Dear Peter and Ginger, I cannot believe what is happening. In addition to the baseless lawsuit, now this is just rude to have a discussion behind your back and then make a public statement without consulting you!

Also "high level sensitive meeting" - wow, self appointed leaders of the free world were meeting together?

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Thank you Sasha. I was flabbergasted. -- Ginger

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Dear Ginger and Dr. Breggin: I am SO SORRY you are going through this nightmare but I know in my heart that if anyone on this earth has the bravery and strength to triumph over this self loathing, sleazy bully, R. Malone, it is the two of you!!!

I may have said this to you in a previous post, you both remind me so much of my wonderful, brave, compassionate and ethical father. I only had him for 15 years but he was such a gift.

Wishing you both so much peace. Patty Behan

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Did you get my email with the links you asked?

The REAL Robert W. Malone, MD

In 2011, he twitted “National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) has now voted to recommend AVA (Biothrax) anthrax vaccine testing in pediatric population.” 1 This defies many human rights: you cannot under any circumstance experiment on healthy children (like they did with the COVID shots). Needless to say that vax poison completely failed and harmed those children. No retraction from Malone.

By 2014 he was an depopulation fanatic (masons or their mercenaries, are usually depop-nazis), when commenting “The world is becoming more violent. Here are the most and least peaceful countries”, he twitted “yet another predictable consequence of unchecked global population growth.”


There’s no overpopulation, not only because well developed humans contribute more than they use but also because births are shrinking year after year. More problematic of his lack of common sense on that topic, is that he is calling for policies against unchecked population: not a single one of them has been done without violating basic human rights and freedoms… especially informed consent (typical violation by the COVID shots, which by the way were sucessful in Malone’s goal of checking global population growth), yet Malone calls himself a freedom fighter (!) and of course, never retracted.

By the way, those twits are easy to verify and still online as of 23 Jun 2023, unlike this one which can’t be found in his account (it could have been deleted by Malone) and is probably a forgery considering the cursors are not Twitter’s (maybe they belong to the image editor?) and that there’s a strange square with lines in the bottom right corner.

Worked under Fauci at the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). He has a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-2017 2):

“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.” 3

Dr. Malone “the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines, including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.” 4

Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? US patents expire in 20 years: how many of those are still valid? If he could have blocked vax manufacturers, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide? By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Some ask: is it legal and ethical to appropriate patents, when the funding came from the taxpayer and is supposed to benefit the taxpayer, not the researcher who cashed his wage?

It’s like a physicist who worked in the Manhattan Project, the U.S. government research project (1942–45) that produced the first atomic bombs, alleging that he didn’t know his theoretical and practical knowledge would be weaponized, even though he was hired by the military and knew it could be weaponized. Worse if his patents could have stopped the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. All those lives would be in his conscience.

April 2021. He said he took 2nd Moderna shot: “almost did me in. As in I almost died.” Some say that it is strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defense and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE? He said he was expecting the EU to require it but it wasn’t required back then (took without coercion!) and hoped the vax would (magically?) kill his post-COVID cough (!). He almost died, yet he didn’t warn everybody in the interviews to avoid this huge risk until … 13 Jan 2022. 6 Not in Puerto Rico 3 Oct 2021. Not in Hawaii 18 Oct 2021.7

24 Jun 2021 Malone twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ 1 Malone didn’t answer, maybe he didn’t read it and wasn’t aware of Hill’s 180° genocidal mercenary turnaround against ivermectin. Malone surely supported ivermectin afterwards. Was he buying time for more COVID and clot-shot deaths until it was evident that he’d be charged as being controlled opposition unless supporting ivermectin? There’s a pattern: no apologies.

In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the elderly and high risk, while working for a Bio-defence contract. 2 It seems he never gave a public apology.

He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each, instead of leading a class action against the social media that censored him and millions (Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). 3

He also attacked Harvey Risch, MD; Judy Mikovits, MD; Paul Alexander, Ph.D.; and The Wellness Company.4

Some argue that this is exactly what a false flag does: block anyone contesting his official narrative. For instance, the Breggins were criticizing Mattias Desmet’s mass formation theory: “The Desmet/Malone Ideology of Mass Psychosis Blames the Citizens and Not the Global Predators“.5 On the contrary, Malone has leaded global congresses in many countries, where he accused global corruption. Still, he refuses to mention “conspiracy”. By suing and not giving explanations, Malone left the accusations open.

If you search for the word “conspiracy” in Malone’s substack, you’ll only find disbelief in such reality. For example, he reposted Desmet, who lays the burden on the people, not the oppressors. Either Malone and Desmet were fooled or they are trying to fool us... into the magical belief that this is a spontaneous yet coordinated process across nations and that there’s nothing else to do except talking us to extermination: useless armchair warriors. Some argue that Malone is the fooled and Desmet is the fooler because he uses half truths to structure a lie. Yet, even Desmet might just be a fooled, repeating structured foolishness.

9 Jan 2023. Elon’s Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 6, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:

2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections ... 3 years too late: by Jan 2020, Malone had published a paper showing that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 7 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023.

“He didn't come forward expressing remorse, as lots of great inventors have done before him,8 rueing their sometimes literally earth-shaking inventions, from the atom bomb9 and the Kalishnakov, to the office cubicle and the labradoodle. Notably, as of June 2023, "The History of mRNA Vaccines" still unfolds under a spray of lovely pink blossoms on Malone's website.10” 11

8 Jun 2023. “In some cases I have proceeded to delivering a cease and desist and that was enough. Dr. Richard Fleming was one such case. I sent him a letter, and he stopped… if I win a case, this will become a disincentive for those prone to this sort of behavior in the future, directed towards me or to others… Spreading hate can be quite lucrative in the age of the internet, where attention seeking behavior can be monetized.” 12

Comment: no mention of the scientific dissent causing his lawsuit. Using the “hatred” argument is an ad hominem fallacy proving lack of arguments of the self-victimized.

13 Jun 2023. When asked “What are you doing to find a way to blunt the effects of your invention?"

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: reducing infant mortality, can’t reduce population growth!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: it’s the definitions!


FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!


2035 You'll go nowhere and you'll be happy =(


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I think the entire issue between you and Dr Malone is quite unnecessary. I am following both of you and appreciate both your contributions.

However the headline that Dr Alexander posted (not the article) could be deemed as misleading as neither one of you were present.

You do not indicate any displeasure with your team and acknowledge that Dr Alexander was well intentioned.

Was it again necessary to have a go at Dr Malone?

Dr Malone has publicly disagreed with several people that he remains on good terms with. He has sought reconciliation. Any of us can be in error.

He is not reacting to disagreement. He is reacting to your suggestion that he is not working for the good of science and the truth and has nefarious aims.

I have followed Dr Malone and many others since 2020. He initially did trust that some of the system was still intact and was gently trying to deal with conflicting information and exposing information that was with held from the public.

He had a very cruel marginalization from the system early on in his life but pursued his passion and did so privately. There was definitely some overlap because it was required.

And how could every doctor know that they were were working with an entirely captured system? It only seems to be revealed when it gets personal.

Both Dr Malone and his wife wrote extensively about this. On certain issues early on he disagreed with Dr Judy Mikovits on a specific scientific point but did not malign her. After meeting her they likely realized they have much more in common. Disagreement is necessary for science. Public Malignment is not.

I believe you don’t trust Dr Malone because of what was stated to you by a third party. Dr Malone stated something privately. And You took personal offence causing you to make public statements that only the Courts get to decide are defamatory.

Dr Malone reached out to you privately. Your decision was not Godly.

The election of Donald Trump culminating in Covid19 has exposed and unmasked many things. We should be grateful for that. The polarization was instantaneous causing people to be in 2 or more distinctively spiritual camps. And these camps keep multiplying.

The Lord has this and the battle is His. All Christian’s have discernment. People end up exposing themselves and like Saul will fall on their own sword.

No need to persist in any malignment. The Lord does not need it.

Every scientist and Dr who has put any truth out has been axed and maligned by many powerful agencies and deep state appointee’s.

You have all been professionally and financially throttled.

You sit in a camp that claims to be born again.

Dr Malone appears to have a Christian conscience, has suffered like Dr Judy historically and is suffering too. He does not require exposure according

He is not one of them. He had no part in the manufacture of mRNA vaccines and never was financially rewarded because he was not within the system. His Wikipedia page is monitored. He is not one of them.

He continued his research.

He worked with plandemic 3.

You are nursing a grudge because you were offended to find out that Dr Malone disagreed with you on some point and stated it privately.

Perhaps the person that notified you used verbiage that created the problem and is satans mole

He exposed that that pseudo uridine was being used in the Covid19 vaccines and has continued to warn against even seniors or children getting it, in spite of initially taking due to trust.

Some of you were ahead of him knowing the depth of the corruption. They removed him from their system ensuring that he would not complete the PhD program, only his MD.

He has been as transparent as possible because even private business require non disclosure agreements which would affect him. Hundreds of Drs and scientists are no longer working within the system.

Many younger people are trapped by debt, grants and would be bankrupted and unable to complete work.

He is outside the system completely and some of his previous contacts are as well.

Michael Flynn is deserving of much respect and he was thrown under the bus and only work to support others. Any disclosure from him about the swamp would put him in jail.

Dr Malone has revealed so much more and defeats them through the education of others.

You are misreading him. And he only wrote after reaching out. His wife is upset about this as well.

He never publicly maligned you. And certainly did not testify about you. Since others informed about his private statements about you, were they true attacks on your character or areas where you may have disagreed.

Not every doctor used identical protocols for treatment either, but had their preferences.

So being offended because someone repeated something said in private to you caused you to be careless in your public opinion of who Dr Malone was truly working for.

Courts are always costly for both parties and because the legal system is mostly captured, it becomes a risk.

And as you have prophets in your camp and are warned biblically not to go to Court why are you declaring your freedom of speech?

We are in end times. Satan has captured the world’s power structures and you think He is captured too. So why would you go to court? It means you will lose because you are operating in UN forgiveness. Latest example this article. Or if he is evil you are going to pay through the teeth. Satan doesn’t have double agents so you both lose one way or another.

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Oh, please!

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Jul 13, 2023
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EXACTLY!!! Excellent comment!

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Jul 13, 2023
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If you read Dr Malone extensively, he has adequately covered everything related to the accusations made by the Breggins. He has a conscience and is an effective educator. Everyone was online during lockdowns. And Even Pierre Kory was very cautious early on. To maintain credibility, could not attack vaccines head on. Had to wait until it was scientifically irrefutable. So many doctors moved in the right direction and acknowledge the truth. They are only guilty of trusting the system. Dr Malone acquired Covid19 naturally and it was a slow recovery. He was informed the vaccine would help so took it and it made him worse. He also needed to travel. The closer he looked at reality and truth the worse things got. He spoke what he knew.

Many involved with vaccines stay in their own lane. Geert vanden Bosshe is roasted and defamed.

Have you not considered that some good science has occurred in the past? But it is those who have power to make consequential decisions that are the corrupted ones. And at what point are they compromised to the point of sociopathy?Dr Malone is not a sociopath and others co-opted his verbalized idea and made it their own. He did some research with mouse cell lines and was advised to patent them or would be entirely scrubbed from history . It’s a dirty world.

Complete exposure came through Covid19 but it’s a slow train for the red pill and how retroactive you want to make it.

And how high up it goes and who is behind this. This was a plandemic and many didn’t realize it right away. And it leads to the purpose of all this.

I’m a retired registered nurse who would not take the Covid19 vaccines or annual flu shots. I won’t give vaccines I can’t take nor work in the system which insists I advocate for global controled healthcare. Many things are now unmasked so vaccines going forward can’t be trusted to be safe. And if the deep dives are taken the realization that malfeasance has been happening for a long time.

I realized early on that some of the clot shots were shooting blanks when some people had zero symptoms, some serious reactions and others had massive brain bleeds resulting in death.

Massive brain bleeds are very rare. Small clot strokes are the most common. Health care workers can observe similar things but have different conclusions.

Good Scientists ask good questions. Compromised scientists don’t want those questions answered. What a world the young have to navigate with the level of corruption in place.

Dr Malone never had the power of Fauci. And was not on the inside of testing for mRNA safety. He obviously trusted that good science was done for them but that house of cards dropped after Covid19 vaccine rollouts.

Malone and vanden Bosshe are concerned about the endgame. Neither want this current mRNA technology nor the sociopaths in charge.

Have they come full circle on all vaccines ? Maybe not. But probably well understand that the current vaccine schedule pumping the numbers of shots into infants and to just keep vaccinating without questioning everything that has been done in the past is civilizational suicide or selective democide. The western world power brokers unmasked their goals through their lies which continue.

Apparently climate change, Putin and pandemics are our enemies and they are saving us all from this triple threat.

Our collective cognitive dissonance is supposed to see what isn’t there and not see what is there.

Putin has never been an Angel but likes power, his nuclear arsenal and money. So trade is important to him. He’s the wrong guy to lock antlers with. Only people who have nothing more to lose except their own survival fire nukes. Or maybe he is just sick of western delusions at his nations expense.

Artificial intelligence has no capacity to Nuke the sociopaths that are programming it and us so we should probably be praying to God because we have been prophetically warned via the scriptures about this.

But those under the spell of lies think those who know truth are under the spell of liars.

Truth doesn’t require sorcery, AI, Global overlords, human opinion or human belief. Lies now do.

As for the Liars, sociopaths or those who upgrade to psychopaths. Do not fear them but Revere and fear GOD. He is not mocked and His return will expose them All.

But He requires our humility in faith to perfect our humanity.

We do have something promised from Him. The gift of eternal life is linked to Eternal Truth. This is encouraging to hope for but like the Messiah we will have to endure suffering before His return. Be Faithful to the truth. Love your fellow man by telling the truth because at the end of time it’s not about a vaccine, it’s about the Way the truth and the Life.

Blessings to all who read this. I pray you are looking up and have no desire to harm your fellow man. He will be the Judge.

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Oh, please!

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Jul 13, 2023
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No I have read Jill and Robert Malone on Malone. I don’t think an extensive negative stack on one person is healthy. Especially since Malone is providing excellent information for those who want it.

And if you read him extensively, you would find him plausible. He covers a lot of ground. He has responded to his detractors.

He has consulted privately and for government agencies in the past. He has nothing to hide.

And many Doctors on the side of truth appear to respect him.

His problem was he was high profile. I believe someone approached the Breggins to stir the pot. And I suspect that person is happy to go to court. It must be someone who doesn’t mind initiating division as part of a plan to discredit Malone.

Professional people are not tale bearers. What was said to the Breggins was well designed to piss them off and they took the bait.

The Breggins and the Malones both have strong marriages.

Malone did not publicly defame the Breggins, nor go public until accusations were made about him that had slandered his professional motives.

This could have been dealt with privately.

Is Robert Malone on someone’s payroll? Whose?

Is the deep State going to reward him for pretending to warn people against Covid19 boosters? And exposing much more?

Sorry have not come across the Sage Rage on Malone.

Who are Malones friends?

None left in the CDC. They resigned as they could no longer stomach it.

Joe Rogan and millions were enlightened by talking to him.

I don’t understand why the Breggins are trashing Malone for someone else’s post when people close to them participated in a meeting where he wasn’t present.

We can agree this situation is not ideal.

Malone didn’t initiate any public slander of the Breggins.

But he felt to communicate privately and then went public to refute their claims.

The Lawsuit should and could be settled privately. The latest article from the Breggins means they do want to see him in Court.

There was no need to make this article about him.

Should I read Sage Hanna to see how artfully he spins facts.

I am curious about his motives.

I don’t have love or hate relationships with people I engage with online. Or with people who provide information.

Why is trashing Malone more important than exposing Fauci?

Scott Atlas exposed his unholy triangle in Trumps Whitehouse in a recent article.

Also RFK jr wrote about him, Judy spoke out and later Malone. Malone attempted to be professional about Fauci at first but Fauci was on his own “I am the science psy op.” So Malone could no longer even pretend Fauci was just doing his job.

So I am trying to understand what Robert Malone has said via way of public information to harm someone. He thought Dr Judy was wrong on some point but didn’t elaborate or trash her.

He didn’t change my opinion of her. She is brilliant but he was not red pilled at the time. If I can use the word love for any of the people who spoke up and out it would be for Dr Judy Mikovits. She is pure gold. I subscribe to her and quite a few others.

No one can read everything and everyone.

Somehow Dr Malone gathers some of the best Memes and posts them.

He does not have hypnotic power over those who are well informed. We think for ourselves and it is safer to have multiple sources and people who differ on certain points.

Both he and Judy have brilliant minds and can articulate so many things quite well.

If he is a Judas Goat he will hang on the rafters he is building for himself.

So celebrate that if you’re convinced of it.

It was Judas who made sure Jesus got to the cross for 30 pieces of silver. Worked out according to the plan of God but not so good for him.

I am missing the bone to pick here. The Breggins should get on with what the Lord wants them to do. Forgive, move on and pretend he doesn’t exist.

But I think they want their day in Court.

So they are willing participants in all of this.

So it’s in a Judges hands. What could go wrong?

Is initiating a Lawsuit ever dropped without some type of resolution?

It would be interesting to know who is pulling strings behind the Breggins. This one doesn’t make sense. There is no good purpose.

And if Malone were to drop the case would it stop? That’s all he wants. It’s what he is asking for.

Then they both can agree to not speak about each other publicly or privately since the walls seem to have ears.

I’m sure the Breggins are good people. But when good people get offended, nothing good follows. Offended people remain offended and then have to defend why they remain offended.

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Can you imagine sitting in that meeting? ? ?

Might need to open a window to let the ego air out....

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The timing of this seems very suspicious. Malone's lawyer has just read your excellent and irrefutable motion to dismiss. At this point, he needs to pay his lawyer Biss (who already got slapped down for other frivolous defamation suits) to come up with a rebuttal. If Malone wrote the original suit, as you and I suspect, this is sinking a bunch of money into an incompetent lawyer with an unwinnable case. It's time for damage control.

What's the next best option? Make it a PR stunt. Send out emissaries to negotiate a ceasefire. You don't even need to get concessions from the Breggins because all you really want is to get out. So if you can get out and make it seem like you're a great guy, even better.

Here's what I'd like to know: if the judge rules that it's a frivolous case, are there consequences for Malone? Is he ordered to pay your legal costs? Penalties? Or just walk away? Even if he walks away, it sets the precedent that he did his best against you and lost. That's very powerful. It sets a precedent for every other person speaking the truth.

I understand that these are risky decisions for you and I have no skin in the game. But if Malone thought he could win, he'd want this battle to be fought with the highest stakes possible. That's how he launched his attack. I hate to see him turn his defeat into a back-room deal where he looks magnanimous. My two-cents.

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The larger picture is that Malone is not and never has been a lone actor; he is under the thumbs of his puppet-masters , that very group of elitist controllers and "mad scientists" from which he himself was spawned and which he is still a part of; his mission is damage control and keeping the false narratives before the gullible public; this involves attacking the most vocal and transparent truth seekers and passing oneself off as a leader in a movement that actually has other questionable players involved; the Breggins, in particular, became a specific target because of their strong stance against Desmet's mass formation theory which, in Desmet's final analysis, did not identify and call out the elitist controllers and their planned agenda; the Breggins were fully aware that Malone used Desmet's work or misused it by introducing the term "mass hypnosis", a term Desmet never used and, in fact, denied and regretted; in any case, any "ideological" disagreements did not necessitate a $25 million lawsuit against the Breggins or anyone else and Malone was manipulating a situation of his own contriving and under close supervision of his masters; in fact, it is the exact same strategy of using lies, deception ,fear of threats and reprisals and mass media propaganda that we have all been exposed to with the goal to keep us all in compliance.

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Well said, Tony. And I believe you're exactly right that it's challenging Desmet's theory that Malone wanted to shut down. The majority of his examples of defamation weren't even statements about him, but about Desmet's ideology, as I talked about in my first episode and again when he served the lawsuit on the Breggins: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/who-is-robert-malone-really, https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/in-defense-of-the-breggins-part-one and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/who-is-robert-malones-attorney?

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That may explain why Malone blocked me long ago on Twitter -- because I criticized his use of Mass Formation as effectively a way to circumvent facing the reasonable inference of an internationally coordinated Conspiracy, by positing some amorphously organic sociological word salad instead.

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Entirely disrespectful.

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Like a bunch of good-hearted mafiosos trying to tie up loose ends, eh?! Spare me Dr. Alexander & Dr. McCullough! Why didn’t you all include the Breggins & Dr. Jane Ruby? TWC is tainted with bias. What makes this organization the Masters of the Universe (aka Freedom Movement)?

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I’ll “see” your flabbergast and add my own astonishment & dismay.

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Jul 15, 2023
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And they wanted to sabotage our medical system. Along with our police and our military and schools.

According to Catherine Austin Fitts the globalists really do want to end normal medical care, schools, and police eventually. Replace them with bots and AI with maybe a few humans spread thin virtually. This helps explain the insanity to some extent.

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'Self-appointed leaders'. Exactly.

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I'm surprised Jordan Peterson isn't pitching in.

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I live in Australia. I purchased 4 of your books years ago. Your sage advice in one in particular saved the life of a family member. Malone helped create (according to him) the mRNA subsequently used in Pfizer vax that severely injured one of my best mates . I know who is speaking the truth and has integrity in all this and it's not Malone. Your work for humanity is invaluable. Take care both of you.

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Thank you so much. We are glad to know our efforts helped- Ginger

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It seems to me Malone is desperately trying to walk back his past..."look at me, I'm a good guy now!"

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It seems to me he, along with many others, is a protective layer for the Ringleaders of the world.

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Yes, that tier 2

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One has to question why a developer of bioweapons mRNA technology was ever invited to participate in any group created to fight against the bioweapons. As you know, Ginger, I always rejected the ridiculous promotion of Malone as a hero. A question for Dr. Breggin: Why do people tend to follow whoever they are presented with as heroes instead of thinking about the person’s life’s work and what they have done?

As painful as it may be, we must look at those who promoted this man’s image and ask hard questions about why.

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Someone who has the ability to design something that can facilitate the entry of a substance into the human body for so called beneficial purposes has to be smart enough to know that designed-something can also be used to facilitate the entry of poisoning substances as well. I don't believe Dr. Malone is either naive nor dumb. If he feels "defamed" by the Breggins, or anyone else, maybe his guilty conscience is really his problem. Even some of those who made the atom bomb admitted publicly they probably should not have done it.

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The important thing for everyone to understand is that members of the group of doctors that elevated Malone have promoted the idea that mRNA “therapeutics“ have potential benefits to mankind, when all the evidence from the past 30 years has clearly has shown NO BENEFIT, only toxicity. The development of mRNA gene therapy was funded by the US Department of Defense as a weapon.

This is why Moderna never successfully brought a product to market before the COVID pandemic and Project Warp Speed paved the way for them to evade clinical trials (see https://www.statnews.com/2017/01/10/moderna-trouble-mrna/#).

Twenty years ago, Malone contributed as an author to a paper describing planned deployment of mRNA vaccines under just such a scenario


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Thank you Kathy Clarke for your comment. These are the continuous threads that are important to think about.

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EXCELLENT comment, Dr. Clarke!

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"By their fruits you shall know them", Matthew 7:16, 20.

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I sense some "Independent Thought Leader" grimy hooves all over this pro wrestling storyline.

You two are tough as nails, thank you.

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Look them in the eye and tell the truth. —Ginger Breggin

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Dear Breggins, This feels like a psyop to me. Could be wrong. I do not trust Malone at all. Bothers me that all these doctors got together. I may have lost faith in all of them. I have to check for evidence. What is they don't want us to know about. Some of them may be very good people with good intentions, but why now is my question?

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"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear."

~George Orwell

“Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” ~ William O. Douglas

“It’s not unpatriotic to denounce an injustice committed on our behalf, perhaps it’s the most patriotic thing we can do.” ~ E.A Bucchianeri

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Praying for God's protection and vindication for you guys in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen!! 🙏🙏🙏 Isaiah 54:17

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Amen, Dr. Wheeler. Thank you so much. ~ Ginger Breggin

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You are most welcome, Ginger!! God bless you guys!! 🙏❤️

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Dispicable! Disrespectful and out of line!! You mean to tell me that it didn’t cross a single individual’s mind to contact you just prior to the discussion? Or even shortly thereafter BEFORE making this a public announcement! As a courtesy and out of respect?? This is outrageous, in my mind. Strange. Odd. Rude!!!

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Yes everything you are saying is correct. No one contacted us. We learned about it by chance when I saw Dr. Alexander's public substack announcement today. Thank you for your concern!

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Dunno how I got the impression that the Breggins were involved, as in directly😳🤔 how can you have a good faith dialogue about me without, eh, me somehow in the effing loop?

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I am only a regular person.

I don't have any letters behind my name but I do have GOD given discernment and common sense. Something smells fishy in Denmark. Peter and Ginger (if I may be so bold in addressing you by your first names,) have given straight forward info to us. Malone on the other hand is connected to and involved with (and is himself suspect) a number of questionable organizations and people. I had to dissociate myself with Dr A and his substack..too much blah, blah about Malone. Then to find out his back stabbing you. Too much! Keep standing! Truth is truth and it will come out. Anyone that disagrees with the baloney out there, has a bullseye on their back. If you are doing GOD'S work, satan and company will target you. If you belong to Satan already there is no reason to attack you. Know you are doing good. We need your knowledge

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" I had to dissociate myself with Dr A and his substack..too much blah, blah about Malone. Then to find out his back stabbing you." Me too! Also, too much tooting his own horn. He's a phony.

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Well, anyone who repeatedly covers for President Warp Speed by insisting he was HOODWINKED is highly questionable, to say the least.

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Agreed and that assertion/argument is patently ridiculous IMHO.

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I support President Warp Speed. Back then, most ppl around the world were insisting on and demanding that of him. Remember that?? Had to have it now, yesterday?? I do, so President Warp Speed delivered. He also included in that Warp Speed agreement that it had to “safe and effective “. Remember that?? Probably not, as most ppl don’t. I could go on but I won’t, I’ll spare you.

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I like a lot of what Trump did while in office. But you always catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, of course.

Yet you do realize he still praises the injurious and lethal ClotShots, correct?


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did trump follow up to ensure pfizer met its contractual obligation of safe and effective? apparently not. and since he offers nothing but praise for the death jab, it's safe to assume he believes (or pretends to believe) that they actually met their contractual obligation. he's more than happy (or pretends to be) with the product they delivered so he must think they hit a home run. but do you think he really believes that? is it possible that he doesn't know what the rest of the world knows about the death jab? everyone knows but trump? i don't think so.

i keep hearing from trump cultists that the world was demanding he deliver a covid vaccine. can you provide a source? because i sure as hell don't remember that. i certainly wasn't asking for a vaccine. i don't know anyone that was. were you? and are you sure it wasn't just the msm telling everyone that everyone was demanding a vaccine? that's how propaganda works. "everyone's demanding a vaccine, so we better give 'em one." so they can say later, "well, you were all asking for it."

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what's captain warp speed's excuse now? today? why does he still support the bioweapon? why does he continue to lie and tell the world that it has saved a hundred million lives? is he still being bamboozled? if so, he can't be too bright. or does he, like the rest of the world, know damn well what his "greatest achievement as president" is doing to people? and if he does, what excuse is the orange cult making for him this week for keeping silent about the harm it's doing?

i've never in my life seen anything like the mindless, ridiculous, stupid excuses trump supporters continue to make for the orange clown.

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A certain doctor made a complete 180 after months of criticism of another doctor. The first doctor met with DJT just a few days before and took pictures together. What does that imply?

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EXACTLY!!! Excellent comment, Carolyn!!!

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The only thing that should be done is for Malone to drop the ridiculous suit. All his talk about 5th gen warfare is to deflect away from himself. What an ego on that man!

Hold the line Peter and Ginger! God bless.

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One does not "bridge" this divide: "For what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness." 2 Cor. 6:14b. One stands against it, as you do, Peter and Ginger. God gives sufficient strength to those who defend the weak.

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Thank you so much J. P. - we feel His protection and comfort. — Ginger Breggin

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Thanks for the updates Peter & Ginger. I'm sorry to hear you are going through all that. Robert has certainly raised red flags around himself by continuing with this course of action.

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Many thanks for summarizing this situation. Having come a bit late to this topic, it was confusing to try to understand based on the snippets & oblique comments popping up here & there. I greatly admire your adherence to free speech and wish you all the best.

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I haven’t believed in Malone from the beginning. He’s hiding from and running from the noose..

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Hi Donna: I have to confess, I was fooled by him for a VERY short time. I'm open minded and I started getting "bad vibes" from him pretty quickly. The weird, creepy tone in his voice made me say there is "something fishy" about him. His work with the government was also of concern. When I found out what he was doing to the Breggins, that was the FINAL straw!

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It seems ridiculous of Malone to do this. You all have the same aim. To be honest I wondered why Malone did not call out the dangers like Mike Yeadon. It is astonishing that he would do this to you.

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Good point regarding Dr. Yeadon!

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No, they don't all have the same aim, much less the same motives!

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Have you guys been following the investigative journalist George Webb....may be it is getting hot under the collar for Malone....you can catch up and find him on The Duke Report videos on Rumble

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