Aug 4Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I was just listening to Dr. Chris Shoemaker, M.D. in "An Injection of Truth" Town Hall from June 17th 2024. He speaks at 1:47:35 here: https://odysee.com/@SubversionDiversion:8/An-Injection-Of-Truth-Town-Hall-20240617:7 (best copy reencoded), along with Dan Hartman, Dr. Eric Payne, M.D., Dr. David J. Speicher, Dr. Byram W. Bridle, Dr. Mark Trozzi, M.D., and Dr. William Makis, M.D..

Many people are unaware that he and the both of you and the other Doctors above are still under unrelenting attack and the powers that be are gearing up for the next attack wave! We can never back down!

Thank you so much for your tireless hard work! Generations to come will learn of your heroism and the tragic failures that happen when bad people run the world, hopefully never to happen again!

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Aug 5Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Beautiful interview with this courageous man. Thank you.The malice of these professional boards in censoring and stripping good people of their licenses is so difficult to comprehend. Treating the vaccine-injured with ivermectin and the Cleveland Clinic observational study is such important information.

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“Professional Boards”.

In Canada they are private and corporate turn. Staffed by lawyers, not doctors.

I have not done research on Amurdica, but I assume it is the same.

My we have been distracted by a lot of circuses for a very long time. Trusted our children to these “ professionals” we never “had time” to double check.

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Aug 5Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thankyou AGAIN! I listened to you chat with Sasha Latypova which was stunning.

Doctor Chris gave the most important facts which I will attempt to memorise so that they can be given to people in conversation. I will re listen to this one as well. God’s peace and protection to you all.

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Aug 5Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

It is an admirable thing you do to study so you can inform people who are not medically oriented about the dangers we are continuing to face. Mainstream media and public health experts are failing us in so many ways.

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Aug 5Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Dr. Shoemaker has been such a strong voice for truth! It's wonderful to get his updates and perspective; thank you for this! Unbelievable that the world is still so upside down.

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Aug 5Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Stunning information throughout the interview, Dr. Shoemaker is a warrior for truth. Thanks for exposing his plight. He is a wonderful doctor and an inspiration!

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"The truth is hate to those who hate the truth"

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