Operation Helene looks like a Win Win Win for the Satanic Globalists. 1) Eliminate Trump voters in the swing state of NC. 2) Replace freedom loving hard, working Americans with Illegals. 3) Seize land for the Oligarchs to mine Lithium and Quartz. There are no words bad enough to describe this Crime Against Humanity. Right here in America. The Sheeple are clueless until, they are the next victims.
Even if it happened to them they would probably believe the "it's Global Warming" or "Climate Change" propaganda. Some may never catch on. It breaks my heart.
I drive around central CA and see Harris/Walz signs and wonder what these people are thinking, or are they. One neighbor around the corner removed their "God Bless America" sign and put up a sign that says, Welcome, with a donkey on it. Isn't that bizarre? Insanity, is all I can say.
The Breggins would know and what I have learned from articles and books and observation is that there is that 30 % who will not budge. They are fixed in certain beliefs. Mattias Desmet also came up with this 30% figure.
Many people are just fools and even if they have decent IQs they think like morons.
And Kamala is a better choice? Everything out of her mouth is a lie. You are on the wrong thread here. Look what a mess they made out of North Carolina. President Trump went there and brought supplies. It's not worth discussing with you, as you are one of those with TDS.
So true! We're in SC just south of NC/SC state line. We've watched Asheville change to Royal blue especially over the past 15-20 years. We still don't have power, and helping others clean up what looked like a war zone. I pray this catastrophic event wakes people up! This administration is not your friend! We're heading that way again tomorrow. We have word Chimney Rock has already been seized by the government. If you want to see more coverage of that particular area see my latest post. I posted a video an aquaintence of ours filmed. Prayers and donations are desperately needed. Local churches or ministries are the best way your donations will distributed. Avoid the Red Cross, they profit off your $$ and only a portion goes to the victims. 🙏🙏
Thank you for your service. Easley/Pickens SC residents here...just took care of the local neighbors through our church and packed 2 big truckloads with the remainder to head North. God help us 🙏🏼
Hello neighbor! We're still helping our neighbors and family down in Abbeville. This should be a wake up call for every American! God bless you for helping others in need. Our power is still out, but we plan on heading to NC with supplies tomorrow. Peace.
Thank you for all your support and help to help those. The royal blue folks who are now deceased had no idea this could happen with no notice, weather warfare. They didn't have time to evacuate, there was no advance notice.
When they saw the mud slides and walls of water hitting their homes it was too late. Many homes destroyed by sudden mudslides and walls of water, makes one wonder WTF: what triggered the mudslides and the mountains to collapse?
I remember what Asheville was like in the 60s. I was in USMC. Asheville was poor. The Marines from that area were humble and down to earth. I see how much it changed when the yuppers and libs moved there.
When we moved to SC 33 years ago, Asheville was such a nice town, over the last 15-20 years, we quit frequenting that city. Seemed like everything changed overnight! The city seemed to be taken over by some real nutballs! Most of the rest of western NC towns you can still find some very gentile people there. It's a shame how our country caters to the small percentage of ignorance. Things really changed when that very left governor took over!
The left lies but why do enough people vote them in? Is it because they promise welfare and goodies to everyone. The lefties are real charmers too. They act "cool". They pretend to be honest .
Please watch this about the 'storm". We can work tegether to focus on changing its' course,, heading it south. I appreciate your help as I am in Florida. Collectively we are more powerful than as individuals. rachel
You are so right. Asheville is known to be full of Lefties. I've already seen examples on the tell-a-vision talking about climate change and global warming. It's the normal people I worry about.
Cant you see IT DOES NOT MATTER , the elections are STILL RIGGED , and all possibilities are controlled opposition. THE SAME CORP, and controlling interests that want the resources here caused these weaponized weather warfare events. Cant you see they make sure you only have the illusion of the lesser of evils to choose from? Trump issued unlawfully the EUA , pushed Operation WARP ,SPEED Bragged he took the deaths shots that have already murdered 31 million people , injured uncountable more. Calls himself the "godfather of the deathshots and calls it a medical miracle. WATCH VAXXED 111 and wake up . WHOEVER they install will get endless chaos and upheaval and war .
Yes I am because I have researched it all and taught about it all for 4 decades. I understand your sentiment but your lesser of the evils choice will likely be switched to Harris, EITHER WAY doesnt really matter they are all controlled opposition , they are not the real POWER , AND will do as told or be removed one way or another.Trump did EVERYTHING the globalists ordered him to do. THEY CAN COLLAPSE THE COUNTRY , OR CREATE TOTAL WAR or do anything they wish to FORCE their agendas , SCHWAB recently bragged they will do so TO FORCE their agendas . H e called them "shock events"
I agree completely, the end goal is the same. Those who controll the corporations controll who is going to be president. I think they are flexible on some polices. I think we can change the minds of the ruling class. I think some have been fed wrong information.
Being the victim of crime which included being stalked by someone on and off for 20yesrs finally ended up in prison after being convicted for burglary with intent to kill. His mother hired a private detective to "dig up dirt" on the person he ran over. It did not work thank God. He was supposed to serve 20 years with no chance of parole. Claiming he did not really commit murder. I know the jerk - I tried to help him, etc. I know in my heart he has committed murder. His rap sheet is a mile long. His first wife divorced him for being abusive. He broke into her father's house stole liquor, took father's car wrecked it. She came home was yelling at him, she being 5'3" 120 lbs slapped him he grabbed her, spun her around and bit her in her back. . He is in a program for early release.
These people are upper middle class. His father was a surgeon.
Crime has become a game in all economic classes. As Dr. Stout of Harvard pointed out sociopaths and psychopaths make up a large part of the ruling class.
I hope to God VP Harris doesn't win. Wish Former President Trump's campaign would do a better job of ...
Get this as far as stalking, I did a Google search to find an early voting location. Found a list compiled by Trump's campaign. Thought ok why not let them know I am voting for him. In the auto fill the person who stalked me, recruited others to stalk me, name came up. Only 3 people that I know of know that person's name.
I am quite sure the real top of criminal predator class CANNOT BE CHANGED . They are not "just" sociopathic and psychopathic and or imbred insane. Most are truly Satanic , or demonically possessed, or under the mind control of something very dark , that detests our species, I say that without getting lost in any specific religious dogma about it, but really more of a scientific understanding. I am quite certain there is no communication, no rehabilitation, no way to change those who would make a GLOBAL, MASSIVE corporate venture out of beyond sadistic torture , abuse , trafficking, and even farming children for adrenachrome. They have left the human family and can only be eliminated. Very few people seem to have the courage to even say this , let alone do anything about it ,because they have been programmed to think its not spiritual. Or that some invisible supernatural power will intervene. Well is victimization and suffering and now the possible extinction of our real species spiritual or a direction we are going to allow , That is what we are facing, that is the geoengineered TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA. Stay safe my friend and fasten your seat belt for a very rough ride from here on out.
There are small differences. The Affordable Care Act actually helped me. I had advanced cancer, paid for 80% of costs myself because of losing insurance while being treated. I went trough 3 years of not being able to even buy insurance.
At the time I was still naive about the depth of medical corruption.
However, I think Obama's group was able to get it through in exchange for not prosecuting the financial executives
IT DOES NOT ANY MORE IN RIGGED CONTROLLED ELECTIONS . or elections that can be suspended by any disaster or emergency they create , there is only the ILLUSION OF THE NON CHOICE OF THE LESSER OF EVILS . How you live , what you think and do for others , what you teach and how you spend your money are FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN A RIGGED VOTE. Im not part of this fraud illegitimate gov. So I dont vote in its fake corporate elections, and I wont be part of their slave sytem, its a fraud wake up
Unfortunately I have to agree with you. Wish I didn’t have to! However, through enough researching down the rabbit holes, they all ended up in hell! I don’t trust Trump either. Not a bit. I really see it ALL being theater to not only continue to divide us, but also garner just as much money out of us as possible. I think there’s only a couple handfuls of people left in upper offices that are truly fighting, that haven’t been corrupted. GOP is overrun with RINOS. Truly a Uniparty. What I do know is that the only One that can be fully trusted with our very souls is Christ! And thank God this world as it is, is soon finished! This evil being in control is temporary!🙏🏻
yes, I understand there will be many greedy companies available to claim the land and give a paltry sum of it's value to the suddenly homeless residents. Maybe hand out some tents for them
I love Camille's post. I have written it down. Jesus said "love thy enemy" and sometimes, when I'm not able, I ask Him to do it for me until I can. Thank you Ginger for all you do....the two of you do to help. I love you.
ALL that is the psyop mind control that allows this why the people DO NOTHING to save themselves. Its not the responsibility of the SUPERNATURAL to fix this its ours .
Yeah, but when? When will these evil doers be smitten? I look back at history, and it looks like all these evil doers tend to do quite well, while the virtuous just suffer.
Romans wrote that , not any Supreme creative mind, the Black Nobility Family Lines that emerged from the Roman Empire , and created the Unholy Roman Catholic empire church , created all that , long after the 1st century,,,, their ancestors and BUSINESS PARTNERS are still controlling all these agendas and war against all life. There are 20 miles of HALLWAYS , hiding 10,000 years of human history and 500,000 items in the Secret Vatican Achives , why is it still hidden? Dont you think WE ARE ALL missing lots of important info and knowledge?
On judgement day...at least at this point I find it hard to believe we can arrest/imprison the many western governments involved. We’re near the end of the Church age now and await the tribulation and His 2nd coming. 🙏🏼
Personally, I have Psalms 73 to be comforting as I go before the Lord, he reminds me of their end, and all this does have an end, although those who were carried off in the flood thought themselves "immortal" their wake-up call came.
They are NOT ELECTED, they are SELECTED by even more evil people so they an remain in the shadows and manipulate and control. This is ALSO DONE to demoralize and make everyone lose self respect, and fell powerless to change anything , when such pathetic and corrupt people rule over them. THERE ARE NO LONGER ANY LEGIT GOVERNMENTS ,,,,, ONLY CRIMINAL CARTELS..
I pray they are removed from office and power. I pray they have a road to Damascus experience.
I get your disgust. I have to constantly fight against more violent angry thoughts of what should happen to them, but those thoughts only send chemical surges through my body, not theirs. That's probably good because if it went through theirs, I might not be able to fight them.
Ironically, W. North Carolina and E. Tennessee had previously been spared from most of the environmental destruction further north due to not having the coal & gas resources like SW Virginia, SE Kentucky, W. Virginia.
Looks like the forces of darkness think it would be a waste to leave it in the hands of independent-minded hillbillies.
I think that there are probably many freedom loving hard working "illegals" in the United States of America.
Considering the damage that hard fighting Americans do and have done to many many many nations over the years, it is no surprise that those "illegals" want to go anywhere they can to make a better life.
When you parent gets sick and ends up in a nursing home you better hope that there are plenty of "illegals" around because there are NO hard working white Americans that are wiping peoples poop stained privates and cleaning up their drool.
Unless you want to pay even more money for that lettuce you enjoy in your hard earned salad you better hope there are lots of illegals around to pick it. Cause there aint no hard working white people gonna do it.
Drive around in Ubers for awhile (as I have) and meet some of those illegals who are driving 12 hours a day. And that's not their only job. And you know what ? Those illegals think that the United States of America is "heaven on earth". I bite my tongue and let them have their lovely theory.
It wasn't illegals who locked us down, ruined our businesses, abused our children by mandating masks and and murderous injections, and lied through their teeth while doing it.
There is evil in the world. It comes in all shapes and sizes and colors, ideaologies and religions and doctrines. It cannot be relegated to one nationality, ethnicity, sex, political affiliation or belief system.
I am no more "legal" than the lovely women who cared for my mother and cried when she passed.
They're doing exactly the same in the UK. I think the aim is for us to find a common enemy...the illegal immigrants being given more financial help than locals. They want us to hate the migrants...takes our minds off the real perpetrators of these disgusting activities our governments have been puppeteered into doing. Divide and rule...works like magic for them, for thousands of years! But now our eyes are open.
Completely correct now tell me why we the people , ex military , law enforcement who obey their oaths have done nothing and sit back until, they destroy us all ?
Exactly because we the people have been brainwashed since childhood to obey orders and not think for ourselves! Our daddy state knows best!
The wonderful western education system with its allegiance to a flag! For goodness sake, ones allegiance should be to ones community, that's what keeps one safe and until we learn this hard lesson the likes of what is happening now will only get worse. We've been fed hogs-wash and BS for hundreds of years, and believed it.
In the long run this system will probably self destruct, we need to help that event take place, so that we do not have to suffer much longer from their greedy, murderous, frightened of loosing power, dangerous stupidity, and meanwhile we could start creating the kind of system that will serve us best, one built from the bottom up on solid foundations, with no one person being able to give themselves powers others don't have. A real democracy.
Its not about red or blue. Trump is wanting to team up with Elon Musk and JD Vance is heavily funded by Peter Thiel. Musk and Thiel are both Technocrats and they are wanting to use the government just long enough to get in there and then they could take over with all of their technology and power and money. Patrick Wood wrote about this on Substack and he has great info about Technocracy and Transhumanism. Its bigger than blue and red though. Remember when it was Bush and Gore, they acted like they were fighting against each other, hanging chads etc... they were both New World Order. We are being played and deceived. Basically it's game over bc both sides are for globalism. Good news is for Christians that the rapture is nearing and then a little while after that Jesus returns and straightens it all out.
There was a large fire near the Shuswap lakes ( BC) last summer. Authorities prevented people from helping. The devastation was not nearly as big as the current situation in TN/NC but likewise, was not covered in its true extent.
I don’t have an article but this is one ( of many) posts from a local on Telegram:
Jennifer Tinholt, [Aug 28, 2023 at 9:00 PM]
This is late news now.
But perhaps someone here knows someone that this story needs to be shared with. I can't believe this is our current reality!
Hey Guys
We need to get the story out about what’s happening in the Shuswap. Can you guys please post this everywhere. Send it to everyone you know. Please help us.
My name is Stef and my husband Jorne and I own a home at the end of Meadow Creek road in Celista BC. The fire department and forestry lit a back burn around 4pm on Thursday Aug 17th knowing there were 30km winds coming. No news outlet is talking out this. My husband has been monitoring the winds and the Adams creek fire for weeks. On Tuesday Aug 15th we knew the winds were coming. The fire was approx 15km away from us. We don’t know who decided to light a back burn knowing the wind forecast. They lit a 14km back burn right to our back door and never notified us. My dad who lives in Kelowna knew about a “out of control back burn” before we did. They didn’t even come to tell us. They notified the locals by posting it on a piece of paper at the gas station.
At 845pm we saw the fire just over the ridge. And by 12pm it had reached meadow creek road and was in back yard. Without the back burn we could have had a whole day to prepare. We did have sprinklers up, water tanks loaded and generators ready to go. We knew we were pretty much on our own and would not receive much help. The fire department did come down the road and were there briefly. Once they deemed the fire out of control they left. When the fire came into the valley we watched it burn up the sides of the mountain due to the humidity dome created with all the sprinkler and water. The fire department abandoned us. About 2 hours had passed when some locals came down our valley with resources and help. I was notified the fire department was sitting in a field having coffee so I went t to get them. When I got there I asked them to come help us, told them the situation. One of the firemen told me they wanted to help but had orders to sit. I yelled at them to get in their trucks and come help us. They said they would. I went back down the road to notify our crew they were coming. I sat and waited but no one came. About 15 minutes had gone by so I went back up the road and found them sitting about 1km away. They told me they were assessing the situation. I asked how they could assess if they couldn’t see it? I again asked them to come help and they finally did. Everyone ran around putting hot spots out. We wore water packs and half masks with headlamps for the next 3 days making sure our houses made it through.
In the initial days after the “superfire” the locals were able to get water, gas and supplies but now there is a heavy police presence. They have the roads blocked off saying they are preventing looting. The locals are being told to return to their homes. They are not allowed to be helping at all. There are spike strips on the roads. Police blocks everywhere. There are people trying to get essential supplies in such as water, gas and food by boat. They are being turned away. Police are patrolling the roads and water. They have the gas stations blocked off.
We need the real story to get out so we can get help.
We are more than equipped to help put this fire out but are being stopped. We need resources such as gas, diesel to keep us going. They’re trying to starve us out so they can let it burn.
My number is 250-509-0400 Please feel free to post my number. I’m willing to talk to anyone who can help us.
I wonder what kind of people are being hired in the police departments and fire departments in Canada and here in the states as well, what kind of individual would follow orders to purposely go out their way to harm the community they suppose to protect? This really is very sad and infuriating at the same time 😒
One concern is that after driving out many citizen police officers and other first responders (for refusing to be woke, or refusing the COVID vaccines, or other reasons) the municipalities will be "forced" to hire illegal aliens, who come from very different cultures and do not have the cultural attachment or relationship to the community they are policing. ~ Ginger Breggin
I’ll tell you the kind, the kind that work at your local government utility, tax offices etc. Rule followers… they take orders and follow them instead of having common sense and critical thinking skills.
Or they’re from your local satanic secret temple town hall…
Camille--Many of us have had a wakeup call since Maui last year--https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/mauis-inferno-organized-human-evil?utm_source=publication-search
and I have started to look into the Wyoming fires still burning now and completely ignored by legacy media....
There are land grabs everywhere....Somewhere there have to be tabletop exercises or instructions on how to handle these situations that expose the intentional "neglect" and more but I haven't seen them yet....Ginger Breggin
I’d read/heard about a simulated climate event -similar in nature to Event 201-…I believe it occurred a number of years ago… I can’t recall where I’d seen/heard about it. Have you seen/heard?
Apparently there is some natural resources under and around you, or you are in the path of the wilding. God bless you. I'm in the US, NC, thankfully not in the flood path.
Could Australia be included in this??! The fires we had the past couple of years devastated much of the forested areas south with the extent and heat signatures, at the time deemed impossible to be caused by nature. And then the floods in the Northern Rivers region when unprecedented flooding causing death and destruction of hundreds of houses with deaths many underreported, and emergency services unusually tardy in their ineffective response. Ginger’s Substack on Cyclone Helen is frightening.
Hi Heli Tramp- I have been very suspicious of the fires in Southern Australia, and am wondering about the underlying reasons. There are of course multiple reasons that directed destruction may occur-- a 'rounding up' of rural citizens to be driven into smart cities or 15 minute cities. A creating of green zones and other wild areas, a land grab for minerals or other precious resources, and more. Often there will be many reasons that can be taken advantage of, as in the North Carolina Hurricane Helena and the flooding. ~ Ginger Breggin
And don’t forget the very bizarre fires in Oregon (2020?) as well. Multiple counties were affected with massive fires initiated across a wide area all at the same time according to satellite views. Nothing normal about that one either.
Don't look to Big Brother to save you. In case you did not know, the government is not our BFF.
Prepare to help your community in times of need. And expect opposition from FEMA. Agenda 2030 is planning on turning my entire state into a giant windmill farm.
I'm able to discuss this stuff more openly among neighbors now. No more laughter and fewer eye rolls at my "conspiracy theories."
Indiana. Not many people here so I guess they figure they can sweep us up near the end if not before in their chaos. I remember hearing about it and seeing the map on Ice Age Farmer. He's offline but a lot of his posts remain. I'll search it out.
Also in Indian (northwest rural areas) are massive solar farms that have gone up in the past 3 years. Coincidentally near enough to where Microsoft plans HUGE data centers in South Bend and La Porte. Methinks something similar brews here, too. Also re-opening (closed around 2020 !!!! )nuclear power plants (Michigan) presumably to cool the plant.
He got scared, I guess. I saw him briefly appear in someone else's YT video telling people that he has left stuff up on sites other than YT which has taken down many. That video was only a few months old.
My guess is that he got swatted or something and is focused entirely on his community now. Not a bad idea. Eventually that's all we will have. Especially if we refuse to surrender to Mr. Global.
States need to consider quitting the National Guard system and going to state troops and/or organized militia - with both military and civil defense roles.
At least when needed they wouldn't be deployed continents away.
Be careful of that idea too. That is a military state and they only listen to the fed and not your governor or police or local officials. They took China from its people using their military and defunding their police.
I live in a rural area. At least it was when we built our house here 50 years ago. Now I have sickening liberals right next door and down the road with their BLM signs and their Screemin' Kamala /Tampon Tim signs posted.
Hi Rachel.. I hate the windmills we have here in Indiana! And you say we are getting more? Yuck. Hope you are doing well. I will le5 you know if I go to Indy.
I need to find the site's name. Christian (Ice Age Farmer) showed the Reset map and what they plan on doing to various states. All of Indiana was windmills. No people. His videos remain on Bitchute but he has not posted since 2022.
Civil war, famine, violent skirmishes, disasters, mysterious sudden deaths by people who always keep medical appointments, eminent domain land seizures.
Thank you for putting the pieces together in this horrible planned disaster. There are bits and parts all over social media, but your very thorough and informative substack here ties it all together. It is unbelievably horrible and evil, and I must remind myself that these ghouls do not think like we do. I felt so bad for the Lahaina Victims and this equally horrible to see unfolding right in front of our eyes. One must be a special kind of evil to block any attempts to help the victims in this disaster. And thank you for making this free for all to read.
I have a friend that lives in Henderson county?? I think, North Carolina, in the mountains
She has a blog (exclusively sewing and her personal interests) and she usually blogs daily, but not recently. She finally sent out an update that said she and her neighbors suffered damage to their area, and each are suffering different difficulties but they are helping each other up there on the mountain. she said it has been rough.
My heart breaks for all of these people suffering. The US government needs to go on strict supervision for reckless behavior and spending. This hurricane response is a glaring problem, what happens when we do not have REAL money in our economy, taking wild risks, gross mismanagement of our tax dollars, money making deals for the big guys, funding illegals with lavish gifts and treating our own citizens like 5hi#. Why are we allowing this to happen?
I am so sad about all of this and the actions of these activists that push for more democrat control.
Everything they touch is a disaster.
I hope both of you are having a lovely week-end... (sun shine) despite this worry and effort we are making on our own to ensure those suffering are receiving proper attention and care
Henderson County is the adjoining county next to Buncombe County (Asheville), about 30 plus minutes drive SE of Asheville. The town of Hendersonville received a large amount of rain from that storm. I think over 21 inches.
she and her hubbs are very well off comparatively to the average and have several generators and helping all of their neighbors to preserve the food, also one neighbor has been able to use their generator to wash clothing of all of the helping community., Many of these people are middle aged and have loving family able to come and assist as well. There are some communities doing quite well, and others that are just completely suffering.
The only “strict supervision” is from our Lord Jesus. America is being destroyed from within by order of EU globalists - going as planned. Prayer is what we have and it’s more powerful than the evil driving this catastrophe 🙏🏼
I am heart broken (yet not surprised) to see this insane deliberate culling and murder of innocent residents including babies , children, moms and dads and elderly.
I pray there is a God of justice and these EVIL psychopaths running the world and Washington pay heavily.
This is JUST LIKE the Lahaina and Maui LAND GRAB for future elites.
In MAUI it was military grade DEW weapons incinerating people and homes TO STEALL their assets.
The Breggins as usual are SPOT ON with this great feature .
There is ALWAYS a motivation and presently we are AT WAR with corrupt politicians and elites calling the shots.
There is ALREADY considerable STRONG EVIDENCE of extreme criminal foul play.
Here again it appears that military grade HAARP was used (likely the one in AK) to turn this tropical storm into a monster of dead worse than Katrina, but far worse because RESCUE efforts by Govt are nil and others trying to HELP AND AID are being threatened by FEMA of arrest, dozens of trucks delivering relief had their tires slashes, relief goods are being ceized and the military helicopter relief was virtually NOT EXISTENT.
WE THE PEOPLE MUST NOT FORGET THIS and the millions of other victims that are dying by totalitarian tyranny started by PRESIDENTS of the USA like both BUSH's, CLINTONS (plural) , Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and too many to name.
They are leaders in this CLUB of lunaticsl with more elite handlers in deep state CIA, SS, and FBI and the USA Alphabet agencies. Of course Rothschild s, the Royal famiky, Gates, Soros are all DEPOPULATION eugenics mad.
1. Massive LITHIUM deposits that ELITES want in NC and Appalachian mountains
2. They are DEPOPULATING and now that society has learned of the deadly toxic vaccines they gave us , - they are ten steps ahead and culling humanity ANY and EVERY way they can with simple murder in hospitals to 5G nanobotd.
Piss them off elite psychopaths and they will kill you and your dog.
3. Money - Do I need to repeat THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL , that has literally destroyed the worlldwithh MORALLY BANKRUPT sick minds that believe it is OK to rape children and enslave humanity . THESE blood drinking Satan worshippers are creating chaos to destract humanity while they try and kill you , and yes any good intelligent politician like TRUMP.
As a veteran, the USA always was a bright light for inalienable human rights, and democracy but now evil has extinguished even the Statue of Liberty, as NEW. YORK as a state has a DEMOCRATIC holy spot has no Rule of Law.
If you live in a RED state have plans because you are in their scope and these sick people that go beyond treason, WANT YOU DEAD.
PLEASE PLEASE HELP these victims IF YOU CAN, and never forget this is planned deliberate murder and you are at war, against all USA agencies including FEMA.
WE cannot look away.
It is TIME to ACT while we still can.
God blessthee Breggins for their constant crusade against evil.
Your prayer will be answered Warrior. There is hope for the future! There IS a God of justice. He has a timeline and will act soon. Please examine the evidence on jw.org with an open mind I hope your heart will then be healed as mine was over 60 yrs ago when I first learned why all these terrible things are happening on the earth. I send love from England to you and all people who are heart broken and can’t see a satisfying way out. . Peace to you and all truth seekers.
Look into the NexRAD antenna, raised a few decades ago. They appear to be used across the US to help leverage the chemtrail metals to heat/cool the atmosphere to create/steer abnormal weather conditions.
1. Three (3) very conservative areas of 3 crucial swing states, plus Tennessee, were heavily damaged just a month before the Presidential (s)election: (a) Florida's panhandle is very conservative, (b) eastern Georgia is very conservative, (c) western North Carolina is very conservative, excepting Asheville which is not, and (d) eastern Tennessee is conservative, though Tenn. is not considered a "swing state."
2. Naturally occurring hurricanes usually peter out after landfall. *** But NOT THIS ONE! ***
3. It is to me inexplicable and EXTREMELY STRANGE how the forecasts (a) failed to warn the people how SEVERE Helene would be, (b) failed to issue EVACUATION WARNINGS in time for people to escape, and (c) failed to predict the HUGE 2' FEET of rainfall in North Carolina, and (d) failed to predict the SUDDEN TURN TO THE EAST sometime on the night of Thursday Sept. 26 night into the early morning hours of Friday Sept. 27, taking Helene outside the stormpath modeling consensus. > This IMO = evidence of steering/geoengineering.
4. The land under the towns destroyed by Helene has huge lithium and quartz to be mined, just as the land in Lahaina was prime real estate for development, in both instances blocked by the presence of ordinary Americans who lived there in modest homes.
It's getting more and more in our face that government is run by TRAITORS who have sold the U.S. out to the global banking/NATO cabal. BILLIONS of U.S. taxpayer money go to Ukraine and to Israel. But Only a $700 or 800 check to North Carolina and Lahaina residents!?!? This is EVIL.
I would not be surprised to find the money going to Ukraine, Lebanon and Israel doesn’t actually help out the affected people. This seems to be an efficient way to launder money from the middle class. Poor people are much easier to control.
Absolutely. Large portions of foreign aid sent to Ukraine, Israel, etc., is then sent back as kickbacks to the same corrupt traitorous U.S. politicians who had voted to send the money, *** often in the form of "campaign contributions." *** For example, recall the case of Sam Bankman ("French") Fried of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse/FTX cryptocurrency scandal, whose parents are both law professors at Stanford University:
"Silicon Valley Poured Money Into FTX, With Few Strings Attached"
"[In the] 2022 U.S. midterm elections, Bankman-Fried was the second-largest individual donor to Democratic causes for the 2022 U.S. elections, with total donations of $39.8 million, only behind George Soros ..."
"For the 2020 U.S. elections, he contributed $5.2 million to two super PACs that supported the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign.[143] Bankman-Fried was the second-largest individual donor to Biden in the 2020 election cycle,[144] after Michael Bloomberg."
"Contributions were made to both U.S. political parties, with SBF saying he gave an equal amount. ... Public records showed donations to Republican Party campaigns in the 2021–22 cycle of $262,200,[148] including donations to senators Susan Collins of Maine, Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Ben Sasse of Nebraska.[143] Journalist Matthew Kassel says that Bankman-Fried had often donated to politicians who cultivate good Israel–United States relations but concluded "it is unclear if his backing of pro-Israel candidates was coincidental or motivated by any personal interest in Middle East policy."[149] Bankman-Fried said he donated additional money to Republicans through dark money channels."
It's about destroying the ultimate threat to Mr. Global. Tight knit, self-sustaining communities.
Depopulation and land grabs will take care of that.
Remember that these lithium batteries are to power the electric cars that Elon Musk mass produces despite lack of demand. Funny how folks lose sight of important details like that.
Dear Ginger and Dr. Breggin: Thank you for this insightful and heart-wrenching report on hurricane Helene and how FEMA and the US government have abandoned these families. I was ignorant of the depth and breadth of human devastation caused by Helene until I read your article.
Thank you both for all you do to shed light in the darkness.God bless!
Thank you so much for your reporting on this tragedy.
Makes me wonder if there is still gold in the California Sierra mountains and will be an earthquake or something similar that devastates that area sometime soon.
I understand to have to dodge how traumatic it be to dodge those fires so many times.
The Lord still has me in Ca for a reason. Very interesting times here is the golden state. People don’t realize how many sane people actually live here.
I would still be there today… and I dream of my home there often. I commend you for staying.
When the arsonists came and went and the Silicon Valley children came up for temporary visits to their cabins (4000 sf cabins) and paint balled our Redwoods I couldn’t stay to watch any longer. Stay well.
Oh no! That is horrific. The weird thing is the liberals claim that the conservatives hate trees. Quite the opposite. I love trees! They are God’s creation. I will never worship trees because the Maker tells us not to. But we are to take care of His creation.
Celia Farber, Catherine Austin Fitts On Helene: "It's Not A Natural Event." Says It Is A Giant Taking, Land Grab, WH Leveraging Disaster Recovery Against Election: "Assertion Of Top Down Control Of Counties"
"The goal of this operation and [Hurricane Helene] is an operation, it's not a natural event...[it] got steered in my opinion," Fitts says. "The goal of this operation is to take assets and...it's basically a giant taking...to grab land."
The investment banker says:
"We're having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied" and adds that the operation "relates to the [U.S. presidential] election."
"I suspect we're seeing the White House basically—and, again, this is conjecture—negotiate terms. You know, you'll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election," Fitts says.
"The president is saying he's gonna call back Congress, that there's not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they're strong-arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process."
Furthermore, Fitts says this is also an instance of central bankers attempting to wrangle more control for themselves. "This is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control," Fitts says. "And if you look at the patterns, whether it's the taking or the land grab or other other reports we're getting out of that area, it looks to me like a lot of assertion of top-down control of counties." https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/catherine-austin-fitts-on-helene
Dane Wigington, in 90 second time lapse video with artificial color for ground-based radio-frequency transmissions, proportional to output-power, shows that these steering transmissions were everywhere that the Hurricane Helene was not, leaving an open channel of travel. It had been heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles while it was forming, which makes it more subject to radio-frequency steering. Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/hurricane-helene-and-frequency-transmissions-90-second-alert/
"And the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing $750 for folks who need immediate needs being met, such as food, baby formula, and the like. And you can apply now," Kamala said.
Donations desperately needed for families still forced to live in tents because shelters have been closing
Operation Helene looks like a Win Win Win for the Satanic Globalists. 1) Eliminate Trump voters in the swing state of NC. 2) Replace freedom loving hard, working Americans with Illegals. 3) Seize land for the Oligarchs to mine Lithium and Quartz. There are no words bad enough to describe this Crime Against Humanity. Right here in America. The Sheeple are clueless until, they are the next victims.
Even if it happened to them they would probably believe the "it's Global Warming" or "Climate Change" propaganda. Some may never catch on. It breaks my heart.
I believe many folks, especially those in the path of the Global Predators, are waking up~ Ginger
Even in S CA and N CALIFORNIA? Doubt it
No waking up in those spots
I drive around central CA and see Harris/Walz signs and wonder what these people are thinking, or are they. One neighbor around the corner removed their "God Bless America" sign and put up a sign that says, Welcome, with a donkey on it. Isn't that bizarre? Insanity, is all I can say.
The Breggins would know and what I have learned from articles and books and observation is that there is that 30 % who will not budge. They are fixed in certain beliefs. Mattias Desmet also came up with this 30% figure.
Many people are just fools and even if they have decent IQs they think like morons.
Its more like mind controlled , of which formal religions are the oldest and most insurmountable
And Kamala is a better choice? Everything out of her mouth is a lie. You are on the wrong thread here. Look what a mess they made out of North Carolina. President Trump went there and brought supplies. It's not worth discussing with you, as you are one of those with TDS.
Please watch this about the 'storm". We can work tegether to focus on changing its'
course,, heading it south. I appreciate your help as I am in Florida. Collectively we
are more powerful than as individuals. God bless, rachel
Yup. Pure evil.
Yep, a triple Win. You summed it up well
The mountain area, especially Asheville is Liberal. I will be voting for Trump.
Asheville is a blue blip in a sea of red in the mountain area. ~ Ginger https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2022_North_Carolina_House_of_Representatives_election_results_map_by_district.svg Thank you for voting!
So true! We're in SC just south of NC/SC state line. We've watched Asheville change to Royal blue especially over the past 15-20 years. We still don't have power, and helping others clean up what looked like a war zone. I pray this catastrophic event wakes people up! This administration is not your friend! We're heading that way again tomorrow. We have word Chimney Rock has already been seized by the government. If you want to see more coverage of that particular area see my latest post. I posted a video an aquaintence of ours filmed. Prayers and donations are desperately needed. Local churches or ministries are the best way your donations will distributed. Avoid the Red Cross, they profit off your $$ and only a portion goes to the victims. 🙏🙏
Thank you for your service. Easley/Pickens SC residents here...just took care of the local neighbors through our church and packed 2 big truckloads with the remainder to head North. God help us 🙏🏼
Hello neighbor! We're still helping our neighbors and family down in Abbeville. This should be a wake up call for every American! God bless you for helping others in need. Our power is still out, but we plan on heading to NC with supplies tomorrow. Peace.
Thank you for all your support and help to help those. The royal blue folks who are now deceased had no idea this could happen with no notice, weather warfare. They didn't have time to evacuate, there was no advance notice.
When they saw the mud slides and walls of water hitting their homes it was too late. Many homes destroyed by sudden mudslides and walls of water, makes one wonder WTF: what triggered the mudslides and the mountains to collapse?
I remember what Asheville was like in the 60s. I was in USMC. Asheville was poor. The Marines from that area were humble and down to earth. I see how much it changed when the yuppers and libs moved there.
When we moved to SC 33 years ago, Asheville was such a nice town, over the last 15-20 years, we quit frequenting that city. Seemed like everything changed overnight! The city seemed to be taken over by some real nutballs! Most of the rest of western NC towns you can still find some very gentile people there. It's a shame how our country caters to the small percentage of ignorance. Things really changed when that very left governor took over!
OF COURSE ALL WOKE CRAP WEF selected leaders globalist agenda whether they know it or not WOKE id just Maoist communism rebranded for America
The left lies but why do enough people vote them in? Is it because they promise welfare and goodies to everyone. The lefties are real charmers too. They act "cool". They pretend to be honest .
Please watch this about the 'storm". We can work tegether to focus on changing its' course,, heading it south. I appreciate your help as I am in Florida. Collectively we are more powerful than as individuals. rachel
Thank you, Drs Breggin for this info! 🙌🫶👏
You are so right. Asheville is known to be full of Lefties. I've already seen examples on the tell-a-vision talking about climate change and global warming. It's the normal people I worry about.
Me too, Consuelo~ Ginger
Tell-a-vision. I really like that. They call them "programs" for a reason.
Cant you see IT DOES NOT MATTER , the elections are STILL RIGGED , and all possibilities are controlled opposition. THE SAME CORP, and controlling interests that want the resources here caused these weaponized weather warfare events. Cant you see they make sure you only have the illusion of the lesser of evils to choose from? Trump issued unlawfully the EUA , pushed Operation WARP ,SPEED Bragged he took the deaths shots that have already murdered 31 million people , injured uncountable more. Calls himself the "godfather of the deathshots and calls it a medical miracle. WATCH VAXXED 111 and wake up . WHOEVER they install will get endless chaos and upheaval and war .
You are so right. I will be voting for Trump as the lesser of two evils. I think Trump might be teachable. However I know you are right.
Yes I am because I have researched it all and taught about it all for 4 decades. I understand your sentiment but your lesser of the evils choice will likely be switched to Harris, EITHER WAY doesnt really matter they are all controlled opposition , they are not the real POWER , AND will do as told or be removed one way or another.Trump did EVERYTHING the globalists ordered him to do. THEY CAN COLLAPSE THE COUNTRY , OR CREATE TOTAL WAR or do anything they wish to FORCE their agendas , SCHWAB recently bragged they will do so TO FORCE their agendas . H e called them "shock events"
I agree completely, the end goal is the same. Those who controll the corporations controll who is going to be president. I think they are flexible on some polices. I think we can change the minds of the ruling class. I think some have been fed wrong information.
Being the victim of crime which included being stalked by someone on and off for 20yesrs finally ended up in prison after being convicted for burglary with intent to kill. His mother hired a private detective to "dig up dirt" on the person he ran over. It did not work thank God. He was supposed to serve 20 years with no chance of parole. Claiming he did not really commit murder. I know the jerk - I tried to help him, etc. I know in my heart he has committed murder. His rap sheet is a mile long. His first wife divorced him for being abusive. He broke into her father's house stole liquor, took father's car wrecked it. She came home was yelling at him, she being 5'3" 120 lbs slapped him he grabbed her, spun her around and bit her in her back. . He is in a program for early release.
These people are upper middle class. His father was a surgeon.
Crime has become a game in all economic classes. As Dr. Stout of Harvard pointed out sociopaths and psychopaths make up a large part of the ruling class.
I hope to God VP Harris doesn't win. Wish Former President Trump's campaign would do a better job of ...
Get this as far as stalking, I did a Google search to find an early voting location. Found a list compiled by Trump's campaign. Thought ok why not let them know I am voting for him. In the auto fill the person who stalked me, recruited others to stalk me, name came up. Only 3 people that I know of know that person's name.
What an awful sociopathic sick joke.
I am quite sure the real top of criminal predator class CANNOT BE CHANGED . They are not "just" sociopathic and psychopathic and or imbred insane. Most are truly Satanic , or demonically possessed, or under the mind control of something very dark , that detests our species, I say that without getting lost in any specific religious dogma about it, but really more of a scientific understanding. I am quite certain there is no communication, no rehabilitation, no way to change those who would make a GLOBAL, MASSIVE corporate venture out of beyond sadistic torture , abuse , trafficking, and even farming children for adrenachrome. They have left the human family and can only be eliminated. Very few people seem to have the courage to even say this , let alone do anything about it ,because they have been programmed to think its not spiritual. Or that some invisible supernatural power will intervene. Well is victimization and suffering and now the possible extinction of our real species spiritual or a direction we are going to allow , That is what we are facing, that is the geoengineered TRANSHUMANIST AGENDA. Stay safe my friend and fasten your seat belt for a very rough ride from here on out.
Lesser of the two evils, correct. But while obnoxious and blunt, at least we know
what he is thinking. However, he has his closeted skeletons as well. Kamala is
not an American, and is not capable of being President. There we go.
SO WAS OBAMA WHO WAS ALSO CIA look at what happened
There are small differences. The Affordable Care Act actually helped me. I had advanced cancer, paid for 80% of costs myself because of losing insurance while being treated. I went trough 3 years of not being able to even buy insurance.
At the time I was still naive about the depth of medical corruption.
However, I think Obama's group was able to get it through in exchange for not prosecuting the financial executives
Your vote matters, it’s the only chance to try to
Do something - vote! Voting matters!!
IT DOES NOT ANY MORE IN RIGGED CONTROLLED ELECTIONS . or elections that can be suspended by any disaster or emergency they create , there is only the ILLUSION OF THE NON CHOICE OF THE LESSER OF EVILS . How you live , what you think and do for others , what you teach and how you spend your money are FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN A RIGGED VOTE. Im not part of this fraud illegitimate gov. So I dont vote in its fake corporate elections, and I wont be part of their slave sytem, its a fraud wake up
Unfortunately I have to agree with you. Wish I didn’t have to! However, through enough researching down the rabbit holes, they all ended up in hell! I don’t trust Trump either. Not a bit. I really see it ALL being theater to not only continue to divide us, but also garner just as much money out of us as possible. I think there’s only a couple handfuls of people left in upper offices that are truly fighting, that haven’t been corrupted. GOP is overrun with RINOS. Truly a Uniparty. What I do know is that the only One that can be fully trusted with our very souls is Christ! And thank God this world as it is, is soon finished! This evil being in control is temporary!🙏🏻
Asheville is a liberal city but the surrounding rural areas are conservative.
None of that really matter anymore , "our military" just did this to you and the corporations they serve to plunder the resources.
In the 60s Morehead City by Camp LeJeune and Cherry Point was poor. I wonder how much that area has changed.
yes, I understand there will be many greedy companies available to claim the land and give a paltry sum of it's value to the suddenly homeless residents. Maybe hand out some tents for them
I know I should pray for them, but they disgust me and I just can't.
Hi Dianne, we need to pray, requesting comfort and protection for the victims and pray for America ~ Ginger
I love Camille's post. I have written it down. Jesus said "love thy enemy" and sometimes, when I'm not able, I ask Him to do it for me until I can. Thank you Ginger for all you do....the two of you do to help. I love you.
That I do and will continue to do. Thank you.
I feel like Dianne. But you and Ginger are right. I don't pray when I am assaulted . I just react.
Prov 24:19 Do not fret because of evildoers
or be envious of the wicked,
20 for the evildoer has no future hope,
and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.
I choose to speak God’s Word (the sword of the Spirit) over these people. Look to His Word for guidance on how/what to pray 🙏
...for the evildoer has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.... Amen. Ginger
ALL that is the psyop mind control that allows this why the people DO NOTHING to save themselves. Its not the responsibility of the SUPERNATURAL to fix this its ours .
It says nothing about not fixing the problems. It says don't fret. Don't worry. Which is all sub stack is apparently.
We do have to fight when things are evil. I understand those that pray but it also takes a fight- get people out to vote and other stuff.
This sentiment is also found in the pagan Neo-platonic philosophers. most notably Plotinus, in his discussion of wordly evil and suffering.
What did Plotinus say?
Yeah, but when? When will these evil doers be smitten? I look back at history, and it looks like all these evil doers tend to do quite well, while the virtuous just suffer.
I don’t have an answer for that. No one does.
It’s God’s will that everyone would turn back to him in repentance. God is just. He WILL avenge in His timing.
Romans 12:19 “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
I get the hate comments for this but I look at leaving it to god as a cop out' and authorization to do nothing.
Romans wrote that , not any Supreme creative mind, the Black Nobility Family Lines that emerged from the Roman Empire , and created the Unholy Roman Catholic empire church , created all that , long after the 1st century,,,, their ancestors and BUSINESS PARTNERS are still controlling all these agendas and war against all life. There are 20 miles of HALLWAYS , hiding 10,000 years of human history and 500,000 items in the Secret Vatican Achives , why is it still hidden? Dont you think WE ARE ALL missing lots of important info and knowledge?
On judgement day...at least at this point I find it hard to believe we can arrest/imprison the many western governments involved. We’re near the end of the Church age now and await the tribulation and His 2nd coming. 🙏🏼
Personally, I have Psalms 73 to be comforting as I go before the Lord, he reminds me of their end, and all this does have an end, although those who were carried off in the flood thought themselves "immortal" their wake-up call came.
Yes-the evil people keep popping up. Every day I wonder why these sociopaths get elected to high offices. I can probably answer what I just said.
Edward Bernays sort of founded modern propaganda. The power of advertising etc. Disgusting.
They are NOT ELECTED, they are SELECTED by even more evil people so they an remain in the shadows and manipulate and control. This is ALSO DONE to demoralize and make everyone lose self respect, and fell powerless to change anything , when such pathetic and corrupt people rule over them. THERE ARE NO LONGER ANY LEGIT GOVERNMENTS ,,,,, ONLY CRIMINAL CARTELS..
Thank you. That helps me more than you know. Bless you.
I pray they are removed from office and power. I pray they have a road to Damascus experience.
I get your disgust. I have to constantly fight against more violent angry thoughts of what should happen to them, but those thoughts only send chemical surges through my body, not theirs. That's probably good because if it went through theirs, I might not be able to fight them.
One can be old but can still find ways to fight.
Unbelievable horror, I can't believe the lack of state and federal help.
Thank God for the private people with their planes, helicopters, and trailers came to try to help.
Ironically, W. North Carolina and E. Tennessee had previously been spared from most of the environmental destruction further north due to not having the coal & gas resources like SW Virginia, SE Kentucky, W. Virginia.
Looks like the forces of darkness think it would be a waste to leave it in the hands of independent-minded hillbillies.
They despise independent minded poor people. Well, not rich anyway.
To them were just bitter clingers.
I think that there are probably many freedom loving hard working "illegals" in the United States of America.
Considering the damage that hard fighting Americans do and have done to many many many nations over the years, it is no surprise that those "illegals" want to go anywhere they can to make a better life.
When you parent gets sick and ends up in a nursing home you better hope that there are plenty of "illegals" around because there are NO hard working white Americans that are wiping peoples poop stained privates and cleaning up their drool.
Unless you want to pay even more money for that lettuce you enjoy in your hard earned salad you better hope there are lots of illegals around to pick it. Cause there aint no hard working white people gonna do it.
Drive around in Ubers for awhile (as I have) and meet some of those illegals who are driving 12 hours a day. And that's not their only job. And you know what ? Those illegals think that the United States of America is "heaven on earth". I bite my tongue and let them have their lovely theory.
It wasn't illegals who locked us down, ruined our businesses, abused our children by mandating masks and and murderous injections, and lied through their teeth while doing it.
There is evil in the world. It comes in all shapes and sizes and colors, ideaologies and religions and doctrines. It cannot be relegated to one nationality, ethnicity, sex, political affiliation or belief system.
I am no more "legal" than the lovely women who cared for my mother and cried when she passed.
This country cannot function without hard-working immigrants.
However, letting thousands of undocumented immigrants in,
including many gangs and criminals, is a deliberate sabotage
strapping our tax dollars,
They're doing exactly the same in the UK. I think the aim is for us to find a common enemy...the illegal immigrants being given more financial help than locals. They want us to hate the migrants...takes our minds off the real perpetrators of these disgusting activities our governments have been puppeteered into doing. Divide and rule...works like magic for them, for thousands of years! But now our eyes are open.
Completely correct now tell me why we the people , ex military , law enforcement who obey their oaths have done nothing and sit back until, they destroy us all ?
Exactly because we the people have been brainwashed since childhood to obey orders and not think for ourselves! Our daddy state knows best!
The wonderful western education system with its allegiance to a flag! For goodness sake, ones allegiance should be to ones community, that's what keeps one safe and until we learn this hard lesson the likes of what is happening now will only get worse. We've been fed hogs-wash and BS for hundreds of years, and believed it.
In the long run this system will probably self destruct, we need to help that event take place, so that we do not have to suffer much longer from their greedy, murderous, frightened of loosing power, dangerous stupidity, and meanwhile we could start creating the kind of system that will serve us best, one built from the bottom up on solid foundations, with no one person being able to give themselves powers others don't have. A real democracy.
Correct, stay safe my friend
precisely correct ,, while making enormous number of people dependent THESE ARE MILITARY OPERATIONS,,,,,, SO ITS ALSO TREASON!
Its not about red or blue. Trump is wanting to team up with Elon Musk and JD Vance is heavily funded by Peter Thiel. Musk and Thiel are both Technocrats and they are wanting to use the government just long enough to get in there and then they could take over with all of their technology and power and money. Patrick Wood wrote about this on Substack and he has great info about Technocracy and Transhumanism. Its bigger than blue and red though. Remember when it was Bush and Gore, they acted like they were fighting against each other, hanging chads etc... they were both New World Order. We are being played and deceived. Basically it's game over bc both sides are for globalism. Good news is for Christians that the rapture is nearing and then a little while after that Jesus returns and straightens it all out.
Please watch this about the 'storm". We can work tegether to focus on changing its'
course,, heading it south. WE NEED NOT BE VICTIMS, BUT VICTORS.
I appreciate your help as I am in Florida. Collectively we
are more powerful than as individuals. rachel
It does seem to follow the same playbook as Lahaina and Santa Rosa and Paradise.
Yup! No coincidence here. It's a government land grab.
We have occurrences like this in Canada too 🍁
Thank you for your comment, Camille-- I'm sorry that Canada is following the same course. are there any articles that have been covering the events?
There was a large fire near the Shuswap lakes ( BC) last summer. Authorities prevented people from helping. The devastation was not nearly as big as the current situation in TN/NC but likewise, was not covered in its true extent.
I don’t have an article but this is one ( of many) posts from a local on Telegram:
Jennifer Tinholt, [Aug 28, 2023 at 9:00 PM]
This is late news now.
But perhaps someone here knows someone that this story needs to be shared with. I can't believe this is our current reality!
Hey Guys
We need to get the story out about what’s happening in the Shuswap. Can you guys please post this everywhere. Send it to everyone you know. Please help us.
My name is Stef and my husband Jorne and I own a home at the end of Meadow Creek road in Celista BC. The fire department and forestry lit a back burn around 4pm on Thursday Aug 17th knowing there were 30km winds coming. No news outlet is talking out this. My husband has been monitoring the winds and the Adams creek fire for weeks. On Tuesday Aug 15th we knew the winds were coming. The fire was approx 15km away from us. We don’t know who decided to light a back burn knowing the wind forecast. They lit a 14km back burn right to our back door and never notified us. My dad who lives in Kelowna knew about a “out of control back burn” before we did. They didn’t even come to tell us. They notified the locals by posting it on a piece of paper at the gas station.
At 845pm we saw the fire just over the ridge. And by 12pm it had reached meadow creek road and was in back yard. Without the back burn we could have had a whole day to prepare. We did have sprinklers up, water tanks loaded and generators ready to go. We knew we were pretty much on our own and would not receive much help. The fire department did come down the road and were there briefly. Once they deemed the fire out of control they left. When the fire came into the valley we watched it burn up the sides of the mountain due to the humidity dome created with all the sprinkler and water. The fire department abandoned us. About 2 hours had passed when some locals came down our valley with resources and help. I was notified the fire department was sitting in a field having coffee so I went t to get them. When I got there I asked them to come help us, told them the situation. One of the firemen told me they wanted to help but had orders to sit. I yelled at them to get in their trucks and come help us. They said they would. I went back down the road to notify our crew they were coming. I sat and waited but no one came. About 15 minutes had gone by so I went back up the road and found them sitting about 1km away. They told me they were assessing the situation. I asked how they could assess if they couldn’t see it? I again asked them to come help and they finally did. Everyone ran around putting hot spots out. We wore water packs and half masks with headlamps for the next 3 days making sure our houses made it through.
In the initial days after the “superfire” the locals were able to get water, gas and supplies but now there is a heavy police presence. They have the roads blocked off saying they are preventing looting. The locals are being told to return to their homes. They are not allowed to be helping at all. There are spike strips on the roads. Police blocks everywhere. There are people trying to get essential supplies in such as water, gas and food by boat. They are being turned away. Police are patrolling the roads and water. They have the gas stations blocked off.
We need the real story to get out so we can get help.
We are more than equipped to help put this fire out but are being stopped. We need resources such as gas, diesel to keep us going. They’re trying to starve us out so they can let it burn.
My number is 250-509-0400 Please feel free to post my number. I’m willing to talk to anyone who can help us.
I wonder what kind of people are being hired in the police departments and fire departments in Canada and here in the states as well, what kind of individual would follow orders to purposely go out their way to harm the community they suppose to protect? This really is very sad and infuriating at the same time 😒
That’s a good question for the good Dr B
IMO… I don’t think it has anything to do with the “kind of people”. Are you familiar with the Asch and Milgram experiments?
One concern is that after driving out many citizen police officers and other first responders (for refusing to be woke, or refusing the COVID vaccines, or other reasons) the municipalities will be "forced" to hire illegal aliens, who come from very different cultures and do not have the cultural attachment or relationship to the community they are policing. ~ Ginger Breggin
I’ll tell you the kind, the kind that work at your local government utility, tax offices etc. Rule followers… they take orders and follow them instead of having common sense and critical thinking skills.
Or they’re from your local satanic secret temple town hall…
Camille--Many of us have had a wakeup call since Maui last year--https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/mauis-inferno-organized-human-evil?utm_source=publication-search
and I have started to look into the Wyoming fires still burning now and completely ignored by legacy media....
There are land grabs everywhere....Somewhere there have to be tabletop exercises or instructions on how to handle these situations that expose the intentional "neglect" and more but I haven't seen them yet....Ginger Breggin
I’d read/heard about a simulated climate event -similar in nature to Event 201-…I believe it occurred a number of years ago… I can’t recall where I’d seen/heard about it. Have you seen/heard?
Thank you for sharing your sad story. We are all learning that we cannot
depend on professionals or our governments to act decently.. Its up to
us citizens to work together to help each other. God bless.
Apparently there is some natural resources under and around you, or you are in the path of the wilding. God bless you. I'm in the US, NC, thankfully not in the flood path.
Could Australia be included in this??! The fires we had the past couple of years devastated much of the forested areas south with the extent and heat signatures, at the time deemed impossible to be caused by nature. And then the floods in the Northern Rivers region when unprecedented flooding causing death and destruction of hundreds of houses with deaths many underreported, and emergency services unusually tardy in their ineffective response. Ginger’s Substack on Cyclone Helen is frightening.
Hi Heli Tramp- I have been very suspicious of the fires in Southern Australia, and am wondering about the underlying reasons. There are of course multiple reasons that directed destruction may occur-- a 'rounding up' of rural citizens to be driven into smart cities or 15 minute cities. A creating of green zones and other wild areas, a land grab for minerals or other precious resources, and more. Often there will be many reasons that can be taken advantage of, as in the North Carolina Hurricane Helena and the flooding. ~ Ginger Breggin
HAARP/Ionispheric heaters/geoengineering/ and of course D.E.W.S. or direct energy weapons
Yes-most of these fires if not all are due to arson.
This year we had a monumental fire in Jasper National Park…
Get rid of (one way or another) those pesky locals complaining about their 'rights' to grab the resources and/or carve out enclaves for the .1%
And don’t forget the very bizarre fires in Oregon (2020?) as well. Multiple counties were affected with massive fires initiated across a wide area all at the same time according to satellite views. Nothing normal about that one either.
And Ukraine, Gaza...
Not to mention Ukraine and Gaza.
Why was Paradise nuked exactly?
What is to be done? I'm getting this https://civildefensemanual.com
Don't look to Big Brother to save you. In case you did not know, the government is not our BFF.
Prepare to help your community in times of need. And expect opposition from FEMA. Agenda 2030 is planning on turning my entire state into a giant windmill farm.
I'm able to discuss this stuff more openly among neighbors now. No more laughter and fewer eye rolls at my "conspiracy theories."
Hi Nichols- What state are you in and can you provide some links about the windmill plans for your state?
Indiana. Not many people here so I guess they figure they can sweep us up near the end if not before in their chaos. I remember hearing about it and seeing the map on Ice Age Farmer. He's offline but a lot of his posts remain. I'll search it out.
Also in Indian (northwest rural areas) are massive solar farms that have gone up in the past 3 years. Coincidentally near enough to where Microsoft plans HUGE data centers in South Bend and La Porte. Methinks something similar brews here, too. Also re-opening (closed around 2020 !!!! )nuclear power plants (Michigan) presumably to cool the plant.
What happened to him??
He got scared, I guess. I saw him briefly appear in someone else's YT video telling people that he has left stuff up on sites other than YT which has taken down many. That video was only a few months old.
My guess is that he got swatted or something and is focused entirely on his community now. Not a bad idea. Eventually that's all we will have. Especially if we refuse to surrender to Mr. Global.
States need to consider quitting the National Guard system and going to state troops and/or organized militia - with both military and civil defense roles.
At least when needed they wouldn't be deployed continents away.
Be careful of that idea too. That is a military state and they only listen to the fed and not your governor or police or local officials. They took China from its people using their military and defunding their police.
I live in a rural area. At least it was when we built our house here 50 years ago. Now I have sickening liberals right next door and down the road with their BLM signs and their Screemin' Kamala /Tampon Tim signs posted.
Hi Rachel.. I hate the windmills we have here in Indiana! And you say we are getting more? Yuck. Hope you are doing well. I will le5 you know if I go to Indy.
I need to find the site's name. Christian (Ice Age Farmer) showed the Reset map and what they plan on doing to various states. All of Indiana was windmills. No people. His videos remain on Bitchute but he has not posted since 2022.
I’ve heard of Ice Age Farmer, however, didn’t know he wasn’t posting anymore.
Oh that doesn’t excite me too much! How will the reset move everyone out of Indiana?
Civil war, famine, violent skirmishes, disasters, mysterious sudden deaths by people who always keep medical appointments, eminent domain land seizures.
Thank you for putting the pieces together in this horrible planned disaster. There are bits and parts all over social media, but your very thorough and informative substack here ties it all together. It is unbelievably horrible and evil, and I must remind myself that these ghouls do not think like we do. I felt so bad for the Lahaina Victims and this equally horrible to see unfolding right in front of our eyes. One must be a special kind of evil to block any attempts to help the victims in this disaster. And thank you for making this free for all to read.
Yes thank you!! Incredible piecing… just like your Global Predators book 💫
I have a friend that lives in Henderson county?? I think, North Carolina, in the mountains
She has a blog (exclusively sewing and her personal interests) and she usually blogs daily, but not recently. She finally sent out an update that said she and her neighbors suffered damage to their area, and each are suffering different difficulties but they are helping each other up there on the mountain. she said it has been rough.
My heart breaks for all of these people suffering. The US government needs to go on strict supervision for reckless behavior and spending. This hurricane response is a glaring problem, what happens when we do not have REAL money in our economy, taking wild risks, gross mismanagement of our tax dollars, money making deals for the big guys, funding illegals with lavish gifts and treating our own citizens like 5hi#. Why are we allowing this to happen?
I am so sad about all of this and the actions of these activists that push for more democrat control.
Everything they touch is a disaster.
I hope both of you are having a lovely week-end... (sun shine) despite this worry and effort we are making on our own to ensure those suffering are receiving proper attention and care
Henderson County is the adjoining county next to Buncombe County (Asheville), about 30 plus minutes drive SE of Asheville. The town of Hendersonville received a large amount of rain from that storm. I think over 21 inches.
she and her hubbs are very well off comparatively to the average and have several generators and helping all of their neighbors to preserve the food, also one neighbor has been able to use their generator to wash clothing of all of the helping community., Many of these people are middle aged and have loving family able to come and assist as well. There are some communities doing quite well, and others that are just completely suffering.
It is such a shock.
The only “strict supervision” is from our Lord Jesus. America is being destroyed from within by order of EU globalists - going as planned. Prayer is what we have and it’s more powerful than the evil driving this catastrophe 🙏🏼
So very true JMarie
I am heart broken (yet not surprised) to see this insane deliberate culling and murder of innocent residents including babies , children, moms and dads and elderly.
I pray there is a God of justice and these EVIL psychopaths running the world and Washington pay heavily.
This is JUST LIKE the Lahaina and Maui LAND GRAB for future elites.
In MAUI it was military grade DEW weapons incinerating people and homes TO STEALL their assets.
The Breggins as usual are SPOT ON with this great feature .
There is ALWAYS a motivation and presently we are AT WAR with corrupt politicians and elites calling the shots.
There is ALREADY considerable STRONG EVIDENCE of extreme criminal foul play.
Here again it appears that military grade HAARP was used (likely the one in AK) to turn this tropical storm into a monster of dead worse than Katrina, but far worse because RESCUE efforts by Govt are nil and others trying to HELP AND AID are being threatened by FEMA of arrest, dozens of trucks delivering relief had their tires slashes, relief goods are being ceized and the military helicopter relief was virtually NOT EXISTENT.
WE THE PEOPLE MUST NOT FORGET THIS and the millions of other victims that are dying by totalitarian tyranny started by PRESIDENTS of the USA like both BUSH's, CLINTONS (plural) , Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Kerry, and too many to name.
They are leaders in this CLUB of lunaticsl with more elite handlers in deep state CIA, SS, and FBI and the USA Alphabet agencies. Of course Rothschild s, the Royal famiky, Gates, Soros are all DEPOPULATION eugenics mad.
1. Massive LITHIUM deposits that ELITES want in NC and Appalachian mountains
2. They are DEPOPULATING and now that society has learned of the deadly toxic vaccines they gave us , - they are ten steps ahead and culling humanity ANY and EVERY way they can with simple murder in hospitals to 5G nanobotd.
Piss them off elite psychopaths and they will kill you and your dog.
3. Money - Do I need to repeat THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL , that has literally destroyed the worlldwithh MORALLY BANKRUPT sick minds that believe it is OK to rape children and enslave humanity . THESE blood drinking Satan worshippers are creating chaos to destract humanity while they try and kill you , and yes any good intelligent politician like TRUMP.
As a veteran, the USA always was a bright light for inalienable human rights, and democracy but now evil has extinguished even the Statue of Liberty, as NEW. YORK as a state has a DEMOCRATIC holy spot has no Rule of Law.
If you live in a RED state have plans because you are in their scope and these sick people that go beyond treason, WANT YOU DEAD.
PLEASE PLEASE HELP these victims IF YOU CAN, and never forget this is planned deliberate murder and you are at war, against all USA agencies including FEMA.
WE cannot look away.
It is TIME to ACT while we still can.
God blessthee Breggins for their constant crusade against evil.
Your prayer will be answered Warrior. There is hope for the future! There IS a God of justice. He has a timeline and will act soon. Please examine the evidence on jw.org with an open mind I hope your heart will then be healed as mine was over 60 yrs ago when I first learned why all these terrible things are happening on the earth. I send love from England to you and all people who are heart broken and can’t see a satisfying way out. . Peace to you and all truth seekers.
Thank you for your beautiful message . It warms my heart and lightens the burden we carry. My prayers and all good wished to you and yours.
PS will check out the link.
Interesting link. Thank you.
Look into the NexRAD antenna, raised a few decades ago. They appear to be used across the US to help leverage the chemtrail metals to heat/cool the atmosphere to create/steer abnormal weather conditions.
You might like this one...
The goal is to create a war inside the U.S. and stop the election
because of uprisings, Also severeal states will cecede from the Gov't..
Totally agree, Although not 100 percent would agree - it is a distinct possibly.
Watch THIS if you get a chance.
Thank you for being a warrior and knowing the truth versus the lies.
The last election was stolen, they want to do that with the upcoming one.
I am happy to vote for a competent leader, but K is not fit for office.
Only T, working with God, can save all of us as a leader. He has his
issues, but you know what he is thinking.
A lot of other Americans are beginning to wake up to reality.
We must work together as Americans for the greatest good for all. be well.
Please watch. We can work together and take our power back. Our free-will
can say NO to these evil storms and dissipate them.
YES warrior, it is deliberate and planned. We must work together as big biz
and our states and Gov't do noit care. Where is the state of NC helping its'
citizens, knowinng FEMA is betraying us?. cheers.
1. Three (3) very conservative areas of 3 crucial swing states, plus Tennessee, were heavily damaged just a month before the Presidential (s)election: (a) Florida's panhandle is very conservative, (b) eastern Georgia is very conservative, (c) western North Carolina is very conservative, excepting Asheville which is not, and (d) eastern Tennessee is conservative, though Tenn. is not considered a "swing state."
2. Naturally occurring hurricanes usually peter out after landfall. *** But NOT THIS ONE! ***
3. It is to me inexplicable and EXTREMELY STRANGE how the forecasts (a) failed to warn the people how SEVERE Helene would be, (b) failed to issue EVACUATION WARNINGS in time for people to escape, and (c) failed to predict the HUGE 2' FEET of rainfall in North Carolina, and (d) failed to predict the SUDDEN TURN TO THE EAST sometime on the night of Thursday Sept. 26 night into the early morning hours of Friday Sept. 27, taking Helene outside the stormpath modeling consensus. > This IMO = evidence of steering/geoengineering.
4. The land under the towns destroyed by Helene has huge lithium and quartz to be mined, just as the land in Lahaina was prime real estate for development, in both instances blocked by the presence of ordinary Americans who lived there in modest homes.
It's getting more and more in our face that government is run by TRAITORS who have sold the U.S. out to the global banking/NATO cabal. BILLIONS of U.S. taxpayer money go to Ukraine and to Israel. But Only a $700 or 800 check to North Carolina and Lahaina residents!?!? This is EVIL.
I would not be surprised to find the money going to Ukraine, Lebanon and Israel doesn’t actually help out the affected people. This seems to be an efficient way to launder money from the middle class. Poor people are much easier to control.
Absolutely. Large portions of foreign aid sent to Ukraine, Israel, etc., is then sent back as kickbacks to the same corrupt traitorous U.S. politicians who had voted to send the money, *** often in the form of "campaign contributions." *** For example, recall the case of Sam Bankman ("French") Fried of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse/FTX cryptocurrency scandal, whose parents are both law professors at Stanford University:
"Silicon Valley Poured Money Into FTX, With Few Strings Attached"
"Silicon Valley Bank collapse"
"[In the] 2022 U.S. midterm elections, Bankman-Fried was the second-largest individual donor to Democratic causes for the 2022 U.S. elections, with total donations of $39.8 million, only behind George Soros ..."
"For the 2020 U.S. elections, he contributed $5.2 million to two super PACs that supported the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign.[143] Bankman-Fried was the second-largest individual donor to Biden in the 2020 election cycle,[144] after Michael Bloomberg."
"Contributions were made to both U.S. political parties, with SBF saying he gave an equal amount. ... Public records showed donations to Republican Party campaigns in the 2021–22 cycle of $262,200,[148] including donations to senators Susan Collins of Maine, Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Ben Sasse of Nebraska.[143] Journalist Matthew Kassel says that Bankman-Fried had often donated to politicians who cultivate good Israel–United States relations but concluded "it is unclear if his backing of pro-Israel candidates was coincidental or motivated by any personal interest in Middle East policy."[149] Bankman-Fried said he donated additional money to Republicans through dark money channels."
🌀 Thank you for the link.
It's about destroying the ultimate threat to Mr. Global. Tight knit, self-sustaining communities.
Depopulation and land grabs will take care of that.
Remember that these lithium batteries are to power the electric cars that Elon Musk mass produces despite lack of demand. Funny how folks lose sight of important details like that.
Lithium is far more useful than just electric cars and batteries
How many of these dead will be voting for Harris / Walz.
Maybe we can get another emergency spending bill out for Israel and Ukraine
Dear Ginger and Dr. Breggin: Thank you for this insightful and heart-wrenching report on hurricane Helene and how FEMA and the US government have abandoned these families. I was ignorant of the depth and breadth of human devastation caused by Helene until I read your article.
Thank you both for all you do to shed light in the darkness.God bless!
Thank you for your hard work too Karen, God bless you, Ginger
Thank you so much for your reporting on this tragedy.
Makes me wonder if there is still gold in the California Sierra mountains and will be an earthquake or something similar that devastates that area sometime soon.
I had to finally move from there because I dodged 4 wild fires in 20 years. I couldn’t take it anymore. None of this would surprise me at this point.
Sorry about the typos. My edit button is not working today.
I understand to have to dodge how traumatic it be to dodge those fires so many times.
The Lord still has me in Ca for a reason. Very interesting times here is the golden state. People don’t realize how many sane people actually live here.
I would still be there today… and I dream of my home there often. I commend you for staying.
When the arsonists came and went and the Silicon Valley children came up for temporary visits to their cabins (4000 sf cabins) and paint balled our Redwoods I couldn’t stay to watch any longer. Stay well.
Oh no! That is horrific. The weird thing is the liberals claim that the conservatives hate trees. Quite the opposite. I love trees! They are God’s creation. I will never worship trees because the Maker tells us not to. But we are to take care of His creation.
The Redwoods are amazing! Where was your cabin?
Where did "Alexa" get THIS IDEA? Alexa Calmly Tells Stunned Americans Hurricane Helene Was Artificially Created, By Cloud Seeding, Celia Farber
"It Was Also The First Manmade Hurricane In History." —ALEXA https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/alexa-calmly-tells-stunned-americans
Celia Farber, Catherine Austin Fitts On Helene: "It's Not A Natural Event." Says It Is A Giant Taking, Land Grab, WH Leveraging Disaster Recovery Against Election: "Assertion Of Top Down Control Of Counties"
"The goal of this operation and [Hurricane Helene] is an operation, it's not a natural event...[it] got steered in my opinion," Fitts says. "The goal of this operation is to take assets and...it's basically a giant taking...to grab land."
The investment banker says:
"We're having lots of reports of land grab tactics being applied" and adds that the operation "relates to the [U.S. presidential] election."
"I suspect we're seeing the White House basically—and, again, this is conjecture—negotiate terms. You know, you'll get disaster recovery if, you know, you do this, this, and this for the election," Fitts says.
"The president is saying he's gonna call back Congress, that there's not enough money at FEMA to go through the hurricane season, and so they're strong-arming Congress to come back and basically give the administration what they want on the continuing appropriations process."
Furthermore, Fitts says this is also an instance of central bankers attempting to wrangle more control for themselves. "This is all part of installing the digital ID and financial transaction infrastructure you need to assert absolute control," Fitts says. "And if you look at the patterns, whether it's the taking or the land grab or other other reports we're getting out of that area, it looks to me like a lot of assertion of top-down control of counties." https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/catherine-austin-fitts-on-helene
Dane Wigington, in 90 second time lapse video with artificial color for ground-based radio-frequency transmissions, proportional to output-power, shows that these steering transmissions were everywhere that the Hurricane Helene was not, leaving an open channel of travel. It had been heavily seeded with charged nanoparticles while it was forming, which makes it more subject to radio-frequency steering. Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/hurricane-helene-and-frequency-transmissions-90-second-alert/
This video also shows US patents explaining how its done https://lbry.tv/@WeatherWar101:3/How-Nexrad-HAARP-Works_Turning-Natural-Storms-into-Biblical-Floods:9
"And the federal relief and assistance that we have been providing has included FEMA providing $750 for folks who need immediate needs being met, such as food, baby formula, and the like. And you can apply now," Kamala said.
see White House transcript of her speech
My friend and I have said many times that we wish that we could meet Dr. Peter and Ginger ! We are so grateful for both of you! Praying for you both.