Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Antisemitism and anti Christian is a war against Almighty God, our divine creator of the universe. God is love and those who hate are against the God of love. They follow the evil fallen angel Satan. The war upon the Earth is about Good vs. Evil . Good ends up in “Heaven” with God (love), and evil ends up with Satan in the eternal “Lake of Fire”. Many have sold their souls to evil Satan, and will spend eternity with him in the Lake of Fire. Our Almighty God of love wins this war, and His believers will be eternally in Heaven with Him.

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

the muslims are infiltrating every country.

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

You are right. Let's evangelize them! I've met a few in the US who converted and are bringing up their children in the Christian faith. Yay! The beast has intruded its head and horns into the tents of every human institution whether industrial complex tent or the more human such as local governments, law enforcement, courts, church, and family. (Many sincere Catholics are furious with the pope; and many formerly evangelical protestant denominations have become reprobate.)

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

excellent. Excellent.

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P.S. One of the men was a Moslem Ethiopian. He was using Bible pages as toilet paper. Then one day he decided to start reading them. Oops! He became a believer and had to flee for his life. He ended up here in the United States.

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I personally think the Pope is senile like Biden or on Drugs.

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Sep 21Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Yes. Every time I hear about the 6 million Jews, I tell them about the 20 million Christians. It actually softens the blow. Not that it should, but people are what they are, for better or worse.

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I agree and we make this point often including in our essay on "Why the Jews must never lose a battle." Those who come for the Jews are ultimately going after Christianity as well. and in fact far more Christians than Jews have been slaughtered by wars conducted by global empires wishing to control and dominate Christians, including those in their own empires. ~ Peter Breggin

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

YHWH promised in Hosea that He would preserve the Jewish people aka the House of Judah including Judah, Levi, and Benjamin. And He said He would scatter Israel aka Joseph aka Ephraim, the ten tribes scattered. If you've ever read the Maccabees, you will see that not all Jews are/were faithful. The very fact that there is a recognized, YHWH-hearing Torah observant people group called Jews today, is evidence that YHWH fulfilled His promise in Hosea. And then our Savior walked among humanity as a Jew.

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Amen. So good to read a comment by another student of the scriptures who sees Two Houses. Great!

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Couldn’t agree more!

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

I'd like to start a movement called Pro-Semitism. Don't know where to begin, or to whom - lol

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Marlene: as a Jew I appreciate your comment about Pro-Semitism. But it would have to be pro-Jewish because there really is no easily identifiable group called the Semites.... I'm joking, about pro-Jew. I'm happy with pro-God. Thanks for your support. Peter

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Connect with Sheriff Mack who founded the CSPOA: Constitutional Sheriff & Peace Officers Association.

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin


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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Even on the local level... probate courts also have become reprobate. In many places well-to-do elderly are put under involuntary guardianship, a law which is supposed to protect them from exploitation is used to exploit them. Family members who become guardians of their loved ones are told that after age 18, they are no longer their child's parent. The court magistrates communicate with the lawyers who charge $500 or more per hour, and they don't even answer questions The court and lawyers directly exploit the incapacitated and their family member(s) who take on the role of guardian. When we were home schooling we learned through the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) that the DCF or other government social workers would come to good family homes with law enforcement and seize the family kids, based on a hot tip; we would have thought, "They must have done something wrong for the government to do that." But we learned through observation that this really did happen, and the family was not given a speedy hearing with an impartial jury. It was all judge and social worker. No due process. There must be some government money flowing there too, with so many families thus devastated.

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Medical kidnapping.

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

We learned a lot more about American history when we home schooled our kids. The man who opened my eyes was David Barton, founder of WALLBUILDERS. The name comes from the book of Nehemiah. And Nehemiah speaks over and over about how important it is to walk in the Law/Torah of our Creator. Abraham observed the Law/Torah of Yahweh, and because he did, his children were blessed. (Genesis 26) It seems that all the government empowered invasion and pillaging of the US, Canada, Great Britain, France.... and even Israel are because we are under judgment. I think evangelism and revival are desperately needed. We might not agree about everything, but if people would just seek Him, it would be huuge!

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what is the difference between "semite" and Shemite? thanks!

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The only issue is that antisemitism is aimed at the Jews. The reality is that the term semite is antiquated and has many differing references.

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Sad state of affairs all around. Thanks for all you do!!

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Sep 22Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Who needs gas chambers when with compliant ones going to Publix, Walmart, Walgreens, CVS... hospitals, pediatricians... vax vendors to help us all be beta-brains or even omega-brains?

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