
You may have guessed from other columns. Ginger and I are making an effort to be more involved in responding to comments. Especially me, Peter. Looking forward to good conversation.

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Love Your analysis and belief Ginger.

This IS the correct pairing.

They can win. Should win. And will win. I hope Bobby is used more and more in the campaign. We need him, and the goal of optimizing a continent's health is sincere.


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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

We need him not only in US and Canada but also in Europe, Australia and NZ… we are all plummeting into a pharma medical dictatorship never seen before !

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

What matters is who’s counting the votes.

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What matters is also who is watching the vote counters ;)

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Eternal Father

We beg You to cast down the devils in high places and replace them with your mighty archangels.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

You are right on target, yet again. When I first heard of the 'scandal' I laughed to myself. The Invisible Hand played their Covid card and they keep dealing us canards, relentlessly. Thank you for your ongoing efforts.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

excellent evaluation, Ginger.

I am praying every day. The evil is a very strong force in this country.

I am astounded by the sheer ignorance or anger or indifference by the left.

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and the right. Why is Trump let off the hook? He began the kill shot and continues to take credit for the kill shot.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

God Bless Bobby Kennedy!!!

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The Breggins, wonderful, brave, brilliant and valiant. So well said Ginger!

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Agreed and so well stated Ginger. There is so much on the line to save our country from those who seek to destroy her. I can only offer my deepest gratitude to both Bobby Kennedy and President Trump for we see by their actions that they have pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to save this country. They remain in my daily prayers for God's hand of protection to be on them for the monumental tasks they have ahead of them and to survive the persecution they now endure. God is using them for much needed change for good and to steer America away from the forces of evil that seeks to destroy her. If we lose these two valiantly brave men can America survive ? BUT GOD... please pray daily for these two great men and their families.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Amen! Even if we aren't on the front lines in this fight of good versus evil, we can, and must, pray for those who are. May God keep and protect them, and save this nation.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

The description of Trump as our first antiglobalist president was arresting, but I'm not sure it's accurate. A number of presidents fit the bill, more or less-- you can tell them by their being target of assassination attempts. Just a coincidence, I'm sure.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you both. The less we spend on this attempt to discredit Robert Kennedy the better. Instead let’s tell the world all the wonderful things this man has done for all of us. The globalists with their bought and paid for msm are losing this battle. Legacy media has been turned off by the people. I refuse to read one fake news story about Robert Kennedy. I only see a good man.

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It's called the "bimbo card", and if there's anyone out there that it does work on, could please pack your stuff and go to another solar system and vote over there instead? Just a thought.

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Thank you for being awake and awakening others. Thank your for standing publicly in truth.

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Sep 25Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

Your support at this critical time is so very welcome. The forces we are resisting seem to mount daily, and I appreciate very much your voices in the fray.

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This shadow being can only be fought with spiritual weapons guided by the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. This evil creature used to be known for his beauty and impressive being. He was known as Lucifer, the Light Bearer. Now he is known as Satan, the accuser. His native tongue is lies and he surrounds himself with deception that could delude anyone, even the elect without Gods protection. He goes to and fro throughout the earth with his numerous minions like a roaring lion seeking those he can devour. By Gods grace and the power in Jesus name we will overcome once and for all at the Second Coming. But before that great and terrible Day of terrible wrath will be a season of great tribulation, like nothing the world has seen before but the Great Deluge. Gird yourselves for the final battles between God and this usurper. We, the Children of God are the prize that the Almighty fights for. God keep us all through these dark days. Don’t stop standing for the Truth. It will set us free!

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Sep 24Liked by Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin

We have had quite a week with sexual deviants “all of a sudden” come to the forefront; the so called “rapper” & the former CDC phlegm AKA NYC’s “ Covid Tsar and his pediatrician wife, they had to throw something, anything out there to take the spot light off of all of this. The MSM is an absolute disgrace, with the Atlantic saying that if “Tsar” was more forth coming, people would be able to “relate” to his pent up frustrations. Ouy Vay! I saw many long family businesses fold, children muzzled with masks etc… did I have pent up anger and want to scream, yes and often I did in the privacy of my home, but we somehow did not feel the need to invite “10” people to an orgy to let off steam.

Peter & Ginger, you are correct… they were sloppy and are getting more so as we approach the coming election. I said this in 2021 to many people… they wanted to start this insanity in 2025 but were petrified in 2020.

And as you Doc, when a narassistic sociopath is backed into a corner they are very.very dangerious times. .

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