This is Dr. Breggin, I have spent my entire life going back to high school, taking on bullies of my friends to prevent harm being done to innocents. Ginger and I have spent time defending Black children from massive injustice at the hands of psychiatry and eugenics when this was decidedly not the popular course of action. Now I am defending the right for Israel and its Jews to exist--and we are running into a deluge of thinly veiled hatred of the Jews. I am not accusing you, MDskeptic, personally of that (see his comment below accusing me of turning a blind eye on the suffering of innocents). I am talking about people who are constantly blaming Israel for fighting back, when It's enemies never stop attacking with the specific purpose of exterminating Israel and as many Jews as possible. Imagine living only a few seconds away from extinction at the hands of one or another Arab/Muslim nation, which could be Iran the moment it thinks its capable of dropping nuclear warheads on the nation. All the Muslim nations and the globalists want the destruction of Israel and Jews anywhere in the world. The people of Gaza who are suffering the most right now, are the long-term victims of Muslim leaders. They created the situation in 1948, when five Arab countries attacked Israel on the day after the country was officially founded. MDskeptic, if you haven't already, please read my entire paper, which is mostly 18 pages of historical analysis. But you have no right to throw something at me like I have a blind eye to the slaughter of innocents, when my eyes have been opened all my life to this. We are going to try to now use some of these criticisms that we receive as teaching moments most of which are covered in our paper. But where comments seem outrageously antisemitic or chaos inducing, we are going to be freely banning people. We have enormously positive responses to this paper from Christians and Jews, some in the media, who find some of the comments on this page to disgraceful to answer. We invite them to join in, as NewZealandDoc and some others have done. Those who wish to simply confuse the issues or to spread hatred of Israel or the Jews will be banned. For the rest, please join in to this important discussion.
I wish to call attention to this extraordinary paragraph in your extraordinary essay, which is:
"The Book of Ester also exemplifies how individual evildoers cause violent events in history — a reality denied by those who want to protect the elite global predators who are behind much of the increasing totalitarianism in the world today. Blaming the victim, whether it is the Jews, or the billions of people currently oppressed by the global predatory empires, is a ruse to point attention away from identifying the real aggressors atop the human hierarchy of authority."
There are many prominent so-called intellectuals who attempt to convince us that individuals have no power in the flow of historical events, that everything is the result of some kind of impersonal institutional or structural force in societies. I know that they are dead wrong.
My final note here is to say that people are people, everywhere, full of flaws and also the occasional aspiration towards an ideal of the Good. Perhaps the energies that are being poured into the 'glories' of transhumanism and vaccines should be directed towards the very realizable goal of our all living in peace together.
Very well articulated, Doc. I'm actually feeling much better about this whole situation after that insightful assertion. Although it's probably temporary once we're bombarded daily with what Is in fact the effects of such an elusive phenomenon.
I admire you Dr. Breggin. Bought and read your very important book. Was inspired by you in my early years of psychiatric training. But 2024 is not 1224 BC. Who can say how we will be judged 3200 years hence when we may rightly be accused of turning a blind eye to the slaughter of innocents?
This is Dr. Breggin, I have spent my entire life going back to high school, taking on bullies of my friends to prevent harm being done to innocents. Ginger and I have spent time defending Black children from massive injustice at the hands of psychiatry and eugenics when this was decidedly not the popular course of action. Now I am defending the right for Israel and its Jews to exist--and we are running into a deluge of thinly veiled hatred of the Jews. I am not accusing you, MDskeptic, personally of that. I am talking about people who are constantly blaming Israel for fighting back, when It's enemies never stop attacking with the specific purpose of exterminating Israel and as many Jews as possible. Imagine living only a few seconds away from extinction at the hands of one or another Arab/Muslim nation, which could be Iran the moment it thinks its capable of dropping nuclear warheads on the nation. All the Muslim nations and the globalists want the destruction of Israel and Jews anywhere in the world. The people of Gaza who are suffering the most right now, are the long-term victims of Muslim leaders. They created the situation in 1948, when five Arab countries attacked Israel on the day after the country was officially founded. MDskeptic, if you haven't already, please read my entire paper, which is mostly 18 pages of historical analysis. But you have no right to throw something at me like I have a blind eye to the slaughter of innocents, when my eyes have been opened all my life to this. We are going to try to now use some of these criticisms that we receive as teaching moments most of which are covered in our paper. But where comments seem outrageously antisemitic or chaos inducing, we are going to be freely banning people. We have enormously positive responses to this paper from Christians and Jews, some in the media, who find some of the comments on this page to disgraceful to answer. We invite them to join in, as NewZealandDoc and some others have done. Those who wish to simply confuse the issues or to spread hatred of Israel or the Jews will be banned. For the rest, please join in to this important discussion.
Almighty God will preserve and protect His Chosen People, the Jewish People! All the enemies of Israel will be put to shame and perish in their way! Israel is the apple of God's eye. Whoever touches Israel touches the apple of His eye (see Zechariah 2:8). As Christians, we love and bless Israel! We pray for God's continued intervention and protection over all of Israel, in Yeshua's Mighty Name, Amen!! Israel is Forever!!! God bless you guys and thank you for sharing!!
Nicely written and well detailed. Thank you for the effort. I can add pages more, but here are a few supplementary facts.
The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini was yassir arafat's uncle. Both EGYPTIAN's BTW! The mufti was a disciple of hitler's and met with hitler during WWII and was granted permission to do what he wanted with Jews in palestine and SS trainers were sent over to help. All the fake claims about Israel and Jews "since 1948..." magically neglect that fact and hundreds more facts. They also claim there was harmony between Jews and Muslims in mandate palestine. Not true, muslims carried out many pogroms, even before that.
Both Ford and GM built trucks and tank engines for the nazis in germany until the end of the war. The allies avoided bombing ford's plant until the end of the war. Both companies sued the US government for damages and won: Ford $40,000(?), GM millions. Yes - hitler literally had a huge photo of ford on the wall in his office and ford received some medal of honor from the nazis.
Also, the majority of Persians stand with Jews and love Israel and hate their government as much as much of the world does.
The ugly truth about life is that almost anyone in power is horribly corrupted or he wouldn't have sought so much power and even if he started in innocence he could not have succeeded without becoming corrupt. We are aware of what you are talking about and have often discussed it in various venues. ~ Peter Breggin
"I do not, and probably never will, agree that the Jews, despite being the chosen people (or not), are singled out for maltreatment, however. It can be a very tough life for all creatures, in fact."
Dear Goeff--In all sincerity did you ready the very abbreviated history I gave of the Jews being singled out for enslavement, slaughter or dispersal? It has happened hundreds of times or more. The only question is why, not if. So the next question is why would someone deny it? Afterall the Holocaust is just a few years around the corner and the threats of a new one are right in front of your eyes in the form of the Muslim empire. I leave you to answer that for yourself--why you deny the Jews have been singled out throughout their history.
Dr. Breggin, Thank you for your words of wisdom. I don’t pretend to be a scholar of the history of Israel but I do believe as evidenced in the Bible that God blesses those who serve Him. In the Bible it is clear that if you live in God’s will He directs all your paths. Like all believers we lose when we are out of God’s perfect will. Pray we will serve Him.
Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Breggin for writing this article. I believe Israel has the right to self-defense for its land and people, but have been troubled by the response of the Israeli forces before and on October 7. (The ignoring of intelligence, the reports of soldiers being told to stand down or delay response to the attack, etc.) The reminder that almost all leadership today is influenced or are part of the global elite, that the CIA and Mossad are globalist tools, and that Hamas is under Chinese, Iranian, Progressives and Western globalist influence helps clarify the reasons for the mess that is the Middle East today. As you rightly point out, it is the regular people on all sides that suffer from the power hunger of the elite.
Hi Carla, As Peter points out in his article-- we are also troubled by the behavior of the leadership in Israel and the global elite who are running the current US administration (whomever and the levers of power behind the puppet Biden and Kamala). And yes knowing the influences that are supporting and arming Hamas (China and Iran etc) helps to recognize the hand of the global elite in creating chaos in the middle east. ~ Ginger
After reading this article, and seeing the comments, I can see why having a complete understanding of the major world views and how it motivates people’s actions is so important. Brannon Howse, yourselves and many others have brought this into perspective and by doing so the big picture concerning this issue becomes more clear.
I personally think this article has done just that and it should give us reason to ponder on things before we jump to conclusions.
Thank you for your input and perspective.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His light shine upon you.
This is a COURAGEOUS and GREAT article. Thank you so much!
And the map — showing the true size of Israel and its neighbors, the rest of the world… great. The media almost never gives perspective— mainstream media and the “alternative media” … they just pan in, the camera close up and the audience thinks Israel is a huge country…
It’s fashionable today to hate the Jews and Israel. One can tell it’s Jew-Hatred and not critique because whenever most people talk about Israel or the Jews, they never talk about Israel’s reasoning nor why they take action as they do, nor what their history has been. It’s always, “Israel bad” no matter what action the country takes. In fact, evidence of this was made visible after Oct 7 when it was Israel in the wrong for “letting” Hamas butcher the victims and not Hamas, the butcherers, who were in the wrong for butchering…
Today, if one compiles all the jew-hatred on social media, the message being put out by the Jew Haters is this: Hitler was good. He didn’t finish the job. It’s now up to us to finish the job of ridding the earth of the Jews.
Israel and the Jews have no friends. They’re on their own.
NOTE TO THE JEW HATERS: please don’t respond to this, my message. You bore me.
They are collectivist too. They blame "yes all Jews" for the deeds of Soros and the Rothschilds. Wicked individuals.
A big problem I notice is people on both the Right and the Left want to lump humanity into collectives. These groups are to be blamed and scapegoated for everything wrong with the world.
"Members from my group are all fine people. Members in Group X are intrinsically evil and irredeemable." Usually this state of being pure evil is linked to some immutable characteristic. Being a man. Being a woman. Being White. Being ugly or weak. Being a non-White.
And Jews get it from both ends. Especially the alt right. They aren't angry at them for anything in particular that they do but rather their existence and being Jewish. Not as if they could change their ethnicity even if they wanted to.
Reminds me of psychiatry. Lumping all individuals diagnosed as "SMI" in a collective, monolithic mass. Yelling about how dangerous they all are every time a weird crime occurs.
excellent paper but stand by, you will be attacked for bravery and people with a one sided view will not take time to read and think...this is why this issue is so intractable...yet there is a truth there
For thousands of years there have been many “tents” in Judaism as there are today, Hasidic, reformed, conservative and so on. Then there are secular, ethnic and religious Jews.
It’s very nuanced and has been.
It’s the hard-hearted folks that were and still are a catastrophe for humanity.
In the early 1980"s a tall, silver haired gentleman came to my medical office for a consultation. I can't remember the reason. He was about 6'4'', solid as a rock and extremely polished. He saw a map of Medieval Vienna in my waiting room and asked me about it. I responded that I had spent the academic year 1969-1970 at the University of Vienna. We continued to have some small talk about the city and he then said, "You know, those people in the camps weren't Children of Abraham. I love Jews! Those were Khazars." As if that somehow mattered.....
It's the old trope that Eastern European Jews aren't really Jews at all but descendants of the Khazar people whose ruling elite had converted to Judaism in the 700's. Thankfully, I never had to operate on this man. When he left, I seriously wondered if I had been visited by a demon.
Now it is: "I really like Jews. It's Israel I don't like." This is part of the "Creative Antisemitism" that has arisen among many virtue-signalers. Some even appear to be those affected with a twisted form of Stockholm Syndrome.
Israel has, on multiple occasions, engaged in "Land for Peace" initiatives, to no avail. The other side will only accept a land with NO JEWS. When faced with that, what has been Israel's response? Can you name one other country that has gone to such great lengths to limit civilian casualties? In the run up to D-Day, the Allies killed tens of thousands of French citizens in their bombing raids. But that is conveniently left out of the conversation. We would have peace in the Mideast TOMORROW if the Haters of Jews would stop sending rockets and terror squads against Israel.
The Breggins are absolutely correct: This is an attempt to sanitize hatred of Jews and should be seen as that.
Although I am not Jewish myself, two of my mother's first cousins were murdered in the Croatian Fascist Death Camp, Jasenovac, in the early 1940's. I can well understand how Israelis now want security and on their terms. They cannot trust any other nation or people to assure their security.
To me, hatred of Jews is really hatred of the God of the Bible. People can't do anything to God, but they can to the Jews, and feel good about themselves by doing it. Hiding behind Creative Antisemitism must be seen for what it is. It is no virtue, no matter what some may think.
Here's some additional points to ponder and make the haters heads explode:
1.All those you mention hated God and his moral code. They could not make war on God (as those at the Tower of Babel learned the hard way) so they make war on his proxies on this world, the Jewish people. Hitler was quite clear on this.
2. There are no "Palestinians" There has never been a people of that name and the only Palestine was Israel renamed to Palestine after defeat by the Roman Empire. Yasser Arafat, may he burn in hell was an Egyptian military officer recruited by the KGB to invent a mythical people and terrorist organization.
3. The 124 nations that voted against Israel today at the UN effectively signed their death warrants. The prophecy states that before the Jewish messiah arrives, the nations of the world will turn on Israel. By doing that, they will destroy themselves as God himself will intervene at a time of his choosing. They are dead nations walking.
This is Dr. Breggin, I have spent my entire life going back to high school, taking on bullies of my friends to prevent harm being done to innocents. Ginger and I have spent time defending Black children from massive injustice at the hands of psychiatry and eugenics when this was decidedly not the popular course of action. Now I am defending the right for Israel and its Jews to exist--and we are running into a deluge of thinly veiled hatred of the Jews. I am not accusing you, MDskeptic, personally of that (see his comment below accusing me of turning a blind eye on the suffering of innocents). I am talking about people who are constantly blaming Israel for fighting back, when It's enemies never stop attacking with the specific purpose of exterminating Israel and as many Jews as possible. Imagine living only a few seconds away from extinction at the hands of one or another Arab/Muslim nation, which could be Iran the moment it thinks its capable of dropping nuclear warheads on the nation. All the Muslim nations and the globalists want the destruction of Israel and Jews anywhere in the world. The people of Gaza who are suffering the most right now, are the long-term victims of Muslim leaders. They created the situation in 1948, when five Arab countries attacked Israel on the day after the country was officially founded. MDskeptic, if you haven't already, please read my entire paper, which is mostly 18 pages of historical analysis. But you have no right to throw something at me like I have a blind eye to the slaughter of innocents, when my eyes have been opened all my life to this. We are going to try to now use some of these criticisms that we receive as teaching moments most of which are covered in our paper. But where comments seem outrageously antisemitic or chaos inducing, we are going to be freely banning people. We have enormously positive responses to this paper from Christians and Jews, some in the media, who find some of the comments on this page to disgraceful to answer. We invite them to join in, as NewZealandDoc and some others have done. Those who wish to simply confuse the issues or to spread hatred of Israel or the Jews will be banned. For the rest, please join in to this important discussion.
I wish to call attention to this extraordinary paragraph in your extraordinary essay, which is:
"The Book of Ester also exemplifies how individual evildoers cause violent events in history — a reality denied by those who want to protect the elite global predators who are behind much of the increasing totalitarianism in the world today. Blaming the victim, whether it is the Jews, or the billions of people currently oppressed by the global predatory empires, is a ruse to point attention away from identifying the real aggressors atop the human hierarchy of authority."
There are many prominent so-called intellectuals who attempt to convince us that individuals have no power in the flow of historical events, that everything is the result of some kind of impersonal institutional or structural force in societies. I know that they are dead wrong.
My final note here is to say that people are people, everywhere, full of flaws and also the occasional aspiration towards an ideal of the Good. Perhaps the energies that are being poured into the 'glories' of transhumanism and vaccines should be directed towards the very realizable goal of our all living in peace together.
Very well articulated, Doc. I'm actually feeling much better about this whole situation after that insightful assertion. Although it's probably temporary once we're bombarded daily with what Is in fact the effects of such an elusive phenomenon.
Thank you, Doc~
I admire you Dr. Breggin. Bought and read your very important book. Was inspired by you in my early years of psychiatric training. But 2024 is not 1224 BC. Who can say how we will be judged 3200 years hence when we may rightly be accused of turning a blind eye to the slaughter of innocents?
This is Dr. Breggin, I have spent my entire life going back to high school, taking on bullies of my friends to prevent harm being done to innocents. Ginger and I have spent time defending Black children from massive injustice at the hands of psychiatry and eugenics when this was decidedly not the popular course of action. Now I am defending the right for Israel and its Jews to exist--and we are running into a deluge of thinly veiled hatred of the Jews. I am not accusing you, MDskeptic, personally of that. I am talking about people who are constantly blaming Israel for fighting back, when It's enemies never stop attacking with the specific purpose of exterminating Israel and as many Jews as possible. Imagine living only a few seconds away from extinction at the hands of one or another Arab/Muslim nation, which could be Iran the moment it thinks its capable of dropping nuclear warheads on the nation. All the Muslim nations and the globalists want the destruction of Israel and Jews anywhere in the world. The people of Gaza who are suffering the most right now, are the long-term victims of Muslim leaders. They created the situation in 1948, when five Arab countries attacked Israel on the day after the country was officially founded. MDskeptic, if you haven't already, please read my entire paper, which is mostly 18 pages of historical analysis. But you have no right to throw something at me like I have a blind eye to the slaughter of innocents, when my eyes have been opened all my life to this. We are going to try to now use some of these criticisms that we receive as teaching moments most of which are covered in our paper. But where comments seem outrageously antisemitic or chaos inducing, we are going to be freely banning people. We have enormously positive responses to this paper from Christians and Jews, some in the media, who find some of the comments on this page to disgraceful to answer. We invite them to join in, as NewZealandDoc and some others have done. Those who wish to simply confuse the issues or to spread hatred of Israel or the Jews will be banned. For the rest, please join in to this important discussion.
Israel is not doing itself any favours with it's actions in Gaza.
Whatever grievance the Arab states had towards Israel has been magnified significantly by their actions over the last 12 months.
Read this article again. But next time, put away your media biases.
That was pretty arrogant.
Zero media bias here, because I despise all of them.
Almighty God will preserve and protect His Chosen People, the Jewish People! All the enemies of Israel will be put to shame and perish in their way! Israel is the apple of God's eye. Whoever touches Israel touches the apple of His eye (see Zechariah 2:8). As Christians, we love and bless Israel! We pray for God's continued intervention and protection over all of Israel, in Yeshua's Mighty Name, Amen!! Israel is Forever!!! God bless you guys and thank you for sharing!!
Amen! 🙏🏼
As we say in Oz Pete; take a Bex, have a cup of tea & a good lie down. 👍🇦🇺
Nicely written and well detailed. Thank you for the effort. I can add pages more, but here are a few supplementary facts.
The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini was yassir arafat's uncle. Both EGYPTIAN's BTW! The mufti was a disciple of hitler's and met with hitler during WWII and was granted permission to do what he wanted with Jews in palestine and SS trainers were sent over to help. All the fake claims about Israel and Jews "since 1948..." magically neglect that fact and hundreds more facts. They also claim there was harmony between Jews and Muslims in mandate palestine. Not true, muslims carried out many pogroms, even before that.
Both Ford and GM built trucks and tank engines for the nazis in germany until the end of the war. The allies avoided bombing ford's plant until the end of the war. Both companies sued the US government for damages and won: Ford $40,000(?), GM millions. Yes - hitler literally had a huge photo of ford on the wall in his office and ford received some medal of honor from the nazis.
Also, the majority of Persians stand with Jews and love Israel and hate their government as much as much of the world does.
The ugly truth about life is that almost anyone in power is horribly corrupted or he wouldn't have sought so much power and even if he started in innocence he could not have succeeded without becoming corrupt. We are aware of what you are talking about and have often discussed it in various venues. ~ Peter Breggin
"I do not, and probably never will, agree that the Jews, despite being the chosen people (or not), are singled out for maltreatment, however. It can be a very tough life for all creatures, in fact."
Dear Goeff--In all sincerity did you ready the very abbreviated history I gave of the Jews being singled out for enslavement, slaughter or dispersal? It has happened hundreds of times or more. The only question is why, not if. So the next question is why would someone deny it? Afterall the Holocaust is just a few years around the corner and the threats of a new one are right in front of your eyes in the form of the Muslim empire. I leave you to answer that for yourself--why you deny the Jews have been singled out throughout their history.
Dr. Breggin, Thank you for your words of wisdom. I don’t pretend to be a scholar of the history of Israel but I do believe as evidenced in the Bible that God blesses those who serve Him. In the Bible it is clear that if you live in God’s will He directs all your paths. Like all believers we lose when we are out of God’s perfect will. Pray we will serve Him.
Thank you Dr. and Mrs. Breggin for writing this article. I believe Israel has the right to self-defense for its land and people, but have been troubled by the response of the Israeli forces before and on October 7. (The ignoring of intelligence, the reports of soldiers being told to stand down or delay response to the attack, etc.) The reminder that almost all leadership today is influenced or are part of the global elite, that the CIA and Mossad are globalist tools, and that Hamas is under Chinese, Iranian, Progressives and Western globalist influence helps clarify the reasons for the mess that is the Middle East today. As you rightly point out, it is the regular people on all sides that suffer from the power hunger of the elite.
Hi Carla, As Peter points out in his article-- we are also troubled by the behavior of the leadership in Israel and the global elite who are running the current US administration (whomever and the levers of power behind the puppet Biden and Kamala). And yes knowing the influences that are supporting and arming Hamas (China and Iran etc) helps to recognize the hand of the global elite in creating chaos in the middle east. ~ Ginger
After reading this article, and seeing the comments, I can see why having a complete understanding of the major world views and how it motivates people’s actions is so important. Brannon Howse, yourselves and many others have brought this into perspective and by doing so the big picture concerning this issue becomes more clear.
I personally think this article has done just that and it should give us reason to ponder on things before we jump to conclusions.
Thank you for your input and perspective.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His light shine upon you.
Thank you very much, John. ~ Peter
This is a COURAGEOUS and GREAT article. Thank you so much!
And the map — showing the true size of Israel and its neighbors, the rest of the world… great. The media almost never gives perspective— mainstream media and the “alternative media” … they just pan in, the camera close up and the audience thinks Israel is a huge country…
It’s fashionable today to hate the Jews and Israel. One can tell it’s Jew-Hatred and not critique because whenever most people talk about Israel or the Jews, they never talk about Israel’s reasoning nor why they take action as they do, nor what their history has been. It’s always, “Israel bad” no matter what action the country takes. In fact, evidence of this was made visible after Oct 7 when it was Israel in the wrong for “letting” Hamas butcher the victims and not Hamas, the butcherers, who were in the wrong for butchering…
Today, if one compiles all the jew-hatred on social media, the message being put out by the Jew Haters is this: Hitler was good. He didn’t finish the job. It’s now up to us to finish the job of ridding the earth of the Jews.
Israel and the Jews have no friends. They’re on their own.
NOTE TO THE JEW HATERS: please don’t respond to this, my message. You bore me.
They are collectivist too. They blame "yes all Jews" for the deeds of Soros and the Rothschilds. Wicked individuals.
A big problem I notice is people on both the Right and the Left want to lump humanity into collectives. These groups are to be blamed and scapegoated for everything wrong with the world.
"Members from my group are all fine people. Members in Group X are intrinsically evil and irredeemable." Usually this state of being pure evil is linked to some immutable characteristic. Being a man. Being a woman. Being White. Being ugly or weak. Being a non-White.
And Jews get it from both ends. Especially the alt right. They aren't angry at them for anything in particular that they do but rather their existence and being Jewish. Not as if they could change their ethnicity even if they wanted to.
Reminds me of psychiatry. Lumping all individuals diagnosed as "SMI" in a collective, monolithic mass. Yelling about how dangerous they all are every time a weird crime occurs.
excellent paper but stand by, you will be attacked for bravery and people with a one sided view will not take time to read and think...this is why this issue is so intractable...yet there is a truth there
God bless you Paul Alexander! You are one of the great truthtellers of our time and we love you. ~ Peter and Ginger
For thousands of years there have been many “tents” in Judaism as there are today, Hasidic, reformed, conservative and so on. Then there are secular, ethnic and religious Jews.
It’s very nuanced and has been.
It’s the hard-hearted folks that were and still are a catastrophe for humanity.
God bless and love God, self and neighbor.
Excellent history and well written. But I was in Miami Florida recently and I saw at least SEVEN Jews there. There could be more, I think.
Many of the comments to this piece are confusing to me. I wrote about it extensively in my own substack soon after the atrocities of last October:
In the early 1980"s a tall, silver haired gentleman came to my medical office for a consultation. I can't remember the reason. He was about 6'4'', solid as a rock and extremely polished. He saw a map of Medieval Vienna in my waiting room and asked me about it. I responded that I had spent the academic year 1969-1970 at the University of Vienna. We continued to have some small talk about the city and he then said, "You know, those people in the camps weren't Children of Abraham. I love Jews! Those were Khazars." As if that somehow mattered.....
It's the old trope that Eastern European Jews aren't really Jews at all but descendants of the Khazar people whose ruling elite had converted to Judaism in the 700's. Thankfully, I never had to operate on this man. When he left, I seriously wondered if I had been visited by a demon.
Now it is: "I really like Jews. It's Israel I don't like." This is part of the "Creative Antisemitism" that has arisen among many virtue-signalers. Some even appear to be those affected with a twisted form of Stockholm Syndrome.
Israel has, on multiple occasions, engaged in "Land for Peace" initiatives, to no avail. The other side will only accept a land with NO JEWS. When faced with that, what has been Israel's response? Can you name one other country that has gone to such great lengths to limit civilian casualties? In the run up to D-Day, the Allies killed tens of thousands of French citizens in their bombing raids. But that is conveniently left out of the conversation. We would have peace in the Mideast TOMORROW if the Haters of Jews would stop sending rockets and terror squads against Israel.
The Breggins are absolutely correct: This is an attempt to sanitize hatred of Jews and should be seen as that.
Although I am not Jewish myself, two of my mother's first cousins were murdered in the Croatian Fascist Death Camp, Jasenovac, in the early 1940's. I can well understand how Israelis now want security and on their terms. They cannot trust any other nation or people to assure their security.
To me, hatred of Jews is really hatred of the God of the Bible. People can't do anything to God, but they can to the Jews, and feel good about themselves by doing it. Hiding behind Creative Antisemitism must be seen for what it is. It is no virtue, no matter what some may think.
Good piece.
Here's some additional points to ponder and make the haters heads explode:
1.All those you mention hated God and his moral code. They could not make war on God (as those at the Tower of Babel learned the hard way) so they make war on his proxies on this world, the Jewish people. Hitler was quite clear on this.
2. There are no "Palestinians" There has never been a people of that name and the only Palestine was Israel renamed to Palestine after defeat by the Roman Empire. Yasser Arafat, may he burn in hell was an Egyptian military officer recruited by the KGB to invent a mythical people and terrorist organization.
3. The 124 nations that voted against Israel today at the UN effectively signed their death warrants. The prophecy states that before the Jewish messiah arrives, the nations of the world will turn on Israel. By doing that, they will destroy themselves as God himself will intervene at a time of his choosing. They are dead nations walking.