There no longer can be any doubt, the Democrat (Globalist Communists) counter reality policies are intentionally designed to result, indirectly and directly, in the systematic destruction of America.

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Do you have any idea of what Communism is? That is simply a marketing trope to create fear and divisiveness and is totally ignorant.

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Certainly. As such, Democrats have been taken over by fundamental communist ideology with the end goal of their insane policies being the subjugation and control of the masses. Seems the obvious conclusion. Either that or they are insanely stupid.

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Absolutely correct Philip. What’s so wrong is, we always hear some opinion person or politician talk about someone as being, “Incompetent.”

“No they’re not incompetent.”Not at all, I don’t care who they’re speaking about.

They know exactly what they’re doing, which is not incompetence, it’s called “corruptly-destructive” and very-competent at that!

I get the feeling that most opinion / political pundits must use / or are instructed to use the word “Incompetence!”

There isn’t an incompetent leader / politician we ever

hear apologize, for their

own “destructive-behavior!”

Simply because someone else said, “they’re incompetent”

Similarly, the use of the word “vaccine” when discussing the Covid-Bioweapon / gene therapy / DNA and Gene modifying injections. They are NOT vaccines. They are “Bioweapons!”

When people continue to hear certain words being used, ultimately they begin to believe whoever may be analyzing someone else’s deliberate behaviors.

Incompetence today isn’t what we used to call it.

Today incompetence means “Destructively-Corrupt!”

Understand the masses can’t put two & two together. So they accept the analogy by any pundit as “Incompetence.”

This may seem minuscule at first except over-time, people become accepting of someone or something very dangerous.

Minimizing (I’m convinced why this is done repeatedly) any one person or medical treatment can / will lead to the same moronic and very dangerous person being re-elected or in the case of the “Bioweapon-Injections”

made to seem beneficial!

People and or medical-treatments can be / are deadly and very dangerous! We should start “calling-out”

people / medical treatments for who they truly are or what the true intentions are!.


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Very well stated AJR.

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Thank you Philip.


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And do you really think the totalitarian, fascist Trump is not about total control and repression of the public! You know not what you speak.

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LOL, you asked if the person knew what communism is. You clearly have no idea of what Fascism is and likely not communism either. Fascism is an offshoot of communism in that some of the control and ownership remained at the business level, but the government still retained control. Trump is a capitalist, and in no way a Fascist other than the propaganda your ingest and regurgitate so willingly: tropes, fear, divisivness. Anyone in their right mind, like the people I know who lived in the USSR, hates socialism and communism, and they know a whole lot more than you. Furthermore, in order to institute and maintain communism or full blown socialism, people must be forced because both go against human nature. You may vote your way in, but as they say, you have to shoot your way out.

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I was a little disappointed that Dr. Breggin didn't mention CPS (Communist People Stealers) in that make believe world where the "Social Workers" opinions are paramount, and natural parents are "expendable".

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Wish People were MORE Concerned about- Integrity and visible TRUTH. One has to spend time in the given , situation to establish the TRUTH . We are dealing with a child's Emotional and Physical HEALTH. We have to get Back to really ---"" Wanting to Make a Difference "". God, forbid, it is TRUE that The Sex Trafficking EVIL DOERS are finding it's innocent children here ! ! ! Have they NOT Suffered Enough. This Corruption has to STOP. Lord , help US. The More you hear about the HARM perpetuated Against our Children today....the more you realize there has to be a CHASTIZEMENT ! Silence , is a FORM of ----

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Is this TANYA HARDING??? The one who KNEE-CAPPED the other BETTER skater??? You sound like you have NO GRASP ON REALITY AT ALL! BUH-BYE, TROLL!

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Tanya is an ignorant tool who has taken on the propaganda that somehow Fascism is to the "right." As an economic system, fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer.

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Timed Will Tell !

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Wow 😮

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Maybe a bit of both.

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Go make me a sammich

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See this and share:

Directed Energy Weapons Burning Homes to Ash (Greg Reese)


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Yes definitely. No more DEI hires. Hiring must purely be based on merit and credentials.

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Well... I somewhat agree, but... The argument that "policy" drove the Black hawk copter into the path of a commercial airliner is nonsense. The pilot of the Black Hawk was clearly violating altitude criteria within a designated air space. All the political 'policies' in the world have failed to negate human incompetence...

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Obama's mother was such a slut, that he dosen't know who his father is.

He blames America and wants to destroy America. If not for Trump he would have succeeded.

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We know who his father is he's Frank Marshall Davis

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Isn't it a Nigerian Prince from Hawaii

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He knew who his father was according to his memoir. And he wasn’t the best…

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The one he didn't write ?

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Please let's not forget the globalist horror of NO JAB, NO JOB and the loss of thousands of pilots and control tower staff who rightly refused to inject themselves with poison and quit, and who are still not rehired and the human pincushions who stayed are now impaired by this vaxx insanity and on top of that, we have the insult to injury of the DEI=DIE policies!

Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.

Can't say this often enough!

It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections were/are a huge part of their arsenal!

KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!

Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.

Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living! virustruth.net

JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.


The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!

Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!

The horrifying senators, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.



Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! dhughes.substack.com Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!

AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!

Bless and thank you for doing what you do.

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Something kind of snapped in my head about 25 years ago while watching a commercial for God and Big Pharma only knows what kind of pill or shot because nowhere in the commercial does the viewer get a clue what the hell's going on. All you see are a bunch of smiling, laughing people having a good time because of the pill or injection that has 37 pages of side effects, death being quite a bit more attractive than many of the rest.

It isn't that we must resist all things digital or smart, etc. Pretty much any and all products that we have or use are sold by the elite. They literally own just about everything. One has to simply opt out of the entire system and this is practically impossible for the vast majority of the population.

The antichrist could appear tomorrow selling it all for half price and nobody would blink an eye. Instead, we'd all run out to get in on such a great deal. The entire system is rigged and Satanic to the core.

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Look how inexpensive they made the I-phones with their.....Effective and harmless 5G, included.

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I don't own an i phone, but I looked it up, and they start out at $429 which considering that it didn't cost more than $10.00 to manufacture, doesn't seem like that great of a deal to me. They're manufactured in China and the cost to manufacture an i phone that retails for over $1k is ten dollars as well. The 5G service is also fairly inexpensive considering how much money was required to get it installed.

Most people don't realize that anything over 2G is dangerous. The problem is that 2G is useless. At some point, they'll admit that 5 or 8G is harmful and there will be a big to-do about it. Someone will get a slap on the wrist and everyone will think that they're safe using 5 or 7G.

A rudimentary wireless system is doing damage. I've got my system hard-wired and even then I don't really trust it. My "smartphone" looks like it was run over by a tank. It's coming apart, the battery is ready to burst from being out in the sun, and the screen has so many cracks it's difficult to swipe, or even see much of anything on it anymore. My goal is to make it redundant before it completely falls apart.

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It’s a valid question, a common-sense question to ask, especially in a situation like this about what is most important. Is it safety or is it the color of someone’s skin or their religion, etc. that merits a person a job? For a pilot position, anything less than a trained and competent pilot is a careless hire. It’s a valid question to ask in this day and age of hiring and firing craziness! Was this pilot capable to do what they were doing? We don’t know. But it’s not wrong to ask! In fact, it’s absurd not to be asking. We’ve got a lot of crazy things happening. And this is a valid question. There are a lot of dead people now. Was it the result of a bad hire? Hopefully and probably not but it’s not wrong to ask that question.

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No, you are not wrong to ask. Pilot or controller should be qualified by knowledge, experience & carry out of those skills.

Why might I ask, was the FAA’s website shut down after the crash? This was stated in the post. I’m not going to join anyone here on bashing the current administration, yet why would it be open before the crash, then closed after, and under this administration?

Many voters wanted truths, accountability & integrity going forward. Almost feels like laptops & phones being cleared, every time an investigation is in order.

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The event was clearly caused by pilot error. The Black Hawk flight designation was a registered FAA/military exercise. The pilot failed to monitor his altimeter (altitude indicator) and was over 125 ft above the air corridor guidelines.

The pilot was temporarily incompetent and caused multiple deaths. Oops! doesn't quite cover it...

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Someone in the know, a long time military pilot, listened to the released audio tapes and said the pilot stated he had ‘visual’ which apparently means the controllers are free to concentrate on other traffic. My thought is maybe he has visual on a plane but perhaps there was another? Either which way the American people pay for safety in the skies and deserve it and DIE policies are the antithesis of the stated mission of the FAA.

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Yes. I reviewed that commentary, and concluded that the pilot was watching the wrong aircraft, *whilst failing to reference his altimeter*.

In my opinion, the American public needs to quit flying around like they'er gods. The skies are foul with aircraft effluent and it's only getting worse...

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You know, I have asked a lot of narcissistic individuals who self identify as government employees a lot of questions that they deflect by stonewalling or silence. No other "justification than an overblown sense of "Entitlement".

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Absolutely 100% correct. DEI and affirmative action Both are racial systems created by Democrats to buy votes.

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LBJ said so

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Excellent analysis. Please don’t capitalize the “B” in black. It’s another ploy of the left meant to divide us.

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It takes a certain bent of mind to be an air traffic controller. They have to keep track of many aircraft and instinctively know where they are in the 3 dimensional sky. Typically they handle 5 to 15 aircraft and must have excellent memory skills and cannot divert their attention from their screens for more than a moment. I was at a pool party where the owner's husband, an air traffic controller, was at work and she said he was numb to normal social events as he focused so intently on his job 8 hours or more a day.

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Now the NY AG wants to charge him $112,000day! The dumbocrats and RINOs need to stop causing trouble for him and let him run the country as more than half the country want him to.

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As a devout conservative I was extremely disappointed with Trump's comments regarding the accident for multiple reasons. A) Nobody in the press is going to remember if he is right and nobody in the press is going to forget if it is not determined to be the primary cause. B) Early reports that a controller had been allowed to leave early and the extremely busy conditions shown in the controller audio tapes would suggest that another controller in cab might have seen the traffic alert. This is something that will need to wait. They were also changing runways for landing aircraft and this needs to be examined. Confusion favors the left and their press.

Hopefully Patel will be approved for head of the FBI . Hopefully his first act will be to summon former FBI Director and Biden confidant. Louie Freeh in for questioning regarding his relationship with Hunter and the fees which he received for work on Burisma and other deals.

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Your right about Trump not avoiding media twisted optics.

But the media bad mouthing him would lose half of the dismal viewer numbers if we would stop looking to see what they are saying


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Trump needs to follow the strategy of the submarine skippers of an earlier era

RUN SILENT RUN DEEP. Strike quietly

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Why don't you ask him to put on a skirt while you're at it.


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He needs to move from a majority to an overwhelming majority and you do that by reaching for low hanging liberals. He was very successful with that message.

There's a lot more to this including that the name of the pilot of the helo being held back .... she just happened to have been working extensively in the Biden white house in a social capacity.

There may be a lot more to this story , as to why that flight was made at that particular time, her currency, what was happening in the tower.

I listened to the tape of the prior 15 minutes and the controller was working very hard controlling takeoffs and landings from two runways. Occasionally needing to direct pilots to "circle to land" at a runway other than that to which they had been cleared. There were other reports that one controller left early.

In my decades of flying when I acknowledged that I had an aircraft in sight the implicit contract was that I was accepting responsibility for collision avoidance. But there were also many times I got a request to confirm that I still had the aircraft in sight. Yes , I would get queries to confirm that I still had the traffic.

Trump's leading, but insofar as turning the ship he has a way to go and he needs to avoid unforced errors.

The leftist press loves this because it diverts attention away from the much more important issues of the massive corruption in the FBI , DHS , State etc and the need to make changes that will survive beyond his term.

All of this takes away from the urgent need to reform the DHS, FBI, State , and other agencies.

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I think it's ridiculous when people suggest Trump stop being Trump.

The one time he did, we got Warped Speed.

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Before a transparent and thorough investigation is completed, all public fingerpointing is post-game armchair quarterbacking at its' worst.

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It would have been better to hear.

This is an on going investigation and we can't comment on it until the investigation is complete.


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It's been reported that a bright red light was blinking on the ATC monitor along with a loud alarm going off warning of planes on a collision course for 9 seconds. No action was taken in accordance with collision avoidance protocol. Was this the Deaf Dumb and Blind hire.

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But he sure plays a mean pinball 🎶

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DEI aside, we watch a tragic crash and are shocked at the deaths of all aboard the helicopter and passenger plane. It was a senseless and horrible loss of life and of course, questions are raised, analysis made, and intent efforts made to determine the how and why so that we can prevent this kind of tragedy.

And all the while, a much greater tragedy looms which dwarfs the air disaster we witnessed last week - countless lives lost, countless injuries, countless families disrupted and financially destroyed. And those keenly intent on exploring the Why and How are silenced, censored, persecuted, and smeared.

How could the lives of young athletes whose hearts went into cardiac arrest mid game be any less valuable than those who died in the air tragedy? What of the lives of those who trusted the government and their doctors, rolled up their sleeves and died within a few hours or few days of getting the shots? What of the lives of those crippled by neurological reactions so severe they can no longer work, exercise, live normally? What of the children who ended up paralyzed in a wheelchair, with few doctors able to understand their symptoms or help them? What of the myriad of people who went to bed and died in their sleep before morning light? What of those whose hearts are weakened by myocarditis - don't worry they said, mild myocarditis is no big deal.....WRONG! We have one God given heart, having it harmed in the name of "health" is an abomination.

While the country rightfully explores a shocking air disaster, let us not forget the dark evil we continue to live through while those most entrusted with our safety look the other way, continue to spout denials and lies, and pretend they did nothing at all to harm or kill anyone, instead they bluff and boast about "saving millions", leaving a trail of disregarded carnage and woe in their wake.

We can't rely completely on RFK to sort these matters and bring justice. Confirmed or not, the demand for accountability and justice must never cease until the How and Why of the COVID disaster are laid bare for the entire world to see.

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CLEARLY the management level ARE MENTALLY AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY DEFICIENT IN EVERY WAY! That the CONgressional Senators would actually APPROVE the FAA head who was NOT a pilot and apparently had NO KNOWLEDGE AT ALL as to HOW to run ANYTHING regarding aircraft--YET THEY CONFIRMED HIM AND SET HIM FREE TO DO ALL THIS IRREPERABLE DAMAGE, DEATH AND CARNAGE! I BLAME THE SENATE, TOO!!!!!!!!! GLOBALISM IS DEAD--they are just TOO BRAINDEAD TO SEE IT! BUT GOD! God is going to rip them all as He released the Angel of Death already!

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No, he was not right....video shows the Blackhawk helicopter with likely onboard remote control mechanics being forced directly into the path of the American Airlines passenger plane...some surmise, and I agree, that some unknown person or person was on board the passenger plane who was/were a target(s) for elimination....Trump knows this and if he doesn't he should

See: https://www.voterig.com/.ue0.html scroll down for DC plane story/video

DEI is ridiculous and a red herring intended to divert attention from real scenario

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The helicopter looks and acts more like a missile than a helicopter in the videos. A guided missile acting like a helicopter. But it's definitely a helicopter. Let's see what the black boxes have to reveal. Remember that they retrieved the boxes already.

But this article isn't about that. It's about how existential forces are killing America.

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You are grossly misrepresenting the actions of the controller. When PAT25 was at the Francis Case Bridge they were contacted by ATC and told that CRJ 5342 was on final approach to RWY33 at 1200ft. CRJ 5342 was almost 5 miles away crossing over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge. ATC asked PAT25 if they had the CRJ in view and PAT25 acknowledged in the affirmative and ATC told them to pass behind the CRJ. PAT25 also asked for permission to fly VFR and to let PAT25 take responsibility for separation. ATC granted PAT25 permission to fly VFR as requested (including separation). The fatal mistake was made right at this point when both the Helo pilot and the controller failed to verbosely confirm that the correct plane had been identified in the communications. Clearly PAT25 did not have situational awareness of the CRJ when they claimed they did and ATC did not interrogate further PAT25's claim of visual contact. That's the problem that needs to be solved to prevent this in the future.

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I had a former military pilot tell me this same thing.

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