Why the Jews must never lose a battle, let alone a war
Living under the threat of extermination
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Around 1300 BC, Moses brought so much misery down upon the Egyptian Empire and its people that the Pharaoh was forced to allow the Jews to depart from their enslavement.1 A large portion of the poverty-ridden families gathered what belongings they could carry on foot and walked off into the unknown desert wilderness led by Moses.
At the last minute, the humiliated and outraged Pharaoh changed his mind and sent his army of chariots to run down the thousands of unarmed former slaves. By annihilating his fleeing slaves, Pharaoh would make a terrifying example of them, intimidating other slaves and any kingdoms or empires threatening his reign.
According to the story in Exodus,2 God performed a miracle, and the Pharaoh’s army was the one who suffered annihilation, overcome by deep waters.
Imagine if Pharaoh’s army of chariots had caught up to the Jews. We would never have had the original Hebrew Testament. The revelation of one God and the written document called the Ten Commandments might never have appeared. Perhaps we would never have known Jesus Christ, who was a self-identified and, at times, observant Jew, as were his disciples. Remember, the Last Supper was a Seder, a Jewish ritual observance, that Jesus led the night before his death. And we would not have had the story of Exodus as a major inspiration and symbol for the Founders of America in pursuit of their freedom. And I realized as an afterthought, all the other Jews, including me and my ancestors, would never have existed.
Living Under the Threat of Extermination
Since that original escape from Egypt called Exodus, Jews and the Jewish people have always lived one battle, or even one step, away from annihilation. Now that the Jews of the world are mostly concentrated in only three places, Israel, the New York City area, and California, the threat becomes more realistic. The risk of instantaneous incineration looms over the Jews of Israel as Iran increases its nuclear weapon capability.
Overnight on April 13, 2024, Iran made its first direct attack on Israel, firing over 300 missiles, 99% of which failed to reach the nation.3 The assault, which was given much too little media attention, included 120 ballistic missiles, some of which damaged an Israeli airbase. Israeli and American defense systems fought off the missiles at long range. This failed attack by Iran nonetheless signals an intention to inflict vast harm, and Israel must remain prepared for the time Iran launches a nuclear-tipped ballistic missile of greater effectiveness.
Only by knowing and engaging with the reality of Israel’s 3,500-year history of existential threats and assaults can anyone understand what is happening in today’s world. The history of the Jews, including the thousands of slaughters, genocides, and expulsions inflicted on them, defines the necessity of their defending themselves as if they are always under threat of genocidal extinction — because they are! With the push of a few buttons to fire nuclear weapons from Iran or from a number of other nations, the extermination of Israeli Jews could already have happened before you read this essay.
Population Comparisons: David and Goliath
Iran with its nuclear weapons threat and stated intentions to cause a Second Holocaust has a current population of 91 million.4 The overall Arab population in the Middle East, most of them Muslims with varying degrees of hostility toward Israel, was 464 million in 2023.5
Israel’s population is often cited as 8 million, with a total world population of Jews at 16 million. However, an actual breakdown of Israel’s population in 2024 discloses its internal vulnerability. At 7.4 million Jews, they are only (73%) of Israel’s population. Living in Israel and even participating in their political system, there are an additional 2.0 million Arabs (21%), with 5% “others.”6 Another six million Jews live in the United States.
Overall, the Jews make up a mere 0.19% or 0.0019 of the world’s total population.7
A Worldwide Surge in Antisemitism
October 7, 2023, Hamas slaughtered more than 1,200 Jews and captured more than 240 hostages, some severely wounded. It was the deadliest day for Israel since it became independent.8
When Israel mounted a large offensive to finally rid itself of the scourge of Hamas, within less than a week it was criticized and demands were made to stop its counterattack.9,10 But no other nation on Earth, after decades of attacks across its border, would have waited so long until this inevitable calamity. This surge of antisemitism, building so quickly upon the original horrific attack by Hamas,11,12 indicates how much evildoers in the world are always looking for an opportunity to hate Israel and the Jews.
Meanwhile, antisemitism grows in the U.S., including widespread calls for the destruction of Israel and its people. Acts against Jews and their places of worship reached a peak in 2023, and they have tripled in the last six years.13
A Muslim member of the U.S. Congress received an extraordinary censorship from the House of Representatives after calling for the annihilation of Israel.14 Angry and sometimes violent crowds supporting Hamas in its war with Israel have recently been allowed to gather on U.S. college campuses like Harvard, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania, screaming ragefully at Israel and “the Jews” and calling for “genocide” against the Jews.15
Florida Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi has called for the murder of Israeli Jews, claiming that the Israeli regime and its army are “worse than the Nazis.”16
Muslim Leaders Surrounding Israel Constantly Threaten Annihilation
Iran’s former Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, took spiritual and political leadership of Iran in 1979, and still in his leadership role, he died in 1989. Iran has its roots in an ancient Muslim empire or califate and Khomeini became the most recognized leader of the Muslim world.
Khomeini continually reasserted his goal of destroying Israel and all its Jews,17 even using the phrase “Final Solution” on a poster.18 His calls for genocide against the Israeli Jews are echoed by many Islamic leaders.19 Hamas,20 ISIS,21 the “moderate” Palestinian Authority,22 have all called for the destruction of Israel and the Jews.
In combat, the Jews of Israel are always fighting to protect their small nation from obliteration. They are not fighting to obliterate the Muslim people, but Israel’s opponents are highly motivated to exterminate Israel, and many would welcome the extermination of all Jews. It is a necessity for understanding what is actually happening when the Jews are in a military conflict with an enemy — it is always a mortal enemy whose goal is to slaughter every single Jew it can.
The enemies of Israel are not merely trying to kill Jewish soldiers, or to win a piece of land, or to loot, or to retaliate for an offense, or to gain hostages, or anything like the reasons most battles or wars are fought. The enemies of the Jews are religiously and politically driven by the desire to finish off the Jews once and for all, to murder them all, with the intent of ultimately extending their murderous rage to everywhere Jews can be found in the future.
From the Babylonians Through the Romans to Hitler
A timeline provides a brief orientation to the history of the Jewish Homeland with Jerusalem at the center.23 Note the Babylonians before the birth of Christ and the Romans after the birth of Christ behaved with excruciating similarity toward the Jews when they finally overcame them after lengthy sieges of Jerusalem. The armies of both empires eventually overcame and enslaved the Jews and destroyed Jerusalem, which is the geographic center of Judaism. The Babylonians burned the First Temple, built by King Solomon, and the Romans burned the Second Temple. Both the Babylonian and Roman empires drove unknown but large numbers of Jews — probably in the hundreds of thousands — into the Diaspora. In ancient times, large, forced dispersions of a people were difficult to manage, and many Jews remained behind or returned to the area of Jerusalem and what is now Israel.
In that forced exile, Jews wandered the world as an isolated and fragmented tribe, often staying long enough to make cultural contributions, then to be subject to pogroms and driven out. Their Bible, their teachers and traditions, and their faith in one God kept the Jews relatively intact as one people.
Another Near Annihilation
The Biblical story of Esther is set in the exile of the Jewish people in the Babylonian Empire in Persia, the present site of Iran.24 It describes in detail another attempt to exterminate the Jews, who had integrated enough into the society that Esther, a Jew, was married to the King. Here is a secular description:25
Esther, the beautiful Jewish wife of the Persian king Ahasuerus (Xerxes I), and her cousin Mordecai persuaded the king to retract an order for the general annihilation of Jews throughout the empire. The massacre had been plotted by the king’s chief minister, Haman. … Instead, Haman was hanged on the gallows he built for Mordecai, and, on the day planned for their annihilation, the Jews destroyed their enemies.
There is, of course, controversy about the historical reality of the Biblical story of Esther; but its use of very specific historical and geographical references lends it validity.
The Book of Ester provides important insights into the Holocaust. It reconfirms that integrating into a society, as the Jews did in pre-Hitler Germany, does not protect Jews from extermination by the same society. It also illustrates how an intervention to stop or destroy Hitler, much as was done to Hamen, could have prevented the Holocaust.
The Book of Ester also exemplifies how individual evildoers cause violent events in history — a reality denied by those who want to protect the elite global predators who are behind much of the increasing totalitarianism in the world today. Blaming the victim, whether it is the Jews, or the billions of people currently oppressed by the global predatory empires, is a ruse to point attention away from identifying the real aggressors atop the human hierarchy of authority.26
For more about the Global Predators and their empires, see below, as well as our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey.27
Hitler’s Final Solution
When Hitler’s armies trapped the Jews throughout Europe — and no other nation was willing to receive them as refugees or to lift a hand in their defense — Hitler realized he could carry out the Final Solution. Hitler’s vilification of the Jews received enormous, enthusiastic praise from Henry Ford,28 the iconic American businessman, which made the Fuhrer feel grandly supported in his genocidal intentions. Hitler also had the full cooperation of America’s iconic tech company of the time, IBM,29 who rushed in to help with organizing the vast Holocaust. The IBM machines and their printed cards, and even IBM offices in some of the extermination camps, classified who would die and who would go to slave labor and what particular skills any slave might have. With the help of IBM, the Nazis created a highly organized bureaucratic slaughter of helpless, unarmed civilians, each one tracked by an IBM card number tattooed on the arm. Millions upon millions were systematically murdered while an indifferent world watched or shut their eyes or celebrated…and even made money off it.
The Jews are once again trapped, this time within a tiny nation of their choice, their Homeland, surrounded by overwhelming enemies—but this time the Jewish fighters are armed and determined, “Never again!”
What Is a “Proportionate Military Response” to the Constant Threat of Extinction?
On May 14, 1948, the founders of Israel formally announced its existence, and the next day, U.S. President Harry Truman formally recognized the new state — and that same day, five Arab nations began a massive attack to wipe Israel off the map. Israel was geographically vulnerable, a small strip of land, at its waist only 9.3 miles wide, and hence easily severed in two. It also had a long border along the Mediterranean Sea that could not be protected. Four of the five attacking nations bordered on Israel. Israel had no warships or military aircraft.
Abdul Rahman Hassan Azzam, the Secretary-General of the Arab League from 1945 to 1952, declared in 1947 that establishing a Jewish state would lead to “a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacre and the Crusades.”30
Few observers thought the fledgling nation could survive:31
Israel was left on its own to face the Arab onslaught. No one expected the Jewish State to survive. Even the CIA estimated that the Jews would not last more than a few weeks. But, against all reasonable expectations, Israel survived the onslaught even though, at that time, its population comprised only 600,000 to 650,000 people, including women, the elderly, and infants.
When the five Muslim nations made a coordinated attack that seemed about to exterminate Israel and all its Jews in 1948 — What should have been Israel’s “proportionate response”? Were the Israelis in any position to even think about “How can we help all of the Arabs who are fleeing before the invaders?” or “What sort of homes and benefits can we provide them?” or “Can we bring them all back to live in love and friendship with us?”
When the Muslim nations periodically start new wars against Israel, hoping to “drive the Jews into the sea,” what is an appropriate response from Israel and the Jews? When Muslim nations routinely send in suicide bombers to blow up buses or cafes, what is an appropriate response? And when enemy nations sponsor evil terrorist groups to help exterminate Israel and the Jews, what limits should be placed on the response of the Jews?
The Gaza Strip is a Palestinian territory with a population of over two million that is mostly made up of Muslims. It borders directly on Israel and Egypt, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. Gaza City has a population of 800,000. Hamas controls the entire territory, which is generally referred to as Gaza.
When Hamas turned the Gaza Strip into an underground fortress, with hundreds of miles of enormous tunnels large enough to hide and facilitate a mass invasion, setting up a final lethal assault against Israel, what was a proportionate response? When Hamas, in 2010, began using Gaza as a platform for launching rockets at civilian populations in Israel, subjecting the men, women, and children of Israel to constant danger screaming down from the sky, what was a proportionate response?
On October 7, 2023, when Hamas broke through the Israeli wall built to protect its nation and shoots, stabs, and hacks up 1200 unarmed Jews — including pregnant women and children — in horrendous fashions that defy the normal imagination and then takes over 200 hostages, many of them maimed and dying without medical care — what is an appropriate response from “the Jews”?
I am not suggesting that the Jews should show no ethical or moral restraints in defending themselves. In fact, the Jews of Israel have always conducted themselves with more ethical restraints than their current enemies, including in how they treat civilian populations. Yes, especially in the original fight to establish Israel, some Jews acted as terrorists, but they were condemned by Israel itself. Singling out the Jews as the offenders committing genocide in the battle over Gaza is like asking the Jews to lie down and die — which indeed is the aim of much of what we euphemistically call “antisemitism” and actually amounts to Jew Hatred.
This essay will address the wretched plight of the people of Gaza, and we will not back down from assigning responsibility. But first, I want to examine two common accusations against the Jews — that they have become as bad as the Nazis.
What Would Have Been a “Proportional” Response to Hitler During the Original Holocaust?
What about the Jews during the Holocaust in terms of a proportionate response to the slaughter of six million? It’s not so different now, except the Jews were not armed or organized to fight in Nazi Germany. Also, the Jews had no nation of their own, and they had no other nation offering to fight for them or to even give them aid, even as they were being wiped out.
What if those Jews had been able to get possession of a superweapon? Hitler was trying to make nuclear bombs, and suppose a few German scientists were covert Jews and managed to take control of some weapons. Would it have been a disproportionate response for them to start detonating the nuclear weapons around Germany until the Nazis stopped the Holocaust?
Actually, Jew haters are so passionately devoted to their tasks that individuals like Hitler and the leaders of Hamas would rather see their own people die than to let the Jews live. Hitler, for example, kept the Holocaust going even as he was about to lose the war and desperately needed every gallon of fuel, every truck, and its driver, and every soldier at the front. When the Americans, British, and Russians were squeezing Germany back inside its own borders, Hitler used his trucks and soldiers to keep herding the Jews from Poland and elsewhere into Germany to continue their mass murder. The slaughters only stopped as the allies shut down the last extermination centers.
Holocaust Inversion: The Portraying of Israel and Jews as Nazis32
Many people assume that calling Jews worse than Nazis is the product of one or another recent activity of the Israeli military, such as the current attempt to drive Hamas out of Gaza, when in reality, it goes back to the founding of Israel itself. Nor was it always the product of ignorance, nor of Muslim propaganda. Arnold Toynbee, considered one of the great historians of the Western world, promoted this idea:
The well-known British historian Arnold Toynbee, a notorious anti-Semite, claimed in his major work A Study of History that the Israeli treatment of Arabs during the 1948 war was morally comparable to the Nazi treatment of the Jews. He repeated this accusation in a 1961 debate with the then-Israeli ambassador to Canada, Jacob Herzog, who asserted that the Nazi murder of six million Jews was incomparable to the unfortunate uprooting of Arab communities.26
Toynbee’s antisemitism goes back way before the 1948 attack on Israel by the Arabs, which produced the Arab refugees.33
Claims of Israel behaving like Nazis have nothing to do with the facts of the events, but instead, it is due to the insatiable antisemitism of the commentator. As an evildoer looking for prey, antisemitism is an opportunistic predator. Once its appetite is wetted, it begins looking for Christians and anyone else whose values are central to the development of the best in Western Civilization.
The Spectrum of Jew Hatred
Over the past few decades, my wife Ginger and I have had almost no personal encounters with antisemitism among the people we know or even among strangers. None of the people we knew or loved turned out to be writing or circulating antisemitic literature. That changed dramatically within the first few weeks of the October 7, 2023, assault on Israel by Hamas. Now, half a dozen people we knew and respected, and even loved, turned out to be writing and/or publishing antisemitic literature. And antisemitism — we should really call it Jew hatred — is escalating in the U.S. and around the world. It’s as if the Jews defending themselves, even early in the October 7 conflict, released their inhibitions.
People who express antisemitism plow the soil for it to flourish, and when antisemitism flourishes, it leads specifically and uniquely to genocide against the Jews. Do “antisemites” know they are doing that — encouraging another Holocaust? Here is a hint about their intentions — they never raise a caution about their remarks being mistaken for a death wish against the Jews. They never even mention the Holocaust except to deny it or to declare that the Jews are behaving like, or even worse than, Hitler and the Nazis. Perhaps not every antisemite wishes to see the Jews slaughtered, but every antisemitic remark should be treated as leading to another genocide of Jews — which means it should be confronted with that deadly reality.
How and Why the Jews Threaten Global Predatory Humans
Some antisemitism is simply rooted in common human prejudices, but the systematic genocidal attitudes and actions held by people with great power are the real problem, and the rest is trickledown.
The truth is that people with great power are deeply resentful and deeply threatened by basic principles embedded in the culture of that early tribe of Jews. Indeed, the idea that such an ordinary group of enslaved people should originate momentous inspirations that would transform civilization seems to demand divine inspiration. And nothing so much threatens arbitrary authority as people with divine inspiration.
The Old Testament, which is part of the Christian Bible, contains the roots of basic principles that are profoundly threatening and demoralizing to any violent, hateful person, from local bullies and gang leaders to domestic abusers and to government politicians and global predators. These principles are especially threatening to those at the top of the human power pyramid, from old-fashioned kings and emperors to the newer global predators who are seeking to impose their governance on humanity, including predatory progressives, predatory capitalists, and communists and collectivists of every ilk.
Judaism Becomes More Universal through Jesus
More than one thousand years after Moses brought the Jews to the Promised Land, they were a nation struggling to preserve themselves and their religion against the onslaught of the Roman Empire. A new Jewish teacher, Jesus, came forward to place love at the center of our relationships to each other and to God. Through Jesus Christ, God became far more forgiving and loving and provided new hope for a better life in Heaven. Not long after, Christianity became fully integrated into the Roman Empire. Along with the history and principles of the Jews in their Bible, and led by Jesus Christ, Christianity became the foundation of Western Civilization.
For the first time ever, the idea of a hopeful, forgiving, loving God was fully expressed to the humans made in His image who were now asked to love God and to love one another as He loved them. Love for God and for each other, for the first time in history, became the center of goodness and truth in human life — and stood fully in opposition to evil and tyranny. For me, as a Jew, this makes Jesus the most inspired of all the Jewish prophets, the one who brought the centrality of love to humanity, and for Christians, Jesus became their Savior.
Antisemitism and Evil: “Where Are the Jews?”
The essence of antisemitism, history shows us, is much deeper than God calling the Jews “the Chosen” people. It’s more than the Jews having been too clannish, or that their tiny minority supposedly rules the world, or even that they are said to have “killed Christ.” Those explanations may motivate some people, but hatred of the Jews as a people ultimately emanates from the elites of the world — from the evil powers who thrive on dominating others.
Remember, when the Romans hung Jesus on the cross, they thought they were hanging a Jew! They mocked him as the “King of the Jews”! They had no idea what they were really doing — releasing the spirit of a loving God upon the Earth.
To those who hate the Jews, especially those aspiring for power over other people, the Jews represent individuality and freedom, a people always in defiance of authorities who want to convert or destroy them, a people whose Exodus has become a symbol of freedom, a people who brought the world one God, the Ten Commandments and then Jesus Christ.
So when evil stirs and creeps more openly over the face of the Earth, as it now is doing, this evil has an overwhelming impulse to ask, “Where are the Jews?” and “What can we do about the Jews?” and ultimately “How can we get rid of the Jews.”
Skeptics might ask, “So why don’t these evil people go after the Christians in the same way — the Christians have the same Book and the same God?
Evil has always been trying to destroy Christians and Christianity! In fact, as Brannon Howse,34 and many others have observed, evil has never been trying harder to destroy Christianity than it is today!
Evildoers have murdered far more Christians than Jews. They have murdered them in war, after war, after war. Too often, the Christians even murder each other, but do not be fooled by that — it is always evil leadership that turns the great numbers of ordinary, potentially good people against each other. At the top, in leadership roles in any large human organizations — religions, nations, and empires — there have always been evil men. If a person wasn’t evil when he first aspired to great power, he must become evil in order to succeed. Good people cannot make it to the top of the pyramid of human power. The same kind of men at the top who murder Jews will murder anyone who threatens them or gets in their way.
Jews and Christians will always remain a threat to global tyrants:
Global predators cannot control people who believe their ultimate protection and their ultimate judge is a loving God.
Global tyrants cannot degrade and enslave a people who believe they are made in God’s image and loved by Him.
Global tyrants cannot crush a people into docility if they have been promised an Afterlife with God.
Global tyrants cannot win the trust of people who believe they should all love one another and love God in whose image we are made.
Evil is out in the open now. Filled with hate for Jews and Christians alike because we Jews and Christians remain the only people on Earth today who have enough strength and hope to fully engage in stopping the evil totalitarianism that is descending upon us.
Israel, Mossad and Gaza
Every single government in the Western World, its leaders, and its Deep State are run by predatory globalists. I’m sure the CIA loves to work with the Mossad, and vice versa, and I’m sure they do terrible things.
The CIA does not represent the American public but instead the global predators. Indeed, for many years, the Deep State has seen itself and acted as if it stands above the President, Congress, and Judiciary. But when the CIA and the Department of Defense are criticized, or their relationship with the Military-Industrial complex is raised, only the most radical and hateful people would speak as if the American people were to blame for Deep State atrocities and should vilified and exterminated.
Similarly, when the Deep State agencies of other governments are mentioned, such as MI-6, there is rarely an accompanying slur against all “the Brits” — no death wish against all the people in the nation. Even when people discuss the hated KGB, the security and intelligence agency of the now defunct U.S.S.R., few end up slurring or hating the whole Russian people.
The Mossad, an Israeli intelligence agency similar to the CIA and many Deep State intelligence agencies in Western nations, is also a global predator. It does not feel beholden to the people or nation of Israel. But when the word “Mossad” is spoken, it too often carries a specifically antiemetic slur against “the Jews” — as if it proves “the Jews” are unscrupulous and want to rule the world. Mossad, like the CIA, wants a share of the global governance to remake humanity into more manageable “masses.”
Israeli leaders, including Benjamin Netanyahu, are also tied to the globalists, mostly to the Western Global Empire. This tie to Western global predators inevitably leads to the collaborations between Israel’s security and defense agencies and the U.S. Deep State, including the CIA and the Department of Defense.
Israelis, Americans, British, and Russians — the citizens of the world — must rise up against globalism and against their government agencies that betray their own nations and humanity.
The Global Predators Destroy all God-Fearing and Independent Peoples, Including All Muslims and Jews
Both the Jews in Israel and the Muslims in Gaza are victims of their own corrupt, betraying leaders whose allegiance is to the world’s aspiring global empires. The Muslim leadership constitutes an aspiring global empire because a global Califate is part of their heritage and ambitions, but they presently lack the wealth, power, and organization of the Western and Eastern Global Empires. These two more powerful Eastern and Western Global Empires are atheistic and anti-nationalistic—and they must destroy Muslims and Jews alike to pave the way to a global governance under their command.
The terrorist group Hamas was built on hatred of Jews and the compulsion to exterminate them. Since 2010, they have been using Gaza to rain down rockets on Israel and to call for a Muslim genocide against them. Hamas is backed by the Chinese Communists and their Eastern Global Empire and by Iran and other Arab groups. It is also backed by American progressives and Western globalists. This heinous coalition is bent on keeping the people of Gaza locked into their narrow space as prisoners, pawns, shields, and propaganda tools in their genocidal war against Israel.
Meanwhile, Benjamin Netanyahu, another corrupt global predator, has already become an exterminator of his own people in his collusion with Big Pharma to jab his people with mRNA bioweapons. His illegal and heinous contract with Pfizer to use Israel as a massive experiment confirms that he identifies himself and aligns himself as a globalist, at times to the detriment of Israelis and Jews. However, critics who share these grave concerns about Netanyahu can support the existential necessity of Israel driving Hamas out of Gaza and believe that any large numbers of civilian causalities are largely due to the defensive tactics of Hamas, as well as the inevitabilities of war.
President Trump, the Anti-Globalist
Former President Donald Trump is the only current world leader who has dared to take a public stand against globalism and for his own nation. He is also the only American President to recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel while also bringing several Arab nations to make peace with Israel. In his brilliant 2019 address to the United Nations, he declared that he not only supports America First, but he also supports all nations in defending themselves against globalism, which aims to seize their sovereignty:35
Globalism exerted a religious pull over past leaders, causing them to ignore their own national interests. But as far as America is concerned, those days are over. …
Like my beloved country, each nation represented in this hall has a cherished history, culture, and heritage that is worth defending and celebrating and which gives us our singular potential and strength.
The free world must embrace its national foundations. It must not attempt to erase them or replace them.
Looking around and all over this large, magnificent planet, the truth is plain to see: If you want freedom, take pride in your country. If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty. And if you want peace, love your nation. Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first.
The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots. The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations that protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique. [emphasis added]
President Trump openly opposed globalism when he was first campaigning. I believe his opposition to globalism is the main reason he has received such opposition from just about everyone in power from the left and the right, from the Progressives and the Elite Republicans.
The almost universal hatred of Donald Trump by people in power and their encouragement, aiding and abetting two assassination attempts, is due to his anti-globalist pronouncements and policies. These include taking us out of the World Health Organization (WHO), building the wall at our Southern border, achieving energy independence, confronting China’s economic war against the U.S., and reviving our Founders’ spirit of freedom. The Biden administration reversed all these accomplishments to the pleasure of the globalists and to the detriment of our nation.
Gaza is a Triumph of Globalism
In Gaza, the Eastern and Western globalists have now created a great opportunity for themselves. It’s a global predator’s ambition to have the Jews and the Muslims slaughter each other in one giant nuclear calamity. Then, these predators will have an even easier time crushing the remaining Christians and Jews in the collapsing Western World. That is the essence of the Gaza tragedy.
The Jews of Israel remain at risk of imminent extinction. Their opponents, as always, are never at risk of extinction as a people when fighting the Jews, because they are so numerous; but the Jews are always at risk of extinction at the hands of their opponents because the Jews are so few. If Israel lost the battle for Gaza, for example, it would have one overriding effect. A crushing defeat would empower the Muslim leaders who promise to obliterate Israel and its people as soon as they can. Ridding Gaza of the terrorist group Hamas is an absolute requirement for the continued survival of Israel, but Hamas will sacrifice all the people under its control rather than to fight face-to-face with Israel. Hamas cares much more deeply about its genocide against Israel and the Jews than about the people of Gaza. The current Muslim attacks on Israel and the Jews are a direct extension of the original Holocaust, a cause at present built into Muslim ideology.
Here are a series of stunning facts about the chronology from the Nazis to the Islamicists as exterminators of the Jews. The last Nazi extermination camp was liberated in 1945. The surviving Jews had no safe place to go to after the war, and many began walking and taking trains and boats toward their homeland, whose capital was Jerusalem. Many or most of them had made toasts of “Next time in Jerusalem” as part of holiday celebrations. Millions hoped to at last fulfill that pledge.
A mere three years later, in 1948, the morning after Israel formally announced its existence, they were simultaneously attacked by five Arab nations: Egypt, Transjordan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.36 Their stated purpose was to drive the Jews into the sea — to finalize the Final Solution from which the Jews were fleeing. From the beginning, the Arabs have been attempting to finish what Hitler began. Gaza is literally an extension of the Nazi Holocaust. One historical source summarized:
For Israel, the war is remembered as the War of Independence because it secured the country’s existence despite hostile neighbors. For Arabs, the war is remembered as “the Nakba” (from Arabic al-nakbah, “the catastrophe”) because of the mass displacement of Palestinians that resulted from the war.
Notice who caused the displacement of the Palestinians — the Arab states attempting to destroy tiny newborn Israel. After winning this war of annihilation, a battered Israel, who withdrew from most of the Arab land it captured, was in no position to solve the huge refugee problem created by the Arab invasion. Notice who did not absorb all the refugees that they had created — the enormously larger, well-established Arab nations. Ever since then, the Arabs have victimized their own people for political theater instead of trying to integrate them into Arab lands or to make peace by recognizing Israel’s existence.
Christianity and Judaism on the Extermination Block
At this critical moment in history, Christianity and Judaism are scheduled for destruction by a growing global tyranny that hates everything that is good about the Judeo-Christian God and the intrinsic worth of the human beings He made in His image. The globalists and their empires must destroy Judaism and Christianity as the last major bulwarks against their totalitarian ambitions for the world.
Anyone and everyone who loves America’s founding principles, Christians and Jews alike, and freedom-loving people from every background, must unite in resistance to the global predators! Jews and Christians must be proud and loving toward each other. We share the same loving God and the task of defending the freedom of humanity.
Primary Author: Peter R. Breggin, MD
End Notes
1 Egyptian historical writing dated around 1215 BC contains the earliest known mention outside the Bible to Israel existing in Caanan, dating it to “the late 13th century BC”: The Merneptah Stele: Proof Ancient Egypt Knew of the Israelites | Ancient Origins (ancient-origins.net). Egyptian writers around 300-400 BC also note earlier records of Moses and Exodus, one dating Moses to the reign of Ramses (1279-1213 B.C.): Egypt Remembers: Where are the Ancient Accounts of the Great Exodus? | Ancient Origins (ancient-origins.net)
2 I do not take the Bible literally as word-for-word from God to the written page. I view it as divinely inspired and then written down and edited by many people.
4 Iran Population 2024 (Live) (worldpopulationreview.com)
5 Population of the Middle Eastern Arab States – Search (bing.com)
6 Latest Population Statistics for Israel (jewishvirtuallibrary.org)
7 Number of Jews in the World 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)
8 Israel-Hamas War | Explanation, Summary, Casualties, & Map | Britannica
9 Israel Responds to Hamas Crimes by Ordering Mass War Crimes in Gaza (theintercept.com)
10 Lawless in Gaza: Why the West Backs Israel No Matter What (consortiumnews.com)
11 How the surge in antisemitism is affecting countries around the world | Reuters
12 With antisemitism on the rise, American Jewish groups aim to take a stand against threats | Fox News
13 Antisemitic incidents in the US are at the highest level recorded since the 1970s | CNN
14 ‘Squad’ member defends ‘river to the sea’ phrase interpreted as calling for ‘extermination’ of Jews| Fox News and House censures Rep. Rashida Tlaib over Israel-Hamas rhetoric – Los Angeles Times (latimes.com).
15 College Presidents Under Fire After Dodging Questions About Antisemitism – The New York Times (nytimes.com) and College Presidents Just Showed America Their Moral Cowardice | The Heritage Foundation
16 From a video “Florida Imam Dr. Fadi Kablawi has called for the murder of Jews and says the Israeli regime is ‘worse than the Nazis.’,” embedded in https://www.foxnews.com/politics/embattled-squad-member-jamaal-bowman-defends-phrase-calling-extermination-jews
17 German government condemns Iran’s call to ‘destroy Israel’ – The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com) and Iran: The Ayatollah, Amid Coronavirus, Calls for Jihad Against the Jewish State : Gatestone Institute and Iran’s Ayatollah: Kill All Jews, Annihilate Israel • Now The End Begins and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei: Israel’s demise is imminent | The Times of Israel and Iran leader says Israel a ‘cancerous tumor’ to be destroyed | AP News and ‘Israel must be destroyed’: Khamenei – American Thinker and Iran Leader Echoes Pro-Palestinian Protests: ‘From the River to the Sea’ (breitbart.com)
19 Wikipedia is not necessarily reliable but these two overviews provide multiple citations: Calls for the destruction of Israel – Wikipedia and Second Holocaust – Wikipedia and Iranian Paramilitary Commander Repeats Threat To Destroy Israel | Iran International (iranintl.com) and Iranian president-elect reiterates commitment to destroying Israel – Israel Today
20 Hamas terror group’s charter explicitly calls for Israel’s destruction: ‘Fight Jews and kill them’ | American Military News and Doctrine of Hamas | Wilson Center. Also see, https://embassies.gov.il/holysee/AboutIsrael/the-middle-east/Pages/The%20Hamas-Covenant.aspx
22 Palestinian Authority TV Airs Imam’s Call for ‘Extermination of the Evil Jews’: NGO – Algemeiner.com
23 https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/timeline-for-the-history-of-jerusalem-4500-bce-present
24 I want to thank James Thorp, MD for drawing my attention to the importance of Esther for this narrative.
25 Book of Esther | Summary & Facts | Britannica
26 For one of many of my critiques of exonerating those who oppress humanity, see (100) Desmet and Malone strike again: No one’s killing us; we’re a suicidal society (substack.com)
27 Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin. (2021, November). COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. Ithaca, NY: Lake Edge Press. Available at bookstores and from the Breggins at www.WeArethePrey.com.
28 The future of anti-Semitism is already here (nypost.com) and How Henry Ford Helped The Nazis As Much As He Possibly Could (ranker.com)
29 Edwin Black. (2017). Nazi Nexus: America’s Corporate Connections to Hitler’s Holocaust: Black Edwin: 9780914153092: Amazon.com: Books and also see “IBM and the Holocaust,” This Is the Hidden Nazi History of IBM — And the Man Who Tried to Expose It (mic.com) and Profits Over Life — How IBM Aided the Third Reich | by Nicola Bosch | Lessons from History | Medium
30 David Barnett and Efraim Karsh (2011). “Azzam’s genocidal threat”. Middle East Quarterly. 18 (4): 85–88.
31 The 1948 War of I David Barnett and Efraim Karsh (2011). “Azzam’s genocidal threat”. Middle East Quarterly. 18 (4): 85–88.Independence in a nutshell – World Machal
32 Holocaust Inversion: The Portraying of Israel and Jews as Nazis (jcpa.org)
34 Brannon House and Michael Reagan ( 2005). One Nation Under Man?: The Worldview War Between Christians And the Secular Left. One Nation Under Man?: The Worldview War Between Christians And the Secular Left: Howse, Brannon, Reagan, Michael: 9780805431858: Amazon.com: Books.
35 September 24, 2019: Remarks at the United Nations General Assembly | Miller Center
36 1948 Arab-Israeli War | Summary, Outcome, Casualties, & Timeline | Britannica
First published on AmericaOutLoud.news September 18, 2024
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This is Dr. Breggin, I have spent my entire life going back to high school, taking on bullies of my friends to prevent harm being done to innocents. Ginger and I have spent time defending Black children from massive injustice at the hands of psychiatry and eugenics when this was decidedly not the popular course of action. Now I am defending the right for Israel and its Jews to exist--and we are running into a deluge of thinly veiled hatred of the Jews. I am not accusing you, MDskeptic, personally of that (see his comment below accusing me of turning a blind eye on the suffering of innocents). I am talking about people who are constantly blaming Israel for fighting back, when It's enemies never stop attacking with the specific purpose of exterminating Israel and as many Jews as possible. Imagine living only a few seconds away from extinction at the hands of one or another Arab/Muslim nation, which could be Iran the moment it thinks its capable of dropping nuclear warheads on the nation. All the Muslim nations and the globalists want the destruction of Israel and Jews anywhere in the world. The people of Gaza who are suffering the most right now, are the long-term victims of Muslim leaders. They created the situation in 1948, when five Arab countries attacked Israel on the day after the country was officially founded. MDskeptic, if you haven't already, please read my entire paper, which is mostly 18 pages of historical analysis. But you have no right to throw something at me like I have a blind eye to the slaughter of innocents, when my eyes have been opened all my life to this. We are going to try to now use some of these criticisms that we receive as teaching moments most of which are covered in our paper. But where comments seem outrageously antisemitic or chaos inducing, we are going to be freely banning people. We have enormously positive responses to this paper from Christians and Jews, some in the media, who find some of the comments on this page to disgraceful to answer. We invite them to join in, as NewZealandDoc and some others have done. Those who wish to simply confuse the issues or to spread hatred of Israel or the Jews will be banned. For the rest, please join in to this important discussion.
I wish to call attention to this extraordinary paragraph in your extraordinary essay, which is:
"The Book of Ester also exemplifies how individual evildoers cause violent events in history — a reality denied by those who want to protect the elite global predators who are behind much of the increasing totalitarianism in the world today. Blaming the victim, whether it is the Jews, or the billions of people currently oppressed by the global predatory empires, is a ruse to point attention away from identifying the real aggressors atop the human hierarchy of authority."
There are many prominent so-called intellectuals who attempt to convince us that individuals have no power in the flow of historical events, that everything is the result of some kind of impersonal institutional or structural force in societies. I know that they are dead wrong.
My final note here is to say that people are people, everywhere, full of flaws and also the occasional aspiration towards an ideal of the Good. Perhaps the energies that are being poured into the 'glories' of transhumanism and vaccines should be directed towards the very realizable goal of our all living in peace together.