RFKjrs speech was nothing short of envigorating! To hear a fine man like him, from a line of fine statesmen capture our existential dilemma (globally and domestically) was breathtaking. When was the last time I listened to such a speech? When RFKjr spoke in Berlin in the early days of the CovidCon.
Here he was- no notes, no teleprompter, nothing. And he didn't miss a beat.
RFKjrs speech was nothing short of envigorating! To hear a fine man like him, from a line of fine statesmen capture our existential dilemma (globally and domestically) was breathtaking. When was the last time I listened to such a speech? When RFKjr spoke in Berlin in the early days of the CovidCon.
Here he was- no notes, no teleprompter, nothing. And he didn't miss a beat.
RFKjrs speech was nothing short of envigorating! To hear a fine man like him, from a line of fine statesmen capture our existential dilemma (globally and domestically) was breathtaking. When was the last time I listened to such a speech? When RFKjr spoke in Berlin in the early days of the CovidCon.
Here he was- no notes, no teleprompter, nothing. And he didn't miss a beat.
I wish him the best.
We wish him the best too, Bonnie~ Ginger