I think you've got this backwards, Dr. Breggin. (I have your book, BTW.) Israel has been acting as a Predator from its inception. I don't see the current state as having any connection to Jewish morality. It is the same settler mentality that has always infected Western imperialist powers.

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I think our article gives a far more subtle and complete explanation. Read it again. ~ Ginger Breggin

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Israel helped to build up Hamas in order to split the Palestinian resistance.

Regarding what happened on October the 7th under the Hannibal Directive the IDF killed a substantial number of the Israelies to prevent them being taken hostage.

What the UN Secretary General said about October the 7th is a realistic and balanced account.

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"Israel helped to build up Hamas in order to split the Palestinian resistance."

That's similar to what went on during WW2, i.e., both Germany and the USSR were built up and supported by bankers and industrialists based primarily in New york and London for the purpose of inciting a holocaust of Christians, which is exactly what happened.

Once Russia and Germany were exhausted, they were easy picking for the globalist mafia and as Max Nordau described in his book "Degeneration," we've been living with the results for some time now, and it ain't purdy!!!

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I shall have to read that book. In the same vein what is happening in the Ukraine is similar 600,000 Ukranian Christians, or mainly Christians, plus tens of thousands of Russian Christians.

Before that another holocaust (not trade marked) which is seldom mentioned is the "Russian Revolution" of the Bolshevik/NKVD, who were mainly Jews and who reportedly slaughtered up to 40 million Russian Christians and 6 million Ukrainian Christians.

According to Aleksander Solzhenitsyn the Jews created and ran the Soviet concentration camps.

That´sure is right - it ain´t purdy!

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So often we are rebutted with outrageous statements but without a shred of any kind of documentation or reference. Where is Solzhenitsyn s quote? Where is the scholarship showing Bolsheviks were “mainly Jews” I have no doubt the Bolsheviks slaughtered huge numbers of people. We say in our article

“ Christianity and Judaism on the Extermination Block

At this critical moment in history, Christianity and Judaism are scheduled for destruction by a growing global tyranny that hates everything that is good about the Judeo-Christian God and the intrinsic worth of the human beings He made in His image. The globalists and their empires must destroy Judaism and Christianity as the last major bulwarks against their totalitarian ambitions for the world.”

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Hah! This discussion could go on and on. Here goes regarding the Bolsheviks:

1918 American Ambassador in Russia - "The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 89 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are Internationalists and they are trying to start aworldwide social revolution.

1918 the Robert Wilton of London Times made a table of the 384 commissars - 2 Negroes, 13 Russians, 15 Chinese, 22 Armenian,and more than 300 Jews.

1920 Winston Churchill in the Illustrated Sunday Herald . "There is no need to

exxagerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews..."

Aleksander Solzhenitsyn the Gulag Archipelago II refers to the 6 leading administrators.

The history is all very interesting but the present is what really matters

The Global Predators and We Are the Prey is what it is.

Chtistianity and Judaism on the Extermination Block, and not only them.

To conclude I wish to find factual information which remains open to question all the time.

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Remember how the citizens of Israel were treated when the mRNA shots came out? Those who refused them were treated horribly and threatened. Netanyahu was prime minister at the time.

I admit to being very confused. A lot of people are full of hatred towards Jews. On both sides of the political aisle. It's demonic.

I'm pro-Israel as far as its citizens go. It's just that the Israeli government has sold out its citizens to the global predators. Like all the other governments in the world.

Love this article. God bless you, Dr. Breggin and Ginger.

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"Where is the scholarship showing Bolsheviks were “mainly Jews...?"

Are you kidding?

FYI, the worst of the German concentration camp "Kapos" was a Jew and the son of a prominent Zionist at that!

A Jewish Kapo in Auschwitz

History, Memory, and the Politics of Survival

Tuvia Friling

Eliezer Gruenbaum (1908–1948) was a Polish Jew denounced for serving as a Kapo while interned at Auschwitz. He was the communist son of Itzhak Gruenbaum, the most prominent secular leader of interwar Polish Jewry [who served as the head of the Radical Zionist faction, known in Poland as Al Hamishmar, and who] later became the chairman of the Jewish Agency’s Rescue Committee during the Holocaust and Israel’s first minister of the interior. In light of the father’s high placement in both Polish and Israeli politics, the denunciation of the younger Gruenbaum and his suspicious death during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war add intrigue to a controversy that really centers on the question of what constitutes—and how do we evaluate—moral behavior in Auschwitz. Gruenbaum—a Jewish Kapo, a communist, an anti-Zionist, a secularist, and the son of a polarizing Zionist leader—became a symbol exploited by opponents of the movements to which he was linked. Sorting through this Rashomon-like story within the cultural and political contexts in which Gruenbaum operated, Friling illuminates key debates that rent the Jewish community in Europe and Israel from the 1930s to the 1960s.


It does not take much "scholaship,' but only a little peeking behind the curtain, to disabuse oneself of the need for lamentation about "extermination" by the nasty goyim. It's quite apparent that the "Jews" themselves (whatever they are) are infested with people who call themselves Jews and are terrorists against their own people.

Now, before anyone jumps to label me an "anti-Semite," I' pro-Palestinian (they are mostly "Semites" ) and I have had a life of dealing with Jewish physicians and business people and I admire and trust every one of them I've dealt with because they have all been trutworthy, generous, "salt of the Earth." I would prefer to deal with Jewish doctors (except surgeons, where the goyim generally outshine them) and businessmen than with a goy any day. In business, you can trust a jew, but the goyim are just plain dumb, as a rule.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs ago

While the book is correct about the ongoing degeneration in Western societies, it contains precious few insights. It's wordy, turgid, repetetitive and full of petty, rambling complaints about others. I wouldn't recommend wasting much time on the thing.

BTW, Solzenhitsyn (as did Hitler who had the "brazen audacity", e.g., to burn piles of pornographic garbage) also had a few things to say about degeneration as you likely already appreciate.

" There are meaningful warnings which history gives a threatened or perishing society. Such are, for instance, the decadence of art, or a lack of great statesmen."


[Edited for spelling errors]

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The communists did. Communism is an ideology. Just like fascism. Or global technocracy.

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Marxist "communism" is fascism on steroids. Little more than variations on a theme.

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30 mins ago·edited 30 mins ago

In response to your suggestion, I went back and looked deeper into your article, which I found quite painful to do, as I very much disagree with your key assumptions. Especially the conflation of Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism. This canard was invented by Israeli propagandists and promoted by ADL and AIPAC to the point it has been adopted by Congress. Many Jews, including myself, vehemently disagree with Zionism and the racism inherent in having an ethnostate. I see what you're describing as Anti-Semitism as people expressing their humanity protesting the inhumanity of Israel. That's not anti-Jewish...

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I'm interested in this perspective. It's been a challenge for me to decipher with some rational explanation, as well. But the only thing I can come together with is - that not all Jewish things are the same. And it's relevant to the current situation in Israel. But that's my interpretation. It helps the medicine go down a bit less bitter. I compared this to the Many different sections of Christianity and so forth.

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what should they do if attacked?

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If who's attacked, Dr?

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What TV BS do you listen to???

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Yeah - like you know something.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Having fought for Israel (albeit 50 years ago), let me suggest that all that would be necessary for permanent peace in the middle east would be for every moslem to lay down their arms. "Just sayin," Dog.

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Love them horns…

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I was responding to dumbass David. What are you responding to?

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see issue is Breggn wrote some good stuff here and when folk dont agree, the smear and slander...we can have different opinions. its ok. we dont need attack each other

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We need to move on. Let Israel die. I'm done with their forever wars, their perpetual begging bowl, their victimhood. Once you get off the reservation and cure yourself of the official narrative, you see the world as it is. Israel is killing America.

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Yeah. How about the fact that the US military industrial complex relies on Israel as a market for their products? The "aid" (it's not) Israel receives can only be used to buy US weapons.

Oh and Egypt gets $Billions in US "aid" for its military too.

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You must be making a point, but I think you are in favor of ending giving my tax dollars to Israel and anyone else foreign, so it can be recycled back to MIC after the locals have banked 20% and 10% is diverted for The Big Guy, 10% for AIPAC, etc.

So if Isreal dies hard, then we don't need to bribe Egypt and we can jail Nuland, Blinken, Mayorkas and co.

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Pointing out that Israel isn't killing America, the corrupt politicians and globalists are. You probably know that but need to aim your hate somewhere. Yeah Egypt is innocent and needs to be bribed - that's funny.

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Oh no!! He used the "hate" word on me!!! Screaming in pain as he knifes me in the back!! Israel is bleeding America dry, and using our money to buy Congress and drag us into endless wars. Israel needs to be cut loose, left to die. Everyone who wants to be involved in the fight needs to go there and pick up a rifle. I'll hold your beer.

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21 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I wish to call attention to this extraordinary paragraph in your extraordinary essay, which is:

"The Book of Ester also exemplifies how individual evildoers cause violent events in history — a reality denied by those who want to protect the elite global predators who are behind much of the increasing totalitarianism in the world today. Blaming the victim, whether it is the Jews, or the billions of people currently oppressed by the global predatory empires, is a ruse to point attention away from identifying the real aggressors atop the human hierarchy of authority."

There are many prominent so-called intellectuals who attempt to convince us that individuals have no power in the flow of historical events, that everything is the result of some kind of impersonal institutional or structural force in societies. I know that they are dead wrong.

My final note here is to say that people are people, everywhere, full of flaws and also the occasional aspiration towards an ideal of the Good. Perhaps the energies that are being poured into the 'glories' of transhumanism and vaccines should be directed towards the very realizable goal of our all living in peace together.

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Thank you, Doc~

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Very well articulated, Doc. I'm actually feeling much better about this whole situation after that insightful assertion. Although it's probably temporary once we're bombarded daily with what Is in fact the effects of such an elusive phenomenon.

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I admire you Dr. Breggin. Bought and read your very important book. Was inspired by you in my early years of psychiatric training. But 2024 is not 1224 BC. Who can say how we will be judged 3200 years hence when we may rightly be accused of turning a blind eye to the slaughter of innocents?

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Dr. Breggin, you ought to have a 3-4 hr discussion with each of the following separately - Ilan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, and Mike Peled.

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Uri Avnery too.

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Better to be silent and thought the fool than to speak and remove all doubt. You are clueless following those demented revisionists.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Dr. Breggin, Thank you for your words of wisdom. I don’t pretend to be a scholar of the history of Israel but I do believe as evidenced in the Bible that God blesses those who serve Him. In the Bible it is clear that if you live in God’s will He directs all your paths. Like all believers we lose when we are out of God’s perfect will. Pray we will serve Him.

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17 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Almighty God will preserve and protect His Chosen People, the Jewish People! All the enemies of Israel will be put to shame and perish in their way! Israel is the apple of God's eye. Whoever touches Israel touches the apple of His eye (see Zechariah 2:8). As Christians, we love and bless Israel! We pray for God's continued intervention and protection over all of Israel, in Yeshua's Mighty Name, Amen!! Israel is Forever!!! God bless you guys and thank you for sharing!!

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21 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

For thousands of years there have been many “tents” in Judaism as there are today, Hasidic, reformed, conservative and so on. Then there are secular, ethnic and religious Jews.

It’s very nuanced and has been.

It’s the hard-hearted folks that were and still are a catastrophe for humanity.

God bless and love God, self and neighbor.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Excellent history and well written. But I was in Miami Florida recently and I saw at least SEVEN Jews there. There could be more, I think.

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Try Miami Beach and the "suburbs."

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6 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

This is a COURAGEOUS and GREAT article. Thank you so much!

And the map — showing the true size of Israel and its neighbors, the rest of the world… great. The media almost never gives perspective— mainstream media and the “alternative media” … they just pan in, the camera close up and the audience thinks Israel is a huge country…

It’s fashionable today to hate the Jews and Israel. One can tell it’s Jew-Hatred and not critique because whenever most people talk about Israel or the Jews, they never talk about Israel’s reasoning nor why they take action as they do, nor what their history has been. It’s always, “Israel bad” no matter what action the country takes. In fact, evidence of this was made visible after Oct 7 when it was Israel in the wrong for “letting” Hamas butcher the victims and not Hamas, the butcherers, who were in the wrong for butchering…

Today, if one compiles all the jew-hatred on social media, the message being put out by the Jew Haters is this: Hitler was good. He didn’t finish the job. It’s now up to us to finish the job of ridding the earth of the Jews.

Israel and the Jews have no friends. They’re on their own.

NOTE TO THE JEW HATERS: please don’t respond to this, my message. You bore me.

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1 hr ago·edited 42 mins ago

They are collectivist too. They blame "yes all Jews" for the deeds of Soros and the Rothschilds. Wicked individuals.

A big problem I notice is people on both the Right and the Left want to lump humanity into collectives. These groups are to be blamed and scapegoated for everything wrong with the world.

"Members from my group are all fine people. Members in Group X are intrinsically evil and irredeemable." Usually this state of being pure evil is linked to some immutable characteristic. Being a man. Being a woman. Being White. Being ugly or weak. Being a non-White.

And Jews get it from both ends. Especially the alt right. They aren't angry at them for anything in particular that they do but rather their existence and being Jewish. Not as if they could change their ethnicity even if they wanted to.

Reminds me of psychiatry. Lumping all individuals diagnosed as "SMI" in a collective, monolithic mass. Yelling about how dangerous they all are every time a weird crime occurs.

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22 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Other than that, this is a great article. Very thorough and historical. And most importantly, true - mostly lol

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21 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Sorry Dog. I was responding to David. I got disoriented in the fog of meme war.

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This may be of passing interest regarding the numbers of Jews and the WW II "Holocaust":

Official numbers in 1933 in Germany 523,000 and in 1938 in Austria 181,882. Towards the end of 1939 approx. 282,000 had emigrated from Germany and approx. 117,000 had emigrated from Austria.

The Wannsee Conference in 1942 estimated approx. 4,50 million under German control.

According to the German Ministry of Finanace by 1987 claims from survivors reached 4,384,138.

Norman Finkelstein, whose parents survived the "Holocaust", wrote a book about this industry.

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One of the ways to belittle the Holocaust is to misrepresent the numbers of Jews murdered by the globalist German Nazi regime during WWII. You give away your prejudice with your italics around 'Holocaust.' Even the smallest look at resources informs us that Jews were not only exterminated from Germany and Austria. The Jews were extracted from Poland, France, and many other locations. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/documenting-numbers-of-victims-of-the-holocaust-and-nazi-persecution

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20 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you for your reply. I had a quick look at the site. The first time and I am not surprised.

The Leuchter Report is worth reading. Also the book 6 million Fact or Fiction.

We agree to differ otherwise I do not think we differ insofar as none of this should have happened whatever the numbers.

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One of the way to inflate the claims of a holocaust is to inflate the number of Jewish people involved. Thank goodness there are some people who care about the truth. :

“Allowing for a maximum of 100,000 who succeeded in emigrating from Europe, this would bring the total number of Jews under the direct rule of Nazi Germany to about 3,200,000.”

Distribution of the Jewish Population of Europe 1933-. 1940," prepared by Mr. Moses Moskowitz

AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK 1941-1942, page 662


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The numbers game - after WW II the Soviets erected a plaque at Auschwitz which declared: 4 MILLION PEOPLE SUFFERED AND DIED HERE AT THE HANDS OF THE NAZI MURDERERS BETWEEN THE YEARS 1940 AND 1945.



So there we go...

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Speaking of Auschwitz, arguasbly the worst of the kapos there was a Commie, who according to the book I mentioned above, "A Jewish Kapo in Auschwitz," savagely beat fellow Jews to death there.

There is so much more to the story than "we (alone) are singled out for extermination."

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No, you're wrong. Hatred for Donald Trump is NOT "universal" In countries that have not been globalized, he's a friend, eg. Romania. Even Putin respects him. And Netanyahu. Of course he, and every good leaders, is hated by the globalists. But don't say "universally hated" because you're feeding in to fake news, exaggeration, and it gives off the connotation that can be exploited - and it bothers me to no end.


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That's an interesting point, we would edit it, but we said 'almost universal among people in power...' but thanks for your concern

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21 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Sadly, it is so very true. Those that like President Trump are quiet because we do not want a big meltdown from people or person.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

And Hungary, Orban loves Trump

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21 hrs agoLiked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Orban is brave. I commend him for facing down the EU.

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I wish it were so. The masses here literally "hate" him. - as if he is satan or the devil.

It is really sickening and horrible.

This election is not going to go well. The left will steal another election. I am almost certain of it. We need to focus on what we can do to prevent more damage around the world with a stupid ignorant slut (haha think Saturday Night Live in the 80s) and Tampon Tim.

We will have to fight very hard.

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I think the media lead us to think "the masses" literally "hate" him.... we are misled by the legacy media~

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The media does shape how many people think. Even now.

During 2020 they turned us against each other over a bad flu bug.

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"we are misled by the legacy media~"

And by many other institutions and individuals as well.

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I believe the globalists hate one another. It's not love or friendship uniting them but fear of being found out, greed, and lust for power.

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Israel is not doing itself any favours with it's actions in Gaza.

Whatever grievance the Arab states had towards Israel has been magnified significantly by their actions over the last 12 months.

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Read this article again. But next time, put away your media biases.

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That was pretty arrogant.

Zero media bias here, because I despise all of them.

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I stopped reading when you wrote about Jesus being a teacher. Jesus is the Messiah. Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms testify to that Truth.

There is no justification for the current genocide being perpetrated by the Jews.

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