
This is a general statement--we are pinning it at the top of comments:

I made a mistake in writing this column which I now correct. I was rushing at very high speed to get this column out, cut it in half in the process, and edited out a more detailed explanation of our illness. Which to the best of my memory read: "At the time of the phone call I was very ill and almost died of a COVID-like illness and was hospitalized for five days. The illness occurred under suspicious circumstances at the only place Ginger and I frequented on a regular schedule at exactly the same time every week, a standalone small healthcare provider's office." In my editing I was trying to take out stuff about myself and other distracting issues. In fact, I believe we were attacked at that office where other people were made sick but I have no further proof of it.

I do believe that SARS-CoV-2 viruses with certainty were being made in collaborative efforts between the Communist Chinese and Fauci at Wuhan, along with Fauci supported labs in North Carolina and other labs. There is no doubt that multiple labs were not only making SARS-CoV- viruses, but that they were leaking from biolabs, starting in 2003 as we documented in our book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey.

I have talked with many physicians, and I do believe that something similar to SARS-CoV-2 was released accidentally or purposely from Chinese labs and then was used by global predators in China and the US even though it was less dangerous than the flu to the vast majority of the people and only dangerous to old people like myself. I was 87 at the time. I think the people who released it actually expected it to kill about 10% of the infected people as SARs CoV 1 had done in 2003-2004.

The deaths associated with SARs CoV-2 were mostly if not almost all from neglect and withheld treatment as well as deadly mal-treatments in the hospital such as remdesivir, ventilators, and the withholding of water and food was no help.

So, I have not seen any convincing evidence to justify a "no-virus" theory, and I think it is largely an attempt to disrupt the health freedom movement. I do believe that doctors who saw thousands of cases were seeing a virus that probably came out of China and was easily treated as an upper respiratory disease. Of course, all the PCR testing was invalid and was used to drive the fear. We talked about these issues in our book.

I appreciate people pointing out to me what I had written. And I was quite surprised when I looked at to see I had chopped out everything I had said under the rush of my own deadline and the excitement of the article topic. However, I want to make a comment about people who are just searching for things to use to discredit people. I didn't notice anyone who said "Hey, doc, did you really mean to write that? It doesn't sound like you..." That's all for now. I'll be editing the column now. ~ Peter Breggin MD

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Please read this whistleblower carefully. You may have been poisoned but it wasn’t from a virus…

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I can’t share the photo here, but the picture of Trump and Kennedy smiling at each other and shaking hands on stage amid fireworks brought me to tears of joy. May almighty God protect them.

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This collaboration between Trump and Kenndy may well save Western Civilization from destruction by its enemies.

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Thank you for this beautifully written article: it catches the true immense meaning of JFK Jr’s speech !

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Hi David 1260 Ginger here. We fully agree that the Western Global Empire is hostile to Americans. We also agree that the US federal (and many state and municipal) administrations are aligned with the globalists against citizens in the US and other formerly free states.

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Yes- Bobby Kennedy is demonstrating courage and boldness. Both of the Breggins have done the same. I see President Trump as a courageous and determined leader. Much more courage needs to be demonstrated by our ‘ leaders’. They are afraid of the price which may have to be paid. Well then, they should leave leadership and go cower in the corner.

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I was personally touched (and frankly, I would think anyone with heart) by the sincerity of RFKjrs message. Courage- the word with which Dan Rather closed his broadcasts. He was run out of the business and ridiculed as a 'loony'- this is what we need. As a nation. We need strong, courageous people in front of us. Not to lead us- we can do that!- but to encourage us! Thanks!

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As a senior Canadian, I was absolutely overwhelmed with gratitude for his support of all that is good in America, and elsewhere. His sacrifice is amazing, truly led by God. And so, as one of your greatest fans, Dr. Breggin and Ginger Breggin, how happy I am to know that you will be right there to support this historic movement for freedom. They couldn’t get better people than both of you. I feel that in these times, a team of superb, loyal patriots is desperately needed. One man, or two, it’s just too much to deal with. As you know, we are facing such unbelievable evil. Thank you for all you do and will do, to save us all.

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In essentials; Unity, in non-essentials; Liberty, in all things; Charity. ( Saint Augustine )

Bobby chose Unity because saving our kids and grandkids from harm, maintaining our dignity as free human beings with freedom of speech and expression, and saving lies by avoiding needless wars; are all essentials to preserving our constitutional republic.

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Identifying the Real Enemies of Humanity is critical. It cuts through the infighting, obfuscation and politics. Thank you! Trump and RFK Jr. are by no means perfect but, together they are our best hope, to provide the leadership necessary to defeat the Real Enemy’s assault on Humanity.

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Sadly Dr. Breggin it will not change the history of election fraud that will steal yet another election. RFK Jr.s announcement and joining forces with Trump has given people a great sense of hope and I fear the psychological impact on so many Americans when another election is stolen from Trump and the American people.

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The Steal will get even Uglier. The Globalists and the CCP are getting more desperate and dangerous.

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So what do you recommend? That people not be made aware of the truth? I do not fear people's reaction to being made aware of truth. What I fear is their hermetically sealed minds which prevent them from ever becoming aware of the truth.

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Thank you, Peter and Ginger. Olive branch time. Time to try and save the world for those who come after us.

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Dear Meryl, I am confused about the olive branch. I have never written or said anything critical of you. Our last communications which were quite some time ago were cordial and friendly. Then Robert Malone attacked us with a lawsuit against me and Ginger and Dr. Jane Ruby for $25 million dollars, falsely accusing me of defamation, which was thrown out of court by a judge who was very critical of him. During the lawsuit, you were working with Malone and wrote a substack critical of us. So what does your olive branch mean? Is it an apology? We haven't done anything to you. All my memories of our relationship were pleasant and I was shocked about the turn of events. Peter Breggin

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Dear Peter

As a dispassionate observer across the Atlantic, I would like to say that it was the Malone law suit against you which finished him for me, forever, and opened my eyes to much that I hadn't suspected in the 'medical freedom movement'.

And, I would add that I'd not really been very aware of your writings at that time, and was not a follower. The attack on you was gratuitous and unwarranted, and so deservedly failed.

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Careful. I suspect Dr Nass is going to be spending some time trying to clean up messes she created during the Covid Con. Since she is in Kennedy's circle, maybe the learned doctor hopes to ride on his tails into the White House or somewhere nearby.

I was insulted publicly and brought way down by Dr Nass when I asked a simple and honest question of her. It was fairly early on and I (and many others, I suspect) were working very, very hard to weed out the 'good guys' from the 'bad guys'. The cacophony of voices was overwhelming. Nass blew me off, threw me under the bus and THAT was that. In a live, public forum! I witnessed her do that to others who were asking legitimate questions. If you pose as an expert, a professional and expect people to listen to you and take you seriously- you have to work at it and you have to acknowledge that we are all asking questions.

Bottom line: I wouldn't trust Meryl Nass with a pack of matches. The word 'opportunist' comes to mind. Honestly, if she sided with Malone- that's all we really need to know.

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You state in the article ”you and Ginger both had Covid”, why will you not call it what it truly is which is The Flu? Calling the flu, Covid, is like calling an amputation a flesh wound. The world needs to understand while “Covid” became an actual thing, it isn’t nearly as devastating as people have been bullied into believing it is. Before anyone snaps back with “my friend/family member/coworker died from Covid during the scamdemic” look up the deaths from the flu. And where did this flu deaths disappear to while “Covid” was active? Magically disappeared. Oh btw, Fauci was hospitalized recently for “west Nile virus” now tell me how quickly THAT vaxx comes into play? If he indeed was/is infected with anything, it’s actually “the flu”. It’s a virus that can be treated with zinc & D3.

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Hi Slaicker1 please see the comment Dr. Breggin pinned at the top of comments.


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Aug 24
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Hi Goeff: please see the comment Dr. Breggin pinned at the top of comments.


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Truly love you guys. You don't get sufficient credit for your work. The RFK, Jr. campaign suspension and Trump endorsement speech was the best political speech that I have heard in a long, long time. He called out the health issues many of us have been waiting for. The brother and sister Means, a new generation, are a must interview by all podcasters. Tucker's interview of them was awe-inspiring and hopeful. Who knew Calley made the introduction of these two titans. I am very hopeful for our country when Trump prevails.

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Praying for God’s protection on a good and brave man.

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Let's see if Trump actually gives Kennedy access and power to help.

Last time Trump delayed Kennedy and Aaron Siri from accessing the database..... And then he said Bill Gates told him it's not a good idea.... And he went on that? The guy is not even a doctor, he's an oligarch predator.

Keep in mind that Trump has said the covid vaccines were good for a long long time even after many realized they were garbage.

I hope Trump isn't a sell out this time around. It will do the country good.

One other example of Trump playing games. He wanted to leave Afghanistan but kept delaying it. Then, Biden gets into office and he's able to do a crap withdrawal? Why couldn't Trump do it before? Because back then, Trump said what we wanted to hear without actually doing it.

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Well said Dr. and Ginger Breggin.

My sentiments exactly

The entire world should hear, read, heed and see RFK Jr. as a remarkable brave voice for freedom and democracy.

Blessings and stay strong.

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RFKjrs speech was nothing short of envigorating! To hear a fine man like him, from a line of fine statesmen capture our existential dilemma (globally and domestically) was breathtaking. When was the last time I listened to such a speech? When RFKjr spoke in Berlin in the early days of the CovidCon.

Here he was- no notes, no teleprompter, nothing. And he didn't miss a beat.

I wish him the best.

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We wish him the best too, Bonnie~ Ginger

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I simply believe this is divine intervention. I hope God wins.

We are certainly in a battle for humanity. The devil is powerful.

I truly enjoy reading your thoughts. Thank you for this.

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Dear Rosemary, Thank you…Ginger

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