Dear Meryl, I am confused about the olive branch. I have never written or said anything critical of you. Our last communications which were quite some time ago were cordial and friendly. Then Robert Malone attacked us with a lawsuit against me and Ginger and Dr. Jane Ruby for $25 million dollars, falsely accusing me of defamation, which …
Dear Meryl, I am confused about the olive branch. I have never written or said anything critical of you. Our last communications which were quite some time ago were cordial and friendly. Then Robert Malone attacked us with a lawsuit against me and Ginger and Dr. Jane Ruby for $25 million dollars, falsely accusing me of defamation, which was thrown out of court by a judge who was very critical of him. During the lawsuit, you were working with Malone and wrote a substack critical of us. So what does your olive branch mean? Is it an apology? We haven't done anything to you. All my memories of our relationship were pleasant and I was shocked about the turn of events. Peter Breggin
As a dispassionate observer across the Atlantic, I would like to say that it was the Malone law suit against you which finished him for me, forever, and opened my eyes to much that I hadn't suspected in the 'medical freedom movement'.
And, I would add that I'd not really been very aware of your writings at that time, and was not a follower. The attack on you was gratuitous and unwarranted, and so deservedly failed.
Careful. I suspect Dr Nass is going to be spending some time trying to clean up messes she created during the Covid Con. Since she is in Kennedy's circle, maybe the learned doctor hopes to ride on his tails into the White House or somewhere nearby.
I was insulted publicly and brought way down by Dr Nass when I asked a simple and honest question of her. It was fairly early on and I (and many others, I suspect) were working very, very hard to weed out the 'good guys' from the 'bad guys'. The cacophony of voices was overwhelming. Nass blew me off, threw me under the bus and THAT was that. In a live, public forum! I witnessed her do that to others who were asking legitimate questions. If you pose as an expert, a professional and expect people to listen to you and take you seriously- you have to work at it and you have to acknowledge that we are all asking questions.
Bottom line: I wouldn't trust Meryl Nass with a pack of matches. The word 'opportunist' comes to mind. Honestly, if she sided with Malone- that's all we really need to know.
Dear Meryl, I am confused about the olive branch. I have never written or said anything critical of you. Our last communications which were quite some time ago were cordial and friendly. Then Robert Malone attacked us with a lawsuit against me and Ginger and Dr. Jane Ruby for $25 million dollars, falsely accusing me of defamation, which was thrown out of court by a judge who was very critical of him. During the lawsuit, you were working with Malone and wrote a substack critical of us. So what does your olive branch mean? Is it an apology? We haven't done anything to you. All my memories of our relationship were pleasant and I was shocked about the turn of events. Peter Breggin
Dear Peter
As a dispassionate observer across the Atlantic, I would like to say that it was the Malone law suit against you which finished him for me, forever, and opened my eyes to much that I hadn't suspected in the 'medical freedom movement'.
And, I would add that I'd not really been very aware of your writings at that time, and was not a follower. The attack on you was gratuitous and unwarranted, and so deservedly failed.
Careful. I suspect Dr Nass is going to be spending some time trying to clean up messes she created during the Covid Con. Since she is in Kennedy's circle, maybe the learned doctor hopes to ride on his tails into the White House or somewhere nearby.
I was insulted publicly and brought way down by Dr Nass when I asked a simple and honest question of her. It was fairly early on and I (and many others, I suspect) were working very, very hard to weed out the 'good guys' from the 'bad guys'. The cacophony of voices was overwhelming. Nass blew me off, threw me under the bus and THAT was that. In a live, public forum! I witnessed her do that to others who were asking legitimate questions. If you pose as an expert, a professional and expect people to listen to you and take you seriously- you have to work at it and you have to acknowledge that we are all asking questions.
Bottom line: I wouldn't trust Meryl Nass with a pack of matches. The word 'opportunist' comes to mind. Honestly, if she sided with Malone- that's all we really need to know.