Amazing to see the hate trump crowd come out of the woodwork. And not a single piece of evidence offered to support the nasty vitriol. I’m going to clean house now.
They are insidious, persistent and dedicated. To disruption, discord, divisiveness, subversion and gaslit confusion. They mock their targets by accusing them of what they do.
Of course their agents swarm to your alerts about them, attempting to obscure the message and replace it with their own chaos.
"I'm going to clean house now" appears to be a euphemism for censorship. I never would have imagined that the Breggins would actively censor comments to their substack articles because of differing opinions. I have personally witnessed you blocking users for having a different opinion about Trump and there wasn't any "nasty vitriol" about many of the comments left on this article and many of your other substack articles.
It is extremely disheartening to see so-called freedom fighters use the totalitarian tool of censorship to silence anyone with a different opinion.
They are people who have lost hope and are willing to subjugate themselves and the rest of us to more of the same. Sorry I am not going along for that ride straight to hell. I refuse to give up hope and know this is a spiritual battle that must be one to keep us from slipping over to the dark side.
censorship eh, well well, I guess it shouldn't be surprising.
You make the plea that we all make hoping against hope that Mr. T is actually the good billionaire that will save us from his evil friends. That worked didn't it. Ha.
Now we see that the Jews choice will be exactly the man to ring in their golden age of global governance. They've been at this a long time. Do your really think uncle heimy will drain the swamp & hang the witch this time?
My 0.02$ : The state doesn't miss. When they want you dead, you are dead. DJT has been selected for us in 2024 and he will fix exactly none of the global evils his trusting supporters have been hoping he will tackle.
I agree! I was guided by our our Creator to vote for DJT in 2016. I changed from an Independent to Republican so I could vote for him in the primaries. Anyone who can see and hear him speak...and think he is anything, but a true American...have to be brain-dead! They have no inner guidance.
His opposition with the faux Russian Collusion charges during his presidency wasted his time and cost taxpayers a great deal of money. He was hated by the Democrats and the he wasn't a politician. It was. difficult going to Washington and being thrust into a. pit of vipers (mindless snakes who strike without warning).
He will come with the solution to sexual abuse and trafficking of children and illegal aliens: Digital ID. We need less centralization and not more but all roads, liberal and conservative, left and right, lead to the same surveillance and control state.
Go read a few reports on (RRN) and see if provides another perspective. If you think RRN is fiction then do one more thing - search (Q) for Oprah Winfrey and notice the dates reported and remember when Oprah took a sabbatical for a week or so and VOILA! AMAZING!! Oprah had lost about 1/2 of her body weight "with a new diet." in days. AI Oprah? Body double? For comparison, early last year I did a total 7 day fast (only salt and water) - NO FOOD or calories. I lost 7% of my body weight. Per Dr. Breggin they have vast resources and minions everywhere. Maybe some ARE being arrested.
Trump has the support of the people, but the enemy has everything else, including a criminally captured election system, deep state, SCYTL, Edison Research. These cannot be overcome in the election and there is no plan in DJT's offense to counter these things. Dominion voting machines again? They will only deliver one result - a middle of the night win for Karmala that no one sees coming, just like last time, the election was altered overnight while everyone slept. Then, we were presented with the "office of the president elect" as a cabal headed by Obama installed Biden and rigged the courts against discovery of election fraud evidence.
Still, we must use every remedy at our disposal, no matter how rigged the system may be. For "we do not wrestle with flesh and blood" but the demonic powers of hell. And the Omnipotent One is on the side of the righteous.
Let us see what happens in Venezuela, where they are now saying they have proof of election fraud and theft. It would be good to see the people oust Maduro. Maybe it is a test run for what could happen in the US, should we see a similar outcome. Everyone knows not to believe polls showing Pres. Trump and Karmala in a dead heat. Those polls do not have RFK Jr factored in. The media is so dead set against any third party candidates running. Our collective faith in God must be well founded, for it shall be tested to the max, in these coming months.
Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin, thank you for your articles on Substack. They have been a great help and provide so much valuable insight & information that I have benefited from in many ways. I appreciate this letter to Donald Trump, and have supported Trump, but I have some serious questions and would love your honest thoughts and opinions.
Why has Trump not said anything about Operation Warp Speed and the Covid vaccines? Surely he knows how dangerous they are now.
Why did he choose JD Vance as VP when he has extensive financial ties to big pharma and vaccines?
After the “assassination attempt “ why and how did Trump not have any blood on his hand? The video clearly shows his fist and open hand completely clean. He stated specifically both in his RNC speech and a FOX interview that he had blood all over his hand. That is clearly not true. Why is he lying about that? The whole “assassination attempt” seemed off and things just didn’t make sense. Very much like the beginning of the Covid situation, when things just did not make sense and it was shocking to see the truth of what was really happening. I have the same feeling with Trump now, even though I have supported much of what he has done. Something isn’t right. And it’s more than the Secret Service issues. That is so obvious that even someone like me who knows nothing about security can see that it was set up. But what are “they” really trying to cover up?
Regarding the video: It is easy to use AI to remove some aspect of a scene from a video. It's easy to remove a blotch of blood from a video. See the above tutorial.
any attempted assassination of a public official, let alone a President and current major candidate running for office, is an utmost serious crime and needs to be treated with gravitas. The cries of fake or staged are disrespectful of the office and smack of hatred.
Of course, "something is not right"--- a President of the United States and candidate for President of the US has just survived an assassination attempt. What administration is in office now and is responsible for the Secret Service and the quality of their work?
they are all deep state because they are all zionists and zionists own and run the USDS (thats the us deep state) & they own and operate Trump.
Gaza is an open air prison, Genocide is playing out for the world to see.
Israel is not a country its a criminal enterprise and Mr. T will be the greatest in a line of useful idiots on the long march bringing noahide law to your neighbourhood. Obviously there really was no choice. Americans must take their republic back, it won't be handed to them by this political creature or any other. Prove me wrong uncle heimy. I mean for God's sake, RFK is focused narrowly on fruit loops red dye, seriously, these guys are all on their knees at nuttyahoo's feet ?? wtf. Musk, well we know he is a Darpa creation, following the psychopath Gates as "the world's richest self-made man" meme so add it all up bitchez
A lot of people are trying to fashion narratives about the assassination attempt on President Trump ... but the only thing that is conclusive is that the assassination attempt should never have been allowed to happen ... but it was ...
The evidence that Trump being grazed by a bullet is fake, is extremely flimsy ... look hard ... one of the Secret Service agents is holding a bloodied towel ... it is likely, that while Trump was on the ground, he held the towel to his ear himself, and could easily have wiped most of the blood off his hand ...
Trump's ear seems to have completely healed now ... with hardly a scar ... indicating it was only a very minor graze of his ear ... if he were trying to hide anything, it would have been very easy for him to wear a small dressing over the top edge of his ear for a few more weeks ...
As to Vance ... 'Deep State' footprints are all over his bank account ... and I have severe reservations about him as VP ... I think Josh Hawley would have been a better choice ... but the bottom line ... for the good people of this planet ... Trump is all we have ... the battle is now ... and we have to stop the 'Deep State' triggering WWIII ... another 'plandemic' ... and 'The Great Depression 2.0 ... before Nov
I appreciate your insight here. I truly just want to know the truth and still have questions. I don’t want to go with Trump just because he’s all we have. If he is part of the corruption, we just need a whole new plan. It’s possible Trump could have wiped off his hand but that doesn’t seem likely or practical to me. So many things just don’t make sense to me so I’m going to keep questioning. I hope questions are still ok, even when it comes to Trump.
Everything must be questioned ... I have serious reservations/issues with Trump ... but he is the guy that has stood up to the plate when he realized his country was being destroyed ...
I would have preferred Tucker Carlson or Candace Owens as VP ... I hope Trump is not making the same mistake he made in his first term ... choosing the wrong people ...
Trump is either 'controlled opposition' ... or he's not ... and why would he have put himself through what he has gone through, if he was ...
Trump has proven himself to be one of the most resilient men in history ... and I fear what would have happened if he had been assassinated ...
We are at the most dangerous point in history ... as far as 'good' vs 'evil' ... and it would appear that Trump has somehow been chosen to be that person ...
Far from perfect ... but that's the World we live in at the moment ... and, if we want to keep living in it ... we need to overcome the evil that is engulfing us ... by waking up to what is really going on ... and calling it out ... very soon ...
I am very glad the Breggin's have written this letter ... thank you ...
Candace Owens has proved just what my gut has said about her from the beginning. She is a mouthpiece and that is all. She knows what to say to get her audience. She went way off into jewish hatred and my gut instinct was proven then and since why it has never been wrong.
jewish hatred? Why is calling out jewish crimes including genocide somehow hatred? The fact that she has not been tapped for service in the T admin tells you all you need to know
And what experience and background could Candace Owens possibly have to serve in any government job? I know the answer. NONE. Too many people have bought into the Candace Owens PR persona not looking at where she rose up from or her education and experience for which she has none. Candace Owens is only qualified in Candace Owens' head for a job.
It is easy to use AI to remove some aspect of a scene from a video. Easy to remove a blotch of blood from a hand to discredit President Trump.
any attempted assassination of a public official, let alone a President and current major candidate running for office, is an utmost serious crime and needs to be treated with gravitas. The cries of fake or staged are disrespectful of the office and smack of hatred.
Of course, "something is not right"--- a President of the United States and candidate for President of the US has just survived an assassination attempt. What administration is in office now and is responsible for the Secret Service and the quality of their work?
Are we privy to what gear the SS carries when performing close personal security? ~ grb
US deep state run by the goons that want him in office, ergo, it was not them that organised the hit, clearly an inside job using elements of the SS, my money is on the Cankles Clinton witch, a little personal vendetta? Rumor is they are great friends and it was a great side-show anyway. I'm keenly aware that there is fighting amongst the demons in hell, I mean here, since hell has been emptied, but let's face it, he did nothing the first time, he owns the clot-shot, the color revolution in jewkraine, the failure to build a border wall and the final insult; "ah the clintons are good people, they've been through a lot", his mandate by the american people was to hang the witch and end the globalist / deep state skin-trade, which, as you know is and historically always has been, in the hands of you know who. FFS man look who owns porn hub
Also, with regard to the amount of blood, Trump clearly overstated how much there was. But view this video by a doctor who explains that (contrary to what Trump said) the upper ear doesn't actually bleed very much because it is mostly cartilage:
Dr. Suneel Dhand: MEDICAL OPINION: What REALLY happened to President Trump?
“… from a medical standpoint the ear is made of cartilage, so it is not as full of blood vessels, arteries, veins as many other parts of the body, so even if there is not full penetration there won’t be catastrophic bleeding usually from an ear injury. So typically it’s something that can be fixed in a local emergency care facility, and it appears that that is exactly what happened….”
Dr. Suneel Dhand is giving a medical opinion of a patient he has never examined. Questionable at best. Please see in my column, the formal medical opinion of Trump's White House physician (who also served in the Obama White House) who examined him the evening of the assassination attempt and has accompanied him and attended him as a physician ever since. Also see Heather B's column I mention in my pinned comment at the beginning of the comment thread here is her link, again
With all due respect, Dr. Dhand is merely describing a feature of the cartilaginous parts of the human ear that would presumably be quite similar from person to person (fewer blood vessels/veins in that location). Such a statement merely requires a doctor's knowledge of ear anatomy in general. He's not saying anything unique to Trump.
Those who are inclined to think that Trump somehow "faked" the attack are not going to be persuaded by verbal assurances from his personal physician (a fellow Republican politician) alone. As a physician with no connection to Trump, Dr. Dhand provides a comparatively "objective" explanation for why the bleeding might not have been as heavy as many viewers thought it would have been.
Fair enough, Nemo. Those who argue that President Trump's statements that there is "alot of blood" in contrast to Dr. Dhand or another need to take into account that President Trump, in contrast to the physician, has just been shot, and "alot of blood" may be subjective and may vary in definition if it is oneself who is bleeding after being shot. There certainly was blood, all over the ear, running down his face, on his shirt, on the towel, and on his hand.
Sorry to disappoint you but the week before Trump was shot in the ear, my husband, a logger, fell down a hill where he was dragging trees out with a cable. His upper ear was torn by blackberry thorns and a piece of skin the size of a quarter was left hanging off still attached by about 3mm of tissue. He has paramedic training and applied pressure pushing the skin back in place. When he got back home, it was still bleeding profusely. I could see that stitches were not possible because there was not enough skin to cover the cartilage that was poking out. Much like the face, the ear bleeds a lot!
Why do you assume this information would "disappoint" me? I'm interested in getting at the truth. From the photos I've seen of Trump's ear since removing the bandage, any injury to it had to have been extremely minor, as there doesn't seem to be any discernible damage visible in the pictures after only about two weeks.
I'm not denying that he was shot. I'm just trying to take an honest look at what we are seeing. My initial impression was that there didn't seem to be enough blood flow despite no pressure being applied, but I have seen two sources that say the cartilaginous part of the ear doesn't bleed as much. And seeing the way his ear looks now, I can only conclude that, if he was indeed shot, the bullet just barely grazed his ear and any external physical damage from that contact had to have been minuscule. (This is not to deny that such an otherwise "minor" grazing could potentially still result in other significant harms like hearing damage or psychological trauma.)
But I do think there are many very powerful people who want him dead. On the other hand, to suppose it was a hoax that he was in on would require believing that no one in the secret service, FBI, DHS, or media would expose him as a fraud, despite innumerable people trying to destroy him, his reputation, and his business unrelentingly for the past eight years. If he perpetrated a fraud/hoax and someone had the goods on him, they would not be able to resist exposing him.
It is disappointing for many people to discover doctors are often wrong about medical issues! Especially since they are supposed to be the best and brightest when they enter medical schools. It boils down to them having good memories, not whether they are moral or diligent, or even intellectually superior. Look at all the people who trusted doctors, trusted medicine, and rushed to get the jab. There is a huge chasm between the people who see doctors as infallible and the people who question doctors. A medical license means very little when it comes to medical knowledge! Don’t overlook our recent experiences with Dr. Fauci who was considered brilliant.
During the 2020 election campaign Trump raised $1 billion. Almost half of that came from corporate donors, including the pharma industry which, obviously, benefitted from Operation Warp Speed.
Private donors included 80 billionaires - the people who own the corporations that control the world.
Biden no doubt garnered similar support.
It's impossible to believe that all politicians aren't beholden to these people. That's why you'll never hear Trump admit the jabs harmed anyone. And why he can't possibly "drain the swamp." And why no matter who's in power, nothing gets better from those of us who aren't corporations or the people who own them.
I agree with you 1000 percent. President Trump still is not adequately protected. He does need his own trusted security men around him . A fact: evil is very powerful BUT not as powerful as God Almighty. I refer to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob- the one true God of Jews and Christians. Never cease daily prayer. Prayer is powerful. Thank you for being patriots and doing all that you do.
Why do you assume my comment applies to everyone critical of Trump? If you can't tell the difference, then that is on you not me. Perhaps you might look up the meanings of unsupported, impractical and untactical. As I recall, I did not use the word criticize. There is much Trump does or supports I disagree with. There is an old saying, "If the shoe fits, wear it."
To begin, I admire you for your work and compassion. It's rare that you find such passion for doing the right thing! I love you both.
Secondly, I'm deeply disappointed that you cannot see through the fraud and corruption which Donald Trump represents. I am neither left or right, I just believe in truth. Most of all inner truth. The feeling you have in your gut; when you are being lied to, and feel someone is going to do you wrong.
This is what I hear in our letter. A plea. A plea to someone who you know in your gut you know is corrupt but you think is your only choice. I beg you to listen to your instincts. I know you have impeccable instincts and reasoning.
This is a dilemma many are facing in this election. Neither party is aligning to truth and we feel it in our gut. They say one thing, but their past actions do not align with their words. This is my problem with your open letter.
Unless you are blind; you can see Trump is already trying to pack his cabinet with elitist swamp creatures. JD Vance and his Peter Thiel connections, Jamie Dimon, Larry Fink! Absolutely insane. These are a few of the biggest drivers of the current crisis we are in.
I urge you to re-evaluate and consider looking at Robert F. Kennedy's platform and his past actions. They speak louder than his words.
I can’t believe you regard RFK Jr as having clean hands. He’s as complicit as other globalists in pretending that human induced climate change threatens our survival, whereas nothing at all of note has happened to the climate, nor will it. Human release of CO2 is incapable of warming the planet even if we wanted to. RFK Jr is a clever and knowledgeable person. He cannot fail to know that anthropogenic global warming is a lie.
It’s quite simple to uncover that the Club of Rome chose infectious disease pandemics & global warming as fake threats which are larger than any nation & must be tackled above the level of nation. Both are fraudulent claims. I regret to have learned a considerable period of time ago that he professes belief in & concern about “global warming/ climate change”.
“ When the soil is restored it is able to absorb more excess carbon than anything else on earth, even more than trees. We won't need carbon credit scores and authoritarian restrictions if we simply heal the earth through better farming practices”.
We won’t need these restrictions under ANY circumstances. CO2 is benign! And essential.
On Energy Policies, he continues to support solar and wind, which are no more than fraud. In order to be able to guarantee availability of installed electrical power generation via solar and wind, because there is no at-scale mechanism to store electricity, it is necessary to build out & maintain on moments standby, an equivalent amount of so-called fossil fuel- & nuclear-based electricity generation capacity.
Thr overall impact is worse than simply using “fossil” fuels and civilian nuclear power.
Solar panels and wind turbine blades are not recycled and I’m not sure they ever can be, so these policies are an expensive and polluting alternative to “fossil” fuels plus nuclear.
The evidence is pretty solid in my reading of it that
1. There’s definitely no climate crisis. Even the so-called temperature records have been fraudulently manipulated to give the impression that the planet has significantly warmed in the last 140 years, when I has not.
2. CO2 is not capable of warming the atmosphere & has never done so in the past. Temperature changes in deep time recorded in ice core samples have repeatedly occurred prior to changes in CO2, because CO2 changes are driven by temperature changes, not the other way around.
3. Earth’s atmosphere at present is close to a “CO2 drought” & had it fallen only a little further than it did in the pre-industrial era, earth was at risk of life ending, as plants cannot survive below some threshold not much below what it was 200 years ago.
4. So-called “fossil” fuels are nothing of the kind. Oil and gas are routinely extracted from depths far below the depth of the oldest fossils ever recovered.
Oil and gas are highly likely to have formed from methane, trapped during the formation of the planet (several other planets in our solar system are substantially methane and ammonia. The process of formation of “gasoline”, substantially octane (8 carbon atoms) from monomeric methane (1 carbon atom) is not clear to me, but in principle, it can happen, given the right conditions of pressure, heat and a suitable catalyst. I believe this has happened & this “abiotic” (without living things) process is the origin of oil and gas (I confess that I don’t know anything about the formation of coal, so perhaps that is formed from dead vegetation after all).
Anyway, I don’t expect a heroic political figure to emerge to save us. We must do that job :)
For those followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, why are you putting your hope on a politician? After 4 years, they will be gone and then what? I thought our hope is only on our Lord Jesus Christ? Does He need anyone to come to His rescue? He , the mighty King will come with His armies of heavenly force with millions of angels and it will be soon, as you already know.
Perhaps he has evolved his stance, but it wasn’t encouraging the last time I spoke with a person who, at the time, had been for years in his inner circle and was very loyal to him, but had become increasingly frustrated at a generalised failure of the team to get through to him on the climate change fraud.
I recognise that telling the truth provides an opportunity for bad people to paint one as a lunatic. What a world!
And in politics, things are an order of magnitude more viscous & irrational. In such a setting, I would not blame him for being reticent on a controversial issue if wasn’t even necessary to speak about it.
What I didn’t find acceptable is talking as if going along with it, to keep a low profile on that front. This because this is also the behaviour of a person secretly committed to the globalists agenda.
I am aware that elections in countries other than my own are none of my business. Furthermore, that my observations are at higher risk of being misinformed. Both fair points & I don’t plan to involve myself further in the political debate.
It’s true, I am rather uninformed, even about U.K. politics! I know enough though about the choices faced by U.K. voters in a recent general election. The only plausible winners to become Prime Minister are all completely committed to the globalist’s agenda. Our new PM, Sir Keir Starmer, is a rare thing, a member of the Trilateral Commission. It’s really rather alarming. In addition, some enormous number, either 140 or 180 of the 650 elected members of parliament are also members of the Fabian Society. They’re not hiding this at all. Their flag shows a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness Mike. Your input helps in the discussion, which is what we need to find the the truth in this crazy time.
I join in on UK politics too. One of the biggest problems I see is that we are being put into echo chambers by social media and mass media. When I go out into the public and talk to people, many are extremely misinformed and polarized. The psy war is full on. The operation is to keep people misinformed and afraid of each other so we will not see the real problems. A return to the "Fairness doctrine" across all platforms could help.
We need to be able to see all sides of an issue before we can make the best decisions for ourselves. This isn't happening. We are all in a mess! worldwide!
I've seen his past statements on climate change as well and I agree with you. Politicians create a grey area when addressing highly politicized issues. His stance has been grey, but leaning towards getting rid of environmental toxins vs. contrived climate change. However his running mate Nicole Shanahan has been a strong advocate of organic, regenerative farming, etc. You might want to check out some of her work.
I totally disagree with him on certain policies especially on Israel. As you know there are there are powers which will crush you if you speak out. I hope that this will be addressed at a later date.
This is one of the reasons I admire you so much. You have had the courage to put your neck out there. It is an absolute pleasure to say THANK YOU!
Thank you, Jason. I only wish that my speaking out had been far more catalytic than it has been. Unfortunately though I’m happy to have reached probably millions, very few of them either choose to, or are effective at, speaking out to others.
The authorities got the measure of me early, I’ve no doubt, and their tech censorship & initial smearing campaign meant that they’ve not had to worry about me.
Beautiful letter. I can only pray it will make it to Trump somehow and willgive him courage to really stand up against the Global Predators no matter what may come.
What I think is very possibly though is that Trump will be black mailed or his family threatened This is how they may convince him to go along with the evil agendas.
It feels comforting and reassuring to know AND feel others grasp this overwhelming evil so rampant and passionate in it's hellish wishes for our world; especially the world and white people. The tank of Courage of Conviction has been running a bit shallow recently in confronting this darkness. Not many have what it takes to have stared into the abyss and had the where-with-all to allow the abyss to peer back. Too many fear being consumed which is irrelevant with trust in our merciful Lord God.
Obviously, the Breggin's Family is not cowardly. 💯🙏🏼🌹🙏🏻😉
The opposition to Constitutional support relies on our decency to force themselves into our lives. The “fundamental transformation” that Obama talked about is their goal. The radical Democrats/Progressives want to change the work, the freedoms, that our Forefathers died for to enable us to live independent of a tyrannical government. They want to “manage” our lives for us because they believe we are not capable of reason. Their disrespect for us is beyond insulting, it is abusive as they reduce our ability to be prosperous under the guise of equity. President Trump has shown that he loves this country and the strong people who make it exceptional. He knows how to make America great again because he did it once before. There is no one else capable of doing that at this time. Trump is committed to American families vs the opposition who is committed to achieving more government power and creating a new system. Trump is a true American Conservative.
And remind me who else unleashed American energy? NADA🤷♂️…hell who would have known we have liquid gold underneath American soil if Trump never came out!
Amazing to see the hate trump crowd come out of the woodwork. And not a single piece of evidence offered to support the nasty vitriol. I’m going to clean house now.
They are insidious, persistent and dedicated. To disruption, discord, divisiveness, subversion and gaslit confusion. They mock their targets by accusing them of what they do.
Of course their agents swarm to your alerts about them, attempting to obscure the message and replace it with their own chaos.
"I'm going to clean house now" appears to be a euphemism for censorship. I never would have imagined that the Breggins would actively censor comments to their substack articles because of differing opinions. I have personally witnessed you blocking users for having a different opinion about Trump and there wasn't any "nasty vitriol" about many of the comments left on this article and many of your other substack articles.
It is extremely disheartening to see so-called freedom fighters use the totalitarian tool of censorship to silence anyone with a different opinion.
They are people who have lost hope and are willing to subjugate themselves and the rest of us to more of the same. Sorry I am not going along for that ride straight to hell. I refuse to give up hope and know this is a spiritual battle that must be one to keep us from slipping over to the dark side.
censorship eh, well well, I guess it shouldn't be surprising.
You make the plea that we all make hoping against hope that Mr. T is actually the good billionaire that will save us from his evil friends. That worked didn't it. Ha.
Now we see that the Jews choice will be exactly the man to ring in their golden age of global governance. They've been at this a long time. Do your really think uncle heimy will drain the swamp & hang the witch this time?
My 0.02$ : The state doesn't miss. When they want you dead, you are dead. DJT has been selected for us in 2024 and he will fix exactly none of the global evils his trusting supporters have been hoping he will tackle.
I hope you are wrong..but my gut tells me you are right. Dammit.
He is God appointed and will be used by God in negotiating peace in the Middle East, which starts the tribulation.
I agree! I was guided by our our Creator to vote for DJT in 2016. I changed from an Independent to Republican so I could vote for him in the primaries. Anyone who can see and hear him speak...and think he is anything, but a true American...have to be brain-dead! They have no inner guidance.
His opposition with the faux Russian Collusion charges during his presidency wasted his time and cost taxpayers a great deal of money. He was hated by the Democrats and the he wasn't a politician. It was. difficult going to Washington and being thrust into a. pit of vipers (mindless snakes who strike without warning).
All leaders are appointed by God. Such as Pharaoh during the Exodus and Nebuchadnezzar. Even Caesar Nero whom Paul urged Christians to pray for.
He will come with the solution to sexual abuse and trafficking of children and illegal aliens: Digital ID. We need less centralization and not more but all roads, liberal and conservative, left and right, lead to the same surveillance and control state.
Go read a few reports on (RRN) and see if provides another perspective. If you think RRN is fiction then do one more thing - search (Q) for Oprah Winfrey and notice the dates reported and remember when Oprah took a sabbatical for a week or so and VOILA! AMAZING!! Oprah had lost about 1/2 of her body weight "with a new diet." in days. AI Oprah? Body double? For comparison, early last year I did a total 7 day fast (only salt and water) - NO FOOD or calories. I lost 7% of my body weight. Per Dr. Breggin they have vast resources and minions everywhere. Maybe some ARE being arrested.
"Controlled opposition"? Then all is already lost?
My view exactly; and not an opinion that many want to hear...
Trump has the support of the people, but the enemy has everything else, including a criminally captured election system, deep state, SCYTL, Edison Research. These cannot be overcome in the election and there is no plan in DJT's offense to counter these things. Dominion voting machines again? They will only deliver one result - a middle of the night win for Karmala that no one sees coming, just like last time, the election was altered overnight while everyone slept. Then, we were presented with the "office of the president elect" as a cabal headed by Obama installed Biden and rigged the courts against discovery of election fraud evidence.
Still, we must use every remedy at our disposal, no matter how rigged the system may be. For "we do not wrestle with flesh and blood" but the demonic powers of hell. And the Omnipotent One is on the side of the righteous.
Let us see what happens in Venezuela, where they are now saying they have proof of election fraud and theft. It would be good to see the people oust Maduro. Maybe it is a test run for what could happen in the US, should we see a similar outcome. Everyone knows not to believe polls showing Pres. Trump and Karmala in a dead heat. Those polls do not have RFK Jr factored in. The media is so dead set against any third party candidates running. Our collective faith in God must be well founded, for it shall be tested to the max, in these coming months.
You are so right about that “middle of the night win”. I was watching as the numbers moved from Trump winning to Biden winning. WTF!
Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin, thank you for your articles on Substack. They have been a great help and provide so much valuable insight & information that I have benefited from in many ways. I appreciate this letter to Donald Trump, and have supported Trump, but I have some serious questions and would love your honest thoughts and opinions.
Why has Trump not said anything about Operation Warp Speed and the Covid vaccines? Surely he knows how dangerous they are now.
Why did he choose JD Vance as VP when he has extensive financial ties to big pharma and vaccines?
After the “assassination attempt “ why and how did Trump not have any blood on his hand? The video clearly shows his fist and open hand completely clean. He stated specifically both in his RNC speech and a FOX interview that he had blood all over his hand. That is clearly not true. Why is he lying about that? The whole “assassination attempt” seemed off and things just didn’t make sense. Very much like the beginning of the Covid situation, when things just did not make sense and it was shocking to see the truth of what was really happening. I have the same feeling with Trump now, even though I have supported much of what he has done. Something isn’t right. And it’s more than the Secret Service issues. That is so obvious that even someone like me who knows nothing about security can see that it was set up. But what are “they” really trying to cover up?
Regarding the video: It is easy to use AI to remove some aspect of a scene from a video. It's easy to remove a blotch of blood from a video. See the above tutorial.
any attempted assassination of a public official, let alone a President and current major candidate running for office, is an utmost serious crime and needs to be treated with gravitas. The cries of fake or staged are disrespectful of the office and smack of hatred.
Of course, "something is not right"--- a President of the United States and candidate for President of the US has just survived an assassination attempt. What administration is in office now and is responsible for the Secret Service and the quality of their work?
Damn straight something's not right!!
they are all deep state because they are all zionists and zionists own and run the USDS (thats the us deep state) & they own and operate Trump.
Gaza is an open air prison, Genocide is playing out for the world to see.
Israel is not a country its a criminal enterprise and Mr. T will be the greatest in a line of useful idiots on the long march bringing noahide law to your neighbourhood. Obviously there really was no choice. Americans must take their republic back, it won't be handed to them by this political creature or any other. Prove me wrong uncle heimy. I mean for God's sake, RFK is focused narrowly on fruit loops red dye, seriously, these guys are all on their knees at nuttyahoo's feet ?? wtf. Musk, well we know he is a Darpa creation, following the psychopath Gates as "the world's richest self-made man" meme so add it all up bitchez
A lot of people are trying to fashion narratives about the assassination attempt on President Trump ... but the only thing that is conclusive is that the assassination attempt should never have been allowed to happen ... but it was ...
The evidence that Trump being grazed by a bullet is fake, is extremely flimsy ... look hard ... one of the Secret Service agents is holding a bloodied towel ... it is likely, that while Trump was on the ground, he held the towel to his ear himself, and could easily have wiped most of the blood off his hand ...
Trump's ear seems to have completely healed now ... with hardly a scar ... indicating it was only a very minor graze of his ear ... if he were trying to hide anything, it would have been very easy for him to wear a small dressing over the top edge of his ear for a few more weeks ...
As to Vance ... 'Deep State' footprints are all over his bank account ... and I have severe reservations about him as VP ... I think Josh Hawley would have been a better choice ... but the bottom line ... for the good people of this planet ... Trump is all we have ... the battle is now ... and we have to stop the 'Deep State' triggering WWIII ... another 'plandemic' ... and 'The Great Depression 2.0 ... before Nov
I appreciate your insight here. I truly just want to know the truth and still have questions. I don’t want to go with Trump just because he’s all we have. If he is part of the corruption, we just need a whole new plan. It’s possible Trump could have wiped off his hand but that doesn’t seem likely or practical to me. So many things just don’t make sense to me so I’m going to keep questioning. I hope questions are still ok, even when it comes to Trump.
Everything must be questioned ... I have serious reservations/issues with Trump ... but he is the guy that has stood up to the plate when he realized his country was being destroyed ...
I would have preferred Tucker Carlson or Candace Owens as VP ... I hope Trump is not making the same mistake he made in his first term ... choosing the wrong people ...
Trump is either 'controlled opposition' ... or he's not ... and why would he have put himself through what he has gone through, if he was ...
Trump has proven himself to be one of the most resilient men in history ... and I fear what would have happened if he had been assassinated ...
We are at the most dangerous point in history ... as far as 'good' vs 'evil' ... and it would appear that Trump has somehow been chosen to be that person ...
Far from perfect ... but that's the World we live in at the moment ... and, if we want to keep living in it ... we need to overcome the evil that is engulfing us ... by waking up to what is really going on ... and calling it out ... very soon ...
I am very glad the Breggin's have written this letter ... thank you ...
Candace Owens has proved just what my gut has said about her from the beginning. She is a mouthpiece and that is all. She knows what to say to get her audience. She went way off into jewish hatred and my gut instinct was proven then and since why it has never been wrong.
jewish hatred? Why is calling out jewish crimes including genocide somehow hatred? The fact that she has not been tapped for service in the T admin tells you all you need to know
And btw, I guess what happened on October 7th means nothing?
And what experience and background could Candace Owens possibly have to serve in any government job? I know the answer. NONE. Too many people have bought into the Candace Owens PR persona not looking at where she rose up from or her education and experience for which she has none. Candace Owens is only qualified in Candace Owens' head for a job.
Funny that the SS man had a towel handy ?
It is easy to use AI to remove some aspect of a scene from a video. Easy to remove a blotch of blood from a hand to discredit President Trump.
any attempted assassination of a public official, let alone a President and current major candidate running for office, is an utmost serious crime and needs to be treated with gravitas. The cries of fake or staged are disrespectful of the office and smack of hatred.
Of course, "something is not right"--- a President of the United States and candidate for President of the US has just survived an assassination attempt. What administration is in office now and is responsible for the Secret Service and the quality of their work?
Are we privy to what gear the SS carries when performing close personal security? ~ grb
US deep state run by the goons that want him in office, ergo, it was not them that organised the hit, clearly an inside job using elements of the SS, my money is on the Cankles Clinton witch, a little personal vendetta? Rumor is they are great friends and it was a great side-show anyway. I'm keenly aware that there is fighting amongst the demons in hell, I mean here, since hell has been emptied, but let's face it, he did nothing the first time, he owns the clot-shot, the color revolution in jewkraine, the failure to build a border wall and the final insult; "ah the clintons are good people, they've been through a lot", his mandate by the american people was to hang the witch and end the globalist / deep state skin-trade, which, as you know is and historically always has been, in the hands of you know who. FFS man look who owns porn hub
re: After the “assassination attempt “ why and how did Trump not have any blood on his hand?"
Actually, there are two photographs that do show blood on his hand:
Also, with regard to the amount of blood, Trump clearly overstated how much there was. But view this video by a doctor who explains that (contrary to what Trump said) the upper ear doesn't actually bleed very much because it is mostly cartilage:
Dr. Suneel Dhand: MEDICAL OPINION: What REALLY happened to President Trump?
“… from a medical standpoint the ear is made of cartilage, so it is not as full of blood vessels, arteries, veins as many other parts of the body, so even if there is not full penetration there won’t be catastrophic bleeding usually from an ear injury. So typically it’s something that can be fixed in a local emergency care facility, and it appears that that is exactly what happened….”
Dr. Suneel Dhand is giving a medical opinion of a patient he has never examined. Questionable at best. Please see in my column, the formal medical opinion of Trump's White House physician (who also served in the Obama White House) who examined him the evening of the assassination attempt and has accompanied him and attended him as a physician ever since. Also see Heather B's column I mention in my pinned comment at the beginning of the comment thread here is her link, again
With all due respect, Dr. Dhand is merely describing a feature of the cartilaginous parts of the human ear that would presumably be quite similar from person to person (fewer blood vessels/veins in that location). Such a statement merely requires a doctor's knowledge of ear anatomy in general. He's not saying anything unique to Trump.
Those who are inclined to think that Trump somehow "faked" the attack are not going to be persuaded by verbal assurances from his personal physician (a fellow Republican politician) alone. As a physician with no connection to Trump, Dr. Dhand provides a comparatively "objective" explanation for why the bleeding might not have been as heavy as many viewers thought it would have been.
Fair enough, Nemo. Those who argue that President Trump's statements that there is "alot of blood" in contrast to Dr. Dhand or another need to take into account that President Trump, in contrast to the physician, has just been shot, and "alot of blood" may be subjective and may vary in definition if it is oneself who is bleeding after being shot. There certainly was blood, all over the ear, running down his face, on his shirt, on the towel, and on his hand.
Sorry to disappoint you but the week before Trump was shot in the ear, my husband, a logger, fell down a hill where he was dragging trees out with a cable. His upper ear was torn by blackberry thorns and a piece of skin the size of a quarter was left hanging off still attached by about 3mm of tissue. He has paramedic training and applied pressure pushing the skin back in place. When he got back home, it was still bleeding profusely. I could see that stitches were not possible because there was not enough skin to cover the cartilage that was poking out. Much like the face, the ear bleeds a lot!
Why do you assume this information would "disappoint" me? I'm interested in getting at the truth. From the photos I've seen of Trump's ear since removing the bandage, any injury to it had to have been extremely minor, as there doesn't seem to be any discernible damage visible in the pictures after only about two weeks.
I'm not denying that he was shot. I'm just trying to take an honest look at what we are seeing. My initial impression was that there didn't seem to be enough blood flow despite no pressure being applied, but I have seen two sources that say the cartilaginous part of the ear doesn't bleed as much. And seeing the way his ear looks now, I can only conclude that, if he was indeed shot, the bullet just barely grazed his ear and any external physical damage from that contact had to have been minuscule. (This is not to deny that such an otherwise "minor" grazing could potentially still result in other significant harms like hearing damage or psychological trauma.)
But I do think there are many very powerful people who want him dead. On the other hand, to suppose it was a hoax that he was in on would require believing that no one in the secret service, FBI, DHS, or media would expose him as a fraud, despite innumerable people trying to destroy him, his reputation, and his business unrelentingly for the past eight years. If he perpetrated a fraud/hoax and someone had the goods on him, they would not be able to resist exposing him.
It is disappointing for many people to discover doctors are often wrong about medical issues! Especially since they are supposed to be the best and brightest when they enter medical schools. It boils down to them having good memories, not whether they are moral or diligent, or even intellectually superior. Look at all the people who trusted doctors, trusted medicine, and rushed to get the jab. There is a huge chasm between the people who see doctors as infallible and the people who question doctors. A medical license means very little when it comes to medical knowledge! Don’t overlook our recent experiences with Dr. Fauci who was considered brilliant.
I agree… thx for sharing video. It’s scary how people need someone or group to “believe in” instead of the simple truth.
During the 2020 election campaign Trump raised $1 billion. Almost half of that came from corporate donors, including the pharma industry which, obviously, benefitted from Operation Warp Speed.
Private donors included 80 billionaires - the people who own the corporations that control the world.
Biden no doubt garnered similar support.
It's impossible to believe that all politicians aren't beholden to these people. That's why you'll never hear Trump admit the jabs harmed anyone. And why he can't possibly "drain the swamp." And why no matter who's in power, nothing gets better from those of us who aren't corporations or the people who own them.
Dear Bird's, Well, we had better get busy refounding our America and selecting the candidate who has best shown he can stand up to pressure.
"Shareholders" own the corporations. You know, teachers, plumbers, and many other folks like you and I.
I agree with you 1000 percent. President Trump still is not adequately protected. He does need his own trusted security men around him . A fact: evil is very powerful BUT not as powerful as God Almighty. I refer to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob- the one true God of Jews and Christians. Never cease daily prayer. Prayer is powerful. Thank you for being patriots and doing all that you do.
I see the TDSers have come out full force with every unsupported, impractical, or untactical idea they can.
not to mention possibly manipulated video/audio and so much hate~
Mouzer why is it that anyone even slightly critical of Trump gets smeared as (your word) "TDSers"?
It IS possible to be conservative and still be critical of a Republican candidate.
To shoot down all criticism of Trump is to do exactly what was done to anyone questioning the Covid scam.
We should all be alarmed that he is considering Uber-Globalists like BlackRock's Larry Fink or Jamie Dimon in any plans for a future Administration.
Such people ARE the quintessential "Global Predators".
We can't silo out the red flags, just because he's "our guy".
Why do you assume my comment applies to everyone critical of Trump? If you can't tell the difference, then that is on you not me. Perhaps you might look up the meanings of unsupported, impractical and untactical. As I recall, I did not use the word criticize. There is much Trump does or supports I disagree with. There is an old saying, "If the shoe fits, wear it."
Dr. and Mrs. Breggan,
To begin, I admire you for your work and compassion. It's rare that you find such passion for doing the right thing! I love you both.
Secondly, I'm deeply disappointed that you cannot see through the fraud and corruption which Donald Trump represents. I am neither left or right, I just believe in truth. Most of all inner truth. The feeling you have in your gut; when you are being lied to, and feel someone is going to do you wrong.
This is what I hear in our letter. A plea. A plea to someone who you know in your gut you know is corrupt but you think is your only choice. I beg you to listen to your instincts. I know you have impeccable instincts and reasoning.
This is a dilemma many are facing in this election. Neither party is aligning to truth and we feel it in our gut. They say one thing, but their past actions do not align with their words. This is my problem with your open letter.
Unless you are blind; you can see Trump is already trying to pack his cabinet with elitist swamp creatures. JD Vance and his Peter Thiel connections, Jamie Dimon, Larry Fink! Absolutely insane. These are a few of the biggest drivers of the current crisis we are in.
I urge you to re-evaluate and consider looking at Robert F. Kennedy's platform and his past actions. They speak louder than his words.
Thank you for all that you do!
I can’t believe you regard RFK Jr as having clean hands. He’s as complicit as other globalists in pretending that human induced climate change threatens our survival, whereas nothing at all of note has happened to the climate, nor will it. Human release of CO2 is incapable of warming the planet even if we wanted to. RFK Jr is a clever and knowledgeable person. He cannot fail to know that anthropogenic global warming is a lie.
It’s quite simple to uncover that the Club of Rome chose infectious disease pandemics & global warming as fake threats which are larger than any nation & must be tackled above the level of nation. Both are fraudulent claims. I regret to have learned a considerable period of time ago that he professes belief in & concern about “global warming/ climate change”.
JFK Jr is also pushing for the development of ‘safer’ vaccines, instead of a complete pause and thorough investigation of all vaccines on market.
He’s an extension of the big pharma marketing dept. Plain as day (if you care to look past the smooth talking and steroid enhanced buffed chest).
To begin with I respect you immensely for speaking up.
You are a hero!
But I didn't say he had clean hands.
I agree with you on this issue.
I think RFK agrees with you too.
The climate agenda has been hijacked.
Check out his policies. Many people are misinformed...
In Regenerating America’s farms:
“ When the soil is restored it is able to absorb more excess carbon than anything else on earth, even more than trees. We won't need carbon credit scores and authoritarian restrictions if we simply heal the earth through better farming practices”.
We won’t need these restrictions under ANY circumstances. CO2 is benign! And essential.
On Energy Policies, he continues to support solar and wind, which are no more than fraud. In order to be able to guarantee availability of installed electrical power generation via solar and wind, because there is no at-scale mechanism to store electricity, it is necessary to build out & maintain on moments standby, an equivalent amount of so-called fossil fuel- & nuclear-based electricity generation capacity.
Thr overall impact is worse than simply using “fossil” fuels and civilian nuclear power.
Solar panels and wind turbine blades are not recycled and I’m not sure they ever can be, so these policies are an expensive and polluting alternative to “fossil” fuels plus nuclear.
The evidence is pretty solid in my reading of it that
1. There’s definitely no climate crisis. Even the so-called temperature records have been fraudulently manipulated to give the impression that the planet has significantly warmed in the last 140 years, when I has not.
2. CO2 is not capable of warming the atmosphere & has never done so in the past. Temperature changes in deep time recorded in ice core samples have repeatedly occurred prior to changes in CO2, because CO2 changes are driven by temperature changes, not the other way around.
3. Earth’s atmosphere at present is close to a “CO2 drought” & had it fallen only a little further than it did in the pre-industrial era, earth was at risk of life ending, as plants cannot survive below some threshold not much below what it was 200 years ago.
4. So-called “fossil” fuels are nothing of the kind. Oil and gas are routinely extracted from depths far below the depth of the oldest fossils ever recovered.
Oil and gas are highly likely to have formed from methane, trapped during the formation of the planet (several other planets in our solar system are substantially methane and ammonia. The process of formation of “gasoline”, substantially octane (8 carbon atoms) from monomeric methane (1 carbon atom) is not clear to me, but in principle, it can happen, given the right conditions of pressure, heat and a suitable catalyst. I believe this has happened & this “abiotic” (without living things) process is the origin of oil and gas (I confess that I don’t know anything about the formation of coal, so perhaps that is formed from dead vegetation after all).
Anyway, I don’t expect a heroic political figure to emerge to save us. We must do that job :)
Best wishes and many thanks,
For those followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, why are you putting your hope on a politician? After 4 years, they will be gone and then what? I thought our hope is only on our Lord Jesus Christ? Does He need anyone to come to His rescue? He , the mighty King will come with His armies of heavenly force with millions of angels and it will be soon, as you already know.
Totally Agree!
Thank you, i will read up.
Perhaps he has evolved his stance, but it wasn’t encouraging the last time I spoke with a person who, at the time, had been for years in his inner circle and was very loyal to him, but had become increasingly frustrated at a generalised failure of the team to get through to him on the climate change fraud.
I recognise that telling the truth provides an opportunity for bad people to paint one as a lunatic. What a world!
And in politics, things are an order of magnitude more viscous & irrational. In such a setting, I would not blame him for being reticent on a controversial issue if wasn’t even necessary to speak about it.
What I didn’t find acceptable is talking as if going along with it, to keep a low profile on that front. This because this is also the behaviour of a person secretly committed to the globalists agenda.
I am aware that elections in countries other than my own are none of my business. Furthermore, that my observations are at higher risk of being misinformed. Both fair points & I don’t plan to involve myself further in the political debate.
It’s true, I am rather uninformed, even about U.K. politics! I know enough though about the choices faced by U.K. voters in a recent general election. The only plausible winners to become Prime Minister are all completely committed to the globalist’s agenda. Our new PM, Sir Keir Starmer, is a rare thing, a member of the Trilateral Commission. It’s really rather alarming. In addition, some enormous number, either 140 or 180 of the 650 elected members of parliament are also members of the Fabian Society. They’re not hiding this at all. Their flag shows a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Time is very short now Mike ...
Out of all the 'resistance' ... you are one of the very few who know just how dire our situation really is ...
I wrote this for Kiwis ... it applies equally to the rest of the World ...
Agreed. Time is very short. Our Lord is returning soon. the first three Horses have already arrived. They also know it, the enemy and his minions.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness Mike. Your input helps in the discussion, which is what we need to find the the truth in this crazy time.
I join in on UK politics too. One of the biggest problems I see is that we are being put into echo chambers by social media and mass media. When I go out into the public and talk to people, many are extremely misinformed and polarized. The psy war is full on. The operation is to keep people misinformed and afraid of each other so we will not see the real problems. A return to the "Fairness doctrine" across all platforms could help.
We need to be able to see all sides of an issue before we can make the best decisions for ourselves. This isn't happening. We are all in a mess! worldwide!
I've seen his past statements on climate change as well and I agree with you. Politicians create a grey area when addressing highly politicized issues. His stance has been grey, but leaning towards getting rid of environmental toxins vs. contrived climate change. However his running mate Nicole Shanahan has been a strong advocate of organic, regenerative farming, etc. You might want to check out some of her work.
I totally disagree with him on certain policies especially on Israel. As you know there are there are powers which will crush you if you speak out. I hope that this will be addressed at a later date.
This is one of the reasons I admire you so much. You have had the courage to put your neck out there. It is an absolute pleasure to say THANK YOU!
Thank you, Jason. I only wish that my speaking out had been far more catalytic than it has been. Unfortunately though I’m happy to have reached probably millions, very few of them either choose to, or are effective at, speaking out to others.
The authorities got the measure of me early, I’ve no doubt, and their tech censorship & initial smearing campaign meant that they’ve not had to worry about me.
Best wishes
What a dilemna we are in!
Beautiful letter. I can only pray it will make it to Trump somehow and willgive him courage to really stand up against the Global Predators no matter what may come.
What I think is very possibly though is that Trump will be black mailed or his family threatened This is how they may convince him to go along with the evil agendas.
It feels comforting and reassuring to know AND feel others grasp this overwhelming evil so rampant and passionate in it's hellish wishes for our world; especially the world and white people. The tank of Courage of Conviction has been running a bit shallow recently in confronting this darkness. Not many have what it takes to have stared into the abyss and had the where-with-all to allow the abyss to peer back. Too many fear being consumed which is irrelevant with trust in our merciful Lord God.
Obviously, the Breggin's Family is not cowardly. 💯🙏🏼🌹🙏🏻😉
The opposition to Constitutional support relies on our decency to force themselves into our lives. The “fundamental transformation” that Obama talked about is their goal. The radical Democrats/Progressives want to change the work, the freedoms, that our Forefathers died for to enable us to live independent of a tyrannical government. They want to “manage” our lives for us because they believe we are not capable of reason. Their disrespect for us is beyond insulting, it is abusive as they reduce our ability to be prosperous under the guise of equity. President Trump has shown that he loves this country and the strong people who make it exceptional. He knows how to make America great again because he did it once before. There is no one else capable of doing that at this time. Trump is committed to American families vs the opposition who is committed to achieving more government power and creating a new system. Trump is a true American Conservative.
And remind me who else unleashed American energy? NADA🤷♂️…hell who would have known we have liquid gold underneath American soil if Trump never came out!
Amen C Anderson. He is a nationalist and the others are globalists!
Just look what he has done during his presidency and this is why they want him dead. He basically gave them the finger during his inauguration speech.
Thank you so much for writing this letter, I am praying that President Trump reads it and that it reaches him.
Excellent letter. Praying President Trump thoughtfully reads it.
If anyone deserves to hear from Trump, it's the Breggins!
Superb, much-needed, and clear. THANK YOU.
We loved the content & development of your ideas! Thank you so much for this heartfelt & sincere effort! Margaret & Joel Sussmann