You state in the article ”you and Ginger both had Covid”, why will you not call it what it truly is which is The Flu? Calling the flu, Covid, is like calling an amputation a flesh wound. The world needs to understand while “Covid” became an actual thing, it isn’t nearly as devastating as people have been bullied into believing it is. Bef…
You state in the article ”you and Ginger both had Covid”, why will you not call it what it truly is which is The Flu? Calling the flu, Covid, is like calling an amputation a flesh wound. The world needs to understand while “Covid” became an actual thing, it isn’t nearly as devastating as people have been bullied into believing it is. Before anyone snaps back with “my friend/family member/coworker died from Covid during the scamdemic” look up the deaths from the flu. And where did this flu deaths disappear to while “Covid” was active? Magically disappeared. Oh btw, Fauci was hospitalized recently for “west Nile virus” now tell me how quickly THAT vaxx comes into play? If he indeed was/is infected with anything, it’s actually “the flu”. It’s a virus that can be treated with zinc & D3.
You state in the article ”you and Ginger both had Covid”, why will you not call it what it truly is which is The Flu? Calling the flu, Covid, is like calling an amputation a flesh wound. The world needs to understand while “Covid” became an actual thing, it isn’t nearly as devastating as people have been bullied into believing it is. Before anyone snaps back with “my friend/family member/coworker died from Covid during the scamdemic” look up the deaths from the flu. And where did this flu deaths disappear to while “Covid” was active? Magically disappeared. Oh btw, Fauci was hospitalized recently for “west Nile virus” now tell me how quickly THAT vaxx comes into play? If he indeed was/is infected with anything, it’s actually “the flu”. It’s a virus that can be treated with zinc & D3.
Hi Slaicker1 please see the comment Dr. Breggin pinned at the top of comments.
Hi Goeff: please see the comment Dr. Breggin pinned at the top of comments.