Honestly, I don't know how to get through to people. One friend is convinced that the government has nothing to do with inflation, and that high food prices are good, because farmers get more money. Another believes that Californians moving into her area in Nashville are bad, but Haitians with no skills who don't speak the language are fine for Ohio.

They believe whatever the TV tells them to believe. Until we control the MSM message, we're not going to be able to reach a lot of people, especially those over 55.

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Willful ignorance cannot be "fixed"

You just have to wait for the horse to die.

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Sounds like your friends buy into the “latest thing”

Lost souls

Pray for them.

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IMHO, we need to totally get rid of all fake news, whether in paper, on TV, or elsewhere. Listen to this X22 report: X22 Report

DC Rumors Of Change Of Batter, Obama Nuclear War Message, Only At The Precipice – Ep. 3475




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X22 is a soap opera that leaves a lot of cliffhangers but never seems to get anywhere.

The last two elections and the obsession with Q were signs

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I don't agree.

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I don’t either-that report may be repetitive but it’s that way do that a person new to the report can catch up. It’s been a long haul but the majority of what Dave on x22 says really does come to pass , maybe not when he say but it does. I’ve move away from being a q skeptic. I’m not sure, but a lot of things that were posted 4-7 years ago are either huge coincidence or there’s more to it. I do know that God had already won and we ( speaking for myself) must live through these times with the goal of being with Him in the future is the true end of this war. Q references God and prayer quite frequently. I watch, wait, and pray for faith to stand true.

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I got a lot of info from checking into the Qanons, from time to time. And judging by the way mainstream media attacked Q so vehemently, there had to be something there, right? I never would've researched what came to light with Pizzagate and as I recall MSM attacked that just as vehemently. It turned out to be TRUE, yet they proclaimed loudly that it was debunked. By whom? If the treachery of the democrat party and MSM haven't clued people in as to who to believe, what more do they need? I also check in with Dave at X22 on occasion. He comforts me somehow.

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Sometimes the mainstream media will "attack" people, alternative media and the like just to make them look legit to truth seekers, when in fact they're controlled opposition.

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I mostly totally agree with your statements concerning people believing whatever the TV tells them. It’s downright scary that half of the country implicitly believes what is said by “news commentators. I would lower the age group to the 40’s. Many I speak to in that age range are very well educated, hold advanced degrees, but have been conditioned to believe that news on television is truthful. Examples: they issue retractions when they are wrong, they wouldn’t say XYZ on TV if it wasn’t true, the U.S. doesn’t broadcast propaganda, and so on. It’s disturbing.

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The people that believe the MSM also seem to be the ones that believe their doctors are Gods.

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Odd, isn't it? They go to their doctors on regular schedules, religiously, their entire lives. Yet, in all that time, it never occurs to them that they're never cured, their symptoms are temporarily masked, until the next time.

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Ultimately it doesn’t matter what Trump does or doesn’t do. If he is in cahoots with the globalists then we are finished as a nation. If he is going to use our power against the globalists then we ar finished as a nation. We are doomed either way. I prefer to be against them rather than to hand it over to them. But either way, America has to go down for them to succeed and succeed they will. Regardless of what we think of America, we are very vulnerable to multiple forms of attack. Technology is the ultimate Trojan horse. Eventually our enemies will have the ability to push a button and destroy us. The day they get the button is the day they use it. It’s all they do and all they work on. It’s inevitable. Best be prepared.

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You are absolutely correct.

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I want to believe because of RFK Jr's endorsement. I truly do. How do you defend trump's position on how he feels his vaccine warp speed was such a success? Now he is supporting digital i.d.'s using immigration as an excuse? I pray there is a strategy behind it all. It would have had to be a strategy that started decades ago. Did it? No one has taught me more than RFK Jr. has and I'm decades behind in learning.

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I am with you. I want to believe. With all of my being I want to believe. But isn't that how we got here? Thinking, "if we just vote the right guy into office". Then everything will be ok. But it never is. And I do not think that it will be this time either. It is a gut reaction. I find myself on X, reading the left/right paradigm crap, and think that it is just THAT! CRAP! Seriously, with all we know about how controlled this situation is, how can we justifiably think that this one man, can save us. I think if we put all our eggs in one basket, it will be the most deadliest of mistakes. Think about it. If we all give in, because we so want to believe, and because, and we should never forget this, IT IS IN OUR PROGRAMMING!!!!!!!and it's the same old trap, we're fucked! So as much as I'd like to buy into it, I can not. Not fully. One can hope. I do believe good will win. But I'm not sure, AT ALL, that this is the way. Please, think it thru! Peace love and freedom ✌️ to you all. I love you

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The only thing that matters at this late stage in the election cycle, is that the democrats DO NOT WIN. That leaves us with only one option and that's to vote for Trump. You might not like him, but he's not evil. The democrats are. Every, single one of them. They've spent the last 12 of 16 years OPENLY AND DELIBERATELY destroying our country and four more years will finish the job. The Bushes were on the same side. We got a respite the four years Trump was in and they were so enraged that he disrupted their Agenda and thwarted Hilary Clinton's reign, they have done nothing but focus on trying to destroy him. I, too, was disturbed about Operation Warpspeed, but also recognized that he had no choice but to do something. He was damned if he did, or damned if he didn't. I haven't heard of the adverse effects of Operation Warpspeed, but if you have any info I'd appreciate it. I was aghast that Trump won in 2016. I wasn't sold until I watched his address to the UN General Assembly. This man loves his country and it was brave of him to walk into that room of mostly hostile globalists and tell them he would never give up our country's sovereignty. He pulled out of the Paris Accord and figuratively gave the UN a giant, but polite middle finger. It brought tears to my eyes. Do what you think is right, but for me, there is no choice. As Dennis Quaid put it, "He may be an asshole, but he's MY asshole".

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Hey thanks for that. The obvious (to me anyway) negative effect of Op Warp Speed is that those bioweapon kill shots have been injected into billions of people, multiple times and are destroying those poor individuals from within. As an ER nurse I see the downstream effects daily and it ain't pretty.

Amazingly the damage is still not openly acknowledged from within the medical community.

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It’s fascinating to me that as someone who lives in a dark blue city , literally no one I know has had a tragic or obvious effect from the jab. And everyone around me took it except a few coworkers and my immediate family (except my son who at 13 decided mom and dad were crazy and got just one shot at 13 during a child wellness check up). Everyone seems fine, I don’t get it.

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It is strange.

I live in a bluer than blue community also. Among my immediate circle of friends and family my wife, son and several friends had heart pains and disrhythmias.

My mom’s Alzheimer’s suddenly accelerated. Now she’s in hospice. So many have brain fog and get list in the middle of sentences.

Best friend’s daughter (in her 20’s) got auto immune inflammatory bowel condition after Gardasil. Now she was diagnosed with MS after Covid jabs.

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Wow. That’s so sad. I’m sorry to hear it. I don’t wish badly on anyone but since there were no noticeable issues in our circle , my son still thinks I’m crazy. Glad he only got one. I found out by accident when making a dr appt for him and the receptionist asked if he needed a booster. 🤬I said no thanks, but did tell my son I knew he’d gotten one. 🤷‍♀️

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I never took any vaccine, so I feel like I have no say in the matter.

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I appreciate and live your perspective. I sometimes think, at the very moment they don't want us to believe in voting is the very time we should do it. And then I remember and find it hard to support a corrupt system by voting at all. I have not decided. I trust RFK Jr. but isn't this exactly where they want the best of us to end up? A vote. Weigh the risks of the fear of participating what looks like the last time against being afraid of being fooled once again. All we've got left is instinct and prayer and instinct is the weakest of our faculties. So prayer it will be.

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Gayle -- you said....the very moment they don't want us to believe in voting is the very time we should do it.... Yes!! We support the corrupt system by NOT voting. and of course, 'one guy' isn't going to fix it all-- but who has the better track record of protecting Americans, stopping wars, improving the economy, etc. ~ Ginger

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Admittedly you must know what a mixed bag it all is Ginger. He still touts his great Warp Speed project. C'mon. He let the FASAB 56 fly through making government budgets go darK. I'll never forget when he swaggered into a Mara Lago event holding a vape. He said because of mass immigration we need new I.D.s. I don't have the answers but I sure as hell won't shut off my brain no matter what is at stake. They'd love us to do that. I struggle making sense of any of it but vengeance for those fooling the public is not mine. I have no need to worry about that. Ignoring what our gut tells us is what I worry about.

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Pray and prepare to help others at the community level insofar as you're able.

I fear a bloody civil war due to desperation if Trump is not declared the winner this November. Exactly what Mr. Global wants--fewer people and an excuse for martial law.

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And chaos from the left if Harris isn't elected. Who's calling people fascists? Both sides. All part of the globalist game that is at a whole new level of mind control and manipulation all planned for this very moment.

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The answer is out there , it’s just not electing the right guy/gal. I agree. It’s way bigger than that! 🙏

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I believe Trump was deceived by Fauci/Birx/Pfizer et al and that in his innocent knowledge he thought at the time that it was safer to go with a new vaccine (aren't they all safe?), rather than be castigated later for not "doing something". The Democrats did not show any credible analysis of the technical issues that were known then and so they decided to let Trump hang himself with his own rope. I trust that with RFK's influence he will come forward with a mea culpa, maybe after the election but whenever will be better than never.

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But Trump defends to this moment the medical intervention under Warp Speed military run program. We'd have to be mad or completely mind controlled to ignore that. What say you?

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Again, I say Trump was naive and the DOD plus Fauci/Birx, Walensky etc; etc; coerced him into compliance. Being a natural egoist Trump couldn't resist taking the credit (for WARPSPEED (a project he didn't understand) and his advisors were happy for him to do so as it took the public's attention away from them. on second thoughts, Trump's hubris won't allow him to make a mea culpa alone - he will need to be influenced by JFK Jr, a person that Trump admires.

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Trump's hubris? You mean the hubris that doesn't care if they keep lining children up to take another? Do I know if there is a bigger strategy underway? No. I hope there is and I hope it has been in the making for years. I do not know what I will do.

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A lot of MAGA boomers who listened to all Trump's speeches took the clot shot. I guess they didn't go online for Infowars or Q or Natural News to hear that his speeches were coded with secret messages. "He said you should take an mRNA vaccine, but he really meant Ivermectin or natural immunity." Trump owes a great deal to Alex and the Health Ranger. The charitable view is that DJT was taken in. And he's still proud about Operation Warp Speed and had to be repeatedly advised to quit boasting about it at every public event.

"Get your Trump Shot. I got mine."

I wonder where Fauci keeps that medal Trump pinned on him before leaving office.

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A lot of cognitive dissonance at work.

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Sadly this is exactly what I am witnessing as removing our self responsibility is crucial to the delusion that anyone but us is going to change anything. It will be us and no hero in the sky. But I do thank Kennedy for all he has done and truth he has told. His teaming up with trump may have been out of pure desperation and now we see all those that were never supportive of trump suddenly pushing that he's different. It's shocking. Of course trump loved the endorsement. Was it planned all along? Did they strategise this long ago knowing the cabal they were trying to take down? I'm still looking for answers as is so many. The truth can't be hidden forever.

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After struggling for five years to stay ahead of these monsters, I stopped fighting them. I concluded that we are caught in the jaws of satanic evil, at a global scale. But I had also learned that the forces of good and evil are antithetical. In complete and utter opposition. Thanks to a good friend, books, and the internet, I began to focus on the lessons of Christianity. After several months of immersion in this field, I found I had become a calmer, nicer, person who no longer stresses about WEF plans to lock me up or whatever 5G is doing, etc etc. The idea of being murdered is less worrisome. A basic notion that makes sense to me is that scientists take things apart to see how they are made. Religion endeavours to understand what things mean. I see that having separated religion from our daily lives has indeed caused a loss of meaning and left us floundering. I’m doing what I can to make up for lost time. PS. We are also sleeping better since we got grounded sheets and unplug our router at night.

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I grew up under the Czech communists now gone, escaped and here I am on the American continent felt sure to be free for good. how people like me , with experience to live under a totalitarian system , how did this happen America? Harris is a freaking communist , worst than the one I experienced. She is scary. Americans, hold to your guns , if she wins, expect a rough ride.

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Yes, America fell asleep at the wheel, 60 years ago, in spite of many warnings. Yuri Bezmenov spelled it out, step by step, in the 80s. Yet we blithely went about being clueless and ignoring him. Now, instead of some light maintenance, we have a fullblown demolition job on our hands. Whatever hardships come our way, is the price we have to pay for neglecting our Tree of Freedom. I'm sorry you have to endure it again. 🇺🇸💟🙏🇺🇸

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Excellent clarification of what is really going on. Thank you. May God have mercy. 🙏

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Imagine? The Elitists have already contaminated the blood supply. By infecting millions of people in the USA and billions worldwide, the blood supply is already compromised. Some have speculated that children stolen at the border are being held to replenish the blood supply for the Elitists and provide them with organs as needed.

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Yes, I think that controlled blood supply could absolutely be a strategy. Especially since the jab (and other substances )have been found to contaminate the blood! Pure Blood 'farms' on the horizon? Not as far-fetched as we think ....

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The MULTI-TRILLIONAIRES behind the Billionaires seem the ones to utterly remove from Earth. This time, it's not so possible to take-out their Minion multitudes, it seems to me. Remove the MULTI-TRILLIONAIRES and all the resources of the headwaters stop flowing to all including the Billionaires the COWARDS hide behind and propagandize, 'The Most Wealthy in the World'. Clearly a fact...Those little demons having Billions are nothing compared to the 'BIG KAHUNA'S, and we know who they are, where their bunkers are; where they live/work/play. Time is coming.

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"...call it “blood money." Witty. Clever. Love this paragraph!. Peter and Ginger make a great team.

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Used to be justice to weed out big corruption Tammny Hall …now everything is captured🤷

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Those damned billionaires, I know let's get a billionaire to save us. Bloody hell.😂

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Amazingly lucid and well written essay. You do know that UN Pact For The Future has passed? Learn more here: https://www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future/pact-for-the-future

Trump has a target on his back vis-a-vis the BIS. Trump just stated that the U.S. will be the world's Bitcoin leader. The BIS, however, want's absolute dominance with a central bank digital currency (CBCD) and other tokenized contracts (process of creating a digital representation of a real thing with rules). Director, Agustín Carstens, clearly stated that they want to exert absolute control over the issuance, use of, and access (digital ID, etc.) of CBDC -- and this was in 2017.

My mother was born in Nazi Germany the year the Nazi party assumed political majority in the Reichstag. Only months later Hitler (who was never elected to any office), was appointed Chancellor of Germany by then President Paul von Hindenburg.

I have studied the Nazi regime probably more than most people. Everything so eloquently referenced in this post is true.

Herein is an article and video on Hitler and the relevance of extremism in the social and political milieu. Please share.


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It is possible to untangle yourself from the banksters. Avoid debt, pay by cash and believe that you have a strong GOD by your side who provides for all your needs. Putin ( he has a degree in economics) was forced out of the bankster club by being cut off from swift. His response, he backed up the Rubel with gold which in turn is backed up by gas sales. All this is supported by BRICS, which was started in 2003. A major slap in the face of the banksters!

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This interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf is worth paying attention to if you wonder about and/or are concerned about the long-term consequences -- political, medical, social -- of the Covid jab:


Definitely worth your listening time.

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a BREGGIN MASTERPIECE - - 1st the simple mechanics of how they do it w/o many labels ( labels r distractive ) , 2nd comes a brilliant Universal Profile thus : " Most have no ethical , religious , patriotic or humanitarian ideals to restrain or guide them and work toward a top-down world governance to control and exploit us. " (about 12 paragraphs down from top starts as 'Many people think...') . Pls linger upon this whole paragraph - - when dealing w ur mayor , a judge , boss , teacher , FEMA Official or the clerk across the counter ... if u find ur self dealing w total unreasonableness just forget the labels - be calm , regroup , stand firm , and don't expect too much - - ur not dealing w a fellow human , it's a non-human ( some level of 'remote-controlled psychopathy' ) pretending to be human . ( disclosure : i struggle 2 b calm , myself )

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99/1 NPC (remote controlled psycho as you say)/living, souled divine spark human

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Never before in history fave so many countries lost their resources to rhe elite, through the IMF.

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Wow. Yes. And, my concern is, that it was obvious that President Trump won the last election too, yet Biden became president.

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