It’s all done by design, part of the plan. What I’ll never understand is how those democrats that went along with this setup can forget about their own children and grandchildren. Do they think their private security will be able to always keep them safe, is that what they are banking on? Historically both sides of the uniparty seemed to at least have that in common, the safety of future generations…
Many of those in charge are psychopaths. They care no more about their own children than they do about anyone else, which is not at all. Psychopaths have no empathy, can't feel it at all. The followers and enablers of these monsters are obviously just incredibly stupid.
Maybe they are already doing what they are supposed to do: create chaos through muder, robberies, rapes and so on.
We always imagine that it is coordinated. What if it's not? What if it's just chaos, to make people scream for a police state and a one world government?
They aren't thinking beyond the present. They've probably been promisee security for themselves and immediate family but there is ALWAYS a catch that one never fathomed.
America has been dumbed down for the last 70 years with these vaxes, which destroyed the glands in the brain which enabled thinking; along with toxic poisons from legal and illegal drugs; no-nutrient food; and mind-numbing TV. In 1910,John D Rockefeller promoted the AMA to distribute toxic petroleum-based drugs for the human body...Then in the 1950s the promotion of these injections filled with toxic matter that did not belong in the body...done on a regular basis. These things were not questioned? WHO was behind the vaccine development? Someone had to know that mercury, aluminum, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal cells, animal viruses, etc. did not create a stronger immune system...They would break down the cells and organs in the body. WHO hated America enough to do this? Was it connected to the 1800 German Scientists who were brought to America, after WW11? They were not happy about being defeated in WW11! Were there people in our government who were Nazi Sympathizers This should be investigated!
America is not the America of the 1940s...our country was far healthier then. It has really deteriorated in the last 70 years. The Enemy Within had to have been all those people who promoted "Better Living through chemistry,' etc. Look at all the chemicals we have now and more are still being created. This industry has helped in taking America down. Our only real defense is our Creator...We really need to ask our Creator for guidance and help!
Fluoride in particular is scientifically known to cause stupidity. I agree we are dumbed down below where we should be. But I have bad news. People have always been easily manipulated. What's your excuse for 1930s Germany? Can't be vaccines and TV. What about the Salem witch trials? For that matter, human history is one shiite show after another of the public conned into doing the bidding of evil-minded "elites", to their own detriment. Vaccines, drugs, poisons, TV, crappy schools, etc. make it worse sure. But there wasn't much to work with anyway, in the human species. The only thing that works is a mostly benevolent dogma that a population overwhelmingly buys into. A Christian revival is our best hope. Forget about people using their own hearts and minds to figure out the best path. That has never happened. Christianity got Western civilization on a roll, until it began its steep decline. I'm making no judgement on whether its tenets are based on truth or fiction. That's above my pay grade. Just citing an obvious observation.
Das "Christentum" ist doch in Wahrheit auch nichts anderes als pure, nackte Gewalt, somit ein Teil dieser monströs hässlichen, prädatorischen Gewaltallianz. Es braucht überhaupt keiner Fabelgeschichten, Märchen oder sonst irgendeiner "Gotterzählung", die Menschen haben alles selbst (und ständig) in sich. Was es jedoch benötigt und zwar dringend, ist: Humanität!
Menschlichkeit? Tatjana Nozka, wie? Human apes are still in the primitive stages of consciousness. Constand, never ending wars, this ape eat anything that moves, some are so illogical, talking on how the Creator created everything so perfect and than choping on their baby boys penises, like if the Creator screw up. The only creature that is injecting in to their childrens blood adjuvants for profits to make more sick and more profits. The stupidity of this ape is beyond words
There was a pure message brought 2000 years ago...if it had been followed we would have peace today. Unfortunately, a psycho Roman Emperor Constantine twisted the message to do exactly opposite what this Master taught. This revolutionary thinker went into a temple with a whip and drove out the people who were selling things there...He said that they turned his Father's House into a business. He taught his disciples to go directly to our Father...not let a middleman get between us and our father. I don't think he would be happy with organized religion; Its failed to bring peace, since it started in 325 AD. #1 Commandment was to LOVE OUR CREATOR-FATHER....IT was the LAW. Matt 22:35-40...We were to ask for guidance. MATT 6:5
All those why nothing happened that should have happen in a civilized society. I just wonder if ever Sweden has been wrapped up too, our "opinion corridor" having been strict enough, i.e. speech censoring as well as opinion censoring?
...also, of course the Rockefellers being close friends with our globalist family the Wallenbergs..... The names all about rocks and mountains to be sure.
JJ I really appreciate your work. I’m curious as to what you think about the latest Andrew Tate development. I am shocked that the Trump administration would intervene on his behalf and allow him to come back into the United States. It is an outrage! I don’t think a lot of people are aware of the depths of his depravity and criminal activity, especially human trafficking and the mistreatment of women.
Agree, and it's so so so much worse than people think...
Obama becomes angel of drone death in the middle east, bombing wedding parties and innocent people walking the streets destroying those societies in the process. Years later Biden directly flies hundreds of thousands of highly radicalized victims into the heart of this nation. Meanwhile at the southern border:
Military Training Centers Along Texas Border Are Collating Invaders, Doing God Knows What to Them, and Bussing Them Into the Interior: [16:49mins]
Soros, with the UN, is behind the invasion of all western nations. Here is the Hungarian Prime Minister exposing this plot - how Soros is destroying Europe - from a 2015 'Project Syndicate' manifesto by Soros: [2:37mins]
What we have here is the execution of the Cloward-Piven strategy where criminal invaders flood our borders, swamping the US, meanwhile Soros buys up DAs all across the country who refuse to prosecute most crimes, and who are emptying the prisons. All of this is a deliberate recipe for cataclysm. Once the invaders fall off the welfare wagon and can no longer occupy hotels, they will be coming for our resources.
We'd better be ready. Here's how:
The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.
Here's a simple solution that everyone can do. I know, I did it, and I used to work in tv news.
-Stop watching local tv news
-Stop watching national tv news
-Stop watching cable news
-Stop watching ALL things related to news or commentary
For whatever reason, watching it seems more damaging and stressful than reading a story online or (gasp!) in a newspaper. You also get to choose what to read and what not to read.
Well.... only good ideas, as far as you can go... but none of it will help against soldiers/gangs. Not only are they trained soldiers but the cartels soldiers are just robotic destroyers... not an empathetic cell in their bodies. They will trample your gardens, raping and murdering while laughing. I'm going with - .... "eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." :)
I have not listened to the interview yet - but how does an unsupplied enemy inside the US do anything significant? Americans own lots of guns. This smells like a psy-op along with the UFO thing. Brett Weinstein mentioned the chinese sneaking into America via the southern border and some of us realize Brett is part of the psy-op machine along with his brother Eric Weinstein. Is this (fake) invasion of military men somehow advancing CBDC's or the surveillance state which are the two things the bankers that control america most want? The oligarchical bankers are the true destroyers of our wealth and freedoms and it could get worse if we don't wake up. In my opinion this is a psy-op conceived of by the oligarchical bankers. I will listen the interview and edit this conclusion if need be. Ok, listened to some of it, I think the money USAID spent on getting immigrants into this country has more to do with increasing democrat votes and child trafficking and sex trafficking rather than getting an invasion army inside America. This invading army has no supplies, what could they possibly do? It's a psy-op.
Edit: I changed my mind, see my comments elsewhere starting with the sentence: "Could these illegal immigrants be similar to "Operation Gladio" in Europe where from 1952 to 1990 a terrorist network assassinated leaders who were both anti-NATO and nationalistic?"
Per those tracking them.... they appear to be the equivalent of our FBI/CIA. They can easily, without confrontations, destroy the power grid. Think of the repercussions of that one thing. No travel. No water. No sewage. Infrastructure gone. There is nothing fake about it. I live near the border. Close friends live on the border and have seen a group of 100 let in and bussed out. It's even been on mainstream news. Not to mention the smaller groups. No one is "unsupplied" for long here. Very easy to buy arms from cartels, especially since China supplies the cartel w/ the goods to make the fentanyl. It's a bigger mess than you can imagine.
if, on the rare chance this invading army is real and they do try to destroy power grids etc then the people behind it who paid for it are the faceless, nameless oligarchichal bankers but *not* China. We would need to find the oligarchical bankers and prosecute them. Also your evidence that your friend saw 100 let in doesn't mean they are an army - it could be sex trafficking or increasing democrat voters.
Not an army as you’re thinking. Saboteurs. It’s how all countries fight clandestine battles. It’s certainly not for increasing votes, altho that could be a side benefit. Why are you so adamant it’s someone other than China behind it? Have you not read their plans to fight us on all levels? They are quite open about it.
Wouldn't they be perfect policemen, hired by te government to supress the domestic population brutaly and without a second thought. (And paid with fresh printed money)
Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections/pills were/are a huge part of their arsenal! Mistakes were not made!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
This horrifying Gates, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Soros has been responsible for many atrocities and he’s proud of it. But God is in control, just read Psalm 2! But I worry about my kids and grandkids. I just want them to have a peaceful life and I pray they do. Maybe they will see what’s going on and turn to the Lord. This is heartbreaking. They’re already culling with all the gmo’s, putting things in the air and pushing mRNA vacs which is really gene replacement therapy. 🙏💔
And what is being done about this at this time. Gordon Chang, Michael Yon, Todd Bensman, Homan and others have been banging the drum for 2 years or more about this. Roll out the military in force and put them on the Border. 1500 folks won't do it.
I don't think Russia (as in Putin) is behind this, and Iran isn't imperialist, they have their own fires to fight. The Luciferian Zionist Cabal has many tentacles. This is sponsored by the United Nations as many of these illegal immigrants had UN credit cards preloaded with about $10,000 each, I'm told. Redacted Inc have a few journalist interviews about this. Musk checked out the border crossings himself.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews former UN executive director and former president of Club of Rome, Călin Georgescu.
If weaponized or not, there are military members retired, that I know including myself, who will not sit idly by and allow this to take place. We do carry and train often! There are people still willing to defend the Homeland even though we’re retired. Don’t forget, even the citizens are armed in America! We’ve been trained in warfare tactics for many years! These thugs/communists/ criminals/cartel's will have to deal with patriotic, God fearing soldiers.
The Ds are trying to figure out how to prosecute DJT again. He's doing a marvelous job with great picks, Musk is too and at 80% of the country and even the world want to do it in their countries, like DOGE. They are lashing out at every turn.
I had a 30 minute conversation with a man from Kenya Africa, with the same name. It was a very strong Christian actually is a very strong Christian. Working here in the United States to send money to his family in Africa, a wife and two children. Put things in perspective . Maybe even in a different light than what we’re led to believe. Something to think about. Oh, by the way, his name is from the book of Daniel in the Bible.
Thank you both for illuminating this, most important and certainly well coordinated military invasion of America!
This is and has been on going since Biden was Installed as an “Illegitimate President!”
This is right out of, the Barack Hussein Obamas playbook. Pieces of “Cloward and Pivens” playbook, pieces of Mao’s communist revolution, as well as Obamas hatred for and complete distain for, and his deliberate intent to,
“Destroy America Within!”
JJ Carroll has done amazing work for America. Beginning when he felt compelled to resign his position as a Southern Border Supervisor. Mr Carroll set out to track, find and locate where these military age men were heading and report on, both yes two, border invasions.
One invasion involves people from all over the globe, poor people searching for the American Dream. Many children and women, thousands, if not more, have died, been rapped, robbed and yes murdered, trying to cross the Darien Gap! Nearly 60 miles of dense jungle in Panama. Well equipped military trained men have a difficult job crossing the Darien Gap!
Imagine a young child wearing flip flops? How despicable the “Biden / Obama / Harris Admin was? These people have facilitated an invasion of America! Is this not “Treasonous?”
The second invasion is the real destructive kind! Both are in a sense, although the “Military Age Chinese Men,” well concealed,virtually zero reporting on by MSM, as we see about the first type. Oh how this despicable MSM hearts broke for the poor people “Nobody Wants!”
Shame on this “State Run State Controlled MSM” propaganda machine! Shame on them all! Shame on
Joy “should’ve been fired” Reid long ago as well as the rest of these “America Haters”
JJ and Brendan O’Shea I believe his name is, (Naomi Wolfe’s husband if I’m not mistaken), followed these militants all across America. Stationed throughout, in various motels / hotels in every major city across America! Lying in wait for the order to attack. Mark my words!
In one example, JJ Carroll reported on “Redacted” with Clayton Morris, located 3 Marriott Hotels. south of San Diego, filled floor to ceiling with, non/American, military age men!
Both JJ and Brendan estimated 900 men per hotel. They based this number on the amount of meals being delivered. Each hotel was fenced off, no entry allowed with heavy security presence.
HALT! NO ENTRY! Is how to truly emphasize this invasion.
Why hasn’t President Trump done anything about this? I ask the same question regarding mRNA deaths from his “DoD-OWS” authorization of a “Weapon of Mass Destruction!” And this is according to Dr Francis Boyle, “God Rest His Soul!” Dr Boyle wrote the Bioweapons Act of 1979. Signed into law in 1985. Still in effect today.
Yes America and all people of the world, we were / you were “ATTACKED!”
Attacked with a fraudulently approved, flawed / failed developed mRNA Bioweapon-Transfection-Injection!”
And today, the only sounds
“We the People” of these United States are hearing are the deafness’s of a deadly and destructive military operation / attack code name “Covid-19!
“SHHH-DON’T-SAY-A-WORD!” We mustn’t let the stupid people know what we’re really doing. We mustn’t let them know what’s truly happening! Well Mr President “WE KNOW!” Most of us know.
As the saying goes
“Damn the Torpedoes!”
And I say, “We the People” must speak out, speak up, louder and louder, until we get the attention of whom ever is in charge! It certainly isn’t our newly elected president, this I can guarantee you.
Between “Covid-19-OWS” military attack and our southern border invasion, the question isn’t, if something else happens, the question is “when?” Phase I is still on going. Phase II?
Thank you Dr Breggin and Ginger for all of your amazing work! You’re both a “Godsend” to all freedom loving, God fearing, human beings across the globe and here in America.
There is one thing to consider: these "silent foreign soldiers" may or may not have known that many Americans are heavily armed. Consequently, after they got here, they might simply decide to abandon their mission and disappear.
A counterpoint: just because you supply an unorganized guerilla army weapons, it doesn't mean they're going to use them. They can simply silently defect.
Maybe the people they sent here are hardcore army types. Maybe not. Maybe they were told we will not fight back. Maybe not. Maybe since they've been here for a year or two, they have a different view. Maybe not. Maybe they have friends. Maybe not.
I don't know what will happen, but I'm not sure that these people, who might now be getting generous benefits, are going to want to give up their cushy life in America to play solider and potentially get maimed/ killed.
You haven’t followed JJ Carroll or should I say I’ve missed some things he’s been verifying about his topic.
I can say, whatever the original reasons were, things have changed to a degree within American intelligence agencies.
I don’t nor would I worry about this as much as I believe it’s important for all Americans to try and help each other understand and learn from, each other. It’s quite obvious our government has a different agenda all together.
What’s more is, whoever the “puppet-masters” are, there’s many unelected individuals hellbent on destroying our country, they won’t give up but rather regroup. If there’s one thing I have learned from and since lockdowns it’s that.
Thank you shibumi. I appreciate your varying approaches towards helping others understand and learn from your insights.
All great points shibumi. I don’t disagree with you at all. There are reasons why they were allowed in, unvetted here under the guise of “poor people” in search of the American dream.
It’s all done by design, part of the plan. What I’ll never understand is how those democrats that went along with this setup can forget about their own children and grandchildren. Do they think their private security will be able to always keep them safe, is that what they are banking on? Historically both sides of the uniparty seemed to at least have that in common, the safety of future generations…
Many of those in charge are psychopaths. They care no more about their own children than they do about anyone else, which is not at all. Psychopaths have no empathy, can't feel it at all. The followers and enablers of these monsters are obviously just incredibly stupid.
How many of these actually HAVE children?
Hard to comprehend! What would their target be?
And how do they come together to accomplish what they want to do? Is it because we gave the illegal immigrants cell phones? Shut them down!
Maybe they are already doing what they are supposed to do: create chaos through muder, robberies, rapes and so on.
We always imagine that it is coordinated. What if it's not? What if it's just chaos, to make people scream for a police state and a one world government?
orderout of chaos. more crackdown look at uk. many heavysentences
WE ALLOWED them to do what they did. We were too busy, too distracted , too confused to act locally where it matters.
They aren't thinking beyond the present. They've probably been promisee security for themselves and immediate family but there is ALWAYS a catch that one never fathomed.
America has been dumbed down for the last 70 years with these vaxes, which destroyed the glands in the brain which enabled thinking; along with toxic poisons from legal and illegal drugs; no-nutrient food; and mind-numbing TV. In 1910,John D Rockefeller promoted the AMA to distribute toxic petroleum-based drugs for the human body...Then in the 1950s the promotion of these injections filled with toxic matter that did not belong in the body...done on a regular basis. These things were not questioned? WHO was behind the vaccine development? Someone had to know that mercury, aluminum, fluoride, formaldehyde, animal cells, animal viruses, etc. did not create a stronger immune system...They would break down the cells and organs in the body. WHO hated America enough to do this? Was it connected to the 1800 German Scientists who were brought to America, after WW11? They were not happy about being defeated in WW11! Were there people in our government who were Nazi Sympathizers This should be investigated!
America is not the America of the 1940s...our country was far healthier then. It has really deteriorated in the last 70 years. The Enemy Within had to have been all those people who promoted "Better Living through chemistry,' etc. Look at all the chemicals we have now and more are still being created. This industry has helped in taking America down. Our only real defense is our Creator...We really need to ask our Creator for guidance and help!
The problem is that people under what... 35? 40? Don't know that Americans used to be healthy and thin. I blame:
-artificial sweeteners
-see oils
-high fructose corn syrup
There's also the fact that back in the day, people cooked for themselves every day.
Fluoride in particular is scientifically known to cause stupidity. I agree we are dumbed down below where we should be. But I have bad news. People have always been easily manipulated. What's your excuse for 1930s Germany? Can't be vaccines and TV. What about the Salem witch trials? For that matter, human history is one shiite show after another of the public conned into doing the bidding of evil-minded "elites", to their own detriment. Vaccines, drugs, poisons, TV, crappy schools, etc. make it worse sure. But there wasn't much to work with anyway, in the human species. The only thing that works is a mostly benevolent dogma that a population overwhelmingly buys into. A Christian revival is our best hope. Forget about people using their own hearts and minds to figure out the best path. That has never happened. Christianity got Western civilization on a roll, until it began its steep decline. I'm making no judgement on whether its tenets are based on truth or fiction. That's above my pay grade. Just citing an obvious observation.
Das "Christentum" ist doch in Wahrheit auch nichts anderes als pure, nackte Gewalt, somit ein Teil dieser monströs hässlichen, prädatorischen Gewaltallianz. Es braucht überhaupt keiner Fabelgeschichten, Märchen oder sonst irgendeiner "Gotterzählung", die Menschen haben alles selbst (und ständig) in sich. Was es jedoch benötigt und zwar dringend, ist: Humanität!
Menschlichkeit? Tatjana Nozka, wie? Human apes are still in the primitive stages of consciousness. Constand, never ending wars, this ape eat anything that moves, some are so illogical, talking on how the Creator created everything so perfect and than choping on their baby boys penises, like if the Creator screw up. The only creature that is injecting in to their childrens blood adjuvants for profits to make more sick and more profits. The stupidity of this ape is beyond words
Americans have too many excuses. If it isn't right, DO something other than talk about it , and do it in y9our local community where it counts.
There was a pure message brought 2000 years ago...if it had been followed we would have peace today. Unfortunately, a psycho Roman Emperor Constantine twisted the message to do exactly opposite what this Master taught. This revolutionary thinker went into a temple with a whip and drove out the people who were selling things there...He said that they turned his Father's House into a business. He taught his disciples to go directly to our Father...not let a middleman get between us and our father. I don't think he would be happy with organized religion; Its failed to bring peace, since it started in 325 AD. #1 Commandment was to LOVE OUR CREATOR-FATHER....IT was the LAW. Matt 22:35-40...We were to ask for guidance. MATT 6:5
All those why nothing happened that should have happen in a civilized society. I just wonder if ever Sweden has been wrapped up too, our "opinion corridor" having been strict enough, i.e. speech censoring as well as opinion censoring?
...also, of course the Rockefellers being close friends with our globalist family the Wallenbergs..... The names all about rocks and mountains to be sure.
Yes the perfect storm for stupid children: Vaccines and insufficient iodine in prenatal moms.
Thank you for having me on your radio show again and having another great conversation!
Good commentary J.J.!
Tom Homan stated at CPAC that he was bringing other persons on board.
Please consider helping him as I think he needs every trained person he can get to help him for such an overwhelming, necessary project!
I would highly suggest signing up to Lex Greene’s substack.
Check out his pieces and click on his name to get to his archives, all posted at…
Love your show, Truth with JJ on
Monday thur Friday at. 5:00pm to 6:00pm CST
Everyone should check it out.
In my opinion it is one of the best hard hitting shows with subject matter everyone should be aware of.
Thanks for all you are doing.
JJ I really appreciate your work. I’m curious as to what you think about the latest Andrew Tate development. I am shocked that the Trump administration would intervene on his behalf and allow him to come back into the United States. It is an outrage! I don’t think a lot of people are aware of the depths of his depravity and criminal activity, especially human trafficking and the mistreatment of women.
Agree, and it's so so so much worse than people think...
Obama becomes angel of drone death in the middle east, bombing wedding parties and innocent people walking the streets destroying those societies in the process. Years later Biden directly flies hundreds of thousands of highly radicalized victims into the heart of this nation. Meanwhile at the southern border:
Military Training Centers Along Texas Border Are Collating Invaders, Doing God Knows What to Them, and Bussing Them Into the Interior: [16:49mins]
Soros, with the UN, is behind the invasion of all western nations. Here is the Hungarian Prime Minister exposing this plot - how Soros is destroying Europe - from a 2015 'Project Syndicate' manifesto by Soros: [2:37mins]
What we have here is the execution of the Cloward-Piven strategy where criminal invaders flood our borders, swamping the US, meanwhile Soros buys up DAs all across the country who refuse to prosecute most crimes, and who are emptying the prisons. All of this is a deliberate recipe for cataclysm. Once the invaders fall off the welfare wagon and can no longer occupy hotels, they will be coming for our resources.
We'd better be ready. Here's how:
The only winning move is not to play their sick game. They thrive on our energy and the fear they stir in us. The one thing these emotional vampires hate the most is for their manipulation and terrorism to get ignored. Cut down your TV & internet usage by 97%, go local, and all of their terror goes away meanwhile we become stronger as they flail around in angst. Here’s how:
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Put all your support behind your local farmers, then become your own. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, begin ending your dependence on their enslavement protocol Federal Notes by creating local currencies and discovering the art of bartering, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards (the one place we still hold all of the cards) and get your kids out of them. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
All of the above is a recipe for success. Let's get to work building a future worth living in, together, because if we do not, Harari & Co will ensure we will not have one.
Many more solutions here:
Here's a simple solution that everyone can do. I know, I did it, and I used to work in tv news.
-Stop watching local tv news
-Stop watching national tv news
-Stop watching cable news
-Stop watching ALL things related to news or commentary
For whatever reason, watching it seems more damaging and stressful than reading a story online or (gasp!) in a newspaper. You also get to choose what to read and what not to read.
I recommend The Epoch Times.
Well.... only good ideas, as far as you can go... but none of it will help against soldiers/gangs. Not only are they trained soldiers but the cartels soldiers are just robotic destroyers... not an empathetic cell in their bodies. They will trample your gardens, raping and murdering while laughing. I'm going with - .... "eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die." :)
Thanks! Agreed.
I have not listened to the interview yet - but how does an unsupplied enemy inside the US do anything significant? Americans own lots of guns. This smells like a psy-op along with the UFO thing. Brett Weinstein mentioned the chinese sneaking into America via the southern border and some of us realize Brett is part of the psy-op machine along with his brother Eric Weinstein. Is this (fake) invasion of military men somehow advancing CBDC's or the surveillance state which are the two things the bankers that control america most want? The oligarchical bankers are the true destroyers of our wealth and freedoms and it could get worse if we don't wake up. In my opinion this is a psy-op conceived of by the oligarchical bankers. I will listen the interview and edit this conclusion if need be. Ok, listened to some of it, I think the money USAID spent on getting immigrants into this country has more to do with increasing democrat votes and child trafficking and sex trafficking rather than getting an invasion army inside America. This invading army has no supplies, what could they possibly do? It's a psy-op.
Edit: I changed my mind, see my comments elsewhere starting with the sentence: "Could these illegal immigrants be similar to "Operation Gladio" in Europe where from 1952 to 1990 a terrorist network assassinated leaders who were both anti-NATO and nationalistic?"
Per those tracking them.... they appear to be the equivalent of our FBI/CIA. They can easily, without confrontations, destroy the power grid. Think of the repercussions of that one thing. No travel. No water. No sewage. Infrastructure gone. There is nothing fake about it. I live near the border. Close friends live on the border and have seen a group of 100 let in and bussed out. It's even been on mainstream news. Not to mention the smaller groups. No one is "unsupplied" for long here. Very easy to buy arms from cartels, especially since China supplies the cartel w/ the goods to make the fentanyl. It's a bigger mess than you can imagine.
Of course, that is why we used to have strict border controls, passports, checks, like any decent country/nation in order to protect itself.
if, on the rare chance this invading army is real and they do try to destroy power grids etc then the people behind it who paid for it are the faceless, nameless oligarchichal bankers but *not* China. We would need to find the oligarchical bankers and prosecute them. Also your evidence that your friend saw 100 let in doesn't mean they are an army - it could be sex trafficking or increasing democrat voters.
Not an army as you’re thinking. Saboteurs. It’s how all countries fight clandestine battles. It’s certainly not for increasing votes, altho that could be a side benefit. Why are you so adamant it’s someone other than China behind it? Have you not read their plans to fight us on all levels? They are quite open about it.
Wouldn't they be perfect policemen, hired by te government to supress the domestic population brutaly and without a second thought. (And paid with fresh printed money)
And... aren't they being hired as police in places like California?'
This is exactly what happened in the movie "A Clockwork Orange." The violent gang members became policemen.
And listen to Mr Yon who long has been warning of the alien military invasion, on various shows, a o Mike Adams, Redacted etc.
Can't say this often enough! The Military/Industrial Complex and the Biowarfare/industrial Complex, WEF agenda and the evils assaulting humanity are from one and the same source - it is the 99% against the diabolical GREED of the 0.01% who should not be in charge of anything!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
And BIG pHARMa is an arsenal making permanently sickly addicted slaves dependent on their products - the complete opposite of actual health.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections/pills were/are a huge part of their arsenal! Mistakes were not made!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
This horrifying Gates, Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do.
Soros has been responsible for many atrocities and he’s proud of it. But God is in control, just read Psalm 2! But I worry about my kids and grandkids. I just want them to have a peaceful life and I pray they do. Maybe they will see what’s going on and turn to the Lord. This is heartbreaking. They’re already culling with all the gmo’s, putting things in the air and pushing mRNA vacs which is really gene replacement therapy. 🙏💔
If yoi do care, get involved. If you don't know how, just ask.
I don’t know what I can do, disabled gma raising a disabled grandchild with no money or help. All I know to do is raise awareness.
Raising awareness is a good thing to do; we can't all be 'front line'
With all the selfreplicating nanos and the shedding at that, there are no more pure humans, apparently the very goal of the covid business.
And what is being done about this at this time. Gordon Chang, Michael Yon, Todd Bensman, Homan and others have been banging the drum for 2 years or more about this. Roll out the military in force and put them on the Border. 1500 folks won't do it.
Really awful!
I don't think Russia (as in Putin) is behind this, and Iran isn't imperialist, they have their own fires to fight. The Luciferian Zionist Cabal has many tentacles. This is sponsored by the United Nations as many of these illegal immigrants had UN credit cards preloaded with about $10,000 each, I'm told. Redacted Inc have a few journalist interviews about this. Musk checked out the border crossings himself.
Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews former UN executive director and former president of Club of Rome, Călin Georgescu.
If weaponized or not, there are military members retired, that I know including myself, who will not sit idly by and allow this to take place. We do carry and train often! There are people still willing to defend the Homeland even though we’re retired. Don’t forget, even the citizens are armed in America! We’ve been trained in warfare tactics for many years! These thugs/communists/ criminals/cartel's will have to deal with patriotic, God fearing soldiers.
The Ds are trying to figure out how to prosecute DJT again. He's doing a marvelous job with great picks, Musk is too and at 80% of the country and even the world want to do it in their countries, like DOGE. They are lashing out at every turn.
Are you 100% certain this Intel is correct?
For you and your family…Abednego,
I had a 30 minute conversation with a man from Kenya Africa, with the same name. It was a very strong Christian actually is a very strong Christian. Working here in the United States to send money to his family in Africa, a wife and two children. Put things in perspective . Maybe even in a different light than what we’re led to believe. Something to think about. Oh, by the way, his name is from the book of Daniel in the Bible.
If what BIDEN AND HARRIS (remember, she was the “Border Czar⁉️) did and DIDN’T do to and for our country isn’t TREASON, what is?
It IS treason, and must be dealt with accordingly.
Unfortunately, we now live in a world of subjective morality.
UK example:
-girls getting raped by "migrants" is OK because jailing them is racist.
I have no doubt that right now, people are thinking up similar excuses in the US:
- It's not treason if he had the right intentions
-Treason is an ancient, irrelevant concept
-They were trying to help people in the 3rd world and can't be responsible for their actions once they come here.
And so on.
and yeah, it's treason.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Thank you both for illuminating this, most important and certainly well coordinated military invasion of America!
This is and has been on going since Biden was Installed as an “Illegitimate President!”
This is right out of, the Barack Hussein Obamas playbook. Pieces of “Cloward and Pivens” playbook, pieces of Mao’s communist revolution, as well as Obamas hatred for and complete distain for, and his deliberate intent to,
“Destroy America Within!”
JJ Carroll has done amazing work for America. Beginning when he felt compelled to resign his position as a Southern Border Supervisor. Mr Carroll set out to track, find and locate where these military age men were heading and report on, both yes two, border invasions.
One invasion involves people from all over the globe, poor people searching for the American Dream. Many children and women, thousands, if not more, have died, been rapped, robbed and yes murdered, trying to cross the Darien Gap! Nearly 60 miles of dense jungle in Panama. Well equipped military trained men have a difficult job crossing the Darien Gap!
Imagine a young child wearing flip flops? How despicable the “Biden / Obama / Harris Admin was? These people have facilitated an invasion of America! Is this not “Treasonous?”
The second invasion is the real destructive kind! Both are in a sense, although the “Military Age Chinese Men,” well concealed,virtually zero reporting on by MSM, as we see about the first type. Oh how this despicable MSM hearts broke for the poor people “Nobody Wants!”
Shame on this “State Run State Controlled MSM” propaganda machine! Shame on them all! Shame on
Joy “should’ve been fired” Reid long ago as well as the rest of these “America Haters”
JJ and Brendan O’Shea I believe his name is, (Naomi Wolfe’s husband if I’m not mistaken), followed these militants all across America. Stationed throughout, in various motels / hotels in every major city across America! Lying in wait for the order to attack. Mark my words!
In one example, JJ Carroll reported on “Redacted” with Clayton Morris, located 3 Marriott Hotels. south of San Diego, filled floor to ceiling with, non/American, military age men!
Both JJ and Brendan estimated 900 men per hotel. They based this number on the amount of meals being delivered. Each hotel was fenced off, no entry allowed with heavy security presence.
HALT! NO ENTRY! Is how to truly emphasize this invasion.
Why hasn’t President Trump done anything about this? I ask the same question regarding mRNA deaths from his “DoD-OWS” authorization of a “Weapon of Mass Destruction!” And this is according to Dr Francis Boyle, “God Rest His Soul!” Dr Boyle wrote the Bioweapons Act of 1979. Signed into law in 1985. Still in effect today.
Yes America and all people of the world, we were / you were “ATTACKED!”
Attacked with a fraudulently approved, flawed / failed developed mRNA Bioweapon-Transfection-Injection!”
And today, the only sounds
“We the People” of these United States are hearing are the deafness’s of a deadly and destructive military operation / attack code name “Covid-19!
“SHHH-DON’T-SAY-A-WORD!” We mustn’t let the stupid people know what we’re really doing. We mustn’t let them know what’s truly happening! Well Mr President “WE KNOW!” Most of us know.
As the saying goes
“Damn the Torpedoes!”
And I say, “We the People” must speak out, speak up, louder and louder, until we get the attention of whom ever is in charge! It certainly isn’t our newly elected president, this I can guarantee you.
Between “Covid-19-OWS” military attack and our southern border invasion, the question isn’t, if something else happens, the question is “when?” Phase I is still on going. Phase II?
Thank you Dr Breggin and Ginger for all of your amazing work! You’re both a “Godsend” to all freedom loving, God fearing, human beings across the globe and here in America.
God Bless You Both! And
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
There is one thing to consider: these "silent foreign soldiers" may or may not have known that many Americans are heavily armed. Consequently, after they got here, they might simply decide to abandon their mission and disappear.
You may be right shibumi. However, I do be the NGO’s facilitating the invasion have also Prov weapons, etc. so I can’t really say for sure.
A counterpoint: just because you supply an unorganized guerilla army weapons, it doesn't mean they're going to use them. They can simply silently defect.
Maybe the people they sent here are hardcore army types. Maybe not. Maybe they were told we will not fight back. Maybe not. Maybe since they've been here for a year or two, they have a different view. Maybe not. Maybe they have friends. Maybe not.
I don't know what will happen, but I'm not sure that these people, who might now be getting generous benefits, are going to want to give up their cushy life in America to play solider and potentially get maimed/ killed.
(I accidentally hit the post button.)
You haven’t followed JJ Carroll or should I say I’ve missed some things he’s been verifying about his topic.
I can say, whatever the original reasons were, things have changed to a degree within American intelligence agencies.
I don’t nor would I worry about this as much as I believe it’s important for all Americans to try and help each other understand and learn from, each other. It’s quite obvious our government has a different agenda all together.
What’s more is, whoever the “puppet-masters” are, there’s many unelected individuals hellbent on destroying our country, they won’t give up but rather regroup. If there’s one thing I have learned from and since lockdowns it’s that.
Thank you shibumi. I appreciate your varying approaches towards helping others understand and learn from your insights.
All great points shibumi. I don’t disagree with you at all. There are reasons why they were allowed in, unvetted here under the guise of “poor people” in search of the American dream.
This should be on Twitter. Ginger has an account there.