us into a medical police state that we don’t want to return to?
How far will we get in our strategy if we say, BTW viruses don’t exist? Is it really essential to argue about that now? Or is it divisive?
Stop the WHO. End the corruption of the CDC and FDA. Clean up our elections. Isn’t that enough and isn’t that something we all agree on? Yet there are strong differences of opinion about viruses: it’s an extremely divisive topic. Let it go. Save it for later.
I agree: it's "divisive". It divides people into two groups: a group that has post graduate training in a field that deals with qualitative and quantitative analytical instruments and the rules governing their reliabilities, and a group that doesn't. If you belong to the latter group, I am all with your argument, but you should not attack the former group.
Se can both call out the atrocities, focus on solutions, and find better understandings of illness markers traditionally referred to as 'virus'. The false dichotomy argument is fallacious.
Exactly! Helping people to look at their lifestyles and environment, instead of blaming imaginary viruses and non-pathogenic bacteria is part of their freedom - more immediately so than calling out the evildoers. We need to do both.
I don’t buy the germ theory. Not 1 virus has ever been properly isolated, and then purified, and then given to a group of healthy people and made them sick. Not one there are sites that claimed to have done that but when checked the kochs postulates, they skip measures to achieve just what they want. Kind of like the FDA skipping things to get what they want. My son was sick March 2020. Sore throat congestion later on he did lose his taste for quite a while. Sure sounds like radiation to me, but AnyWho the first few days that he was sick I ate directly off his spoon because I don’t believe in the contagion theory. I showed him that I did not get sick and I think that was good for him to see
I agree that toxins are behind autoimmune disorders, and they are from the vaccines that are given to us when we were young.
I have never ever seen anyone in 27 years of training or practice benefit from an ant-viral. Tell me how your life has been turned around by anti-virals or being told you have a “virus”. Tell it to me, my ears are open.
I've never had an anti-viral. I expect that they are just money-making gimmicks. But I have had plenty of viruses. Mostly from people who also had them: e.g I had measles at 5 from my best friend - my mother sent me to play with her to get me infected, this is what mothers used to do pre MMR ( we got it later in the UK and thankfully I dodged it) , I had chicken pox at 6 same way, Rubella at 10-ish and Mumps at around 13.
Which of these was not a virus? I got them all from contact with friends. And I have never had any of them again.
I had "mono" / glandular fever when I was 22 - from my boyfriend! ("Kissing disease" is what it is called in the UK!)
Viruses don't always have an effect when we encounter them, we may carry them around until we are at a low ebb (lack of sleep , leading to reduced innate immune system for example).
And in 2021, I got SARS CoV2 (covid) from my husband. I am unvaxxed and got a severe cough, extremely inflamed tonsils , and it was over in a week. My tonsils (I've had many viral tonsillitis infections and it is quite different from bacterial) fought off the infection and nothing reached my lungs. I take a lot of Vit C normally , and I also took the FLCCC Mask+ protocol during this time.
Without him , I probably would not have got it at all, as I work from home, and not much contact with people. He is the complete opposite.
It certainly felt like a virus. After 12 days I was 100% again.
So what are all these things that I had if they are not viruses?
Well that answer/conclusion is OK , as long as it promotes further - genuine -scientific investigation. To my mind there is far too much of the stupid phrase "settled science" being thrown about lately (last 4 years) - usually by people who are not scientists. And when someone in CDC ( I think ) or other large organization (WEF, WHO perhaps ) recently said "We OWN the science" then you know that something needs to change -fast!
Exactly. It's a false dichotomy to focus on "virus" or "No virus" when there are most likely other possibilities. But this debate is enshrined in centuries of pharma and medical competition$ so it's not going down easily.
{If you go out in space and your belief system is all about "carbon-based life" it's possible you might miss something.}
I have been a long-time admirer of your work, have read your books and referred many people to your work for years. I have the utmost respect for you. That is why I take the time to urge you to retract this article. Here is why:
1) The images you provide are not of viruses. They are computer graphics.
2) There is not a single “no virus” person who doesn’t agree that there are serious dangers from the authorities using “public health” to scare and to control people. But you imply that the no-virus people don’t agree.
3) There is not a single “no virus” person who doesn’t think that people get ill. Instead of infectious agents, they assume that sickness comes from excesses (e.g toxins) or deficiencies (e.g. vitamins). Scurvy was once thought to be related to a virus, but it is vitamin C deficiency that causes it.
4) The “no virus” people don’t assert that “mRNA platforms and vaccines are not inherently dangerous.” That is incorrect.
5) The “no virus” people DO understand the threat of New World totalitarianism. That is why they are trying to reveal the fundamental nature of the deception.
It sounds like your intention is to unite people, but, this comes across as an attack. And it reminds me of Dr. Malone’s attacks against you.
Besides, the “no virus” position is sound. And, if you were to reread your own article you would see that you are just assuming the existence of viruses and provide no proof.
Here are some reasons to doubt the virus story, not just Covid, but, in general:
Totally agree, except two points: 1- The article should stay on. It clarifies Briggins' positions on many other arguments too. 2- "No virus" crowd terms are as unscientific as "virus believers" terms. No one can prove there is "no viruses", as no one can prove a negative. I prefer terms like "virus critics". They simply refute the "virus believers' " proofs of viruses' existence.
Yes indeed all the side-debates are indeed side debates, and even all the investigations into what happened might end up as frivolous exercises. We can find out everything, investigate everything, and then like in the fictional Hunger Games we might merely be game-show winners with the elite and pretty crowd clapping-- and handing us nice awards-- while we're enslaved.
The Breggins were correct in attacking the Malone/Desmet line of thought and I believe that line of thought, if not originating in a psych-op, was promoted with glee. Desmet of course says that totalitarianism is due to our mechanistic thinking derived from Enlightenment reason, and not due to any overall conspiracy. The truth that Desmet cloaks is that totalitarianism originates in censorship/propaganda, and is an active conspiracy to control thinking and perception. Desmet denies any such conspiracy. Distraction from the truth?
Instead of so much investigation, perhaps what we need more of is building a shield such that our freedoms are protected, using tools (particularly our Constitution and Bill of Rights) already at our disposal. I'm thinking of things like ensuring the right to speak freely against the government, understanding that the idea of freedom of speech has its origins in the need to call out corrupt government ministers. Ensuring that no medical treatment may be forced, since if there is any basis for being secure in our persons (as the forth amendment guarantees) it should be in our bodies, free from government tampering. Ensuring that government may not call upon emergency measures to suspend our rights, under any circumstances, as the evil of forbidding this is far outweighed by the evil of allowing it.
I don’t think anyone here is arguing for coercion, and indeed the sentiment for our founding was against a coercive state. It was for its opposite, namely individual self-determination.
We aren’t a democracy. We’re a constitutional republic aimed at dis-allowing any one faction from gaining control over the body politic, such that tyrannical control could be exercised.
I figured out this insane scam the first time my son and I went for a walk with masks on. We walked about one block, looked at each other and said...this is stupid, we’re outside! We took our masks off, startled our neighbors who still wore masks, and resisted every lockdown mandate we could from that day on. We never got shots either.
👀Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized aye?
I refused outright to obey because I instinctively knew it was a lie, so did my husband. We switched off/blocked all MSM/SM news channels, including radio, and we ignored the newspaper headlines. During the first LD we travelled 80 miles to our favourite butcher. The butcher's lad helped carry our order to the car and there, parked next to ours was a Panda car with four coppers inside eating their lunch and having a whale of a time. We ignored the Fourth Reich at Sainsbury's entrance/exit doors but we were verbally and physically abused by fellow shoppers.
In March 2020 I sought the services of a prostitute with whom I could exchange body fluids. If the "virus" was real I would acquire natural immunity if the virus was not real then I would just acquire a pleasant experience .
The real virus is the mind virus of fear.
Excellent! Thank you for all you do to bring awareness to the atrocities that came from the “virus” and the evil doers!
So well said. It's amazing how the non-virus crowd is almost as fanatical as the jab cult. I'm wiling to acknowledge possibilities of a non viral illness in some cases but they refuse to even consider viruses exist. As you say, enough. Let's deal with the perpetrators who are pushing this garbage at us.
I urge us all to focus on the thieves stealing our freedoms and constitutional rights and liberties.
By all means "focus on the thieves" but we need to realize how and why the "thieves" came into power in the first place; in my view it is necessary to look at the record of medical history where we find the origins of so much of the lies, deception and willful malfeasance; the likes of Fauci and so many of his fellow nefarious actors just didn't spontaneously generate and breed among themselves; they were the direct result and products of a failed medical system that was guided and ruled by the motivation of profit and power and not the saving of lives and promotion of health; the history of medical science has countless examples where geniuses such as Bechamp were vilified and discarded to preserve the medical industry for big pharma and military bioweapons.
Thank you for that link which is quite invaluable as a very meticulous and well researched source; I have begun reading it...
100% agree.
Focus on what they are doing to us and what they have planned. All the rest of this is akin to background noise.
That's exactly where my focus is now, and what to do about it....peaceful non-compliance. Much love to you and Ginger for all you do to increase awareness.
Nuanced exchange of ideas is being purposefully sidelined by the diminution of critical thinking. Ref: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail
Book by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt. 1991
We have been told so much that is false it is good to ask for verification outside the scientific echo chamber.
I thought we landed on the moon as "I saw it with my own eyes". But questions raised have caused reassessment and a closer consideration: wow where is the blast crater underneath the lander after it landed. And who stayed behind on the moon to tip the camera up to follow the assent?
Some of us have actually reviewed the virology literature. If you know of a valid scientific study showing any "virus", do share. Did you notice that the Breggins cited none?
Yes, and it’s completely out of character for either Peter or Ginger to dismiss this issue.
It's not really about whether viruses exist or not; we are and have been surrounded by bacteria and viruses (or whatever one chooses to call them!) from the beginning of time and if even a fraction of them had been really pathogenic to humans or any spec ies, then we would have been wiped out long ago; this was explained by that 19th century medical genius, Antoine Bechamp whose lifetime of work revealed that "viruses" only attack the most vulnerable with weakened immune systems and only act from opportunity and not "ill intent"; Florence Nightingale came to the same conclusion and advocated for proper nutrition and a clean environment to ward off infection and promote healing; and yet today we still honor Louis Pasteur and his fraudulent discoveries, Pasteur who renounced his own germ theory before he died but it was too late to stop the highly lucrative allopathic model of medicine and equally fraudulent "vaccine" development.
"It's not really about whether viruses exist or not..." But, that's what it's about! Because they have never tested for a single virus. Neither does SARS-COV-2. However, if there is no pathogen for which a pandemic is declared, then there is no test, no vaccine, no epidemic... In other words, then everything is a lie, as it was managed to clarify at the beginning. After all, there is no country in the world whose health authority has the SARS-COV-2 isolate. WHO doesn't have it either! So then everything was a lie and a lie, and they had other plans with tests, "vaccines", masks, terrorist acts! A premeditated genocide is taking place, and we have to reckon with it!
You got it!
Well said. Regardless of whether viruses exist or not, something is making people sick. Really sick, at times. And this has only ramped up since 2020. And it isn't all in their heads. It could be a virus, a bacteria, a parasite, a biochemical (aka geoengineering), or some other poison or toxin. But, regardless, good people, who are not just making it up and who haven't gotten vaxxed, are experiencing debilitating illnesses. We need to figure out how to heal them. From my personal experience, with the non-COVID vaxxed, there seems to be a correlation between the level of spike antibodies in their antibody blood tests and their likelihood of getting severely chronically ill with a debilitating form of "long COVID." (Those who get chronically sick with "COVID" have a antibody level in the thousands vs those who have barely any antibodies.) Again, is this "long COVID" being caused by a novel COVID virus or by some other toxin or poison? Who knows. Plus, their symptoms are severe, strange, and bizarre enough that its not "just a cold." It's not helpful if we discount their illness and suffering; we need to figure out how to make them well and acknowledge that something is making them sick.
Exactly. The virus/not virus debate is a fecking waste of time. Poison is poison.
How soon they forget
In medical school we learned about DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS:
"What type of results do you get with a differential diagnosis and what do the results mean?
A differential diagnosis is a list of possible conditions that share the same symptoms that you described to your healthcare provider. This list is not your final diagnosis, but a theory as to what is potentially causing your symptoms. After you receive a list of possible conditions, your healthcare provider will continue their diagnostic process by ordering tests to eliminate potential conditions on your differential diagnosis list. These tests will lead to your diagnosis."
A Culture and Sensitivity Test : A culture is a test to find germs (such as bacteria or a fungus) that can cause an infection. A sensitivity test checks to see what kind of medicine, such as an antibiotic, will work best to treat the illness or infection.
But in order to get along , we must ignore the fact that the existence of viruses has NEVER been proven. That expedience requires that we forego scientific principles. I refused.
Tobacco Mosaic “Virus” - The beginning & end of virology
The no virus crowd are just passionate for the absolute truth. As a member I dont belong to any movement. All the time you think as a collective and try to control a movement you will only get more collectivism. All they are saying is "prove it scientifically" and yet no one can. All we get "but then how did I get ill" or "yeah but thats just how we prove it". Im sorry, but that's just bollocks. I do agree though that there is more than o e string to the bow of the elite that needs drawing attention to. Ultimately, what we really need though is a realisation of individual authority, not more controlled group think of "we need to focus on keeping out freedoms", when you stand in your own authority the whole concept of freedom becomes irrelevant. Just stand there and refuse and fight to the death if you have to. That's the ONLY way this changes.
Dear Rob, you said
stand there and refuse and fight to the death if you have to. That's the ONLY way this changes.
That’s exactly what we need to do. I believe that is individual Freedom. Completely agree that we need to not get locked up into some concept of a movement. It has occurred to me a number of times that movements are are collectivist. -Ginger
You don't seem to get the point. The point is, whether or not viruses exist or not isn't even the point, and shouldn't concern us at this juncture.
Whether viruses exist or not won't matter once they take all our liberties; hence, the important thing now is to fight for our liberties. Then when we're secure in our freedoms you're welcome to debate viruses all you want to. In the meantime, worrying about viruses is like hunting for mushrooms in the middle of a battlefield.
They have all kinds of ways to distract us from the battle and you've fallen for one of them.
Should we stop talking about the climate change hoax which along with the virus pandemic hoax is one of two pillars being used to chop away our liberties? Personally, having been in the genomics field for over 3 decades, it is difficult to ignore the greatest health threat to mankind, poison inoculation of the human race against something that has never been scientfically proven to exist. But, I agree that we ought remember that it is us against them, and no matter how far our personal revelation has progressed, we who are concerned with liberty are on the same side.
I totally agree. The pro-virus believers don't even look at the lack of evidence that viruses exist (they don't) on PubMed. They are locked into their brainwashing. On genomics and gene sequencing - another hoax. My friend runs the giant database for a world DNA company. Tech can currently ACTUALLY sequence about 8-12 base pairs. He told me he had heard of 18 base pairs, "but we don't use it." So if they can only sequence 8-12 pairs in a DNA snip, how can they claim to have sequenced 30,000 or 50,000 base pairs in a (fake) virus? Or sequence 50M base pairs in the human genome. The answer is they just make it up, stick it in an officious-looking BLAST database, and lie to the world. The amount of bullshit in the medical cartel is astonishing.
They can sequence in an almost unequivocal manner but it’s impractical on scale.
In its place, “Next Generation Sequencing” (NGS) is utilised.
Briefly, this (absurd in my opinion) technique seeks to convert everything to DNA, reduce lengths using endonucleases and then sequence the myriad pieces.
It’s absurd in that while this might work reasonably well with a highly enriched sample, we’re dealing with a massively diverse clinically derived sample,
Not only are they “fishing” for something allegedly present but in very small amounts, but there’s not only human DNA in abundance from cells scraped off during Q-tip sampling, some of it circular (from the energy factories cslled mitochondria (which bears closer resemblance to bacterial DNA, also circular) but bacterial & fungal DNA.
These sequence information about these shortened pieces are flung together using a technique called “contigs”, the principle being that multiple copies will be cut in different places. Some endings match the endings of other pieces & so a computer programmer “joins” them.
I’m not an expert in NGS but I know people who are. They’re of the view that the alleged “full length sequences” that are thereby formed from these very mixed (contaminated) clinical samples are more a product of the programs used to assemble them than of the alleged original.
FWIW, I think the base technology can sequence about 8 pairs. NGS and other new technologies (like nanopore sequencing) can get up to 12-16, at best. But anything that actually sequences individual pairs is very slow because they must either build up or tear down a snip one base pair at a time. AFAIK, NGS is a technique that sequences in parallel, with a plate of samples in a grid a dozen cells square or something. That way, 12x12 = 144 tests can be run at the same time, to see which test/method gives the most desirable results. I think they use NGS for biomarker testing in the cancer field, for example. (They call it precision (individualized) medicine and "targeted therapy," but I haven't seen any good research evidence that it actually makes a big difference. Mortality rates don't change much, as far as I know. It could be my limited knowledge here, since I have not done a deep study of that field of effort. Having said that, *anything* based on software voodoo sequencing is a crap shoot, IMHO.
Wow! I never would have guessed that someone as famous (and brave) as you would reply to my comment. Thank you! FWIW, my career (and my friend's) was in software development. What you say is consistent with what I know about "string matching algorithms" (software speak for your contig terminology). Yes, multiple copies will break at different places. (That's how they used to do genetic mapping in fruit flies in university courses.) But since the length of the snips is so short, the overlaps (contiguous sequences) are short, and multiple (many) different "solutions" are possible for creating many different and fake longer sequences. I imagine the algorithm would take the match that gives the highest statistical result for the entire set of overlaps/matches. Anyhow, the whole process is clearly software voodoo and should not be confused with anything close to reality or the truth. The idea that they have "sequenced" any virus or any part of the human genome is complete nonsense. That makes "it" sound like "it" (singular) is "the" (singular) answer. Nonsense! At best, the process is a very poor statistical guess at reality. And all the stuff about "inserting the HIV sequence" is also a hoax. First, there is no HIV virus, just like there's no measles virus, poliovirus, or flu virus. So how can it be labeled as the active "ingredient" for HIV/AIDS? Nonsense and hoaxes, all of it. Designed to normalize viruses and poisonous jabs as the solutions so that the people will line up and go to the vax slaughterhouse on their own (Jacques Attalli, 1981). Credit to you, Mike Yeadon, for speaking up! I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw your early testimonies from such a high-level position in the industry. We need more people like you. Thank you.
You gloss right over the fact that taking all our "liberties" is a lot easier when a large portion of the population is quite willing to give them up (and for you to be coerced, surveilled, etc) because they believe the scary "virus" stories - which so many "freedom leaders" are helping to perpetuate.
Excellent summary, thank you :)
That dude just makes my case.
You don’t seem to get the point- the Deep State used a fiction to bring our nation to standstill because the narcotized populace believed the viruses BS
No, because of a massive censorship and propaganda campaign that wasn’t dependent on the reality or not of viruses.
Agree to disagree.
CIA Agent Olivia Troye has ADMITTED that her job was TO MISINFORM PRESIDENT TRUMP ABOUT THE CONvid19 "virus":
In fact, the person most responsible for unleashing the Fauci fraud on America is Olivia Troye — when she was VP Mike Pence's “COVID advisor” during 2019 and 2020 on the infamous COVID Taskforce. The most troubling thing is that Troye had no qualifications to advise anyone during the COVID pandemic. She brought no formal medical expertise and no scientific expertise and no military background to the table.
It’s hard not to suspect that Olivia Troye was picked as Pence’s “COVID advisor” in order to run the CIA’s plandemic playbook from inside the Trump White House.
Luckily, Troye was too stupid to say silent and disappear back into the shadows. In 2021, she was brazen enough to document how her job was to misinform the Trump Administration abot CONVID19 , at every turn .
I was taken out of the work force in 2003. Bad booster and Lyme . Ironically it was for work as an assistant in an autistic (90%) classroom . Back then autism rate was 1 in 148. 2 decades of gaslighting and neglect by insurance dictated doctors. I acquired chronic/ systemic inflammatory response syndrome & biotoxin mold illness. Incredibly blessed to have an integrative medicine doctor in my life the past few years. Hope & a little quality of life again.
I see people arguing about is it the poison in the food?, the chemtrails?, it’s all of it, all at once.
& I also experienced being a targeted individual, after I reported a registered sex offender for being around children school bus. People just don’t understand until they experience it for themselves. The hidden gem was targeting brought me back to my faith in Jesus . It was after that , I found my doctor and a decades long prayer to be near my elderly Mom in Florida , happened unexpectedly just before lockdown. & I’d been living in upstate New York. God had my back. & I have a very supportive husband of almost 4 years. Never expected to be happily married, I’d been too sick before my new doctor to even consider marriage!
My point is, slow kill agenda has been going on my entire lifetime!
I’m living proof & proof of our resilient nature & the amazing power of our bodies to heal.
( I’ll never be “ healed “ but I’m never giving up trying to reverse the damage. I had morgellons in the past too. It’s very painful and scary. Man made cross domain bacteria. Doctors generally call it Delusional. That really helps, lol)
Rosalind ~ Thank you for sharing a bit of your life story with us :)
I believe it is being known by and knowing and understanding how Jesus’ birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension is the key for each of us to garnering a personal relationship with and in Him. Since we have been offered and gifted with the Holy Spirit, through, by, and in Him, we are His heirs, fully able to call upon Him for the restoration and healing of our hearts and minds which draws us closer to Him and provides a way for us to fully realize the plans He has for our lives and our eternities.
As one who watched and witnessed as a young child, my own Mom take hold of and live out her amazingly, loving, spiritual journey with Jesus while confined to a wheelchair for many years, and as I, myself, throughout the years have faced physical challenges being dxd with her same illness, multiple sclerosis, I came to an understanding early on that it is within our hearts and minds where Jesus is at work within us. As the Bible teaches, He is not so much concerned with our dying bodies, but greatly concerned, with our spiritual oneness with, in, and through Him.
It is living within His will, not our own, where we will find His deepest truths and profound love and grace no matter if we are confined to a bed or upright. It is within our relationship with Him that enables us to live a life of love in harmony with His will and His desires for us as children of the Most High!
May His will, be done, as we each seek Him in all things, and may He guide and encourage our hearts and minds to expand and fully comprehend that through and in Him, we are His beloved as His hearts desires become our own.
May God bless you and all who read this! 🙏🏻
Thank you! I’m honestly hoping to get to work from home in the future, maybe be able to help at my dr clinic, & give back a bit. I experienced some healing through repentance and spiritual warfare once, very notably, in 2018. Dr pat holiday of miracle internet radio prayed with me. It helped my morgellons symptoms greatly and months later is when I met my current doctor.
( it didn’t completely heal the “ morgellons “ but my symptoms were reduced so much that I could focus on other things again. Very painful. Thanks for letting me vent.
Here’s an oldie but goody song by David Meece that got me through some of the worst of times called:
“You haven't rested for days
And you're so wrapped up in worry
That you can't even think
You've done the best you can do
But the answer still evades you
To the problems that you face
God holds the future -- He's got a plan
There's no need to worry, 'cause it's all in His hand
So if you are struggling, with what you should do
God holds the future for you.
He'll lead you if you just ask
But you’ve got to trust His wisdom
And believe in His Word
He sees what you cannot see
And He knows and wants the best for you
So it's time that you learned.
God holds the future -- He's got a plan
There's no need to worry, 'cause it's all in His hand
So if you are struggling, with what you should do
God holds the future for you!”
R u aware of the benefits of Methylene Blue & ivermectin & H.Peroxide?
My detox pathways are a mess, leaky gut and porous everything. I have had success with ivermectin, weekly for 2 years & am reluctant to try the other. I know they’re beneficial to many. My dr warned me to run things by him after a patient was fasting and ended up in the emergency room, kidney and bladder issues, chronic inflammatory response syndrome makes it tricky. Chemically sensitive too. I’m on a bunch of supplements , support & gentle detox. Using pure encapsulation brand right now. Quality of life is the best it’s been in 20 years. My husband is very supportive and got a good air conditioner & reverse osmosis water for me. Air oasis air cleaner. I’m going by the Ritchie Shoemaker protocol for biotoxin mold illness. It’s a blessing. So many people never get diagnosed properly or get the run around or charlatans.
I do have ivermectin on hand. Both tablets in the mail and paste from tractor supply
Chk out PETMECTIN to get that!
check out FM8 substack and Tony on youtube HerbsPlusBeadWorks that will help you out alot
Thanks. They are gems. Herbs plus Tony has been helping humanity for years now. I think there’s a link on telegram for a fundraiser for him.
* for Tony, he recently relocated apparently.
& Clifford Carnicom helped me a lot too, knew I wasn’t crazy or alone in this.
I’m hoping to get a triangle soon . FM 8 is another gem, I got back on telegram for his channel.
Also once you have learned of the fraud in one area of your life, you start seeing it in every area.
A fist bump emoji I think LOL - I had to zoom right in to make it out!
Thanks for letting me know!
This story makes me really happy for you Rosalind.
You are on the right path!
Also.... say NO to seed oils. It's hard, but at the very least, try to reduce them.
And... no to high fructose corn syrup. It's in almost everything, but even reducing it might help.
And Read Food Labels as most now list Bioengineered Ingredients (flour, cornmeal, baking powder, cake mixes, icing, etc, etc). Watch4 & Avoid Billy's Apeel labeled fresh fruits/veggies & no u can't wash it off or out👀 Yes, they're intent in killing us & r most definitely using multiprong attacks (they Never use just One thing) 👁👁
An exception is organic hemp seed oil.
no virus has ever been isolated much less proven to be the cause of any illness.this is fact. check the work of drs sam and mark bailey on odysee.
a fact can never be a side issue. in this case the false narrative is being used to apply drugs and treatments that are injuring and killing countless numbers.
attaching a name to a syndrome of unknown cause, then inventing a virus and giving it a name , as a cause is not science.
dr. breggin knows better than anyone that false theories , such as serotonin deficiencies, leads to bad medicines that injure and kill people.
presenting fiction as truth, can never be a side issue. if it is then we may as well all wear wreaths of garlic to ward off vampires . after all . it's safe and effective. unlike all vaccines and most medical treatments.
Exactly! And to say that they should keep developing vaccines for known diseases is truly ridiculous. “Public health” has been off-track for a very long time & it’s time to end the travesty that is the childhood immunization schedule (like yesterday)
💯 on childhood vaccines. these are a travesty of unknown proportions
Very insightfully stated!
Mononucleosis is Epstein Barr virus - which, like all hepatic viruses, remains latent in the body and can eventually be the root cause of numerous chronic illnesses, as medical research is finally discovering in the case of MS and cancer for example.
Those with an open mind who want to heal, rather than merely manage symptoms, should check out Medical Medium Anthony William. Life changing!
Can you cite valid scientific evidence of "virus"?
Not to be rude but does my comment sound like I'm citing scientific evidence? If science had answers for my health conditions would I be writing comments about someone called Medical Medium?
You have the same access to online resources that I have and you seemingly don't believe viruses exist. I'm okay with that. To each their own.
Enjoy your day!
Ok, cheers.
Isn't medical medium told what to do by spirits? A friend with liver cancer followed medical medium's protocols which flew in the face of the current dietary evidence he died rather quickly. The saddest part is that he refused any other dietary path because he was set on this charlatan's protocol because it was inspired by spirits. Having an open mind is one thing, conjuring spirits is another, not only does it at best heal only temporarily while it kills the soul, but, being a Christian the bible tells me to have nothing to do with it. Spirits lie. Life changing is right, just not in a good way.
You might want to read how he gets his information directly from his website or books, rather than making assumptions based on what you've heard elsewhere. He doesn't conjure spirits. And he certainly doesn't recommend chelation therapy.
I'm sorry your friend made those decisions. That's very sad. But it was his decision and certainly not recommended by Anthony William who always says to discuss dietary and other recommendations with your doctor.
It most certainly has been life changing in a good way. For me and millions of others who got our lives back from chronic pain and illness.
Open mindedness requires a willingness to suspend judgment at the very least until you have facts and know what you're speaking about.
I read the book for my friend, on his request, because he wanted my opinion. I believe the author's recommendations arise directly from his medium work - which is conjuring and communicating with spirits, unless it is a different medical medium I am thinking of, as this was several years ago, but I doubt it. My friend still might not have lived even if he had followed a different protocol, and not one that could exacerbate liver disease. BUT my friend followed medical medium purely because he believed 'the spirits otherworldly knowledge' would surely help him.
I myself do not take counsel from 'spirits', except the Holy spirit. Everyone has to make their own choice in these matters.
I'd suggest you re-read the book, or any of his others. He conjures no one. His information comes from the same source you take counsel from. And why wouldn't a loving God provide this life saving information when the majority of humanity now suffers from illnesses neither conventional nor alternative medicine can cure? When darkness is responsible for making and keeping us that way. I understand you have your beliefs and they are final. That's your path through this life, at this time. Mine was different, for which I am eternally grateful to the same God you worship.
And also chk out Methylene Blue, H.Peroxide, Pine Needle Tea, ivermectin/fenbendozole, Graviola, Cayenne Pepper, Garlic & theBible👊
I'll take the Bible, cayenne and garlic and raise you turmeric and thyme. Not so much the rest. But that's just me. You do you... ❤
On Twitter yesterday, there was a video with Dr. Lee Merritt which basically said that cancer is an intracellular parasite, which is why ivermectin and fenbendazole are cures.
Fascinating that so many disparate diseases are cured by Anthelmintics.
Or the zinc, vitamin c and goldenseal. That's how I roll! 😉
100% on target.
Thank you. The ability to think clearly and be able to focus and prioritize is so important. Great reminder.
The fact that viruses have never been shown to exist or to have been isolated is more proof about the effort to enslave us with the fear of illness from a virus.
If they don't use germs, they'll use climate change or aliens or whatever.
The point is not to allow state power over us. This is the central fight.
Exposing their scams is a powerful way to prevent/undo the enslavement. Going along with them actually assists the perps.
One can expose virology for the pseudoscience that it is AND resist tyranny. Implying that one can only do one or the other is illogical.
Yes, people can do both. There are also people who believe in viruses despite of questionable evidence. Some virologists even believe in them, truly. The paradigm by which they understand the world is perhaps set in stone, even if it is wrong. But there are other ways to perhaps let some light in and get people to be more flexible with respect to basic philosophical principles like autonomy and freedom. Some people will always believe in viruses or some type of contagion because it's what they have been taught. But even those inflexible people can be allies and not necessarily enemies IMO.
I have found that people are not logical by default. People engage with others and ideas in part from emotion. Logic is not enough.
This is kinda my way too.
If one is a "one trick pony" constantly ranting about one aspect of current events/distractions within the globopsychos agenda and not addressing the bigger picture of loss of sovereignty, freedom and sanity it serves TPTB.
We can pick "a hill to die on" , mine being the fantasy of transgenderism, but without keeping it linked to the bigger picture, in this case transhumanism, it's just a rant.
I contribute my part to help people understand the bigger picture, the fraud of virology being a massive piece and major weapon in their toolbox.
If some people didn't continually "rant" about virology as you so condescendingly put it, this truth would never have reached as many people as it has so far.
By all means, continue on with helping ppl to understand "the fraud of virology" and its place in the big picture.
I was not clear in my comment.
I was not refer to you as a one trick pony ranting but I can see how that wd be misconstrued since I was responding to your comment. Excuse me for that.
Note that I never mentioned anything abt viruses. I was writing abt a strategy of having a focus of interest, "a hill to die on", while keeping an eye on the big picture.
So you are doing that.
I did write: *** IF *** one is a one trick pony, and I was thinking more specifically abt ppl who seem to repeatedly post abt how "it's China" "it's Russia" "it's climate change" and/or "go to jc" They think they have THE answer and keep ranting on&on abt it. It must be comforting to them to think they have it all figured out and not have to worry abt evil psychopaths salivating over "Disease X".
have a great week.
Soooo, you believe "viruses" are as fake as "climate change" and "aliens"?! Maybe the Breggins should reconsider "liking" your comment!
The virus question I’m not even interested in.
What’s our goal? Isn’t it to protect freedoms and ensure we don’t get put under authoritarian dictates again? And isn’t it to convince people that the Covid measures were too authoritarian and led us into a medical police state that we don’t want to return to?
How far will we get in our strategy if we say, BTW viruses don’t exist? Is it really essential to argue about that now? Or is it divisive?
Stop the WHO. End the corruption of the CDC and FDA. Clean up our elections. Isn’t that enough and isn’t that something we all agree on? Yet there are strong differences of opinion about viruses: it’s an extremely divisive topic. Let it go. Save it for later.
I agree: it's "divisive". It divides people into two groups: a group that has post graduate training in a field that deals with qualitative and quantitative analytical instruments and the rules governing their reliabilities, and a group that doesn't. If you belong to the latter group, I am all with your argument, but you should not attack the former group.
Se can both call out the atrocities, focus on solutions, and find better understandings of illness markers traditionally referred to as 'virus'. The false dichotomy argument is fallacious.
I appreciate your work, as always.
Exactly! Helping people to look at their lifestyles and environment, instead of blaming imaginary viruses and non-pathogenic bacteria is part of their freedom - more immediately so than calling out the evildoers. We need to do both.
Understanding ourselves is always key 🔑
Well said!
I don’t buy the germ theory. Not 1 virus has ever been properly isolated, and then purified, and then given to a group of healthy people and made them sick. Not one there are sites that claimed to have done that but when checked the kochs postulates, they skip measures to achieve just what they want. Kind of like the FDA skipping things to get what they want. My son was sick March 2020. Sore throat congestion later on he did lose his taste for quite a while. Sure sounds like radiation to me, but AnyWho the first few days that he was sick I ate directly off his spoon because I don’t believe in the contagion theory. I showed him that I did not get sick and I think that was good for him to see
I agree that toxins are behind autoimmune disorders, and they are from the vaccines that are given to us when we were young.
...or toxins from other sources.
Fundamental truths are not a distraction. How can you have fundamental freedom without it?
Exactly right!
Thank you, Ginger. A much needed reminder to focus on the real issues.
I have never ever seen anyone in 27 years of training or practice benefit from an ant-viral. Tell me how your life has been turned around by anti-virals or being told you have a “virus”. Tell it to me, my ears are open.
I've never had an anti-viral. I expect that they are just money-making gimmicks. But I have had plenty of viruses. Mostly from people who also had them: e.g I had measles at 5 from my best friend - my mother sent me to play with her to get me infected, this is what mothers used to do pre MMR ( we got it later in the UK and thankfully I dodged it) , I had chicken pox at 6 same way, Rubella at 10-ish and Mumps at around 13.
Which of these was not a virus? I got them all from contact with friends. And I have never had any of them again.
I had "mono" / glandular fever when I was 22 - from my boyfriend! ("Kissing disease" is what it is called in the UK!)
Viruses don't always have an effect when we encounter them, we may carry them around until we are at a low ebb (lack of sleep , leading to reduced innate immune system for example).
And in 2021, I got SARS CoV2 (covid) from my husband. I am unvaxxed and got a severe cough, extremely inflamed tonsils , and it was over in a week. My tonsils (I've had many viral tonsillitis infections and it is quite different from bacterial) fought off the infection and nothing reached my lungs. I take a lot of Vit C normally , and I also took the FLCCC Mask+ protocol during this time.
Without him , I probably would not have got it at all, as I work from home, and not much contact with people. He is the complete opposite.
It certainly felt like a virus. After 12 days I was 100% again.
So what are all these things that I had if they are not viruses?
I think the best answer is that we don’t know .
Well that answer/conclusion is OK , as long as it promotes further - genuine -scientific investigation. To my mind there is far too much of the stupid phrase "settled science" being thrown about lately (last 4 years) - usually by people who are not scientists. And when someone in CDC ( I think ) or other large organization (WEF, WHO perhaps ) recently said "We OWN the science" then you know that something needs to change -fast!
Exactly. It's a false dichotomy to focus on "virus" or "No virus" when there are most likely other possibilities. But this debate is enshrined in centuries of pharma and medical competition$ so it's not going down easily.
{If you go out in space and your belief system is all about "carbon-based life" it's possible you might miss something.}
I have been a long-time admirer of your work, have read your books and referred many people to your work for years. I have the utmost respect for you. That is why I take the time to urge you to retract this article. Here is why:
1) The images you provide are not of viruses. They are computer graphics.
2) There is not a single “no virus” person who doesn’t agree that there are serious dangers from the authorities using “public health” to scare and to control people. But you imply that the no-virus people don’t agree.
3) There is not a single “no virus” person who doesn’t think that people get ill. Instead of infectious agents, they assume that sickness comes from excesses (e.g toxins) or deficiencies (e.g. vitamins). Scurvy was once thought to be related to a virus, but it is vitamin C deficiency that causes it.
4) The “no virus” people don’t assert that “mRNA platforms and vaccines are not inherently dangerous.” That is incorrect.
5) The “no virus” people DO understand the threat of New World totalitarianism. That is why they are trying to reveal the fundamental nature of the deception.
It sounds like your intention is to unite people, but, this comes across as an attack. And it reminds me of Dr. Malone’s attacks against you.
Besides, the “no virus” position is sound. And, if you were to reread your own article you would see that you are just assuming the existence of viruses and provide no proof.
Here are some reasons to doubt the virus story, not just Covid, but, in general:
BTW in a German court it was established that there is no evidence of a measles virus (which doesn’t mean that the disease measles doesn’t exist):
Very astutely stated!
Much appreciated.
Excellent. That Chernobyl line was brilliant.
Totally agree, except two points: 1- The article should stay on. It clarifies Briggins' positions on many other arguments too. 2- "No virus" crowd terms are as unscientific as "virus believers" terms. No one can prove there is "no viruses", as no one can prove a negative. I prefer terms like "virus critics". They simply refute the "virus believers' " proofs of viruses' existence.
"no one can prove a negative," you say. I can't refute that. ;o)
100% true. I subscribe!
Thank you.
Yes indeed all the side-debates are indeed side debates, and even all the investigations into what happened might end up as frivolous exercises. We can find out everything, investigate everything, and then like in the fictional Hunger Games we might merely be game-show winners with the elite and pretty crowd clapping-- and handing us nice awards-- while we're enslaved.
The Breggins were correct in attacking the Malone/Desmet line of thought and I believe that line of thought, if not originating in a psych-op, was promoted with glee. Desmet of course says that totalitarianism is due to our mechanistic thinking derived from Enlightenment reason, and not due to any overall conspiracy. The truth that Desmet cloaks is that totalitarianism originates in censorship/propaganda, and is an active conspiracy to control thinking and perception. Desmet denies any such conspiracy. Distraction from the truth?
Instead of so much investigation, perhaps what we need more of is building a shield such that our freedoms are protected, using tools (particularly our Constitution and Bill of Rights) already at our disposal. I'm thinking of things like ensuring the right to speak freely against the government, understanding that the idea of freedom of speech has its origins in the need to call out corrupt government ministers. Ensuring that no medical treatment may be forced, since if there is any basis for being secure in our persons (as the forth amendment guarantees) it should be in our bodies, free from government tampering. Ensuring that government may not call upon emergency measures to suspend our rights, under any circumstances, as the evil of forbidding this is far outweighed by the evil of allowing it.
Very well stated!
I don’t think anyone here is arguing for coercion, and indeed the sentiment for our founding was against a coercive state. It was for its opposite, namely individual self-determination.
We aren’t a democracy. We’re a constitutional republic aimed at dis-allowing any one faction from gaining control over the body politic, such that tyrannical control could be exercised.