PLEASE READ THIS About Global Banking: It's very important
We explain why never before in history have the elite had such excessive wealth!
Let’s imagine a scenario in which an unknown biolab under globalist control produces “Blood Factor X” and spreads it throughout the world. The pathogen could be a virus or a “vaccine” for a virus. Blood Factor X, with the X standing for “exterminate,” causes the destruction of our body’s capacity to generate red blood cells. As a result, humanity is forced to become wholly dependent on global blood suppliers.
Blood and money, of course, have often been deemed the basic elements of life.
Further, imagine that during the Blood Factor X global crisis, the worldwide supply of blood has been placed under the authority of the United Nations and its agency, the World Health Organization (WHO). Through these institutions, in our scenario, the global predators control how much blood their labs produce, its quality and characteristics, how much each individual in the world is allotted, and how it gets distributed through “blood banks” around the world.
Now, begin to imagine that it is already being controlled in a similar fashion all the time.
Of course, those in charge of controlling the world blood supply are planning to use implanted IDs, along with AI, to keep the blood suppliers informed of each person’s blood volume and condition — then to remotely determine how much and what quality of blood each person can “borrow” from the blood bank to stay alive.
Further, imagine that in order to survive, every human being needs a periodic replenishment of his or her blood supply, much as they need to replenish their money supply in the form of wages and loans. Do that, and you will be on the way to grasping how global banking works with money — or should we call it “blood money.”
How Much Potential Power Does a Global Blood Bank or Money System Wield?
The metaphor of a global blood bank that controls our access to life-sustaining infusions can further help us understand the global banking system, which controls our life-sustaining infusions of money.
When global governance possesses enormous control over something vital to the existence of nations and individuals alike, such as blood or money, it possesses totalitarian control. If it can terrorize and damage you by preventing your body from making your own blood or by making you financially weak and dependent, it can turn you into a slave in its global empire — and that is the goal of the global predators. It’s the same goal that kings, emperors, and dictators have always dreamed about — dominating the known world. Now the whole world is known!
Now imagine that the global network of those who control blood (or money) also looks to rely on exerting control from global banking, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and all the world’s Central Banks, including our Federal Reserve. At the top of that financial hierarchy of central banks, they have created what I call their Central Bank of All Banks, formally called the Bank of International Settlements or the BIS.
The BIS, as the most powerful and secretive of all banks, is probably the most unscrupulous. When Hitler began losing the financial support he had earlier gained from American and global banking and corporations, the BIS, run by an American banker, became the global banker for the Third Reich. This Bank of the Central Banks, located in Switzerland, supported Hitler’s war effort, the Holocaust, and the Nazi seizure of gold from all the nations and banks that Hitler overran in Europe.1 Ultimately, 90% of BIS’s banking business was with the Nazi government, greatly prolonging Hitler’s power to slaughter innocent populations while making war.
Predatory Globalists of the Western Global Empire
While the Western and East Global often compete and sometimes fight openly with each other, they come together to collaborate toward their mutual goal of world governance, for example, through the United Nations and its agencies and affiliates such as the WHO and the World Bank. The UN has recently convinced the nations of the world to begin what is becoming a gross sacrifice of their own freedom and sovereignty to the UN and hence to global predators who control it.2
Many people think of the banking system as a capitalist venture, but in fact, a significant part of it, including the World Bank, grew out of leftwing politics. The truth is that globalism draws predators of all kinds, whether they masquerade as Democrats or Republicans, as Socialists, Communists or Capitalists. They can easily collaborate because they share a hatred for individual freedom and a passion for collectivism. They work best with authoritarian and totalitarian nations where coercion and exploitation are the norm. Most have no ethical, religious, patriotic, or humanitarian ideals to restrain or guide them and work toward a top-down world governance to control and exploit the rest of us.
The current uprising of patriotic, liberty-loving, God-oriented Americans poses the greatest threat to all globalists. Hence, all globalists want to weaken America as a nation and even destroy her on the way to their global governance. Hence, I titled a recent column, “America First vs. First Destroy America: Take a stand for freedom!“
Beyond the banks, other powerful aspects of the Western Global Empire include the political leadership of all the largest Western nations unless Donald Trump wins the coming election and retakes leadership of the U.S.A. The Western globalist forces include the vast networks of international industries, banks, and billionaires regardless of their national origin and it includes the Military-Industrial Complex.
In America, regardless of who is President, the Deep State — the CIA, Department of Justice, FBI, CDC, FDA, and multiple other agencies — is progressive and globalist. They rarely even feign any support for the free enterprise system. They, in turn, exert control over nearly every American institution, such as the major media, conventional social media, entertainment, and even many of our churches. As the failure of our major universities to stop antisemitic rallies supporting the Muslim terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah confirms, even our university presidents are controlled by the progressive version of globalism.3 For all these institutions and individuals, globalist “blood money” flows through their veins and arteries, corrupting their hearts and minds.
Specifics of How the Bankers Exploit the World
Let’s imagine your Uncle Joe is a conman, part of a counterfeiting ring that lends out fake money at surprisingly low interest rates. While he seems to help out members of the extended family as well as his regular financial clients, you have lingering questions: “Where does Uncle Joe get his money?” and “How does he give such big loans with such low interest rates?” and “Is it true he forced Aunt Jane into bankruptcy and then took everything she had?”
Uncle Joe profits because he lends worthless money that he either prints himself or obtains from cohort counterfeiters. When family members and others borrow more than they can repay him, he gives them another loan of counterfeit money to cover their payments, trapping them deeper into debt slavery to him. Sometimes, he convinces them to do him special favors that might not be legal or in their own self-interest.
The central and global banks work exactly like Uncle Joe, except the central banks get away with building an impenetrable wall of protection around themselves. They declare in their bylaws and regulations that no government can investigate them, access to their records, control their visas, or even tax them. In short, while these banks are counterfeiting money and trapping the poorer nations and poorer people of the world into debt slavery, they make themselves into impregnable secret fortresses, armed with the power to print money with no real assets to back it up, such as silver and gold.4
The unrestrained printing of money with no value behind it drives inflation and higher taxes. Interest rates rise. Almost every nation and almost every person suffers increased inflation, higher taxes, and higher interest rates, along with innumerable assaults on their freedom, except those individuals and institutions within the orb of the elite bankers. These global predators continue to benefit from the constant inflow of new money printed by their associates in the banks. They can easily stock up on silver, gold, property, and other hard assets. They have many legal and illegal ways of avoiding taxes. And their wealth is so enormous that it can weather most downturns. Most importantly, their totalitarian business practices working with corrupt individuals, banks, and nations give them an enormous advantage over people trying to earn a living while conforming to the law and ethical business practices.
When the global banks print money, they can pass it on to their collaborators in other financial institutions or to individual collaborating governments. They usually do this by offering loans to closely related banks, institutions, or governments, and sometimes, they issue certificates that can be redeemed for money from governments. The supposed goal is to lift up economies for the benefit of the people, but somehow, that never quite happens. At every step along the way, the money is siphoned off by corrupt capitalists, corrupt progressives, and Communists — the whole top-down pyramid of world corruption.
The war in Ukraine, for example, is benefitting the Military-Industrial Complex and the financiers infinitely more than the Ukrainians. At the same time, with the help of the global banks, it is weakening and isolating the Russians who are opposed to globalism as a threat to their own ambitions to rebuild the empire of the U.S.S.R. This is driving the Russians closer than they want to the Eastern Global Empire run by the Communist Chinese.
At the same time, the middle and working classes everywhere in the world are continually exploited. They experience their incomes losing their purchasing power and become increasingly in debt — while the richest predators in the world grow more rapaciously driven to extract every bit of wealth and power from the humans they dominate.
The overall result? Never before in history have the elite had so much more wealth and power than the vast majority of human beings, and never before have they come so close to dominating the world and enslaving everyone beneath them in the power pyramid.
Conclusions About the Coming Election
The essential elements of global banking that I am simplifying in this column are derived from several years of study and many earlier experiences as well. I have put together an enormous amount of research on global banking that I will publish in future writings with many citations. Here, I want to draw an understandable picture of how global banking operates as an instrument of oppression.
Right now, as freedom in the world teeters on the verge of annihilation by the Western and Eastern Global Empires, I want to help you see that Donald Trump is the first President since George Washington to denounce and openly oppose globalism. Trump did this early in his first campaign by declaring that he did not need or want support from the globalist Koch family, who have financed the globalist elite Republicans. Globalists never put America First, and instead, they push for open borders to weaken the working class and our nation on the road to creating a global financial, economic, and political hegemony.5
Then, in 2019, President Trump reasserted his America First policies behind enemy lines in a speech to the United Nations General Assembly. He declared that freedom and prosperity require curtailing the UN’s globalism and instead strengthening the freedom, independence, and sovereignty of all nations and all people.6
If Trump is not reelected President of the United States of America, the globalist vampires will take a giant leap ahead in their ruthless efforts to take over the United States and the world.
Primary Author: Dr. Peter Breggin
End Notes
1 The Nazis’ British bankers | The Independent | The Independent and How bankers helped the Nazis ( Here is how the BIS justified what it had done: History – the BIS during the Second World War (1939-48)
2 First read Alex Newman: and sotf-the-pact-for-the-future.pdf ( and UN Passes ‘Pact for the Future’: Smart Vaccines, More Censorship, but No New Emergency Powers • Children’s Health Defense ( and UN about to “transform the global governance” by increasing its power: our guest Alex Newman enlightens the world
4 Patrick M. Wood. (2018). Globalization and the Crucible of Global Banking, pp. 32-33, and 38. Mesa, Az: Coherent Publishing. In addition to Wood’s book, see his essay
5 Donald Trump: ‘Globalist’ Koch brothers are ‘a total joke in real Republican circles’ – Washington Times and Billionaire Koch Brothers Launch SuperPAC to Support Open Borders Politicians (
6 Remarks by President Trump to the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly – The White House ( and Trump addresses UN leaders, says to put their nation first ( and
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First published on October 16, 2024
Honestly, I don't know how to get through to people. One friend is convinced that the government has nothing to do with inflation, and that high food prices are good, because farmers get more money. Another believes that Californians moving into her area in Nashville are bad, but Haitians with no skills who don't speak the language are fine for Ohio.
They believe whatever the TV tells them to believe. Until we control the MSM message, we're not going to be able to reach a lot of people, especially those over 55.
I want to believe because of RFK Jr's endorsement. I truly do. How do you defend trump's position on how he feels his vaccine warp speed was such a success? Now he is supporting digital i.d.'s using immigration as an excuse? I pray there is a strategy behind it all. It would have had to be a strategy that started decades ago. Did it? No one has taught me more than RFK Jr. has and I'm decades behind in learning.