Yes. Katherine Watt's analyses are quite rigorous... For readers: A link to the nature of the beast.
US federal crimes for which there is evidence to prosecute Covid-19 bioterrorists who occupy US government positions. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> AUG 9, 2022
When C19 disappointed and too few were dying, geniuses concluded Hospital Death Protocols were necessary because mRNA wasn't ready or perhaps the GLOBALIST CABAL didn't want to leave anything to chance so They KILLED American Grandparents first in hospitals and Nursing Homes ALONE. Patients were, starved and poisoned by those acting in HOSPICE ROLLS. My cousin is a hospice nurse. No conscience, No remorse. No morals. No ethics. Doing HARM DAILY like it's just another day, because that's exactly what it is...
Fauci is NOT Innocent- He played a bIG role over hte years building that network AND he worked with DoD on the Gain of Function. This is quite a tangled web... AND is related in some way to Epstein as Gislane was invested in the Virus Hunter and BioLabs AND Hunters companies were also similarly invested. THis is not fully exposed yet.
iNDEED including THE CRUELTY TO THE cHIMPANZEES THAT they kept in cages trying to give them AIDS to fit the narrative. They took the Sign Language Chimps and caged them. they became desparately deppressed. THe zoos did not want to allow them to be the social creatures of their nature because they had been injected with HIV! THis is in "Next of Kin" you need to know the years when Fauci was manipulating the AIDS research but the book tells a huge story that matches the cruelty to the dogs.
Plus, Fauci is the one who authorized the funding for the University of Pittsburg “research” that’s still ongoing.
A grotesque partnership with Planned Parenthood to procure profitable Baby body parts, with intentional live births and killing the Child outside the womb to protect his or her organs from damage:
Poor reading comprehension? RFK Jr and Malone supporter? I never said anyone was innocent. I’m generalizing information. A liberal wouldn’t get it and needs explanations.
You don’t recognize distractions. And Epstein is a convenient distraction since he is dead. There is not enough evidence to link him to anything specific. It’s all vague with too many degrees of separation still. Need more proof.
that Epstein thing is huge - read this - Having worked in Hollywood and knowing most of it's dark secrets I already saw the list and nobody of any significance is on it who should be on it. Here's some facts and not even the tip of the dark Epstein iceberg, but I'll give you a taste of how insane the Epstein story is. Go ahead and dismiss it if you wish but these are just a few tidbits facts. Kevin Spacey once murdered a 14 year old on the Island. Have we ever heard that? No. This was known by ALL of Hollywood 23 years ago. Also, there's a name missing from all this Epstein BS chat is someone named Rachel Chandler who was a 14 year old girl who was recruited by Ghislaine and financed by Mossad as Epstein himself was financed by multiple Intelligence agencies - Mossad, M16, and C-EYE-A. Ray Chandler was Hollywood Epsteins liaison connecting elite Politicians and Celebs where she garnished underage children for all. The reason why celebs dig into Haiti as they move kids there that have no birth records. Netflix for instance is a front for trafficking. Ray Chandler procured a 13 year Old African American boy years ago for Adam Schif staying at the Standard Hotelf. In LA they move kids through underground tunnels connecting to all ports to the The Standard, The Marmont, and the Playboy Mansion which was also a honey pot CIA blackmailing hub. Chandler got Schiff his child (already drugged) and was brought to the Standard for Schiff to play with and after raping the child he realized the Kid was dead and Schiff went ballistic and beat the kid to a pulp. Handlers were called but there' was a big commotion and low and behold in another room was Anthony Bourdain who witnessed some commotion. Not implicating Bourdain and nobody knows what he was doing on the same Secured floor Security wise but, he was there told to me by an Older Oscar Winning Actress and 3 Separate Hollywood people (there are/were some good peeps in Hollywood. Charles Bronson once threatened to Kill a Producer after finding out the Prod. raped a 12 year old girl) Now here's the kicker to this whole Epstein story and why we are getting zip breadcrumbs & distractions on it - Anthony Bourdain is Jeffrey Epstein's brother. Before you throw a hissy fit it's true. Period. Doesn't mean Bourdain is a bad guy but he is his brother. Go check Snopes the Soros run Fact Check site who denies it and fact checked it as BS. Hmmm...wonder why they had to do that. Flight logs names? What a joke. How about the Flight Logs of the multiple crimes that occurred on the actual flights? Heinous abhorrent stuff. The whole Epstein fiasco is so effen dark many would not even be able to handle it. Wanna help? Get your kids to STOP supporting Musicians, cancel Netflix, Movies and all the crap they spew at them. Why do you think the Obamas have a movie out now about Civil War. These people are sick. Start educating your family and everyone you knw ASAP. They'll think your nuts and deny it but we're the only ones that can expose it. Blessings.
I even saw a video where he's supposedly partying in some country - they said it was him. but the comment section pointed out how grainy the video was.
That is ridiculous. Sorry. Kennedy has been out front about his disdain for intelligence. He knows they killed his uncle and has said so. He has also interviewed Sasha and has acknowledged this was a DOD operation.
Thank you Old School Counselor: There are now two of us that aren't completely full of shit... Robert Kennedy Jr has *quite* a lot on the line. People continue to squabble about non-issues.
Where did I say there was a pandemic? I was making a generalized comment that most people get. I have been reading stacks for ages and familiar with many writings and JJ Couey.
You have just repeated common information and have used semantics to act like you have more knowledge? You also have some facts twisted.
You need to read Conservative Treehouse to help enlighten yourself about RFK Jr role in this farce. Not sure why anyone can defend Bobby/Malone. They are both the same!!! Why did Bobby not write his latest book about the DOD and name names??!!! Because he’s one of them!!!! Why didn’t they ever demand the public have free/open access to ivermectin/HCQ??!!
Your understanding is incomplete. The conspiracy is to make us believe that there was a deadly pandemic (false) and that there will be another one (even though there has never been one yet) and that they are now taking measures to control us mainly through secrecy as they see fit in their Judeo-Masonic vision of how the world should be.
The media is not part of the conspiracy. It is the tool utilized by the conspirators to establish a lie and it is used with everything and with everyone along with money to funnel people into an opinion and accepting many lies. Media and money are used to pump up whatever is wanted and their withholding from what is not wanted is to make it nearly invisible and impotent.
Fauci and HCQ/ivermectin and Malone attention is to establish in the publics mind the LIE that there really was a competent replicating viral pandemic (Not. Localized to N y C and Northern Italy) and that there will be another one (despite one having never occurred yet) so that there is little push back against the limitations to freedom being placed upon us.
Throw in the massive multiple cyberattacks promised by the WEF before 2025 affecting banking, transportation, energy, the internet, etc. and the subsequent personal digital ID requirement to do and have anything and you have what is a digital prison but will be the same deadly and destructive workers paradise promised by the Soviet Union. Stop the lie if you do not want the younger generations to be continually vaccine-injured. (Incidentally, Malone has a role supporting shots in this tragic play which is what it is. Not a cover up (which notion gets one to believe that there was something to cover up like a real deadly spreading virus which there wasn't.). Stop this lie and everything goes away which is why so much has been done to move us into this lie. (For more see J. J. Couey sections in RFKs book.)
Wouldn't you say the "conspirators" are the same ones that the Breggins call the "villains"? Quote: "The implications of the DoD’s role in Operation WARP Speed are complex and require continuing unraveling. But these investigations may not substantially change the big picture because the ultimate villains are higher up the totalitarian totem pole and remain the same: the international governance being imposed upon the world by the global predators, including many multi-billionaires and the institutions they have captured from the UN and the World Health Organization (WHO) to the global banking system and the military-industrial complex—all of which we thoroughly document in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey." In summary it is "multi-billionaires and the institutions they have captured."
The conspirators— the predators— are multi- layered. Of course, for all of this— COVID-19 and the takeover of nations,— to have happened. There are many at the federal level that had to be either coerced, manipulated intimidated, recruited, or forced into complying with the ultimately bizarre and deadly plans of the global predators.
RFK, Jr., came out in favor of letting the covid criminals off the hook for the sake of "expediency." And he wants to legalize psychedelics. Look closely and you may see more. Is he hell bent on covering up? I doubt it. He is probably proceeding with his own beliefs. Having a huge drug history doesn't help.
Fauci played a major role, and Malone contributed to the development, but I don’t agree that Big Pharma that controls the FDA did not play a major role in creating this plandemic. Dig into when glass vials were ordered and all the other necessary components to deliver this con job! Explore the complex manufacturing process and how they scaled up to inject 2.5 billion humans!
My opinion. They (DOD) was pushed to take action by Big Pharma. Trump wanted to reduce the military conflicts and also shut down the excess vaccine injections! Mutually complicit goals! Gates and gang and WEF were thrilled with the fact that the trigger was pulled! Development was on going for more than a decade!
The thing that will trip everyone up is the part of the contract between Pfizer and the DoD about getting paid.
In that part of the contract, it states that in order to get paid, Pfizer had to follow all of FDA & CDC rules and regulations for authorization/approval. This triggers the mechanism for payment. This payment provision of the signed contract is why Pfizer and Moderna had to go to the FDA for approval.
We know they lied, doctored charts, etc. in the paperwork filed with the FDA for that approval. Payment is their Achilles heal. This also explains why they wanted to hide this information for 75 years. Get a copy of the invoice Pziser sent to the DoD and you have the smoking gun!
To be honest I have not looked into Ken Paxton's case. I first learned this from Karen Kingston and did a deep dive into the info she provided. The question no one asks is counter measures to what? This is the question that pushed me further down this rabbit hole.
Dr. Peter Breggin, possibly this is a good time to reacquaint for few and acquaint the many of your work in the past circa the 1970's forward, of how the government of the people, for the people and by the people have been using citizens in ways never dreamed of various forms including but not limited to Brain-Disabling treatments. Thank you for life long work.
Many decades ago, I read an article discussing the safety of new meds, especially prescription drugs The article made the point that safety of a new substance coming out takes time. And it suggested waiting at least 5 years before considering it for use.
That being said, and even for the masses who did not read such article, when WARP speed, which sounded just too wonderful to be true, was introduced and this novel vaccine was going to be offered to save the world, President Trump repeated over and over again how it usually takes 5 - 7 years, or some other similar range, to determine the safety of a new vaccine.
Most reasonable people would think, I don’t think this is something I want to be a part of. At least, not yet.
And then the drug companies told us they would release the safety data in 75 years. Really?
Additionally, how in the world could they come out with a safe & effective vaccine for something so quickly when they’ve been bringing out flu vaccines every year that fail miserably? Smells fishy to me.
Add to that, in the very beginning, Trump spoke of and put forth prevention/treatment with HCQ. He said he took it and health care workers took it and it was working quite nicely.
Was he blasted or what? Studies came out of the cracks about the dangers of this drug. And TV docs started making appearances on major news networks screaming, “no, no, no, stay away from HCQ.” They claimed it caused heart attacks. Although it had been used safely for decades.
Red flag people, red flag. Fake news at work again. Did you catch this media response? Me thinks the media doth protest too much.
In my opinion, the people have to take some responsibility for taking this un-vaccine. There were red flags. We are so accustomed to not thinking for ourselves, looking to professionals, the experts, for all the answers. The fake news had us terrified. Doctors, if you recommended this shot to your patients, without looking closer or doing some research, shame on you.
I didn’t take it. My family did not. I connected the dots.
"Additionally, how in the world could they come out with a safe & effective vaccine for something so quickly when they’ve been bringing out flu vaccines every year that fail miserably?" --- I had wondered why the influenza vaccines failed every year I had started getting it (at the coercion from my mother after I had a pneumonia in 2011). I quit taking it in 2020 and never was ill. I rarely had influenza (sinus problems or colds) once I changed my diet in 2002.
Since 2020, I have learned even more how our bodies truly are designed to heal themselves when properly fed, daily exercise, sunshine, plenty of rest, and keeping our environment and thoughts clean.
Well said. The biggest red flag and head scratcher was when Biden said that there was no way that he would take the Trump vaccine because not enough time had gone by to know if it was safe. Kamala barked that she wouldn’t take it either for the same reasons….and then Biden won and lo and behold he took the Trump vaccine. Nothing had changed in a few weeks, but he took it anyway and then he mandated the Trump vaccine for millions of people. The shitlibs who had been against Trump for years also said that they wouldn’t take it either and yet they did. Did any one of them stop to think before the plunger was pushed, "Wait, why am I taking the Trump vaccine?"
Who are you expecting to file charges if that is your measure? The paper Constitution?
Everything has to be approved from the top down which is the control mechanism that was created and every person at the top is there because they perform well. If someone had a change of heart and they were important they would have an accident. Outsiders to this Judeo-Masonic vision are not welcome or valued and their life is no more meaningful to this club than is a piece of cattle which is to be harvested.
Hello skipper: Your mindset is that of someone who's already been defeated. Your assessment that everything is approved from the top down, rather negates the fact that civil populations substantially outnumber persons of Judaeo-Masonic agency...
Numerous laws and civil ethics have been egregiously violated. Perhaps you will find this page helpful. > US federal crimes for which there is evidence to prosecute Covid-19 bioterrorists who occupy US government positions. >>> KATHERINE WATT
Katherine Watt and Sasha are wonderful and bright people who I endorse emphatically.
Populations of prisons vastly outnumber prison personnel so you can expect the same result. Populations vastly exceed the dictators who mandated covid things so why did these egregious violations go on if it is just a numbers game? It is the pyramid of power that negates the substantially outnumbered.
Maybe we should vote harder next time.
You have no idea about my mindset. Just my well experienced conclusion. I have gone toe to toe against the monster which Katherine describes at tremendous cost (similar to Catherine Austin-Fitts). I know for a fact how the federal system and its minions operate. I am still standing and not defeated nor is my mindset. However, I do know where there is a waste of time and energy that can be snuffed out in a second by a judges ruling. (And do not say that there is an appeals court. It is made up of people promoted there by their good performance for their master and I have been there also.) That is why one will find people voicing for local action over federal.
Good luck in your fight to maintain freedom through officials and experts. You will need it. I prefer to base my and my kids future on more than good luck. Federalism is there to over-rule State and local Constitutional authority when it dare raise its head. (You can throw the militaries in there also as they work for their masters as well.) You should ask those in the Southern States how trying to withdraw from the more powerful Union tariffs worked out for them. 30% or more of large corporation money comes from the DOD and now States are stuck on the same large government teat. After you get people to take a loss and get their pension funds and State and local communities to take a loss, please get back to me. (CAFs red button.) I want to move there but, in the mean time, I will not be holding my breath. I intend to live along with my very experienced mindset and create the world that I want to see around me.
Absolutely perfect summation of the global predator attacks!!!! As you said, using the DoD as their own mafia goons to carry out the “hit” poisoning of the people. Truly brilliant and thank you so much for calling it all out in one place. Sasha is a beautiful source as well. Kind regards to you, Steshu
it was a trap. USA takes the fall for what i believe is a mostly european project with chinese connections. global predators' #1 target is the affluent middle class. easier to disarm impoverished peasants.
Confirms my view which I have voiced for years that there was an alignment of goals between DOD/BARDA/CIA and Big Pharma and Gates/Eugenicists and WEF and had nothing to do with protecting humanity! I believe Dr. Malone has finally woken up to the great harm that will be done going down the RNA/DNA road that reprograms the blueprint of life!
Dear Thomas: A number of "thought leaders" in the resistance/freedom movement are actually excited about the 'bright future' of mRNA vaccines and delivery systems. I see very few actually calling for a ban on the entire technology. We have been calling for a ban on mRNA/DNA vaccines, platforms and delivery systems for some time now and continue to do so. The ONLY characteristic proven to date about these technologies is that they are dangerous, toxic, and too often downright deadly. They should never be used on humans or other living creatures.
Prof Angus Dalgleish, oncologist, in the UK has called openly for a complete ban: a call completely ignored by the MSM and regulators.
The junior hospital doctors are on strike: but over pay, not all the Covid vaxx deaths, and the huge number of SAE's which they must be seeing daily - one has no words to describe the contempt they merit.
Malone discovered nano lipid technology making mRNA capable of being a gene therapy. There is NO WAY he didn’t know from the start that mRNA was dangerous. It is genetic engineering on people!
Sage Hana has covered this issue in his Substack extensively. There are a number of contradictions relating his self reporting that he received injections.
And the puzzle pieces fit together. It is hard to believe the precision of the execution of the plan that went their way. Thank you both for being the master excavators of truth that you are. You will let us know more about your new book when you are ready. Right?
So today I am learning some of the names behind the curtain-Moncef Slaoui and Gustave F. Perna.
Fauci is such an easy target but we all know he’s just the PR guy, (and Trump’s right-hand man through the whole first year).
It was interesting listening to the recent FLCCC with Robert Malone answering questions. He answered one question by confirming that Sasha is correct in her assertion that the “vaccine” is a DOD program. Then he immediately disparaged the audience while making another question sound ridiculous because it didn’t go along with official narrative. He was obviously insinuating the audience was full of kooks and conspiracy theorists, which is an odd position to take considering all that has happened over the last four years. So bizarre. But makes more sense after learning that he has been working for NIH during the past few years. That is new-to-me information.
I remember two years ago hearing Malone talking about how he didn’t endorse the current “Covid vaccines” but he wasn’t an anti-vaxxer because he was working on his own Covid vaccine. That was a red flag to me back then.
Thanks for all the information and the links! Looking forward to reading through some of them.
It really frustrates me when Malone still gets treated like a celebrity and authority receiving top billing everywhere in mainstream media. Even with Epoch Times making a movie. This guy is responsible for preventing the acceptance of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and other treatments that could have saved thousands and maybe millions of lives. Why would the FLCCC interview him? It makes me wonder what is going on with that? Malone walks away unscathed as some kind of hero.
I’m always scratching my head about him too. A lot of the people that I follow and respected their opinion are often interviewing him. I actually resonate with a lot of things he says as well, so I get it. But there’s so many red flags… I always ask myself if we are watching controlled opposition at its finest. Or is he just someone with some oddities and flaws. Hard to know for sure. There’s so many Psy-Ops going on simultaneously. I’ve found myself in conversations with bots several times and it takes a long time to tell so I know that they are pretty skilled.
His vacillation on Covid recommendations was either a way to make Trump look incompetent or was true incompetence on his part. I think he is a major player like Malone and guilty of lying which resulted in the world-wide mortality due to the vaccines, and use of remdesivir. Fauci was responsible for funding gain of function at Wuhan and is culpable at many levels.
Thank you for highlighting again that we ARE the prey for the global predators. This only means We the People will have to be the solution…
Today, the most IMPORTANT question is…
Are you the kind of American that Lex Greene highlights in his piece who will help with the solutions to what these maniacal beings have done to America?
In this article, Webb writes about many of the things that have been written on by you and Sasha Latypova, such as ATI, Other Transaction Agreements(OTA) and the lack of oversight.
Webb wrote about the Prep Act, Public Health Emergencies and the fact that the drug agent manufacturers could not be sued. At this early date in 2020, Webb did not yet realize that there was no legal criminal liability for the use of these medical countermeasures.
I support the work of Sasha Latypova who is exposing with Katherine Watt the legalized mass murder construct. I am certain that the work of Sasha Latypova is original. As I wrote above, Webb wrote that these Covid-19 drug manufacturers can not be sued.
The people who were supposed to protect us; doctors, pathologists, scientists, did not. They must have known how inherently dangerous the genetic molecules wrapped in LNPs designed to transfect every damn cell in our bodies were. I'm not in the medical field, and I knew, because it is so basic:
So did i! I remembered about RNA and ribosomes, etc from basic high school biology and saw the danger. How could DOCTORS have not? I am not in love with vaccines but saw no reason at all to depart from the long-used attenuated virus versions which had served so well (or so we thought) before. My question about the cellular invasion of the LNPs was. "so where's the stop button?" Answer: there isn't one.
Regardless of whether Malone is a deep state actor or not, or whether the DoD vaccine actions are a disguised eugenics program or worse, it seems to me that the task at hand is to turn back the power of the state ("the government") over individuals.
In the big question of "how do we govern ourselves" that we have to answer, we should be able to see now the dark consequences of over-reaching state power, recognized by the founding generation in America and warned of constantly throughout our history, and now truly testing to see whether state power can be manipulated by devious factions (WEF?) to achieve total control.
The state should be afraid of the people, the people shouldn't be afraid of the state. We're facing primarily a political problem, not a public health problem.
"Confirming the Groundbreaking Work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt"
Yes. Katherine Watt's analyses are quite rigorous... For readers: A link to the nature of the beast.
US federal crimes for which there is evidence to prosecute Covid-19 bioterrorists who occupy US government positions. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> AUG 9, 2022
If by rigorous you mean truthful, then yes.
He means extremely thorough.
Making the taxpayer pay for his poison at Warp Speed
COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:
- Wake up videos:
- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:
Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):
When C19 disappointed and too few were dying, geniuses concluded Hospital Death Protocols were necessary because mRNA wasn't ready or perhaps the GLOBALIST CABAL didn't want to leave anything to chance so They KILLED American Grandparents first in hospitals and Nursing Homes ALONE. Patients were, starved and poisoned by those acting in HOSPICE ROLLS. My cousin is a hospice nurse. No conscience, No remorse. No morals. No ethics. Doing HARM DAILY like it's just another day, because that's exactly what it is...
They are still using Midezolam to murder those with Alzheimer or in a coma.
The genocide is growing by the day: check the deaths stats
Excellent work!!!
Finally got some names and identification of the real decision makers !!!!
Blaming Fauci, FDA, etc., has been a distraction all along from what the deep state players did!!!!
RFK Jr second book bashing Fauci again with a few more puppets proves he’s part of the coverup. His buddy Malone is another puppet to distract.
The media was part of the conspiracy used to discredit HCQ/ivermectin and push everyone towards the vax
Fauci is NOT Innocent- He played a bIG role over hte years building that network AND he worked with DoD on the Gain of Function. This is quite a tangled web... AND is related in some way to Epstein as Gislane was invested in the Virus Hunter and BioLabs AND Hunters companies were also similarly invested. THis is not fully exposed yet.
And just how many people did Fauci kill back in the 80's and 90's over his toxic AZT med for HIV? Fauci's murders started long before covid.
Yes. Rest in peace Uncle Jake.
iNDEED including THE CRUELTY TO THE cHIMPANZEES THAT they kept in cages trying to give them AIDS to fit the narrative. They took the Sign Language Chimps and caged them. they became desparately deppressed. THe zoos did not want to allow them to be the social creatures of their nature because they had been injected with HIV! THis is in "Next of Kin" you need to know the years when Fauci was manipulating the AIDS research but the book tells a huge story that matches the cruelty to the dogs.
Plus, Fauci is the one who authorized the funding for the University of Pittsburg “research” that’s still ongoing.
A grotesque partnership with Planned Parenthood to procure profitable Baby body parts, with intentional live births and killing the Child outside the womb to protect his or her organs from damage:
thanks for the link. if it's not beagles or orphans from harlem, it's unborn babies. no words.
Raises hand:
My brother.
RFK Jrs wife besties with Ghislaine for years
Poor reading comprehension? RFK Jr and Malone supporter? I never said anyone was innocent. I’m generalizing information. A liberal wouldn’t get it and needs explanations.
You don’t recognize distractions. And Epstein is a convenient distraction since he is dead. There is not enough evidence to link him to anything specific. It’s all vague with too many degrees of separation still. Need more proof.
Now go away. Goodbye.
that Epstein thing is huge - read this - Having worked in Hollywood and knowing most of it's dark secrets I already saw the list and nobody of any significance is on it who should be on it. Here's some facts and not even the tip of the dark Epstein iceberg, but I'll give you a taste of how insane the Epstein story is. Go ahead and dismiss it if you wish but these are just a few tidbits facts. Kevin Spacey once murdered a 14 year old on the Island. Have we ever heard that? No. This was known by ALL of Hollywood 23 years ago. Also, there's a name missing from all this Epstein BS chat is someone named Rachel Chandler who was a 14 year old girl who was recruited by Ghislaine and financed by Mossad as Epstein himself was financed by multiple Intelligence agencies - Mossad, M16, and C-EYE-A. Ray Chandler was Hollywood Epsteins liaison connecting elite Politicians and Celebs where she garnished underage children for all. The reason why celebs dig into Haiti as they move kids there that have no birth records. Netflix for instance is a front for trafficking. Ray Chandler procured a 13 year Old African American boy years ago for Adam Schif staying at the Standard Hotelf. In LA they move kids through underground tunnels connecting to all ports to the The Standard, The Marmont, and the Playboy Mansion which was also a honey pot CIA blackmailing hub. Chandler got Schiff his child (already drugged) and was brought to the Standard for Schiff to play with and after raping the child he realized the Kid was dead and Schiff went ballistic and beat the kid to a pulp. Handlers were called but there' was a big commotion and low and behold in another room was Anthony Bourdain who witnessed some commotion. Not implicating Bourdain and nobody knows what he was doing on the same Secured floor Security wise but, he was there told to me by an Older Oscar Winning Actress and 3 Separate Hollywood people (there are/were some good peeps in Hollywood. Charles Bronson once threatened to Kill a Producer after finding out the Prod. raped a 12 year old girl) Now here's the kicker to this whole Epstein story and why we are getting zip breadcrumbs & distractions on it - Anthony Bourdain is Jeffrey Epstein's brother. Before you throw a hissy fit it's true. Period. Doesn't mean Bourdain is a bad guy but he is his brother. Go check Snopes the Soros run Fact Check site who denies it and fact checked it as BS. Hmmm...wonder why they had to do that. Flight logs names? What a joke. How about the Flight Logs of the multiple crimes that occurred on the actual flights? Heinous abhorrent stuff. The whole Epstein fiasco is so effen dark many would not even be able to handle it. Wanna help? Get your kids to STOP supporting Musicians, cancel Netflix, Movies and all the crap they spew at them. Why do you think the Obamas have a movie out now about Civil War. These people are sick. Start educating your family and everyone you knw ASAP. They'll think your nuts and deny it but we're the only ones that can expose it. Blessings.
Sick indeed. Thanks for info
Chandler = Child Handler
I even saw a video where he's supposedly partying in some country - they said it was him. but the comment section pointed out how grainy the video was.
yeah - that's what I read today somewhere. No, I don't know one way or the other.
not just the death threats, lots of cash and social/professional positions
yeah - wish that guy - he calls himself John M had his own substack - I got it off this link - his comment is near the top of the comment section -
the proof, that he was using to blackmail people with, was all taken from the safe in his NY home after 'a corpse' was found in jail
That is ridiculous. Sorry. Kennedy has been out front about his disdain for intelligence. He knows they killed his uncle and has said so. He has also interviewed Sasha and has acknowledged this was a DOD operation.
Thank you Old School Counselor: There are now two of us that aren't completely full of shit... Robert Kennedy Jr has *quite* a lot on the line. People continue to squabble about non-issues.
What’s wrong with people’s reading comprehension?
Sigh. For the last time…….
Dear skippy.
Where did I say there was a pandemic? I was making a generalized comment that most people get. I have been reading stacks for ages and familiar with many writings and JJ Couey.
You have just repeated common information and have used semantics to act like you have more knowledge? You also have some facts twisted.
You need to read Conservative Treehouse to help enlighten yourself about RFK Jr role in this farce. Not sure why anyone can defend Bobby/Malone. They are both the same!!! Why did Bobby not write his latest book about the DOD and name names??!!! Because he’s one of them!!!! Why didn’t they ever demand the public have free/open access to ivermectin/HCQ??!!
I’m not even wasting anymore time. Goodbye.
Your understanding is incomplete. The conspiracy is to make us believe that there was a deadly pandemic (false) and that there will be another one (even though there has never been one yet) and that they are now taking measures to control us mainly through secrecy as they see fit in their Judeo-Masonic vision of how the world should be.
The media is not part of the conspiracy. It is the tool utilized by the conspirators to establish a lie and it is used with everything and with everyone along with money to funnel people into an opinion and accepting many lies. Media and money are used to pump up whatever is wanted and their withholding from what is not wanted is to make it nearly invisible and impotent.
Fauci and HCQ/ivermectin and Malone attention is to establish in the publics mind the LIE that there really was a competent replicating viral pandemic (Not. Localized to N y C and Northern Italy) and that there will be another one (despite one having never occurred yet) so that there is little push back against the limitations to freedom being placed upon us.
Throw in the massive multiple cyberattacks promised by the WEF before 2025 affecting banking, transportation, energy, the internet, etc. and the subsequent personal digital ID requirement to do and have anything and you have what is a digital prison but will be the same deadly and destructive workers paradise promised by the Soviet Union. Stop the lie if you do not want the younger generations to be continually vaccine-injured. (Incidentally, Malone has a role supporting shots in this tragic play which is what it is. Not a cover up (which notion gets one to believe that there was something to cover up like a real deadly spreading virus which there wasn't.). Stop this lie and everything goes away which is why so much has been done to move us into this lie. (For more see J. J. Couey sections in RFKs book.)
Who are the conspirators?
Wouldn't you say the "conspirators" are the same ones that the Breggins call the "villains"? Quote: "The implications of the DoD’s role in Operation WARP Speed are complex and require continuing unraveling. But these investigations may not substantially change the big picture because the ultimate villains are higher up the totalitarian totem pole and remain the same: the international governance being imposed upon the world by the global predators, including many multi-billionaires and the institutions they have captured from the UN and the World Health Organization (WHO) to the global banking system and the military-industrial complex—all of which we thoroughly document in our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey." In summary it is "multi-billionaires and the institutions they have captured."
The conspirators— the predators— are multi- layered. Of course, for all of this— COVID-19 and the takeover of nations,— to have happened. There are many at the federal level that had to be either coerced, manipulated intimidated, recruited, or forced into complying with the ultimately bizarre and deadly plans of the global predators.
Good grief. I don’t know who is worse sometimes….. the sheep on the left or the sheep on the right.
Jeeeez. Stick to the facts people. Don’t be misled with distractions and false information.
Wait- you're accusing RFK, Jr. of being part of a coverup?
RFK, Jr., came out in favor of letting the covid criminals off the hook for the sake of "expediency." And he wants to legalize psychedelics. Look closely and you may see more. Is he hell bent on covering up? I doubt it. He is probably proceeding with his own beliefs. Having a huge drug history doesn't help.
Fauci played a major role, and Malone contributed to the development, but I don’t agree that Big Pharma that controls the FDA did not play a major role in creating this plandemic. Dig into when glass vials were ordered and all the other necessary components to deliver this con job! Explore the complex manufacturing process and how they scaled up to inject 2.5 billion humans!
Hi Thomas- we are on the same page! Of course the pharma companies are complicit—so is FDA— but who was issuing orders—
My opinion. They (DOD) was pushed to take action by Big Pharma. Trump wanted to reduce the military conflicts and also shut down the excess vaccine injections! Mutually complicit goals! Gates and gang and WEF were thrilled with the fact that the trigger was pulled! Development was on going for more than a decade!
R U Kidding me: I have no reason to believe that Malone is anything other than an American patriot. Do you?
Why did he try to sue the Breggins and Jane Ruby?? I do not trust him. He could have saved the world but did not.
Watch the man in action. Is this the man you want for your best friend?
The thing that will trip everyone up is the part of the contract between Pfizer and the DoD about getting paid.
In that part of the contract, it states that in order to get paid, Pfizer had to follow all of FDA & CDC rules and regulations for authorization/approval. This triggers the mechanism for payment. This payment provision of the signed contract is why Pfizer and Moderna had to go to the FDA for approval.
We know they lied, doctored charts, etc. in the paperwork filed with the FDA for that approval. Payment is their Achilles heal. This also explains why they wanted to hide this information for 75 years. Get a copy of the invoice Pziser sent to the DoD and you have the smoking gun!
You seem to understand this.
To be honest I have not looked into Ken Paxton's case. I first learned this from Karen Kingston and did a deep dive into the info she provided. The question no one asks is counter measures to what? This is the question that pushed me further down this rabbit hole.
Dr. Peter Breggin, possibly this is a good time to reacquaint for few and acquaint the many of your work in the past circa the 1970's forward, of how the government of the people, for the people and by the people have been using citizens in ways never dreamed of various forms including but not limited to Brain-Disabling treatments. Thank you for life long work.
I’m going to jump in and offer this.
Many decades ago, I read an article discussing the safety of new meds, especially prescription drugs The article made the point that safety of a new substance coming out takes time. And it suggested waiting at least 5 years before considering it for use.
That being said, and even for the masses who did not read such article, when WARP speed, which sounded just too wonderful to be true, was introduced and this novel vaccine was going to be offered to save the world, President Trump repeated over and over again how it usually takes 5 - 7 years, or some other similar range, to determine the safety of a new vaccine.
Most reasonable people would think, I don’t think this is something I want to be a part of. At least, not yet.
And then the drug companies told us they would release the safety data in 75 years. Really?
Additionally, how in the world could they come out with a safe & effective vaccine for something so quickly when they’ve been bringing out flu vaccines every year that fail miserably? Smells fishy to me.
Add to that, in the very beginning, Trump spoke of and put forth prevention/treatment with HCQ. He said he took it and health care workers took it and it was working quite nicely.
Was he blasted or what? Studies came out of the cracks about the dangers of this drug. And TV docs started making appearances on major news networks screaming, “no, no, no, stay away from HCQ.” They claimed it caused heart attacks. Although it had been used safely for decades.
Red flag people, red flag. Fake news at work again. Did you catch this media response? Me thinks the media doth protest too much.
In my opinion, the people have to take some responsibility for taking this un-vaccine. There were red flags. We are so accustomed to not thinking for ourselves, looking to professionals, the experts, for all the answers. The fake news had us terrified. Doctors, if you recommended this shot to your patients, without looking closer or doing some research, shame on you.
I didn’t take it. My family did not. I connected the dots.
Hello Carol B: Good comment and valid points. My take: It's not a vaccine. It's an IQ test.
A culling, of sorts?
It was a massive, “let’s see how far we can go with our plan with little or no resistance”.
"Additionally, how in the world could they come out with a safe & effective vaccine for something so quickly when they’ve been bringing out flu vaccines every year that fail miserably?" --- I had wondered why the influenza vaccines failed every year I had started getting it (at the coercion from my mother after I had a pneumonia in 2011). I quit taking it in 2020 and never was ill. I rarely had influenza (sinus problems or colds) once I changed my diet in 2002.
Since 2020, I have learned even more how our bodies truly are designed to heal themselves when properly fed, daily exercise, sunshine, plenty of rest, and keeping our environment and thoughts clean.
Well said. The biggest red flag and head scratcher was when Biden said that there was no way that he would take the Trump vaccine because not enough time had gone by to know if it was safe. Kamala barked that she wouldn’t take it either for the same reasons….and then Biden won and lo and behold he took the Trump vaccine. Nothing had changed in a few weeks, but he took it anyway and then he mandated the Trump vaccine for millions of people. The shitlibs who had been against Trump for years also said that they wouldn’t take it either and yet they did. Did any one of them stop to think before the plunger was pushed, "Wait, why am I taking the Trump vaccine?"
Apparently not.
Yes, excellent point.
For all the Trump haters, why did you take the clot shot if you don’t trust the man?
Cool so a General in our military made sure a load of toxic waste was injected into our military men and women! Sounds like treason to me.
If it looks like treason. Walks like treason. And sounds like treason. It is Treason. No criminal charges have been filed... Next >>>
Who are you expecting to file charges if that is your measure? The paper Constitution?
Everything has to be approved from the top down which is the control mechanism that was created and every person at the top is there because they perform well. If someone had a change of heart and they were important they would have an accident. Outsiders to this Judeo-Masonic vision are not welcome or valued and their life is no more meaningful to this club than is a piece of cattle which is to be harvested.
Hello skipper: Your mindset is that of someone who's already been defeated. Your assessment that everything is approved from the top down, rather negates the fact that civil populations substantially outnumber persons of Judaeo-Masonic agency...
Numerous laws and civil ethics have been egregiously violated. Perhaps you will find this page helpful. > US federal crimes for which there is evidence to prosecute Covid-19 bioterrorists who occupy US government positions. >>> KATHERINE WATT
AUG 9, 2022 >>>
Refer to lengthy list of violated US Federal Laws and Statutes…
Katherine Watt and Sasha are wonderful and bright people who I endorse emphatically.
Populations of prisons vastly outnumber prison personnel so you can expect the same result. Populations vastly exceed the dictators who mandated covid things so why did these egregious violations go on if it is just a numbers game? It is the pyramid of power that negates the substantially outnumbered.
Maybe we should vote harder next time.
You have no idea about my mindset. Just my well experienced conclusion. I have gone toe to toe against the monster which Katherine describes at tremendous cost (similar to Catherine Austin-Fitts). I know for a fact how the federal system and its minions operate. I am still standing and not defeated nor is my mindset. However, I do know where there is a waste of time and energy that can be snuffed out in a second by a judges ruling. (And do not say that there is an appeals court. It is made up of people promoted there by their good performance for their master and I have been there also.) That is why one will find people voicing for local action over federal.
Good luck in your fight to maintain freedom through officials and experts. You will need it. I prefer to base my and my kids future on more than good luck. Federalism is there to over-rule State and local Constitutional authority when it dare raise its head. (You can throw the militaries in there also as they work for their masters as well.) You should ask those in the Southern States how trying to withdraw from the more powerful Union tariffs worked out for them. 30% or more of large corporation money comes from the DOD and now States are stuck on the same large government teat. After you get people to take a loss and get their pension funds and State and local communities to take a loss, please get back to me. (CAFs red button.) I want to move there but, in the mean time, I will not be holding my breath. I intend to live along with my very experienced mindset and create the world that I want to see around me.
Absolutely perfect summation of the global predator attacks!!!! As you said, using the DoD as their own mafia goons to carry out the “hit” poisoning of the people. Truly brilliant and thank you so much for calling it all out in one place. Sasha is a beautiful source as well. Kind regards to you, Steshu
The use of arguably, the most mighty fighting force in the world to inflict Covid vaccines— bio weapons upon populations, especially chilling —GRB
it was a trap. USA takes the fall for what i believe is a mostly european project with chinese connections. global predators' #1 target is the affluent middle class. easier to disarm impoverished peasants.
Excellent post. Thank you, Dr. and Mrs. Breggin.
Confirms my view which I have voiced for years that there was an alignment of goals between DOD/BARDA/CIA and Big Pharma and Gates/Eugenicists and WEF and had nothing to do with protecting humanity! I believe Dr. Malone has finally woken up to the great harm that will be done going down the RNA/DNA road that reprograms the blueprint of life!
Dear Thomas: A number of "thought leaders" in the resistance/freedom movement are actually excited about the 'bright future' of mRNA vaccines and delivery systems. I see very few actually calling for a ban on the entire technology. We have been calling for a ban on mRNA/DNA vaccines, platforms and delivery systems for some time now and continue to do so. The ONLY characteristic proven to date about these technologies is that they are dangerous, toxic, and too often downright deadly. They should never be used on humans or other living creatures.
Agree 100% The money people have bought the concept!
Prof Angus Dalgleish, oncologist, in the UK has called openly for a complete ban: a call completely ignored by the MSM and regulators.
The junior hospital doctors are on strike: but over pay, not all the Covid vaxx deaths, and the huge number of SAE's which they must be seeing daily - one has no words to describe the contempt they merit.
Malone discovered nano lipid technology making mRNA capable of being a gene therapy. There is NO WAY he didn’t know from the start that mRNA was dangerous. It is genetic engineering on people!
Dr. Malone has known that mRNA was dangerous since before the pandemic was launched. His own scientific paper documents this --GRB
Malone is the face of evil as he knew people would die like the rats in his research labs. Josef Mengele did the same thing.
as does his 2005 patent for a LNP delivery vehicle for the HIV-20 prion
he was also in on the Pfizer and Johnson/Johnson shots from day one. the alchem contract was the basis for Johnson/Johnson and Pfizer contracts
Then why did he risk getting the injections? Sometimes you can’t see the forest through the trees.
Sage Hana has covered this issue in his Substack extensively. There are a number of contradictions relating his self reporting that he received injections.
Do you really think he got the injection?
Would he lie?
Why might he lie?
I think he lied
You could not travel if you could not show a document that verified the injection!
It’s hard to let go of a hero.
But when things don’t add up, I’d say that’s a clue.
EUA Countermeasure military operation. I wouldn't say the FDA was sidelined. They were a willing participant and rubber stamp.
And the puzzle pieces fit together. It is hard to believe the precision of the execution of the plan that went their way. Thank you both for being the master excavators of truth that you are. You will let us know more about your new book when you are ready. Right?
So today I am learning some of the names behind the curtain-Moncef Slaoui and Gustave F. Perna.
Fauci is such an easy target but we all know he’s just the PR guy, (and Trump’s right-hand man through the whole first year).
It was interesting listening to the recent FLCCC with Robert Malone answering questions. He answered one question by confirming that Sasha is correct in her assertion that the “vaccine” is a DOD program. Then he immediately disparaged the audience while making another question sound ridiculous because it didn’t go along with official narrative. He was obviously insinuating the audience was full of kooks and conspiracy theorists, which is an odd position to take considering all that has happened over the last four years. So bizarre. But makes more sense after learning that he has been working for NIH during the past few years. That is new-to-me information.
I remember two years ago hearing Malone talking about how he didn’t endorse the current “Covid vaccines” but he wasn’t an anti-vaxxer because he was working on his own Covid vaccine. That was a red flag to me back then.
Thanks for all the information and the links! Looking forward to reading through some of them.
It really frustrates me when Malone still gets treated like a celebrity and authority receiving top billing everywhere in mainstream media. Even with Epoch Times making a movie. This guy is responsible for preventing the acceptance of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and other treatments that could have saved thousands and maybe millions of lives. Why would the FLCCC interview him? It makes me wonder what is going on with that? Malone walks away unscathed as some kind of hero.
I’m always scratching my head about him too. A lot of the people that I follow and respected their opinion are often interviewing him. I actually resonate with a lot of things he says as well, so I get it. But there’s so many red flags… I always ask myself if we are watching controlled opposition at its finest. Or is he just someone with some oddities and flaws. Hard to know for sure. There’s so many Psy-Ops going on simultaneously. I’ve found myself in conversations with bots several times and it takes a long time to tell so I know that they are pretty skilled.
Fauci was an overpaid sock puppet.
That's why he was flip flopping like a beached catfish in the sun.
Fauci’s inept management of HIV, AIDS, and Anthrax, gave him the political background and skill set to mismanage the Covid 19 plandemic and get away with it. the
So you think he was DARPA's boss ?
Or that he was be directed by DARPA ?
His vacillation on Covid recommendations was either a way to make Trump look incompetent or was true incompetence on his part. I think he is a major player like Malone and guilty of lying which resulted in the world-wide mortality due to the vaccines, and use of remdesivir. Fauci was responsible for funding gain of function at Wuhan and is culpable at many levels.
Peter, Ginger and all,
Thank you for highlighting again that we ARE the prey for the global predators. This only means We the People will have to be the solution…
Today, the most IMPORTANT question is…
Are you the kind of American that Lex Greene highlights in his piece who will help with the solutions to what these maniacal beings have done to America?
If so…join the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER of America First Constitutional conservative strategic planners!
Happy and hopeful New Year!
This is very good work and adds more detail to what was written by Whitney Webb who on 10/6/20, wrote “Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor to Keep Covid-19 Vaccine Contracts Secret.”
In this article, Webb writes about many of the things that have been written on by you and Sasha Latypova, such as ATI, Other Transaction Agreements(OTA) and the lack of oversight.
Webb wrote about the Prep Act, Public Health Emergencies and the fact that the drug agent manufacturers could not be sued. At this early date in 2020, Webb did not yet realize that there was no legal criminal liability for the use of these medical countermeasures.
I support the work of Sasha Latypova who is exposing with Katherine Watt the legalized mass murder construct. I am certain that the work of Sasha Latypova is original. As I wrote above, Webb wrote that these Covid-19 drug manufacturers can not be sued.
The people who were supposed to protect us; doctors, pathologists, scientists, did not. They must have known how inherently dangerous the genetic molecules wrapped in LNPs designed to transfect every damn cell in our bodies were. I'm not in the medical field, and I knew, because it is so basic:
So did i! I remembered about RNA and ribosomes, etc from basic high school biology and saw the danger. How could DOCTORS have not? I am not in love with vaccines but saw no reason at all to depart from the long-used attenuated virus versions which had served so well (or so we thought) before. My question about the cellular invasion of the LNPs was. "so where's the stop button?" Answer: there isn't one.
It's all so ghastly. Outright murder of millions.
They will die from their own jabs, or from revenge atrocities from their doomed patients.
Regardless of whether Malone is a deep state actor or not, or whether the DoD vaccine actions are a disguised eugenics program or worse, it seems to me that the task at hand is to turn back the power of the state ("the government") over individuals.
In the big question of "how do we govern ourselves" that we have to answer, we should be able to see now the dark consequences of over-reaching state power, recognized by the founding generation in America and warned of constantly throughout our history, and now truly testing to see whether state power can be manipulated by devious factions (WEF?) to achieve total control.
The state should be afraid of the people, the people shouldn't be afraid of the state. We're facing primarily a political problem, not a public health problem.